Bhairavi(Sanskrit:भैरवी) is aHindugoddess, described as one of theMahāvidyas,the ten avatars of themother goddess.She is the consort ofBhairava( a form ofShiva).[2]

Goddess ofKundalini[1]
Member of The TenMahavidyas
A lithograph on Bhairavi
AffiliationAdishakti,Mahavidya,Mother Goddess,andMahakali
AbodeMount KailashandManidvipa
MantraOm Hasaim Hasakarim Hasaim Bhairavyay Namo Namah
WeaponTrishula, Khaṭvāṅga, Sword, Kapala, Sickle and Damru
ConsortBhairava,a form of Shiva.



The nameBhairavimeans "terrifying" or "awe-inspiring".[3]


Bhairavawith his consort, Bhairavi.

Her dhyanashlokain theDevi Mahatmyadescribes her form. She wears red garments and wears a garland of severed heads around her neck. She has three eyes and her head is adorned with a crescent moon.[citation needed]

Tripura Sundariand Tripura Bhairavi are closely associated but different.[4]


Tantric goddess Bhairavi and her consortShivadepicted asKāpālika ascetics,sitting in acharnel ground.Painting by Payāg from a 17th-century manuscript (c. 1630–1635),Metropolitan Museum of Art,New York City.
Bhairavi yantra

Bhairavi is also a title for a female adept inKundalini,Tantra.Ayoginiis a student of Tantra or an aspirant. ABhairavihas succeeded in Tantra with the help of 64 yoginis. Yogini or Jogini are 64 in number. Yoginis, female supporting deities of Bhairavi. Bhairavi is the supreme leader of all 64 yoginis. Bhairav also has 52 supporting powers called52 Bhairav.Bhairavi is the consort ofBhairavaaccording to thePuranasandTantras.In Tantra Shastra all 64 yogini, 52 Bhairav and 56 Kalve work together.

Bhairavi is also called as Shubhankari, which means that she is the doer of auspicious deeds to her devotees who are her children, which means she is a good mother. She also favours violence, punishment and bloodshed to those who are irreligious and cruel, which also means that she is the mother of all violence to them. She is said to be seen as violent and terrible but is a benign mother to her children.[5][6]

See also



  1. ^David Frawley,Inner Tantric Yoga,Lotus Press, 2008, page 163-164
  2. ^Magee, Mike."Todala Tantra".
  3. ^Sukul, Kubernath. Vārānasī Vaibhava. Patna, India: Bihar Rastrabhasa Parisad, 1977
  4. ^Ravi V."Tripura Bhairavi".Mahavidyas.Archived fromthe originalon 7 August 2016.Retrieved4 June2016.
  5. ^"Tripura Bhairavi – SivaSakti".
  6. ^"Spiritual side of fierce Goddess Bhairavi, the Goddess of wisdom".Sanskriti - Hinduism and Indian Culture Website.4 May 2016. Archived fromthe originalon 9 June 2022.Retrieved9 May2019.



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