Inmathematics,particularly infunctional analysis,abornological spaceis a type of space which, in some sense, possesses the minimum amount of structure needed to address questions of boundedness ofsetsandlinear maps,in the same way that atopological spacepossesses the minimum amount of structure needed to address questions ofcontinuity. Bornological spaces are distinguished by the property that a linear map from a bornological space into anylocally convexspaces is continuous if and only if it is abounded linear operator.

Bornological spaces were first studied byGeorge Mackey.[citation needed]The name was coined byBourbaki[citation needed]afterborné,the French word for "bounded".

Bornologies and bounded maps


Abornologyon a setis a collectionof subsets ofthat satisfy all the following conditions:

  1. coversthat is,;
  2. is stable under inclusions; that is, ifandthen;
  3. is stable under finite unions; that is, ifthen;

Elements of the collectionare called-boundedor simplybounded setsifis understood.[1] The pairis called abounded structureor abornological set.[1]

Abaseorfundamental systemof a bornologyis a subsetofsuch that each element ofis a subset of some element ofGiven a collectionof subsets ofthe smallest bornology containingis called thebornology generated by[2]

Ifandare bornological sets then theirproduct bornologyonis the bornology having as a base the collection of all sets of the formwhereand[2] A subset ofis bounded in the product bornology if and only if its image under the canonical projections ontoandare both bounded.

Bounded maps


Ifandare bornological sets then a functionis said to be alocally bounded mapor abounded map(with respect to these bornologies) if it maps-bounded subsets ofto-bounded subsets ofthat is, if[2] If in additionis a bijection andis also bounded thenis called abornological isomorphism.

Vector bornologies


Letbe a vector space over afieldwherehas a bornology A bornologyonis called avector bornology onif it is stable under vector addition, scalar multiplication, and the formation ofbalanced hulls(i.e. if the sum of two bounded sets is bounded, etc.).

Ifis atopological vector space(TVS) andis a bornology onthen the following are equivalent:

  1. is a vector bornology;
  2. Finite sums and balanced hulls of-bounded sets are-bounded;[2]
  3. The scalar multiplication mapdefined byand the addition mapdefined byare both bounded when their domains carry their product bornologies (i.e. they map bounded subsets to bounded subsets).[2]

A vector bornologyis called aconvex vector bornologyif it is stable under the formation ofconvex hulls(i.e. the convex hull of a bounded set is bounded) then And a vector bornologyis calledseparatedif the only bounded vector subspace ofis the 0-dimensional trivial space

Usually,is either the real or complex numbers, in which case a vector bornologyonwill be called aconvex vector bornologyifhas a base consisting ofconvexsets.

Bornivorous subsets


A subsetofis calledbornivorousand abornivoreif itabsorbsevery bounded set.

In a vector bornology,is bornivorous if it absorbs every bounded balanced set and in a convex vector bornologyis bornivorous if it absorbs every bounded disk.

Two TVS topologies on the same vector space have that same bounded subsets if and only if they have the same bornivores.[3]

Every bornivorous subset of a locally convexmetrizable topological vector spaceis a neighborhood of the origin.[4]

Mackey convergence


A sequencein a TVSis said to beMackey convergenttoif there exists a sequence of positive real numbersdiverging tosuch thatconverges toin[5]

Bornology of a topological vector space


Everytopological vector spaceat least on a non discretevalued fieldgives a bornology onby defining a subsetto bebounded(or von-Neumann bounded), if and only if for all open setscontaining zero there exists awith Ifis alocally convextopological vector spacethenis bounded if and only if all continuous semi-norms onare bounded on

The set of allboundedsubsets of a topological vector spaceis calledthe bornologyorthe von Neumann bornologyof

Ifis alocally convex topological vector space,then anabsorbingdiskinis bornivorous (resp. infrabornivorous) if and only if itsMinkowski functionalis locally bounded (resp. infrabounded).[4]

Induced topology


Ifis a convex vector bornology on a vector spacethen the collectionof all convexbalancedsubsets ofthat are bornivorous forms aneighborhood basisat the origin for alocally convextopology oncalled thetopology induced by.[4]

Ifis a TVS then thebornological space associated withis the vector spaceendowed with the locally convex topology induced by the von Neumann bornology of[4]

Theorem[4]Letandbe locally convex TVS and letdenoteendowed with the topology induced by von Neumann bornology ofDefinesimilarly. Then a linear mapis a bounded linear operator if and only ifis continuous.

Moreover, ifis bornological,is Hausdorff, andis continuous linear map then so isIf in additionis also ultrabornological, then the continuity ofimplies the continuity ofwhereis the ultrabornological space associated with

Quasi-bornological spaces


Quasi-bornological spaces where introduced by S. Iyahen in 1968.[6]

Atopological vector space(TVS)with acontinuous dualis called aquasi-bornological space[6]if any of the following equivalent conditions holds:

  1. Everybounded linear operatorfrominto another TVS iscontinuous.[6]
  2. Every bounded linear operator frominto acomplete metrizable TVSis continuous.[6][7]
  3. Every knot in a bornivorous string is a neighborhood of the origin.[6]

Everypseudometrizable TVSis quasi-bornological.[6] A TVSin which everybornivorous setis a neighborhood of the origin is a quasi-bornological space.[8] Ifis a quasi-bornological TVS then the finest locally convex topology onthat is coarser thanmakesinto a locally convex bornological space.

Bornological space


In functional analysis, alocally convex topological vector spaceis a bornological space if its topology can be recovered from its bornology in a natural way.

Every locally convex quasi-bornological space is bornological but there exist bornological spaces that arenotquasi-bornological.[6]

Atopological vector space(TVS)with acontinuous dualis called abornological spaceif it is locally convex and any of the following equivalent conditions holds:

  1. Every convex, balanced, and bornivorous set inis a neighborhood of zero.[4]
  2. Everybounded linear operatorfrominto a locally convex TVS iscontinuous.[4]
    • Recall that a linear map is bounded if and only if it maps any sequence converging toin the domain to a bounded subset of the codomain.[4]In particular, any linear map that is sequentially continuous at the origin is bounded.
  3. Every bounded linear operator frominto aseminormed spaceis continuous.[4]
  4. Every bounded linear operator frominto aBanach spaceis continuous.[4]

Ifis aHausdorfflocally convex spacethen we may add to this list:[7]

  1. The locally convex topologyinduced bythe von Neumann bornology onis the same as's given topology.
  2. Every boundedseminormonis continuous.[4]
  3. Any other Hausdorff locally convex topological vector space topology onthat has the same (von Neumann) bornology asis necessarily coarser than
  4. is the inductive limit of normed spaces.[4]
  5. is the inductive limit of the normed spacesasvaries over the closed and bounded disks of(or asvaries over the bounded disks of).[4]
  6. carries the Mackey topologyand all bounded linear functionals onare continuous.[4]
  7. has both of the following properties:
    • isconvex-sequentialorC-sequential,which means that every convex sequentially open subset ofis open,
    • issequentially bornologicalorS-bornological,which means that every convex and bornivorous subset ofis sequentially open.
    where a subsetofis calledsequentially openif every sequence converging toeventually belongs to

Every sequentially continuous linear operator from a locally convex bornological space into a locally convex TVS is continuous,[4]where recall that a linear operator is sequentially continuous if and only if it is sequentially continuous at the origin. Thus for linear maps from a bornological space into a locally convex space, continuity is equivalent to sequential continuity at the origin. More generally, we even have the following:

  • Any linear mapfrom a locally convex bornological space into a locally convex spacethat maps null sequences intobounded subsetsofis necessarily continuous.

Sufficient conditions


Mackey–Ulam theorem[9]The product of a collectionlocally convex bornological spaces is bornological if and only ifdoesnotadmit anUlam measure.

As a consequent of the Mackey–Ulam theorem, "for all practical purposes, the product of bornological spaces is bornological."[9]

The following topological vector spaces are all bornological:

  • Any locally convexpseudometrizable TVSis bornological.[4][10]
  • Any strict inductive limit of bornological spaces, in particular anystrictLF-space,is bornological.
    • This shows that there are bornological spaces that are not metrizable.
  • A countable product of locally convex bornological spaces is bornological.[11][10]
  • Quotients of Hausdorff locally convex bornological spaces are bornological.[10]
  • The direct sum and inductive limit of Hausdorff locally convex bornological spaces is bornological.[10]
  • FréchetMontelspaces have bornologicalstrong duals.
  • The strong dual of everyreflexiveFréchet spaceis bornological.[12]
  • If the strong dual of a metrizable locally convex space isseparable,then it is bornological.[12]
  • A vector subspace of a Hausdorff locally convex bornological spacethat has finite codimension inis bornological.[4][10]
  • Thefinest locally convex topologyon a vector space is bornological.[4]

There exists a bornologicalLB-spacewhose strong bidual isnotbornological.[13]

A closed vector subspace of a locally convex bornological space is not necessarily bornological.[4][14] There exists a closed vector subspace of a locally convex bornological space that is complete (and so sequentially complete) but neither barrelled nor bornological.[4]

Bornological spaces need not bebarrelledand barrelled spaces need not be bornological.[4]Because every locally convex ultrabornological space is barrelled,[4]it follows that a bornological space is not necessarily ultrabornological.


  • Thestrong dual spaceof a locally convex bornological space iscomplete.[4]
  • Every locally convex bornological space isinfrabarrelled.[4]
  • Every Hausdorff sequentially complete bornological TVS isultrabornological.[4]
    • Thus everycompleteHausdorff bornological space is ultrabornological.
    • In particular, everyFréchet spaceis ultrabornological.[4]
  • The finite product of locally convex ultrabornological spaces is ultrabornological.[4]
  • Every Hausdorff bornological space isquasi-barrelled.[15]
  • Given a bornological spacewithcontinuous dualthe topology ofcoincides with theMackey topology
  • Everyquasi-complete(i.e. all closed and bounded subsets are complete) bornological space isbarrelled.There exist, however, bornological spaces that are not barrelled.
  • Every bornological space is the inductive limit of normed spaces (and Banach spaces if the space is also quasi-complete).
  • Letbe a metrizable locally convex space with continuous dualThen the following are equivalent:
    1. is bornological.
    2. isquasi-barrelled.
    3. isbarrelled.
    4. is adistinguished space.
  • Ifis a linear map between locally convex spaces and ifis bornological, then the following are equivalent:
    1. is continuous.
    2. is sequentially continuous.[4]
    3. For every setthat's bounded inis bounded.
    4. Ifis a null sequence inthenis a null sequence in
    5. Ifis a Mackey convergent null sequence inthenis a bounded subset of
  • Suppose thatandarelocally convexTVSs and that the space of continuous linear mapsis endowed with thetopology of uniform convergence on bounded subsetsofIfis a bornological space and ifiscompletethenis a complete TVS.[4]
    • In particular, the strong dual of a locally convex bornological space is complete.[4]However, it need not be bornological.
  • In a locally convex bornological space, every convex bornivorous setis a neighborhood of(isnotrequired to be a disk).[4]
  • Every bornivorous subset of a locally convexmetrizable topological vector spaceis a neighborhood of the origin.[4]
  • Closed vector subspaces of bornological space need not be bornological.[4]

Ultrabornological spaces


A disk in a topological vector spaceis calledinfrabornivorousif it absorbs allBanach disks.

Ifis locally convex and Hausdorff, then a disk is infrabornivorous if and only if it absorbs all compact disks.

A locally convex space is calledultrabornologicalif any of the following equivalent conditions hold:

  1. Every infrabornivorous disk is a neighborhood of the origin.
  2. is the inductive limit of the spacesasvaries over all compact disks in
  3. Aseminormonthat is bounded on each Banach disk is necessarily continuous.
  4. For every locally convex spaceand every linear mapifis bounded on each Banach disk thenis continuous.
  5. For every Banach spaceand every linear mapifis bounded on each Banach disk thenis continuous.



The finite product of ultrabornological spaces is ultrabornological. Inductive limits of ultrabornological spaces are ultrabornological.

See also





  • Adasch, Norbert; Ernst, Bruno; Keim, Dieter (1978).Topological Vector Spaces: The Theory Without Convexity Conditions.Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Vol. 639. Berlin New York:Springer-Verlag.ISBN978-3-540-08662-8.OCLC297140003.
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