TheBretton Woods systemofmonetary managementestablished the rules for commercial relations among theUnited States,Canada,Western Europeancountries, andAustraliaand other countries, a total of 44 countries[1]after the 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement. The Bretton Woods system was the first example of a fullynegotiatedmonetary order intended to govern monetary relations among independent states. The Bretton Woods system required countries to guarantee convertibility of their currencies intoU.S. dollarsto within 1% of fixed parity rates, with the dollarconvertible to gold bullionfor foreign governments andcentral banksat US$35 pertroy ounceof fine gold (or 0.88867 gram fine gold per dollar). It also envisioned greater cooperation among countries in order to prevent futurecompetitive devaluations,and thus established theInternational Monetary Fund(IMF) to monitor exchange rates and lend reserve currencies to nations withbalance of paymentsdeficits.[2]

The price of gold, as denominated in US dollars, was stable until the collapse of the Bretton Woods system in the mid-1970s.

Preparing to rebuild the international economic system whileWorld War IIwas still being fought, 730 delegates from all 44Allied nationsgathered at theMount Washington HotelinBretton Woods, New Hampshire,United States, for the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference, also known as theBretton Woods Conference.The delegates deliberated from 1 to 22 July 1944, and signed the Bretton Woods agreement on its final day. Setting up a system of rules, institutions, and procedures to regulate theinternational monetary system,these accords established the IMF and theInternational Bank for Reconstruction and Development(IBRD), which today is part of theWorld Bank Group.The United States, which controlled two-thirds of the world's gold, insisted that the Bretton Woods system rest on both gold and theUS dollar.Sovietrepresentatives attended the conference but later declined to ratify the final agreements, charging that the institutions they had created were "branches of Wall Street".[3]These organizations became operational in 1945 after a sufficient number of countries had ratified the agreement. According to Barry Eichengreen, the Bretton Woods system operated successfully due to three factors: "low internationalcapital mobility,tightfinancial regulation,and the dominant economic and financial position of the United States and thedollar."[4]

On 15 August 1971, the United States "temporarily" suspended theconvertibilityof the US dollar togold,effectively bringing the Bretton Woods system to an end and rendering the dollar afiat currency.[5]Shortly thereafter, manyfixed currencies(such as thepound sterling) also became free-floating,[6]and the subsequent era has been characterized byfloating exchange rates.[7]The end of Bretton Woods was formally ratified by theJamaica Accordsin 1976.

In 1973, Nixon and secretary of stateHenry Kissingermade a secret deal withSaudi Arabiato trade oil only in US dollars, thus pegging the US dollar to oil and birthing thepetrodollar.[8]



Interwar period


There was a high level of agreement among the powerful nations that failure to coordinate exchange rates during theinterwar periodhad exacerbated political tensions. This facilitated the decisions reached by theBretton Woods Conference.Furthermore, all the participating governments at Bretton Woods agreed that the monetary chaos of the interwar period had yielded several valuable lessons.

The experience ofWorld War Iwas fresh in the minds of public officials. The planners at Bretton Woods hoped to avoid a repetition of theTreaty of Versaillesafter World War I, which had created enough economic and political tension to lead toWWII.After World War I, Britain owed the U.S. substantial sums, which Britain could not repay because it had used the funds to support allies such as France during the War; the Allies could not pay back Britain, so Britain could not pay back the U.S. The solution at Versailles for the French, British, and Americans seemed to entail ultimately charging Germany for the debts. If the demands on Germany were unrealistic, then it was unrealistic for France to pay back Britain, and for Britain to pay back the US.[9]Thus, many "assets" on bank balance sheets internationally were actually unrecoverable loans, which culminated in the1931 banking crisis.Intransigent insistence by creditor nations for the repayment of Allied war debts and reparations, combined with an inclination toisolationism,led to a breakdown of theinternational financial systemand a worldwide economic depression.[10]

Thebeggar thy neighborpolicies that emerged as the crisis continued saw some trading nations using currency devaluations in an attempt to increase their competitiveness (i.e. raise exports and lower imports), though recent research[when?]suggests thisde factoinflationary policy probably offset some of the contractionary forces in world price levels (see Eichengreen"How to Prevent a Currency war").

In the 1920s, international flows of speculative financial capital increased, leading toextremes in balance of payments situationsin various European countries and the US.[11]In the 1930s, world markets never broke through the barriers and restrictions on international trade and investment volume – barriers haphazardly constructed, nationally motivated and imposed. The variousanarchicand oftenautarkicprotectionistandneo-mercantilistnational policies – often mutually inconsistent – that emerged over the first half of the decade worked inconsistently and self-defeatingly to promote nationalimport substitution,increase national exports, divert foreign investment and trade flows, and even prevent certain categories ofcross-border tradeand investment outright. Global central bankers attempted to manage the situation by meeting with each other, but their understanding of the situation as well as difficulties in communicating internationally, hindered their abilities.[12]The lesson was that simply having responsible, hard-working central bankers was not enough.

Britain in the 1930s had an exclusionarytrade blocwith nations of the British Empire known as theSterling Area.If Britain imported more than it exported to such nations, recipients of pounds sterling within these nations tended to put them into London banks. This meant that though Britain was running a trade deficit, it had a financial account surplus, and payments balanced. Increasingly, Britain's positive balance of payments required keeping the wealth of Empire nations in British banks. One incentive for, say, South African holders of rand to park their wealth in London and to keep the money in Sterling, was a strongly valued pound sterling. In the 1920s, imports from the US threatened certain parts of the British domestic market for manufactured goods and the way out of the trade deficit was to devalue the currency. But Britain could not devalue, or the Empire surplus would leave its banking system.[13]

Nazi Germany also worked with a bloc of controlled nations by 1940. Germany forced trading partners with a surplus to spend that surplus importing products from Germany.[14]Thus, Britain survived by keeping Sterling nation surpluses in its banking system, and Germany survived by forcing trading partners to purchase its own products. The U.S. was concerned that a sudden drop-off in war spending might return the nation to unemployment levels of the 1930s, and so wanted Sterling nations and everyone in Europe to be able to import from the US, hence the U.S. supported free trade and international convertibility of currencies into gold or dollars.[15]

Post-war negotiations


When many of the same experts who observed the 1930s became the architects of a new, unified, post-war system at Bretton Woods, their guiding principles became "no more beggar thy neighbor" and "control flows of speculative financial capital". Preventing a repetition of this process of competitive devaluations was desired, but in a way that would not force debtor nations to contract their industrial bases by keeping interest rates at a level high enough to attract foreign bank deposits.John Maynard Keynes,wary of repeating theGreat Depression,was behind Britain's proposal that surplus nations be forced by a "use-it-or-lose-it" mechanism, to either import from debtor nations, build factories in debtor nations or donate to debtor nations.[16][17]The U.S. opposed Keynes' plan, and a senior official at the U.S. Treasury,Harry Dexter White,rejected Keynes' proposals, in favor of an International Monetary Fund with enough resources to counteract destabilizing flows of speculative finance.[18]However, unlike the modern IMF, White's proposed fund would have counteracted dangerous speculative flows automatically, with no political strings attached—i.e., no IMFconditionality.[19]Economic historianBrad Delongwrites that on almost every point where he was overruled by the Americans, Keynes was later proved correct by events.[20][dubiousdiscuss]

Today these key 1930s events look different to scholars of the era (see the work ofBarry EichengreenGolden Fetters: The Gold Standard and the Great Depression, 1919–1939andHow to Prevent a Currency War); in particular,devaluationstoday are viewed with more nuance.Ben Bernanke's opinion on the subject follows:

... [T]he proximate cause of the world depression was a structurally flawed and poorly managed international gold standard.... For a variety of reasons, including a desire of theFederal Reserveto curb the U.S.stock marketboom, monetary policy in several major countries turned contractionary in the late 1920s—a contraction that was transmitted worldwide by the gold standard. What was initially a mild deflationary process began to snowball when the banking and currency crises of 1931 instigated an international "scramble for gold". Sterilization of gold inflows by surplus countries [the U.S. and France], substitution of gold for foreign exchange reserves, and runs on commercial banks all led to increases in the gold backing of money, and consequently to sharp unintended declines in national money supplies. Monetary contractions in turn were strongly associated with falling prices, output and employment. Effective international cooperation could in principle have permitted a worldwide monetary expansion despite gold standard constraints, but disputes over World War I reparations and war debts, and the insularity and inexperience of theFederal Reserve,among other factors, prevented this outcome. As a result, individual countries were able to escape the deflationary vortex only by unilaterally abandoning the gold standard and re-establishing domestic monetary stability, a process that dragged on in a halting and uncoordinated manner until France and the other Gold Bloc countries finally left gold in 1936. —Great Depression,B. Bernanke

In 1944 at Bretton Woods, as a result of the collective conventional wisdom of the time,[21]representatives from all the leading allied nations collectively favored a regulated system of fixed exchange rates, indirectly disciplined by aUS dollartied to gold[22]—a system that relied on a regulatedmarket economywith tight controls on the values of currencies. Flows of speculative international finance were curtailed by shunting them through and limiting them via central banks. This meant that international flows of investment went into foreign direct investment (FDI)—i.e., construction of factories overseas, rather than international currency manipulation or bond markets. Although the national experts disagreed to some degree on the specific implementation of this system, all agreed on the need for tight controls.

Economic security

Cordell Hull, U.S. Secretary of State 1933–44

Also based on experience of the inter-war years, U.S. planners developed a concept of economic security—that a liberal internationaleconomic systemwould enhance the possibilities of postwar peace. One of those who saw such a security link wasCordell Hull,theUnited States Secretary of Statefrom 1933 to 1944.[Notes 1]Hull believed that the fundamental causes of the two world wars lay ineconomic discriminationand trade warfare. Hull argued

[U]nhampered trade dovetailed with peace; high tariffs, trade barriers, and unfair economic competition, with war… if we could get a freer flow of trade…freer in the sense of fewer discriminations and obstructions…so that one country would not be deadly jealous of another and the living standards of all countries might rise, thereby eliminating the economic dissatisfaction that breeds war, we might have a reasonable chance of lasting peace.[23]

Rise of governmental intervention


The developed countries also agreed that the liberal international economic system required governmental intervention. In the aftermath of theGreat Depression,public management of the economy had emerged as a primary activity of governments in the developed states. Employment, stability, and growth were now important subjects of public policy.

In turn, the role of government in the national economy had become associated with the assumption by the state of the responsibility for assuring its citizens of a degree of economic well-being. The system of economic protection for at-risk citizens sometimes called thewelfare stategrew out of theGreat Depression,which created a popular demand for governmental intervention in the economy, and out of thetheoreticalcontributions of theKeynesianschool of economics, which asserted the need for governmental intervention to counter market imperfections.

However, increased government intervention in domestic economy brought with it isolationist sentiment that had a profoundly negative effect on international economics. The priority of national goals, independent national action in the interwar period, and the failure to perceive that those national goals could not be realized without some form of international collaboration—all resulted in "beggar-thy-neighbor" policies such as hightariffs,competitive devaluations that contributed to the breakdown of the gold-based international monetary system, domestic political instability, and international war. The lesson learned was, as the principal architect of the Bretton Woods systemNew DealerHarry Dexter Whiteput it:

the absence of a high degree of economic collaboration among the leading nations will… inevitably result in economic warfare that will be but the prelude and instigator of military warfare on an even vaster scale.

— Economic Security and the Origins of the Cold War, 1945–1950[Notes 2]

To ensure economic stability and political peace, states agreed to cooperate to closely regulate the production of their currencies to maintain fixed exchange rates between countries with the aim of more easily facilitating international trade. This was the foundation of the U.S. vision of postwar worldfree trade,which also involved lowering tariffs and, among other things, maintaining abalance of tradevia fixed exchange rates that would be favorable to the capitalist system.

Thus, the more developed market economies agreed with the U.S. vision of post-war international economic management, which intended to create and maintain an effectiveinternational monetary systemand foster the reduction of barriers to trade and capital flows. In a sense, the new international monetary system was a return to a system similar to the pre-war gold standard, only using U.S. dollars as the world's new reserve currency until international trade reallocated the world's gold supply.

Thus, the new system would be devoid (initially) of governments meddling with their currency supply as they had during the years of economic turmoil preceding WWII. Instead, governments would closely police the production of their currencies and ensure that they would not artificially manipulate their price levels. If anything, Bretton Woods was a return to a time devoid of increased governmental intervention in economies and currency systems.

Atlantic Charter

Roosevelt and Churchill during their secret meeting of 9–12 August 1941, inNewfoundlandresulted in theAtlantic Charter,which the U.S. and Britain officially announced two days later.

TheAtlantic Charter,drafted during U.S. PresidentFranklin D. Roosevelt's August 1941 meeting with British Prime MinisterWinston Churchillon a ship in the North Atlantic, was the most notable precursor to the Bretton Woods Conference. LikeWoodrow Wilsonbefore him, whose "Fourteen Points"had outlined U.S. aims in the aftermath of theFirst World War,Roosevelt set forth a range of ambitious goals for the postwar world even before the U.S. had entered the Second World War.

The Atlantic Charter affirmed the right of all nations to equal access to trade and raw materials. Moreover, the charter called for freedom of the seas (a principal U.S. foreign policy aim sinceFranceandBritainhad first threatened U.S. shipping in the 1790s), the disarmament of aggressors, and the "establishment of a wider and more permanent system of general security".

As the war drew to a close, the Bretton Woods conference was the culmination of some two and a half years of planning for postwar reconstruction by the Treasuries of the U.S. and the UK. U.S. representatives studied with their British counterparts the reconstitution of what had been lacking between the two world wars: a system of international payments that would let nations trade without fear of sudden currency depreciation or wild exchange rate fluctuations—ailments that had nearly paralyzed world capitalism during theGreat Depression.

Without a strong European market for U.S. goods and services, most policymakers believed, the U.S. economy would be unable to sustain the prosperity it had achieved during the war.[24]In addition, U.S.unionshad only grudgingly accepted government-imposed restraints on their demands during the war, but they were willing to wait no longer, particularly as inflation cut into the existing wage scales with painful force (by the end of 1945, there had already been major strikes in the automobile, electrical, and steel industries).[25]

In early 1945,Bernard Baruchdescribed the spirit of Bretton Woods as: if we can "stop subsidization of labor and sweated competition in the export markets", as well as prevent rebuilding of war machines, "oh boy, oh boy, what long term prosperity we will have."[26]The United States could therefore use its position of influence to reopen and control the rules of the world economy, so as to give unhindered access to all nations' markets and materials.

Wartime devastation of Europe and East Asia


United States allies—economically exhausted by the war—needed U.S. assistance to rebuild their domestic production and to finance their international trade; indeed, they needed it to survive.[15]

Before the war, the French and the British realized that they could no longer compete with U.S. industries in anopen marketplace.During the 1930s, the British created their own economic bloc to shut out U.S. goods. Churchill did not believe that he could surrender that protection after the war, so he watered down the Atlantic Charter's "free access" clause before agreeing to it.

Yet U.S. officials were determined to open their access to the British empire. The combined value of British and U.S. trade was well over half of all the world's trade in goods. For the U.S. to open global markets, it first had to split the British (trade) empire. While Britain had economically dominated the 19th century, U.S. officials intended the second half of the 20th to be under U.S.hegemony.[27][28]

A senior official of the Bank of England commented:

One of the reasons Bretton Woods worked was that the U.S. was clearly the most powerful country at the table and so ultimately was able to impose its will on the others, including an often-dismayed Britain. At the time, one senior official at the Bank of England described the deal reached at Bretton Woods as "the greatest blow to Britain next to the war", largely because it underlined the way financial power had moved from the UK to the US.[29]

A devastated Britain had little choice. Two world wars had destroyed the country's principal industries that paid for the importation of half of the nation's food and nearly all its raw materials except coal. The British had no choice but to ask for aid. Not until the United States signed an agreement on 6 December 1945 to grant Britain aid of $4.4 billion did the British Parliament ratify the Bretton Woods Agreements (which occurred later in December 1945).[30]

Design of the financial system


Free trade relied on the freeconvertibilityof currencies. Negotiators at the Bretton Woods conference, fresh from what they perceived as a disastrous experience with floating rates in the 1930s, concluded that major monetary fluctuations could stall the free flow of trade.

The neweconomic systemrequired an accepted vehicle for investment, trade, and payments. Unlike national economies, however, the international economy lacks a central government that can issue currency and manage its use. In the past this problem had been solved through thegold standard,but the architects of Bretton Woods did not consider this option feasible for the postwar political economy. Instead, they set up a system offixed exchange ratesmanaged by a series of newly created international institutions using the U.S. dollar (which was a gold standard currency for central banks) as areserve currency.

Informal regimes


Previous regimes


In the 19th and early 20th centuries gold played a key role in international monetary transactions. Thegold standardwas used to back currencies; the international value of currency was determined by its fixed relationship to gold; gold was used to settle international accounts. The gold standard maintained fixed exchange rates that were seen as desirable because they reduced the risk when trading with other countries.

Imbalances in international trade were theoretically rectified automatically by the gold standard. A country with adeficitwould have depleted gold reserves and would thus have to reduce itsmoney supply.The resulting fall indemandwould reduce imports and the lowering of prices would boost exports; thus, the deficit would be rectified. Any country experiencing inflation would lose gold and therefore would have a decrease in the amount of money available to spend.

This decrease in the amount of money would act to reduce the inflationary pressure. Supplementing the use of gold in this period was theBritish pound.Based on the dominant British economy, the pound became a reserve, transaction, and intervention currency. But the pound was not up to the challenge of serving as the primary world currency, given the weakness of the British economy after the Second World War.

The architects of Bretton Woods had conceived of a system wherein exchange rate stability was a prime goal. Yet, in an era of more activist economic policy, governments did not seriously consider permanently fixed rates on the model of the classical gold standard of the 19th century. Gold production was not even sufficient to meet the demands of growing international trade and investment. Further, a sizable share of the world's known gold reserves was located in theSoviet Union,which would later emerge as aCold Warrival to the United States and Western Europe.

The only currency strong enough to meet the rising demands for international currency transactions was the U.S. dollar.[clarification needed]The strength of the U.S. economy, the fixed relationship of the dollar to gold ($35 an ounce), and the commitment of the U.S. government to convert dollars into gold at that price made the dollar as good as gold. In fact, the dollar was even better than gold: it earned interest and it was more flexible than gold.

Fixed exchange rates

US Dollar Index(DXY)
In the early 1970s, this graph shows some currencies atfixed exchange ratesbeforefloatingagainst each other:
USD/Canadian dollarexchange rate
EUR/USD (inverted) exchange rate
USD/JPYexchange rate
USD/SEKexchange rate
USD/CHFexchange rate

The rules of Bretton Woods, set forth in the articles of agreement of theInternational Monetary Fund(IMF) and theInternational Bank for Reconstruction and Development(IBRD), provided for a system of fixed exchange rates. The rules further sought to encourage an open system by committing members to the convertibility of their respective currencies into other currencies and to free trade.

What emerged was the "pegged rate"currency regime. Members were required to establish a parity of their national currencies in terms of the reserve currency (a" peg ") and to maintain exchange rates within plus or minus 1% of parity (a" band ") by intervening in their foreign exchange markets (that is, buying or selling foreign money).

In theory, the reserve currency would be thebancor(aWorld Currency Unitthat was never implemented), proposed by John Maynard Keynes; however, the United States objected, and their request was granted, making the "reserve currency" the U.S. dollar. This meant that other countries would peg their currencies to the U.S. dollar, and—once convertibility was restored—would buy and sell U.S. dollars to keep market exchange rates within plus or minus 1% of parity. Thus, the U.S. dollar took over the role that gold had played under the gold standard in theinternational financial system.[31]

Meanwhile, to bolster confidence in the dollar, the U.S. agreed separately to link the dollar to gold at the rate of $35 per ounce. At this rate, foreign governments and central banks could exchange dollars for gold. Bretton Woods established a system of payments based on the dollar, which defined all currencies in relation to the dollar, itself convertible into gold, and above all, "as good as gold" for trade. U.S. currency was now effectively the world currency, the standard to which every other currency was pegged.

The U.S. dollar was the currency with the mostpurchasing powerand it was the only currency that was backed by gold. Additionally, all European nations that had been involved in World War II were highly in debt and transferred large amounts of gold into the United States, a fact that contributed to the supremacy of the United States. Thus, the U.S. dollar was strongly appreciated in the rest of the world and therefore became the key currency of the Bretton Woods system.

Member countries could only change theirpar valueby more than 10% with IMF approval, which was contingent on IMF determination that its balance of payments was in a "fundamental disequilibrium".The formal definition of fundamental disequilibrium was never determined, leading to uncertainty of approvals and attempts to repeatedly devalue by less than 10% instead.[32]Any country that changed without approval or after being denied approval was denied access to the IMF.

Formal regimes


The Bretton Woods Conference led to the establishment of the IMF and the IBRD (now theWorld Bank), which remain powerful forces in the world economy as of the 2020s.

A major point of common ground at the Conference was the goal to avoid a recurrence of the closed markets and economic warfare that had characterized the 1930s. Thus, negotiators at Bretton Woods also agreed that there was a need for an institutional forum for international cooperation on monetary matters. Already in 1944, the British economistJohn Maynard Keynesemphasized "the importance of rule-based regimes to stabilize business expectations" —something he accepted in the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates. Currency troubles in the interwar years, it was felt, had been greatly exacerbated by the absence of any established procedure or machinery for intergovernmental consultation.

As a result of the establishment of agreed upon structures and rules of international economic interaction, conflict over economic issues was minimized, and the significance of the economic aspect of international relations seemed to recede.

International Monetary Fund


Officially established on 27 December 1945, when the 29 participating countries at the conference of Bretton Woods signed its Articles of Agreement, the IMF was to be the keeper of the rules and the main instrument of public international management. The Fund commenced its financial operations on 1 March 1947. IMF approval was necessary for any change in exchange rates in excess of 10%. It advised countries on policies affecting the monetary system and lent reserve currencies to nations that had incurred balance of payment debts.


The big question at the Bretton Woods conference with respect to the institution that would emerge as the IMF was the issue of future access to internationalliquidityand whether that source should be akin to a world central bank able to create new reserves at will or a more limited borrowing mechanism.

John Maynard Keynes(right) andHarry Dexter Whiteat the inaugural meeting of the International Monetary Fund's Board of Governors in Savannah, Georgia, U.S., 8 March 1946

Although attended by 44 nations, discussions at the conference were dominated by two rival plans developed by the United States and Britain. Writing to the British Treasury, Keynes, who took the lead at the Conference, did not want many countries. He believed that those from the colonies and semi-colonies had "nothing to contribute and will merely encumber the ground".[33]

As the chief international economist at the U.S. Treasury in 1942–44, Harry Dexter White drafted the U.S. blueprint for international access to liquidity, which competed with the plan drafted for the British Treasury by Keynes. Overall, White's scheme tended to favor incentives designed to create price stability within the world's economies, while Keynes wanted a system that encouraged economic growth. The "collective agreement was an enormous international undertaking" that took two years prior to the conference to prepare for. It consisted of numerous bilateral and multilateral meetings to reach common ground on what policies would make up the Bretton Woods system.

At the time, gaps between the White and Keynes plans seemed enormous. White basically wanted a fund to reverse destabilizing flows of financial capital automatically. White proposed a new monetary institution called the Stabilization Fund that "would be funded with a finite pool of national currencies and gold… that would effectively limit the supply of reserve credit". Keynes wanted incentives for the U.S. to help Britain and the rest of Europe rebuild after WWII.[34]Outlining the difficulty of creating a system that every nation could accept in his speech at the closing plenary session of the Bretton Woods conference on 22 July 1944, Keynes stated:

We, the delegates of this Conference, Mr President, have been trying to accomplish something very difficult to accomplish.[...] It has been our task to find a common measure, a common standard, a common rule acceptable to each and not irksome to any.

— The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes[Notes 3]

Keynes' proposals would have established a worldreserve currency(which he thought might be called "bancor") administered by acentral bankvested with the power to create money and with the authority to take actions on a much larger scale.

In the case of balance of payments imbalances, Keynes recommended thatbothdebtors and creditors should change their policies. As outlined by Keynes, countries with payment surpluses should increase their imports from the deficit countries, build factories in debtor nations, or donate to them—and thereby create a foreign trade equilibrium.[16]Thus, Keynes was sensitive to the problem that placing too much of the burden on the deficit country would be deflationary.

But the United States, as a likely creditor nation, and eager to take on the role of the world's economic powerhouse, used White's plan but targeted many of Keynes's concerns. White saw a role for global intervention in an imbalance only when it was caused by currency speculation.

Although a compromise was reached on some points, because of the overwhelming economic and military power of the United States the participants at Bretton Woods largely agreed on White's plan. White’s plan was designed not merely to secure the rise and world economic domination of the United States, but to ensure that as the outgoing superpower Britain would be shuffled even further from centre stage.[35]

Subscriptions and quotas

What emerged largely reflected U.S. preferences: a system of subscriptions andquotasembedded in the IMF, which itself was to be no more than a fixed pool of national currencies and gold subscribed by each country, as opposed to a world central bank capable of creating money. The Fund was charged with managing various nations' trade deficits so that they would not produce currencydevaluationsthat would trigger a decline in imports.

The IMF is provided with a fund composed of contributions from member countries in gold and their own currencies. The original quotas were to total $8.8 billion. When joining the IMF, members are assigned "quotas"that reflect their relative economic power—and, as a sort of credit deposit, are obliged to pay a" subscription "of an amount commensurate with the quota. They pay the subscription as 25% in gold or currency convertible into gold (effectively the dollar, which at the founding, was the only currency then still directly gold convertible for central banks) and 75% in their own currency.

Quota subscriptions form the largest source of money at the IMF's disposal. The IMF set out to use this money to grant loans to member countries with financial difficulties. Each member is then entitled to withdraw 25% of its quota immediately in case of payment problems. If this sum should be insufficient, each nation in the system is also able to request loans for foreign currency.

Trade deficits

In the event of a deficit in thecurrent account,Fund members, when short of reserves, would be able to borrow foreign currency in amounts determined by the size of its quota. In other words, the higher the country's contribution was, the higher the sum of money it could borrow from the IMF.

Members were required to pay back debts within a period of 18 months to five years. In turn, the IMF embarked on setting up rules and procedures to keep a country from going too deeply into debt year after year. The Fund would exercise "surveillance" over other economies for theU.S. Treasuryin return for its loans to prop up national currencies.

IMF loans were not comparable to loans issued by a conventional credit institution. Instead, they were effectively a chance to purchase a foreign currency with gold or the member's national currency.

The U.S.-backed IMF plan sought to end restrictions on the transfer of goods and services from one country to another, eliminate currency blocs, and lift currency exchange controls.

The IMF was designed to advance credits to countries with balance of payments deficits. Short-run balance of payment difficulties would be overcome by IMF loans, which would facilitate stable currency exchange rates. This flexibility meant a member state would not have to induce adepressionto cut its national income down to such a low level that its imports would finally fall within its means. Thus, countries were to be spared the need to resort to the classical medicine of deflating themselves into drastic unemployment when faced with chronic balance of payments deficits. Before the Second World War, European nations—particularly Britain—often resorted to this.

Par value

The IMF sought to provide for occasional discontinuous exchange-rate adjustments (changing a member's par value) by international agreement. Member nations were permitted to adjust their currency exchange rate by 1%. This tended to restore equilibrium in their trade by expanding their exports and contracting imports. This would be allowed only if there was a fundamental disequilibrium. A decrease in the value of a country's money was called a devaluation, while an increase in the value of the country's money was called arevaluation.

It was envisioned that these changes in exchange rates would be quite rare. However, the concept of fundamental disequilibrium, though key to the operation of the par value system, was never defined in detail.


Never before had international monetary cooperation been attempted on a permanent institutional basis. Even more groundbreaking was the decision to allocate voting rights among governments, not on a one-state one-vote basis, but rather in proportion to quotas. Since the United States was contributing the most, U.S. leadership was the key. Under the system of weighted voting, the United States exerted a preponderant influence on the IMF. The United States held one-third of all IMF quotas at the outset, enough on its own to veto all changes to the IMF Charter.

In addition, the IMF was based in Washington, D.C., and staffed mainly by U.S. economists. It regularly exchanged personnel with the U.S. Treasury. When the IMF began operations in 1946, PresidentHarry S. Trumannamed White as its first U.S. Executive Director. Since no Deputy Managing Director post had yet been created, White served occasionally as Acting Managing Director and generally played a highly influential role during the IMF's first year. Truman had to abandon his original plan of naming White as IMF Executive Director when FBI DirectorJ. Edgar Hooversubmitted a report to the president, asserting that White was "a valuable adjunct to an underground Soviet espionage organization", who was placing individuals of high regard to Soviet intelligence inside the government.[36]

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development


The agreement made no provisions to create international reserves. It assumed new gold production would be sufficient. In the event of structuraldisequilibria,it expected that there would be national solutions, for example, an adjustment in the value of the currency or an improvement by other means of a country's competitive position. The IMF was left with few means, however, to encourage such national solutions.

Economists and other planners recognized in 1944 that the new system could only commence after a return to normality following the disruption of World War II. It was expected that after a brief transition period of no more than five years, the international economy would recover, and the system would enter into operation.

To promote growth of world trade and finance postwar reconstruction of Europe, the planners at Bretton Woods created another institution, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), which is one of five agencies that make up theWorld Bank Groupand is perhaps now the most important agency of the Group. The IBRD had an authorizedcapitalizationof $10 billion and was expected to make loans of its own funds to underwrite private loans and to issue securities to raise new funds to make possible a speedy postwar recovery. The IBRD was to be a specialized agency of the United Nations, charged with making loans for economic development purposes.



Dollar shortages and the Marshall Plan


The Bretton Woods arrangements were largely adhered to and ratified by the participating governments. It was expected that national monetary reserves, supplemented with necessary IMF credits, would finance any temporarybalance of paymentsdisequilibria. But this did not prove sufficient to get Europe out of its conundrum.

Postwar world capitalism suffered from adollar shortage.The United States was running large balance of trade surpluses, and U.S. reserves were immense and growing. It was necessary to reverse this flow. Even though all nations wanted to buy U.S. exports, dollars had to leave the United States and become available for international use so they could do so. In other words, the United States would have to reverse the imbalances in global wealth by running a balance of trade deficit, financed by an outflow of U.S. reserves to other nations (a U.S. financial account deficit). The U.S. could run a financial deficit by either importing from, building plants in, or donating to foreign nations. Speculative investment was discouraged by the Bretton Woods agreement, and importing from other nations was not appealing in the 1950s, because U.S. technology was cutting edge at the time. So, multinational corporations and global aid that originated from the U.S. burgeoned.[37]

The modest credit facilities of the IMF were clearly insufficient to deal with Western Europe's huge balance of payments deficits. The problem was further aggravated by the reaffirmation by the IMF Board of Governors of the provision in the Bretton Woods Articles of Agreement that the IMF could make loans only for current account deficits and not for capital and reconstruction purposes. Only the United States contribution of $570 million was actually available for IBRD lending. In addition, because the only available market for IBRD bonds was the conservativeWall Streetbanking market, the IBRD was forced to adopt a conservative lending policy, granting loans only when repayment was assured. Given these problems, by 1947 the IMF and the IBRD themselves were admitting that they could not deal with the international monetary system's economic problems.[38]

The United States set up the European Recovery Program (Marshall Plan) to provide large-scale financial and economic aid for rebuilding Europe largely through grants rather than loans. Countries belonging to the Soviet bloc, e.g., Poland were invited to receive the grants, but were given a favorable agreement with the Soviet Union'sCOMECON.[39]In a speech atHarvard Universityon 5 June 1947, U.S. Secretary of StateGeorge Marshallstated:

The breakdown of the business structure of Europe during the war was complete.… Europe's requirements for the next three or four years of foreign food and other essential products… principally from the United States… are so much greater than her present ability to pay that she must have substantial help or face economic, social and political deterioration of a very grave character.

— "Against Hunger, Poverty, Desperation and Chaos"[Notes 4]

From 1947 until 1958, the U.S. deliberately encouraged an outflow of dollars, and, from 1950 on, the United States ran a balance of payments deficit with the intent of providing liquidity for the international economy. Dollars flowed out through various U.S. aid programs: theTruman Doctrineentailing aid to the pro-U.S.GreekandTurkishregimes, which were struggling to suppress communist revolution, aid to various pro-U.S. regimes in the Third World, and most importantly, the Marshall Plan. From 1948 to 1954 the United States provided 16 Western European countries with $17 billion in grants.

To encourage long-term adjustment, the United States promoted European and Japanese trade competitiveness. Policies for economic controls on the defeated formerAxiscountries were scrapped. Aid to Europe and Japan was designed to rebuild productivity and export capacity. In the long run it was expected that such European and Japanese recovery would benefit the United States by widening markets for U.S. exports and providing locations for U.S. capital expansion.

Cold War


In 1945, Roosevelt and Churchill prepared the postwar era by negotiating withJoseph StalinatYaltaabout respective zones of influence; this same year Germany was divided into four occupation zones (Soviet, American, British, and French).

Roosevelt andHenry Morgenthauinsisted that the Big Four (United States, United Kingdom, the Soviet Union, and China) participate in the Bretton Woods conference in 1944,[40]but their plans were frustrated when the Soviet Union would not join the IMF. The reasons why the Soviet Union chose not to subscribe to the articles by December 1945 have been the subject of speculation.

Facing the Soviet Union, whose power had also strengthened and whose territorial influence had expanded, the U.S. assumed the role of leader of the capitalist camp. The rise of the postwar U.S. as the world's leading industrial, monetary, and military power was rooted in the fact that the mainland U.S. was untouched by the war, in the instability of the nation states of postwar Europe, and the wartime devastation of the Soviet and European economies.

Despite the economic cost implied by such a policy, being at the center of the international market gave the U.S. unprecedented freedom of action in pursuing its foreign affairs goals. A trade surplus made it easier to keep armies abroad and to invest outside the U.S., and because other nations could not sustain foreign deployments, the U.S. had the power to decide why, when and how to intervene in global crises. The dollar continued to function as a compass to guide the health of the world economy and exporting to the U.S. became the primary economic goal of developing or redeveloping economies. This arrangement came to be referred to as thePax Americana,in analogy to thePax Britannicaof the late 19th century and thePax Romanaof the first. (SeeGlobalism)

Late application


U.S. balance of payments crisis


After the end of World War II, the U.S. held $26 billion in gold reserves, of an estimated total of $40 billion (approx 65%). As world trade increased rapidly through the 1950s, the size of the gold base increased by only a few percentage points. In 1950, the U.S. balance of payments swung negative. The first U.S. response to the crisis was in the late 1950s when theEisenhower administrationplaced import quotas on oil and other restrictions on trade outflows. More drastic measures were proposed, but not acted upon. However, with a mounting recession that began in 1958, this response alone was not sustainable. In 1960, withKennedy's election, a decade-long effort to maintain the Bretton Woods System at the $35/ounce price began.

The design of the Bretton Woods System was such that nations could only enforce convertibility to gold for the anchor currency—the United States dollar. Conversion of dollars to gold was allowed but was not required. Nations could forgo converting dollars to gold, and instead hold dollars. Rather than full convertibility, the system provided a fixed price for sales between central banks. However, there was still an open gold market. For the Bretton Woods system to remain workable, it would either have to alter the peg of the dollar to gold, or it would have to maintain the free market price for gold near the $35 per ounce official price. The greater the gap between free market gold prices and central bank gold prices, the greater the temptation to deal with internal economic issues by buying gold at the Bretton Woods price and selling it on the open market.

In 1960Robert Triffin,a Belgian-American economist, noticed that holding dollars was more valuable than gold because constant U.S.balance of paymentsdeficits helped to keep the system liquid and fuel economic growth. What would later come to be known asTriffin's Dilemmawas predicted when Triffin noted that if the U.S. failed to keep running deficits the system would lose its liquidity, not be able to keep up with the world's economic growth, and, thus, bring the system to a halt. But incurring such payment deficits also meant that, over time, the deficits would erode confidence in the dollar as the reserve currency created instability.[41]

The first effort was the creation of theLondon Gold Poolon 1 November 1961 between eight nations. The theory behind the pool was that spikes in the free market price of gold, set by themorning gold fixin London, could be controlled by having a pool of gold to sell on the open market, that would then be recovered when the price of gold dropped. Gold's price spiked in response to events such as theCuban Missile Crisis,and other less significant events, to as high as $40/ounce. The Kennedy administration drafted a radical change of the tax system to spur more production capacity and thus encourage exports. This culminated with the1963 tax cut program,designed to maintain the $35 peg.

In 1967, there was an attack on the pound and a run on gold in thesterling area,and on 18 November 1967, the British government was forced to devalue the pound.[42]U.S. PresidentLyndon Baines Johnsonwas faced with a difficult choice, either institute protectionist measures, including travel taxes, export subsidies and slashing the budget—or accept the risk of a "run on gold" and the dollar. From Johnson's perspective: "The world supply of gold is insufficient to make the present system workable—particularly as the use of the dollar as a reserve currency is essential to create the required international liquidity to sustain world trade and growth."[43]

WhileWest Germanyagreed not to purchase gold from the U.S., and agreed to hold dollars instead, the pressure on both the dollar and the pound sterling continued. In January 1968 Johnson imposed a series of measures designed to end gold outflow, and to increase U.S. exports. This was unsuccessful, however, as in mid-March 1968 a dollar run on gold ensued through the free market in London, theLondon Gold Pool was dissolved,initially by the institution ofad hocUKbank holidaysat the request of the U.S. government. This was followed by a full closure of the London gold market, also at the request of the U.S. government, until a series of meetings were held that attempted to rescue or reform the existing system.[44]

All attempts to maintain the peg collapsed in November 1968, and a new policy program attempted to convert the Bretton Woods system into an enforcement mechanism of floating the gold peg, which would be set by eitherfiatpolicy or by a restriction to honor foreign accounts. The collapse of the gold pool and the refusal of the pool members to trade gold with private entities—on 18 March 1968 theCongress of the United Statesrepealed the 25% requirement of gold backing of the dollar[45]—as well as the U.S. pledge to suspend gold sales to governments that trade in the private markets,[46]led to the expansion of the private markets for international gold trade, in which the price of gold rose much higher than the official dollar price.[47][48] U.S. gold reserves remained depleted due to the actions of some nations, notably France,[48]which continued to build up their own gold reserves.

Structural changes


Return to convertibility


In the 1960s and 1970s, important structural changes eventually led to the breakdown of international monetary management. One change was the development of a high level of monetary interdependence. The stage was set for monetary interdependence by the return toconvertibilityof the Western European currencies at the end of 1958 and of the Japanese yen in 1964. Convertibility facilitated the vast expansion of international financial transactions, which deepened monetary interdependence.

Growth of international currency markets


Another aspect of the internationalization of banking has been the emergence of international banking consortia. Since 1964 various banks had formed international syndicates, and by 1971 over three-quarters of the world's largest banks had become shareholders in such syndicates. Multinational banks can and do make large international transfers of capital not only for investment purposes but also forhedgingandspeculatingagainst exchange rate fluctuations.

These new forms of monetary interdependence made large capital flows possible. During the Bretton Woods era, countries were reluctant to alter exchange rates formally even in cases of structural disequilibria. Because such changes had a direct impact on certain domestic economic groups, they came to be seen as political risks for leaders. As a result, official exchange rates often became unrealistic in market terms, providing a virtually risk-free temptation for speculators. They could move from a weak to a strong currency hoping to reap profits when a revaluation occurred. If, however, monetary authorities managed to avoid revaluation, they could return to other currencies with no loss. The combination of risk-free speculation with the availability of large sums was highly destabilizing.



U.S. monetary influence


A second structural change that undermined monetary management was the decline of U.S. hegemony. The U.S. was no longer the dominant economic power it had been for more than two decades. By the mid-1960s, theE.E.C.and Japan had become international economic powers in their own right. With total reserves exceeding those of the U.S., higher levels of growth and trade, and per capita income approaching that of the U.S., Europe and Japan were narrowing the gap between themselves and the United States.

The shift toward a more pluralistic distribution of economic power led to increasing dissatisfaction with the privileged role of the U.S. dollar as the international currency. Acting effectively as the world's central banker, the U.S., through its deficit, determined the level of internationalliquidity.In an increasingly interdependent world, U.S. policy significantly influenced economic conditions in Europe and Japan. In addition, as long as other countries were willing to hold dollars, the U.S. could carry out massive foreign expenditures for political purposes—military activities and foreign aid—without the threat of balance-of-payments constraints.

Dissatisfaction with the political implications of the dollar system was increased bydétentebetween the U.S. and the Soviet Union. The Soviet military threat had been an important force in cementing the U.S.-led monetary system. The U.S. political and security umbrella helped make American economic domination palatable for Europe and Japan, which had been economically exhausted by the war. As gross domestic production grew in European countries, trade grew. When common security tensions lessened, this loosened the transatlantic dependence on defence concerns, and allowed latent economic tensions to surface.



Reinforcing the relative decline in U.S. power and the dissatisfaction of Europe and Japan with the system was the continuing decline of the dollar—the foundation that had underpinned the post-1945 global trading system. TheVietnam Warand the refusal of the administration of U.S. PresidentLyndon B. Johnsonto pay for it and itsGreat Societyprograms through taxation resulted in an increased dollar outflow to pay for the military expenditures and rampant inflation, which led to the deterioration of the U.S. balance of trade position. In the late 1960s, the dollar was overvalued with its current trading position, while theGerman Markand the yen were undervalued; and, naturally, the Germans and the Japanese had no desire to revalue and thereby make their exports more expensive, whereas the U.S. sought to maintain its international credibility by avoiding devaluation.[49]Meanwhile, the pressure on government reserves was intensified by the new international currency markets, with their vast pools of speculative capital moving around in search of quick profits.[48]

In contrast, upon the creation of Bretton Woods, with the U.S. producing half of the world's manufactured goods and holding half its reserves, the twin burdens of international management and theCold Warwere possible to meet at first. Throughout the 1950s Washington sustained a balance of payments deficit to finance loans, aid, and troops for allied regimes. But during the 1960s the costs of doing so became less tolerable. By 1970 the U.S. held under 16% of international reserves. Adjustment to these changed realities was impeded by the U.S. commitment to fixed exchange rates and by the U.S. obligation to convert dollars into gold on demand.

Paralysis of international monetary management


Floating-rate system during 1968–1972


By 1968, the attempt to defend the dollar at a fixed peg of $35/ounce, the policy of the Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson administrations, had become increasingly untenable. Gold outflows from the U.S. accelerated, and despite gaining assurances from Germany and other nations to hold gold, the unbalanced spending of the Johnson administration had transformed the dollar shortage of the 1940s and 1950s into adollar glutby the 1960s. In 1967, the IMF agreed inRio de Janeiroto replace thetranchedivision set up in 1946.Special drawing rights(SDRs) were set as equal to one U.S. dollar but were not usable for transactions other than between banks and the IMF. Nations were required to accept holding SDRs equal to three times their allotment, and interest would be charged, or credited, to each nation based on their SDR holding. The original interest rate was 1.5%.

The intent of the SDR system was to prevent nations from buying pegged gold and selling it at the higher free market price and give nations a reason to hold dollars by crediting interest, at the same time setting a clear limit to the amount of dollars that could be held.

Nixon Shock


A negativebalance of payments,growingpublic debtincurred by theVietnam WarandGreat Societyprograms, andmonetary inflationby the Federal Reserve caused the dollar to become increasingly overvalued.[50]The drain on U.S. gold reserves culminated with theLondon Gold Poolcollapse in March 1968.[44]By 1970, the U.S. had seen its gold coverage deteriorate from 55% to 22%. This, in the view ofneoclassical economists,represented the point where holders of the dollar had lost faith in the ability of the U.S. to cut budget and trade deficits.

In 1971 more and more dollars were being printed in Washington, then being pumped overseas, to pay for government expenditure on the military and social programs. In the first six months of 1971, assets for $22 billion fled the U.S. In response, on 15 August 1971, Nixon issuedExecutive Order11615pursuant to theEconomic Stabilization Act of 1970,unilaterally imposing 90-day wage and price controls, a 10% import surcharge, and most importantly "closed the gold window", making the dollar inconvertible to gold directly, except on the open market. Unusually, this decision was made without consulting members of the international monetary system or even his own State Department and was soon dubbed theNixon Shock.

Smithsonian Agreement

Gold prices (US$ per troy ounce) with a line approximately marking the collapse of Bretton Woods

The August shock was followed by efforts under U.S. leadership to reform the international monetary system. Throughout the fall (autumn) of 1971, a series of multilateral and bilateral negotiations between theGroup of Tencountries took place, seeking to redesign the exchange rate regime.

Meeting in December 1971 at theSmithsonian InstitutioninWashington, D.C.,the Group of Ten signed theSmithsonian Agreement.The U.S. pledged to peg the dollar at $38/ounce with 2.25% trading bands, and other countries agreed toappreciatetheir currencies versus the dollar. The group also planned to balance the world financial system using special drawing rights alone.

The agreement failed to encourage discipline by the Federal Reserve or the United States government. The Federal Reserve was concerned about an increase in the domestic unemployment rate due to the devaluation of the dollar. In an attempt to undermine the efforts of the Smithsonian Agreement, the Federal Reserve lowered interest rates in pursuit of a previously established domestic policy objective of full national employment. With the Smithsonian Agreement, member countries anticipated a return flow of dollars to the U.S, but the reduced interest rates within the United States caused dollars to continue to flow out of the U.S. and into foreign central banks. The inflow of dollars into foreign banks continued the monetization of the dollar overseas, defeating the aims of the Smithsonian Agreement. As a result, the dollar price in the goldfree marketcontinued to cause pressure on its official rate; soon after a 10% devaluation was announced in February 1973, Japan and theEECcountries decided to let their currenciesfloat.This proved to be the beginning of the collapse of the Bretton Woods System. The end of Bretton Woods was formally ratified by theJamaica Accordsin 1976. By the early 1980s, all industrialised nations were using floating currencies.[51][52]

The Bretton Woods system in the 21st century


2008 crisis


In the wake of theGlobal financial crisis of 2008,some policymakers, such asJames Chace[53]and others called for a new international monetary system that some of them also dubBretton Woods II.[54]

On 26 September 2008, French PresidentNicolas Sarkozysaid, "we must rethink the financial system from scratch, as at Bretton Woods."[55]

In March 2010, Prime Minister Papandreou of Greece wrote an op-ed in the International Herald Tribune, in which he said, "Democratic governments worldwide must establish a new global financial architecture, as bold in its own way as Bretton Woods, as bold as the creation of the European Community and European Monetary Union. And we need it fast." In interviews coinciding with his meeting with President Obama, he indicated that Obama would raise the issue of new regulations for the international financial markets at the next G20 meetings inJuneandNovember 2010.

Over the course of the crisis, the IMF progressively relaxed its stance on "free-market" principles such as its guidance against usingcapital controls.In 2011, the IMF's managing directorDominique Strauss-Kahnstated that boosting employment and equity "must be placed at the heart" of the IMF's policy agenda.[56]The World Bank indicated a switch towards greater emphases on job creation.[57][58]

2020 crisis


Following the2020 Economic Recession,the managing director of the IMF announced the emergence of "A New Bretton Woods Moment" which outlines the need for coordinated fiscal response on the part of central banks around the world to address the ongoing economic crisis.[59]

Pegged rates


Dates are those when the rate was introduced; "*" indicatesfloating ratemostly taken prior to the introduction of theeuroon 1 January 1999.[60]

Japanese yen

Date # yen = $1 US # yen = £1
August 1946 15 60.45
12 March 1947 50 201.5
5 July 1948 270 1,088.1
25 April 1949 360 1,450.8
18 September 1949 360 1,008
17 November 1967 360 864
20 July 1971 308 739.2
31 December 1998 112.77* 187.65*


Date # Mark = $1 US # Mark = £1
21 June 1948 3.33 13.42
18 September 1949 4.20 11.76
6 March 1961 4.00 11.20
November 1967 4.00 9.60
29 October 1969 3.67 8.81
31 December 1998 1.6665* 2.773*

Note: Converted to euro on 1 January 1999 at €1 = DM 1.95583.

Pound sterling

Date # US$ = £1 # pounds = $1 US pre-decimal value
27 December 1945 4.03 0.2481 4 shillings and11+12pence
18 September 1949 2.80 0.3571 7 shillings and1+34pence
17 November 1967 2.40 0.4167 8 shillings and 4 pence
31 December 1998 1.664* 0.601*

French franc

Date # FRF = $1 US # FRF = £1
27 December 1945 1.1911 4.80
26 January 1948 2.1439 8.64
18 October 1948 2.6352 10.62
27 April 1949 2.7221 10.97
20 September 1949 3.50 9.80
11 August 1957 4.20 11.76
27 December 1958 4.9371 13.82
17 November 1967 4.9371 11.76
10 August 1969 5.55 13.32
31 December 1998 5.5889* 9.30*

Note: Converted to euro on 1 January 1999 at €1 = FRF 6.55957. Values prior to the currency reform of 1 January 1960 are shown in new francs or FRF worth 100 old francs.

Italian lira

Date # lire = $1 US
4 January 1946 225
26 March 1946 509
7 January 1947 350
28 November 1947 575
18 September 1949 625
31 December 1998 1,649.87*

Note: Converted to euro on 1 January 1999 at €1 = 1,936.27 lire.

Spanish peseta

Date # pesetas = $1 US # pesetas = £1
17 July 1959 60 168
20 November 1967 70 168
31 December 1998 141.76* 235.89*

Note: Converted to euro on 1 January 1999 at €1 = 166.386 pesetas.

Dutch guilder

Date # gulden = $1 US
27 December 1945 2.652
20 September 1949 3.80
7 March 1961 3.62
31 December 1998 1.8777*

Note: Converted to euro on 1 January 1999 at €1 = 2.20371 gulden.

Belgian franc

Date # francs = $1 US # francs = £1
27 December 1945 43.77 176.39
1946 43.8725 176.81
21 September 1949 50.00 140.00
November 1967 50.00 120.00
31 December 1998 34.37* 57.19*

Note: Converted to euro on 1 January 1999 at €1 = 40.3399 Belgian francs.

Swiss franc

Date # francs = $1 US[61] # francs = £1
27 December 1945 4.373 17.62
September 1949 4.373 12.24
17 November 1967 4.373 10.50
31 December 1998 1.374* 2.286*

Greek drachma

Date # drachmae = $1 US
1954 30.00
29 December 2000 363.28*

Note: Converted to euro on 1 January 2001 at €1 = 340.75 drachmae.

Danish krone

Date # kroner = $1 US
August 1945 4.80
19 September 1949 6.91
21 November 1967 7.50
31 December 1998 6.347*

Finnish markka

Date # FIM = $1 US # FIM = £1
17 October 1945 1.36 5.48
5 July 1949 1.60 6.45
19 September 1949 2.30 6.44
15 September 1957 3.20 8.96
12 October 1967 4.20 11.20
17 November 1967 4.20 10.08
30 December 1998 5.066* 8.43*

Note: Converted to euro on 1 January 2000 at €1 = FIM 5.94573. Prior to currency reform of 1 January 1963 values shown in new markkaa or FIM worth 100 old markkaa.

Norwegian krone

Date # kroner = $1 US Note
15 September 1946 4.03 Joined Bretton Woods. £1 = 20.00 krone[62]
19 September 1949 7.15 Devalued in line with sterling[63]
15 August 1971 7.016* Bretton Woods collapsed
21 December 1971 6.745 Joined theSmithsonian Treaty
23 May 1972 6.571 Joined the "European Monetary System"
16 November 1972 6.611* The Smithsonian Treaty collapsed
12 December 1978 5.096* Left "European Monetary System", linked to a "basket" of currencies
October 1990 5.920* Pegged to theECU
12 December 1992 6.684* Fully floating

See also




  1. ^For discussions of how liberal ideas motivated U.S. foreign economic policy after World War II, see, e.g.,Kenneth Waltz,Man, the State and War(New York City:Columbia University Press,1969) and yuvi.c Calleo and Benjamin M. Rowland,American and World Political Economy(Bloomington, Indiana:Indiana University Press,1973).
  2. ^Quoted in Robert A. Pollard,Economic Security and the Origins of the Cold War, 1945–1950(New York: Columbia University Press, 1985), p. 8.
  3. ^Comments by John Maynard Keynes in his speech at the closing plenary session of the Bretton Woods Conference on 22 July 1944 in Donald Moggeridge (ed.),The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes(London: Cambridge University Press, 1980), vol. 26, p. 101. This comment also can be found quoted online at[1]
  4. ^Comments by U.S. Secretary of State George Marshall in his June 1947 speech "Against Hunger, Poverty, Desperation and Chaos" at a Harvard University commencement ceremony. A full transcript of his speech can be read online at[2]


  1. ^"Creation of the Bretton Woods System".Federal Reserve History.
  2. ^"Creation of the Bretton Woods System".Federal Reserve History.
  3. ^Edward S. Mason and Robert E. Asher, "The World Bank Since Bretton Woods: The Origins, Policies, Operations and Impact of the International Bank for Reconstruction". (Washington, DC:Brookings Institution,1973), 29.
  4. ^Eichengreen, Barry (2021)."Bretton Woods After 50".Review of Political Economy.33(4): 552–569.doi:10.1080/09538259.2021.1952011.ISSN0953-8259.S2CID237245977.
  5. ^Annie Lowrey(9 February 2011)"End the Fed? Actually, Maybe Not.",Slate
  6. ^Eichengreen, Barry (2019).Globalizing Capital: A History of the International Monetary System(3rd ed.). Princeton University Press. pp. 124, 127.doi:10.2307/j.ctvd58rxg.ISBN978-0-691-19390-8.JSTORj.ctvd58rxg.S2CID240840930.
  7. ^Eichengreen, Barry (11 June 2021)."The Big Float".Project Syndicate.Retrieved9 August2021.
  8. ^McMahon, Tim (30 May 2014)."Oil, Petrodollars and Gold" May2024.
  9. ^John Maynard Keynes,Economic Consequences of the Peace. MacMillan: 1920.
  10. ^Hudson, Michael(2003). "5".Super Imperialism: The Origin and Fundamentals of U.S. World Dominance(2nd ed.). London and Sterling, VA: Pluto Press.
  11. ^Charles Kindleberger,The World in Depression. UC Press, 1973
  12. ^Ahamed, Liaquat. Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World. New York: Penguin Press, 2009
  13. ^Keynes, John Maynard. "Economic Consequences of Mr. Churchill (1925)" in Essays in Persuasion, edited by Donald Moggridge. 2010 [1931].
  14. ^Skidelsky, Robert. John Maynard Keynes 1883–1946: Economist, Philosopher, The Statesman. London, Toronto, New York: Penguin Books, 2003.
  15. ^abBlock, Fred.The Origins of International Economic Disorder: A Study of United States International Monetary Policy from WW II to the Present.Berkeley: UC Press, 1977.
  16. ^abMarie Christine Duggan, "Taking Back Globalization: A China-United States Counterfactual Using Keynes' 1941 International Clearing Union" inReview of Radical Political Economy,Dec. 2013
  17. ^Helleiner, Eric.States and the Reemergence of Global Finance: From Bretton Woods to the 1990s.Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1994
  18. ^D'Arista, Jane (2009)."The Evolving International Monetary System".Cambridge Journal of Economics.33(4): 633–52.doi:10.1093/cje/bep027.
  19. ^Gardner, Richard. Sterling Dollar Diplomacy: Anglo American Collaboration in the Reconstruction of Multilateral Trade. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1956.
  20. ^ "Review of Robert Skidelsky, John Maynard Keynes: Fighting for Britain 1937–1946".Brad Delong, Berkeley university. Archived fromthe originalon 14 October 2009.Retrieved14 June2009.
  21. ^Wang, Jingyi (2015).The Past and Future of International Monetary System: With the Performances of the US Dollar, the Euro and the CNY.Springer. p. 85.ISBN9789811001642.
  22. ^Uzan, Marc."Bretton Woods: The Next 70 Years"(PDF).Econometrics Laboratory - University of California, Berkeley.
  23. ^Hull, Cordell (1948).The Memoirs of Cordell Hull: vol. 1.New York: Macmillan. p. 81.
  24. ^Hofmann, Claudia (2008).Learning in Modern International Society: On the Cognitive Problem Solving Abilities of Political Actors.Springer Science & Business Media. p. 53.ISBN9783531907895.
  25. ^Frank, E R. (May 1946)."The Great Strike Wave and Its Significance"(PDF)
  26. ^Baruch to E. Coblentz, 23 March 1945, Papers of Bernard Baruch, Princeton University Library, Princeton, N.J quoted in Walter LaFeber,America, Russia, and the Cold War(New York, 2002), p. 12.
  27. ^Lundestad, Geir (September 1986). "Empire by Invitation? The United States and Western Europe, 1945–1952".Journal of Peace Research.23(3). Sage Publications, Ltd.: 263–77.doi:10.1177/002234338602300305.JSTOR423824.S2CID73345898.
  28. ^Ikenberry, G. John (1992). "A World Economy Restored: Expert Consensus and the Anglo-American Postwar Settlement".International Organization.46(1). The MIT Press: 289–321.doi:10.1017/s002081830000151x.JSTOR2706958.S2CID153410600.Knowledge, Power, and International Policy Coordination
  29. ^"Senior Official of the Bank of England (1944) InThe Bretton Woods Sequel will Flopby Gideon, Rachman "(PDF).Financial Times.11 November 2008. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 16 January 2014.Retrieved25 March2017.
  30. ^P. Skidelsky,John Maynard Keynes,(2003), pp. 817–20
  31. ^Prestowitz, Clyde(2003).Rogue Nation.Basic Books.ISBN9780465062799.
  32. ^Eichengreen, Barry (1996).Globalizing Capital.Princeton University Press.ISBN9780691002453.
  33. ^Prashad, Vijay (2008).The Darker Nations.The New Press. p.68.ISBN978-1595583420.
  34. ^Marie Christine Duggan (2013). "Taking Back Globalization: A China-United States Counterfactual Using Keynes' 1941 International Clearing Union" inReview of Radical Political Economy
  35. ^Conway, Ed (2014),The Summit: The Biggest Battle of the Second World War - fought behind closed doors,London: Little, Brown Book Group, p. 123,ISBN978-1408704929,archived fromthe originalon 10 June 2021,retrieved7 February2021
  36. ^Steil, Benn (8 April 2012)."Banker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy".The New York Times.Retrieved11 February2021.
  37. ^Helleiner, Eric.States and the Reemergence of Global Finance: From Bretton Woods to the 1990s.Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1994.
  38. ^Mason, Edward S.; Asher, Robert E. (1973).The World Bank Since Bretton Woods.Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution. pp. 105–07, 124–35.
  39. ^"Poland: Carnations".Time(9 February 1948).
  40. ^Raymond F. Mikesell."The Bretton Woods Debates: A Memoir, Essays in International Finance 192 (Princeton: International Finance Section, Department of Economics, Princeton University, 1994)"(PDF) fromthe original(PDF)on 18 June 2017.Retrieved25 March2017.
  41. ^"Money Matters, an IMF Exhibit – The Importance of Global Cooperation, System in Crisis (1959–1971), Part 4 of 7" September 2001.Retrieved25 March2017.
  42. ^"Wilson defends 'pound in your pocket'".BBC News.19 November 1967.
  43. ^Francis J. Gavin,Gold, Dollars, and Power – The Politics of International Monetary Relations, 1958–1971,The University of North Carolina Press (2003),ISBN0-8078-5460-3
  44. ^ab"Memorandum of discussion, Federal Open Market Committee"(PDF).Federal Reserve. 14 March 1968.
  45. ^United States Congress, Public Law 90-269, 18 March 1968
  46. ^Speech by Darryl R. Francis, President Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (12 July 1968)."The Balance of Payments, The Dollar, and Gold".Statements and Speeches of Darryl R. Francis. p. 7.
  47. ^Larry Elliott, Dan Atkinson (2008).The Gods That Failed: How Blind Faith in Markets Has Cost Us Our Future.The Bodley Head Ltd. pp.6–15, 72–81.ISBN978-1-84792-030-0.
  48. ^abcLaurence Copeland (2005).Exchange Rates and International Finance(4th ed.). Prentice Hall. pp. 10–35.ISBN0-273-68306-3.
  49. ^Gray, William Glenn (2007), "Floating the System: Germany, the United States, and the Breakdown of Bretton Woods, 1969–1973",Diplomatic History,31(2): 295–323,doi:10.1111/j.1467-7709.2007.00603.x
  50. ^Blanchard (2000), op. cit., Ch. 9, pp. 172–73, and Ch. 23, pp. 447–50.
  51. ^Mastanduno, M. (2008). "System Maker and Privilege Taker".World Politics.61:121.doi:10.1017/S0043887109000057.S2CID154088693.
  52. ^Eichengreen, Barry (2011).Exorbitant Privilege: The Rise and Fall of the Dollar and the Future of the International Monetary System.Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 61.ISBN9780199753789.
  53. ^Chace, J. (1998). Bretton woods ii? World Policy Journal, 15(1), 115-116.
  54. ^Dooley, M.; Folkerts-Landau, D.; Garber, P. (2009)."Bretton Woods II Still Defines the International Monetary System"(PDF).Pacific Economic Review.14(3): 297–311.doi:10.1111/j.1468-0106.2009.00453.x.S2CID153352827.
  55. ^George Parker, Tony Barber and Daniel Dombey (9 October 2008)."Senior figures call for new Bretton Woods ahead of Bank/Fund meetings".Archived fromthe originalon 14 October 2008.
  56. ^Joseph Stiglitz(7 May 2010)."The IMF's change of heart".Al Jazeera.Retrieved10 May2011.
  57. ^Passimsee especially pp. 11–122011 World Development Report fullPDFWorld Bank(2011)
  58. ^Passimsee especially pp. 11–12statement by World Bank director Sarah CliffeWorld bank to focus "much more investment in equitable job creation" (approx 5 mins into podcast)World Bank(2011)
  59. ^Georgieva, Kristalina; Washington, IMF Managing Director; DC."A New Bretton Woods Moment".IMF.Retrieved19 January2021.
  60. ^"USD exchange rates | Bank of England | Database"
  61. ^"Pacific Exchange Rate Service – Foreign Currency Units per 1 U.S. Dollar, 1950–2022"(PDF).FX Pages.Retrieved27 March2023.
  62. ^"Brief history of Norges Bank" fromthe originalon 1 July 2012.Retrieved25 March2017.
  63. ^Historical exchange rate data 1819–2003Archived4 March 2016 at theWayback Machine,Jan Tore Klovland, Norges Bank

Further reading

  • Fink, Leon.Undoing the Liberal World Order: Progressive Ideals and Political Realities Since World War II(Columbia UP, 2022)onlinepp 17-45.