Ceremonial ship launching

Ceremonial ship launchinginvolves the performing of ceremonies associated with the process of transferring a vessel to the water. It is a nautical tradition in many cultures, dating back millennia, to accompany the physical process with ceremonies which have been observed as public celebration and a solemn blessing, usually but not always, in association with the launch itself.

1908 launch of the Brazilian battleshipMinas Geraes
The U.S. Navy's futureUSSBillingsis launched sideways into theMenominee RiverinMarinette, Wisconsin

Ship launching imposes stresses on the ship not met during normal operation and in addition to the size and weight of the vessel represents a considerable engineering challenge as well as a public spectacle. The process also involvesmany traditions intended to invite good luck,such aschristeningby breaking a sacrificial bottle ofchampagneover thebowas the ship is named aloud and launched.[1]



There are three principal methods of conveying a new ship from building site to water, only two of which are called "launching". The oldest, most familiar, and most widely used is the end-on launch, in which the vessel slides down an inclinedslipway,usuallysternfirst. With the side launch, the ship enters the water broadside. This method came into use in the 19th century on inland waters, rivers, and lakes, and was more widely adopted during World War II. The third method isfloat-out,used for ships that are built in basins ordry docksand then floated by admitting water into the dock.[2]

If launched in a restrictive waterway, drag chains are used to slow the ship speed to prevent it striking the opposite bank.[3]


DestroyerUSSJohnston(DD-557)slipping into the water stern-first during her launch from theSeattle-Tacoma Shipbuilding Corporationshipyard on 25 March 1943
Stern-first launch of the battleshipUSSArizona(BB-39)in 1915 at theBrooklyn Navy Yard

Normally,waysare arranged perpendicular to the shore line (or as nearly so as the water and maximum length of vessel allows) and the ship is built with itssternfacing the water. Where the launch takes place into a narrow river, the building slips may be at a shallow angle rather than perpendicular, even though this requires a longer slipway when launching.[i]Modern slipways take the form of a reinforced concrete mat of sufficient strength to support the vessel, with two "barricades" that extend well below the water level taking into accounttidalvariations. The barricades support the two launch ways. The vessel is built upon temporary cribbing that is arranged to give access to the hull's outer bottom and to allow the launchways to be erected under the complete hull. When it is time to prepare for launching, a pair of standing ways is erected under the hull and out onto the barricades. The surface of the ways is greased. (Tallowandwhale oilwere used as grease in sailing ship days.)[4] A pair of sliding ways is placed on top, under the hull, and a launch cradle with bow and stern poppets is erected on these sliding ways. The weight of the hull is then transferred from the build cribbing onto the launch cradle. Provision is made to hold the vessel in place and then release it at the appropriate moment in the launching ceremony; common mechanisms include weak links designed to be cut at a signal and mechanical triggers controlled by a switch from the ceremonial platform.

On launching, the vessel slides backwards down the slipway on the ways until it floats by itself.[5]


Sideways launch of littoral combat shipUSSSt. Louis(LCS-19)in 2018

Some slipways are built so that the vessel is side-on to the water and is launched sideways. This is done where the limitations of the water channel would not allow lengthwise launching, but occupies a much greater length of shore.The Great Easterndesigned byBrunelwas built this way, as were manylanding craftduringWorld War II.This method requires many more sets of ways to support the weight of the ship.



Sometimes ships are launched using a series of inflated tubes underneath the hull, which deflate to cause a downward slope into the water. This procedure has the advantages of requiring less permanent infrastructure, risk, and cost. The airbags provide support to the hull of the ship and aid its launching motion into the water, thus this method is arguably safer than other options such as sideways launching.[6]These airbags are usually cylindrical in shape with hemispherical heads at both ends.




French ship of the lineFriedlandbeing launched stern first on 2 May 1810 inAntwerp

ABabyloniannarrative dating from the 3rd millennium BC describes the completion of a ship:[2]

Openings to the water I stopped;
I searched for cracks and the wanting parts I fixed:
Threesariof bitumen I poured over the outside;
To the gods I caused oxen to be sacrificed.[2]

It is believed that ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans called on their gods to protect seamen.[7]Favor was evoked from the monarch of the seas—PoseidoninGreek mythology,NeptuneinRoman mythology.Ship launching participants in ancient Greece wreathed their heads with olive branches, drank wine to honor the gods, and poured water on the new vessel as a symbol of blessing. Shrines were carried on board Greek and Roman ships, and this practice extended into the Middle Ages. The shrine was usually placed at thequarterdeck,an area which continues to have special ceremonial significance.[2]

Different peoples and cultures shaped the religious ceremonies surrounding a ship launching.JewsandChristianscustomarily used wine and water as they called upon God to safeguard them at sea. Intercession of the saints and the blessing of the church were asked by Christians. Ship launchings in theOttoman Empirewere accompanied by prayers toAllah,the sacrifice of sheep, and appropriate feasting.[2]

Chaplain Henry Teonge of Britain'sRoyal Navyleft an interesting account of a warship launch, a "briganteen of 23 oars," by theKnights of Maltain 1675:[2]

Two fryers and an attendant went into the vessel, and kneeling down prayed halfe an houre, and layd their hands on every mast, and other places of the vessel, and sprinkled her all over with holy water. Then they came out and hoysted a pendent to signify she was a man of war; then at once thrust her into the water.[2]

Early Modern Age

The side launch of French shipDuc de BourgogneatRocheforton 20 October 1751.

The liturgical aspects of ship christenings, or baptisms, continued inCatholiccountries, while theReformationseems to have put a stop to them for a time inProtestantEurope. By the 17th century, for example, English launchings were secular affairs. The christening party for the launch of the 64-gun ship of the linePrince Royalin 1610 included thePrince of Walesand famed naval constructorPhineas Pett,who was master shipwright at the Woolwich yard. Pett described the proceedings:[2]

The noble Prince… accompanied with the Lord Admiral and the great lords, were on thepoop,where the standing great gilt cup was ready filled with wine to name the ship SO soon as she had been afloat, according to ancient custom and ceremony performed at such times, and heaving the standing cup overboard. His Highness then standing upon the poop with a selected company only, besides the trumpeters, with a great deal of expression of princely joy, and with the ceremony of drinking in the standing cup, threw all the wine forwards towards the half-deck, and solemnly calling her by name of the Prince Royal, the trumpets sounding the while, with many gracious words to me, gave the standing cup into my hands.[2]

The "standing cup" was a large cup fashioned of precious metal. When the ship began to slide down the ways, the presiding official took a ceremonial sip of wine from the cup, and poured the rest on the deck or over the bow. Usually the cup was thrown overboard and belonged to the lucky retriever. As navies grew larger and launchings more frequent, economy dictated that the costly cup be caught in a net for reuse at other launchings. Late in 17th century Britain, the standing-cup ceremony was replaced by the practice of breaking a bottle across the bow.[2]

By country

The launch of Brazilian Navy battleshipMinas Geraesat Elswick on 10 September 1908

Launching could be said to mark the birth of a vessel; and people throughout history have performed launching ceremonies, in part to appeal for good fortune and the safety of each new vessel.[8]



In Canada,Aboriginal peopleswill perform ceremonies at the launching of vessels along with other methods of launching.



French ship launchings and christenings in the 18th and early 19th centuries were accompanied by unique rites closely resembling marriage and baptismal ceremonies. A godfather for the new ship presented a godmother with a bouquet of flowers as both said the ship's name. No bottle was broken, but a priest pronounced the vessel's name and blessed it with holy water.[2]



InIndia,ships have historically been launched with aPujaceremony that dedicates the ship to a Hindu god or goddess, and seeks blessings for her and her sailors. Historically,Hindupriests would perform thepujaceremony at launch. In the 20th century, ships were launched with a lady breaking acoconuton the bow of the vessel, which is sometimes followed by a smallPuja.[9]



Japanese ship launchings incorporate silver axes which are thought to bring good luck and scare away evil. Japanese shipbuilders traditionally order the crafting of a special axe for each new vessel; and after the launching ceremony, they present the axe to the vessel's owner as a commemorative gift.[8]The axe is used to cut the rope which tethers the ship to the place where she was built.[10]

United Kingdom

Eidsvoldlaunch card inTyne & Wear Archives & Museumscollection item 450/1, launched atElswick14 June 1900 for the Royal Norwegian Navy.

Sponsorsof British warships were customarily members of the royal family, senior naval officers, or Admiralty officials. A few civilians were invited to sponsor Royal Navy ships during the nineteenth century, and women became sponsors for the first time. In 1875, a religious element was returned to naval christenings byPrincess Alexandra,wife of thePrince of Wales,when she introduced an Anglican choral service in the launching ceremony for battleshipAlexandra.The usage continues with the singing ofPsalm 107with its special meaning to mariners:[2]

They that go down to the sea in ships;
That do business in great waters;
These see the works of the Lord, and His wonders in the deep.[2]

In 1969,Queen Elizabeth IInamed the ocean linerQueen Elizabeth 2after herself, instead of the older linerRMSQueen Elizabeth,by saying, "I name this shipQueen Elizabeth the Second.May God bless her and all who sail in her. "On 4 July 2014, the Queen named the Royal Navy's new aircraft carrierHMSQueen Elizabethwith a bottle ofsingle malt Scotch whiskyfrom the Bowmore distillery on the island ofIslayinstead of champagne because the ship had been built and launched in Scotland. TheDuchess of Rothesaysimilarly launchedHMSPrince of Walesby pulling a lever which smashed a bottle of single malt Scotch whisky at the side of the ship.

CalMac ferryGlen Rosalaunching atFerguson Marineshipyard on 9 April 2024.[11]

At the 2024 launching ofCalMacferryGlen Rosa,newly-qualified welder Beth Atkinson named the ship and pulled a lever to similarly smash a bottle, of single malt from the Ardgowan distillery at nearbyInverkip.[11]

Shipyard ephemera is a rich source of detail concerning a launch and this was often material produced for the audience of the day and then thrown away.Tyne & Wear Archives & Museumshas many of these items from Tyne and Wear shipyards. A number can be seen inCommons.The 1900 piece forEidsvoldreproduced in this article lists a woman performing the launch.

United States

Launching of theJohn W. Boardmancargo ship from the Toledo Shipyard, Toledo, Ohio, 1916

Ceremonial practices for christening and launching ships in theUnited Stateshave their roots in Europe. Descriptions are not plentiful for launchingAmerican Revolutionary Warnaval vessels, but a local newspaper detailed the launch of Continental frigateRaleighatPortsmouth, New Hampshire,in May 1776:[2]

On Tuesday the 21st inst. the Continental Frigate of thirty-two guns, built at this place... was Launched amidst the acclamation of many thousand spectators. She is esteemed by all those who are judges that have seen her, to be one of the compleatest ships ever built in America. The unwearied diligence and care of the three Master-Builders... and the good order and industry of the Carpenters, deserve particular notice; scarcely a single instance of a person's being in liquor, or any difference among the men in the yard during the time of her building, every man with pleasure exerting himself to the utmost: and altho' the greatest care was taken that only the best of timber was used, and the work perform'd in a most masterly manner, the whole time from her raising to the day she launched did not exceed sixty working days, and what afforded a most pleasing view (which was manifest in the countenances of the Spectators) this noble fabrick was completely to her anchors in the main channel, in less than six minutes from the time she run, without the least hurt; and what is truly remarkable, not a single person met with the least accident in launching, tho' near five hundred men were employed in and about her when run off.[2]

It was customary for the builders to celebrate a ship launching.Rhode Islandauthorities were charged with overseeing construction of frigatesWarrenandProvidence.They voted the sum of fifty dollars (equivalent to $1,300 in 2024) to the master builder of each yard "to be expended in providing an entertainment for the carpenters that worked on the ships." Five pounds (equivalent to $100 in 2024) was spent for lime juice for the launching festivities of frigateDelawareatPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania,suggesting that the "entertainment" included a potent punch with lime juice as an ingredient.[2]

No mention has come to light of christening a Continental Navy ship during the American Revolution. The first ships of the Continental Navy wereAlfred,Cabot,Andrew Doria,andColumbus.These were former merchantmen, and their names were assigned during conversion and outfitting. Later,Congressauthorized the construction of thirteen frigates, and no names were assigned until after four had launched.[2]

The first description that we have of an American warship christening is that ofConstitutionat Boston, October 21, 1797, famous as "Old Ironsides." Her sponsor was Captain James Sever, USN, who stood on the weather deck at the bow. "At fifteen minutes after twelve she commenced a movement into the water with such steadiness, majesty and exactness as to fill every heart with sensations of joy and delight." AsConstitutionran out, Captain Sever broke a bottle of fine oldMadeiraover the heel of thebowsprit.[2]

FrigatePresidenthad an interesting launching on April 10, 1800, at New York:[2]

Was launched yesterday morning, at ten o'clock, in the presence of perhaps as great a concourse of people as ever assembled in this city on any occasion. At nine, captain Ten-Eyck's company of artillery..., accompanied by the uniform volunteer companies of the sixth regiment and the corps of riflemen, marched in procession... and took their station alongside the frigate. Everything being prepared, and the most profound silence prevailing,... At a given signal she glided into the waters, a sublime spectacle of gracefulnes and grandeur. Immediately on touching the water federal salutes were fired from the sloop of warPortsmouth,the revenue cutterJayand theAspasia,Indiaman. These were returned by the uniform companies on shore, who fired afeu-de-joye,and marched off the ground to the battery... and were dismissed.[2]

As the 19th century progressed, American ship launchings continued to be festive occasions, but with no set ritual except that the sponsor(s) used some "christening fluid" as the ship received her name.[2]

Sloop of warConcordwas launched in 1828 and was "christened by a young lady of Portsmouth." This is the first known instance of a woman sponsoring a United States Navy vessel. The contemporaneous account does not name her.[12]The firstidentifiedwoman sponsor was Lavinia Fanning Watson, daughter of a prominent Philadelphian. She broke a bottle of wine and water over the bow ofsloop-of-warGermantownatPhiladelphia Navy Yardon August 22, 1846.[2]

Kate Lehrer, sponsor of the future USSWichita(LCS 13), breaks a bottle of champagne across LCS-13's bow during the ship's christening ceremony.

Women as sponsors became increasingly the rule, but not universally so. As sloop-of-warPlymouth"glided along the inclined plane" in 1846, "two young sailors, one stationed at each side of her head, anointed her with bottles, and named her as she left her cradle for the deep." As late as 1898, the torpedo boatMacKenziewas christened by the son of the builder.[2]

Wine is the traditional christening fluid, although numerous other liquids have been used.PrincetonandRaritanwere sent on their way in 1843 withwhisky.Seven years later, "a bottle of bestbrandywas broken over the bow of steam sloopSan Jacinto."Steam frigateMerrimackearned her place in naval history asConfederate States of AmericaironcladVirginia,and she was baptized with water from theMerrimack River.AdmiralDavid Farragut's famousAmerican Civil Warflagshipsteam sloopHartfordwas christened by three sponsors; two young ladies broke bottles ofConnecticut Riverwater andHartford, Connecticutspring water, while a naval lieutenant completed the ceremony with a bottle of sea water.[2]

Champagnecame into popular use as a christening fluid as the 19th century closed. A granddaughter ofSecretary of the NavyBenjamin F. Tracywet the bow ofMaine,the Navy's first steel battleship, with champagne at theNew York Navy Yardon November 18, 1890. The effects of nationalprohibitionon alcoholic beverages were reflected to some extent in ship christenings.CruisersPensacolaandHouston,for example, were christened with water; thesubmarineV-6with cider. However, battleshipCaliforniaappropriately received her name with California wine in 1919. Champagne returned in 1922, but only for the launch of light cruiserTrenton.[2]

First LadyNancy Reaganchristens the nuclear-powered aircraft carrierUSSRonald Reagan(CVN-76)on 4 March 2001

Rigid navalairshipsLos Angeles,Shenandoah,Akron,andMaconwere built during the 1920s and early 1930s, carried on theNaval Vessel Register,and each was formallycommissioned.The earliestFirst Lady of the United Statesto act as sponsor wasGrace Coolidgewho christened the airshipLos Angeles.Lou Henry HooverchristenedAkronin 1931, but the customary bottle was not used. Instead, the First Lady pulled a cord which opened a hatch in the airship's towering nose to release a flock of pigeons.[2]

Thousands of ships of every description came off the ways duringWorld War II,the concerted effort of a mobilized American industry. The historic christening and launching ceremonies continued, but travel restrictions, other wartime considerations, and sheer numbers dictated that such occasions be less elaborate than those in the years before the war.[2]

MinesweeperUSSPivot(AM-276)launched at the Gulf Shipbuilding Company,Chickasaw, Alabamain 1943.

On 15 December 1941, theUnited States Maritime Commissionannounced that all formal launching ceremonies would be discontinued for merchant ships being constructed under its authority, though simple informal ceremonies could continue without reimbursement to builders.[13]

In recent history, all U.S. Navy sponsors have been female. In addition to the ceremonial breaking of a champagne bottle on the bow, the sponsor remains in contact with the ship's crew and is involved in special events such as homecomings.[14]


  • SSDaphnesank moments after her launching at ashipyardinGovan,Glasgow, Scotland on 3 July 1883. AsDaphnemoved into the river, the anchors failed to stop the ship's forward progress. Thestarboardanchor moved only 6–7 yards (5.5–6.4 m), but the port anchor was dragged 60 yards (55 m). The current of the river caughtDaphneand flipped it onto itsportside, sinking it in deep water.[15]124 died including many young boys, some of whose relatives were there on shore.
  • HMSAlbionlaunched on 21 June 1898.[16][full citation needed]Albioncreated a wave with her entry into the water after theDuchess of Yorkchristened her. The wave caused a stage to collapse on which 200 people were watching; it slid into a side creek, and 34 people drowned, mostly women and children.[17][full citation needed]This was probably one of the first-ever ship launchings to be filmed.[18]
  • In 1907, the Italian ocean linerPrincipessa Jolandacapsized and sank upon launch.
  • In 2011, the luxury boat SSJiugangsank at launch inLanzhou, China.[19]

See also



  1. ^TheNational ShipyardsatChepstoware an example.
  1. ^Robert McNamara."History of Ship Christenings With Champagne".About.com Education.Archived fromthe originalon 14 September 2016.Retrieved23 September2013.
  2. ^abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzaa(This article includes material from "Ships of the United States Navy: Christening, Launching and Commissioning, Second Edition," which was prepared for and published by theNaval History Divisionof theDepartment of the Navy,Washington, D.C.,1975, and therefore is in the public domain as federal government work).Reilly, John C. (31 May 2001)."Christening, Launching, and Naming of U.S. Navy Ships".Naval History and Heritage Command. Archived fromthe originalon 11 June 2001.Retrieved5 June2013.
  3. ^Basic Ship Theory Volume 1, Fifth Edition Butterworth-Heinemann; 5 edition | November 21, 2001 |ISBN0750653965
  4. ^Walton Advertising and Printing Company, Boston.(1913).Some ships of the clipper ship era, Their builders, owners, and captains.Boston, MA: Printed for the State Street Trust Company. p. 18.
  5. ^Ship Was Safely Launched, February 1933, Popular Scienceslipway and launching of French passenger liner Normandie in 1933 – excellent drawing and illustrations showing basics of process
  6. ^"Ship Launching Airbags, the best ship launching method?".Max Groups Marine.25 October 2016.Archivedfrom the original on 17 April 2023.
  7. ^Frame, Chris (17 April 2024)."Why are Ship's Christened?".Chris Frame Official (Maritime Historian).Retrieved17 June2024.
  8. ^ab"Ripples in Time [ The Launching Ceremony and the Silver Axe ]".Seascope.No. 211. NYK Line. January 2005. Archived fromthe originalon 5 November 2005.
  9. ^"City News, Indian City Headlines, Latest City News, Metro City News".Archived fromthe originalon 31 May 2013.
  10. ^The Japanese were not the only ones to use an axe in launch ceremonies –see(a) British use of axe:"Recent Museum Acquisitions: Axe".Friends of the RN Submarine Museum.Archived fromthe originalon 13 July 2009;(b) Dutch use of axe:"Christening of the working boatVelsenbuilt on the heritage centre ".De Hoop Heritage Park, Uitgeest.30 August 2008. Archived fromthe originalon 20 July 2011.
  11. ^abWatson, Calum (8 April 2024)."New CalMac ferry Glen Rosa launches into River Clyde".BBC News.Retrieved12 April2024.
  12. ^Reilly, John C. (5 January 2021)."Christening, Launching, and Commissioning of U.S. Navy Ships".history.navy.mil.Retrieved18 April2016.
  13. ^"On the Ways: Launching Ceremonies to be Discontinued".Pacific Marine Review(January 1942): 99. 1942.Retrieved9 August2014.
  14. ^"Navy sponsors lift morale of Sailors, Marines".dcmilitary.com.Archived fromthe originalon 23 March 2005.
  15. ^"Sudden sinking of a steamship".The Scotsman.15 May 2006.Retrieved18 March2013.
  16. ^Burt, p. 141
  17. ^Burt, p. 159
  18. ^"Tales from the Shipyard".The Digital Fix.7 February 2011. Archived fromthe originalon 11 August 2016.Retrieved7 December2016.
  19. ^"Luxury boat" SS Jiugang "launch failure".Maritime Logistics Professional.12 October 2011. Archived fromthe originalon 20 September 2014.Retrieved7 December2016.

Further reading

  • Rodgers, SilviaThe symbolism of ship launching in the Royal Navy(1983) (PhD thesis)
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