Chinamaxis a standard ofshipmeasurements that allow conforming ships to use variousharbourswhen fully laden, the maximum size of such a ship being 24 m (79 ft)draft,65 m (213 ft)beamand 360 m (1,180 ft) length overall.[1][2]An example of ships of this size is theValemaxbulk carriers.

General characteristics
Length360 m (1,181 ft)
Beam65 m (213 ft)
Draft24 m (79 ft)
Comparison ofbounding boxof Chinamax with some other ship sizes in isometric view.

The standard was originally developed to carry very large loads ofiron oreto China fromBrazilianport facilities operated by mineral firmVale.[1][2]

Correspondingly, harbours and other infrastructure that are "Chinamax-compatible" are those at which such ships can readily dock.[1][2]UnlikeSuezmaxandPanamax,Chinamax is not determined bylocksorchannels,or bridges—the Chinamax standard is aimed atportprovisions and the name is derived from the massive dry-bulk (ore) shipments that China receives from around the globe.

In container shipping, recent classes intended for trade with China have allfocused on a ~400 meter length,which deep water container terminals can cater for.



See also



  1. ^abc "What are Chinamax Ships?".Marine Insight.2016-07-22.Retrieved2016-12-16.Brazil has been a key operator since the initial heydays of ore supplying operations to China with the Vale conglomerate strongly helping to address this demand. Although initially the most commonly utilised vessels to supply ores to the Oriental nation were the Capesize ships, in the year 2011, the company came up with its first purpose-built ore carrier ships, which came to be referred to as Chinamax ships and later on as Valemax ore carrying vessels.
  2. ^abc"The Ultimate Guide to Ship Sizes".Maritime Security Asia.2013-03-01. Archived fromthe originalon 2016-12-20.Retrieved2016-12-16.These vessels were initially custom built to cater between the Chinese port facilities and the South American nation of Brazil, though presently the development of appropriate harbor facilities have ensured their applicability beyond these two regions. Also commonly famous as Valemax vessels, Chinamax ships have a Dead Weight Tonnage (DWT) of up to 4,00,000 tonnes and measure about 360 meters lengthwise with a breadth of about 65 meters and a draft of about 25 meters.