Asemiorfull-automaticfirearmwhich is said to fire from aclosed boltorclosed breechis one where, when ready to fire, a round is in thechamberand theboltand working parts are forwardin battery.When the trigger is pulled, thefiring pinor striker fires the round; the action is cycled by the energy of the shot, sending the bolt to the rear, which extracts and ejects the emptycartridge case;and the bolt goes forward, feeding a fresh round from themagazineinto the chamber, ready for the next shot.

AHeckler & Koch G36,an example of a rifle that fires from a closed bolt

World War I aircraft


WhenWorld War Iera machine guns were being tried for use on aircraft, theLewis gunwas found not to be usable with agun synchronizerfor forward firing through the propeller, due to its firing cycle starting with anopen bolt.Maxim style arms fired with a cycle starting with a closed bolt, and since the bullet firing from the gun started the firing cycle, it was much easier to set the synchronizer to trigger the gun only when the propeller's blade was not directly in front of the gun's muzzle. These included:

Comparison with open bolt design


A closed bolt design has both advantages and disadvantages when compared to anopen boltdesign:


  • More accurate for the first round and for semi-automatic fire:
    • No movement of heavy working parts prior to firing to potentially inhibit accuracy.
    • Round sits consistently in the chamber.
    • Potentially shorter delay between operator pulling the trigger and round being fired (also known as lock time).
  • Cleaner operation – less potential for dust and other foreign debris to enter the gun, since the action remains closed unless the weapon is firing.
  • Action can be locked forward to further reduce noise in asuppressedweapon.
  • Can carry an additional round in the chamber, increasing ammunition capacity by one round beyond themagazine's maximum limit.


  • More complicated and expensive to manufacture.
  • Less heatdissipationfrom closed chamber (increased danger ofcooking off)
  • The extra round in the chamber can be a safety hazard, as even when the magazine is removed, the round in the chamber will still be ready to fire, and must be manually ejected.



Closed-bolt designs are often used inrifles.The improved accuracy of closed-bolt weapons is more desirable, while the poorer heat dissipation is less of an issue for slower-firing weapons. In contrast, open-bolt designs are more often used in automatic weapons, such asmachine guns.For fast-firing automatic weapons, heat will rapidly build up from sustained firing, but accuracy is of less importance. Thus, the improved heat dissipation of open-bolt designs is generally more desirable in automatic weapons.

Closed-bolt firearms


Examples of closed-bolt firearms include:

Mixed mode firearms


Examples of mixed mode firearms (capable of operating from either an open bolt or closed bolt) include:

See also



  1. ^Woodman, Harry (1997).Spandau Guns, Windsock Mini-Datafile No.10.Albatros Publications Ltd. pp. 2–3.ISBN0-948414-90-1.