Thecokernelof alinear mappingofvector spacesf:XYis thequotient spaceY/ im(f)of thecodomainoffby the image off.The dimension of the cokernel is called thecorankoff.

Cokernels aredualto thekernels of category theory,hence the name: the kernel is asubobjectof the domain (it maps to the domain), while the cokernel is aquotient objectof the codomain (it maps from the codomain).

Intuitively, given an equationf(x) =ythat one is seeking to solve, the cokernel measures theconstraintsthatymust satisfy for this equation to have a solution – the obstructions to a solution – while the kernel measures thedegrees of freedomin a solution, if one exists. This is elaborated inintuition,below.

More generally, the cokernel of amorphismf:XYin somecategory(e.g. ahomomorphismbetweengroupsor abounded linear operatorbetweenHilbert spaces) is an objectQand a morphismq:YQsuch that the compositionq fis thezero morphismof the category, and furthermoreqisuniversalwith respect to this property. Often the mapqis understood, andQitself is called the cokernel off.

In many situations inabstract algebra,such as forabelian groups,vector spacesormodules,the cokernel of thehomomorphismf:XYis thequotientofYby theimageoff.Intopologicalsettings, such as with bounded linear operators between Hilbert spaces, one typically has to take theclosureof the image before passing to the quotient.

Formal definition


One can define the cokernel in the general framework ofcategory theory.In order for the definition to make sense the category in question must havezero morphisms.Thecokernelof amorphismf:XYis defined as thecoequalizeroffand the zero morphism0XY:XY.

Explicitly, this means the following. The cokernel off:XYis an objectQtogether with a morphismq:YQsuch that the diagram

commutes.Moreover, the morphismqmust beuniversalfor this diagram, i.e. any other suchq′:YQcan be obtained by composingqwith a unique morphismu:QQ:

As with all universal constructions the cokernel, if it exists, is uniqueup toa uniqueisomorphism,or more precisely: ifq:YQandq′:YQare two cokernels off:XY,then there exists a unique isomorphismu:QQwithq'=uq.

Like all coequalizers, the cokernelq:YQis necessarily anepimorphism.Conversely an epimorphism is callednormal(orconormal) if it is the cokernel of some morphism. A category is calledconormalif every epimorphism is normal (e.g. thecategory of groupsis conormal).



In thecategory of groups,the cokernel of agroup homomorphismf:GHis thequotientofHby thenormal closureof the image off.In the case ofabelian groups,since everysubgroupis normal, the cokernel is justHmodulothe image off:

Special cases


In apreadditive category,it makes sense to add and subtract morphisms. In such a category, thecoequalizerof two morphismsfandg(if it exists) is just the cokernel of their difference:

In anabelian category(a special kind of preadditive category) theimageandcoimageof a morphismfare given by

In particular, every abelian category is normal (and conormal as well). That is, everymonomorphismmcan be written as the kernel of some morphism. Specifically,mis the kernel of its own cokernel:



The cokernel can be thought of as the space ofconstraintsthat an equation must satisfy, as the space ofobstructions,just as thekernelis the space ofsolutions.

Formally, one may connect the kernel and the cokernel of a mapT:VWby theexact sequence

These can be interpreted thus: given a linear equationT(v) =wto solve,

  • the kernel is the space ofsolutionsto thehomogeneousequationT(v) = 0,and its dimension is the number ofdegrees of freedomin solutions toT(v) =w,if they exist;
  • the cokernel is the space ofconstraintsonwthat must be satisfied if the equation is to have a solution, and its dimension is the number of independent constraints that must be satisfied for the equation to have a solution.

The dimension of the cokernel plus the dimension of the image (the rank) add up to the dimension of the target space, as the dimension of the quotient spaceW/T(V)is simply the dimension of the spaceminusthe dimension of the image.

As a simple example, consider the mapT:R2R2,given byT(x,y) = (0,y).Then for an equationT(x,y) = (a,b)to have a solution, we must havea= 0(one constraint), and in that case the solution space is(x,b),or equivalently,(0,b) + (x,0),(one degree of freedom). The kernel may be expressed as the subspace(x,0) ⊆V:the value ofxis the freedom in a solution. The cokernel may be expressed via the real valued mapW:(a,b) → (a):given a vector(a,b),the value ofais theobstructionto there being a solution.

Additionally, the cokernel can be thought of as something that "detects"surjectionsin the same way that the kernel "detects"injections.A map is injective if and only if its kernel is trivial, and a map is surjective if and only if its cokernel is trivial, or in other words, ifW= im(T).

