Acommander-in-chieforsupreme commander(supreme commander-in-chief) is the person who exercises supremecommand and controlover anarmed forceor amilitary branch.As a technical term, it refers to military competencies that reside in a country's executive leadership, ahead of state,head of government,or other designatedgovernment official.
While often used interchangeably, the title ofSupreme Commander–in–Chiefis technically different, since the two titles can be in use simultaneously. For example, in the case of theArmed Forces of Ukraine,thesupreme commander-in-chiefis thePresident of Ukraine,while thecommander-in-chiefis itsprofessional head(note that the word "supreme" is omitted in order to distinguish the two titles.)
editThe formal role and title of a ruler commanding the armed forces derives fromImperatorof theRoman Kingdom,Roman RepublicandRoman Empire,who possessedimperium(command and other regal) powers.[1]
In English use, the term was first used during theEnglish Civil War.[2]A nation'shead of state(monarchical or republican) usually holds the position of commander-in-chief, even if effective executive power is held by a separatehead of government.In aparliamentary system,theexecutive branchis ultimately dependent upon the will of thelegislature;although the legislature does not issue orders directly to the armed forces and therefore does not control the military in any operational sense.Governors-generaland colonial governors are also often appointed commander-in-chief of the military forces within their territory.
A commander in chief is sometimes referred to assupreme commander,which is sometimes used as a specific term. The term is also used for military officers who hold such power and authority, not always through dictatorship, and as a subordinate (usually) to a head of state (seeGeneralissimo). The term is also used for officers who hold authority over an individualmilitary branch,special branchor within atheatre of operations.[3]
Heads of state as commanders in chief
editThis includes heads of states who:
- Are chief executives with the political mandate to undertake discretionary decision-making, including command of the armed forces.
- Mostly ceremonial heads of state (constitutional monarchs, viceroys and presidents in parliamentary republics) with residual substantive reserve powers over the armed forces, acting under normal circumstances on the constitutional advice of chief executives with the political mandate to undertake discretionary decision-making.
editAccording to theConstitution of Albania,thepresident of the Republic of Albaniais the commander-in-chief ofAlbanian Armed Forces.
editUnder part II, chapter III, article 99, subsections 12, 13, 14 and 15, theConstitution of Argentinastates that thepresident of the Argentine Nationis the "Commander-in-chief ofall the armed forces of the Nation".It also states that the president is entitled to provide military posts in the granting of the jobs or grades of senior officers of the armed forces, and by itself on the battlefield; runs with its organization and distribution according to needs of the Nation and declares war and orders reprisals with the consent and approval of theArgentine National Congress.[4]
TheMinistry of Defenseis the government department that assists and serves the president in the management of the armed forces (Army,NavyandAir Force).[5]
editUnder chapter II of section 68 titledCommand of the naval and military forces,theConstitution of Australiastates that:
The command in chief of the naval and military forces of the Commonwealth is vested in the Governor-General as theQueen'srepresentative.[6][a]
In practice, however, the Governor-General does not play an active part in theAustralian Defence Force's command structure, and thedemocratically accountableAustralian Cabinet(chaired by thePrime Minister)de factocontrols the ADF. TheMinister for Defenceand several subordinate ministers exercise this control through theAustralian Defence Organisation.Section 8 of theDefence Act 1903states:
TheMinistershall have the general control and administration of the Defence Force, and the powers vested in theChief of the Defence Force,theChief of Navy,theChief of Armyand theChief of Air Forceby virtue of section 9, and the powers vested jointly in theSecretaryand the Chief of the Defence Force by virtue of section 9A, shall be exercised subject to and in accordance with any directions of the Minister.[9]
editAccording to theConstitution of Barbados,thepresident of Barbadosis the commander-in-chief ofBarbados Defense Force.Between 1966 and 2021, prior to the transition to a republican system, themonarch of Barbados,Queen Elizabeth II,was head of the Defense Force, with theGovernor-General of Barbadosas her viceroy. The president adopted these powers.
editFirst President Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was the Supreme Commander of all the Armed Forces of the Republic. In absence of him, then Vice President Syed Nazrul Islam was acting President and acting Supreme Commander of all the Armed Forces of the Republic.
The commander-in-chief ofBangladesh Armed Forcesis thepresident,although executive power and responsibility for national defense resides with theprime minister.This is discharged through theMinistry of Defence,headed by the minister of defence, which provides the policy framework and resources to the Armed Forces to discharge their responsibilities in the context of the defence of the country.
The first commander-in-chief, GeneralM. A. G. Osmani,duringBangladesh Liberation Warin 1971, who was commander of Muktibahini/Bangladesh Forces,reinstated to active duty by official BD government order, which after independence was gazetted in 1972. He retired on 7 April 1972 and relinquished all authority and duties to the president of Bangladesh.[10]
editThepresident of Belarusis the Commander-in-Chief of theBelarusian Armed Forces(Belarusian:Галоўнакамандуючы Узброенымі Сіламі Рэспублікі Беларусь).[11]The Belarusian commander in chief has an official uniform befitting of the rank, which the president wears on official occasion and ceremonies in relation to the military. The role of commander in chief is laid out in Article 28 of theConstitution of Belarus,which states that he/she has the authority to "appoint and dismiss the high command of the Armed Forces".[12]
editArticle 167 of theConstitution of Belgiumdesignates thekingas the commander-in-chief. In practice, theChief of Defenceis the head and commander of theBelgian Armed Forces.He reports directly to theMinister of Defenceand is responsible for advising the Minister, for the implementation of defence policy and for the administration of the department.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
editAccording to theConstitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina,the collectivePresidency of Bosnia and Herzegovinais the commander-in-chief of theArmed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina.In peace, the commander-in-chief exercises his command through theminister of defence.In war and in cases where the minister of defence is not fulfilling orders, the commander-in-chief exercises his command directly through theChief of Joint Staff.
editArticle 142 of theBrazilian Constitution of 1988states that theBrazilian Armed Forcesis under the supreme command of thepresident of the Republic.[13]
editThesultan of Bruneiis the commander-in-chief of theRoyal Brunei Armed Forces.
editThe powers of command-in-chief over theCanadian Armed Forcesare vested in theCanadian monarch,[14]and are delegated to thegovernor general of Canada,who also uses the titleCommander-in-Chief.[15]In this capacity, the governor general is entitled to the uniform of a general/flag officer, with the crest of the office and special cuff braid serving as rank insignia.
By constitutional convention, the Crown's prerogative powers over the armed forces and constitutional powers as commander-in-chief are exercised on the advice of theprime ministerand the rest ofCabinet,the governing ministry that commands the confidence of theHouse of Commons.According to theNational Defence Act,theMinister of National Defenceis responsible and accountable to theParliament of Canadafor all matters related to national defence and the Canadian Armed Forces.[16]
editAccording to theCroatian constitution,thepresident of Croatiais the commander-in-chief of theArmed Forces of the Republic of Croatia.There was originally a rank insignia and name for the position, known as "Vrhovnik". This was held by former PresidentFranjo Tudjmanand was abolished after his death. In peace, the commander-in-chief exercises his command through the minister of defence. In war and in cases where theminister of defenceis not fulfilling orders, the commander-in-chief exercises his command directly through the chief ofGeneral Staff.
editAccording to the1992 constitution,thepresident of the Czech Republicis the commander-in-chief of theArmed Forcesaccording to Article 63(1)(c), and appoints and promotes generals under Article 63(1)(f). The president needs thecountersignatureof theprime ministerfor decisions concerning the above-mentioned provisions as per Articles 63(3–4), or otherwise, they are not valid. The prime minister may delegate to other ministers the right to countersign these decisions of the president. The political responsibility for the Armed Forces is borne by theGovernment,which in Article 67 is defined as the "supreme body of executive power". According to Articles 39 & 43, theParliamentmust give consent to the dispatch of Czech military forces outside the territory of the Czech Republic.[17]
TheMinistry of Defenceis the central authority of the state administration for the control of the Armed Forces.[18]The actual day-to-day management is vested in the chief of the general staff, the Czechchief of defenceequivalent.[19]
editThe position of theDanish monarchas the head of the military is deeply rooted in tradition. While the1953 constitutiondoes not explicitly designate the monarch as commander-in-chief; it is implicit, given the general provision in article 12 and the more specific wording of article 19 (2): "Except for purposes of defence against an armed attack upon the Realm or Danish forces, the King shall not use military force against any foreign state without the consent of theFolketing.Any measure which the King may take in pursuance of this provision shall forthwith be submitted to the Folketing ".[20]
However, when reading the Danish Constitution, it is important to bear in mind that the kingin this context is understood by Danish jurists to be read as thegovernment(consisting of theprime ministerand other ministers). This is a logical consequence of articles 12, 13 and 14, all of which in essence stipulates that the powers vested in the monarch can only be exercised through ministers, who are responsible for all acts. Thus, the Government, in effect, holds the supreme command authority implied in articles 12 and 19(2).[21]
The Danish Defence Law (Danish:Forsvarsloven) designates in article 9 theminister of defenceas the supreme authority inDefence(Danish:højeste ansvarlige myndighed for forsvaret). Under the minister is thechief of defence,the senior-ranking professional military officer heading theDefence Command,who commands theArmy,theNavy,theAir Forceand other units not reporting directly to theMinistry of Defence.[22][23]
Dominican Republic
editAccording to theConstitution,Article 128, Section II, Title IV, thepresidentis the head of foreign policy, the civil administration and the commander-in-chief of theArmed Forces,theNational Policeand all other state's security agencies.[24]
editInEgypt,thepresident of the Republicholds the ceremonial title of Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. A member of the government, usually defence minister, is commander-in-chief of theEgyptian Armed Forces.The president is the only individual capable of declaring war. With the exception ofMohamed Morsi,who briefly served as president from 2012 to 2013, all Egyptian presidents have been former military officers. During theYom Kippur War,the president played a major role at all levels of the planning of the war, and was, in a literal sense, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, giving direct orders to the commanders from the headquarters during the war asfield marshalof thearmy,marshal of the air forceand air defence forces and admiral of thenavy.
editTheking of Eswatiniis the commander in chief of theUmbutfo Eswatini Defence Force.
editThepresident of Ethiopiais the Supreme Commander of the Ethiopian Armed Forces which is the ceremonial role that is limited to granting high military titles and awards. Theprime minister of Ethiopiais the commander-in-chief of theEthiopian National Defense Force.
editAccording to theFinnish constitution,thepresident of Finlandis the commander-in-chief of allFinnish military forces.In practice, the everyday command and control is in the hands of thechief of defenceand the commander of theFinnish Border Guard.The economic administration of theFinnish Defence Forceis the responsibility ofMinistry of Defence.The duty of the president is to decide upon[25]: §31
- main principles of the military defence of the realm
- principles of the execution of the military defence
- other military command matters with wide-ranging importance to the military activity or the military establishment
- any other military command issue that he wishes to decide upon
Since the constitutional reform of 2000, theminister of defencehas the right to be present when the president uses his command powers, unless the matter is of immediate concern. In questions of strategic importance, theprime ministerhas the same right.[25]: §32
The president commissions and promotes officers and decides on activating reservists for extraordinary service and on the mobilisation of the Defence Forces.[25]: §40 [26][27]: § 128.2 IfParliamentis not in session when a decision to mobilise is taken, it must be immediately convened.[27]: § 129 Declarations of a state of emergency (Finnish:valmiustila,literally, "state of preparedness" ) and state of war (Finnish:puolustustila,lit. "state of defence" ) are declared by a presidential decree, given after a motion by the government, which is then submitted to the Parliament for ratification.[28][29]
The president has, in a state of emergency, the right to transfer the position of the commander-in-chief to another Finnish citizen.[27]: § 129
editInFrance,thepresident of the Republicis designated as "Chef des Armées"(literally" Chief of the Armies ") under article 15 of theConstitution;the officeholder is as such the supreme executive authority in military affairs. Article 16 provides the president with extensiveemergency powers.[30]
However, owing to the nature of thesemi-presidential system,theprime ministeralso has key constitutional powers under article 21: "He shall be responsible for national defence" and has "power to make regulations and shall make appointments to civil and military posts".[30]
President of the RepublicNicolas Sarkozyand GeneralJean-Louis Georgelin,Chief of the Defence Staff,reviewing troops during the 2008Bastille Day military paradeon theChamps-ÉlyséesinParis.
Napoléon I,Emperor of the French,reviewing theImperial Guardat theBattle of Jena-Auerstedtin 1806.The Battle of JenabyHorace Vernet.
editSince the reign ofLouis XIV,France has been strongly centralised. After crushing local nobles engaged in warlord-ism, the kings of France retained all authority with the help of able yet discreet Prime ministers (Mazarin,Richelieu).
TheFrench Revolutiontransferred the supreme authority to the King (in the context of the short-lived constitutional monarchy), then to the multi-memberComité de Salut Publicduring theConvention,as well as later to theDirectoire,before being regained in the hands ofConsulNapoléon Bonaparte,laterEmperor Napoléon I,alone.
TheRestorationrestored the authority of the King, first in an absolute monarchy, then the constitutionalJuly MonarchyofLouis Philippe,before it was overthrown in turn by theSecond Republicand later theSecond EmpireofNapoleon III.
The followingThird Republicwas a parliamentary system, where the military authority was held by thepresident of the Council of Ministers,head of government, although the president, head of state, retained ceremonial powers. DuringWorld War I,the many visits to the trenches by the elder statesmanGeorges Clemenceauimpressed the soldiers and earned him the nicknameFather of Victory(French:Le Père de la Victoire).
DuringWorld War II,MaréchalPhilippe Pétainassumed power and held the supreme authority inVichy France,while GénéralCharles de Gaulle,acting on behalf of the previous regime, founded theFree French Forces,upon which he held supreme authority all through the war.
The following and short-livedFourth Republicwas a parliamentary system, which was replaced by the presentFifth Republic,asemi-presidential system.
editAccording to theConstitution of Ghana,thepresident of Ghanais the commander-in-chief of theGhana Armed Forces.He holds the rank ofField Marshal.
editAccording to the Guyanese constitution, the president is commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces. There is a rank insignia for the position.
editThesupreme commander of the Indian Armed Forcesis the principal commanding authority of theIndian Armed Forces,a position that is vested in thehead of state,[31]thepresident of the Republic,in accordance to Article 53 of theConstitution of India.[32]
The president exercises supreme command with accordance to the law. As commander in chief, the president has the power to declare war however they must subject to the approval of theParliament of India.The commander in chief also appoints the chiefs of each branch of the armed forces as well as theChairman Chiefs of Staff Committeewith the advice of theMinister of Defence.
Whilst the constitution names the president as thede jurecommander in chief, executive command authority is exercisedde factoby the prime minister and theirUnion Council of Ministers.
On 15 August 1947, each service was placed under its own commander-in-chief. In 1955, the three service chiefs were re-designated as thechief of the Army staff(rank ofgeneral), thechief of the naval staff(rank ofvice admiral) and thechief of the air staff(rank ofair marshal) with the president as the supreme commander. The chief of the air staff was raised to the rank ofair chief marshalin 1965 and the chief of the naval staff raised to the rank ofadmiralin 1968. Starting from 1 January 2020, all the three chiefs of staff report to the newly formedchief of defence staff.
editAccording to article 10 of theConstitution of Indonesia,thepresident of Indonesiaholds the supreme command of theIndonesian National Armed Forces.Day-to-day operations of the Armed Forces is handled by thecommander of the Armed Forces(Indonesian:Panglima TNI), a 4-star officer whom can be a general (Army/Marine), an admiral (Navy), or an air chief marshal (Air Force). The commander of the Armed Forces is appointed by the president from active chiefs of staff (Army,Navy,orAir Force) and must get approval from theHouse of Representatives.The chief of staff is also appointed by the president from senior military officers. The president as commander-in-chief also has authority in senior military officer mutation and promotion in tour of duty. Theminister of defensehas responsibility to assist the president in defense issues and create policies about authorization use of military force, manage defense budget, etc. According to article 11 of the Constitution, For authorization use of military forces or declaration of war, the president must get approval from House of Representatives. The commander of the Armed Forces gives recommendations to the minister of defense in creating national defense policies.
editBefore 1979, theshahwas the commander-in-chief in Iran. After the inception of the Islamic Republic, thepresident of Iranwas initially appointed that task, withAbolhassan Bani Sadrbeing the first commander-in-chief. However, Abolhassan Bani Sadr was impeached on 22 June 1981. It was after this event that the role of commander-in-chief of theArmed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iranwas given to theSupreme Leader of Iran.
editThe supreme commander of theDefence Forcesis thepresident of Ireland,[33]but in practice theminister for defenceacts on the president's behalf and reports to theGovernment of Ireland.[34]The minister for defence is advised by the Council of Defence on the business of theDepartment of Defence.[35]The Defence Forces are organised under the chief of staff, athree star officer,and are organised into three service branches, theArmy,Naval Service,andAir Corps.
editTheConstitution of Italy,in article 87, states that thepresident of the Republic: "is the commander of thearmed forcesand chairman of the supreme defense council constituted by law, although effective executive power and responsibility for national defence resides with the government headed by theprime minister;the president declares war according to the decision of theparliament".[36]
editChapter 131 of theConstitution of Kenyaidentifies thepresidentas the commander-in-chief of theKenya Defence Forcesand the chairperson of the National Security Council.[37]There is a rank for the position. The president appoints achief of general staff,known as theChief of the Kenya Defence Forces,who acts as the principal military adviser to the president and the National Security Council. The Chief of the Kenya Defence Forces is drawn from one of the branches of the Armed Forces, theKenya Army,theKenya Navyor theKenya Air Force.
editIn accordance with Article 42 of theConstitution of Latvia,thepresident of Latviais Commander-in-Chief of theLatvian National Armed Forces.The president may appoint a chief military commander in times of war.
editIn accordance with Article 41 of theFederal Constitution of Malaysia,theYang di-Pertuan AgongisSupreme Commander of the Malaysian Armed Forcesand holds the rank ofField Marshal.As such, he is the highest-ranking officer in the military establishment, with the power to appoint the Chief of Staff (on the advice of theArmed Forces Council). He also appoints the service heads of each of the three branches of the military.
The Federal Constitution establishes that the office of Supreme Commander is attached to the person of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong as the Federation's head of state:
- Federal Constitution, Article 41 - The Yang di-Pertuan Agong shall be the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Federation.
The Federal Parliament passed the Federal Armed Forces Act to consolidate in one law all regulations that govern the three services ( Army, Navy, and Air Force ). It establishes the function and duties of the Federal Head of State in the capacity as Supreme Commander.
editSection VI of Article 89 of theConstitutionstates that thepresident of the United Mexican Statesshall "Preserve national security, in accordance with the respective law, and dispose of the fullpermanent Armed Force,that is to say theArmy,theNavyand theAir Force,for the interior security and exterior defense of the Federation ".[38]
Both the Organic Law of the Mexican Army and Air Force and the Organic Law of the Mexican Navy clearly state the president of the Republic is "Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces". The President isex officiothe only five-star general of Mexico.[39][40]
The Constitution also grants the president freedom to appoint and remove thesecretary of the Navyand thesecretary of national defense.
New Zealand
editBoth theMonarch of New Zealandand their representative, thegovernor-general,constitutionally serve as the supreme authority in defence matters in New Zealand.[41]The position of commander-in-chief is vested in the sovereign by the constitution. In practice however, the position of the commander-in-chief is largely ceremonial, with the governor-general primarily serving as a "patron of the New Zealand Defence Force".[42]The governor-general exercises their authority as commander-in-chief on the advice of the minister of defence or other ministers of theNew Zealand Government.[41][43]
TheLetter Patents 1983consolidated the roles of governor-general and commander-in-chief into one office, with its compounded title being theGovernor-General and Commander-in-Chief.[44]The governor-general's is statutorily defined in theDefence Act 1990.[45]Sections five and six of theDefence Act 1990outlines the governor-general's authority to raise and maintain armed forces.[43]
editIn accordance with theNigerian Constitution,the president ofNigeriais the commander-in-chief of theNigerian Armed Forces.
editHarald V,King ofNorway,officially retains executive power. Article 25 of the constitution states: "The King is commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the realm"
However, following the introduction of a parliamentary system of government, the duties of themonarchhave since become strictly representative and ceremonial, such as the formal appointment and dismissal of the prime minister and other ministers in the executive government. Accordingly, the Monarch is commander-in-chief of theNorwegian Armed Forces,and serves as chief diplomatic official abroad and as a symbol of unity.
editInPakistan,before the1973 Constitution,the head of the army, was known as theCommander-in-Chief of the Pakistan Army,heads of the navy and the air force were also titled as "Commander-in-Chief".[46]The head of army term was replaced to "Chief of Army Staff"on 20 March 1972 during military reforms: 62 [47]The chief of staff is a four-star officer whose term is 3 years, but can be extended or renewed once. After 1973 constitution The chief of Army/Air/Naval staff is chosen by theprime minister of Pakistanand appointed by thepresident of Pakistanas commander in chief ofPakistan Armed Forces. So, thepresident of Pakistanis the commander-in-chief.
editThepresident of the Philippinesis bothhead of stateandhead of government,and is mandated by Article VII, Section 18 of the1987 Constitutionto be commander-in-chief of theArmed Forces.[48]
editThepresident of Polandis the supreme commander (Polish:najwyższy zwierzchnik) of thePolish Armed Forcesaccording to theConstitutionand in times of peace exercises their authority throughMinister of National Defence.However, the art. 134 ust. 4 of the constitution states:[49]
The President of the Republic, for a period of war, shall appoint the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces on request of the Prime Minister. He may dismiss the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces in accordance with the same procedure. The authority of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, as well as the principle of his subordination to the constitutional organs of the Republic of Poland, shall be specified by statute.
During theinterbellum period,theGeneral Inspector of the Armed Forceswas appointed the commander-in-chief for the time of war (Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces). However, after the war this function ceased to exist—thus it is likely that if Poland formally participates in a war, thechief of the general staff of the Polish Armed Forceswill be appointed supreme commander.
editThepresident of the Portuguese Republicis the constitutional supreme commander of theArmed Forces(inPortuguese:Comandante Supremo das Forças Armadas). However, the operational command is delegated in thechief of the general staff of the Armed Forces.
In the Portuguese military parlance, the term "Commander-in-Chief" (in Portuguese:comandante-em-chefeor simplycomandante-chefe) refers to the unified military commander of all the land, naval and air forces in a theater of operations.
editAccording to theConstitution of the Russian Federation,(Chapter 4, Article 87, Section 1) thepresidentis theSupreme Commander-in-Chiefof theArmed Forces.[51]The president approves themilitary doctrineand appoints thedefense ministerand thechiefand other members of thegeneral staff.[52]
TheRussian Armed Forcesis divided into three services: theRussian Ground Forces,theRussian Navy,and theRussian Aerospace Forces.In addition there are two independentarms of service:Strategic Missile Troops,and theRussian Airborne Forces.The Air Defence Troops, the formerSoviet Air Defence Forces,have been subordinated into the Air Force since 1998.
editAccording to theConstitution of Rwanda,Thepresident of Rwandais the commander-in-chief ofRwanda Defence Forces.
Saudi Arabia
editArticle 60 of theBasic Law of Saudi Arabiastates: "TheKingis the commander-in-chief of all the Military Forces. He appoints officers and puts an end to their duties in accordance with the law. "
Article 61 further states: "The King declares a state of emergency, general mobilization and war, and the law defines the rules for this."
Lastly, Article 62 states: "If there is a danger threatening the safety of the Kingdom or its territorial integrity, or the security of its people and its interests, or which impedes the functioning of the state institutions, the King may take urgent measures in order to deal with this danger And if the King considers that these measures should continue, he may then implement the necessary regulations to this end."
editIn accordance with the law, thepresident of Serbiais the commander-in-chief of Armed Forces and in command of the military. He appoints, promotes and recalls officers of theArmy of Serbia.[53]
editIn Slovenia, the commander-in-chief is formally thepresident of Slovenia.In peacetime, the role of commander in chief is usually assumed by the minister of defence.
South Africa
editChapter 11, section 202(1) of theConstitution of South Africastates that thepresident of South Africais the commander-in-chief of theSouth African National Defence Force.The constitution places conditions on when and how that power may be employed and requires regular reports to theParliament of South Africa.[54]
South Korea
editIn accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Korea, the commander-in-chief and the supreme authority on all military matters is thepresident of South Korea.
editAs with most remaining European monarchies, the position of the Spanish monarch as the nominal head of the armed forces is deeply rooted in tradition.
TheSpanish Constitution of 1978authorizes theKingin article 62 (h):
to exercise supreme command of theArmed Forces[55]
The king regularly chairs sessions of the National Security Council, the Joint Chiefs of staff and the individual general staffs of each branch of the Armed Forces in his capacity as supreme commander.
All promotions to military rank and positions in the high command of the armed forces are made by Royal decree signed by the king and the minister of defense
However, article 64 require that all official acts of the King must becountersigned,by thePresident of the Governmentor othercompetent minister,for them to become valid. This counter/signature is used to limit a possible abuse of power by any single individual.
This constitutional provision can and has been made the subject of an exception in crisis situations.
In 1981 the king as supreme commander of the armed forces assumed direct command in order to put down amilitary coup attempt.All members of the government were at that time trapped/held hostage in Parliament and were unable to counter sign the kings orders. This did not however result in those orders being ruled unenforceable or unconstitutional. The coup collapsed after the king ordered all army units to leave the streets and return to their barracks. Furthermore, article 97 stipulates that;
TheGovernmentshall conduct domestic and foreign policy, civil and military administration and the defence of the State[55]
No provision in the constitution requires the king/government to seek approval from theCortes Generalesbefore sending the armed forces abroad.[55]
Since 1984, thechief of the defence staffis the professional head of the armed forces and, under the authority of theminister of defence,is responsible for military operations and military organisation.
Sri Lanka
editAs head of state, thepresident of Sri Lanka,is nominally the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. TheNational Security Council,chaired by the president is the authority charged with formulating and executing defence policy for the nation. The highest level of military headquarters is theMinistry of Defence,since 1978 except for a few rare occasions the president retained the portfolio defence, thus being the minister of defence. The ministry and the armed forces have been controlled by the during these periods by either aminister of state,deputy ministerfor defence, and of recently thepermanent secretaryto the Ministry of Defence. Prior to 1978 theprime ministerheld the portfolio of minister of defence and external affairs, and was supported by aparliamentary secretaryfor defence and external affairs.
Responsibility for the management of the forces is Ministry of Defence, while the planning and execution ofcombined operationsis the responsibility of the Joint Operations Command (JOC). The JOC is headed by thechief of the defence staffwho is the most senior officer in the Armed Forces and is an appointment that can be held by anair chief marshal,admiral,orgeneral.The three services have their own respective professional chiefs: thecommander of the Army,thecommander of the Navyand thecommander of the Air Force,who have much autonomy.
editInSuriname,the constitution gives thepresident"supreme authority over the armed forces and all of its members".[56]
editAs stipulated in theConstitution of the Republic of China,thepresidentis also the commander-in-chief of theROC Armed Forces.
editThe "Head of the Thai Armed Forces" (Thai:จอมทัพไทย;RTGS:Chom Thap Thai) is a position vested in theThai monarch,[b]who as sovereign and head of state is the commander-in-chief of theRoyal Thai Armed Forces.[57]
editThepresident of Turkeyhas the constitutional right to represent the Supreme Military Command of theTurkish Armed Forces,on behalf of theGrand National Assembly of Turkey,and to decide on the mobilization of the Turkish Armed Forces, to appoint the chief of the general staff, to call theNational Security Councilto meet, to preside over the National Security Council, to proclaim martial law or state of emergency, and to issue decrees having the force of law, upon a decision of the Council of Ministers meeting under his/her chairmanship. With all these issues above written in theConstitution of Turkey,the executive rights are given to the president of the Republic of Turkey to be represented as the commander-in-chief of the nation.
editWhile thecommander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraineis the highest-ranking military officer (i.e. thechief of defence), thepresident of Ukraineis the constitutionalSupreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine[uk].
United Kingdom
editTheBritish monarchis the "Head of the British Armed Forces"[58]and has also been described as "Commander-in-Chief of the British Armed Forces".[59]Theprime minister(acting with the support of theCabinet) makes the key decisions on theuseof the armed forces.[60][61]The King, however, remains the ceremonial "ultimate authority" of the military, with officers and personnel swearingallegianceonly to the monarch.[62]
The term is also used for the military commander-in-chief of acommand(a region of military authority, sometimes combined with the civil office ofGovernorof a colony (now called aBritish Overseas Territory)), and for the naval commander-in-chief of astationof the Royal Navy, such as theNorth America and West Indies Station.
United States
editAccording toArticle II, Section 2, Clause I of the Constitution,thepresident of the United Statesis "Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of themilitiaof the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States. "[63]There have been 45presidents of the United States(countingGrover ClevelandandDonald Trumponce), but there have been 47commanders-in-chief of the United Statesdue to the fact thatDick CheneyandKamala Harriseach temporarily held the position ofacting presidentunder theTwenty-fifth Amendment.[64](George H. W. Bushwas also temporarily acting president but later was elected president.) Since the National Security Act of 1947, the commander-in-chief provision has been understood to mean allUnited States Armed Forces.U.S. ranks have their roots in British military traditions, with the president possessing ultimate authority, but no rank, maintaining a civilian status.[65] The exact degree of authority that the Constitution grants to the president as commander-in-chief has been the subject of much debate throughout history, with Congress at various times granting the president wide authority and at others attempting to restrict that authority.[66]
U.S. States
editIn U.S. States, thegovernoralso serves as the commander-in-chief of theNational Guard,State Militia,andState Defense Forces.In theCommonwealth of Kentucky,for example,KRS37.180[67]states:
The Governor shall be commander in chief of the Kentucky active militia, and the adjutant general shall be the executive officer and shall be responsible to the Governor for the proper functioning of the Kentucky active militia, and he is hereby authorized and empowered to take necessary action to perfect and maintain an efficient organization for the purposes herein set out. He shall have charge of all matters of administration and organization, which shall be in all respects, insofar as necessary and applicable, the same as that of the National Guard.
Similarly, Section 140 of Article 2 of the California Military and Veterans Code states:[68]
The Governor is commander in chief of a militia that shall be provided by statute. The Governor may call it forth to execute the law.
editTheUzbek presidentholds the constitutional position of Supreme Commander of theArmed Forces of Uzbekistan,according to theConstitution of Uzbekistan.In this capacity, the president give decisions on declaring war or martial law, the appointment of senior officials, and the development of the armed forces. In the event of an attack on the republic, the president announce a state of war and will submit within 72 hours a resolution for a plan of action to theOliy Majlis.When the country is in a wartime situation, theminister of defensewill serve in an official capacity as the deputy supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces, essentially assisting the president in his day-to-day activities and decisions regarding national security.[69]
editAccording to the Venezuelan constitution, the president is the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces. The office of the Venezuelan military supreme commander in chief has always been held by the president of Venezuela as per constitutional requirements. However, with a new law sanctioned in 2008, the "comandante en jefe" rank is not only a function attributed to the executive branch but a full military rank given to the president upon taking office. Upon assumption he receives a saber, epaulette, shoulder knot, shoulder board and sleeve insignia and full military uniform to be used in military events while performing the duties as president. The shoulder insignia mirrors Cuban practice but is derived from the German-styled officer rank insignia.
editThe commander-in-chief of the armed forces is thepresident of Vietnam,through his post as chairman of National Defense and Security Council. Though this position is nominal and real power is assumed by theCentral Military Commissionof theCommunist Party of Vietnam.The secretary of Central Military Commission (general secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnamex officio) is thede factocommander-in-chief.
Theminister of Defenceoversees operations of the Ministry of Defence, and theVietnam People's Army.He also oversees such agencies as theGeneral Staffand the General Logistics Department. However, military policy is ultimately directed by the Central Military Commission of the ruling Communist Party of Vietnam.
Other officeholders as commanders-in-chief or other situations
editTheprime minister of Armeniaholds the title of Supreme Commander in Chief of theArmenian Armed Forces(Armenian:Հայաստանի Զինված ուժերի գերագույն հրամանատար). The hereditary title and rank ofSparapet'(Armenian:սպարապետ) was a used to describe the supreme commander of the military forces of ancient and medievalArmenia.Since its introduction in the 2nd century BC, it is often used today to describe famous and high-ranking military officials. Notable Armenians to have held the title includeGaregin Nzhdeh,the supreme commander of theRepublic of Mountainous Armenia.[70]andVazgen Sargsyan,the two-timedefense minister of Armeniaand prime minister in the 1990s.[71]
editArticle 93 of theConstitution of the People's Republic of Chinastates the authority to direct the armed forces is invested to theCentral Military Commission of the People's Republic of China.The same article also states that thechairman of the Central Military Commissionassumes overall responsibility for the work of the Central Military Commission and that it is responsible to theNational People's Congressand itsStanding Committee.[72]There is also theCentral Military Commission of the Chinese Communist Partyunder the authority of theParty Central Committee.In practice, both commissions have identitical membership, except for a brief period between theParty Congressand theNational People's Congress,and are practically the same institutution under the system of "one institution, two names".
Furthermore, Article 80 gives thepresident of the People's Republic of China(in addition to ceremonialhead of stateduties) the power to proclaim martial law, proclaim a state of war, and to issue mobilisation orders upon the decision of National People's Congress and its Standing Committee.[72]
The state president and the CMC chairman are distinctly separate state offices and they have not always been held by the same persons. However, beginning in 1993, during the tenure ofJiang ZeminasGeneral Secretary of the Communist Partyand CMC chairman, it has been standard practice to have the offices of the CCP general secretary, president, and the CMC chairman to benormally held by the same person;although the slight differences in the start and end of terms for those respective offices means that there is some overlap between an occupant and his predecessor.
Hong Kong
editWhenHong Kongwasunder British authority,thecivilian governorwas theex officiocommander-in-chief of theBritish Forces Overseas Hong Kong.After the territory'shandoverto the People's Republic of China in 1997, the commanders of thePeople's Liberation ArmyHong Kong Garrisonare PLA personnel frommainland Chinaand commanded by the CMC.
editThe1995 Constitutiondesignates theprime minister of Ethiopiaas "Commander-in-Chief of thenational armed forces"in Article 74(1).[73]
edit- Federal Republic of Germany (1956–present)
Upon the re-militarization ofWest Germanyin 1955, when it joinedNATO,theBasic Law for the Federal Republic of Germanywas amended in 1956 to include constitutional provisions for the command of the armed forces.
- In peacetime, under Article 65a, thefederal minister of defence(German:Bundesminister der Verteidigung) holds the supreme command authority (German:Inhaber der Befehls- und Kommandogewalt - IBuK) over theBundeswehr.[74]
- If theBundestagdeclares thestate of defence(German:Verteidigungsfall), theFederal Chancellor,under Article 115b, assumes the command authority over the armed forces.[74]As of 2023[update],this has never happened.
- Thepresident of Germanyhas thus no role in the command of the forces, although he continues to receive the ceremonial honors due to his position as ahead of state.
Placing the command authority over the armed forces directly with the responsible minister in charge of the military establishment breaks with the longstanding German constitutional tradition in both earlier monarchical and republican systems of placing it with thehead of state.The rationale was that in ademocraticparliamentary systemthe command authority should directly reside where it would be exercised and where it is subject to the parliamentary control of theBundestagat all times. By assigning it directly to the responsible minister, instead of with the Federal Chancellor, this also meant that military affairs is but one of the many integrated responsibilities of thegovernment;in stark contrast of earlier times when the separate division of the military establishment from the civil administration allowed the former to act as astate within a state(in contrast to the Federal Republic, theWeimar Republicbegan with theEbert–Groener pact,which kept the military establishment as an autonomous force outside the control of politics; the1925 electionofPaul von HindenburgasReichspräsident,surrounded by hiscamarillaand the machinations ofKurt von Schleicher,did little to reverse the trend).[75][76]
- East Germany (1960–1990)
Thelegislatureof theGerman Democratic Republic(GDR), theVolkskammer,enacted on 13 February 1960 theLaw on the Formation of the National Defense Council of the GDR,which established a council consisting of a chairman and at least 12 members. This was later incorporated into theGDR Constitutionin April 1968. TheNational Defense Councilheld the supreme command of theNational People's Army(including the internal security forces), and the council's chairman (usually theGeneral Secretaryof the rulingSocialist Unity Party) was considered the GDR's commander-in-chief.
The GDR joined with theFederal Republic of Germanyon3 October 1990,upon which the GDR's constitution and armed forces were abolished.
- German Reich (1871–1945)
During theKingdom of Prussia,German Empire,Weimar Republicand theNazi era,whoever was thehead of state—theking of Prussia/German emperor(under theConstitution of the Kingdom of Prussia/Constitution of the German Empire) to 1918, theReichspräsident(under theWeimar Constitution) to 1934, and theFührerfrom 1934 to 1945—was the head of the Armed Forces (German:Oberbefehlshaber:literally "Possessor of highest command" ).
Below the level of the head of state, eachmilitary branch(German:Teilstreitkraft) had its own head who reported directly to the head of state and held the highest rank in his service; in theReichsheer-Generalfeldmarschall,and in theReichsmarine-Grossadmiral.
After ChancellorAdolf Hitlerassumed power asFührer[77](after the death of PresidentPaul von Hindenburg), he would later grant his war minister,GeneralfeldmarschallWerner von Blomberg,the title of Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces in 1935, when conscription was reintroduced. However, in 1938 due to theBlomberg–Fritsch Affair,Hitler withdrew the commander-in-chief title, abolished the war ministerial post and assumed personal command of the Armed Forces. The war ministerial post was de facto overtaken by theOberkommando der Wehrmacht,which was headed byGeneralfeldmarschallWilhelm Keiteluntil theGerman surrender.
editAccording to Article 45 of theGreek Constitution,thepresidentis the head of theGreek Armed Forces,but their administration is exercised by thegovernment.[78]Theprime minister,theminister for national defenceand thechief of the general staffare the ones who command theArmed Forces.
editIn pre-warIraq, the commander-in-chief was the head of state, i.e. the president. In the currentconstitution,the commander-in-chief of theIraqi Armed Forcesis theprime minister,and thepresidentonly retains a ceremonial and honorary role of awarding medals and decorations on the recommendation of the commander-in-chief.[79]
editInIsrael,theapplicable basic lawstates that the ultimate authority over theIsrael Defense Forcesrests with theGovernment of Israel(chaired by theprime minister) as a collective body. The authority of the government is exercised by theminister of defenseon behalf of the Government. However, the commander-in-chief of the IDF is thechief of general staffwho, despite being subordinate to the minister of defense, holds the highest level of command within the military.[80]
editInJapan,prior to theMeiji Restorationthe role of the commander-in-chief was vested in theshōgun(the most militarily powerfulsamuraidaimyō). After the dissolution of theTokugawa shogunate,the role of the commander-in-chief resided with theEmperor of Japan.The present-dayconstitutionalrole of the emperor is that of a ceremonialfigurehead(Japanese Constitution calls it symbol) without any military role.
After Japan's move towards democracy, the position of commander-in-chief of theJapan Self-Defense Forcesis held by theprime minister of Japan.Military authority runs from the prime minister to the cabinet-levelminister of defenseof theJapanese Ministry of Defense.[81][82][83][84]
editThe Malta Armed Forces Act does not directly establish thepresident of Maltaas the supreme commander of the Armed Forces. However, Maltese law allows the president to raise by voluntary enlistment and maintain an armed force. Likewise, the law allows the president to issue orders in order to the administrate the armed forces.
The Armed Forces do not swear allegiance to the president of Malta, but rather to theRepublic of Malta.On this basis, there is no direct link between the head of state and the armed forces. For this reason, this link is mediated by the minister responsible for defence.
Nonetheless, the Presidential Palaces are guarded by the Armed Forces as a symbolic gesture of social cohesion.
editInMyanmar,theCommander-in-Chief of Defence Services(Tatmadaw) is thecommanding officernational military, a position vested in a military officer, not thepresident.The commander-in-chief is, however, a member of theNational Defence and Security Counciland reports to the president. The commander-in-chief is assisted in his/her role by theDeputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services.
editTheConstitution of the Netherlandsstates, in article 97, that "the Government shall have supreme authority over thearmed forces".Article 42 defines theGovernmentas theMonarchand the ministers, and that only ministers are responsible for acts of government. Article 45 further defines the ministers as constituting theCabinet,chaired by theprime minister,with "authority to decide upon overall government policy".[85][86]
Before the constitution change in 1983, the equivalent section stated that: "The King shall have supreme authority over the armed forces".Nevertheless, the role of the monarch as commander in chief was ceremonial as in most European constitutional monarchies.[86]As a consequence of being only part of the government, monarchs of the Netherlands do not hold a military rank. The current king of the NetherlandsWillem-Alexander of the Netherlandsresigned from his military ranks (equivalent to one-star general in all branches) upon becoming king in 2013. He has been provided withroyal insigniato show his lasting commitment to the armed forces, but these represent no formal rank.
Theminister of defencehas the primary ministerial responsibility for the armed forces, which are formally a part of theMinistry of Defence.[86]Thechief of defenceis the highest ranked professional military officer, and serves as an intermediary between the minister of defence and the Armed Forces, and is responsible to the minister for military-strategic planning, operations and deployment of the Armed Forces.[87]
North Korea
editArticle 47 of theRules of the Workers' Party of Koreastipulates that the Korean People's Army is "Revolutionary Armed Forces of theWorkers' Party of Korea"and"Korean People's Armyconducts all military and political activities under the leadership of the Party. "Article 30 invests commanding authority to theParty Central Military Commission,whoseex officiochair is theGeneral Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea.[88]
Article 103 of theConstitution of North Koreadesignates thePresident of the State Affairs Commission,as the country's head of state and commander-in-chief of the armed forces.[89]
Currently both offices are occupied byKim Jong Un.Since 2018, he started issuing orders in the name of the Chairman of the Central Military Commission, instead of the Supreme Commander.
editIn Sweden, with theOrdinance of Alsnöin 1280,nobleswere exempted from land taxation if they provided cavalrymen to the king's service. Following theSwedish War of Liberation(1521–23) from theKalmar Union,aGuards Regimentwas formed under the King and from there the modernSwedish Armyhas its roots. During the age of theSwedish Empire,several kings—Gustavus Adolphus the Great,Charles X Gustav,Charles XI&Charles XII—personally led their forces into battle. Under theInstrument of Government of 1809,which was in force until the currentInstrument of Government of 1974went into force on 1 January 1975; themonarchwas in §§ 14-15 explicitly designated as the commander-in-chief of theSwedish Armed Forces(Swedish:Högste befälhavare).[90]
At present, theGovernment(Swedish:Regeringen) as a collective body, chaired and formed by theprime minister of Sweden,holds the highestExecutive Authority,subject to the will of theRiksdag;and is thus the present day closest equivalent of a command-in-chief, although not explicitly designated as such.[91]The reason for this change was, apart from the fact that the king was since 1917 no longer expected to make political decisions without ministerial advice, that the new Instrument of Government was intended to be made as descriptive on the workings of the State as possible, and reflective on how decisions are actually made.Minister of JusticeLennart Geijerfurther remarked in the government bill that any continued pretensions of royal involvement in government decisions would be of a "fictitious nature" and "highly unsatisfactory".[92]
Certain government decisions regarding the Armed Forces (Swedish:Särskilda regeringsbeslut) may be delegated to theminister for defence,under the supervision of the prime minister and to the extent laid down in ordinances.[93]
To add to some confusion to the above, the title of the agency head of theSwedish Armed Forcesand highest ranked commissioned officer on active duty, is actually thesupreme commander of the Swedish Armed Forces(Swedish:Överbefälhavaren).[94]
However, the Monarch (as of presentKing Carl XVI Gustaf), is still a four-star general and admiralà la suitein theSwedish Army,NavyandAir Forceand is by unwritten convention regarded as the foremost head and representative of the Swedish Armed Forces.[95]The king has, as part of hiscourt,amilitary staff.The military staff is headed by a senior officer (usually a general or admiral, retired from active service) and is composed of active duty military officers serving asaidesto the king and his family.[96]
editSupreme authority over the military belongs to theFederal Council,which is the Swiss collegialhead of state.Notwithstanding the previous sentence, under theConstitution,the Federal Council can only, in the operational sense, command a maximum of 4,000 soldiers, with a time limit of three weeks of mobilisation.[97]For it to field more service personnel, theFederal Assemblymust elect aGeneral[97]who is given four stars.[98]Thus, the General is elected by the Federal Assembly to give him the same democratic legitimacy as the Federal Council.[97]
In peacetime, theArmed Forcesare led by theChief of the Armed Forces(Chef der Armee), who reports to the head of theFederal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sportsand to the Federal Council as a whole. The Chief of the Armed Forces has the rank ofKorpskommandantorCommandant de corps(OF-8inNATOequivalence).
In a time of declared war or national emergency, however, theFederal Assembly,assembled as theUnited Federal Assembly,specifically for the purpose of taking on thewar-time responsibilitieselect aGeneralas commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces under Article 168 of the Constitution. Whilst the General acts as the highest military authority with a high degree of autonomy, he is still subordinate to the Federal Council (See Articles 58, 60, 174, 177, 180 & 185).[99]The Federal Assembly retains the sole power to dismiss the General, but the General remains subordinate to the Federal Council by the council's ability to demobilise, thereby making the position of General redundant.[97]
Four generals were appointed in Swiss history, GeneralHenri Dufourduring theSwiss Civil War,GeneralHans Herzogduring theFranco-Prussian War,GeneralUlrich Willeduring theFirst World War,and GeneralHenri Guisanduring theSecond World War( "la Mob","theMobilisation"). Although Switzerland remained neutral during the latter three conflicts, the threat of having its territory used as a battlefield by the much bigger war parties of Germany and France required mobilization of the army.
See also
editWithinNATOand theEuropean Union,the termChief of Defence(CHOD) is usually used as a generic term for the highest-ranked office held by a professional military officer on active duty, irrespective of their actual title or powers.[100]
edit- ^Since September 2022, a reference to the Queen in a clause of the Constitution is now a reference toKing Charles III.[7]Section 2of the Constitution states that provisions referring to the Queen in the Act "shall extend to Her Majesty's heirs and successors".[8]
- ^Most recently held byKing Bhumibol Adulyadejuntil his death in October 2016, and now byKing Vajiralongkorn.
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