Thechimpanzee(/ɪmpænˈzi/;Pan troglodytes), also simply known as thechimp,is a species ofgreat apenative to the forests and savannahs oftropical Africa.It has four confirmed subspecies and a fifth proposed one. When its close relative thebonobowas more commonly known as the pygmy chimpanzee, this species was often called thecommon chimpanzeeor therobust chimpanzee.The chimpanzee and the bonobo are the only species in the genusPan.Evidence from fossils and DNA sequencing shows thatPanis asister taxonto thehuman lineageand is thushumans' closest living relative.

Temporal range:4–0Ma
Eastern chimpanzeeinKibale National Park,Uganda
CITESAppendix I(CITES)[3]
Scientific classificationEdit this classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Suborder: Haplorhini
Infraorder: Simiiformes
Family: Hominidae
Subfamily: Homininae
Tribe: Hominini
Genus: Pan
P. troglodytes
Binomial name
Pan troglodytes
Distribution of subspecies
Pan troglodytes verus
P. t. ellioti
P. t. troglodytes
P. t. schweinfurthii
  • SimiatroglodytesBlumenbach,1775
  • Troglodytes troglodytes(Blumenbach, 1776)
  • Troglodytes nigerE. Geoffroy,1812
  • Pan niger(E. Geoffroy, 1812)
  • Anthropopithecus troglodytes(Sutton,1883)

The chimpanzee is covered in coarse black hair but has a bare face, fingers, toes, palms of the hands, and soles of the feet. It is larger and more robust than the bonobo, weighing 40–70 kg (88–154 lb) for males and 27–50 kg (60–110 lb) for females and standing 150 cm (4 ft 11 in).

The chimpanzee lives in groups that range in size from 15 to 150 members, although individuals travel and forage in much smaller groups during the day. The species lives in a strict male-dominated hierarchy, where disputes are generally settled without the need for violence. Nearly all chimpanzee populations have been recordedusing tools,modifying sticks, rocks, grass and leaves and using them forhuntingand acquiring honey, termites, ants, nuts and water. The species has also been found creating sharpened sticks to spear small mammals. Itsgestationperiod is eight months. The infant is weaned at about three years old but usually maintains a close relationship with its mother for several years more.

The chimpanzee is listed on theIUCN Red Listas anendangeredspecies. Between 170,000 and 300,000 individuals are estimated across its range. The biggest threats to the chimpanzee are habitat loss, poaching, and disease. Chimpanzees appear in Western popular culture as stereotyped clown-figures and have featured in entertainments such aschimpanzees' tea parties,circus acts and stage shows. Although chimpanzees have been kept as pets, their strength, aggressiveness, and unpredictability makes them dangerous in this role. Some hundreds have been kept in laboratories for research, especially in the United States. Many attempts have been made to teach languages such asAmerican Sign Languageto chimpanzees, with limited success.


Taxnomic tree of apes, based on genome sequencing by The Chimpanzee Sequencing and Analysis Consortium. Figure from Yousaf et al. 2021,[4]adapted from Prado-Martinez et al. 2013.[5]

The English wordchimpanzeeis first recorded in 1738.[6]It is derived fromVilici-mpenze[7]orTshiluba languagechimpenze,with a meaning of "ape",[8]or "mockman".[9]The colloquialism "chimp" was most likely coined some time in the late 1870s.[10]The genus namePanderives from theGreek god,while thespecific nametroglodyteswas taken from theTroglodytae,a mythical race of cave-dwellers.[11][12]


The first great ape known to Western science in the 17th century was the "orang-outang"(genusPongo), the localMalayname being recorded in Java by the Dutch physicianJacobus Bontius.In 1641, the Dutch anatomistNicolaes Tulpapplied the name to a chimpanzee or bonobo brought to the Netherlands from Angola.[13]Another Dutch anatomist,Peter Camper,dissected specimens from Central Africa and Southeast Asia in the 1770s, noting the differences between the African and Asian apes. The German naturalistJohann Friedrich Blumenbachclassified the chimpanzee asSimia troglodytesby 1775. Another German naturalist,Lorenz Oken,coined the genusPanin 1816. The bonobo was recognised as distinct from the chimpanzee by 1933.[11][12][14]


Despite a large number ofHomofossil finds,Panfossils were not described until 2005. Existing chimpanzee populations in West and Central Africa do not overlap with the majorhuman fossilsites in East Africa, but chimpanzee fossils have now been reported from Kenya. This indicates that both humans and members of thePancladewere present in theEast African RiftValley during theMiddle Pleistocene.[15]

According to studies published in 2017 by researchers atGeorge Washington University,bonobos, along with chimpanzees, split from the human line about 8 million years ago; then bonobos split from the common chimpanzee line about 2 million years ago.[16][17]Another 2017 genetic study suggests ancient gene flow (introgression) between 200,000 and 550,000 years ago from the bonobo into the ancestors of central and eastern chimpanzees.[18]

Subspecies and population status

Foursubspeciesof the chimpanzee have been recognised,[19][20]with the possibility of a fifth:[18][21]


Genomic information
NCBIgenome ID202
Genome size3,323.27 Mb
Number ofchromosomes24 pairs

A draft version of the chimpanzee genome was published in 2005 and encodes 18,759 proteins,[28][29](compared to 20,383 in the human proteome).[30]The DNA sequences of humans and chimpanzees are very similar and the difference in protein number mostly arises from incomplete sequences in the chimpanzee genome. Both species differ by about 35 millionsingle-nucleotidechanges, five millioninsertion/deletionevents and variouschromosomal rearrangements.[31]Typical human and chimpanzee proteinhomologsdiffer in an average of only twoamino acids.About 30% of all human proteins are identical in sequence to the corresponding chimpanzee protein. Duplications of small parts ofchromosomeshave been the major source of differences between human and chimpanzee genetic material; about 2.7% of the corresponding modern genomes represent differences, produced by gene duplications or deletions[failed verification],since humans and chimpanzees diverged from their common evolutionary ancestor.[28][31]



Adult chimpanzees have an average standing height of 150 cm (4 ft 11 in).[32]Wild adult males weigh between 40 and 70 kg (88 and 154 lb),[33][34][35]and females weigh between 27 and 50 kg (60 and 110 lb).[36]In exceptional cases, certain individuals may considerably exceed these measurements, standing over 168 cm (5 ft 6 in) on two legs and weighing up to 136 kg (300 lb) in captivity.[a]

The chimpanzee is more robustly built than the bonobo but less than thegorilla.The arms of a chimpanzee are longer than its legs and can reach below the knees. The hands have long fingers with short thumbs and flat fingernails. The feet are adapted for grasping, and the big toe isopposable.The pelvis is long with an extendedilium.A chimpanzee's head is rounded with a prominent andprognathousface and a pronouncedbrow ridge.It has forward-facing eyes, a small nose, rounded non-lobed ears and a long mobile upper lip. Additionally, adult males have sharp canine teeth. Like all great apes, it has adental formulaof2.,that is, twoincisors,onecanine,twopremolars,and threemolarson both halves of each jaw. Chimpanzees lack the prominentsagittal crestand associated head and neck musculature of gorillas.[14][39]

Chimpanzee hand (left) compared to human hand

Chimpanzee bodies are covered by coarse hair, except for the face, fingers, toes, palms of the hands, and soles of the feet. Chimpanzees lose more hair as they age and develop bald spots. The hair of a chimpanzee is typically black but can be brown or ginger. As they get older, white or grey patches may appear, particularly on the chin and lower region.[14][39]Chimpanzee skin that is covered with body hair is white, while exposed areas vary: white which ages into a dark muddy colour in eastern chimpanzees, freckled on white which ages to a heavily mottled muddy colour in central chimpanzees, and black with a butterfly-shaped white mask that darkens with age in western chimpanzees.[40][41]Facial pigmentation increases with age and exposure to ultraviolet light. Females develop swelling pink skin when in oestrus.[14][39]

Chimpanzees are adapted for botharborealandterrestrial locomotion.Arboreal locomotion consists of vertical climbing andbrachiation.[42][43]On the ground, chimpanzees move both quadrupedally and bipedally. These movements appear to have similar energy costs.[44]As with bonobos and gorillas, chimpanzees move quadrupedally byknuckle-walking,which probably evolved independently inPanandGorilla.[45]Their muscles are 50% stronger per weight than those of humans due to higher content offast twitch muscle fibres,one of the chimpanzee's adaptations for climbing and swinging.[46]According to Japan'sAsahiyama Zoo,the grip strength of an adult chimpanzee is estimated to be 200 kg (440 lb),[47]while other sources claim figures of up to 330 kg (730 lb).[b]


Overnight nest in a tree

The chimpanzee is a highly adaptable species. It lives in a variety of habitats, including drysavanna,evergreenrainforest,montane forest,swamp forest,and drywoodland-savanna mosaic.[50][51]InGombe,the chimpanzee mostly usessemideciduousand evergreen forest as well as open woodland.[52]AtBossou,the chimpanzee inhabits multistage secondarydeciduous forest,which has grown aftershifting cultivation,as well asprimary forestand grassland.[53]AtTaï,it is found in the last remaining tropical rain forest in Ivory Coast.[54]The chimpanzee has an advancedcognitive mapof its home range and can repeatedly find food.[55]The chimpanzee builds a sleeping nest in a tree in a different location each night, never using the same nest more than once. Chimpanzees sleep alone in separate nests except for infants or juvenile chimpanzees, which sleep with their mothers.[56]


A mother with young eatingFicusfruit inKibale National Park,Uganda

The chimpanzee is anomnivorousfrugivore.It prefers fruit above all other food, but it also eats leaves, leaf buds, seeds, blossoms, stems,pith,bark, andresin.[57][58]A study inBudongo Forest,Uganda found that 64.5% of their feeding time concentrated on fruits (84.6% of which being ripe), particularly those from two species ofFicus,Maesopsis eminii,andCeltis gomphophylla.In addition, 19% of feeding time was spent on arboreal leaves, mostlyBroussonetia papyriferaandCeltis mildbraedii.[59]While the chimpanzee is mostlyherbivorous,it does eat honey, soil, insects, birds and their eggs, and small to medium-sized mammals, including other primates.[57][60]Insect species consumed include theweaver antOecophylla longinoda,Macrotermestermites,andhoney bees.[61][62]Thered colobusranks at the top of preferred mammal prey. Other mammalian prey includered-tailed monkeys,infant and juvenileyellow baboons,bush babies,blue duikers,bushbucks,andcommon warthogs.[63]

Despite the fact that chimpanzees are known to hunt and to collect both insects and other invertebrates, such food actually makes up a very small portion of their diet, from as little as 2% yearly to as much as 65 grams of animal flesh per day for each adult chimpanzee in peak hunting seasons. This also varies from troop to troop and year to year. However, in all cases, the majority of their diet consists of fruits, leaves, roots, and other plant matter.[58][64]Female chimpanzees appear to consume much less animal flesh than males, according to several studies.[65]Jane Goodalldocumented many occasions withinGombe Stream National Parkof chimpanzees and western red colobus monkeys ignoring each other despite close proximity.[56][66]

Chimpanzees do not appear to directly compete with gorillas in areas where they overlap. When fruit is abundant, gorilla and chimpanzee diets converge, but when fruit is scarce gorillas resort to vegetation.[67]The two apes may also feed on different species, whether fruit or insects.[61][62][68]Interactions between them can range from friendly and even stable social bonding,[69]to avoidance,[67][70]to aggression and even predation of infants on the part of chimpanzees.[71]

Mortality and health

Chimpanzee named "Gregoire" on 9 December 2006, born in 1944 (Jane Goodall sanctuary of Tchimpounga,Republic of the Congo)

The average lifespan of a wild chimpanzee is relatively short. They usually live less than 15 years, although individuals that reach 12 years may live an additional 15 years. On rare occasions, wild chimpanzees may live nearly 60 years. Captive chimpanzees tend to live longer than most wild ones, with median lifespans of 31.7 years for males and 38.7 years for females.[72]The oldest-known male captive chimpanzee to have been documented lived to 66 years,[73]and the oldest female,Little Mama,was nearly 80 years old.[74]

Leopardsprey on chimpanzees in some areas.[75][76]It is possible that much of the mortality caused by leopards can be attributed to individuals that have specialised in killing chimpanzees.[75]Chimpanzees may react to a leopard's presence with loud vocalising, branch shaking, and throwing objects.[75][77]There is at least one record of chimpanzees killing a leopard cub aftermobbingit and its mother in their den.[78]Four chimpanzees could have fallen prey tolionsatMahale Mountains National Park.Although no other instances of lion predation on chimpanzees have been recorded, lions likely do kill chimpanzees occasionally, and the larger group sizes of savanna chimpanzees may have developed as a response to threats from these big cats. Chimpanzees may react to lions by fleeing up trees, vocalising, or hiding in silence.[79]

The chimpanzee lousePediculus schaeffiis closely related to the human body louseP. humanus.

Chimpanzees and humans share only 50% of theirparasiteandmicrobespecies. This is due to the differences in environmental and dietary adaptations; human internal parasite species overlap more with omnivorous, savanna-dwelling baboons. The chimpanzee is host to thelousespeciesPediculus schaeffi,a close relative ofP. humanus,which infests human head and body hair. By contrast, the human pubic lousePthirus pubisis closely related toPthirus gorillae,which infests gorillas.[80]A 2017 study of gastrointestinal parasitesof wild chimpanzees in degraded forest in Uganda found nine species ofprotozoa,fivenematodes,onecestode,and onetrematode.The most prevalent species was the protozoanTroglodytella abrassarti.[81]


Recent studies have suggested that human observers influence chimpanzee behaviour. One suggestion is thatdrones,camera traps, and remote microphones should be used to record and monitor chimpanzees rather than direct human observation.[82][failed verification]

Group structure

Group in Uganda

Chimpanzees live in communities that typically range from around 15 to more than 150 members but spend most of their time traveling in small, temporary groups consisting of a few individuals. These groups may consist of any combination of age and sexes. Both males and females sometimes travel alone.[56]Thisfission–fusion societymay include groups of four types: all-male, adult females and offspring, adults of both sexes, or one female and her offspring. These smaller groups emerge in a variety of types, for a variety of purposes. For example, an all-male troop may be organised tohuntfor meat, while a group consisting of lactating females serves to act as a "nursery group" for the young.[83]

At the core of social structures are males, which patrol the territory, protect group members, and search for food. Males remain in their natal communities, while females generally emigrate at adolescence. Males in a community are more likely to be related to one another than females are to each other. Among males, there is generally a dominance hierarchy, and males are dominant over females.[84]However, this unusual fission-fusion social structure, "in which portions of the parent group may on a regular basis separate from and then rejoin the rest,"[85]is highly variable in terms of which particular individual chimpanzees congregate at a given time. This is caused mainly by the large measure of individual autonomy that individuals have within their fission-fusion social groups.[39]As a result, individual chimpanzees often forage for food alone, or in smaller groups, as opposed to the much larger "parent" group, which encompasses all the chimpanzees which regularly come into contact with each other and congregate into parties in a particular area.[83]

Alpha male chimpanzee atKibale National Park,Uganda.

Male chimpanzees exist in a lineardominance hierarchy.Top-ranking males tend to be aggressive even during dominance stability.[86]This is probably due to the chimpanzee's fission-fusion society, with male chimpanzees leaving groups and returning after extended periods of time. With this, a dominant male is unsure if any "political maneuvering" has occurred in his absence and must re-establish his dominance. Thus, a large amount of aggression occurs within five to fifteen minutes after a reunion. During these encounters, displays of aggression are generally preferred over physical attacks.[86][87]

Males maintain and improve their social ranks by forming coalitions, which have been characterised as "exploitative" and based on an individual's influence in agonistic interactions.[88]Being in a coalition allows males to dominate a third individual when they could not by themselves, as politically apt chimpanzees can exert power over aggressive interactions regardless of their rank. Coalitions can also give an individual male the confidence to challenge a dominant or larger male. The more allies a male has, the better his chance of becoming dominant. However, most changes in hierarchical rank are caused bydyadicinteractions.[86][89]Chimpanzee alliances can be very fickle, and one member may suddenly turn on another if it is to his advantage.[90]

Mutual grooming, removinglice

Low-ranking males frequently switch sides in disputes between more dominant individuals. Low-ranking males benefit from an unstable hierarchy and often find increased sexual opportunities if a dispute or conflict occurs.[88][90]In addition, conflicts between dominant males cause them to focus on each other rather than the lower-ranking males. Social hierarchies among adult females tend to be weaker. Nevertheless, the status of an adult female may be important for her offspring.[91]Females inTaïhave also been recorded to form alliances.[92]While chimpanzee social structure is often referred to aspatriarchal,it is not entirely unheard of for females to forge coalitions against males.[93]There is also at least one recorded case of females securing a dominant position over males in their respective troop, albeit in a captive environment.[94]Social groomingappears to be important in the formation and maintenance of coalitions. It is more common among adult males than either between adult females or between males and females.[89]

Males in Mahale National Park, Tanzania

Chimpanzees have been described as highly territorial and will frequently kill other chimpanzees,[95]although Margaret Power wrote in her 1991 bookThe Egalitariansthat the field studies from which the aggressive data came, Gombe and Mahale, used artificial feeding systems that increased aggression in the chimpanzee populations studied. Thus, the behaviour may not reflect innate characteristics of the species as a whole.[96]In the years following her artificial feeding conditions at Gombe, Jane Goodall described groups of male chimpanzees patrolling the borders of their territory, brutally attacking chimpanzees that had split off from the Gombe group. A study published in 2010 found that the chimpanzees wage wars over territory, not mates.[97]Patrols from smaller groups are more likely to avoid contact with their neighbours. Patrols from large groups even take over a smaller group's territory, gaining access to more resources, food, and females.[90][98]While it was traditionally accepted that only female chimpanzees immigrate and males remain in their natal troop for life, there are confirmed cases of adult males safely integrating themselves into new communities among West African chimpanzees, suggesting they are less territorial than other subspecies.[99]

Mating and parenting

Infant and mother

Chimpanzees mate throughout the year, although the number of females inoestrusvaries seasonally in a group.[100]Female chimpanzees are more likely to come into oestrus when food is readily available. Oestrous females exhibitsexual swellings.Chimpanzees arepromiscuous:during oestrus, females mate with several males in their community, while males have large testicles forsperm competition.Other forms of mating also exist. A community's dominant males sometimes restrict reproductive access to females. A male and female can form a consortship and mate outside their community. In addition, females sometimes leave their community and mate with males from neighboring communities.[101][102]Thesealternative mating strategiesgive females more mating opportunities without losing the support of the males in their community.[102]Infanticidehas been recorded in chimpanzee communities in some areas, and the victims are often consumed. Male chimpanzees practice infanticide on unrelated young to shorten the interbirth intervals in the females.[103][104]Females sometimes practice infanticide. This may be related to the dominance hierarchy in females or may simply be pathological.[91]

Inbreedingwas studied in a relatively undisturbed eastern bisexual chimpanzee community.[105]Despite an increased inbreeding risk incurred by females who do not disperse before reaching reproductive age, these females were still able toavoidproducing inbred offspring.[105]

Copulationis brief, lasting approximately seven seconds.[106]Thegestationperiod is eight months.[39]Care for the young is provided mostly by their mothers. The survival and emotional health of the young is dependent on maternal care. Mothers provide their young with food, warmth, and protection, and teach them certain skills. In addition, a chimpanzee's future rank may be dependent on its mother's status.[107][108]Male chimpanzees continue to associate with the females they impregnated and interact with and support their offspring.[109]Newborn chimpanzees are helpless. For example, their grasping reflex is not strong enough to support them for more than a few seconds. For their first 30 days, infants cling to their mother's bellies. Infants are unable to support their own weight for their first two months and need their mothers' support.[110]

When they reach five to six months, infants ride on their mothers' backs. They remain in continual contact for the rest of their first year. When they reach two years of age, they are able to move and sit independently and start moving beyond the arms' reach of their mothers. By four to six years, chimpanzees are weaned and infancy ends. The juvenile period for chimpanzees lasts from their sixth to ninth years. Juveniles remain close to their mothers, but interact an increasing amount with other members of their community. Adolescent females move between groups and are supported by their mothers in agonistic encounters. Adolescent males spend time with adult males in social activities like hunting and boundary patrolling.[110]A captive study suggests males can safely immigrate to a new group if accompanied by immigrant females who have an existing relationship with this male. This gives the resident males reproductive advantages with these females, as they are more inclined to remain in the group if their male friend is also accepted.[111]


Chimpanzees use facial expressions, postures, and sounds to communicate with each other. Chimpanzees have expressive faces that are important in close-up communications. When frightened, a "full closed grin" causes nearby individuals to be fearful, as well. Playful chimpanzees display an open-mouthed grin. Chimpanzees may also express themselves with the "pout", which is made in distress, the "sneer", which is made when threatening or fearful, and "compressed-lips face", which is a type of display. When submitting to a dominant individual, a chimpanzee crunches, bobs, and extends a hand. When in an aggressive mode, a chimpanzee swaggers bipedally, hunched over and arms waving, in an attempt to exaggerate its size.[113]While travelling, chimpanzees keep in contact by beating their hands and feet against the trunks of large trees, an act that is known as "drumming". They also do this when encountering individuals from other communities.[114]

Vocalisations are also important in chimpanzee communication. The most common call in adults is the "pant-hoot",which may signal social rank and bond along with keeping groups together. Pant-hoots are made of four parts, starting with soft" hoos ", the introduction; that gets louder and louder, the build-up; and climax into screams and sometimes barks; these die down back to soft" hoos "during the letdown phase as the call ends.[112][114]Grunting is made in situations like feeding and greeting.[114]Submissive individuals make "pant-grunts" towards their superiors.[91][115]Whimpering is made by young chimpanzees as a form of begging or when lost from the group.[114]Chimpanzees use distance calls to draw attention to danger, food sources, or other community members.[116]"Barks" may be made as "short barks" when hunting and "tonal barks" when sighting large snakes.[114]

Adult male eastern chimpanzee snatches a deadbushbuck antelopefrom a baboon inGombe Stream National Park.


When hunting small monkeys such as thered colobus,chimpanzees hunt where the forest canopy is interrupted or irregular. This allows them to easily corner the monkeys when chasing them in the appropriate direction. Chimpanzees may also hunt as a coordinated team, so that they can corner their prey even in a continuous canopy. During anarborealhunt, each chimpanzee in the hunting groups has a role. "Drivers" serve to keep the prey running in a certain direction and follow them without attempting to make a catch. "Blockers" are stationed at the bottom of the trees and climb up to block prey that takes off in a different direction. "Chasers" move quickly and try to make a catch. Finally, "ambushers" hide and rush out when a monkey nears.[117]While both adults and infants are taken, adult male colobus monkeys will attack the hunting chimps.[118]When caught and killed, the meal is distributed to all hunting party members and even bystanders.[117]

Male chimpanzees hunt in groups more than females. Female chimpanzees tend to hunt solitarily. If a female chimpanzee were to participate in the hunting group and catch a Red Colobus, it would likely immediately be taken by an adult male. Female chimpanzees are estimated to hunt ≈ 10-15% of a community's vertebrates.[119]


Human and chimpanzee skull and brain. Diagram byPaul GervaisfromHistoire naturelle des mammifères(1854).

Chimpanzees display numerous signs of intelligence, from the ability to remember symbols[120]to cooperation,[121]tool use,[122]and variedlanguage capabilities.[123]They are among species that have passed themirror test,suggestingself-awareness.[124]In one study, two young chimpanzees showed retention of mirror self-recognition after one year without access to mirrors.[125]Chimpanzees have been observed to use insects to treat their own wounds and those of others. They catch them and apply them directly to the injury.[126]Chimpanzees also display signs ofcultureamong groups, with the learning and transmission of variations in grooming, tool use and foraging techniques leading to localized traditions.[127]

A 30-year study atKyoto University'sPrimate Research Institutehas shown that chimpanzees are able to learn to recognise the numbers 1 to 9 and their values. The chimpanzees further show an aptitude foreidetic memory,demonstrated in experiments in which the jumbled digits are flashed onto a computer screen for less than a quarter of a second. One chimpanzee,Ayumu,was able to correctly and quickly point to the positions where they appeared in ascending order. Ayumu performed better than human adults who were given the same test.[120]

In controlledexperiments on cooperation,chimpanzees show a basic understanding of cooperation, and recruit the best collaborators.[121]In a group setting with a device that delivered food rewards only to cooperating chimpanzees, cooperation first increased, then, due to competitive behaviour, decreased, before finally increasing to the highest level through punishment and other arbitrage behaviours.[128]

Great apes showlaughter-like vocalisationsin response to physical contact, such as wrestling, play chasing, ortickling.This is documented in wild and captive chimpanzees. Chimpanzee laughter is not readily recognisable to humans as such, because it is generated by alternating inhalations and exhalations that sound more like breathing and panting. Instances in which nonhuman primates have expressed joy have been reported. Humans and chimpanzees share similar ticklish areas of the body, such as the armpits and belly. The enjoyment of tickling in chimpanzees does not diminish with age.[129]

Chimpanzees have displayed different behaviours in response to a dying or dead group member. When witnessing a sudden death, the other group members act in frenzy, with vocalisations, aggressive displays, and touching of the corpse. In one case chimpanzees cared for a dying elder, then attended and cleaned the corpse. Afterward, they avoided the spot where the elder died and behaved in a more subdued manner.[130]Mothers have been reported to carry around and groom their dead infants for several days.[131]

Experimenters now and then witness behaviour that cannot be readily reconciled with chimpanzee intelligence ortheory of mind.Wolfgang Köhler,for instance, reported insightful behaviour in chimpanzees, but he likewise often observed that they experienced "special difficulty" in solving simple problems.[132]Researchers also reported that, when faced with a choice between two persons, chimpanzees were just as likely to beg food from a person who could see the begging gesture as from a person who could not, thereby raising the possibility that chimpanzees lacktheory of mind.[133]

Tool use

Chimpanzees using twigs to dip for ants

Nearly all chimpanzee populations have been recorded using tools. They modify sticks, rocks, grass, and leaves and use them when foraging for termites and ants,[134]nuts,[134][135][136][137]honey,[138]algae[139]or water. Despite the lack of complexity, forethought and skill are apparent in making these tools.[122]Chimpanzees have used stone tools since at least 4,300 years ago.[140]

A chimpanzee from theKasakela chimpanzee communitywas the first nonhuman animal reported making a tool, by modifying a twig to use as an instrument for extracting termites from their mound.[141][142]At Taï, chimpanzees simply use their hands to extract termites.[122]When foraging for honey, chimpanzees use modified short sticks to scoop the honey out of the hive if the bees are stingless. For hives of the dangerousAfrican honeybees,chimpanzees use longer and thinner sticks to extract the honey.[143]

Chimpanzees also fish for ants using the same tactic.[144]Ant dipping is difficult and some chimpanzees never master it. West African chimpanzees crack open hard nuts with stones or branches.[122][144]Some forethought in this activity is apparent, as these tools are not found together or where the nuts are collected. Nut cracking is also difficult and must be learned.[144]Chimpanzees also use leaves as sponges or spoons to drink water.[145]

West African chimpanzees in Senegal were found to sharpen sticks with their teeth, which were then used to spearSenegal bushbabiesout of small holes in trees.[146]An eastern chimpanzee has been observed using a modified branch as a tool to capture asquirrel.[147]

Whilst experimental studies on captive chimpanzees have found that many of their species-typical tool-use behaviours can be individually learnt by each chimpanzees,[148]a 2021 study on their abilities to make and use stone flakes, in a similar way as hypothesised for early hominins, did not find this behaviour across two populations of chimpanzees—suggesting that this behaviour is outside the chimpanzee species-typical range.[149]


Hugo Rheinhold'sAffe mit Schädel( "Ape with skull" ),c. 1893

Scientists have attempted to teach humanlanguageto several species of great ape. One early attempt by Allen and Beatrix Gardner in the 1960s involved spending 51 months teachingAmerican Sign Languageto a chimpanzee namedWashoe.The Gardners reported that Washoe learned 151 signs, and had spontaneously taught them to other chimpanzees, including her adopted son,Loulis.[150]Over a longer period of time, Washoe was reported to have learned over 350 signs.[151]

Debate is ongoing among scientists such asDavid Premackabout chimpanzees' ability to learn language. Since the early reports on Washoe, numerous other studies have been conducted, with varying levels of success.[123]One involved a chimpanzee jokingly namedNim Chimpsky(in allusion to the theorist of languageNoam Chomsky), trained by Herbert Terrace ofColumbia University.Although his initial reports were quite positive, in November 1979, Terrace and his team, including psycholinguistThomas Bever,re-evaluated the videotapes of Nim with his trainers, analyzing them frame by frame for signs, as well as for exact context (what was happening both before and after Nim's signs). In the reanalysis, Terrace and Bever concluded that Nim's utterances could be explained merely as prompting on the part of the experimenters, as well as mistakes in reporting the data. "Much of the apes' behaviour is pure drill", he said. "Language still stands as an important definition of the human species." In this reversal, Terrace now argued Nim's use of ASL was not like humanlanguage acquisition.Nim never initiated conversations himself, rarely introduced new words, and mostly imitated what the humans did. More importantly, Nim's word strings varied in their ordering, suggesting that he was incapable ofsyntax.Nim's sentences also did not grow in length, unlike human children whose vocabulary and sentence length show a strong positive correlation.[152]

Human relations

In culture

Chimpanzee mask,Gio tribe,Liberia

Chimpanzees are rarely represented inAfrican culture,as people find their resemblance to humans discomforting. TheGio peopleof Liberia and theHemba peopleof the Congo make chimpanzee masks. Gio masks are crude and blocky, and worn when teaching young people how not to behave. The Hemba masks have a smile that suggests drunken anger, insanity or horror and are worn during rituals at funerals, representing the "awful reality of death". The masks may also serve to guard households and protect both human and plant fertility. Stories have been told of chimpanzees kidnapping and raping women.[153]

In Westernpopular culture,chimpanzees have occasionally been stereotyped as childlike companions,sidekicksorclowns.They are especially suited for the latter role on account of their prominent facial features, long limbs and fast movements, which humans often find amusing. Accordingly, entertainment acts featuring chimpanzees dressed up as humans withlip-synchronisedhuman voices have been traditional staples ofcircuses,stage showsand TV shows likeLancelot Link, Secret Chimp(1970–1972) andThe Chimp Channel(1999).[154]From 1926 until 1972,London Zoo,followed by several other zoos around the world, held achimpanzees' tea partydaily, inspiring a long-running series of advertisements forPG Tipstea featuring such a party.[155][156]Animal rightsgroups have urged a stop to such acts, considering them abusive.[157]

Poster for the 1931 filmAping Hollywood.Media like this relied on the novelty of performing apes to carry their gags.[154]

Chimpanzees in media include Judy on the television seriesDaktariin the 1960s and Darwin onThe Wild Thornberrysin the 1990s. In contrast to the fictional depictions of other animals, such as dogs (as inLassie), dolphins (Flipper), horses (The Black Stallion) or even other great apes (King Kong), chimpanzee characters and actions are rarely relevant to the plot. Depictions of chimpanzees as individuals rather than stock characters, and as central rather than incidental to the plot can be found inscience fiction.Robert A. Heinlein's 1947 short story "Jerry Was a Man"concerns agenetically enhancedchimpanzee suing for better treatment. The 1972 filmConquest of the Planet of the Apes,the third sequel of the 1968 filmPlanet of the Apes,portrays a futuristic revolt of enslaved apes led by the only talking chimpanzee,Caesar,against their human masters.[154]

As pets

Chimpanzees have traditionally been kept as pets in a few African villages, especially in theDemocratic Republic of Congo.InVirunga National Parkin the east of the country, the park authorities regularly confiscate chimpanzees from people keeping them as pets.[158]Outside their range, chimpanzees are popular asexotic petsdespite their strength and aggression. Even in places where keeping non-human primates as pets is illegal, the exotic pet trade continues to prosper, leading to injuries from attacks.[159]

Use in research

Hundreds of chimpanzees have been kept in laboratories for research. Most such laboratories either conduct or make the animals available for invasive research,[160]defined as "inoculation with an infectious agent, surgery or biopsy conducted for the sake of research and not for the sake of the chimpanzee, and/or drug testing".[161]Research chimpanzees tend to be used repeatedly over decades for up to 40 years, unlike the pattern of use of most laboratory animals.[162]Two federally funded American laboratories use chimpanzees: theYerkes National Primate Research CenteratEmory Universityin Atlanta, Georgia, and the Southwest National Primate Center in San Antonio, Texas.[163]Five hundred chimpanzees have been retired from laboratory use in the US and live inanimal sanctuariesin the US or Canada.[160]

A five-year moratorium was imposed by the US National Institutes of Health in 1996, because too many chimpanzees had been bred for HIV research, and it has been extended annually since 2001.[163]With the publication of thechimpanzee genome,plans to increase the use of chimpanzees in America were reportedly increasing in 2006, some scientists arguing that the federal moratorium on breeding chimpanzees for research should be lifted.[163][164]However, in 2007, the NIH made the moratorium permanent.[165]

Ham,the first great ape in space, before being inserted into hisMercury-Redstone 2capsule on 31 January 1961

Other researchers argue that chimpanzees either should not be used in research, or should be treated differently, for instance withlegal status as persons.[166]Pascal Gagneux, an evolutionary biologist and primate expert at theUniversity of California, San Diego,argues, given chimpanzees' sense of self, tool use, and genetic similarity to human beings, studies using chimpanzees should follow the ethical guidelines used for human subjects unable to give consent.[163]A recent study suggests chimpanzees which are retired from labs exhibit a form ofpost-traumatic stress disorder.[167]Stuart Zola, director of the Yerkes laboratory, disagrees. He toldNational Geographic:"I don't think we should make a distinction between our obligation to treat humanely any species, whether it's a rat or a monkey or a chimpanzee. No matter how much we may wish it, chimps are not human."[163]

Only one European laboratory, theBiomedical Primate Research CentreinRijswijk,the Netherlands, used chimpanzees in research. It formerly held 108 chimpanzees among 1,300 non-human primates. The Dutch ministry of science decided to phase out research at the centre from 2001.[168]Trials already under way were however allowed to run their course.[169]Chimpanzees including the femaleAihave been studied at thePrimate Research InstituteofKyoto University,Japan, formerly directed byTetsuro Matsuzawa,since 1978. 12 chimpanzees are currently[when?]held at the facility.[170]

Two chimpanzees have beensent into outer spaceasNASAresearch subjects.Ham,the first great ape in space, was launched in theMercury-Redstone 2capsule on 31 January 1961, and survived the suborbital flight.Enos,the third primate to orbit Earth after Soviet cosmonautsYuri GagarinandGherman Titov,flew onMercury-Atlas 5on 29 November of the same year.[171][172]

Field study

Feeding station at Gombe, whereJane Goodallused to feed and observe the chimpanzees

Jane Goodallundertook the first long-term field study of the chimpanzee, begun in Tanzania atGombe Stream National Parkin 1960.[173]Other long-term studies begun in the 1960s includeAdriaan Kortlandt's in the easternDemocratic Republic of the CongoandToshisada Nishida's inMahale Mountains National Parkin Tanzania.[174][175]Current understanding of the species' typical behaviours and social organisation has been formed largely from Goodall's ongoing 60-year Gombe research study.[96][176][177]


Chimpanzees have attacked humans.[178][179]In Uganda, several attacks on children have happened, some of them fatal. Some of these attacks may have been due to the chimpanzees being intoxicated (from alcohol obtained from rural brewing operations) and becoming aggressive towards humans.[180]Human interactions with chimpanzees may be especially dangerous if the chimpanzees perceive humans as potential rivals.[181]At least six cases of chimpanzees snatching and eating human babies are documented.[182]

A chimpanzee's strength and sharp teeth mean that attacks, even on adult humans, can cause severe injuries. This was evident after the attack and near death of formerNASCARdriver St. James Davis, who wasmauled by two escaped chimpanzeeswhile he and his wife were celebrating the birthday of their former pet chimpanzee.[183][184]Another example of chimpanzees being aggressive toward humans occurred in 2009 inStamford, Connecticut,when a 90-kilogram (200 lb), 13-year-old pet chimpanzee namedTravisattacked his owner's friend, who lost her hands, eyes, nose, and part of hermaxillafrom the attack.[185][186]

Human immunodeficiency virus

Two primary classes ofhuman immunodeficiency virus(HIV) infect humans: HIV-1 and HIV-2. HIV-1 is the more virulent and easily transmitted, and is the source of the majority of HIV infections throughout the world; HIV-2 occurs mostly in west Africa.[187]Both types originated in west and central Africa, jumping from otherprimates to humans.HIV-1 has evolved from asimian immunodeficiency virus(SIVcpz) found in the subspeciesP. t. troglodytesof southernCameroon.[188][189]Kinshasa,in the Democratic Republic of Congo, has the greatest genetic diversity of HIV-1 so far discovered, suggesting the virus has been there longer than anywhere else. HIV-2 crossed species from a different strain of HIV, found in thesooty mangabeymonkeys inGuinea-Bissau.[187]


Cameroonian chimpanzee at a rescue centre after its mother was killed by poachers

The chimpanzee is on theIUCN Red Listas anendangeredspecies. Chimpanzees are legally protected in most of their range and are found both in and outsidenational parks.Between 172,700 and 299,700 individuals are thought to be living in the wild,[2]a decrease from about a million chimpanzees in the early 1900s.[190]Chimpanzees are listed in Appendix I of theConvention on International Trade in Endangered Species(CITES), meaning that commercial international trade in wild-sourced specimens is prohibited and all other international trade (including in parts and derivatives) is regulated by the CITES permitting system.[3]

The biggest threats to the chimpanzee are habitat destruction,poaching,and disease. Chimpanzee habitats have been limited bydeforestationin both West and Central Africa. Road building has caused habitat degradation and fragmentation of chimpanzee populations and may allow poachers more access to areas that had not been seriously affected by humans. Although deforestation rates are low in western Central Africa, selective logging may take place outside national parks.[2]

Chimpanzees are a common target for poachers. In Ivory Coast, chimpanzees make up 1–3% ofbushmeatsold in urban markets. They are also taken, often illegally, for the pet trade and are hunted for medicinal purposes in some areas. Farmers sometimes kill chimpanzees that threaten their crops; others are unintentionally maimed or killed by snares meant for other animals.[2]

Infectious diseases are a main cause of death for chimpanzees. They succumb to many diseases that afflict humans because the two species are so similar. As the human population grows, so does the risk of disease transmission between humans and chimpanzees.[2]

See also


  1. ^One captive male, "Kermit", attained a height of 168 cm (5 ft 6 in) and a body weight of 82 kg (181 lb) when he was 11 years old.[37]As a fully grown adult, he weighed almost 136 kg (300 lb).[38]
  2. ^According to A. S. Vanesyan's "Anthropology" (2015), a study by "Vorden" (probably 'Worden' or 'Warden') reported that a 54 kg (119 lb) male chimpanzee squeezed 330 kg (730 lb) on a dynamometer, while an angry female squeezed 504 kg (1,111 lb) with both hands. Of the hundreds of human students who also participated in the experiment, only one could squeeze more than 200 kg (440 lb) with both hands.[48]The source is said to be "Jan Dembowskiy,The Psychology of Monkeys."[49]This study is listed in:Dembowski, J. (1946). "Psychology of Monkeys".The Chimpanzee: A Topical Bibliography(PDF)(2nd ed.). Warsaw: Ksrazka. p. 359. Archived fromthe original(PDF)on 20 July 2021.Retrieved19 March2021.


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  2. ^abcdefHumle, T.; Maisels, F.; Oates, J. F.; Plumptre, A.; Williamson, E. A. (2018) [errata version of 2016 assessment]."Pan troglodytes".IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.2016:e.T15933A129038584.doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-2.RLTS.T15933A17964454.en.Retrieved8 August2021.
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