Cyzicus(/ˈsɪzɪkəs/SIZ-ik-əs;Ancient Greek:Κύζικος,romanized:Kúzikos;Ottoman Turkish:آیدینجق,romanized:Aydıncıḳ) was an ancient Greek town inMysiainAnatoliain the currentBalıkesir ProvinceofTurkey.It was located on the shoreward side of the presentKapıdağ Peninsula(the classicalArctonnesus), atombolowhich is said to have originally been an island in theSea of Marmaraonly to be connected to the mainland in historic times either by artificial means or an earthquake.

Κύζικος(Ancient Greek)
آیدینجق(Ottoman Turkish)
Basreliefof a charioteer, late 6th century BC
Cyzicus is located in Turkey
Shown within Turkey
LocationErdek,Balıkesir Province,Turkey
Coordinates40°23′16″N27°52′14″E/ 40.387751°N 27.870445°E/40.387751; 27.870445
Abandoned11th century AD
PeriodsArchaic GreektoHigh Medieval
CulturesGreek,Ancient Roman,Byzantine
EventsSiege of Cyzicus

The site of Cyzicus, located on theErdekandBandırmaroads, is protected byTurkey'sMinistry of Culture.


Marble, 2nd quarter of the 2nd century BC. From Cyzicus
Cyzicus ruins inTurkey
Coin of Kyzikos, Mysia. Circa 550–500 BC
Coin of Cyzicus, minted in theAchaemenid Persian Empire.Obv:bearded Persian archer, testing arrow held in right hand, left hand holding bow, seated on atunny.Rev:Quadripartite incuse square. According to some numismatists, the archer may representPharnabazus II.The representation of the archer later became the canonical form used on thedrachmsof theParthian Empire
Electrumstater of Cyzicus, mid 4th century BC. On the obverse is a possible portrait ofTimotheos,wearing a victory wreath, with a tuna fish below.[1]
Ancient Greek Coin from Cyzicus dated circa 390-341/0 BC



The city was said to have been founded byPelasgiansfromThessaly,according to tradition at the coming of theArgonauts;later it received many colonies fromMiletus,allegedly in 756 BC, but its importance began near the end of thePeloponnesian Warwhen the conflict centered on the sea routes connecting Greece to the Black Sea. At this time, the cities of Athens and Miletus diminished in importance while Cyzicus began to prosper. Commander of the Athenian fleetAlcibiadesdefeated the Spartan fleet in a major naval engagement near Cyzicus known as theBattle of Cyzicusin 410 BC. Famed ancient philosopherEudoxus of Cnidusestablished a school at Cyzicus and went with his pupils to Athens, visitingPlato.Later he returned to Anatolia to his hometown ofCnidus,and died circa 350 BC.[2]The era ofOlympiadsin Cyzicus was reckoned from 135 or 139.

Owing to its advantageous position it speedily acquired commercial importance, and the goldstatersof Cyzicus were a staple currency in the ancient world till they were superseded by those ofPhilip of Macedon.[3]Its unique and characteristic coin, thecyzicenus,was worth 28 drachmae.

Cyzicus amphitheatre

During the Peloponnesian War (431–404 BC) Cyzicus was subject to theAtheniansandLacedaemoniansalternately. In the navalBattle of Cyzicusin 410 during thePeloponnesian War,an Athenian fleet routed and completely destroyed a Spartan fleet. At the peace ofAntalcidas(387 BC), like the other Greek cities in Asia, it was made over toPersia.[3]Alexander the Greatlater captured it from the Persians in 334 BC and was later claimed to be responsible for connecting the island to the mainland.

The history of the town inHellenistictimes is closely connected with that of theAttalidsofPergamon,with whose extinction it came into direct relations withRome.Cyzicus was held for the Romans against KingMithridates VI of Pontuswho besieged it with 300,000 men in 74 BC, theSiege of Cyzicus,but it withstood him stoutly, and the siege was raised byLucullus:the loyalty of the city was rewarded by an extension of territory and other privileges.[3]The Romans favored it and recognized its municipal independence. Cyzicus was the leading city of NorthernMysiaas far asTroas.

Cyzicus was a town of Mysia.

UnderTiberius,it was incorporated into theRoman Empirebut remained the capital ofMysia(afterwards,Hellespontus) and became one of the great cities of the ancient world.

There was a women's cult at Cyzicus worshiping the goddessArtemis,which was called Dolon (Δόλων).[4]



Cyzicus wascaptured temporarilyby the Arabs led byMuawiyah Iin AD 675. It appears to have been ruined by a series of earthquakes beginning in 443, with the last in 1063. Although its population was transferred toArtakebefore the 13th century when the peninsula was occupied by theCrusaders,[3]in 1324 the metropolitan of Cyzicus was one of three sees in Anatolia which was able to contribute a temporary annual subsidy to the Patriarchate of Constantinople. Following its conquest by the Ottomans it underwent hard times. From a point between 1370 and 1372 until 1387, the metropolitan was empty; Speros Vryonis speculates this was due to financial difficulties. Later in the 14th century, the sees ofChalcedonand certain patriarchal possessions in Bithynia and Hellespont were bestowed on the metropolitan of Cyzicus.[5]

In theOttoman era,it was part of thekaza of Erdekin theprovince of Brusa.

Ecclesiastical history


Cyzicus, as capital of theRoman provinceofHellespontus,was its ecclesiasticalmetropolitan see.In theNotitiae Episcopatuumof Pseudo-Epiphanius, composed in about 640, Cyzicus had 12suffragansees;Abydus,Baris in Hellesponto(between Sariköy and Biga),Dardanus,Germa in Hellesponto(ruins of Germaslu, Kirmasti, Girmas),Hadrianotherae(Uzuncia yayla),Ilium,Lampsacus,Miletopolis,Oca,Pionia(Avcılar),Poemanenum(Eskimanias),Troas.The province also included two autocephalous archiepiscopal sees:PariumandProconnesus.

Residential bishops


Cyzicus had a catalogue of bishops beginning with the 1st century;Michel Le Quienmentions fifty-nine.[6]A more complete list is found in Nicodemos, in the Greek "Office of St. Emilian" (Constantinople, 1876), 34–36, which has eighty-five names. Of particular importance are the famousAriantheologianEunomius of Cyzicus;Saint Dalmatius;bishopsProclusandGermanus,who became Patriarchs of Constantinople; and Saint Emilian, a martyr in the 8th century. Another saint who came from Cyzicus, SaintTryphaena of Cyzicus,is thepatron saintof the city.Gelasius,a historian ofArianism,who wrote about 475, was born at Cyzicus.[6][7]

  • George Kleidas,Metropolitan of Cyzicus in ca. 1253–61[8]
  • Theodore Skoutariotes,Metropolitan of Cyzicus in ca. 1277[9]
  • Daniel Glykys, Metropolitan of Cyzicus in 1285–89[10]
  • Methodius, Metropolitan of Cyzicus from 1289[11]
  • Niphon I,Patriarch of Constantinople in 1310–14, was Metropolitan of Cyzicus in 1303–10[12]
  • Athanasios, Metropolitan of Cyzicus in 1324–47[13]
  • Theodoretos,proedrosof Cyzicus in 1370–72[14]
  • Sebasteianos, Metropolitan of Cyzicus in 1381–86[15]
  • Matthew I,Patriarch of Constantinople in 1397–1410, was Metropolitan of Cyzicus in 1387–97[16]
  • Theognostos, Metropolitan of Cyzicus in 1399–1405[17]
  • Makarios, Metropolitan of Cyzicus in 1409[18]
  • Metrophanes II,Patriarch of Constantinople in 1440–43, was Metropolitan of Cyzicus in 1436–40[19]
  • Cyril IV,Patriarch of Constantinople in 1711–13, was Metropolitan of Cyzicus before that

Cyzicus remained a metropolitan see of theGreek Orthodox Churchuntil the 1923Convention Concerning the Exchange of Greek and Turkish Populationsemptied it of Greek Orthodox faithful, whether they spoke Greek or Turkish. The last bishop of the see died in 1932.[20][21][22]Today it is a titular metropolis of theEcumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.

Catholic titular see


Since 1885, theCatholic Churchlists Cyzicus as atitular see.[23]of the highest (Metropolitan) rank, but vacant since 1974. Titular metropolitans were:

  • John Baptist Lamy (1885.08.18 – 1888.02.13)
  • William Benedict Scarisbrick, O.S.B. (1888.09.08 – 1908.05.07)
  • José María Cázares y Martínez (1908.04.29 – 1909.03.31)
  • Johannes Fidelis Battaglia (1909.07.03 – 1913.09.10)
  • Simeón Pereira y Castellón (1913.12.02 – 1921.01.29)
  • Giacomo Sereggi (1921.10.14 – 1922.04.11)
  • Giuseppe Moràbito (1922.07.04 – 1923.12.03)
  • Antal Papp(1924.07.14 – 1945.12.24)
  • Manuel Marilla Ferreira da Silva (1949.05.29 – 1974.11.23)



The site amid the marshes of Balkiz Serai is known as Bal-Kiz and entirely uninhabited, though under cultivation. The principal extant ruins are the walls, dating from the fourth century, which are traceable for nearly their whole extent, and the substructures of the temple ofHadrian,[3]the ruins of a Roman aqueduct and a theatre.

The picturesqueamphitheatre,intersected by a stream, was one of the largest in the world. Construction for the amphitheatre began in the middle of the first century until the end of the third. Its diameter was nearly 500 feet (150 m) and it is located specifically at these coordinates40°23′54″N27°53′04″E/ 40.398213°N 27.884552°E/40.398213; 27.884552(Cyzicus)within the region of Cyzicus. Of this magnificent building, sometimes ranked among the seven wonders of the ancient world, thirty-one immense columns still stood erect in 1444. These have since been carried away piecemeal for building purposes.[3]

The colossal foundations of the temple dedicated to the EmperorHadrianare still visible: the columns were 21.35 metres high (about 70 feet), while the highest known elsewhere, those atBaalbekin Lebanon are only 19.35 metres (about 63 feet). The structure was the largest Greco-Roman temple ever built.[24]

The monuments of Cyzicus were used by the Byzantine emperor Justinian as a quarry for the building of his Saint Sophia cathedral, and were still exploited by the Ottomans.

Notable people


See also



  1. ^Leo Mildenberg, "The Cyzicenes, a Reappraisal",American Journal of Numismatics,Vol. 5/6 (1993–94), pp. 1–12.
  2. ^Florian Cajori,A History of Mathematics(1893)
  3. ^abcdefHasluck 1911.
  4. ^Suda, delta, 1345
  5. ^Vryonis,The Decline of Medieval Hellenism in Asia Minor and the Process of Islamization from the Eleventh through the Fifteenth Century(Berkeley: University of California, 1971), pp. 299f
  6. ^abLe Quien, Michel(1740). "Ecclesia Cyzici".Oriens Christianus, in quatuor Patriarchatus digestus: quo exhibentur ecclesiæ, patriarchæ, cæterique præsules totius Orientis. Tomus primus: tres magnas complectens diœceses Ponti, Asiæ & Thraciæ, Patriarchatui Constantinopolitano subjectas(in Latin). Paris: Ex Typographia Regia. cols. 747–768.OCLC955922585.
  7. ^v.Cyzique,inDictionnaire d'Histoire et de Géographie ecclésiastiques,vol. XIII, Paris 1956, coll. 1191–1196
  8. ^PLP,11779. Κλειδᾶς Γεώργιος.
  9. ^PLP,26204. Σκουταριώτης Θεόδωρος.
  10. ^PLP,4263. Γλυκύς Δανιήλ.
  11. ^PLP,17597. Μεθόδιος.
  12. ^PLP,20679. Νίφων Ι..
  13. ^PLP,388. Ἀθανάσιος.
  14. ^PLP,7332. Θεοδώρητος.
  15. ^PLP,25063. Σεβαστειανός.
  16. ^PLP,17387. Ματθαῖος Ι..
  17. ^PLP,37071. Θεόγνωστος.
  18. ^PLP,16261. Μακάριος.
  19. ^PLP,18069. Μητροφάνης ΙΙ..
  20. ^Μητρόπολη Κυζικού
  21. ^Siméon Vailhé, "Cyzicus"inCatholic Encyclopedia(New York 1908)
  22. ^Heinrich Gelzer,Ungedruckte und ungenügend veröffentlichte Texte der Notitiae episcopatuum,pp. 535, 537,in: Abhandlungen der philosophisch-historische classe der bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1901, pp. 529–641
  23. ^Annuario Pontificio 2013(Libreria Editrice Vaticana 2013ISBN978-88-209-9070-1), p. 871
  24. ^Vermeule, Cornelius C. (1965)."A Greek Theme and Its Survivals: The Ruler's Shield (Tondo Image) in Tomb and Temple"(PDF).Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society.109(6): 376.ISSN0003-049X.JSTOR986138.

