Inmathematics,adirected set(or adirected preorderor afiltered set) is a nonemptysettogether with areflexiveandtransitivebinary relation(that is, apreorder), with the additional property that every pair of elements has anupper bound.[1]In other words, for anyandinthere must existinwithandA directed set's preorder is called adirection.

The notion defined above is sometimes called anupward directed set.Adownward directed setis defined analogously,[2]meaning that every pair of elements is bounded below.[3] Some authors (and this article) assume that a directed set is directed upward, unless otherwise stated. Other authors call a set directed if and only if it is directed both upward and downward.[4]

Directed sets are a generalization of nonemptytotally ordered sets.That is, all totally ordered sets are directed sets (contrastpartiallyordered sets,which need not be directed).Join-semilattices(which are partially ordered sets) are directed sets as well, but not conversely. Likewise,latticesare directed sets both upward and downward.

Intopology,directed sets are used to definenets,which generalizesequencesand unite the various notions oflimitused inanalysis.Directed sets also give rise todirect limitsinabstract algebraand (more generally)category theory.

Equivalent definition


In addition to the definition above, there is an equivalent definition. Adirected setis a setwith apreordersuch that every finite subset ofhas an upper bound. In this definition, the existence of an upper bound of theempty subsetimplies thatis nonempty.



The set ofnatural numberswith the ordinary orderis one of the most important examples of a directed set. Everytotally ordered setis a directed set, includingand

A (trivial) example of a partially ordered set that isnotdirected is the setin which the only order relations areandA less trivial example is like the following example of the "reals directed towards"but in which the ordering rule only applies to pairs of elements on the same side of(that is, if one takes an elementto the left ofandto its right, thenandare not comparable, and the subsethas no upper bound).

Product of directed sets


Letandbe directed sets. Then theCartesian productsetcan be made into a directed set by definingif and only ifandIn analogy to theproduct orderthis is the product direction on the Cartesian product. For example, the setof pairs of natural numbers can be made into a directed set by definingif and only ifand

Directed towards a point


Ifis areal numberthen the setcan be turned into a directed set by definingif(so "greater" elements are closer to). We then say that the reals have beendirected towardsThis is an example of a directed set that isneitherpartially orderednortotally ordered.This is becauseantisymmetrybreaks down for every pairandequidistant fromwhereandare on opposite sides ofExplicitly, this happens whenfor some realin which caseandeven thoughHad this preorder been defined oninstead ofthen it would still form a directed set but it would now have a (unique)greatest element,specifically;however, it still wouldn't be partially ordered. This example can be generalized to ametric spaceby defining onorthe preorderif and only if

Maximal and greatest elements


An elementof a preordered setis amaximal elementif for everyimplies[5] It is agreatest elementif for every

Any preordered set with a greatest element is a directed set with the same preorder. For instance, in aposeteverylower closureof an element; that is, every subset of the formwhereis a fixed element fromis directed.

Every maximal element of a directed preordered set is a greatest element. Indeed, a directed preordered set is characterized by equality of the (possibly empty) sets of maximal and of greatest elements.

Subset inclusion


Thesubset inclusionrelationalong with itsdualdefinepartial orderson any givenfamily of sets. A non-emptyfamily of setsis a directed set with respect to the partial order(respectively,) if and only if the intersection (respectively, union) of any two of its members contains as a subset (respectively, is contained as a subset of) some third member. In symbols, a familyof sets is directed with respect to(respectively,) if and only if

for allthere exists somesuch thatand(respectively,and)

or equivalently,

for allthere exists somesuch that(respectively,).

Many important examples of directed sets can be defined using these partial orders. For example, by definition, aprefilterorfilter baseis a non-emptyfamily of setsthat is a directed set with respect to thepartial orderand that also does not contain the empty set (this condition prevents triviality because otherwise, the empty set would then be agreatest elementwith respect to). Everyπ-system,which is a non-emptyfamily of setsthat is closed under the intersection of any two of its members, is a directed set with respect toEveryλ-systemis a directed set with respect toEveryfilter,topology,andσ-algebrais a directed set with respect to bothand

Tails of nets


By definition, anetis a function from a directed set and asequenceis a function from the natural numbersEvery sequence canonically becomes a net by endowingwith

Ifis anynetfrom a directed setthen for any indexthe setis called the tail ofstarting atThe familyof all tails is a directed set with respect toin fact, it is even a prefilter.



Ifis atopological spaceandis a point inthe set of allneighbourhoodsofcan be turned into a directed set by writingif and only ifcontainsFor everyand :

  • sincecontains itself.
  • ifandthenandwhich impliesThus
  • becauseand since bothandwe haveand

Finite subsets


The setof all finite subsets of a setis directed with respect tosince given any twotheir unionis an upper bound ofandinThis particular directed set is used to define the sumof ageneralized seriesof an-indexed collection of numbers(or more generally, the sum ofelements in anabelian topological group,such asvectorsin atopological vector space) as thelimit of the netofpartial sumsthat is:



Letbe aformal theory,which is a set ofsentenceswith certain properties (details of which can be found inthe article on the subject). For instance,could be afirst-order theory(likeZermelo–Fraenkel set theory) or a simplerzeroth-order theory.The preordered setis a directed set because ifand ifdenotes the sentence formed bylogical conjunctionthenandwhere Ifis theLindenbaum–Tarski algebraassociated withthenis a partially ordered set that is also a directed set.

Contrast with semilattices

Example of a directed set which is not a join-semilattice

Directed set is a more general concept than (join) semilattice: everyjoin semilatticeis a directed set, as the join or least upper bound of two elements is the desiredThe converse does not hold however, witness the directed set {1000,0001,1101,1011,1111}ordered bitwise(e.g.holds, butdoes not, since in the last bit 1 > 0), where {1000,0001} has three upper bounds but noleastupper bound, cf. picture. (Also note that without 1111, the set is not directed.)

Directed subsets


The order relation in a directed set is not required to beantisymmetric,and therefore directed sets are not alwayspartial orders.However, the termdirected setis also used frequently in the context of posets. In this setting, a subsetof a partially ordered setis called adirected subsetif it is a directed set according to the same partial order: in other words, it is not theempty set,and every pair of elements has an upper bound. Here the order relation on the elements ofis inherited from;for this reason, reflexivity and transitivity need not be required explicitly.

A directed subset of a poset is not required to bedownward closed;a subset of a poset is directed if and only if its downward closure is anideal.While the definition of a directed set is for an "upward-directed" set (every pair of elements has an upper bound), it is also possible to define a downward-directed set in which every pair of elements has a common lower bound. A subset of a poset is downward-directed if and only if its upper closure is afilter.

Directed subsets are used indomain theory,which studiesdirected-complete partial orders.[6]These are posets in which every upward-directed set is required to have aleast upper bound.In this context, directed subsets again provide a generalization of convergent sequences.[further explanation needed]

See also



  1. ^Kelley, p. 65.
  2. ^Robert S. Borden (1988).A Course in Advanced Calculus.Courier Corporation. p. 20.ISBN978-0-486-15038-3.
  3. ^Arlen Brown; Carl Pearcy (1995).An Introduction to Analysis.Springer. p.13.ISBN978-1-4612-0787-0.
  4. ^Siegfried Carl; Seppo Heikkilä (2010).Fixed Point Theory in Ordered Sets and Applications: From Differential and Integral Equations to Game Theory.Springer. p. 77.ISBN978-1-4419-7585-0.
  5. ^This impliesifis apartially ordered set.
  6. ^Gierz, p. 2.


  • J. L. Kelley (1955),General Topology.
  • Gierz, Hofmann, Keimel,et al.(2003),Continuous Lattices and Domains,Cambridge University Press.ISBN0-521-80338-1.