Heraclius II of Georgia

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Heraclius II,also known asErekle II(Georgian:ერეკლე II) andThe Little Kakhetian[1](Georgian:პატარა კახი[pʼatʼaɾakʼaχi];7 November 1720 or 7 October 1721 [according toC. Toumanoff[2]] – 11 January 1798), was aGeorgianmonarch(mepe) of theBagrationi dynasty,reigning as the king ofKakhetifrom 1744 to 1762, and ofKartli and Kakhetifrom 1762 until 1798. In the contemporaryPersiansources he is referred to asErekli Khan(ارکلی خان), whileRussiansknew him asIrakly(Ираклий). Heraclius is theLatinizedform of his name.

Heraclius II
King of Kartli and Kakheti (Georgia)
Reign8 January 1762 – 11 January 1798
Svetitskhoveli Cathedral
1 October 1745
SuccessorGeorge XII of Georgia
King of Kakheti
PredecessorTeimuraz II
Born(1720-11-07)7 November 1720
Died11 January 1798(1798-01-11)(aged 77)
ConsortKetevan OrbelianiorKetevan Pkheidze
Anna Abashidze
Darejan Dadiani
among others...
George XII
FatherTeimuraz II
MotherTamar of Kartli
ReligionGeorgian Orthodox Church
KhelrtvaHeraclius II's signature

From being granted the kingship of Kakheti by his overlordNader Shahin 1744 as a reward for his loyalty,[3]to becoming the penultimate king of the united kingdoms of Kakheti and Kartli ineastern Georgia,his reign is regarded as theswan songof the Georgian monarchy.[4]Aided by his personal abilities and the unrest in Iran following Nader Shah's death, Heraclius established himself as ade factoautonomous ruler, unified eastern Georgia politically for the first time in three centuries,[5]and attempted to modernize the government, economy, and military. Overwhelmed by the internal and external menaces to Georgia's precarious independence and its temporary hegemony in easternTranscaucasia,he placed his kingdom under the formalRussianprotectionin 1783, but the move did not prevent Georgia from being devastated by thePersian invasion in 1795.Heraclius died in 1798, leaving the throne to his moribund heir,George XII.

Early years

Hereclius II in childhood wearingChokha,inGremi.
Monument of Hereclius II inTelavi.

Service under Nader Shah


Born inTelavi,the center of theKakhetiregion of Georgia, Heraclius was a son ofTeimuraz II of Kakhetiand his wifeTamar,daughter ofVakhtang VI of Kartli.His childhood and early teens coincided with the occupation of Kakheti by theOttomansfrom 1732 until 1735, when they were ousted from Georgia byNader ShahofIran,in his two successive campaigns of 1734 and 1735, by which the latter quickly reestablished Persian rule over Georgia. Teimuraz sided with the Persians and was installed as a Persianvali(governor) in Kakheti, whileKilij Ali-Khan(Khanjal) was made that of neighboringKartli.[6][7]However, many Georgian nobles refused to accept the new regime and rose in rebellion in response to heavy tribute levied by Nader upon the Georgian provinces.[citation needed]Nonetheless, Teimuraz and Heraclius remained loyal to the shah, partly in order to prevent the comeback of the rivalMukhranibranch, whose fall early in the 1720s had opened the way to Teimuraz's accession in Kartli. From 1737 to 1739, Heraclius commanded a Georgian auxiliary force during Nader's expedition inIndiaand gained a reputation of an able military commander.[8]He then served as a lieutenant to his father and assumed the regency whenTeimurazwas briefly summoned for consultations in the Persian capital ofIsfahanin 1744. In the meantime, Heraclius defeated a coup attempt by the rival Georgian princeAbdullah Begof the Mukhrani dynasty and helped Teimuraz suppress the aristocratic opposition to the Persian hegemony led byGivi Amilakhvari.As a reward, Nader granted the kingship of Kartli to Teimuraz and of Kakheti to Heraclius in 1744,[3]and also arranged the marriage of his nephew Ali-Qoli Khan, who eventually would succeed him asAdil Shah,to Teimuraz's daughterKethevan.[2]

Nader's death and reign in Kakheti


Yet, both Georgian kingdoms remained under heavy Persian tribute until Nader was assassinated in 1747. Teimuraz and Heraclius took advantage of the ensuing political instability in Persia to assert their independence and expelled Persian garrisons from all key positions in Georgia, includingTbilisi.In close cooperation with each other, they managed to prevent a new revolt by the Mukhranian supporters fomented by Ebrahim Khan, brother of Adel Shah, in 1748. They concluded an anti-Persian alliance with the khans of Azerbaijan who were particularly vulnerable to the aggression from Persian warlords and agreed to recognize Heraclius's supremacy in eastern Transcaucasia. In 1749, he occupiedYerevan,and in June 1751, Heraclius defeated a large army commanded by a pretender to the Persian throne and his former ally,Azat-Khanin theBattle of Kirkhbulakh.[9]After these particular events, Heraclius could largely afford to ignore the changing situation to the south of theAras River.[9]In 1752, the Georgian kings sent a mission to Russia to request 3,000 Russian troops or a subsidy to enable them to hireCircassianmercenaries in order to invade Persia and install a pro-Russian government there. The embassy failed to yield any results, however, for the Russian court was preoccupied with European affairs.[2]

King of Kartli and Kakheti

The Palace of King Heraclius II inTelavi
Royal charter of King Hereclius II.

Around the same time, it had become apparent thatMashhad,a minorAfsharidremnant, was no longer functioning as the seat of the Iranian government.[9]In 1762, Teimuraz II died while on a diplomatic mission to the court ofSt. Petersburg,and Heraclius succeeded him as King of Kartli, thus unitingeastern Georgiapolitically for the first time in three centuries.[5]In 1762–1763, duringKarim Khan Zand's campaigns inAzerbaijan,Heraclius II tendered hisde juresubmission to him and received his investiture asvali( "governor", "viceroy" ) ofGorjestan(Georgia), the traditionalSafavidoffice, which by this time however had become an "empty honorific".[9]

Alliance with Russia


In foreign policy, Heraclius was primarily focused on seeking a reliable protector that would guarantee Georgia's survival. He chose Russia not only because it wasOrthodox Christian,but in Lang's[10]account also because it would serve as a link to Europe, which he thought a model for Georgia's development as a modern nation. Yet, Heraclius's initial cooperation with Russia proved disappointing. His participation in theRusso-Turkish War (1768–1774)did not lead to an anticipated reconquest of the Ottoman-held southern Georgian lands, for the Russian commanders in Georgia behaved in a highly condescending, often treacherous way,[10]and EmpressCatherine IItreated theCaucasusfront as merely a secondary theater of military operations. Still, Heraclius continued to seek firmer alliance with Russia, his immediate motivation being the Persian rulerKarim Khan's attempts to bring Georgia back into the Persian sphere of influence. Karim Khan's death in 1779 temporarily relieved Heraclius of these dangers, as Persia again became engulfed in chaos.[2]

In 1783, the Russian expansion southward into theCrimeabrought the Caucasus into Catherine II's area of interest. In theTreaty of Georgievskof 1783, Heraclius finally obtained the guarantees he had sought from Russia, transforming Georgia into a Russian protectorate, as Heraclius formally repudiated all legal ties to Persia and placed his foreign policy under the Russian supervision. However, during theRusso-Turkish War (1787–1792),a Tbilisi-based small Russian force evacuated Georgia, leaving Heraclius to face new dangers from Persia alone. In 1790 Heraclius concluded theTreaty of the Iberianswith western Georgian polities.

Qajar invasion


Mohammad Khan Qajar,who had managed to bring most of central Iranian plateau under his firm control by 1794, was inclined to revive thePersian Empirewith the Caucasus again as its part. In 1795, after a swift reconquest of much of southeastern Caucasus, he demanded that Heraclius reacknowledged Persian suzerainty, promising in return to confirm him asvali.Heraclius refused, and in September 1795, the Persian army of 35,000 moved into Georgia. After the valiant defense of Tbilisi at theBattle of Krtsanisi,in which the king participated personally in the advance guard, Heraclius's small army of 5000 men was almost completely annihilated and Tbilisi completely sacked. While becoming a witness of the fearful devastation of his capital and slaughter of its civilians, king Heraclius, who did not want to leave the battlefield and the city was spirited away by the last of his bodyguards and a few family members. The Persian invasion delivered a hard blow to Georgia from which it was not able to recover. Despite being abandoned at the critical moment, he still had to rely on belated Russian support and fought, in 1796, alongside theRussian expeditionary forcessent by Catherine into the Persian territories. But her death that year brought an abrupt change of policy in the Caucasus, and her successorPaul Iagain withdrew all Russian troops from the region.Agha Mohammadlaunched his second campaign to punish the Georgians for their alliance with Russia. However, his assassination in 1797 spared Kartli-Kakheti more devastation.[2]



Heraclius II's "curiously ambivalent position" in these decades is reflected in the coins issued by him in his realm.[11]Silver coins were struck with the name ofIsmail IIIon it, or with theZand-style inscriptionya karim( "O Gracious One" ), whereby an epithet to God was invoked, which actually referred toKarim Khan Zand.[11]These coins were minted inTbilisiup until 1799 – some twenty years after Karim Khan Zand's death.[11]In the same decades, the copper coins struck at Tbilisi bore three types oficonography;Christian, Georgian, "and even"Imperial Russian(such as thedouble-headed eagle).[11]By minting the silver coins with a reference to Karim Khan Zand on it they were usable for trade in Iran, whereas the copper coins, struck for only local use, reflected Heraclius II's political orientation towards Russia.[11]

Court, efforts and final years


While maintaining certain Persian-type pomp at his court, he launched an ambitious program of "Europeanization" which was supported by the Georgian intellectual élites, but was not overwhelmingly successful because Georgia remained physically isolated fromEuropeand had to expend all available resources on defending its precarious independence. He strove to enlist the support of European powers and to attract Western scientists and technicians to give his country the benefit of the latest military and industrial techniques. His style of governing resembled that of contemporaryenlightened despotsinCentral Europe.He exercised executive, legislative, and judicial authority and closely supervised the activities of government departments. Heraclius's primary objective in internal policy was to further centralize the government through reducing the powers of the aristocracy. For this purpose, he attempted to create a governing élite composed of his own agents to replace the self-minded aristocratic lords in local affairs. At the same time, he encouraged peasant-vassals to supply the military force necessary to overcome the aristocracy's resistance and protect the country from incessant marauding assaults fromDagestanknown to Georgians asLekianoba.In the words of theBritishhistorianDavid Marshall Lang,"his vigilance in the care of his people knew no bounds. On campaign, he would sit up at night watching for the enemy, while in time of peace, he spent his life in transacting business of state or in religious exercise, and devoted but a few hours to sleep."[10]

Heraclius died in 1798 still convinced that only Russian protection could ensure the continued existence of his country. He was succeeded by his weak and sickly son,George XII,after whose death Tsar Paul I annexed, in 1801, Kartli-Kakheti to Russia, terminating both Georgia's independence and a millennium-long rule of theBagrationi dynasty.



During his reign, Heraclius enacted several reforms. Printing in Tbilisi resumed in 1749 and Heraclius set up his press. He wanted to print canonical liturgical texts and to standardize a language. During his rule, over 40 titles were printed, almost all liturgical, in runs of up to 1000.[12]Heraclius strengthened royal authority and organized it on Russian lines. He launched efforts to repopulate the lands of Kartli-Kakheti, abandoned due to constant wars and other social reasons. For this purpose, he appointed agents,Mkrelebi,who were tasked with returning refugee serfs inNakhichevanandKarabakhback to their lands, even with violence. He also lured migrants with tax exemptions for them. Heraclius approved violence to stop serfs from complaining, but landowners were blamed for runaways and a severe punishment was employed on them for sexually abusing their serfs.[13]Heraclius had hard time disciplining his nobles.[14]He forbade selling serfs without land twice in 1754 and 1770. He, the Catholicos and theDarbaziannounced that prisoners of war and slaves would become free peasants on crown lands. Under Heraclius’s rule, freemen were more common as some Church peasants and veteran soldiers became freemen, but in overall most of the peasants remained still serfs.[13]

Heraclius modernized agriculture by growing new varieties of grain inTusheti.Grain became chipper and famines ended. Peasants paid taxes in fruit or walnuts. Factories were producing sugar, glass, cloth and armaments. Half of a tonne of silver was produced each year.[15]For this purpose, Heraclius invited Greek miners from Levan to work in gold and silver deposits in Akhtala.[14]Inheritance laws were passed which introduced protections for properties of merchants against the crown. Customs duty was set at two and a half percent and revenues increased in the 1760s. Under Heraclius,mdivanbegis sasamartlo(chief secretary's courts) was formed, while the king’s Darbazi was functioning as a permanent supreme court and privy council. There were two ministers of foreign affairs: one Christian and one Muslim. Heraclius also created a police force.[15]Ancient universities of Tiflis and Telavi were restored, where Bachmeister was taught.[14]

Heraclius's policies and explotation of peasants by landowners often resulted in rebellions: when lord Eliozashvili demanded more than the usual 50 days' work on his estates, serfs revolted and attacked his family, burned his church and stole casks of wine. In 1773,Pshavtribesmen destroyed castle of their lord and held him hostage, while in 1777, Ksani peasents revolted against the initiative of Heraclius to reestablishDuchy of Ksani,abolished by his father. In 1780, Heraclius introduced bonds which compelled the wealthy to lend threetumansto the state, which also faced opposition.[15]

In 1770s, Heraclius reformed his army with Russian advisers, training manuals and ranks.[16]He created a regiment of guards based on the European model.[14]An army was permanently paid, although it was still allowed to loot. Tbilisi had a gunpowder factory, although in a state of ramshackle. In 1774, Heraclius introduced mandatory conscription – one man from household served one month per year on his own expenses. Civic development lagged behind and plague resulted in 4,000 deaths in 1770.[17]

Due to the Lezgin raids on population and unwillingness of the peasants to submit to the conscription, Heraclius heavily relied on recruiting foreign mercenaries, particularly amongCherkessclan, which was more civil than Lezgins and had a close sympathy towards Georgians.[18]


The tomb of Heraclius II inSvetitskhoveli cathedral.

Heraclius II was married three times; first, he married PrincessKetevannéeOrbelianiin 1738 or PrincessKetevannéeMkheidzein 1740.[19]According to a relatively recently established version, Princess Orbeliani was repudiated by Heraclius before the marriage actually took place. Instead, he married Princess Mkheidze, who died in 1744. Of his first marriage, Heraclius two children:

  • Vakhtang(b. 1742 – d. Tbilisi, 1 February 1756), Duke of Aragvi (1747); married Princess Kethevan of Mukhrani, no issue.
  • Rusadan (b. before 1744; died young)

In 1745 Heraclius remarried PrincessAnna née Abashidze(b. 1730 – d. Tbilisi, 7 December 1749). They had two children:

  • George(b. 10 October 1746 – d. Tbilisi, 28 December 1800), the last King of Georgia.
  • Tamar (b. 11 July 1749 – d. Tbilisi, 4 August 1786), married in 1762 PrinceDavid Orbeliani.

In 1750, Heraclius married thirdlyDarejan Dadiani(Daria;b. 20 July 1734 – d. 8 November 1808). They had 23 children:

  • Solomon (died 1765)
  • Elene(1753–1786), married 1stly 1770, Prince Archil of Imereti; 2ndly 1785 Prince Zakaria Andronikashvili
  • Mariam(1755–1828), married 1777 Davit Tsitsishvili, Prince of Zemo-Satsitsiano
  • Sophia (c. 1756; died young)
  • Levan(1756–1781)
  • Iulon(1760–1816)
  • Vakhtang (Almaskhan)(1761–1814)
  • Salome (c. 1761; died young)
  • Teimuraz(1763—1827)
  • Anastasia(b. Martkopi, 3 November 1763 – d. St. Petersburg, 17 January 1838), married 1797 Prince RevazEristavi of Ksani[19]
  • Keteven(1764 – 5 July 1840), married 1stly 1781,Ioane, Prince of Mukhrani(1755–1801), with living descendants; 2ndly Prince AbelAndronikashvili(disputed)[19]
  • Mirian(1767–1834)
  • Soslan-David (died c. 1767)
  • Alexander(1770–1844) who headed several insurrections against the Russian rule in Georgia between 1800 and 1832.
  • Archil (died c. 1771)
  • Luarsab (born 1772; died young)
  • Ekaterina (1774–1818), married in 1793 Prince Giorgi Irubakidzé-Cholokashvili.
  • Tekle(1776 – 11 March 1846), married in 1800 Prince Vakhtang Jambakurian-Orbeliani.
  • Parnaoz(1777–1852)



King Heraclius occupies a special place among theGeorgian monarchs,with his name being associated with chivalry and valour among Georgians. However, Heraclius's decision to signTreaty of Georgievskwith Russia has been a matter of dispute among Georgians since the 19th century. It has been reported that those with different views on how to manage relations with Russia accordingly have different interpretations of Heraclius's move. For example, the "Society of Erekle II",established in 2009, seeks closer ties with Russia as opposed to the integration with the West. They primarily justify their position by alluding to Heraclius's decision and claim that the Orthodox kinship with Russia was of paramount importance to preserve Georgian nationhood, while European culture may pose a threat to Georgian spirituality, especially Orthodox Christianity as a pillar of Georgianness. Others who hold more pro-Western views emphasize that King Heraclius saw Russia as a window to European civilization.[20]

Erekleoba is an annual, traditional public feast celebrated at Hereclius II's palace in Eastern Georgia's city ofTelavion November 7 to pay tribute to his memory.[21]

See also



  1. ^Suny 1994,p. 56.
  2. ^abcdeHitchens, Keith (1998)."Erekle II".InYarshater, Ehsan(ed.).Encyclopædia Iranica, Online Edition.Encyclopædia Iranica Foundation.Retrieved1 April2024.
  3. ^abRonald Grigor Suny."The Making of the Georgian Nation"Indiana University Press,1994. p 55
  4. ^Lang, David Marshall(1951), Count Todtleben's Expedition to Georgia 1769–1771 according to a French Eyewitness, p. 878. Bulletin of theSchool of Oriental and African Studies,University of London,Vol. 13, No. 4.
  5. ^abYar-Shater, Ehsan.Encyclopaedia Iranica, Vol.8,parts 4–6Routledge & Kegan Paul (original from theUniversity of Michigan) p. 541
  6. ^Suny 1994,p. 55.
  7. ^Hitchins 1998,pp. 541–542.
  8. ^Lang, David Marshall(1957).The Last Years of the Georgian Monarchy, 1658–1832.New York:Columbia University Press.p. 142.LCCN56-6814.
  9. ^abcdFisher et al. 1991,p. 96.
  10. ^abcLang, David Marshall(1962).A Modern History of Georgia,pp. 35–36.London:Weidenfeld and Nicolson.
  11. ^abcdePerry 2006,pp. 108–109.
  12. ^Rayfield 2012,p. 234.
  13. ^abRayfield 2012,p. 236.
  14. ^abcdAllen 2023,p. 201.
  15. ^abcRayfield 2012,p. 237.
  16. ^Rayfield 2012,pp. 238.
  17. ^Rayfield 2012,pp. 238–239.
  18. ^Allen 2023,p. 203.
  19. ^abcMontgomery-Massingbird, Hugh,editor.Burke's Royal Families of the World, Volume II,1980.The Royal House of Georgia,pp. 66–69.
  20. ^Batiashvili, Nutsa (2017).The Bivocal Nation: Memory and Identity on the Edge of Empire.Springer Press. pp. 176–182.ISBN978-3319622866.
  21. ^"Eastern Georgia's Telavi celebrates national holiday Erekleoba at King Erekle II palace".Agenda.ge. 6 November 2022.Retrieved6 November2022.


Regnal titles
Preceded by King of Kakheti
Succeeded by
Preceded by
New style
King of Kartli and Kakheti
Succeeded by