Evolution of the horse

Theevolution of the horse,amammalof the familyEquidae,occurred over ageologic time scaleof 50 million years, transforming the small, dog-sized,[1]forest-dwellingEohippusinto the modernhorse.Paleozoologistshave been able to piece together a more completeoutlineof the evolutionarylineageof the modern horse than of any other animal. Much of this evolution took place in North America, where horses originated but became extinct about 10,000 years ago,[2]before being reintroduced in the 15th century.

This image shows a representative sequence, but should not be construed to represent a "straight-line" evolution of the horse. Reconstruction, left forefoot skeleton (third digit emphasized yellow) andlongitudinal sectionofmolarsof selected prehistoric horses
Skeletal evolution

The horse belongs to theorderPerissodactyla (odd-toed ungulates), the members of which all sharehoovedfeet and an odd number of toes on each foot, as well as mobileupper lipsand a similartoothstructure. This means that horses share acommon ancestrywithtapirsandrhinoceroses.The perissodactyls arose in the latePaleocene,less than 10 million years after theCretaceous–Paleogene extinction event.This group of animals appears to have been originally specialized for life intropical forests,but whereas tapirs and, to some extent, rhinoceroses, retained their jungle specializations, modern horses are adapted to life in the climatic conditions of thesteppes,which are drier and much harsher than forests or jungles. Other species ofEquusare adapted to a variety of intermediate conditions.

The early ancestors of the modern horse walked on several spread-out toes, an accommodation to life spent walking on the soft, moist ground of primeval forests. Asgrassspecies began to appear and flourish, theequids' diets shifted from foliage to silicate-rich grasses; the increased wear on teeth selected for increases in the size and durability of teeth. At the same time, as the steppes began to appear, selection favored increase in speed to outrun predators. This ability was attained by lengthening of limbs and the lifting of some toes from the ground in such a way that the weight of the body was gradually placed on one of the longest toes, the third.

History of research

Extinct equids restored to scale. Left to right:Mesohippus,Neohipparion,Eohippus,Equus scottiandHypohippus.

Wild horseshave been known since prehistory from central Asia to Europe, withdomestic horsesand other equids being distributed more widely in the Old World, but no horses or equids of any type were found in theNew Worldwhen European explorers reached the Americas. When theSpanish colonistsbrought domestic horses from Europe, beginning in 1493,escaped horsesquickly established large feral herds. In the 1760s, the early naturalistBuffonsuggested this was an indication of inferiority of the New World fauna, but later reconsidered this idea.[3]William Clark's 1807 expedition toBig Bone Lickfound "leg and foot bones of the Horses", which were included with other fossils sent toThomas Jeffersonand evaluated by the anatomistCaspar Wistar,but neither commented on the significance of this find.[4]

The first Old World equid fossil was found in thegypsumquarries inMontmartre,Paris,in the 1820s. The tooth was sent to theParis Conservatory,where it was identified byGeorges Cuvier,who identified it as abrowsingequine related to thetapir.[5]His sketch of the entire animal matched later skeletons found at the site.[6]

During theBeaglesurvey expedition,the young naturalistCharles Darwinhad remarkable success with fossil hunting inPatagonia.On 10 October 1833, atSanta Fe, Argentina,he was "filled with astonishment" when he found a horse's tooth in the samestratumas fossil giantarmadillos,and wondered if it might have been washed down from a later layer, but concluded this was "not very probable".[7]After the expedition returned in 1836, the anatomistRichard Owenconfirmed the tooth was from an extinct species, which he subsequently namedEquus curvidens,and remarked, "This evidence of the former existence of a genus, which, as regards South America, had become extinct, and has a second time been introduced into that Continent, is not one of the least interesting fruits of Mr. Darwin's palæontological discoveries."[4][8]

In 1848, a studyOn the fossil horses of AmericabyJoseph Leidysystematically examinedPleistocenehorse fossils from various collections, including that of theAcademy of Natural Sciences,and concluded at least two ancient horse species had existed in North America:Equus curvidensand another, which he namedEquus americanus.A decade later, however, he found the latter name had already been taken and renamed itEquus complicatus.[3]In the same year, he visited Europe and was introduced by Owen to Darwin.[9]

Restoration ofEurohippus parvulus,a mid- to late Eocene equid of Europe (Museum für Naturkunde,Berlin)

The original sequence of species believed to have evolved into the horse was based on fossils discovered in North America in 1879 by paleontologistOthniel Charles Marsh.The sequence, fromEohippusto the modern horse (Equus), was popularized byThomas Huxleyand became one of the most widely known examples of a clear evolutionary progression. The horse's evolutionary lineage became a common feature of biology textbooks, and the sequence oftransitional fossilswas assembled by theAmerican Museum of Natural Historyinto an exhibit that emphasized the gradual, "straight-line" evolution of the horse.

Since then, as the number of equid fossils has increased, the actual evolutionary progression fromEohippustoEquushas been discovered to be much more complex and multibranched than was initially supposed. The straight, direct progression from the former to the latter has been replaced by a more elaborate model with numerous branches in different directions, of which the modern horse is only one of many.George Gaylord Simpsonin 1951[10]first recognized that the modern horse was not the "goal" of the entire lineage of equids,[11]but is simply the only genus of the many horse lineages to survive.

Detailed fossil information on the distribution and rate of change of new equid species has also revealed that the progression between species was not as smooth and consistent as was once believed. Although some transitions, such as that ofDinohippustoEquus,were indeed gradual progressions, a number of others, such as that ofEpihippustoMesohippus,were relatively abrupt ingeologic time,taking place over only a few million years. Bothanagenesis(gradual change in an entire population's gene frequency) andcladogenesis(a population "splitting" into two distinct evolutionary branches) occurred, and many species coexisted with "ancestor" species at various times. The change in equids' traits was also not always a "straight line" fromEohippustoEquus:some traits reversed themselves at various points in the evolution of new equid species, such as size and the presence of facialfossae,and only in retrospect can certain evolutionary trends be recognized.[12]

Before odd-toed ungulates



Restoration ofPhenacodus

Phenacodontidaeis themost recent familyin the orderCondylarthrabelieved to be ancestral to theodd-toed ungulates.[citation needed]It contains the generaAlmogaver,Copecion,Ectocion,Eodesmatodon,Meniscotherium,Ordathspidotherium,PhenacodusandPleuraspidotherium.The family lived from theEarly Paleoceneto theMiddle Eocenein Europe and were about the size of asheep,withtailsmaking slightly less than half of the length of their bodies and, unlike their ancestors, good running skills.

Eocene and Oligocene: early equids




Eohippusappeared in theYpresian(earlyEocene), about 52mya(million years ago). It was an animal approximately the size of a fox (250–450 mm in height), with a relatively short head and neck and a springy, arched back. It had 44 low-crowned teeth, in the typical arrangement of an omnivorous, browsing mammal: three incisors, one canine, fourpremolars,and three molars on each side of the jaw. Its molars were uneven, dull, and bumpy, and used primarily for grinding foliage. The cusps of the molars were slightly connected in low crests.Eohippusbrowsed on soft foliage and fruit, probably scampering between thickets in the mode of a modernmuntjac.It had a small brain, and possessed especially smallfrontal lobes.[12]

Eohippus,with left forefoot (thirdmetacarpalcolored) and tooth (a,enamel;b,dentin;c,cement) detailed

Its limbs were long relative to its body, already showing the beginnings of adaptations for running. However, all of the major leg bones were unfused, leaving the legs flexible and rotatable. Its wrist and hock joints were low to the ground. The forelimbs had developed five toes, of which four were equipped with small proto-hooves; the large fifth "toe-thumb" was off the ground. The hind limbs had small hooves on three out of the five toes, whereas thevestigialfirst and fifth toes did not touch the ground. Its feet were padded, much like a dog's, but with the small hooves in place of claws.[13]

For a span of about 20 million years,Eohippusthrived with few significant evolutionary changes.[12]The most significant change was in the teeth, which began to adapt to its changing diet, as these earlyEquidaeshifted from a mixed diet of fruits and foliage to one focused increasingly on browsing foods. During the Eocene, anEohippusspecies (most likelyEohippus angustidens) branched out into various new types of Equidae. Thousands of complete, fossilized skeletons of these animals have been found in the Eocene layers of North American strata, mainly in theWind Riverbasin inWyoming.Similar fossils have also been discovered in Europe, such asPropalaeotherium(which is not considered ancestral to the modern horse).[14]



Approximately 50 million years ago, in the early-to-middleEocene,Eohippussmoothly transitioned intoOrohippusthrough a gradual series of changes.[14]Although its name means "mountain horse",Orohippuswas not a true horse and did not live in the mountains. It resembledEohippusin size, but had a slimmer body, an elongated head, slimmer forelimbs, and longer hind legs, all of which are characteristics of a good jumper. AlthoughOrohippuswas still pad-footed, the vestigial outer toes ofEohippuswere not present inOrohippus;there were four toes on each fore leg, and three on each hind leg.

The most dramatic change betweenEohippusandOrohippuswas in the teeth: the first of the premolar teeth was dwarfed, the last premolar shifted in shape and function into a molar, and the crests on the teeth became more pronounced. Both of these factors increased the grinding ability of the teeth ofOrohippus;the change suggest selection imposed by increased toughness ofOrohippusplant diet.



In the mid-Eocene, about 47 million years ago,Epihippus,a genus which continued the evolutionary trend of increasingly efficient grinding teeth, evolved fromOrohippus.Epihippushad five grinding, low-crowned cheek teeth with well-formed crests. A late species ofEpihippus,sometimes referred to asDuchesnehippus intermedius,had teeth similar toOligoceneequids, although slightly less developed. WhetherDuchesnehippuswas a subgenus ofEpihippusor a distinct genus is disputed.[15]Epihippuswas only 2 feet tall.[15]



In the late Eocene and the early stages of theOligoceneepoch (32–24 mya), the climate of North America became drier, and the earliestgrassesbegan to evolve. The forests were yielding to flatlands,[citation needed]home to grasses and various kinds of brush. In a few areas, these plains were covered insand,[citation needed]creating the type of environment resembling the present-dayprairies.

Restoration ofMesohippus

In response to the changing environment, the then-living species of Equidae also began to change. In the late Eocene, they began developing tougher teeth and becoming slightly larger and leggier, allowing for faster running speeds in open areas, and thus for evading predators in nonwooded areas[citation needed].About 40 mya,Mesohippus( "middle horse" ) suddenly developed in response to strong newselectivepressures to adapt, beginning with the speciesMesohippus celerand soon followed byMesohippus westoni.

In the early Oligocene,Mesohippuswas one of the more widespread mammals in North America. It walked on three toes on each of its front and hind feet (the first and fifth toes remained, but were small and not used in walking). The third toe was stronger than the outer ones, and thus more weighted; the fourth front toe was diminished to a vestigial nub. Judging by its longer and slimmer limbs,Mesohippuswas an agile animal.

Mesohippuswas slightly larger thanEpihippus,about 610 mm (24 in) at the shoulder. Its back was less arched, and its face, snout, and neck were somewhat longer. It had significantly largercerebral hemispheres,and had a small, shallow depression on its skull called afossa,which in modern horses is quite detailed. The fossa serves as a useful marker for identifying an equine fossil's species.Mesohippushad six grinding "cheek teeth", with a single premolar in front—a trait all descendant Equidae would retain.Mesohippusalso had the sharp tooth crests ofEpihippus,improving its ability to grind down tough vegetation.



Around 36 million years ago, soon after the development ofMesohippus,Miohippus( "lesser horse" ) emerged, the earliest species beingMiohippus assiniboiensis.As withMesohippus,the appearance ofMiohippuswas relatively abrupt, though a few transitional fossils linking the two genera have been found.Mesohippuswas once believed to haveanageneticallyevolved intoMiohippusby a gradual series of progressions, but new evidence has shown its evolution wascladogenetic:aMiohippuspopulation split off from the main genusMesohippus,coexisted withMesohippusfor around four million years, and then over time came to replaceMesohippus.[16]

Miohippuswas significantly larger than its predecessors, and its ankle joints had subtly changed. Its facial fossa was larger and deeper, and it also began to show a variable extra crest in its upper cheek teeth, a trait that became a characteristic feature of equine teeth.

Miohippusushered in a major new period of diversification in Equidae.[17]

Miocene and Pliocene: true equines



FossilMegahippus mckennai

The forest-suited form wasKalobatippus(orMiohippus intermedius,depending on whether it was a new genus or species), whose second and fourth front toes were long, well-suited to travel on the soft forest floors.Kalobatippusprobably gave rise toAnchitherium,which travelled to Asia via theBering Straitland bridge,and from there to Europe.[18]In both North America and Eurasia, larger-bodied genera evolved fromAnchitherium:Sinohippusin Eurasia andHypohippusandMegahippusin North America.[19]Hypohippusbecame extinct by the lateMiocene.[20]



TheMiohippuspopulation that remained on the steppes is believed to be ancestral toParahippus,a North American animal about the size of a smallpony,with a prolonged skull and a facial structure resembling the horses of today. Its third toe was stronger and larger, and carried the main weight of the body. Its four premolars resembled the molar teeth; the first were small and almost nonexistent. The incisor teeth, like those of its predecessors, had a crown (like human incisors); however, the top incisors had a trace of a shallow crease marking the beginning of the core/cup.


Merychippus,an effective grazer and runner

In the middle of the Miocene epoch, the grazerMerychippusflourished.[21]It had wider molars than its predecessors, which are believed to have been used for crunching the hard grasses of the steppes. The hind legs, which were relatively short, had side toes equipped with small hooves, but they probably only touched the ground when running.[17]Merychippusradiated into at least 19 additional grassland species.


Protohippus simus

Three lineages within Equidae are believed to be descended from the numerous varieties ofMerychippus:Hipparion,ProtohippusandPliohippus.The most different fromMerychippuswasHipparion,mainly in the structure oftooth enamel:in comparison with other Equidae, the inside, ortongueside, had a completely isolatedparapet.A complete and well-preserved skeleton of the North AmericanHipparionshows an animal the size of a small pony. They were very slim, rather likeantelopes,and were adapted to life on dry prairies. On its slim legs,Hipparionhad three toes equipped with small hooves, but the side toes did not touch the ground.

In North America,Hipparionand its relatives (Cormohipparion,Nannippus,Neohipparion,andPseudhipparion), proliferated into many kinds ofequids,at least one of which managed to migrate to Asia and Europe during the Miocene epoch.[22](EuropeanHippariondiffers from AmericanHipparionin its smaller body size – the best-known discovery of these fossils was nearAthens.)


Pliohippus pernix

Pliohippusarose fromCallippusin the middle Miocene, around 12 mya. It was very similar in appearance toEquus,though it had two long extra toes on both sides of the hoof, externally barely visible as callused stubs. The long and slim limbs ofPliohippusreveal a quick-footed steppe animal.

Until recently,Pliohippuswas believed to be the ancestor of present-day horses because of its many anatomical similarities. However, thoughPliohippuswas clearly a close relative ofEquus,its skull had deep facial fossae, whereasEquushad no fossae at all. Additionally, its teeth were strongly curved, unlike the very straight teeth of modern horses. Consequently, it is unlikely to be the ancestor of the modern horse; instead, it is a likely candidate for the ancestor ofAstrohippus.[23]



Dinohippuswas the most common species of Equidae in North America during the latePliocene.It was originally thought to be monodactyl, but a 1981 fossil find in Nebraska shows some were tridactyl.


Mounted skeleton ofHagerman horse(Equus simplicidens)

Plesippusis often considered an intermediate stage betweenDinohippusand the extant genus,Equus.

Thefamous fossilsfound near Hagerman, Idaho, were originally thought to be a part of the genusPlesippus.Hagerman Fossil Beds(Idaho) is a Pliocene site, dating to about 3.5 mya. The fossilized remains were originally calledPlesippus shoshonensis,but further study by paleontologists determined the fossils represented the oldest remains of the genusEquus.[24]Their estimated average weight was 425 kg, roughly the size of anArabian horse.

At the end of the Pliocene, the climate in North America began to cool significantly and most of the animals were forced to move south. One population ofPlesippusmoved across theBering land bridgeinto Eurasia around 2.5 mya.[25]

Modern horses



Skull of a giant extinct horse,Equus eisenmannae

The genusEquus,which includes all extant equines, is believed to have evolved fromDinohippus,via the intermediate formPlesippus.One of the oldest species isEquus simplicidens,described as zebra-like with a donkey-shaped head. The oldest fossil to date is ~3.5 million years old, discovered inIdaho.The genus appears to have spread quickly into the Old World, with the similarly agedEquus livenzovensisdocumented from western Europe and Russia.[26]

Molecular phylogenies indicate the most recent common ancestor of all modern equids (members of the genusEquus) lived ~5.6 (3.9–7.8) mya. Direct paleogenomic sequencing of a 700,000-year-old middle Pleistocene horse metapodial bone from Canada implies a more recent 4.07 Myr before present date for the most recent common ancestor (MRCA) within the range of 4.0 to 4.5 Myr BP.[27]The oldest divergencies are the Asian hemiones (subgenusE. (Asinus),including thekulan,onager,andkiang), followed by the African zebras (subgeneraE. (Dolichohippus),andE. (Hippotigris)). All other modern forms including the domesticated horse (and many fossilPlioceneandPleistoceneforms) belong to the subgenusE. (Equus)which diverged ~4.8 (3.2–6.5) million years ago.[28]

Pleistocene horse fossils have been assigned to amultitude of species,with over 50 species of equines described from the Pleistocene of North America alone, although the taxonomic validity of most of these has been called into question.[29]Recent genetic work on fossils has found evidence for only threegenetically divergentequid lineages in Pleistocene North and South America.[28]These results suggest all North American fossils of caballine-type horses (which also include thedomesticated horseandPrzewalski's horseof Europe and Asia), as well as South American fossils traditionally placed in the subgenusE. (Amerhippus)[30]belong to the same species:E. ferus.Remains attributed to a variety of species and lumped asNew World stilt-legged horses(includingHaringtonhippus,E. tau,E. quinniand potentially North American Pleistocene fossils previously attributed toE. cf. hemiones,andE. (Asinus)cf.kiang) probably all belong to a second speciesendemicto North America, which despite a superficial resemblance to species in the subgenusE. (Asinus)(and hence occasionally referred to as North American ass) is closely related toE. ferus.[28]Surprisingly, the third species, endemic to South America and traditionally referred to asHippidion,originally believed to be descended fromPliohippus,was shown to be a third species in the genusEquus,closely related to the New World stilt-legged horse.[28]The temporal and regional variation in body size and morphological features within each lineage indicates extraordinaryintraspecificplasticity. Such environment-driven adaptative changes would explain why the taxonomic diversity of Pleistocene equids has been overestimated on morphoanatomical grounds.[30]

According to these results, it appears the genusEquusevolved from aDinohippus-like ancestor ~4–7 mya. It rapidly spread into the Old World and there diversified into the various species of asses and zebras. A North American lineage of the subgenusE. (Equus)evolved into the New World stilt-legged horse (NWSLH). Subsequently, populations of this species entered South America as part of theGreat American Interchangeshortly after the formation of theIsthmus of Panama,and evolved into the form currently referred to asHippidion~2.5 million years ago.Hippidionis thus only distantly related to the morphologically similarPliohippus,which presumably became extinct during theMiocene.Both the NWSLH andHippidiumshow adaptations to dry, barren ground, whereas the shortened legs ofHippidionmay have been a response to sloped terrain.[30]In contrast, the geographic origin of the closely related modernE. ferusis not resolved. However, genetic results onextantand fossil material of Pleistocene age indicate two clades, potentially subspecies, one of which had aholarcticdistribution spanning from Europe through Asia and across North America and would become the founding stock of the modern domesticated horse.[31][32]The other population appears to have been restricted to North America. However, one or more North American populations ofE. ferusentered South America ~1.0–1.5 million years ago, leading to the forms currently known asE. (Amerhippus),which represent an extinct geographic variant or race ofE. ferus.

Genome sequencing


Early sequencing studies ofDNArevealed several genetic characteristics of Przewalski's horse that differ from what is seen in modern domestic horses, indicating neither is ancestor of the other, and supporting the status of Przewalski horses as a remnant wild population not derived from domestic horses.[33]The evolutionarydivergenceof the two populations was estimated to have occurred about 45,000YBP,[34][35]while the archaeological record places the first horse domestication about 5,500 YBP by the ancient central-AsianBotai culture.[34][36]The two lineages thus split well before domestication, probably due to climate, topography, or other environmental changes.[34]

Several subsequent DNA studies produced partially contradictory results. A 2009 molecular analysis usingancient DNArecovered from archaeological sites placed Przewalski's horse in the middle of the domesticated horses,[37]but a 2011mitochondrial DNAanalysis suggested that Przewalski's and modern domestic horses diverged some 160,000 years ago.[38]An analysis based on whole genome sequencing and calibration with DNA from old horse bones gave a divergence date of 38–72 thousand years ago.[39]

In June 2013, a group of researchers announced that they had sequenced theDNAof a 560–780 thousand year old horse, using material extracted from a leg bone found buried inpermafrostin Canada'sYukonterritory.[40]Before this publication, the oldest nuclear genome that had been successfully sequenced was dated at 110–130 thousand years ago. For comparison, the researchers alsosequencedthe genomes of a 43,000-year-oldPleistocenehorse, aPrzewalski's horse,five modern horse breeds, and a donkey.[41]Analysis of differences between thesegenomesindicated that thelast common ancestorof modern horses, donkeys, and zebras existed 4 to 4.5 million years ago.[40]The results also indicated that Przewalski's horse diverged from other modern types of horse about 43,000 years ago, and had never in its evolutionary history been domesticated.[27]

A new analysis in 2018 involved genomic sequencing of ancient DNA from mid-fourth-millennium B.C.E. Botai domestic horses, as well as domestic horses from more recent archaeological sites, and comparison of these genomes with those of modern domestic and Przewalski's horses. The study revealed that Przewalski's horses not only belong to the same genetic lineage as those from the Botai culture, but were theferaldescendants of these ancient domestic animals, rather than representing a surviving population of never-domesticated horses.[42]The Botai horses were found to have made only negligible genetic contribution to any of the other ancient or modern domestic horses studied, which must then have arisen from an independent domestication involving a different wild horse population.[42]

Thekaryotypeof Przewalski's horse differs from that of the domestic horse by an extra chromosome pair because of thefissionof domestic horse chromosome 5 to produce the Przewalski's horse chromosomes 23 and 24. In comparison, the chromosomal differences between domestic horses andzebrasinclude numeroustranslocations,fusions,inversionsandcentromererepositioning.[43]This gives Przewalski's horse the highestdiploidchromosome number among all equine species. They can interbreed with the domestic horse and produce fertile offspring (65 chromosomes).[44]

Pleistocene extinctions


Digs in western Canada have unearthed clear evidence horses existed in North America until about 12,000 years ago.[45] However, all Equidae in North America ultimately became extinct. The causes of this extinction (simultaneous with the extinctions of a variety of other Americanmegafauna) have been a matter of debate. Given the suddenness of the event and because these mammals had been flourishing for millions of years previously, something quite unusual must have happened. The first main hypothesis attributes extinction toclimate change.For example, inAlaska,beginning approximately 12,500 years ago, the grasses characteristic of asteppeecosystem gave way to shrubtundra,which was covered with unpalatable plants.[46][47]The other hypothesis suggests extinction was linked tooverexploitationby newly arrived humans of naive prey that were not habituated to their hunting methods. The extinctions were roughly simultaneous with the end of the most recent glacial advance and the appearance of the big game-huntingClovis culture.[48][49]Several studies have indicated humans probably arrived in Alaska before or shortly before the local extinction of horses.[49][50][51][52]However, it has been proposed that the steppe–tundra vegetation transition inBeringiamay have been a consequence, rather than a cause, of the extinction of megafaunal grazers.[53]

In Eurasia, horse fossils began occurring frequently again in archaeological sites inKazakhstanand the southernUkraineabout 6,000 years ago.[31]From then on,domesticated horses,as well as the knowledge of capturing, taming, and rearing horses, probably spread relatively quickly, with wild mares from several wild populations being incorporated en route.[32][54]

Return to the Americas


Horses only returned to the Americas withChristopher Columbusin 1493. These wereIberian horsesfirst brought toHispaniolaand later toPanama,Mexico,Brazil,Peru,Argentina,and, in 1538,Florida.[55]The first horses to return to the main continent were 16 specifically identified[clarification needed]horses brought byHernán Cortés.Subsequent explorers, such asCoronadoandDe Soto,brought ever-larger numbers, some from Spain and others from breeding establishments set up by the Spanish in the Caribbean. Later, as Spanish missions were founded on the mainland, horses would eventually be lost or stolen, and proliferated into large herds offeral horsesthat became known asmustangs.[56]





The ancestors of the horse came to walk only on the end of the third toe and both side (second and fourth) "toes". Skeletal remnants show obvious wear on the back of both sides ofmetacarpalandmetatarsalbones, commonly called the "splint bones". They are the remnants of the second and the fourth toes. Modern horses retain the splint bones; they are often believed to be useless attachments, but they in fact play an important role in supporting the carpal joints (front knees) and even the tarsal joints (hocks).

A 2018 study has found remnants of the remaining digits in the horse's hoof, suggesting a retention of all five digits (albeit in a "hourglass" arrangement where metacarpals/tarsals are present proximally and phalanges distally).[57]



Throughout the phylogenetic development, the teeth of the horse underwent significant changes. The type of the originalomnivorousteeth with short, "bumpy" molars, with which the prime members of the evolutionary line distinguished themselves, gradually changed into the teeth common toherbivorousmammals. They became long (as much as 100 mm), roughly cubical molars equipped with flat grinding surfaces. In conjunction with the teeth, during the horse's evolution, the elongation of the facial part of the skull is apparent, and can also be observed in the backward-set eyeholes. In addition, the relatively short neck of the equine ancestors became longer, with equal elongation of the legs. Finally, the size of the body grew as well.[citation needed]

Coat color

Reconstruction of possible ancestral coat colors.[58]

The ancestral coat color ofE. feruswas possibly a uniformdun,consistent with modern populations ofPrzewalski's horses.Pre-domestication variants including black and spotted have been inferred from cave wall paintings and confirmed by genomic analysis.[58] Domestication may have also led to more varieties of coat colors.[59]

See also



  1. ^Legendre, Serge (1989).Les communautés de mammifères du Paléogène (Eocène supérieur et Oligocène) d'Europe occidentale: structures, milieux et évolution.München: F. Pfeil. p. 110.ISBN978-3-923871-35-3.
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Further reading
