Vicia faba

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Vicia faba,commonly known as thebroad bean,fava bean,orfaba bean,is a species ofvetch,aflowering plantin thepeaandbeanfamilyFabaceae.It is widely cultivated as a crop for human consumption, and also as acover crop.Varieties with smaller, harder seeds that are fed to horses or other animals are calledfield bean,tic beanortick bean.Horse bean,Vicia fabavar.equinaPers.,is avarietyrecognized as an accepted name.[1]This legume is very common in Southern European, Northern European, East Asian, Latin American and North African cuisines.

Vicia faba
Illustration ofVicia fabain flower
Scientific classificationEdit this classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Tracheophytes
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Rosids
Order: Fabales
Family: Fabaceae
Subfamily: Faboideae
Tribe: Fabeae
Genus: Vicia
V. faba
Binomial name
Vicia faba

Faba sativaMoench.

Some people suffer fromfavism,ahemolyticresponse to the consumption of broad beans, a condition linked to a metabolism disorder known asG6PDD.Otherwise the beans, with the outer seed coat removed, can be eaten raw or cooked. In young plants, the outer seed coat can be eaten, and in very young plants, the seed pod can be eaten.


Worldwide broad bean production

Vicia fabais a stiffly erect, annual plant0.5 to 1.8 metres (1+12to 6 ft) tall, with two to four stems that are square incross-section.Theleavesare 10 to 25 centimetres (4 to 10 in) long,pinnatewith 2–7 leaflets, and glaucous (grey-green). Unlike most othervetches,the leaves do not havetendrilsfor climbing over other vegetation.

Theflowersare1 to 2.5 centimetres (12to 1 in) long with five petals; the standard petals are white, the wing petals are white with a black spot (true black, not deep purple or blue as is the case in many "black" colorings)[2]and the keel petals are white. Crimson-flowered broad beans also exist, which were recently saved from extinction.[3]The flowers have a strong sweet scent which is attractive to bees and otherpollinators.[4]

Thefruitis a broad, leathery pod that is green, but matures to a dark blackish-brown, with a densely downy surface; the wild species has pods that are 5 to 10 cm (2 to 4 in) long and 1 cm diameter, but many moderncultivarsdeveloped for food use have pods 15 to 25 cm (6 to 10 in) long and 2–3 cm thick. Each bean pod contains 3–8seeds.They are round to oval and have a 5–10 mm diameter in the wild plant, but are usually flattened and up to 20–25 mm long, 15 mm broad and 5–10 mm thick in foodcultivars.V. fabahas adiploid(2n) chromosome number of 12 (six homologous pairs). Five pairs areacrocentricchromosomes and one pair ismetacentric.



The diploidgenomeofVicia fabacontains 13 GB of DNA, mostly obtained through amplification of retrotransposons and satellite repeats. The genome is one of the largest diploid field crops and contains a predicted 34,221 protein-coding genes.[5]

History and cultivation

Broad beans in the pod

Broad beans have a long tradition of cultivation inOld Worldagriculture, being among the most ancient plants in cultivation and also among the easiest to grow. While their wild ancestor has not been identified and their origin is unknown[6],charred legumes of a possible wild-type progenitor have been identified at theNatufiansite of theel-Wad Terrace[7].Carbonised domestic faba bean remains were discovered at three adjacentNeolithicsites inIsrael'sLower Galilee(Yiftah'el,Ahi'hudand Nahal Zippori). Based on the radiocarbon dating of these remains, scientists now believe that the domestication of the crop may have begun as early as 8,250 BCE.[8]

Broad beans are still often grown as acover cropto preventerosionbecause they canoverwinterand, as alegume,theyfix nitrogenin the soil. The broad bean has highplant hardiness;it can withstand harsh and coldclimates.Unlike most legumes, the broad bean can be grown insoilswith highsalinity,as well as inclay soil.However, it prefers richloams.

In much of theEnglish-speaking world,the name "broad bean" is used for the large-seeded cultivars grown for human food, while "horse bean" and "field bean" refer to cultivars with smaller, harder seeds that are more like the wild species and used foranimal feed,[citation needed]though their stronger flavour is preferred in some human food recipes, such asfalafel.The term "fava bean" (fromItalian:favafor the bean) is used in some English-speaking countries such as Canada and the US, and "broad bean" is the most common name inCommonwealthcountries like the UK, Australia and New Zealand.

Pests and diseases


Many diseases appear at a higher rate in higher humidity. Therefore, cultivars being bred for higher density should be evaluated for disease problems. This can be mitigated by west–east rows for more sun drying effect.[9]

Disease tolerance is an important part of breedingV. faba.[9]

If transplanted instead ofdirect seededthere is a lower risk of some diseases includingBotrytis fabae.[10]



In mainland Europe and North Africa, the plant parasiteOrobanche crenata(carnation-scented broomrape) can cause severe impacts on fields of broad beans, devastating their yields.

Fungal diseases


Botrytis fabae


Vicia fabais attacked byBotrytis fabae,the chocolate spot fungus, which can have a severe impact on yield. It is one of the worst diseases in fava beans, as it results in foliar damage, reducedphotosynthesis,and reduced bean productivity. The fungus switches from non-aggressive growth to aggressive pathogenicity under the combination of increased temperature and humidity, which is worsened by low soilpotassiumandphosphoruscontent and by the higher humidity caused by higher seeding rates. The non-aggressive phase is marked by small red-brown leaf lesions, and sometimes the same on stems and pods. Treatment is less effective than prevention. Early planting avoids the problematic combination of high temperature and humidity in late spring into early summer. Decreasing seeding rate or thinning after emergence is also effective. Foliar fungicide is effective.[11]If fava beans flower during the heights of summer temperatures there is an increased risk of this disease.[10]If transplanted instead ofdirect seededthere is a lower risk ofBotrytis fabaeoutbreaks.[10]

Erysiphe cichoracearum


Erysiphe cichoracearumoverwinters on residue and hasalternate hosts.Resistant cultivars and overhead irrigation are preventative.Sulfur fungicidesare recommended in severe outbreak.[12]

Fusarium solani


Thissoil borne pathogenis mitigated by lower temperature, aeration, drainage, and sufficient nutrition. Symptoms include stunting, yellowing, necrotic basal leaves, and brown or red or black streak-shaped root lesions that grow together and may show above the soil as the disease progresses.[13]

Uromyces viciae-fabaevar.viciae-fabae


Faba bean rustis a fungal pathogen commonly affecting broad bean plants at maturity, causing small orange dots with yellow halos on the leaves, which may merge to form an orange lawn on both leaf surfaces.

Sclerotiniastem rot


BothSclerotinia sclerotiorumandS. trifoliorumare pathogens of interest. Lithourgidis et al. have done extensive work over the years, including in 2007 forS. t.,2005 forS. s.,and 1989 regarding procedures for field testing withS. s.[14]

Bacterial diseases


Xanthomonas campestrisandX. axonopodis


Xanthomonas campestrisandX. axonopodiscan be inoculated byseed contaminationand by overwintering incrop residue.Increased incidence with higher temperatures, rainfall, and humidity. Produces deliquescent, necrotic lesions, sometimes with a wider yellow lesion around them, and in advanced disease the plant will look burned. Can be prevented or treated by use of uninfected seed,resistant cultivars,seed treatments,andcopper bactericides.[15]

Pseudomonas syringae


Pseudomonas syringaeoverwinters on residue. Uninfected seed,rotation,and removal of residue are preventative.[16]

Viral diseases


Faba bean necrotic yellows viruswhich it shares with otherVicia.[17]Timchenko et al. 2006 findClinkis not obviously necessary buthighly conservednonetheless, suggesting it is maintained by necessity for infection of otherVicia.[17]

Insect pests


Aphis fabae


Broad bean plants are highly susceptible to early summer infestations of theblack bean aphid,which can cover large sections of growing plants with infestations, typically starting at the tip of the plant. Severe infestations can significantly reduce yields, and can also cause discolouration of pods and reduction in their saleable values.

Aphis fabaeis a major pest. May infest transplants. Reflectiveplastic mulchmay be preventative. May be mechanically removed by high pressure water once plant is established.V. fabaeis tolerant to low and medium degrees of infestation, soinsecticideapplication is only required under high infestation.[18]



Beans generally containphytohaemagglutinin,alectinthat occurs naturally in plants, animals, and humans.[19]Most of the relatively low toxin concentrations found inV. fabacan be destroyed by boiling the beans for 10 minutes.[19]

Broad beans are rich inlevodopa,and should thus be avoided by those taking irreversiblemonoamine oxidase inhibitorsto prevent a pressor response.[20][21]

Genetic predisposition


Sufferers offavismmust avoid broad beans, as they contain the alkaloid glycosidevicinewhich may initiate ahemolytic crisis.[22]A low-content vicine-convicine faba beanlinewas identified in the 1980s and the trait has been introduced into several moderncultivars.Low vicine-convicine faba beans are safe for consumption byG6PD-deficient individuals. As of 2019, a molecular marker may be used for marker-assistedbreedingto reduce levels of vicine-convicine in fava beans.[23]

Fava beans, mature seeds, raw
Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
Energy340 kcal (1,400 kJ)
58.29 g
Dietary fiber25 g
1.53 g
26.12 g
Vitamins and minerals
Thiamine (B1)
0.555 mg
Riboflavin (B2)
0.333 mg
Niacin (B3)
2.832 mg
Vitamin B6
0.366 mg
Folate (B9)
104 μg
Vitamin C
1.4 mg
Vitamin K
9 μg
103 mg
0.824 mg
6.7 mg
192 mg
1.626 mg
421 mg
1062 mg
8.2 μg
13 mg
3.14 mg
Other constituentsQuantity
Water11 g
Percentages estimated usingUS recommendationsfor adults,[24]except for potassium, which is estimated based on expert recommendation fromthe National Academies.[25]




Broad beans, shelled and steamed
Vicia fababeans around a US quarter
Fried broad beans as a snack

Raw mature fava beans are 11% water, 58%carbohydrates,26%protein,and 2%fat.A 100-gram reference amount supplies 1,425 kJ (341 kcal; 341 Cal) offood energyand numerousessential nutrientsin high content (20% or more of theDaily Value,DV).Folate(26% DV), anddietary minerals,such asmanganese,phosphorus,magnesium,andiron(range of 52 to 77% DV), have considerable content.B vitaminshave moderate to rich content (19 to 48% DV). Fava beans present the highest protein-to-carbohydrate ratio among other popular pulse crops, such as chickpea, pea and lentil. Moreover, their consumption is recommended along with cereals as both foods are complementary in supplying allessential amino acids.[26]

Broad beans are generally eaten while still young and tender, enabling harvesting to begin as early as the middle of spring for plants started under glass or overwintered in a protected location, but even the main crop sown in early spring will be ready from mid to late summer. Horse beans, left to mature fully, are usually harvested in the late autumn, and are then eaten as apulse.The immature pods are also cooked and eaten, and the young leaves of the plant can also be eaten, either raw or cooked as apot herb(like spinach).

Preparing broad beans involves first removing the beans from their pods, then steaming or boiling the beans, either whole or afterparboilingthem to loosen their exterior coating, which is then removed. The beans can be fried, causing the skin to split open, and then salted and/or spiced to produce a savory, crunchy snack.



In south Algerian cuisine, broad beans are used to makebesarahanddoubara.Doubara is popular in the city ofBiskra.



In theSichuan cuisineof China, broad beans are combined withsoybeansandchili peppersto produce a spicy fermented bean paste calleddoubanjiang.



Fava beans (Colombia: Haba(s)) are a common food in most regions of Colombia, mostly in Bogota and Boyacá.



Steamed fava beans (known ashabitas) with cheese are common in the cold-weather regions of Ecuador, especially around the Andes mountains and surroundings of Ambato.



Fava beans (Egyptian Masri:fūlpronounced[fuːl]) are a commonstaple foodin theEgyptian diet,eaten by rich and poor alike.Egyptianseat fava beans in various ways: they may be shelled and then dried, or bought dried and then cooked in water on very low heat for several hours. They are the primary ingredient in Egyptian-stylefalafel(unlike the Levantine style, where the primary ingredient ischickpeas). The most popular way of preparing them inEgyptis by taking the cooked and partially mashed beans and adding oil, salt, andcuminto them. The dish, known asful medames,is traditionally eaten with bread (generally atbreakfast) and is considered one of Egypt'snational dishes.



Broad beans (Amharic:baqella) are one of the most popular legumes inEthiopia.They are tightly coupled with every aspect of Ethiopian life. They are mainly used as an alternative to peas to prepare a flour calledshiro,which is used to makeshiro wot(a stew used widely in Ethiopian dishes). During the fasting period in theEthiopian Orthodox Churchtradition calledTsome Filliseta, Tsome arbeå, Tsome Tahsas,andTsome Hawaria(which are in August, end of February, April, mid-November, beginning of January, and June–July), two uncooked spicy vegetable dishes are made using broad beans. The first ishilibet,a thin, white paste of broad bean flour mixed with pieces of onion, green pepper, garlic, and other spices. The second issiljo,a fermented, sour, spicy thin yellow paste of broad bean flour. Both are served with other stews andinjera(a pancake-like bread) during lunch and dinner.

Baqella nifro(boiled broad beans) are eaten as a snack during some holidays and during a time of mourning. This tradition goes well into religious holidays, too. On the Thursday beforeGood Friday(in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church tradition,tselote hamus(the Prayer of Thursday)), people eat a different kind ofnifrocalledgulban.Gulbanis made of peeled half-beans collected and well-cooked with other grains such as wheat, peas, andchickpeas.



InEngland,broad beans are usually boiled.[27]

There is a project aimed at increasing broad bean consumption, particularly by use of broad bean flour in bread.[28]



InFinnish,the word for "fava bean" ishärkäpapu(literally "ox bean" ). Fava beans are used to make ameat substitutecalledHärkis.



The Greek wordfáva(φάβα) doesnotrefer to broad beans, but to the yellowsplit peaand also to anotherlegume,Lathyrus clymenum.Broad beans are known instead askoukiá(Greek:κουκιά), and are eaten in a stew combined with artichokes, while they are still fresh in their pods. Dried broad beans are eaten boiled, sometimes combined with garlic sauce (skordalia).

InCrete,fresh broad beans are shelled and eaten as a companion totsikoudia,the local alcoholic drink.

Favismis quite common in Greece because ofmalariaendemicity in previous centuries, and people afflicted by it do not eat broad beans.[citation needed]



In India, fava beans are eaten in theNortheastern stateofManipur.They are locally known ashawai-amubiand are ingredients in the disheromba.



Broad beans, or "Baghalee" (Persian:باقالی) are primarily cultivated in the central and north parts of Iran. The city ofKashanhas the highest production of broad beans with high quality in terms of the taste, cooking periods and color. However, broad beans have a very short season (roughly two weeks). The season is usually in the middle of spring. When people have access to fresh beans in season, they cook them in brine and then add vinegar andHeracleum persicumdepending on taste. They also make an extra amount to dry to be used year-round. The dried beans can be cooked with rice, which forms one of the most famous dishes in north of Iran (Gilan) calledbaghalee polo(Persian:باقالی پلو) which means "rice with broad beans". In Iran, broad beans are cooked, served with Golpar-origan and salt and sold on streets in the winter. This food is also available preserved in metal cans.



Broad beans which are called Bagilla (باگله/باقله) in the Iraqi dialect ofArabicare a common ingredient in many Iraqi foods. One of the most popular Iraqi dishes that uses the broad bean is Bagilla Bil-Dihin (باگله بالدهن) also called Tishreeb Bagilla (تشريب باگله). This dish is a common breakfast dish in Iraq and consists of bread soaked in boiled broad beans’ water then topped with broad beans, meltedGhee,and often also a boiled or fried egg. Fool (فول) is another common breakfast dish in Iraq as well as many otherArab countriesand consists of mashed fava beans. Another famous Iraqi dish is Timmen Bagilla (تمن باگله), which is Arabic for 'broad bean rice'. This classic Iraqi dish consists of rice cooked with broad bean and dill.



In Sardinia, broad beans are traditionally cooked with lard, often substituted or paired with bacon or minced pork.

In Rome, fava beans are popular either cooked withguancialeor withglobe artichokes,as side dish together with lamb or kid, or raw withpecorino romano.Fave epecorinois the traditional dish for 1 May picnic inLiguria,Tuscany,Marche,UmbriaandLatium.

In Sicily,maccuis aSiciliansoup prepared with fava beans as a primary ingredient.[29]

InApulia,broad bean purée with wildchicoryis a typical dish.



Broad beans, called Soramame (Japanese:そら đậu) lit: "Sky Bean", are consumed in a variety of ways in Japan. Most commonly, the beans are boiled and are eaten straight or added to rice. It is also consumed as a popular snack called "ikarimame" (Japanese:いかり đậu) lit: "Anchor Bean", where the beans are roasted or fried.[30]



Judd mat Gaardebounen,or smoked collar of pork with broad beans, is the national dish ofLuxembourg.[31]


Broad beans are synonymous with Maltesekusksu.

They are a primary ingredient of the Maltesekusksu,a vegetable soup primarily containing fava beans and pasta beads. They are also used in anappetizercalledbigillawhere they are served as a pureé mixed with olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, parsley and mint. It is served with bread or crackers.



In Mexico, fava beans are often eaten in a soup calledsopa de habas,meaning "fava soup". They are also eaten fried, salted, and dried, as a snack, either by themselves or in combination with other salted, dried beans and nuts.



In Morocco, fava beans are cooked, steamed or made intotabiṣart,a dip sold as a street food and commonly eaten in winter.[32]



In Nepal, fava beans are calledbakulla.They are eaten as a green vegetable when the pods are young, generally stir-fried with garlic. When dried, fava beans are eaten roasted, or mixed with other legumes, such as moong beans, chick peas, and peas, and calledqwati.The mixture, soaked and germinated, is cooked as soup and consumed with rice or beaten rice on the occasion ofJanai Purnimaalso known asRakshya Bandhan,a festival celebrated by the Hindus. The dry and stir-fried version ofqwatiis calledbiraula.Theqwatisoup is believed to reinvigorate the body affected by monsoon paddy season.



In the Netherlands, they are traditionally eaten with freshsavoryand some melted butter. The combination of the beans tossed with crispy fried bacon is also common. When rubbed, the velvet insides of the pods are a folk remedy against warts.



Fava beans (Peruvian Spanish:haba(s)) are eaten fresh or dried toasted, boiled, roasted, stewed or in soup. Habas are one of the essential ingredients of "Pachamanca"in the Andes ofPeru,and are also an additive for "Panetela", which is a homemade remedy to keep your child fed and hydrated in cases of diarrhea or stomach infection and even forcholeratreatment.

Peruvian dishes with fava beans include:

  • Aji de habas
  • Saltado de habas
  • Elchupede habas
  • Ajiaco de Papas y habas
  • Pachamanca
  • Guiso de habas
  • Shambar(heavy soup, traditional in Trujillo)


"Favas guisadas à Portuguesa", a Portuguese fava stew

Fava beans (Portuguese:favas) are widely cultivated in Portugal and are very popular throughout the country. The most popular dish cooked with favas is "favada", a stew with onion and pork—depending on the region of the country the pork may be chorizo, bacon, pork shoulder, ribs or the mixture of many of these. InAlentejoa lot of coriander will be added in the end. Besides favada, fava beans may be served dry and fried as an appetiser.



Broad bean aspic (Serbian:bobove pihtije) is a Serbian winter dish in which the pureed cooked beans are combined with crushed garlic and set in a mould, topped with ground paprika in hot oil.



Broad beans (Spanish:habas) are widely cultivated in Spain. Culinary uses vary among regions, but they can be used as the main pulse in a stew (Habas estofadas, michirones) or as an addition to other dishes (menestra, paella). In certain regions they can be eaten while unripe or fried and packaged as a snack.



Fava beans are one of the most widely consumed foods in Sudan. For most Sudanese they form the main dish during breakfast time (fatoor), especially more so for city and urban dwellers. The beans are cooked by steadily boiling over a sustained period of time. Similar to Egypt, the cooked beans are mashed, and prepared by adding salt and pepper. For additional flavour, sesame oil is added along with a sprinkling of jibna ( "feta"cheese) on top. The dish is then eaten with bread, sometimes mix all in one dish this called (fatta or boash).


Green broad beans vegan salad in Sweden

Broad beans (Swedish:bondbönor,lit.'peasant beans'), which in Sweden were traditionally eaten as soaked brown, and boiled, dried broad beans fried in lard, were for a very long time popular to add to other foods as a filling side, specially with fried pork. The green, raw, and lightly boiled broad beans were used seasonally as a side green.



In Syria, broad beans are prepared in multiple ways for breakfast, lunch or dinner.Ful medamesis the same as the Egyptian dish (it is not mashed though) but with the addition of tomato, parsley and onion and with olive oil. Another version of it includes the addition oftahini(sesame paste), olive oil, garlic and lemon. For lunch, broad beans are cooked with a mix of minced and big chunks of meat and is topped on whitericeand eaten with cold yogurt and cucumber salad.Bulguris sometimes used in preparing this recipe instead of rice. Broad beans are cooked with pieces of garlic, meat and meat stock with the addition of lemon juice andcilantro.This dish is calledfouliehand is eaten on the side with rice. The same recipe is prepared without meat as a vegan dish eaten on Lent byChristians in Syria.



In Turkey, broad beans are calledbakla.This is also the name of azeytinyağlıdish made by simmering young and tender broad bean pods with chopped onions in olive oil. It is traditionally garnished with dill and served cool, together with yoghurt. Another dish isfava,amezeprepared by pureeing beans with olive oil. Broad beans are also cooked with artichoke (enginarlı iç bakla), which is anotherzeytinyağlıdish.



In Southern Vietnam, fava beans (đậu móng heo) are usually stir fried with rice noodles, durians, shrimps, Thai basil, quail eggs and pig intestines in a dry stew calledhủ tiếu lòng heo.

Other uses

  • In ancient Greece andRome,beans were used in voting; a white bean was used to cast ayesvote, and a black bean forno.Even today, the wordkoukia(κουκιά) is used unofficially, referring to the votes. Beans were used as a food for the dead, such as during the annualLemuriafestival.[citation needed]
  • The ancient Roman family nameFabiusand the modern political termFabianderive from this particular bean.
  • Both Porphyry and Iamblichus report that Pythagoras once persuaded a bull not to eat beans[33][34]
  • InUbykhculture, throwing beans on the ground and interpreting the pattern in which they fall was a common method ofdivination(favomancy), and the word for "bean-thrower" in that language has become a generic term for seers and soothsayers in general.
  • The colloquial expression 'not worth a hill of beans' alludes to their widespread economy and association with the peasant diet.
  • In Italy, broad beans are traditionally sown on 2 November,All Souls Day.Small cakes made in the shape of broad beans (though not out of them) are known asfave dei mortior "beans of the dead". According to tradition,Sicilyonce experienced a failure of all crops other than the beans; the beans kept the population from starvation, and thanks were given toSaint Joseph.Broad beans subsequently became traditional onSaint Joseph's Dayaltars in many Italian communities. Some people carry a broad bean for goodluck;some believe that if one carries a broad bean, one will never be without the essentials of life. InRome,on the first of May, Roman families traditionally eat fresh fava beans withPecorino Romanocheese during a daily excursion in theCampagna.In northern Italy, on the contrary, fava beans are traditionally fed to animals—and so some people, especially the elderly, might frown on human consumption. But inLiguria,a maritime region near northern Italy, fava beans are loved raw, and consumed fresh in early spring as the first product of the garden, alone or with freshPecorino Sardoor with localsalamifromSant'Olcese.In some Central Italian regions, a once-popular and recently rediscovered fancy food is thebagiana,a soup of fresh or dried fava beans seasoned with onions and beet leaves stir-fried, before being added to the soup, in olive oil and lard (or bacon or cured ham fat).
  • In Portugal and Spain a Christmas cake calledbolo Reiin Portuguese androscón de reyesin Spanish (King's cake) is baked with a fava bean inside. Whoever eats the slice containing it, is supposed to buy next year's cake.
  • A similar tradition exists in France, where thefève(originally a dried bean, but often now a small china or metal trinket) is placed in thegalette des rois;the person who finds it in their slice becomes the king or queen of the meal, and is often expected to serve the other guests to drink.
  • Plinyclaimed they acted as alaxative.
  • European folklore also claims that planting beans onGood Fridayor during the night brings good luck.
  • Frederick E Rose (London) Ltd v William H Pim Junior & Co Ltd[1953] 2 QB 450, is anEnglish contract lawcase where the two litigants had both mistakenfeverolesfor ordinary horse beans.
  • Can be used as agreen manure,due tonitrogen fixationit produces.
  • In the Netherlands, roasted or fried broad beans are regarded as a local delicacy of the city ofGroningen,and is locally calledmolleboon.Until the 1800s, the city council usedmollebonenfor the voting process, sometimes real beans, sometimes made of stone or clay. The wordMolleboonbecame a nickname for the inhabitants of the city.



The first experimental demonstration that the pattern of replication of eukaryoticchromosomesfollows thesemiconservative DNA replicationscheme proposed in 1953 by Watson and Crick[35]was reported in 1957 usingV. fabaroot cells.[36]


See also



  1. ^"The Plant List:Vicia faba var. equinaPers ".Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and Missouri Botanic Garden. 2013.Retrieved24 April2018.
  2. ^"Core Historical Literature of Agriculture" April2013.
  3. ^"Daughter of the Soil".Daughter of the Soil. Archived fromthe originalon 28 October 2011.Retrieved30 April2013.
  4. ^Somerville, Doug (March 2002)."Honeybees in faba bean pollination"(PDF).Agnote(DAI-128). NSW Agriculture.ISSN1034-6848.
  5. ^Jayakodi, Murukarthick; Golicz, Agnieszka A.; Kreplak, Jonathan; Fechete, Lavinia I.; Angra, Deepti; Bednář, Petr; Bornhofen, Elesandro; Zhang, Hailin; Boussageon, Raphaël; Kaur, Sukhjiwan; Cheung, Kwok; Čížková, Jana; Gundlach, Heidrun; Hallab, Asis; Imbert, Baptiste (March 2023)."The giant diploid faba genome unlocks variation in a global protein crop".Nature.615(7953): 652–659.Bibcode:2023Natur.615..652J.doi:10.1038/s41586-023-05791-5.ISSN1476-4687.PMC10033403.PMID36890232.
  6. ^Kosterin, Oleg (2014)."The lost ancestor of the broad bean (Vicia fabaL.) and the origin of plant cultivation in the Near East ".Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding.18(4–1): 831–840.doi:10.18699/VJ15.118.
  7. ^Caracuta, Valentina; Weinstein-Evron, Mina; Kaufman, Daniel; Yeshurun, Reuven; Silvent, Jeremie; Boaretto, Elisabetta (2016)."14,000-year-old seeds indicate the Levantine origin of the lost progenitor of faba bean".Scientific Reports.6(1).doi:10.1038/srep37399.ISSN2045-2322.PMC5120295.Retrieved18 August2024– via Nature.
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  9. ^abEtemadi, Fatemeh; Hashemi, Masoud; Barker, Allen V.; Zandvakili, Omid Reza; Liu, Xiaobing (2019)."Agronomy, Nutritional Value, and Medicinal Application of Faba Bean (Vicia fabaL.) ".Horticultural Plant Journal.5(4): 170–182, See p. 172.Bibcode:2019HorPJ...5..170E.doi:10.1016/j.hpj.2019.04.004.ISSN2468-0141.
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