Thefishing industryincludes any industry or activity that takes, cultures, processes, preserves, stores, transports, markets or sells fish or fish products. It is defined by theFood and Agriculture Organizationas includingrecreational,subsistenceandcommercial fishing,as well as the related harvesting,processing,andmarketingsectors.[1]The commercial activity is aimed at the delivery offishand otherseafood productsfor human consumption or as input factors in other industrial processes. The livelihood of over 500 million people indeveloping countriesdepends directly or indirectly onfisheriesandaquaculture.[2]

Double-rigged shrimp trawler hauling in the nets

The fishing industry is struggling with environmental and welfare issues, includingoverfishingandoccupational safety.[3]Additionally, the combined pressures ofclimate change,biodiversity lossand overfishing endanger the livelihoods andfood securityof a substantial portion of the global population.[4]


Commercially important finfish fisheries
Modern Spanishtunapurse seinerin theSeychelles Islands
Using a specialtuna knifeatTsukiji fish marketin Tokyo
Freshseafoodlaid out on one of several floating barge vendors at theMaine Avenue Fish Marketin Washington D.C.

The industry has three principal sectors that includerecreational,subsistenceandcommercial fishing.[1]

Other slightly different definitions exist, for example the Australian government uses:[5]

  • The commercial sector:comprises enterprises and individuals associated with wild-catch or aquaculture resources and the various transformations of those resources into products for sale. It is also referred to as the seafood industry, although non-food items such as pearls are included among its products.
  • The traditional sector:comprises enterprises and individuals associated with fisheries resources from which aboriginal people derive products in accordance with their traditions.
  • The recreational sector:comprises enterprises and individuals associated for the purpose of recreation, sport or sustenance with fisheries resources from which products are derived that are not for sale.


Stilts fishermen,Sri Lanka

Artisanal fishing(or traditional/subsistence fishing) consists of various small-scale,low-technology,low-capital,fishingpractices undertaken by individual fisherman (as opposed tocommercial fishing).[6]Many of these households are of coastal or island ethnic groups. These households make short (rarely overnight) fishing trips close to the shore. Their produce is usually not processed and is mainly for local consumption. Artisan fishing uses traditionalfishing techniquessuch asrodandtackle,fishing arrowsandharpoons,cast nets,and small (if any)traditional fishing boats.For that reason, socio-economic status of artisanal fishing community has become an interest of the authorities in recent years.

Artisan fishing may be undertaken for bothcommercialandsubsistencereasons. It contrasts with large-scale modern commercial fishing practices in that it is often less wasteful and less stressful on fish populations than modern industrial fishing. Target 14.b ofSustainable Development Goal 14works to provide access rights to artisanal fishers on marine resources and markets.[7]

Commercial sector

Commercialcrab fishingat theElbeRiver in June 2007.

Commercial fishingis the activity of catchingfishand otherseafoodforcommercialprofit,mostly fromwild fisheries.It provides a large quantity of food to many countries around the world, but those who practice it as an industry must often pursue fish far into the ocean under adverse conditions. Large-scale commercial fishing is calledindustrial fishing.

The major fishing industries are not only owned by major corporations but by small families as well.[8]In order to adapt to declining fish populations and increased demand, many commercial fishing operations have reduced the sustainability of their harvest by fishing further down the food chain. This raises concern forfishery managersand researchers, who highlight how further they say that for those reasons, the sustainability of the marine ecosystems could be in danger of collapsing.[8]

Commercial fishermen harvest a wide variety of animals. However, a very small number of species support the majority of the world's fisheries; these includeherring,cod,anchovy,tuna,flounder,mullet,squid,shrimp,salmon,crab,lobster,oysterandscallops.All except these last four provided a worldwide catch of well over amilliontonnesin 1999, withherringandsardinestogether providing a catch of over 22 million metric tons in 1999. Many other species are fished in smaller numbers.

In 2016, of the 171 million tonnes of fish caught, about 88 percent or over 151 million tonnes were utilized for direct human consumption. This share has increased significantly in recent decades, as it was 67 percent in the 1960s.[9]In 2016, the greatest part of the 12 percent used for non-food purposes (about 20 million tonnes) was reduced to fishmeal and fish oil (74 percent or 15 million tonnes), while the rest (5 million tonnes) was largely utilized as material for direct feeding in aquaculture and raising of livestock and fur animals, in culture (e.g. fry, fingerlings or small adults for ongrowing), as bait, in pharmaceutical uses and for ornamental purposes.[9]

World production

World capture fisheries and aquaculture production, from FAO's Statistical Yearbook 2021[10]
↑ By species group
↑ By production mode

Fish are harvested bycommercial fishingandaquaculture.

Theworld harvestincreased over the 20th century and, by 1986, had stabilized around 85–95 million metric tons (94×10^6–105×10^6short tons) per year.[11]According to theFood and Agriculture Organization(FAO), the world harvest in 2005 consisted of 93.3 million metric tons (102.8×10^6short tons) captured bycommercial fishinginwild fisheries,plus 48.1 million metric tons (53.0×10^6short tons) produced byfish farms.In addition, 1.3 million metric tons (1.4×10^6short tons) ofaquatic plants(seaweedetc.) were captured in wild fisheries and 14.8 million metric tons (16.3×10^6short tons) were produced byaquaculture.[12]The number of individual fish caught in the wild has been estimated at 0.97–2.7 trillion per year (not counting fish farms or marine invertebrates).[13]

Following is a table of the 2011 world fishing industry harvest intonnes(metric tons) by capture and byaquaculture.[12]

Capture (ton) Aquaculture (ton) Total (ton)
Total 94,574,113 83,729,313 178,303,426
Aquatic plant 1,085,143 20,975,361 22,060,504
Aquatic animal 93,488,970 62,753,952 156,202,922

Once fish is caught, especially in commercial sectors, bringing the fish to consumers require a complex series of related industries.

Fish processing


Fish processing is the processing of fish delivered by commercial fisheries and fish farms. The larger fish processing companies have their own fishing fleets and independent fisheries. The products of the industry are usually soldwholesaletogrocery chainsor to intermediaries.

Fish processing can be subdivided into two categories: fish handling (the initial processing of raw fish) and fish products manufacturing. Aspects of fish processing occur onfishing vessels,fish processing vessels,and atfish processing plants.

Another natural subdivision is into primary processing involved in the filleting and freezing of fresh fish for onward distribution to fresh fish retail and catering outlets, and the secondary processing that produces chilled, frozen and canned products for the retail and catering trades.[14]

Fish products


Fisheries are estimated to currently provide 16% of the world population'sprotein.The flesh of many fish are primarily valued as a source of food; there are many edible species of fish. Other marine life taken as food includesshellfish,crustaceans,sea cucumber,jellyfishandroe.

Fish and other marine life can also be used for many other uses:pearlsandmother-of-pearl,sharkskinandrayskin.Sea horses,star fish,sea urchinsandsea cucumberare used intraditional Chinese medicine.Tyrian purpleis a pigment made from marine snails, andsepiais a pigment made from the inky secretions ofcuttlefish.Fish gluehas long been valued for its use in all manner of products.Isinglassis used for theclarificationofwineandbeer.Fish emulsionis afertilizeremulsionthat is produced from the fluid remains of fish processed forfish oilandfish meal.

Fish derivedproteinhydrolysateshave been identified to exhibit a wide range ofbioactivitiesmaking them important to food and health care industries.[15]Hydrolysates derived from fish processing by-products likeswim bladder,skin,scale,bones andfinsdisplayblood pressureregulatory,[16]anti-inflammatory,[17]neuroprotective,[18]immunomodulatoryandanti-canceractivity.[19]Fish hydrolysates are also on the rise for commercial purposes in food industries due to theirlipid peroxidationinhibition, highemulsificationactivity and large water retention capacity making them effective food matrixstabilizationandshelf lifeenhancement agents.[20][21][22]

In the industry, the termseafoodproductsis often used instead offish products.

Fish marketing


Fish marketsaremarketplaceused for thetradein and sale of fish and otherseafood.They can be dedicated towholesaletrade betweenfishermenand fishmerchants,or to the sale of seafood to individualconsumers,or to both. Retail fish markets, a type ofwet market,often sellstreet foodas well.

Mostshrimpare sold frozen and aremarketedin different categories.[23]Thelive food fish tradeis a global system that links fishing communities with markets.

Environmental impact

Greenhouse gas emissions (kg / kg edible weight) of wild-caught and farmed seafood products

Theenvironmental impact of fishingincludes issues such as the availability offish,overfishing,fisheries,andfisheries management;as well as the impact ofindustrial fishingon other elements of the environment, such asbycatch.[24]These issues are part ofmarine conservation,and are addressed infisheries scienceprograms. According to a 2019FAOreport, global production of fish, crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic animals has continued to grow and reached 172.6 million tonnes in 2017, with an increase of 4.1 percent compared with 2016.[25]There is a growing gap between the supply of fish and demand, due in part toworld populationgrowth.[26]

Fishing and pollution from fishing are the largest contributors to the decline in ocean health and water quality. Ghost nets, or nets abandoned in the ocean, are made of plastic and nylon and do not decompose, wreaking extreme havoc on the wildlife and ecosystems they interrupt. Overfishing and destruction of marine ecosystems may have a significant impact on other aspects of the environment such asseabirdpopulations. On top of the overfishing, there is a seafood shortage resulting from the mass amounts of seafood waste, as well as themicroplasticsthat are polluting the seafood consumed by the public. The latter is largely caused by plastic-made fishing gear likedrift netsandlongliningequipment that are wearing down by use, lost or thrown away.[27][28]

The journalSciencepublished a four-year study in November 2006, which predicted that, at prevailing trends, the world would run out of wild-caughtseafoodin 2048. The scientists stated that the decline was a result ofoverfishing,pollutionand other environmental factors that were reducing the population of fisheries at the same time as their ecosystems were being annihilated. Many countries, such asTonga,theUnited States,AustraliaandBahamas,and international management bodies have taken steps to appropriately manage marine resources.[29][30]

Reefs are also being destroyed byoverfishingbecause of the huge nets that are dragged along the ocean floor whiletrawling.Many corals are being destroyed and, as a consequence, theecological nicheof many species is at stake.

Sustainable fishery


A conventional idea of asustainable fisheryis that it is one that is harvested at a sustainable rate, where the fish population does not decline over time because of fishing practices.Sustainabilityinfisheriescombines theoretical disciplines, such as thepopulation dynamics of fisheries,with practical strategies, such as avoidingoverfishingthrough techniques such asindividual fishing quotas,curtailingdestructiveandillegal fishing practicesby lobbying for appropriate law and policy, setting up protected areas, restoring collapsed fisheries, incorporating allexternalitiesinvolved in harvesting marine ecosystems into fishery economics, educating stakeholders and the wider public, and developing independent certification programs.

Some primary concerns around sustainability are that heavy fishing pressures, such asoverexploitationandgrowthorrecruitment overfishing,will result in the loss of significantpotential yield;thatstockstructure will erode to the point where it loses diversity and resilience to environmental fluctuations; that ecosystems and their economic infrastructures will cycle between collapse and recovery; with each cycle less productive than its predecessor; and that changes will occur in thetrophicbalance (fishing down marine food webs).[31]

International disputes


The ocean covers 71% of the earth's surface and 80% of the value of exploitedmarine resourcesare attributed to the fishing industry. The fishing industry has provoked various international disputes as wild fish capture rose to a peak about the end of the 20th century, and has since started a gradual decline.[32]Iceland, Japan, and Portugal are the greatest consumers ofseafoodper capita in the world.[citation needed]

Disputes in the Americas


ChileandPeruare countries with highfish consumption,and therefore had troubles regarding their fish industries. In 1947, Chile and Peru first adopted the 200nautical milestandard as theirexclusive economic zone(EEZ), and in 1982, theUNformally adopted this term. In the 2000s, Chile and Peru suffered a serious fish crisis because of excessive fishing and lack of proper regulations, and nowpolitical power play in the area is rekindled[clarification needed].[33]From the late 1950s, offshore bottom trawlers began exploiting the deeper part, leading to a large catch increase and a strong decline in the underlying biomass. The stock collapsed to extremely low levels in the early 1990s and this is a well-known example of non-excludable, non-rivalrouspublic goodin economics, causingfree-riderproblems.[citation needed]

Following thecollapse of the Atlantic northwest cod fisheryin 1992, a dispute arose between Canada and the European Union over the right to fishGreenland halibut(also known as turbot) just outside of Canada's exclusive economic zone in theGrand Banks of Newfoundland.The dispute became known as theTurbot War.[34][35]On 9 March 1995, in response to observations of foreign vessels fishing illegally in Canadian waters and using illegal equipment outside of Canada's EEZ, Canadian officials boarded and seized the Spanish trawlerEstaiin international waters on the Grand Banks.[36]Throughout March, theSpanish Navydeployed patrol ships to protect fishing boats in the area,[37]and Canadian forces were authorized to open fire on any Spanish vessel showing its guns.[citation needed]Canada and the European Union reached a settlement on 15 April which led to significant reforms in international fishing agreements.[38]

Disputes in Europe


Icelandis one of the largest consumers in the world and in 1972, a dispute occurred betweenUKand Iceland because of Iceland's announcement of anExclusive Economic Zone(EEZ) to reduce overfishing. This dispute is called theCod Wars,direct confrontations between Icelandic patrol vessels and British warships.[citation needed]

Nowadays in Europe in general, countries are searching for a way to recover their fishing industries. Overfishing ofEUfisheries is costing 3.2 billion euros a year and 100,000 jobs according to a report. So Europe is constantly looking for some collective actions that could be taken to prevent overfishing.[39]

Disputes in Asia

Fishing Harbor inLongkou,China

Japan,ChinaandKoreaare some of the greatest consumers of fish, and have some disputes overExclusive Economic Zone.[40] In 2011, due to a serious earthquake, the nuclear power facility inFukushimawas damaged. A huge amount of contaminated water leaked and entered the ocean.Tokyo Electric Power Company(Tepco) admitted that around 300 tonnes of highly radioactive water had leaked from a storage tank on the site. In theKuroshio Current,the sea near Fukushima, about 11 countries catch fish. Not only the surrounding countries such as Japan, Korea and China, but also the countries likeUkraine,SpainandRussiahave boats in the Kuroshio Current. In September 2013,South Koreabanned all fish imports from eight Japanese prefectures, due to the radioactive water leaks from the Fukushima nuclear plant.[39]

TheNorth Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission:NPFC was established in 2015 to manage fish stocks against increasing demand. Members areCanada,Japan,Russia,theUnited States,andSouth Korea.China,Taiwan,andVanuatualso participated in the meeting. The NPFC imposes catch limits on member countries and countries participating in the conference. A crackdown onIllegal, unreported and unregulated fishing(IUU) vendors was also requested.

Society and culture


Global goals


International policy to attempt to address these issues is captured inSustainable Development Goal 14( "Life below water" ) and its Target 14.4 on "Sustainable fishing":[41]"By 2020, effectively regulate harvesting and endoverfishing,illegal, unreported and unregulated fishinganddestructive fishing practicesand implement science-based management plans, in order to restore fish stocks in the shortest time feasible, at least to levels that can produce maximum sustainable yield as determined by their biological characteristics ".

Standards and labelling


TheMarine Stewardship Council(MSC) is an independentnon-profit organizationwhich sets a standard forsustainable fishing.Fisheries that wish to demonstrate they are well-managed and sustainable compared to the MSC's standards are assessed by a team of experts or Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) who are independent of both the fishery and the MSC.[42][43]

By country


See also



  1. ^abFAO Fisheries Section: Glossary:Fishing industry.Retrieved 28 May 2008.
  2. ^Fisheries and Aquaculture in our Changing ClimatePolicy brief of theFAOfor theUNFCCCCOP-15in Copenhagen, December 2009.
  3. ^Grant, Tavia (27 October 2017)."Sea Change" Globe and Mail.Retrieved16 December2021.Despite safety gains in many other industries, fishing continues to have the highest fatality rate of any employment sector in Canada.
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