Gambrinus(/ɡæmˈbrnəs/gam-BREE-nəs) is a legendary Europeanculture herocelebrated as an icon ofbeer,brewing,joviality, andjoie de vivre.Typical representations in thevisual artsdepict him as a rotund, bearded duke or king, holding a tankard or mug, and sometimes with akegnearby.

Gambrinus in kingly garb sits casually on a beer cask as he regards a foaming chalice and balances a large pitcher on his thigh. An illustration from the catalogue ofErnst Holzweißig Nachf.(1898)

Though sometimes erroneously called apatron saint,[1]Gambrinus is neither a saint nor atutelary deity.It is possible his persona was conflated with traditional medieval saints associated with beermaking, like SaintArnold of Soissons.In one legendary tradition, he is beer's inventor or envoy. Although legend attributes to him no special powers to bless brews or to make crops grow, tellers of oldtall talesare happy to adapt them to fit Gambrinus. Gambrinus stories usefolklore motifscommon to European folktales, such as thetrial by ordeal.Some imagine Gambrinus as a man who has an enormous capacity for drinking beer.[1]

Personages theorised as the basis for the Gambrinus character include the legendary ancient Germanic king Gambrivius (or Gampar) son of Mers[2](Marsus),John the Fearlessof Burgundy (1371–1419) andJohn I, Duke of Brabant(c.1252–1294).

Origin of Gambrinus


The source of the legend of Gambrinus is uncertain. An early written account, by German historianJohannes Aventinus(1477–1534), identifies Gambrinus with Gambrivius, a mythicalGermanicking about whom little is known. Two other men purported to have inspired the creation of Gambrinus are John I, Duke of Brabant, and John the Fearless, Duke of Burgundy.

Gambrivius or Gampar


In his magnum opusAnnals of Bavaria,German historian Johannes Aventinus wrote that Gambrinus is based on a mythical Germanic king called Gambrivius, or Gampar, who, Aventinus says, learned brewing fromOsirisandIsis.In 1517,William IV, Duke of Bavariahad made Aventinus the officialhistoriographerof his dukedom. Aventinus finished composing the history in 1523; the work that he compiled,Annals of Bavaria,extends beyond Bavaria, drawing on numerous ancient and medieval sources. However, it is also a work that blends history with myth and legend.

Legends tell that Gambrivius learned the art of brewing fromOsiris(left) andIsis(right).

European anecdote credits Gambrinus with the invention of beer. Aventinus attempted to reconcile this account with much older stories attributing its origin to Osiris' agricultural teachings.[3][4]In Aventinus' chronicle, Gambrivius was the paramour of Osiris' wife and sister, Isis. It was by this association, he says, that Gambrivius learned the science of brewing (cf. myths of thetheft of fire).[5]

Aventinus' account of Gambrivius contributed to the reverence for Osiris and Isis held by 17th-century European scholars.[6]Perceiving Osiris and Isis as "culture bearers" enabled a willingness to see historical connections where there were none.[6]

The 59th stanza of the English drinking ode "The Ex-ale-tation of Ale", written by Peter Mews, evidences a British appropriation of the myth:

To the praise of Gambrivius, that good British king
That devis'd for the nation by the Welshmen's tale
Seventeen hundred years before Christ did spring
The happy invention of a pot of good ale.

— Previously erroneously attributed toFrancis Beaumont,A Select Collection of English Songs with Their Original Airs, Volume II[7][8][9]

According to Aventinus, Gambrivius is a seventh-generation descendant of theBiblical patriarchNoah.By incorporating earlier myths recorded byTacitus,Aventinus reckoned that Gambrivius was the fifth son of Marso (Latin: Marsus),[10]who was the great-grandson ofTuisto,thegiantor godly ancestor of theGermanic peopleswhom Tacitus mentions inGermania.Tacitus alludes to an earlier source (Strabo) who lists tribes called theGambriviiand theMarsiamong the peoples descended from Tuisto:[11]the offspring or subjects of Gambrivius and Marsus, respectively.

Gampar (Gambrivius), depicted as the king of Flanders and Brabant. A sheaf of wheat is to his right. (From a series ofbroadsidesproduced c. 1543.)[12]

Gampar claims new lands east of the Rhine, including Flanders and Brabant, and founds the towns of Cambrai and Hamburg.[13]The names of both these towns were theorized to becognatesofGambrivius,as one of Hamburg's ancient Latin names was alleged to beGambrivium.[14][15][16][17]

One of Aventinus' sources wasOfficina(1503), an encyclopedia compiled by French scholarJean Tixier de Ravisi.This work purported that Tuisto and Gambrivius were giants descended from Noah. But Jean Tixier had only catalogued and reported a conjecture made in the name of theHellenistic-erahistorianBerossus,[18]by the fraudsterAnnio da Viterbo(1498), who had previously used the same hypothesis to postulate an ancestry for theGauls.[19]

SomeFrancophoneandGermanophonescholars reject the others' claim to Gambrinus as an appropriation of one of their own cultural heroes.[16][20]Aventinus' account did not just establish a claim to Gambrivius, but to a glorious ancestry and heritage.[20]The myths also reimagined Gambrivius as a catalyst for the enlargement of the territory of a Germanic people (the Gambrivii), and made him a divine conduit intoGermaniafor the Egyptians' ancient beer lore.

In 1543, Hans Guldenmundt published a series of 12broadside printsof "ancestors and early kings of the Germans". The series includes Tuiscon (Tuisto) and Gambrivius,Charlemagne,and other kings historical and mythological. The heading for Gambrivius translates as "Gampar, King of Brabant and Flanders". Aventinus' contemporary Burkard Waldis (c. 1490–1556) wrote a descriptive verse for each of the 12 kings in the series. The verses for Gampar and Tuiscon recapitulate what Aventinus recorded inAnnals of Bavaria.

John I, Duke of Brabant

John I, Duke of Brabant,as rendered byHenri Leysc. 1864–69

One of the persons theorised to be the basis for the Gambrinus character is John I (c. 1252–1294)[21]: 3 of theDuchy of Brabant,which was a wealthy, beer-producing jurisdiction that encompassedBrusselsamong other cities. The brewers' guild in Brussels may have made the Duke an honorary member and hung his portrait in their meeting hall.[22][1][23]: 81 

In his 1874monographon Gambrinus, the Belgian political activist and historianVictor Coremansreported that references to Brabant and Flanders in Gambrinus legends seemed to be relatively recent. However, he also reports a similarity between the likeness of John I on his tomb and the faces in some illustrations of Gambrinus.[22][24]John's name, too, has a hypothetical connection to Gambrinus: In Dutch he was sometimes known asJan Primus,and in French asJean Primus.JanandJeanare renderings ofJohnin Dutch and French, respectively, andPrimusis Latin for "the first". The nameGambrinusmight be acorruptionof one of these names.[1][21]: 118 [23]: 81 Dutch and French were principal languages in theCounty of Flandersand theDuchy of Brabant,and Latin was a language used by scholars and learned people.

John the Fearless

An anonymous portrait ofJohn the Fearless(1371–1419) in theEarly Netherlandishstyle

Another presumptive Gambrinus, John the Fearless (1371–1419), was theDuke of Burgundyborn nearly 80 years after the death of John I of Brabant. The large and powerfulDuchy of Burgundyalso produced beer, and was found to the southwest of Brabant.

John the Fearless held severaltitles of nobility,one of which wasCount of Flanders—a title he inherited in 1405. He is credited with introducing, or legalising,hopswithin theCounty of Flanders.[21]: 4 Before they switched to hops, the Flemish, like many other Europeans, brewed beer with an herbal medley calledgruit.

The transition from gruit to hops throughout Europe in theMiddle Ageswas a piecemeal, region-by-region process that lasted at least 500 years. It took time for farmers to learn of the existence of hops, how to farm them, when to cultivate them, and their value in brewing beer. Brewers had to learn the favourable and unfavourable characteristics of hops, and how to use hops to craft commercially successful beer. Even in the Middle Ages beer was an international commodity, and major brewing cities developed distinctive styles and reputations. Brewers had to consider the marketability of their beer, and competition from imports. Furthermore, regulations limited brewing ingredients in some jurisdictions. Even when a monarch permitted hop brewing, the hops might be taxed. What steps John took to institute hops in Flemish brewing is not documented, but he lived during a time when hops were being legalised in nearby jurisdictions. He was age 20 or 21 in 1392, whenDuke Albert Igranted the Dutch cities ofHaarlemandGoudapermission to brew beer with hops.[25]

Sometime after John inherited rule of the County of Flanders in 1405, he is said to have instituted anorder of meritcalled theOrder of the Hop(Latin:Ōrdō lupuli). According toJean-Jacques Chifflet(1588–1660), John awarded the honour to curry the favour of his subjects in theCounty of Flanders.[26]Recipients of the order drank beer in celebration.

John of Burgundy has another connection to beer, and possibly to the etymology ofGambrinus:In 1385, he was married inCambrai,a powerful city (in modern-day north of France) whose beer was highly regarded. Allegedly, one of Cambrai's Latin names wasGambrivium—but then, the same is also said of the city ofHamburg.

TheMedieval Latinnouncambameans "brewery"; this word was corrupted tocambeinOld French,[27][28]and may have yielded the vernacular French nouncam,a word used by farmhouse brewers in Northern France and the Low Countries for the yoke that supports a brew kettle over a fire.[29]

19th-century stories about Gambrinus


Short stories by Charles Deulin

King Cambrinus on the cover of Aubéron's 2011 edition ofContes de Cambrinus, roi de la bière

For his 1868 anthologyContes d'un buveur de bière(English:Tales of a Beer Drinker), French authorCharles Deulinwrote a playful short story called "Cambrinus, Roi de la Bière" ( "Cambrinus, King of Beer" ), in which "Cambrinus" makes adeal with the Devil.[30]Deulin was also a journalist, and drama critic who adapted elements of European folklore into his work.[31][32]The success of "Cambrinus, Roi de la Bière" led to the 1874 publication ofContes du roi Cambrinus( "Tales of King Cambrinus" ), a collection ofshort storiesdevoted to the character.[31][33]

"Cambrinus, Roi de la Bière"


In this, the seminal Cambrinus short story, Cambrinus is an apprentice glassblower in the Flemish village of Fresnes-sur-Escaut, but he believes that he lacks the skill and upward mobility to succeed in glassblowing. He becomes smitten with the master glassblower's daughter, Flandrine. After she rebuffs him, he apprentices himself instead to aviolmaster, and learns the instrument. His first public performance goes excellently until he catches sight of Flandrine, and flubs his performance. The crowd turns on him violently, but when the case goes to trial the judge, Jocko, is against Cambrinus. When Cambrinus is released he considers suicide, butBeelzebubintervenes in exchange for the promise of his soul. Beelzebub announces, too, that he has killed the judge.

With diabolical help, Cambrinus wins a fortune in games of skill and chance, becomes an irresistible player of thecarillon,and becomes the first mortal to brew beer. Cambrinus' music and beer make him very famous, and eventually the king of the Netherlands heaps titles of nobility on him: Duke of Brabant, Count of Flanders, Lord of Fresnes. But even after founding the town of Cambrai, Cambrinus prefers the villagers' honorary title for him: King of Beer. When Flandrine finally approaches him, he rejects her.

After 30 years, Beelzebub sends Jocko the judge for Cambrinus' soul, but Cambrinus thwarts Jocko by getting him drunk on beer, and thrives for nearly a hundred years more. When Cambrinus finally dies, Beelzebub himself comes for his soul, only to find that Cambrinus' body has become a beer barrel.[34]

Gambrinus, King of Lager Beer


Some years after Deulin publishedContes d’un buveur de bière,American playwright andblackfaceminstrelFrank Dumont wrote a loose variation on the story "Cambrinus, Roi de la Bière". In this musicalburlesque,titledGambrinus, King of Lager Beer,Gambrinus is a poor woodcutter to whom Belzebub [sic] gives a recipe for an excellentlagerbeer. In Dumont's version, Gambrinus is joyfully reunited with his love, only to be taken from her by Belzebub.

The play was first produced in the US town ofJackson, Michiganon 21 July 1875, by a blackface troupe called Duprez and Benedict's Minstrels.[35]

May Day legend


In a very brief magazine piece, Deulin told a legend (possibly his own invention) in which Gambrinus and a host of ancient French (or, alternately,Franconian) kings gather eachMay Dayfor a midnight feast at a "Devil's table" (German:Teufelstisch) near Grafenberg, Germany.[36]


A statue depicting Gambrinus holding a chalice aloft, with his right foot atop a beer keg, and a goat to his left.Falstaffbrewery inNew Orleans.

Because of Gambrinus' significance, breweries, pubs, restaurants, shops, andmalt houseshave appropriated the character or his name for their brands.[37][38]

První akciový pivovar inPlzeň,Czech Republic, has been brewing apale lagerwith the nameGambrinussince 1918. In 1932 the brewery merged withPilsner Urquell Brewery.[39]

In Spain, the breweryCruzcampo,now a subsidiary ofHeineken International,premiered a Gambrinus-derived advertisingmascotin 1902, and has kept it since. The character was designed byLeonetto Cappiello.[40]Between 1997 and 2009, Cruzcampo opened more than 250 Gambrinus pubs throughout Spain—starting with one in theBasque Country.[41]

Cerveza Victoria was the first beer commercially brewed in Mexico. Its brewer,Santiago Graf,started his brewery in Toluca during the 1880s. He eventually attracted some German investors, and incorporated the Brewery Company of Toluca and Mexico (Compañía Cervecera de Toluca y México) in 1890.[42]In 1907, the company changed the Victoria logo to an illustration of King Gambrinus.[43][44]Grupo Modelobought the company in 1935, and has branded Victoria beer with at least two different Gambrinus logos. Today, Cerveza Victoria is marketed as a "Vienna-style"dark lager,and is distributed multinationally.[45][46]

In Brazil, in the city of Porto Alegre, the oldest bar in the city, founded in 1889, is named in honor of the legendary king and patron of beer[47]

King Gambrinus, Legendary Patron of Brewing(1967), a statue commissioned by thePabst Brewing Companyin the United States,[48]has been apoint of interestin the city ofMilwaukeefor many years.[49]The statue now on display is the third version created since 1857.[48]It was taken down in the late 1990s when Pabst moved to another city, but was repatriated to Milwaukee in 2011, on loan.[49]

Cantillonof Brussels brews a highly ratedframboiselambiccalledRosé de Gambrinus.[23]: 93 [50][51]

Battinof Luxembourg uses the character of Gambrinus as its logo and gives his name to its main brew.[52]

See also

Franco–Belgian patron saints of beer
Tutelary deities
  • Ceres (mythology),Roman goddess of agriculture, grain crops, fertility, and motherly relationships
  • Demeter,Greek goddess of the harvest, especially grains and the fertility of the earth
  • Dionysus,Greek god of the grape harvest, winemaking, wine, ritual madness, and ecstasy
  • Ninkasi,ancient Sumerian goddess of beer


  1. ^abcdRabin, Dan; Forget, Carl, eds. (1998)."Gambrinus".The Dictionary of Beer and Brewing(2nd ed.). Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers. p. 123.ISBN978-1-57958-078-0.OCLC40454877.
  2. ^ Turmair, Johann Georg(1882) [1554]. "44. Von künig Gampar, dem sibenden künig in teutschen landen". InLexer, Matthias(ed.).Bayerische Chronik[Bavarian Chronicle]. Sämmtliche Werke, Volume 4, Part 1 (in German). Munich: Königliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. p. 126.Retrieved16 September2022.Nach dem Mers ist an das reich kommen sein sun, künig Gampar. zuegenant der Kempher, säxisch Kemper.
  3. ^Birmingham, Frederic Alexander (1970).Falstaff's Complete Beer Book.New York: Award Books. p. 36.OCLC121991.
  4. ^v. Hamm, W.; Schwartze, Th.; Wagner, H.; Zöllner, J. (1878).Die Chemie des täglichen Lebens.doi:10.1007/978-3-662-34091-2.ISBN978-3-662-33693-9.
  5. ^Aventinus, Johannes(1615).Annales Boiorum.Retrieved15 January2014.
  6. ^abHornung, Erik(2001)."Triumphs of Erudition".The Secret Lore of Egypt: Its Impact on the West.Ithaca: Cornell University Press. p.104.ISBN978-0-8014-3847-9.OCLC851341608.
  7. ^Park, Thomas, ed. (1813).A Select Collection of English Songs with Their Original Airs, Vol. II(2nd ed.). London: Printed for F.C. and J. Rivington, etc.OCLC2093558.Retrieved8 January2014.
  8. ^Johnson, Samuel (1810).The Works of the English Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper.London: Printed for J. Johnson etc. pp.204–6.OCLC14021579.Retrieved8 January2014.
  9. ^Hazlitt, William Carew(1876).Collections and notes, 1867–1876.London: Reeves and Turner. p.6.OCLC3637760.Retrieved8 January2014.
  10. ^Waldenfels, Christoph Philipp (1677)."De Marſo Aſcenæ quinto filio".Selectæ Antiquitatis, Libri XII: De Gestis primævis, item de Origine Gentium Nationumque migrationibus, atque præcipuis Nostratium dilocationibus(in Latin). Nuremberg: Sumptibus Wolfgangi Mauritii Endteri and Johannis Andreæ Endteri Hæredum. pp. 303–304.OCLC804372376.
  11. ^Tacitus, Cornelius."The Germany and the Agricola of Tacitus: The Oxford Translation Revised, with Notes".Elfinspell.Retrieved12 January2014.
  12. ^"Ancestors and early kings of the Germans / Gambrivius Künig in Brabant/Flandern (Gampar, king of Brabant and Flanders)".British Museum.
  13. ^Braungart, Richard (1911).Der Hopfen aller hopfenbauenden Länder der Erde als Braumaterial nach seinen geschichtlichen, botanischen, chemischen, brautechnischen, physiologisch-medizinischen und landwirthschaftlich-technischen Beziehungen wie nach seiner Konservierung und Packung(in German). München: R. Oldenburg. p. 131.OCLC494652466.Retrieved13 January2014.
  14. ^Walsh, William S. (1915).Heroes and Heroines of Fiction: Classical, Mediæval, Legendary.London: J. B. Lippincott Co. p. 117.OCLC652491.Retrieved8 January2014.
  15. ^Lediard, Thomas,ed. (1740).The German Spy, or, Familiar letters from a gentleman on his travels thro' Germany, to his friend in England.London: Printed for T. Cooper. p.164.Retrieved9 January2014.
  16. ^abAcadémie Royale Des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique (Bruxelles) Commission Royale d'Histoire (1844).Compte-rendu des séances de la Commission royale d'histoire, ou, Recueil de ses bulletins. Tome VII (5 septembre - 2 décembre 1843.).Bruxelles.Retrieved11 January2014.
  17. ^Schütze, Gottfried (1775)."Gründung und Benennung von Hamburg"[Establishment and Appointment of Hamburg].Die Geschichte von Hamburg für den Liebhaber der vaterländischen Geschichte, Theil 1(in German). Hamburg: Johann George Fritsch und Compagnie. pp. 38–9.
  18. ^Gotthelf, Friedrich (1900).Das deutsche Altertum in den Anschauungen des sechzehnten und siebzehnten Jahrunderts[German Antiquity from Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Perspectives]. Forschungen zur neueren Litteraturgeschichte (in German). Berlin:Alexander Duncker.p. 20.OCLC12373106.Retrieved15 January2014.
  19. ^Rose, Carol (2001).Giants, Monsters, and Dragons: An Encyclopedia of Folklore, Legend, and Myth.New York: Norton. pp. 131, 369.ISBN9780393322118.OCLC48798119.Retrieved12 January2014.
  20. ^ab"Gambrinal".L'intermédiaire des chercheurs et curieux(in French): 366–7. 25 June 1882.ISSN0996-2808.Retrieved10 January2014.Nos voisins d'Outre-Rhin qui tiennent fort à ce que la bière soit née chez eux, ne peuvent se résigner à boire un produit ayant un protecteur français!
  21. ^abcReiber, Ferdinand (1882).Etudes gambrinales: histoire et archéologie de la bière et principalement de la bière de Strasbourg.Paris: Berger-Levrault.OCLC29620014.Retrieved8 January2014.
  22. ^abCoremans, Victor Amédée Jacques Marie(1842)."Note sur la tradition de Gambrivius roi mythique de Flandre par le docteur Coremans".Bulletin de la Commission Royale d'Histoire(in French).5(5): 378–388.doi:10.3406/bcrh.1842.4171.Retrieved8 January2014.
  23. ^abcJackson, Michael(1997).The Simon & Schuster Pocket Guide to Beer(6th ed.). New York: Simon & Schuster.ISBN978-0684843810.OCLC37929564.Retrieved8 January2014.
  24. ^Vogel, Max (1874)."Introduction".On Beer: A Statistical Sketch.London: Trübner & Co. p. 4.OCLC20877079.
  25. ^Unger, Richard W. (2004).Beer in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 54, 56–7.ISBN9780812237955.OCLC55055450.Retrieved9 January2014.
  26. ^Chifflet, Jean-Jacques(1658).Lilium Francicum, veritate historica, botanica, et heraldica illustratum(in Latin). Antwerp: Ex Officina Plantiniana Balthasaris Moreti. pp.79–80.OCLC24181922.Retrieved12 January2014.
  27. ^"Mediaeval Latin: Polyptychum of St. Remi".Transactions of the Philological Society: 1899–1902.London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. 1902. p. 618.
  28. ^Murray, Joseph Patrick (1950).A selective English-Old French glossary as a basis for studies in Old French onomatology and synonymics, Volume 40.Washington: Catholic University of America Press. p. 50.OCLC603511454.
  29. ^Jackson, Michael(1998).Michael Jackson's Great Beers of Belgium.Running Press Book Publishers. p. 16.
  30. ^A brief, and not quite accurate, synopsis of this story appears inWalsh, p. 117.It is a modification of a synopsis he wrote for an 1888 issue ofLippincott's Monthly Magazine.
  31. ^abMalarte–Feldman, Claire L. (2008)."Deulin, Charles (1827–1877)".In Haase, Donald (ed.).The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Folktales and Fairy Tales.Westport:Greenwood Press.p.263.ISBN9780313049477.OCLC192044183.
  32. ^Staff writer(1871)."Light and Darkness (December 1871, № 170)".The Atlantic Monthly, Volume XXVIII.Boston: James R. Osgood and Company. p. 652.
  33. ^Deulin, Charles (1874).Contes du roi Cambrinus(in French). Paris: E. Dentu.OCLC9045829.Retrieved9 June2014.
  34. ^Deulin, Charles (1868).Contes d'un buveur de bière(in French). Paris: A. Lacroix, Verboeckhoven & cie.OCLC15145437.Retrieved8 January2014.
  35. ^Dumont, Frank(1876).Gambrinus, King of Lager Beer: A diabolical, musical, comical and nonsensical Ethiopian burlesque.New York: Robert M. De Witt.OCLC30553238.Retrieved17 January2014.
  36. ^Deulin, Charles (1875)."Gambrinus: A May-Day Legend".InAinsworth, William Francis(ed.).The New Monthly Magazine, Vol. VII(in French). London: E. W. Allen.Retrieved12 January2014.
  37. ^Cantwell, Dick (9 September 2011)."Jan Gambrinus".InOliver, Garrett(ed.).The Oxford Companion to Beer.New York: Oxford University Press. p. 383.ISBN978-0-19-536713-3.OCLC706025045.
  38. ^"Who's Gambrinus?" Japanese). Beer Cafe Gambrinus. Archived fromthe originalon 29 September 2013.Retrieved15 January2014.
  39. ^"Tour of the Gambrinus Brewery for the public".Plzeň: Plzeňský Prazdroj. Archived fromthe originalon 16 January 2014.Retrieved15 January2014.
  40. ^"La Ley de propiedad intelectual y la reproducción de las obras en internet"[Intellectual Property Law and the Reproduction of Works on the Internet] (in Spanish). Seville: Foro Marketing Sevilla. 27 June 2013.Retrieved14 January2014.
  41. ^Schiefenhövel, Wulf; Macbeth, Helen M., eds. (2011)."Beer Acceptance in Andalusia".Liquid Bread: Beer and Brewing in Cross-Cultural Perspective.New York: Berghahn Books. p. 85.ISBN978-0-85745-215-3.OCLC701026674.Retrieved3 January2014.
  42. ^"Compañía Cervecera Toluca y México".Modelo Museum of Science and Industry(in Spanish). Toluca:Grupo Modelo.Archived fromthe originalon 16 January 2014.Retrieved15 January2014.
  43. ^Mexico (1907)."Secretaria del despacho de instruccion publica y bellas artes (25 diciembre 1907)".Diario Oficial: Organo del gobierno constitucional de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, Vol. 93(in Spanish). p. 735.Retrieved15 January2014.
  44. ^"Progresos de una gran empresa cervecera Toluca y México S.A. en el año de 1907".El Mundo ilustrado, vol. 15, tomo 1(in Spanish). 5 January 1908.Retrieved15 January2014.
  45. ^Arredondo, Benjamin (4 December 2011)."Gambrinus el (no santo) patrono de la cerveza"[Gambrinus, the patron (not saint) of beer].El Bable(in Spanish). Salamanca.Retrieved14 January2014.
  46. ^"Cerveza Victoria" Spanish).Grupo Modelo.Archived fromthe originalon 16 January 2014.Retrieved15 January2014.
  47. ^"Restaurante Gambrinus"[Gambrinus Restaurant].Restaurante Gambrinus(in Portuguese). Porto Alegre.Retrieved8 October2021.
  48. ^ab"King Gambrinus, Legendary Patron of Brewing(sculpture) ".Art Inventories Catalog.Smithsonian Institution.Retrieved4 March2017.
  49. ^abJacobson, Brian (23 May 2011)."The Return of the King".Urban Milwaukee.Retrieved4 March2017.
  50. ^"Rosé de Gambrinus" Cantillon Brouwerij.Archived fromthe originalon 16 January 2014.Retrieved14 January2014.
  51. ^McFarland, Ben (2009).World's Best Beers: One Thousand Craft Brews from Cask to Glass.New York: Sterling Innovation. p. 101.ISBN978-1-4027-6694-7.OCLC311759800.Retrieved15 January2014.
  52. ^"Coup de fraîcheur sur la Battin".Le Quotidien.Retrieved27 January2016.

Further reading
