Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg(Swedish pronunciation:[ˈɡrêːtaˈtʉ̂ːnbærj]TOON-berry;born 3 January 2003) is a Swedishenvironmental activistknown for challenging world leaders to take immediate action tomitigatethe effects ofhuman-caused climate change.[1]

Greta Thunberg
Thunberg smiling
Thunberg in 2024
Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg

(2003-01-03)3 January 2003(age 22)
Years active2018–present
MovementSchool Strike for Climate
RelativesOlof Thunberg(grandfather)

Born inStockholm,Thunberg's climate activism began when she persuaded her parents to adoptlifestyle choicesthat reduced her family'scarbon footprint.In August 2018, aged 15, Thunberg began skipping school, vowing to remain out of school until after a Swedish election to attempt to influence the outcome. She protested outside theSwedish parliamentwhere she called for strongeraction on climate changeby holding up aSkolstrejk för Klimatet(School Strike for Climate) sign and handing out informational flyers.[2]After the election, Thunberg spoke in front of supporters, telling them to use phones to film her. She then said she would continue school striking for the climate every Friday until Sweden was in compliance with theParis climate agreement.[3]Thunberg's youth and blunt speaking manner fueled her rise to the status of a global icon.[4]

After Thunberg's first school strike for the climate, other students engaged in similar protests. They united and organized the school strike for climate movement. After Thunberg addressed the2018 United Nations Climate Change Conference,weekly climate strike protests took place on Fridays around the world. In 2019, coordinated multi-city protests involved over a million students each.[5]To avoid carbon-intensive flying, Thunberg sailed on a carbon-free yacht from England to New York where she addressed the2019 UN Climate Action Summit.[6]In her speech, Thunberg scolded the world's leaders by exclaiming "How dare you"in reference to their perceived indifference and inaction to the climate crisis. Her admonishment made worldwide headlines.[7]After Thunberg graduated from high school in 2023, her activism continued to gain international attention and her protest tactics have become increasingly assertive.[8]As an adult, her protests have included both peaceful demonstrations and acts ofcivil disobediencesuch as defying lawful orders to disperse, which have led to arrests, convictions, and an acquittal.[9][10]Thunberg's activism has evolved to include other causes, supporting Ukraine,[11]Palestine,[12]Armenia[13]and Western Sahara[14]in their respective conflicts withRussia,Israel,AzerbaijanandMorocco.

Thunberg's rise to world fame made her anad hocleader in the climate activist community.[15]She faced heavy criticism, especially due to her age.[16]Thunberg's influence on the world stage has been described byThe Guardianand other media as the "Greta effect".[17]She has receivedhonours and awards,including inTime's100 most influential people,named the youngestTimePerson of the Yearin 2019, inclusion in theForbeslist of The World's 100 Most Powerful Women(2019),[18]and nominations for theNobel Peace Prize.[19][20][21]

Early life

Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg[22][23]was born on 3 January 2003, inStockholm,Sweden,[24][25]to opera singerMalena Ernmanand actorSvante Thunberg.[26][27]Her paternal grandfather was actor and directorOlof Thunberg.[28][29][30]As explained byThe Week,"with a thespian father" and singer mother, "it is perhaps unsurprising that [Thunberg] has a slightly unusual name.... Thunberg shares her second name with theadventuring creationof Belgian cartoonist Georges Remi, better known asHergé."[31]She has a younger sister, Beata.[27]

From herTEDx Talk

I was diagnosed withAsperger's syndrome,OCDandselective mutism.That basically means I only speak when I think it's necessary. Now is one of those moments.

— Greta Thunberg, Stockholm[32]
November 2018

Thunberg says she first heard aboutclimate changein 2011, when she was eight years old, and could not understand why so little was being done about it.[33][27]The situation depressed her, and as a result, at the age of 11, she stopped talking and eating much and lost ten kilograms (22 lb) in two months.[34]Eventually, she was diagnosed withAsperger syndrome,obsessive–compulsive disorder(OCD), andselective mutism.[33][27]In one of her first speeches demanding climate action, Thunberg described her selective mutism as meaning she "only speaks when necessary".[33]

Thunberg struggled with depression for almost four years before she began her school strike campaign.[35]When she started protesting, her parents did not support her activism. Her father said he did not like her missing school but added: "[We] respect that she wants to make a stand. She can either sit at home and be really unhappy, or protest and be happy."[36]Her diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome was made public nationwide in Sweden by her mother in May 2015, in order to help families in similar situations.[37]While acknowledging that her diagnosis "has limited [her] before", Thunberg does not view her Asperger's as an illness, and has instead called it her "superpower".[38]She was later described as not only the best-known climate change activist, but also the best-knownautism activist.[39]In 2021, Thunberg said that many people in theFridays for Futuremovement are autistic, and very inclusive and welcoming. She thinks that the reason so many autistic people become climate activists is that they cannot look away, and have to tell the truth as they see it: "I know lots of people who have been depressed, and then they have joined the climate movement orFridays for Futureand have found a purpose in life and found friendship and a community that they are welcome in. "She considers the best things that have resulted from her activism to be friendships and happiness.[39]

For about two years, Thunberg challenged her parents to lower the family'scarbon footprintand overallimpact on the environmentby becomingvegan,upcycling,andgiving up flying.[26][40][41]She has said she showed them graphs and data, but when that did not work, she warned her family that they were stealing her future.[42]Giving up flying in part meant her mother had to abandon international ventures in her opera career.[36]Interviewed in December 2019 by theBBC,her father said: "To be honest, [her mother] didn't do it to save the climate. She did it to save her child, because she saw how much it meant to her, and then, when she did that, she saw how much [Greta] grew from that, how much energy she got from it."[43]Thunberg credits her parents' eventual response and lifestyle changes with giving her hope and belief that she could make a difference.[26]Asked in September 2021 whether she felt guilty about ending her mother's international career, she was surprised by the question: "It was her choice. I didn't make her do anything. I just provided her with the information to base her decision on."[39]The family's story is recounted in the 2018 bookScenes from the Heart,[44]updated in 2020 asOur House Is on Fire: Scenes of a Family and a Planet in Crisis,with contributions from the girls, and the whole family credited as authors.[39][45]


Strike at the Riksdag

Thunberg in front of theSwedish parliament,holding a "Skolstrejk för klimatet"(transl. School Strike for the Climate) sign,Stockholm,August 2018
Bicycle in Stockholm with references to Thunberg: "Theclimate crisismust be treated as a crisis! The climate is the most important election issue! "(11 September 2018)
Sign inBerlin,14 December 2018
Thunberg speaking at the annual climate conference, Austrian World Summit, 2019

In August 2018, Thunberg began the school climate strikes and public speeches for which she has become an internationally recognizedclimate activist.In an interview withAmy GoodmanofDemocracy Now!,she said she got the idea of a climate strike afterschool shootings in the United States in February 2018led several youths to refuse to return to school.[26]These teen activists atMarjory Stoneman Douglas High SchoolinParkland, Florida,went on to organize theMarch for Our Livesin support of greatergun control.[46][47]In May 2018, Thunberg won a climate change essay competition held by Swedish newspaperSvenska Dagbladet.In part, she wrote: "I want to feel safe. How can I feel safe when I know we are in the greatest crisis in human history?"[48]

After the paper published her article, Thunberg was contacted by Bo Thorén from Fossil Free Dalsland, a group interested in doing something about climate change. Thunberg attended a few of their meetings. At one of them, Thorén suggested that school children could strike for climate change.[49]Thunberg tried to persuade other young people to get involved but "no one was really interested", so eventually she decided to go ahead with the strike by herself.[26]

On 20 August 2018, Thunberg, who had just started ninth grade, decided not to attend school until the2018 Swedish general electionon 9 September; her protest began after theheat wavesandwildfiresduring Sweden's hottest summer in at least 262 years.[36]Her demands were that the Swedish government reducecarbon emissionsin accordance with theParis Agreement,and she protested by sitting outside theRiksdagevery day for three weeks during school hours with the signSkolstrejk för klimatet( "School strike for climate" ).[50][51]

Thunberg said her teachers were divided about her missing class to make her point. She says: "As people, they think what I am doing is good, but as teachers, they say I should stop."[36]

Social media activism

After Thunberg posted a photo of her first strike day onInstagramand Twitter, other social media accounts quickly took up her cause. High-profileyouth activistsamplified her Instagram post, and on the second day, other activists joined her. A representative of the Finnish bankNordeaquoted one of Thunberg's tweets to more than 200,000 followers. Thunberg's social media profile attracted local reporters, whose stories earned international coverage in little more than a week.[52]

One Swedish climate-focused social media company was We Don't Have Time (WDHT), founded by Ingmar Rentzhog. He said her strike began attracting public attention only after he turned up with a freelance photographer and posted Thunberg's photograph on his Facebook page and Instagram account, and a video in English that he posted on the company's YouTube channel.[53]Rentzhog subsequently asked Thunberg to become an unpaid youth advisor to WDHT. He then used her name and image without her knowledge or permission to raise millions for a WDHT for-profit subsidiary, We Don't Have Time AB, of which he is the chief executive officer.[54]Thunberg stated that she received no money from the company[53]and terminated her volunteer advisor role with WDHT once she realized they were making money from her name.[55]

Throughout the autumn of 2018, Thunberg's activism evolved from a solitary protest to taking part in demonstrations throughout Europe, making several high-profile public speeches, and mobilizing her followers on social media platforms. In December, after Sweden's 2018 general election, Thunberg continued to school strike – but only on Fridays. She inspired school students across the globe to take part in her Friday school strikes. In December alone, more than 20,000 students held strikes in at least 270 cities.[56]

Thunberg spoke out against theNational Eligibility cum Entrance Test (Undergraduate)2020 andJoint Entrance Examination2020 entrance exams, which were conducted in India in September. She said it was unfair for students to have to appear for exams during a global pandemic. She also said that India's students had been deeply impacted by the floods that hit states such asBiharandAssam,which caused mass destruction.[57]

On 3 February 2021, Thunberg tweeted[58]her support of the ongoing2020–2021 Indian farmers' protest.Effigies of Thunberg were burned in Delhi bynationalistswho opposed the farmers' protests.[59]Thunberg's tweet was criticized by theBJP-led Indian government, which said that it was an internal matter.[60]In her initial tweet, Thunberg linked to a document that provided a campaigning toolkit for those who wanted to support the farmers' protest. It contained advice on hashtags and how to sign petitions, and it also included suggested actions beyond those directly linked to the farmers' protest. She soon deleted the tweet, saying the document was "outdated", and linked to a different one[61][62]"to enable anyone unfamiliar with the ongoing farmers protests in India to better understand the situation and make decisions on how to support the farmers based on their own analysis".[63][64]The Indian climate activist who edited the toolkit,Disha Ravi,was arrested under the charges ofseditionand criminal conspiracy on 16 February 2021.[65]

Protests and speeches in Europe

Thunberg's speech during theplenary sessionof the2018 United Nations Climate Change Conference(COP24) went viral.[66]She said that the world leaders present were "not mature enough to tell it like it is".[67]In the first half of 2019, she joined various student protests around Europe, and was invited to speak at various forums and parliaments. At the January 2019World Economic Forum,Thunberg gave a speech in which she declared: "Our house is on fire."[68]She addressed theBritish,EuropeanandFrench parliaments;in the latter case severalright-wing politiciansboycotted her.[69][70]In a short meeting with Thunberg,Pope Francisthanked her and encouraged her to continue her activism.[71]

By March 2019, Thunberg was still staging her regular protests outside the Swedish parliament every Friday, where other students occasionally joined her. According to her father, her activism did not interfere with her schoolwork, but she had less spare time.[72]She finishedlower secondary schoolwith excellent grades: 14 As and three Bs.[73]In July 2019,Timemagazine reported Thunberg was taking a "sabbatical year"from school, intending to travel in the Americas while meeting people from theclimate movementon her way to attend and addressCOP25.[74]

Sabbatical year

United States CongresswomanDina Tituslistening to Thunberg and her fellow activists discussing the urgent need to address climate change, 2019

In August 2019, Thunbergsailedacross the Atlantic Ocean fromPlymouth,England, to New York City, in the 60-foot (18 m)racing yachtMalizia II,equipped withsolar panelsand underwaterturbines.The trip was announced as acarbon-neutraltransatlantic crossingserving as a demonstration of Thunberg's declared beliefs of the importance of reducing emissions.[75]The voyage took 15 days, from 14 to 28 August 2019.France 24reported that several crew members would fly to New York to sail theMalizia IIyacht back to Europe.[76]On Thunberg's return voyage aboard theLa Vagabondecatamaran, she was quoted that she chose sailing as a way to send a message to the world that there is no real sustainable option to travel across the oceans.[77]While in New York, Thunberg was invited to give testimony in theUS House Select Committee on the Climate Crisison 18 September. Instead of testifying, she gave an eight-sentence statement and submitted theIPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 °Cas evidence.[78]

UN Climate Action Summit

At the UN Climate Action Summit

This is all wrong. I shouldn't be up here. I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean. Yet you all come to us young people for hope.How dare you!
You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words. And yet I'm one of the lucky ones. People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth.How dare you!

— Greta Thunberg, New York[79]
23 September 2019

On 23 September 2019, Thunberg attended theUN Climate Action Summitin New York City.[80][81]That day theUnited Nations Children's Fund(UNICEF) hosted a press conference where Thunberg joined 15 other children, includingAyakha Melithafa,Alexandria Villaseñor,Catarina Lorenzo,and Carl Smith.

Together, the group announced they had made an official complaint against five nations that were not on track to meet the emission reduction targets they committed to in their Paris Agreement pledges: Argentina, Brazil, France, Germany, andTurkey.[82][83]The complaint challenged these countries under the Third Optional Protocol to theConvention on the Rights of the Child.The Protocol is a quasi-judicial mechanism that allows children or their representatives, who believe their rights have been violated, to bring a complaint before the relevant "treaty body", the Committee on the Rights of the Child.[84]If the complaint succeeds, the countries will be asked to respond, but any suggestions are not legally binding.[85][86]

Autumn global climate strikes

In late September 2019 Thunberg entered Canada where she participated in climate protests in the cities ofMontreal,Edmonton andVancouver,including leading a climate rally as part of the 27 September 2019Global Climate Strikein Montreal.[87]The school strikes for climate on 20 and 27 September 2019 were attended by over four million people, according to one of the co-organisers.[88]Hundreds of thousands took part in the protest, described as the largest in the city's history. The mayor of Montreal gave her the Freedom of the City award. Prime MinisterJustin Trudeauwas in attendance, and Thunberg spoke briefly with him.[89]While in the United States, Thunberg participated in climate protests in New York City with Alexandria Villaseñor andXiye Bastida,in Washington, D.C., withJerome Foster II,Iowa City,Los Angeles,Charlotte,DenverwithHaven Coleman,and theStanding Rock Indian ReservationwithTokata Iron Eyes.In various cities, Thunberg's keynote speech began by acknowledging that she was standing on land that originally belonged toIndigenous peoples,saying: "In acknowledging the enormous injustices inflicted upon these people, we must also mention the many enslaved and indentured servants whose labour the world still profits from today."[90][91]

Participation at COP25

Thunberg had intended to remain in the Americas to travel overland to attend the2019 United Nations Climate Change Conference(COP25) originally planned in Santiago, Chile, in December. However, it was announced on short notice that COP25 was to be moved to Madrid, Spain, because ofserious public unrest in Chile.[92]Thunberg has refused to fly because of the carbon emissions from air travel, so she posted on social media that she needed a ride across the Atlantic Ocean. Riley Whitelum and his wife, Elayna Carausu, two Australians who had been sailing around the world aboard their 48-foot (15 m) catamaranLa Vagabonde,offered to take her. So on 13 November 2019, Thunberg set sail fromHampton,Virginia, for Lisbon, Portugal. Her departing message was the same as it has been since she began her activism: "My message to the Americans is the same as to everyone – that is to unite behind the science and to act on the science."[6][93][94]

Thunberg arrived in thePort of Lisbonon 3 December 2019,[95][96]then travelled on toMadridto speak at COP25 and to participate with the localFridays for Futureclimate strikers. During a press conference before the march, she called for more "concrete action", arguing that the global wave of school strikes over the previous year had "achieved nothing" becausegreenhouse gas emissionswere still rising – by 4% since 2015.[97][98]

Further activism in Europe and end of sabbatical year

Thunberg speaks at the European Parliament's Environment Committee meeting regarding the European Climate Law, 4 March 2020

On 30 December 2019, Thunberg wasguest editorof the BBC Radio's flagship current affairs programme, theToday Programme.[99]Thunberg's edition of the programme featured interviews on climate change withSir David Attenborough,Bank of EnglandchiefMark Carney,Massive Attack's Robert Del Naja, andShell Oilexecutive Maarten Wetselaar. The BBC subsequently released a podcast[100]containing these interviews and other highlights. On 11 January 2020, Thunberg called on German companySiemensto stop the delivery of railway equipment to the controversialCarmichael coal mine,operated by a subsidiary of Indian companyAdani Groupin Australia,[101]but on 13 January, Siemens said that it would continue to honour its contract with Adani.[102]

On 21 January 2020, Thunberg returned to theWorld Economic Forumheld inDavos,Switzerland, delivered two speeches, and participated in panel discussions hosted byThe New York Timesand the World Economic Forum. Thunberg used many of the themes contained in her previous speeches, but focused on one in particular: "Our house is still on fire." Thunberg joked that she cannot complain about not being heard, saying: "I am being heard all the time."[103][104][105]

In February 2020, Thunberg travelled toOxford Universityto meetMalala Yousafzai,a Nobel Peace Prize-winning Pakistani activist for female education who had been shot in the head by theTalibanas a schoolgirl. Thunberg was later to join a school strike inBristol.[106]

On 4 March 2020, Thunberg attended an extraordinary meeting of theEuropean Parliament's Environment Committee to talk about the European Climate Law. There she declared that she considered the new proposal for a climate law published by theEuropean Commissionto be a surrender.[107]

On 24 August 2020, Thunberg ended her "gap year"from school when she returned to the classroom. TheCOVID-19 pandemicseverely restricted travel and meetings in 2020 and 2021.[108][109]

Activism during the COVID-19 pandemic

In early 2020, the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic causedworldwide implementationofmitigation measures,includingsocial distancing,quarantine,andface coverings.[110]On 13 March 2020, Thunberg stated that "In a crisis we change our behavior and adapt to the new circumstances for the greater good of society." Thunberg andSchool Strike for Climatesubsequently moved their activities online.[111][112]On 20 August 2020, the second anniversary of Thunberg's first strike, Thunberg and fellow climate activistsLuisa Neubauer,Anuna de Wever van der HeydenandAdélaïde Charliermet with German ChancellorAngela Merkelin Berlin.[113]They subsequently announced plans for another global climate strike on 25 September 2020. Neubauer said that whether the strike in September is virtual in nature or in the streets would be determined by the pandemic situation. At a joint press conference with fellow activists echoing her sentiment, Neubauer said: "The climate crisis doesn't pause."[114]

On 14 December 2020, Thunberg used Twitter to criticize theNew Zealand Labour Government's recentclimate change emergency declarationas "virtue signalling",tweeting that New Zealand's Labour Government had only committed to reducing less than one percent of New Zealand's carbon emissions by 2025.[115][116]In response, New Zealand Prime MinisterJacinda Ardernand climate change MinisterJames Shawdefended New Zealand's climate change declaration as only the start of the country's climate change mitigation goals.[116][117]On 29 December 2020, during aBBCinterview, Thunberg said that climate experts are not being listened to despite the COVID-19 pandemic highlighting the importance of using science to address such issues. She added that the COVID-19 crisis had "shone a light" on how "we cannot make it without science".[118]

Thunberg with a megaphone leading an event in Berlin, 2021

Thunberg and other climate activists launched the annualClimate Liveconcert to highlight climate change. Their first concert was held in April 2021.[119]In May 2021, she addressed the COVID-19 crisis again, when she urged a change in the food production system and the protection of animals and their habitats. Thunberg's comments, which came amidst calls for meat-free alternatives, also addressed health concerns regarding animal welfare and the environment. Thunberg said that the way humans are destroying habitats are the perfect conditions for the spread of diseases and noted zoonotic illnesses such as COVID-19, Zika, Ebola, West Nile fever, SARS, MERS, among others.[120]In July 2021, Thunberg received herCOVID vaccine,saying: "I am extremely grateful and privileged to be able to live in a part of the world where I can already get vaccinated. The vaccine distribution around the world is extremely unequal. No one is safe until everyone is safe. But when you get offered a vaccine, don't hesitate. It saves lives."[121]

The inaugural edition ofVogue Scandinavia(August–September 2021) had a cover photograph of Thunberg shot by Swedish photography and conservationist duo Iris and Mattias Alexandrov Klum and an interview with her.[122]The cover shows Thunberg wearing a trench coat while sitting with anIcelandic horsein a woodland outside Stockholm.[122]In the interview, Thunberg criticized the promotional campaigns the fashion industry uses to appear sustainable without "actually doing anything to protect the environment" and called the campaigns "greenwashing".[123]On the same day, she used Twitter to criticize the fashion industry as "a huge contributor" to the climate and ecological "emergency" and "not to mention its impact on the countless workers and communities who are being exploited around the world in order for some to enjoyfast fashionthat many treat as disposables ".[124]Thunberg's wearing ofwoolduring the photoshoot garnered criticism from other vegans, who said it promoted animal cruelty. According toPeople for the Ethical Treatment of Animals(PETA), she was unaware that the clothing was made of real animal-derived wool.[125]

On 28 September 2021, Thunberg criticized U.S. presidentJoe Biden,British prime ministerBoris Johnson,Indian prime ministerNarendra Modiand other world leaders over their promises to address the climate crisis in a speech at the Youth4Climate Summit inMilan.[126]Thunberg also criticized and doubted organizers of climate conferences, saying, "They invite cherry-picked young people to meetings like this to pretend they are listening to us. But they are not."[127]A month later, Thunberg took part in a protest in London, demanding that the financial system stop funding companies and projects that usefossil fuels,such as coal, oil and natural gas.[128]The protest in London is part of a series taking place at the financial centres around the world, including New York City, San Francisco andNairobi.[128]She told the BBC journalistAndrew Marrthat banks should "stop funding our destruction", ahead of the UN COP26 climate summit.[128]At the2021 United Nations Climate Change Conferencein Glasgow, Thunberg attended a panel on climate change hosted by British actressEmma Watson.[129]

In November 2021, Thunberg, along with other climate activists, filed a petition to the United Nations, calling it to declare a level 3 globalclimate emergency,with the aim of creating a special team that will coordinate the response to the climate crisis at an international level.[130]In December 2021, Thunberg reiterated her criticism of U.S. president Joe Biden, saying, "If you call him a leader – I mean, it's strange that people think of Joe Biden as a leader for the climate when you see what his administration is doing", alluding to the U.S. expansions on use of fossil fuels during the Biden administration. Thunberg further lamented that activists and teenagers are needed in order to bring awareness about climate change.[131]

Post-COVID-19 pandemic

On 6 February 2022, Thunberg condemned the British firmBeowulfand its mining of iron onSámiland. She said, "We believe that the climate, the environment, clean air, water, reindeer herding, indigenous rights and the future of humanity should be prioritized above the short-term profit of a company. The Swedish government needs to stop the colonization of Sami."[132]

On Friday, 25 February 2022, Thunberg combined her usual Friday climate protests to include opposing theinvasion of Ukraine by Russian military forces.She stood outside the Russian embassy in Stockholm holding a sign that read "Stand With Ukraine".[11]On 29 June 2023, Thunberg met with Ukrainian PresidentVolodymyr Zelenskyyand other prominent European figures to form a working group to address ecological damage from the 16-month-old Russian invasion.[133]

On 6 July 2022, Thunberg criticized theEuropean Parliamentfor voting to label fossil gas and nuclear energy as "green" energy. She called that decision "hypocrisy", and stated that "This will delay a desperately needed real sustainable transition and deepen our dependency on Russian fuels. The hypocrisy is striking, but unfortunately not surprising."[134]

In November 2022, Thunberg, along with over 600 young people from a youth-led Swedish activist group called Auroramålet (translation "the aurora target" ) that refers to itself as "Aurora" in English, filed a lawsuit in a Stockholm district court against the Swedish government for climate inaction within Sweden. On 21 March 2023, theNacka District Courtallowed the class action lawsuit that posits Sweden has an "insufficient climate policy" to proceed.[135]

In late 2022,Thunberg'sThe Climate Book[136]was released. It is a compilation in which she brought together over one hundred experts—geophysicists, oceanographers and meteorologists; engineers, economists and mathematicians; historians, philosophers and indigenous leaders—who wrote essays focusing on changes to the Earth's climate. Thunberg also contributed writings to the book and is credited as its author. She donated her copyright and all royalties generated by the book to her foundation[137][138]and will not personally profit from sales or other commercial uses. While on her 2022 midterm Autumn break from school, Thunberg embarked on a publicity campaign[139]for the book's initial release, which occurred in the UK on 27 October 2022 and in Australia on 1 November 2022; it is published underPenguin'sAllen Lane Imprintbooks. On 14 February 2023, theClimate Book wasreleased in the United States and elsewhere.[140]An extract fromThe Climate Bookand reviews are available.[141][142][143][144]

On 14 January 2023, Thunberg spoke during a protest inLützerath,calling on the German authorities to stop the expansion of a nearby coal mine.[145]She was detained along with other activists by German police while demonstrating at the opencast coal mine ofGarzweiler 2,around 9 km from the village on 17 January, after police warned the group that they would be detained unless they moved away from the edge of the mine. The mine's ownerRWEhad earlier agreed with the government on demolishing Lützerath in exchange for a faster exit from coal and the saving of five villages originally slated for destruction. She was released the same day after an identity check.[146]

Post-high school graduation

On 9 June 2023, Thunberg graduated from high school and marked the day by attending what would be her last school strike for climate protest before receiving her diploma. She wore the Swedish traditional graduation white dress and whitestudentmössa(cap) to the protest. She vowed to continue, saying that her "fight has only just begun".[147][148]In Thunberg's subsequent protest pictures that she posts to her social media accounts, some of the group photos have featured "School Strike for Climate" signage.

On 19 June 2023, Thunberg took part in a Reclaim the Future protest inMalmö,Sweden, and was charged with disobeying a police order.[149]On 24 July 2023, a trial was held atMalmö District Courtwhere the prosecution presented its case against Thunberg for disobedience to authority after having disrupted traffic and refusing to follow police orders. While she acknowledged that the facts of the case against her were accurate, Thunberg said that due to the existential and global threat to the climate caused by the fossil fuel industry, her protest was a form of self-defence. She was sentenced by the court to pay fines totaling 2,500SEK(approximately US$240).[150]Within hours after the court convicted her, Thunberg attended a similar protest where Reclaim the Future again blocked oil tankers on a road in Malmö. She was again forcibly removed by police and later criminally charged. On 11 October 2023, Thunberg's second Swedish trial for disobedience (disobeying a police order to disperse) occurred. She was found guilty for the 24 July 2023 incident and ordered to pay fines totaling 4,500 Swedish crowns ($414).[151]

On 4 August 2023, Thunberg cancelled a prearranged appearance that was to occur the following Friday, 11 August, at theEdinburgh International Book Festivalto promote her book:The Climate Book.She said that as a climate activist she could not attend an event sponsored byBaillie Gifford– an investment management firm – due to its connections with the fossil fuel industry.[152]In making the announcement, the festival's Nick Barley said that he was disappointed but respected Thunberg's decision. "I share Greta's view that in all areas of society the rate of progress is not enough." He went on to say: "The book festival exists to give a platform for debate and discussion around key issues affecting humanity today – including the climate emergency... We strongly believe that Baillie Gifford are part of the solution to the climate emergency."[153]In its response, Baillie Gifford said that it was not a significant fossil fuel investor, with 2% of its clients' money being invested in companies with some business related to fossil fuels while the market average was 11%.[154]

On 18 October 2023, Thunberg was arrested in London, England, for her part in protesting against the Energy Intelligence Forum, described as the "Oscarsof oil ".[155]She was charged with failure to comply with a lawful order to disperse, a "condition imposed under Section 14 of thePublic Order Act".On 15 November 2023 Thunberg appeared atWestminster Magistrates' Courtand entered a plea of "not guilty".[156][157]On 2 February 2024 the case against Thunberg, et al., was dismissed by the presiding judge after the prosecution rested its case. The judge agreed with the defence that "the crown had failed to present enough evidence to prove their case".[158]

On 6 April 2024, Thunberg participated in anExtinction Rebellion-led protest inThe Hague,Netherlands,where law enforcement forcibly removed her from blocking a road. She then joined another group of Extinction Rebellion protesters who were blocking a different road and was again removed. The BBC and some other media outlets reported that Thunberg was arrested while some media outlets only mention that she was detained. It is unclear whether criminal charges were – or will be – filed.[159][160][161]

On 23 April 2024, Thunberg was charged withcivil disobediencefor allegedly ignoring police orders to leave two climate demonstrations which law enforcement claim were blocking Sweden's parliament building on 12 and 14 March. Her refusal to comply with police orders caused her to be forcibly removed. Thunberg entered a plea of not guilty.[162]A Swedish court convicted her on 8 May 2024 and she was fined 6,000 Swedish Kronor (US$550). Thunberg was also ordered to pay an additional 1,000 Swedish Kronor (US$92) in damages.[163]

Pro-Palestinian activism

Thunberg wearing akeffiyehin solidarity with Palestine at an event inAmsterdamin 2023

On 20 October 2023, Thunberg posted a photo during her usual Friday climate protests, showing her and three other protesters holding signs. One sign read "climate justice now" and the other three displayed support forPalestiniansin theGaza Stripamidst theIsrael–Hamas war.Her post on X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram also included fourteen links to "Palestine solidarity" social media accounts where, she said, "you can find information on how you can help."[164]Thunberg was immediately criticized for not condemningHamas's attack on Israel.[165]The following day Thunberg posted "It goes without saying – or so I thought – that I'm against the horrific attacks by Hamas. As I said, 'the world needs to speak up and call for an immediate ceasefire, justice and freedom for Palestinians and all civilians affected.'"TheIsraeli Ministry of Educationresponded to Thunberg's initial "statements in support of Gaza without condemning Hamas" by removing "various references in the educational curriculum that present Thunberg as a role model and a source of inspiration for youth".[166]

On 5 December 2023, Thunberg and three researchers/activists affiliated with Fridays for Future Sweden published an opinion piece inThe Guardiantitled "We won't stop speaking out about Gaza's suffering – there is no climate justice without human rights." The piece clarified her and FFF Sweden's support forPalestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip amidst the Israel–Hamas war.The article stated that "All Fridays for Future groups are autonomous, and this article represents the views of nobody but FFF Sweden."[12]They also addressed the criticism that Fridays for Future has been radicalized and is engaging in politics by stating that the organisation has always been political because it is a movement for justice. FFF Sweden believes that "means speaking up when people suffer, are forced to flee their homes or are killed – regardless of the cause".[12]

On May 11, she was detained by Swedish police for taking part in a pro-Palestinian protest outsideMalmö Arena,which was hosting theEurovision Song Contest 2024,and subsequently released a statement opposingIsrael's participation in the contest.[167]

In September 2024, Danish police apprehended Thunberg during a pro-Palestinian protest in Copenhagen against the Israel–Hamas war. Thunberg, along with five others, was detained after blocking the entrance to a building at theUniversity of Copenhagen.[168]Less than a week later, she was "carried out" from the library ofStockholm Universityby Stockholm police after she participated in an encampment inside the library. She characterized the police response as a "repression".[169]Following those incidents, she was labeled "antisemite of the week" byStopAntisemitism.[170][171]In December 2024, while speaking at a pro-Palestine rally in the German city ofMannheim,Thunberg declared "Fuck Germany and fuck Israel." In response, localCDUpoliticianManuel Hagelaccused Thunberg of "moving very consciously in close proximity to anti-Semitism".[172]

Reflecting on her pro-Palestine activism in November 2024, Thunberg stated:[173]

For me, it hasn't been solely about the climate at all. The media often wants to simplify things, like 'she's the one who works on climate.' They want to put a face to the issue. I mean, we're talking about climate justice. All forms of justice are included within climate justice. In the last year, when I started getting involved in Palestinian activism, that view has shifted.

Boycott of COP29

Thunberg boycottedCOP29,hosted byAzerbaijan,for human rights violations, and instead visited neighboringGeorgiaandArmenia.While in Georgia, she joined a politicaldemonstrationagainstGeorgia's governmentinTbilisi,stating "I am here to express my support and solidarity to all activists and citizens who are coming forward to defend their fundamental rights such as freedom, justice and democracy."[174]In an interview, she said that "The only thing that will come out of [COP29] is loopholes, more negotiations, and symbolic decisions that look good on paper but are really just greenwashing."[173]

She then visited Armenia, where she argued that "We need to stop hosting climate conferences in places like Azerbaijan, a country that is repressing its own population to an extreme degree."[175]At a demonstration in front of the United Nations delegation headquarters in the Armenian capital ofYerevan,she stated "We urge international media and those in power who are inBakuto go and visit Armenian hostages and demand an immediate release to all political prisoners, prisoners of war and hostages. "[176]While in Armenia, she also visitedPink Armenia,which stated "We extend our gratitude to Greta Thunberg for raising Armenia’s critical issues on international platforms and for showing her solidarity with the LGBT+ movement."[177]

Position on climate change

A video of Thunberg speaking at the 2019World Economic Forumin Davos
Thunberg delivering a speech at a July 2019 school strike for climate change in Berlin

Thunberg states that humanity is facingan existential crisis because of global warming[178]and holds thebaby boomers,and each subsequent generation, responsible for creating and perpetuating detrimental changes to the Earth's climate.[179]She uses graphic analogies (such as "our house is on fire" ) to highlight her concerns and often speaks bluntly to business and political leaders about their failure to take concerted action.[180][181]

Thunberg has said that climate change will have a disproportionate effect on young people, whose futures will be profoundly affected. She argues that her generation may not have a future any more because "that future was sold so that a small number of people could make unimaginable amounts of money."[182]She also has said that people in theGlobal Southwill suffer most from climate change, even though they have contributed least in terms of carbon dioxide emissions.[183]Thunberg has voiced support for other young activists from developing countries who are already facing the damagingeffects of climate change.Speaking in Madrid in December 2019, she said: "We talk about our future, they talk about their present."[184]

Speaking at international forums, she berates world leaders because she believes that too little action is being taken to reduce global emissions.[185]She says that lowering emissions is not enough, that emissions need to be reduced to zero if the world is to keep global warming to less than 1.5 °C. Speaking to theBritish Parliamentin April 2019, she said: "The fact that we are speaking of 'lowering' instead of 'stopping' emissions is perhaps the greatest force behind the continuing business as usual."[186][187]In order to take the necessary action, she added that politicians should not listen to her, they should listen to what the scientists are saying about how to address the crisis.[188][186]According to political scientists Mattia Zulianello and Diego Ceccobelli, Thunberg's ideas can be defined as technocratic ecocentrism, which is grounded on "the exaltation of the vox scientifica".[189]

More specifically, Thunberg has argued that commitments made at the Paris Agreement are insufficient to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees, and that the greenhouse gas emissions curve needs to start declining steeply no later than 2020 – as detailed in the IPCC'sSpecial Report on Global Warming of 1.5 °Cpublished in 2018.[190][182]In February 2019, at a conference of theEuropean Economic and Social Committee,she said that the EU's current intention to cut emissions by 40% by 2030 is "not sufficient to protect the future for children growing up today" and that the EU must reduce their CO2emissions by 80%, double the 40% goal.[191][192]

Thunberg reiterated her views on political inaction in a November 2020 interview where she stated that "leaders are happy to set targets for decades ahead, but flinch when immediate action is needed."[193]She criticized theEuropean Green Deal,which aims to make the EUclimate neutralby 2050,[194]saying that it "sends a strong signal that real and sufficient action is being taken when in fact it's not. Nature doesn't bargain, and you cannot make deals with physics."[195]

In July 2020, Greta Thunberg,Luisa Neubauer,Anuna De WeverandAdélaïde Carlierwrote an open letter to all EU leaders and heads of state stating they must"advocate to makeecocidean international crime at the International Criminal Court. "[196][197]In June 2023, Greta called the destruction of the Kakhovka dam in Ukraine by Russia an ecocide and called for prosecution, stating "Russia needs to be held accountable for their action and for their crimes. The eyes of the world are on them now".[198][199]

In an interview shortly before the2021 COP26 conferencein Glasgow, Thunberg, asked how optimistic she was that the conference could achieve anything, responded, "Nothing has changed from previous years, really. The leaders will say, 'we'll do this and we'll do this, and we will put our forces together and achieve this', and then they will do nothing. Maybe some symbolic things and creative accounting and things that don't really have a big impact. We can have as many COPs as we want, but nothing real will come out of it."[39]She called Chinese presidentXi Jinping"a leader of a dictatorship" and said that "democracy is the only solution to the climate crisis, since the only thing that could get us out of this situation is... massive public pressure."[200]

On 30 October 2021, she arrived atGlasgow Central stationfor the COP26. She spoke at some protests during the COP and marched in a Fridays for Future Scotland climate strike on Friday 5 November; she said in an earlier interview that the public needed to "uproot the system".[201]She delivered aspeech to protestersin which she described COP26 as a failure, speaking of "blah blah blah" and greenwashing.[202]

Public response and impact


In February 2019, 224 academics signed an open letter of support stating they were inspired by Thunberg's actions and the striking school children in making their voices heard.[203]This support from academics, including many scientists, is in sharp contrast with the opposition Thunberg usually receives from politicians.[204]


Thunberg has met with many politicians and world leaders but said she could not think of a single politician who has impressed her. Asked about New Zealand prime ministerJacinda Ardern,who described the climate crisis as a matter of life or death, Thunberg commented, "It's funny that people believe Jacinda Ardern and people like that are climate leaders. That just tells you how little people know about the climate crisis." Thunberg says that she ignores words and sentiments: "Obviously the emissions haven't fallen. It goes without saying that these people are not doing anything." In fact, New Zealand's greenhouse-gas emissions had increased by 2% in 2019.[27]

United Nations Secretary-GeneralAntónio Guterresendorsed the school strikes initiated by Thunberg, admitting: "My generation has failed to respond properly to the dramatic challenge of climate change. This is deeply felt by young people. No wonder they are angry."[205]Speaking at an event in New Zealand in May 2019, Guterres said his generation was "not winning the battle against climate change" and that it was up to the youth to "rescue the planet".[206]

Thunberg urgesMEPsto show climate leadership, receives standing ovation, 2020

Democratic candidates for the2020 United States presidential electionsuch asKamala Harris,Beto O'Rourke,andBernie Sandersexpressed support after her speech at the September 2019 action summit in New York.[207]German Chancellor Angela Merkel indicated that young activists such as Thunberg had driven her government to act faster on climate change.[208]

Thunberg and her campaign have been criticized by politicians as well, ranging from personal attacks to statements that she oversimplifies the complex issues involved. Among them are the Australian prime ministerScott Morrison,[209]German chancellorAngela Merkel,[210]French presidentEmmanuel Macron,[211]Russian presidentVladimir Putin,[212]OPEC(Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) and, repeatedly, U.S. presidentDonald Trump.[213]

In September 2019, Trump shared a video of Thunberg angrily addressing world leaders, along with her quote that "people are dying, entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of amass extinction."Trump wrote about Thunberg, tweeting:" She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see! "Thunberg reacted by changing her Twitter bio to match his description, and stating that she could not" understand why grown-ups would choose to mock children and teenagers for just communicating and acting on the science when they could do something good instead. "[214]In December 2019, Trump again mocked Thunberg after she was named Person of the Year for 2019 byTime,tweeting: "So ridiculous. Greta must work on her Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Greta, Chill!"[215]Thunberg responded by changing her Twitter biography to: "A teenager working on her anger management problem. Currently chilling and watching a good old fashioned movie with a friend."[216]During the2020 United States presidential election,Thunberg commented on Trump tweeting "Stop the count!" with the text: "So ridiculous. Donald must work on his Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Donald, Chill!"[217][218]

In October 2019, Putin described Thunberg as a "kind girl and very sincere", while suggesting she was being manipulated to serve others' interests. Putin criticized her as "poorly informed", adding, "No one has explained to Greta that the modern world is complex and different and people in Africa or in many Asian countries want to live at the same wealth level as in Sweden." Similar to her reaction to Trump, Thunberg updated her Twitter bio to reflect Putin's description of her.[219]In December 2019, Thunberg tweeted: "Indigenous people are literally being murdered for trying to protect the forest from illegal deforestation. Over and over again. It is shameful that the world remains silent about this." When asked about this subject two days later, Brazilian presidentJair Bolsonaroresponded, "Greta said that the Indians were dying because they were trying to protect theAmazon.It is impressive how the press gives voice to such a brat. "On the same day, Thunberg changed her Twitter description topirralha,the Portuguese word for "brat" used by Bolsonaro.[220][221]

In aTimestory published in May 2019, Thunberg addressed the criticism she has received online, saying, "It's quite hilarious when the only thing people can do is mock you, or talk about your appearance or personality, as it means they have no argument or nothing else to say."[222]Former U.S. vice-president and Trump's eventual successorJoe Bidenresponded to Trump's tweet mocking Thunberg after she was named theTime's Person of the Year 2019 by tweeting at Trump: "What kind of president bullies a teenager? @realDonaldTrump, you could learn a few things from Greta on what it means to be a leader."[223]

On 30 March 2021, European Commissioner for Climate ActionFrans Timmermanssaid in a tweet after talking to Thunberg that "The Commission remains committed" to making theCommon Agricultural Policy"fulfill the objectives" of theEuropean Green Deal.[224]


Thunberg swarmed by the press at the European Parliament, 2019

In August 2019, Scott Walsman wrote inScientific Americanthat Thunberg's detractors have "launched personal attacks", "bash [her] autism", and "increasingly rely on ad hominem attacks to blunt her influence".[225]Writing inThe Guardian,Aditya Chakrabortty said that columnists includingBrendan O'Neill,Toby Young,the blogGuido Fawkes,as well asHelen DaleandRod LiddleatThe SpectatorandThe Sunday Times,had been making "ugly personal attacks" on Thunberg.[226]British TV presenterPiers Morganalso mocked Thunberg.[227]As part of itsclimate change denial,Germany'sright-wing populistpartyAlternative for Germany(AfD) has attacked Thunberg "in fairly vicious ways", according to Jakob Guhl, a researcher for theInstitute for Strategic Dialogue.[228]

Arron Banks' Twitter post saying that "freak yachting accidents do happen in August" in reference to Thunberg, outraged a number of British MPs (Member of Parliament), celebrities, and academics.Tanja Bueltmann,founder of EU Citizens' Champion, said Banks had "invoked the drowning of a child" for his own amusement and said that most of those attacking Thunberg "are white middle-aged men from the right of the political spectrum".[229]Writing inThe Guardian,Gaby Hinsliffsaid Thunberg has become "the new front in the Brexit culture war", arguing that the outrage generated by personal attacks on Thunberg by Brexiteers "gives them the welcome oxygen of publicity".[230]

In September 2019,Nick Gillespiewrote inReasonthat "Greta Thunberg's histrionics are likely heartfelt but neither they nor the deplorable responses they conjure are a guide forward to good environmental policy in a world that is getting richer every day."[231]In August 2021, Yasmeen Serhan wrote inThe Atlanticthat Thunberg had become "the target of a barrage of disinformation and conspiracies" from the far-right andpopulist right,"including depictions of her as a spoiled child, a leftist pawn, and even aNazi".[232]

"The Greta effect"

September 2019 climate strikein Geneva

In summarizing Thunberg's global impact on the climate debate, the BBC encapsulated her influence: "she is credited with raising public awareness of climate change across the world, especially amongst young people. Many commentators call this 'the Greta effect'".[233]

In response to her outspoken stance, various politicians have also acknowledged the need to focus on climate change. Britain's secretary for the environment,Michael Gove,said, "When I listened to you, I felt great admiration, but also responsibility and guilt. I am of your parents' generation, and I recognise that we haven't done nearly enough to address climate change and the broader environmental crisis that we helped to create." Labour politicianEd Miliband,who was responsible for introducing theClimate Change Act 2008,said, "You have woken us up. Thank you. All the young people who have gone on strike have held up a mirror to our society... you have taught us all a really important lesson. You have stood out from the crowd."[17]

Beginning in early 2019, roughly concurrent with growing public recognition of Thunberg's work,Google Trendsdata shows a growth in searches for the termclimate emergency(shown inred), and for the termclimate crisis(shown inblue). The surge in 2006 followed release ofAl Gore's film,An Inconvenient Truth.

In February 2019, Thunberg shared a stage with thePresident of the European Commission,Jean-Claude Juncker,where he outlined: "In the next financial period from 2021 to 2027, every fourth euro spent within the EU budget will go towards action to mitigate climate change."[234]Climate issues also played a significant role inEuropean Parliament electionin May 2019,[235]as Green parties recorded their best ever results,[236]boosting their MEP seat numbers from 52 to 72.[237]Many of the gains came from northern European countries where young people have taken to the streets inspired by Thunberg.[236]

In June 2019, aYouGovpoll in Britain found that public concern about the environment had soared to record levels in the UK since Thunberg and Extinction Rebellion had "pierced the bubble of denial".[238]In August 2019, publication and sales of children's books about the climate crisis reportedly doubled compared to the previous year. Publishers attribute this to the "Greta effect".[239]

Inspired by Thunberg, wealthy philanthropists and investors from the United States have donated about $600,000[240]to support Extinction Rebellion and school strike groups to establish the Climate Emergency Fund.[241][242][243]Trevor Neilson,one of the philanthropists, said the three founders would be contacting friends among the global mega-rich to donate "a hundred times" more in the weeks and months ahead.[240]In December 2019, theNew Scientistdescribed the impact made by Thunberg and Extinction Rebellion with the headline: "The year the world woke up to climate change."[244]

According to a 2021 study, "those who are more familiar with Greta Thunberg have higher intentions of taking collective actions to reduce global warming and that stronger collective efficacy beliefs mediate this relationship. This association between familiarity with Greta Thunberg, collective efficacy beliefs, and collective action intentions is present even after accounting for respondents' overall support for climate activism."[245]

Flight shame

Thunberg has spearheaded the anti-flying movement, promoting rail travel over flying on environmental grounds.[246]The buzzword associated with this movement isflygskamor "flight shame".[247][248]It is a phenomenon in which people feel social pressure not to fly because of the rising greenhouse gas emissions of the airline industry. It was originally championed by Swedish Olympic athleteBjörn Ferry,but has gained significant momentum after Thunberg's refusal to fly on environmental grounds. Thunberg backed the campaign to fly less and made it part of her 2019 "awareness tour" in Europe.[249]

Sweden reported a 4% drop in domestic air travel for 2019 and an increase in rail use. The BBC says that the movement could halve the growth of global air travel, but Airbus and Boeing say that they still expect to grow at around 4% until 2035.[250][251]In June 2019,Swedish Railways(SJ) reported that the number of Swedes taking the train for domestic journeys had risen by 8% from the previous year, reflecting growing public concern (reflected in a survey published by Swedish Railways[252]) about the impact of flying on CO2emissions.[253]

X-Site sticker

In February 2020, X-Site Energy Services of Alberta, Canada, distributed a sticker with the company's name and an image of a man grabbing the braids of a girl to rape her from behind. The girl in the image was labeled "Greta".[254]Then 17-year-old Greta Thunberg posted about it on Twitter: "They are starting to get more and more desperate. This shows that we're winning." Although the general manager of X-Site initially said that neither X-Site nor any X-Site employee was involved in making the sticker,[255][256]X-Site Energy later apologized, admitting that they had distributed it and assumed full responsibility. The letter said that they were destroying known extant copies and making organizational changes to prevent future incidents.[257]

Public image and controversies

According toABC news,in December 2019 Thunberg was attacked by a sitting US president,Donald Trump,after she was namedTime's youngestPerson of the Year.Trump tweeted that "[Thunberg] must work on her Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie. Chill Greta, Chill!" In response, Thunberg changed her Twitter (now X) profile description to read: a "teenager working on her anger management problem. Currently chilling and watching a good old fashioned movie with a friend."[258]

Also in December 2019, Thunberg was criticized by the German rail firmDeutsche Bahn(DB), after she tweeted a photo of herself on an overcrowded train in Germany, stating she was "finally on my way home" from the COP25 UN climate conference in Madrid. DB initially apologized for the inconvenience but later deleted the tweet and chided Greta for not acknowledging their efforts to provide her with a seat in first class. Greta clarified that she only obtained a seat after four hours into her journey and emphasized that overcrowded trains indicate high demand for train travel. Despite the controversy, fellow passengers reported that DB staff treated Greta kindly, even offering her chocolates typically reserved for first-class passengers.[259]

A multi-story mural of Thunberg in Istanbul, Turkey

Thunberg has been depicted in popular culture and art.[260]Greta and the Giants,a book by Zoë Tucker and Zoe Persico, published byFrances Lincoln Children's Books,was inspired by the life of Thunberg.[261]Argentinian artist Andrés Iglesias unveiled an 18-meter mural of Thunberg above Mason street, near Union Square in San Francisco.[262]American painterElizabeth Peytonchose her 2019 portraitGreta Thunbergas the leading image of one of her shows.[260]She has been depicted in multiplemurals.InBristol,a 15-metre-high (49 ft) mural of Thunberg by artist Jody Thomas, portrays the bottom half of her face as if underrising sea watersince May 2019.[263]Thunberg was featured on theTimemagazine coverin May 2019 issue, where she was described as a role model[222]and one of the "Next Generation Leaders".[264]She and fifteen others were featured on the cover of the fashion magazineVoguecreated by guest editorMeghan, Duchess of Sussex,in September 2019.[265]

Some ofThunberg's speecheshave been incorporated into music. In 2019, Thunberg contributed avoiceoverfor a release of "The 1975",a song by theEnglish band by the same name.Thunberg finishes the song by urging: "So, everyone out there, it is now time for civil disobedience. It is time to rebel." Proceeds will go toExtinction Rebellionat Thunberg's request.[266]In September 2019, John Meredith set her UN Action Summit speech to death metal.[267]The Australian musicianMegan Washingtonand composerRobert Davidsonused the same 'how dare you' speech, for a performance at an event exploring the future of music.[268]DJFatboy Slimcreated a mashup of this speech with his dance hit "Right Here, Right Now".[269]

Project Pressure,Voices for the Future,projected a quote by Thunberg onto the United Nations building in New York in the lead up to theUN Climate Action Summit,2019

In 2019, Thunberg collaborated with the climate charityProject Pressureon an art piece projected onto the UN building in New York in the lead up to theUN Climate Action Summitfeaturing the voices of six young activists, including Thunberg herself. Vizualised by Joseph Michael, authored byKlaus Thymannand music byBrian Eno,their commentary was on the climate crisis and the urgent actions that need to be taken to minimize its consequences.[270]

In May 2020, Thunberg was featured inPearl Jam's music video "Retrograde".She appears as a fortune teller, with images in her crystal ball depicting startling effects of climate change in numerous countries.[271]

On 3 September 2020, the Hulucinéma vérité-esque documentaryI Am Greta[272]had its world premiere at theVenice Film Festival.The film was directed by Nathan Grossman, who single-handedly operated the camera and sound equipment while memorializing Thunberg's climate activism "from the first solitary days of her school strike in August 2018, all the way through to her two-week sea voyage across the Atlantic Ocean from Europe to New York City to attend the United Nations Climate Summit in September 2019."[273][274]Following its Venice premiere, the film had its North American premiere at theToronto International Film Festivalon 11 September 2020,[275]and opened in cinemas across Europe, North America and Australia in October.[276]

In March 2021, theUniversity of Winchesterinstalled a life-sized sculpture of Thunberg on its campus.[277]BBC Studiosmade a three-part seriesGreta Thunberg: A Year to Change the World,[278]with planned visits to various countries omitted due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Honours and awards

Thunberg has received honours and awards over the course of her activism. In May 2018, before the start of her school strike, she was one of the winners of aclimate changeessay competition bySvenska Dagbladet(The Swedish Daily News)for young people.[48]Thunberg has refused to attend ceremonies or accept prizes if it requires her to fly, such as for theInternational Children's Peace Prize.[279]She has received prizes from various NGOs but also from scientific institutions that lauded her success in raising awareness.[280][281]

  • Time's25 most influential teens of 2018, December 2018, an annual list compiled byTimemagazine of the most influential teenagers in the world that year.[282]
  • Fryshuset scholarship,2018, for Young Role Model of the Year.[283]
  • Nobel Peace Prizenomination, 2019, by three deputies of theNorwegian parliament.[284][285]Again in 2020 by two Swedish lawmakers.[286]Nominated in 2021, 2022 and 2023.[20][21][286]
  • Swedish Woman of the Year(Årets Svenska Kvinna), March 2019, awarded by theSwedish Women's Educational Associationto "a Swedish woman who, through her accomplishments, has represented and brought attention to the Sweden of today in the greater world."[287]
  • Rachel Carson Prize,March 2019, awarded to a woman who has distinguished herself in outstanding work for the environment in Norway or internationally.[288][289]
  • Goldene Kamera film and television awards,March 2019, special Climate Action Award. Thunberg dedicated the prize to the activists protesting against the destruction of the Hambach Forest, which is threatened by lignite mining.[290]
  • Fritt Ord Award,April 2019, shared withNatur og Ungdom,which "celebrates freedom of speech". Thunberg donated her share of the prize money to a lawsuit seeking to halt Norwegian oil exploration in the Arctic.[291]
  • Time100,April 2019, byTimemagazine, an annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world for that year.[292]
  • Laudato si' Prize,April 2019, awarded by the Milarepa Foundation of Chile and selected by the International Laudato Si' Group members under the second encyclical of Pope Francis, "on care for our common home".[293]
  • Honorary degree ofDoctor honoris causa(dr.h.c.), May 2019, conferred by the BelgianUniversity of Mons(Mons, Belgium) for "contribution... to raising awareness on sustainable development".[281][294]
  • Ambassador of Conscience Award,June 2019,Amnesty International's most prestigious award, for her leadership in the climate movement, shared with Fridays for Future.[295][296]
  • The Freedom Prize, July 2019, a prize fromNormandy.She donated the prize money (25,000 euros) to four groups working for climate justice.[297]
  • The Geddes Environment Medal,July 2019, by theRoyal Scottish Geographical Society,for "an outstanding practical, research or communications contribution to conservation and protection of the natural environment and the development of sustainability."[298]
  • Right Livelihood Award,September 2019, from the Right Livelihood Foundation and known as Sweden's alternative Nobel Prize, one of four 2019 winners, "for inspiring and amplifying political demands for urgent climate action reflecting scientific facts."[300]
  • Keys to the City of Montréal,September 2019, by Mayor of Montréal Valérie Plante.[301]
  • International Children's Peace Prize,October 2019, shared with 14-year-oldDivina Maloumfrom Cameroon, awarded by theKidsRights Foundation.[302]
  • Maphiyata echiyatan hin win(Woman Who Came from the Heavens),Lakotatribal name conferred, October 2019, at Standing Rock Indian Reservation, following support for the Dakota Access pipeline opposition, after being invited by Tokata Iron Eyes, a 16-year-old Lakota climate activist.[303][304]
  • Nordic Council Environment Prize,October 2019. Thunberg declined to accept the award or the prize money ofDKK350,000 (€47,000 as of October 2019) stating that Nordic countries were not doing enough to cut emissions.[305][306]
  • TimePerson of the Year,December 2019, byTimemagazine, the first recipient born in the 21st century and the youngest ever.[307][308]For succeeding in "creating a global attitudinal shift, transforming millions of vague, middle-of-the-night anxieties into a worldwide movement calling for urgent change."[4]And: "For sounding the alarm about humanity's predatory relationship with the only home we have, for bringing to a fragmented world a voice that transcends backgrounds and borders, for showing us all what it might look like when a new generation leads."[309]
  • GlamourWoman of the Year Award2019, 12 November 2019, byGlamourmagazine.[310]Accepted by Jane Fonda, quoting Greta as saying "If a Swedish, teenage, science nerd who has shopstop, refuses to fly and has never worn makeup or been to a hairdresser can be chosen a Woman of the Year by one of the biggest fashion magazines in the world then I think almost nothing is impossible."[311][312]
  • She was recognized as one of the BBC's 100 women of 2019.[313]
  • Nature's 10, 2019,December 2019, an annual list of ten "people who mattered" in science, produced by the scientific journalNature,specifically, for being a "climate catalyst: A Swedish teenager [who] brought climate science to the fore as she channeled her generation's rage."[280]
  • Forbeslist of The World's 100 Most Powerful Women,2019
  • Forbes30 under 30Europe 2020 – Social Entrepreneurs[314]
  • Human Act Award, on Earth Day, 22 April 2020, by the Human Act Foundation, for "her fearless and determined efforts to mobilize millions of people around the world to fight climate change." The USD100,000 prize money was donated to UNICEF and doubled by the Foundation.[315]
  • Best in Activism (from Tech & Innovation category) at the12thShorty Awards,on 3 May 2020.[316]
  • Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity,in July 2020, the first recipient of this prize. Through her foundation, Thunberg donated the €1 million prize money "to charitable projects combatting the climate and ecological crisis and to support people facing the worst impacts, particularly in theGlobal South."[317]
  • Women in Youth Activism Award at the 2021 Women of Europe Awards on 2 December 2021, for "courageous leadership in support forclimate justice,social change and youth community organising ".[318]
  • HonoraryDoctor of Laws(LLD), 31 May 2021, conferred by theUniversity of British Columbia, Okanagan Campus,for "her international recognitions for challenging world leaders to take immediate action against climate change."[319][320][321]
  • HonoraryDoctor of Theologyconferred byHelsinki University.The doctorate was scheduled to be granted in June 2023.[322]

Species named in Thunberg's honour

The following species have been described and named after Greta Thunberg:


ForNo One Is Too Small to Make a Difference,Thunberg was named author of the year byWaterstones[333]
  • Scenes from the Heart(2018), with her sister, father and mother.
  • Thunberg, Greta (2019).No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference.Penguin Books.ISBN978-0-241-51457-3.OCLC1196840691.96 pages. A collection of Thunberg's climate action speeches,[334]with the earnings being donated to charity.[335]
  • "Greta Thunberg Speeches and Interviews".What Would Greta Do?. Archived fromthe originalon 6 April 2020.An archived compilation of Thunberg's speeches and interviews, and IPCC Reports, up to March 2020
  • Thunberg, Greta (November 2019)."The Disarming Case to Act Right Now on Climate Change".Stockholm:TED.
  • Ernman, Malena; Thunberg, Greta; Ernman, Beata; Thunberg, Svante (2021).Our House Is on Fire: Scenes of a Family and a Planet in Crisis.Penguin Books.ISBN978-0-14-199288-4.OCLC1179047026.288 pages
  • Thunberg, Greta;Calderón, Adriana;Jhumu,Farzana Faruk;Njuguna, Eric(2021-08-19). "Opinion | This Is the World Being Left to Us by Adults".The New York Times.ISSN0362–4331. Retrieved 2022-05-16.
  • Thunberg, Greta (October 2022).The Climate Book.London, United Kingdom: Allen Lane (Penguin Books).ISBN978-0-241-54747-2.Hardback.[143]

See also


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Further reading