Inmathematics,especially incategory theoryandhomotopy theory,agroupoid(less oftenBrandt groupoidorvirtual group) generalises the notion ofgroupin several equivalent ways. A groupoid can be seen as a:
- Groupwith apartial functionreplacing thebinary operation;
- Categoryin which everymorphismis invertible. A category of this sort can be viewed as augmented with aunary operationon the morphisms, calledinverseby analogy withgroup theory.[1]A groupoid where there is only one object is a usual group.
In the presence ofdependent typing,a category in general can be viewed as a typedmonoid,and similarly, a groupoid can be viewed as simply a typed group. The morphisms take one from one object to another, and form a dependent family of types, thus morphisms might be typed,,say. Composition is then a total function:,so that.
Special cases include:
- Setoids:setsthat come with anequivalence relation,
- G-sets:sets equipped with anactionof a group.
Groupoids are often used to reason aboutgeometricalobjects such asmanifolds.Heinrich Brandt(1927) introduced groupoids implicitly viaBrandt semigroups.[2]
editA groupoid can be viewed as an algebraic structure consisting of a set with a binarypartial function[citation needed]. Precisely, it is a non-empty setwith aunary operation,and apartial function.Hereis not abinary operationbecause it is not necessarily defined for all pairs of elements of.The precise conditions under whichis defined are not articulated here and vary by situation.
The operationsand−1have the following axiomatic properties: For all,,andin,
- Associativity:Ifandare defined, thenandare defined and are equal. Conversely, if one oforis defined, then they are both defined (and they are equal to each other), andandare also defined.
- Inverse:andare always defined.
- Identity:Ifis defined, then,and.(The previous two axioms already show that these expressions are defined and unambiguous.)
Two easy and convenient properties follow from these axioms:
- ,
- Ifis defined, then.[3]
editA groupoid is asmall categoryin which everymorphismis anisomorphism,i.e., invertible.[1]More explicitly, a groupoidis a setofobjectswith
- for each pair of objectsxandy,a (possibly empty) setG(x,y) ofmorphisms(orarrows) fromxtoy;we writef:x→yto indicate thatfis an element ofG(x,y);
- for every objectx,a designated elementofG(x,x);
- for each triple of objectsx,y,andz,afunction;
- for each pair of objectsx,y,a functionsatisfying, for anyf:x→y,g:y→z,andh:z→w:
- and;
- ;
- and.
Iffis an element ofG(x,y), thenxis called thesourceoff,writtens(f), andyis called thetargetoff,writtent(f).
A groupoidGis sometimes denoted as,whereis the set of all morphisms, and the two arrowsrepresent the source and the target.
More generally, one can consider agroupoid objectin an arbitrary category admitting finite fiber products.
Comparing the definitions
editThe algebraic and category-theoretic definitions are equivalent, as we now show. Given a groupoid in the category-theoretic sense, letGbe thedisjoint unionof all of the setsG(x,y) (i.e. the sets of morphisms fromxtoy). Thenandbecome partial operations onG,andwill in fact be defined everywhere. We define ∗ to beand−1to be,which gives a groupoid in the algebraic sense. Explicit reference toG0(and hence to) can be dropped.
Conversely, given a groupoidGin the algebraic sense, define an equivalence relationon its elements by iffa∗a−1=b∗b−1.LetG0be the set of equivalence classes of,i.e..Denotea∗a−1byifwith.
Now defineas the set of all elementsfsuch thatexists. Givenand,their composite is defined as.To see that this is well defined, observe that sinceandexist, so does.The identity morphism onxis then,and the category-theoretic inverse offisf−1.
Sets in the definitions above may be replaced withclasses,as is generally the case in category theory.
Vertex groups and orbits
editGiven a groupoidG,thevertex groupsorisotropy groupsorobject groupsinGare the subsets of the formG(x,x), wherexis any object ofG.It follows easily from the axioms above that these are indeed groups, as every pair of elements is composable and inverses are in the same vertex group.
Theorbitof a groupoidGat a pointis given by the setcontaining every point that can be joined to x by a morphism in G. If two pointsandare in the same orbits, their vertex groupsandareisomorphic:ifis any morphism fromto,then the isomorphism is given by the mapping.
Orbits form a partition of the set X, and a groupoid is calledtransitiveif it has only one orbit (equivalently, if it isconnectedas a category). In that case, all the vertex groups are isomorphic (on the other hand, this is not a sufficient condition for transitivity; see the sectionbelowfor counterexamples).
Subgroupoids and morphisms
editAsubgroupoidofis asubcategorythat is itself a groupoid. It is calledwideorfullif it iswideorfullas a subcategory, i.e., respectively, iforfor every.
Agroupoid morphismis simply a functor between two (category-theoretic) groupoids.
Particular kinds of morphisms of groupoids are of interest. A morphismof groupoids is called afibrationif for each objectofand each morphismofstarting atthere is a morphismofstarting atsuch that.A fibration is called acovering morphismorcovering of groupoidsif further such anis unique. The covering morphisms of groupoids are especially useful because they can be used to modelcovering mapsof spaces.[4]
It is also true that the category of covering morphisms of a given groupoidis equivalent to the category of actions of the groupoidon sets.
editGiven atopological space,letbe the set.The morphisms from the pointto the pointareequivalence classesofcontinuouspathsfromto,with two paths being equivalent if they arehomotopic. Two such morphisms are composed by first following the first path, then the second; the homotopy equivalence guarantees that this composition isassociative.This groupoid is called thefundamental groupoidof,denoted(or sometimes,).[5]The usual fundamental groupis then the vertex group for the point.
The orbits of the fundamental groupoidare the path-connected components of.Accordingly, the fundamental groupoid of apath-connected spaceis transitive, and we recover the known fact that the fundamental groups at any base point are isomorphic. Moreover, in this case, the fundamental groupoid and the fundamental groups areequivalentas categories (see the sectionbelowfor the general theory).
An important extension of this idea is to consider the fundamental groupoidwhereis a chosen set of "base points". Hereis a (full) subgroupoid of,where one considers only paths whose endpoints belong to.The setmay be chosen according to the geometry of the situation at hand.
Equivalence relation
editIfis asetoid,i.e. a set with anequivalence relation,then a groupoid "representing" this equivalence relation can be formed as follows:
- The objects of the groupoid are the elements of;
- For any two elementsandin,there is a single morphism fromto(denote by) if and only if;
- The composition ofandis.
The vertex groups of this groupoid are always trivial; moreover, this groupoid is in general not transitive and its orbits are precisely the equivalence classes. There are two extreme examples:
- If every element ofis in relation with every other element of,we obtain thepair groupoidof,which has the entireas set of arrows, and which is transitive.
- If every element ofis only in relation with itself, one obtains theunit groupoid,which hasas set of arrows,,and which is completely intransitive (every singletonis an orbit).
edit- Ifis a smoothsurjectivesubmersionofsmooth manifolds,thenis an equivalence relation[6]sincehas a topology isomorphic to thequotient topologyofunder the surjective map of topological spaces. If we write,then we get a groupoidwhich is sometimes called thebanal groupoidof a surjective submersion of smooth manifolds.
- If we relax the reflexivity requirement and considerpartial equivalence relations,then it becomes possible to considersemidecidablenotions of equivalence on computable realisers for sets. This allows groupoids to be used as a computable approximation to set theory, calledPER models.Considered as a category, PER models are a cartesian closed category with natural numbers object and subobject classifier, giving rise to theeffective toposintroduced byMartin Hyland.
Čech groupoid
editA Čech groupoid[6]p. 5is a special kind of groupoid associated to an equivalence relation given by an open coverof some manifold.Its objects are given by the disjoint union and its arrows are the intersections
The source and target maps are then given by the induced maps
and the inclusion map
giving the structure of a groupoid. In fact, this can be further extended by setting
as the-iterated fiber product where therepresents-tuples of composable arrows. The structure map of the fiber product is implicitly the target map, since
is a cartesian diagram where the maps toare the target maps. This construction can be seen as a model for some∞-groupoids.Also, another artifact of this construction isk-cocycles
for some constantsheaf of abelian groupscan be represented as a function
giving an explicit representation of cohomology classes.
Group action
editIf thegroupacts on the set,then we can form theaction groupoid(ortransformation groupoid) representing thisgroup actionas follows:
- The objects are the elements of;
- For any two elementsandin,themorphismsfromtocorrespond to the elementsofsuch that;
- Compositionof morphisms interprets thebinary operationof.
More explicitly, theaction groupoidis a small category withandand with source and target mapsand.It is often denoted(orfor a right action). Multiplication (or composition) in the groupoid is then,which is defined provided.
Forin,the vertex group consists of thosewith,which is just theisotropy subgroupatfor the given action (which is why vertex groups are also called isotropy groups). Similarly, the orbits of the action groupoid are theorbitof the group action, and the groupoid is transitive if and only if the group action istransitive.
Another way to describe-sets is thefunctor category,whereis the groupoid (category) with one element andisomorphicto the group.Indeed, every functorof this category defines a setand for everyin(i.e. for every morphism in) induces abijection:.The categorical structure of the functorassures us thatdefines a-action on the set.The (unique)representable functoris theCayley representationof.In fact, this functor is isomorphic toand so sendsto the setwhich is by definition the "set"and the morphismof(i.e. the elementof) to the permutationof the set.We deduce from theYoneda embeddingthat the groupis isomorphic to the group,asubgroupof the group ofpermutationsof.
Finite set
editConsider the group action ofon the finite setwhere 1 acts by taking each number to its negative, soand.The quotient groupoidis the set of equivalence classes from this group action,andhas a group action ofon it.
Quotient variety
editAny finite groupthat maps togives a group action on theaffine space(since this is the group of automorphisms). Then, a quotient groupoid can be of the form,which has one point with stabilizerat the origin. Examples like these form the basis for the theory oforbifolds.Another commonly studied family of orbifolds areweighted projective spacesand subspaces of them, such asCalabi–Yau orbifolds.
Fiber product of groupoids
editGiven a diagram of groupoids with groupoid morphisms
whereand,we can form the groupoidwhose objects are triples,where,,andin.Morphisms can be defined as a pair of morphismswhereand such that for triples,there is a commutative diagram inof,and the.[7]
Homological algebra
editA two term complex
of objects in aconcreteAbelian categorycan be used to form a groupoid. It has as objects the setand as arrows the set;the source morphism is just the projection ontowhile the target morphism is the addition of projection ontocomposed withand projection onto.That is, given,we have
Of course, if the abelian category is the category ofcoherent sheaveson a scheme, then this construction can be used to form apresheafof groupoids.
editWhile puzzles such as theRubik's Cubecan be modeled using group theory (seeRubik's Cube group), certain puzzles are better modeled as groupoids.[8]
The transformations of thefifteen puzzleform a groupoid (not a group, as not all moves can be composed).[9][10][11]Thisgroupoid actson configurations.
Mathieu groupoid
editTheMathieu groupoidis a groupoid introduced byJohn Horton Conwayacting on 13 points such that the elements fixing a point form a copy of theMathieu groupM12.
Relation to groups
editTotal | Associative | Identity | Divisible | Commutative | |
Partial magma | Unneeded | Unneeded | Unneeded | Unneeded | Unneeded |
Semigroupoid | Unneeded | Required | Unneeded | Unneeded | Unneeded |
Small category | Unneeded | Required | Required | Unneeded | Unneeded |
Groupoid | Unneeded | Required | Required | Required | Unneeded |
Commutativegroupoid | Unneeded | Required | Required | Required | Required |
Magma | Required | Unneeded | Unneeded | Unneeded | Unneeded |
Commutativemagma | Required | Unneeded | Unneeded | Unneeded | Required |
Quasigroup | Required | Unneeded | Unneeded | Required | Unneeded |
Commutativequasigroup | Required | Unneeded | Unneeded | Required | Required |
Unital magma | Required | Unneeded | Required | Unneeded | Unneeded |
Commutativeunital magma | Required | Unneeded | Required | Unneeded | Required |
Loop | Required | Unneeded | Required | Required | Unneeded |
Commutativeloop | Required | Unneeded | Required | Required | Required |
Semigroup | Required | Required | Unneeded | Unneeded | Unneeded |
Commutativesemigroup | Required | Required | Unneeded | Unneeded | Required |
Associativequasigroup | Required | Required | Unneeded | Required | Unneeded |
Commutative-and-associativequasigroup | Required | Required | Unneeded | Required | Required |
Monoid | Required | Required | Required | Unneeded | Unneeded |
Commutative monoid | Required | Required | Required | Unneeded | Required |
Group | Required | Required | Required | Required | Unneeded |
Abelian group | Required | Required | Required | Required | Required |
If a groupoid has only one object, then the set of its morphisms forms agroup.Using the algebraic definition, such a groupoid is literally just a group.[12]Many concepts ofgroup theorygeneralize to groupoids, with the notion offunctorreplacing that ofgroup homomorphism.
Every transitive/connected groupoid - that is, as explained above, one in which any two objects are connected by at least one morphism - is isomorphic to an action groupoid (as defined above).By transitivity, there will only be oneorbitunder the action.
Note that the isomorphism just mentioned is not unique, and there is nonaturalchoice. Choosing such an isomorphism for a transitive groupoid essentially amounts to picking one object,agroup isomorphismfromto,and for eachother than,a morphism infromto.
If a groupoid is not transitive, then it is isomorphic to adisjoint unionof groupoids of the above type, also called itsconnected components(possibly with different groupsand setsfor each connected component).
In category-theoretic terms, each connected component of a groupoid isequivalent(but notisomorphic) to a groupoid with a single object, that is, a single group. Thus any groupoid is equivalent to amultisetof unrelated groups. In other words, for equivalence instead of isomorphism, one does not need to specify the sets,but only the groups.For example,
- The fundamental groupoid ofis equivalent to the collection of thefundamental groupsof eachpath-connected componentof,but an isomorphism requires specifying the set of points in each component;
- The setwith the equivalence relationis equivalent (as a groupoid) to one copy of thetrivial groupfor eachequivalence class,but an isomorphism requires specifying what each equivalence class is;
- The setequipped with anactionof the groupis equivalent (as a groupoid) to one copy offor eachorbitof the action, but anisomorphismrequires specifying what set each orbit is.
The collapse of a groupoid into a mere collection of groups loses some information, even from a category-theoretic point of view, because it is notnatural.Thus when groupoids arise in terms of other structures, as in the above examples, it can be helpful to maintain the entire groupoid. Otherwise, one must choose a way to view eachin terms of a single group, and this choice can be arbitrary. In the example fromtopology,one would have to make a coherent choice of paths (or equivalence classes of paths) from each pointto each pointin the same path-connected component.
As a more illuminating example, the classification of groupoids with oneendomorphismdoes not reduce to purely group theoretic considerations. This is analogous to the fact that the classification ofvector spaceswith one endomorphism is nontrivial.
Morphisms of groupoids come in more kinds than those of groups: we have, for example,fibrations,covering morphisms,universal morphisms,andquotient morphisms.Thus a subgroupof a groupyields an action ofon the set ofcosetsofinand hence a covering morphismfrom, say,to,whereis a groupoid withvertex groupsisomorphic to.In this way, presentations of the groupcan be "lifted" to presentations of the groupoid,and this is a useful way of obtaining information about presentations of the subgroup.For further information, see the books by Higgins and by Brown in the References.
Category of groupoids
editThe category whose objects are groupoids and whose morphisms are groupoid morphisms is called thegroupoid category,or thecategory of groupoids,and is denoted byGrpd.
The categoryGrpdis, like the category of small categories,Cartesian closed:for any groupoidswe can construct a groupoidwhose objects are the morphismsand whose arrows are the natural equivalences of morphisms. Thus ifare just groups, then such arrows are the conjugacies of morphisms. The main result is that for any groupoidsthere is a natural bijection
This result is of interest even if all the groupoidsare just groups.
Another important property ofGrpdis that it is bothcompleteandcocomplete.
The inclusionhas both a left and a rightadjoint:
Here,denotes thelocalization of a categorythat inverts every morphism, anddenotes the subcategory of all isomorphisms.
Thenerve functorembedsGrpdas a full subcategory of the category of simplicial sets. The nerve of a groupoid is always aKan complex.
The nerve has a left adjoint
Here,denotes the fundamental groupoid of the simplicial set.
Groupoids in Grpd
editThere is an additional structure which can be derived from groupoids internal to the category of groupoids,double-groupoids.[13][14]BecauseGrpdis a 2-category, these objects form a 2-category instead of a 1-category since there is extra structure. Essentially, these are groupoidswith functors
and an embedding given by an identity functor
One way to think about these 2-groupoids is they contain objects, morphisms, and squares which can compose together vertically and horizontally. For example, given squares
withthe same morphism, they can be vertically conjoined giving a diagram
which can be converted into another square by composing the vertical arrows. There is a similar composition law for horizontal attachments of squares.
Groupoids with geometric structures
editWhen studying geometrical objects, the arising groupoids often carry atopology,turning them intotopological groupoids,or even somedifferentiable structure,turning them intoLie groupoids.These last objects can be also studied in terms of their associatedLie algebroids,in analogy to the relation betweenLie groupsandLie algebras.
Groupoids arising from geometry often possess further structures which interact with the groupoid multiplication. For instance, inPoisson geometryone has the notion of asymplectic groupoid,which is a Lie groupoid endowed with a compatiblesymplectic form.Similarly, one can have groupoids with a compatibleRiemannian metric,orcomplex structure,etc.
See also
edit- ∞-groupoid
- 2-group
- Homotopy type theory
- Inverse category
- Groupoid algebra(not to be confused withalgebraic groupoid)
- R-algebroid
edit- ^abDicks & Ventura (1996).The Group Fixed by a Family of Injective Endomorphisms of a Free Group.p. 6.
- ^"Brandt semi-group",Encyclopedia of Mathematics,EMS Press,2001 [1994],ISBN1-4020-0609-8
- ^
Proof of first property: from 2. and 3. we obtaina−1=a−1*a*a−1and (a−1)−1= (a−1)−1*a−1* (a−1)−1.Substituting the first into the second and applying 3. two more times yields (a−1)−1= (a−1)−1*a−1*a*a−1* (a−1)−1= (a−1)−1*a−1*a=a.✓
Proof of second property: sincea*bis defined, so is (a*b)−1*a*b.Therefore (a*b)−1*a*b*b−1= (a*b)−1*ais also defined. Moreover sincea*bis defined, so isa*b*b−1=a.Thereforea*b*b−1*a−1is also defined. From 3. we obtain (a*b)−1= (a*b)−1*a*a−1= (a*b)−1*a*b*b−1*a−1=b−1*a−1.✓ - ^J.P. May,A Concise Course in Algebraic Topology,1999, The University of Chicago PressISBN0-226-51183-9(see chapter 2)
- ^"fundamental groupoid in nLab"
- ^abBlock, Jonathan; Daenzer, Calder (2009-01-09). "Mukai duality for gerbes with connection".arXiv:0803.1529[math.QA].
- ^"Localization and Gromov-Witten Invariants"(PDF).p. 9.Archived(PDF)from the original on February 12, 2020.
- ^An Introduction to Groups, Groupoids and Their Representations: An Introduction;Alberto Ibort, Miguel A. Rodriguez; CRC Press, 2019.
- ^Jim Belk (2008)Puzzles, Groups, and Groupoids,The Everything Seminar
- ^The 15-puzzle groupoid (1)Archived2015-12-25 at theWayback Machine,Never Ending Books
- ^The 15-puzzle groupoid (2)Archived2015-12-25 at theWayback Machine,Never Ending Books
- ^Mapping a group to the corresponding groupoid with one object is sometimes called delooping, especially in the context ofhomotopy theory,see"delooping in nLab"
- ^Cegarra, Antonio M.; Heredia, Benjamín A.; Remedios, Josué (2010-03-19). "Double groupoids and homotopy 2-types".arXiv:1003.3820[math.AT].
- ^Ehresmann, Charles (1964)."Catégories et structures: extraits".Séminaire Ehresmann. Topologie et géométrie différentielle.6:1–31.
edit- Brandt, H (1927), "Über eine Verallgemeinerung des Gruppenbegriffes",Mathematische Annalen,96(1):360–366,doi:10.1007/BF01209171,S2CID119597988
- Brown, Ronald, 1987, "From groups to groupoids: a brief survey",Bull. London Math. Soc.19:113–34. Reviews the history of groupoids up to 1987, starting with the work of Brandt on quadratic forms. The downloadable version updates the many references.
- —, 2006.Topology and groupoids.Booksurge. Revised and extended edition of a book previously published in 1968 and 1988. Groupoids are introduced in the context of their topological application.
- —,Higher dimensional group theory.Explains how the groupoid concept has led to higher-dimensional homotopy groupoids, having applications inhomotopy theoryand in groupcohomology.Many references.
- Dicks, Warren; Ventura, Enric (1996),The group fixed by a family of injective endomorphisms of a free group,Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 195, AMS Bookstore,ISBN978-0-8218-0564-0
- Dokuchaev, M.; Exel, R.; Piccione, P. (2000). "Partial Representations and Partial Group Algebras".Journal of Algebra.226.Elsevier:505–532.arXiv:math/9903129.doi:10.1006/jabr.1999.8204.ISSN0021-8693.S2CID14622598.
- F. Borceux, G. Janelidze, 2001,Galois theories.Cambridge Univ. Press. Shows how generalisations ofGalois theorylead toGalois groupoids.
- Cannas da Silva, A.,andA. Weinstein,Geometric Models for Noncommutative Algebras.Especially Part VI.
- Golubitsky, M.,Ian Stewart, 2006, "Nonlinear dynamics of networks: the groupoid formalism",Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.43:305–64
- "Groupoid",Encyclopedia of Mathematics,EMS Press,2001 [1994]
- Higgins, P. J., "The fundamental groupoid of agraph of groups",J. London Math. Soc. (2) 13 (1976) 145–149.
- Higgins, P. J. and Taylor, J., "The fundamental groupoid and the homotopy crossed complex of anorbit space",in Category theory (Gummersbach, 1981), Lecture Notes in Math., Volume 962. Springer, Berlin (1982), 115–122.
- Higgins, P. J., 1971.Categories and groupoids.Van Nostrand Notes in Mathematics. Republished inReprints in Theory and Applications of Categories,No. 7 (2005) pp. 1–195;freely downloadable.Substantial introduction tocategory theorywith special emphasis on groupoids. Presents applications of groupoids in group theory, for example to a generalisation ofGrushko's theorem,and in topology, e.g.fundamental groupoid.
- Mackenzie, K. C. H., 2005.General theory of Lie groupoids and Lie algebroids.Cambridge Univ. Press.
- Weinstein, Alan, "Groupoids: unifying internal and external symmetry – A tour through some examples".Also available inPostscript,Notices of the AMS, July 1996, pp. 744–752.
- Weinstein, Alan, "The Geometry of Momentum"(2002)
- R.T. Zivaljevic. "Groupoids in combinatorics—applications of a theory of local symmetries". InAlgebraic and geometric combinatorics,volume 423 ofContemp. Math., 305–324. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI (2006)
- fundamental groupoidat thenLab
- coreat thenLab