Hans Island(InuktitutandGreenlandic:Tartupaluk,lit.'kidney shaped';[2]Inuktitut syllabics:ᑕᕐᑐᐸᓗᒃ;Danish:Hans Ø,pronounced[hanˀsøˀ];French:île Hans,pronounced[ilɑ̃(n)s]) is an island in the centre of theKennedy ChannelofNares Straitin the highArcticregion, split between theCanadian territoryofNunavutand the Danish autonomous territory ofGreenland.The island itself is barren and uninhabited with an area of 130 hectares (320 acres), measuring 1,290 by 1,199 metres (4,232 by 3,934 ft), and a maximum elevation of 168.17 m (551.7 ft).[3]Its location in the strait that separatesEllesmere IslandofCanadafrom northern Greenland was for years a border dispute, the so-calledWhisky Warbetween the two countries of Canada andDenmark.Hans Island is the smallest of three islands in Kennedy Channel off theWashington Landcoast; the others areFranklin IslandandCrozier Island.The strait at this point is 35 km (22 mi) wide, placing the island within theterritorial watersof both Canada and Denmark (Greenland). A 1,280-metre-long (4,200 ft) shared border traverses the island.

Hans Island
Native name:
Hans Island from the east (Greenlandic) side
Location of Hans Island, between Greenland and Ellesmere Island
Hans Island is located in Nunavut
Hans Island
Hans Island
Hans Island is located in Greenland
Hans Island
Hans Island
Coordinates80°49′35″N66°27′30″W/ 80.82639°N 66.45833°W/80.82639; -66.45833[1]
Area1.3 km2(0.50 sq mi)
Length1,290 m (4230 ft)
Width1,199 m (3934 ft)
Highest elevation168 m (551 ft)
Autonomous territoryGreenland
PopulationUninhabited (2022)
Additional information
Time zones
• Summer (DST)
Map of part ofKennedy Channel,with Hans Island

The island has likely been part ofInuithunting grounds since the 14th century.[4]It was claimed by bothCanada and Denmark[5]until 14 June 2022, when both countries agreed to split the disputed island roughly in half. In accordance with the Greenland home rule treaty, Denmark handles certain foreign affairs, such as border disputes, on behalf of the entireDanish Realm.



As determined by field investigations and the interpretation of satellite image maps and monochrome stereoscopic air photographs, the exposed portion of Hans Island consists of 195 m (640 ft) ofSilurianlimestone. From its summit to sea level, it consists of an upper 60 m (200 ft) thick yellowish brown to greymegalodont bivalveandstromatoporoidlimestone; a 10–12 m (33–39 ft) thick pale yellowish brown to pale greymarker bed;and a 125 m (410 ft) thick yellowish brown to brownish grey weathering, locally cliff-forming,coral,megalodontbivalveand stromatoporoidlimestone.Thesestrataare assigned to the uppermostcarbonatebuildupfaciesof the Allen Bay Formation of Canada and part of the Kap Morton Formation ofWashington Land,Greenland.[3][6][7] The limestone of Hans Island are underlain by LowerCambrianto middle Silurian strata that are at least 3,300 m (10,800 ft) thick. These sedimentary strata underlying Washington Land, Hans Island and most of subsurface Kennedy Channel are undeformed with anorthwesterly dipof 1 to 3 degrees. They containsource rocksthat may have been heated enough to have generated significant amounts of oil and gas. However, these strata lack the geological structures and facies changes capable oftrapping these hydrocarbonsand forming commercial-sizepetroleum reservoirs.[3]

The glaciated surface of Hans Island is covered by a veneer of unconsolidated glacialsediment.These sediments consist of a mixture of gravel, mud and boulders that form a discontinuoustillveneer on its limestone surface over much of the island with the exception of its coastal cliffs and part of theintertidal zone.The gravel consists of angular to subrounded (kidney-shaped) limestoneclastsand largeerraticsof redgranitesandgranitoidandgarnetgneisses.[3]

This surface also exhibits erosional features indicative of the streaming of anice sheetthrough Kennedy Channel. These glacial features includeglacial striationsonbedrock;glacially-polished bedrock; linear-aligned crescentic fractures; sickle-shaped, comma-form, and longitudinal grooves and furrows. In addition, linear glacialflutes and ridgescan be mapped from aerial photography and profile of the island also has a stream-lined form suggestive of glacial sculpting.[3]



The island is named afterHans Hendrik,whose nativeGreenlandicname wasSuersaq.Hendrik was anArctic travellerand translator who worked on the American and British Arctic expeditions ofElisha Kent Kane,Charles Francis Hall,Isaac Israel HayesandGeorge Strong Nares,from 1853 to 1876.[8]

Prior to 2005, the island was thought to have been named during Charles Francis Hall's thirdArcticvoyage, thePolaris expedition,between 1871 and 1873. The first written reference to the name and the island itself appears inCharles Henry Davis's bookNarrative of the North Polar expedition(1876), which is a narrative of Hall's fatalNorth Poleexpedition. On page 407 it appears, without any previous mention. The island made its first cartographic appearance on a map accompanying the book.[citation needed]

Charles Henry Davis writes,

The ship was tied to a largefloe,and drifted slowly down the channel with the pack; about noon, she was quite near Hans Island and west of it. The latitude by observation was 80°48′ N; longitude 68°38′ W. The ship continued to drift, and at 7 p.m. was midway between Hans andFranklin Island,which are ten miles.[a]

He was referring to the shipPolaris's return voyage southward down the Kennedy channel. This does not answer when it was named. The ship's doctor and leader of the scientific part of the expedition,Emil Bessels,mentioned the island in his own book,Die amerikanische Nordpol-Expedition(1879). He tells that on 29 August 1871, on the voyage north through Kennedy Channel, thePolarissailed betweenGrinnell-Land(Ellesmere Island) and a small island "which was named Hans Island" (German:welches Hans-Insel genannt wurde), without further explanation of the name.

An earlier mention of a Hans Island expedition is in Elisha Kent Kane's account of theSecond Grinnell expedition,Arctic Explorations: The Second Grinnell Expedition, 1853, ’54, ’55,(published 1857), in pages 317–319. Thus the year 1853 is now often cited as the date of the discovery and naming of the island, including in a letter by the Danish Ambassador to Canada in theOttawa Citizenon 28 July 2005.

We now neared the Littleton Island of Captain Inglefield where a piece of good fortune awaited us. We saw a number of ducks, both eiders andhareldas;and it occurred to me that by tracking their flight we should reach their breeding-grounds. There was no trouble in doing so, for they flew in a bee-line to a group of rocky islets,... A rugged little ledge, which I named Eider Island, was so thickly colonized that we could hardly walk without treading on a nest... Nearby was a low and isolated rock-ledge, which we called Hans Island. The glaucous gulls, those cormorants of the Arctic seas, had made it their peculiar homestead.

Littleton Island(Greenlandic:Pikiuleq) is approximately 1 km (0.62 mi) from Greenland's coast right inSmith Sound.It is about 300 km (190 mi) south of the island today called Hans Island. Around it and the coast of Greenland lay dozens[verification needed]of tiny islands, and Kane named one of them Hans Island after Hans Hendrik, the native Greenlandic helper he had with him on the trip. That this is the current Littleton Island is confirmed by Kane mentioningEdward Augustus Inglefield,who named Littleton Island.[citation needed]

The names of many places in this region have changed or been altered during the last 100 years. For example, the name of Nares Strait (named after George Strong Nares), separating Ellesmere Island and northern Greenland, was not agreed upon between the Danish and Canadian governments until 1964.[citation needed]

History and disputed sovereignty


The conflict over the island, known as theWhisky War,has been alternately described as "one of the most passive-aggressive boundary disputes in history" and "the friendliest war."[9]

Early history


Inuitliving in northern Greenland or Canada would have known the island for centuries. In the mid 19th century,Nares Straitwas likely unknown to Europeans.[10]It is not known whetherNorsemenvisited the island in the centuries when Greenland was inhabited by them.

From 1850 to 1880, the area in which Hans Island is situated was explored by American and British expeditions. These expeditions were a response partly due to the popular search for the missing British explorerJohn Franklin,and partly to search for the elusiveNorthwest Passageand/or reach theNorth Pole.

The Danish "Celebration Expedition" of 1920 to 1923 accurately mapped the whole region of the northern Greenland coast fromCape York(Perlernerit,Kap York) toDanmark Fjord(Danmarksfjorden).

In 1933, thePermanent Court of International Justicedeclared the legal status of Greenland in favour of Denmark. Denmark claims geological evidence points to Hans Island being part of Greenland, and therefore it belongs to Denmark by extension of the Court's ruling.[11]

Since the 1960s, numerous surveys have been undertaken in the Nares Strait region, including seismic, ice flow, mapping, archaeological and economic surveys. Canadian-basedDome Petroleummade surveys on and around Hans Island from 1980 to 1983, to investigate the movement of ice masses.[citation needed]

1972–73 border treaty


In 1972, a team consisting of personnel from theCanadian Hydrographic Serviceand Danish personnel working in the Nares Strait determined the geographic coordinates for Hans Island. During negotiations between Canada and Denmark on theirmaritime boundaryin 1973, both states claimed Hans Island was part of their territory. No agreement was reached between the two governments on the issue.

The maritime boundary immediately north and south of Hans Island was established in thecontinental shelftreaty ratified by Denmark and Canada and then submitted to theUnited Nationson 17 December 1973, in force since 13 March 1974.[12]At the time, it was the longest shelf boundary treaty ever negotiated and may have been the first ever continental shelf boundary developed by a computer.

The Government of the Kingdom of Denmark and the Government of Canada, having decided to establish in the area between Greenland and the Canadian Arctic Islands a dividing line beyond which neither Party exercising its rights under the Convention on the Continental Shelf of April/29/1958 will extend its sovereign rights for the purpose of exploration and exploitation of the natural resources of the continental shelf…

The treaty lists 127 points (latitudeandlongitude) fromDavis Straitto the end ofRobeson Channel,where the Nares Strait runs into theLincoln Sea,to drawgeodesiclines between, to form the border. The treaty does not, however, draw a line from point 122 (80°49′12″N66°29′00″W/ 80.82000°N 66.48333°W/80.82000; -66.48333) to point 123 (80°49′48″N66°26′18″W/ 80.83000°N 66.43833°W/80.83000; -66.43833), a distance of 1,370 m (4,490 ft), because Hans Island is situated in between those two points.[13]

Joint administration


In 1984,Iqaluit-basedKenn Harper,a historian and writer forNunatsiaq News,wrote an article about Hans Island. It was printed inHainang,a local newspaper inQaanaaqin northwestern Greenland. This article was picked up by a Danish newspaper inCopenhagenand byCBC Radioin Canada.[14]

This article was sparked because of a chance encounter on the ice nearResolute,in theCanadian Arcticin the autumn of 1983. According to Harper, he met a man wearing a hat with bold capitals around the side of the hat saying "Hans Island, N.W.T." This man was a scientist with Dome Petroleum who had just spent the summer on the island doing ice research. Dome Petroleum did research on and around the island from 1980 to 1983.[14][15]

Simultaneously, the Danish and Canadian governments were in the process of signing a cooperation agreement in relation to the marine environment in theNares Strait.The agreement was signed and put into force on 26 August 1983.[16]The Agreement addresses protection of the marine environment of the waters lying between Canada and Greenland, particularly with respect to preparedness measures as a contingency against pollution incidents resulting from offshorehydrocarbon explorationor exploitation and from shipping activities that may affect the marine environment.

One of the items also discussed was the possibility of establishing a reciprocal arrangement for processing applications to conduct research on and around Hans Island. This was never signed; however, CanadianJohn Munro,at the timeMinister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development,and DaneTom Høyem,at the timeMinister for Greenland,agreed, in common interest, to avoid acts that might prejudice future negotiations.

However, unknown to the politicians, Dome Petroleum was doing research on the island.[17]

In 1984, the Danish Minister for Greenland planted the Danish flag on the island and left a little message saying "Velkommen til den danske ø(English:Welcome to the Danish Island).[18]It is also said he left a bottle ofbrandy;[18]however, this seems to have beenSchnapps,[19]which, unlike brandy, is a traditional Danish spirit. It is commonly told, internally in theRoyal Danish Navy,that it was specifically a bottle ofGammel Dansk,which translates literally to 'Old Danish'. The Canadians have reciprocated with their own sign, the flag of Canada and a bottle ofCanadian Club.[20]

Media attention and continuing negotiations

Hans Island,NASALandsat 7image

ThoughCBCand others had done some reporting in the 1980s,[21]the dispute came to popular attention through Canadian press stories during late March 2004. Within days, it spread to other newspapers worldwide.

On 25 March 2004, when Adrian Humphreys of the CanadianNational Postnewspaper wrote an article entitled "Five-year plan to 'put footprints in the snow' and assert northern sovereignty", Humphreys made a brief mention of the dispute over Hans Island, and that the Danes had sent warships to the island.[22]

TheArctic searegion has long beena subject of dispute.In this matter, Canada, Denmark, Iceland, Russia, and Norway share an interest in establishing parts of the Arctic seas as "national waters". The United States and most European Union countries, on the other hand, officially regard the region asinternational waters.Further items in the Canadian media led to the issue being picked up by international news organizations.[citation needed]

The2004 Canadian budgetwas introduced on 23 March 2004, by thegovernment of Canada,two days before the issue gained widespread attention. It proposed minimal increases to spending on national defence. The issue of Hans Island was raised in theCanadian Parliamentby opposition foreign affairs criticStockwell Dayto highlight the government's failure to provide more funding for the military.

A news article by Adrian Humphreys on 30 March 2004, also in theNational Post,entitled "Danes summon envoy over Arctic fight—the solution of the dispute is not going to be military", drew even more attention to the issue. The article claimed Brian Herman, Canada's only diplomat in Denmark (ambassadorAlfonso Gaglianohaving been recently recalled as a result of anunrelated Canadian scandal), was called before the DanishMinistry of Foreign Affairs,to comment about his country's intentions in the dispute, which had, according to the article, recently been inflamed by Danish sailors occupying Hans Island.

Hans Island, 1990 US Government operational navigation chart

On 31 March 2004, the Danish and Canadian governments denied Herman or any other Canadian official was summoned to the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Both governments stated the dispute was a long-standing issue, and nothing had changed in the matter.[citation needed]

ACanadian militaryexercise, named "Narwhal 04", inflamed the issue further. However, this exercise had been in the planning stage since September 2003, and it took place aroundPangnirtungonBaffin Island,2,000 km (1,200 mi) south of Hans Island. The Canadian military denied the exercise had anything to do with the Danish–Canadian territorial dispute. The exercise took place from 9 to 30 August 2004, involving about 160 soldiers from the army, various aircraft, helicopters and one frigate,HMCSMontréal.About 600 Canadian Forces personnel were involved in total.[citation needed]

A new development came to light after Canadian Defence MinisterBill Grahamvisited the island on 20 July 2005.Peter Taksøe-Jensen,the head of theinternational lawdepartment at Denmark's foreign ministry, said the following in an interview withReuterson 25 July in response to the event:

We consider Hans Island to be part of Danish territory and will therefore hand over a complaint about the Canadian minister's unannounced visit.[23]

— Peter Taksøe-Jensen, Danish Foreign Office

On 18 August 2005, Canadian frigateHMCSFrederictonleftHalifax, Nova Scotia,for an Arctic cruise.[24]Canadian officials said the month-long patrol was unrelated to the Hans Island dispute. TheKingston-class coastal defence vesselsHMCSGlace BayandHMCSShawiniganwere also scheduled to patrol the Arctic in 2005.[25]

In July 2007, owing to updated satellite imagery, Canadian authorities realized the line constructed as a basis for the maritime boundary (but not for land) would have run roughly across the middle of the island, but the boundary did not "move" as that required a bilateral agreement by the two states for which negotiations continued.[26]

The two countries maintained a sense of humour in the dispute.Peter Taksøe-Jensenhas stated "when Danish military go there, they leave a bottle ofschnapps.And when Canadian military forces come there, they leave a bottle of Canadian Club and a sign saying, 'Welcome to Canada.' "[27]

Negotiations began in 2012 between Canada and Denmark, calling for either acondominiumor splitting the disputed island's sovereignty in half.[21][28]

On 23 May 2018, Canada and Denmark announced the creation of a Joint Task Force to determine the boundary between Canada and Greenland, including the fate of Hans Island.[29]

Google fight


"Google fight" or "Google war" is the name given to a number of advertisements on the Internet search engineGooglewhich promoted either Danish or Canadian sovereignty over Hans Island in 2005.

In July 2005, a Canadian author said that he saw an advertisement on Google stating that the island was part of Denmark, along with a link to a Danish Foreign Ministry page with a copy of the diplomatic protest that had been sent after Canada's defence minister had visited the island.[30][31]Denmark's ambassador to Canada said that the Danish government had not been involved in any advertisement about the island and whoever placed it was acting alone.[31]In response, the Canadian author ordered his own advertisement stating that the island belongs to Canada, along with a link to a page with a rotating Canadian flag and the Canadian national anthem.[30][31]Similar to the actual dispute, the "Google fight" was considered quite harmless and treated as entertainment by the media, with the Canadian Foreign Affairs Ministry responding that they – as a goodwill gesture to Denmark – still would allowDanish pastriesto be sold in the ministry cafeteria.[30]


The international border on Hans Island after the 2022 treaty. The balance is 40% Canada (western portion) and 60% Greenland/Denmark (eastern portion).

On 11 June 2022, the Danish, Greenlandic, Canadian, and Nunavut governments agreed to split Hans Island in half after 17 years of negotiations.[32][33]On 14 June 2022, Canadian Foreign Affairs MinisterMélanie Joly,Danish foreign affairs ministerJeppe Kofod,and prime minister of GreenlandMúte Bourup Egedesigned an agreement to divide the island nearly in half along a natural fault line.[34]The treaty will take effect after theFolketing(Parliament of Denmark), theInatsisartut(Parliament of Greenland) have each voted to ratify it.[35]By this, Canada and theDanish Realm,through Greenland, will have an international land border of 1,280 m (4,200 ft), which follows a rift, forming a half circle with the westernmost part around the middle, in the surface of the island that runs from north to south near the centre of the island.[36][37]The agreement was cited as an example of a peaceful resolution to a border conflict shortly after theRussian invasion of Ukraine.[38]The island contains thethird shortest land borderbetween countries, and also a second land neighbour for Canada and for the Danish Realm, each of whichhad only one,with theUnited StatesandGermanyrespectively. It also is the northernmost international land border in the world, as well as the third land border between countries of Europe and of the Americas, the previous two being betweenFrench Guianaand the South American countriesBrazilandSuriname.

The new border according to the treaty and laws


The Danish law to establish the land border and the sea border between the Danish Realm and Canada was put before theDanish parliamenton 5 October 2023.[39]The final Danish parliament decision came 19 December 2023.[40]The comments to the law contains (point 1.3) a principle to allow people who enter Hans Island for official matters or tourism to visit the entire island without border control. No border control will be established on Hans Island.[39]

The treaty (written in English, French, Danish and Greenlandic) mentions three border points on land, and 149 border points in the sea, with straight lines in between.[39]The land points are:

  • Point T1: 80° 49′ 17.2″ N 66° 27′ 02.4″ W
  • Point T2: 80° 49′ 33.1″ N 66° 27′ 52.3″ W
  • Point T3: 80° 49′ 54.6″ N 66° 27′ 24.0″ W

See also



  1. ^Hans and Franklin are 19 km (12 mi) from each other, so it is likely that Davis meantnautical miles,10 nmi (19 km; 12 mi) distant from each other. Soundings were taken at a depth of 203fathoms(371 m; 1,218 ft), with a bottom of blacklimestone.




  1. ^"Hans Island".Geographical Names Data Base.Natural Resources Canada.
  2. ^Skydsgaard, Nikolaj (14 June 2022)."Canada and Denmark divide small Arctic island, ending ownership dispute".Reuters– via www.reuters.com.
  3. ^abcdeHarrison, J. C.; Dewing, K.; Mayr, U. (2007)."Geology of Hans Island and adjacent parts of Kennedy Channel, northwest Greenland (Kalaallit Nunaat) and northern Nunavut (Canada)".Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 5321.Retrieved17 June2022.
  4. ^"Whose Hans?".Canadian Geographic.Archived fromthe originalon 5 January 2013.
  5. ^McKernan, Bethan (13 November 2015)."Canada and Denmark are locked in an adorable war".i100.co.uk.Retrieved14 November2015.
  6. ^Dawes, P. R. (2004)."Explanatory notes to the Geological map of Greenland, 1:500 000, Humboldt Gletscher, Sheet 6".Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Map Series 1: Copenhagen: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland.1:1–48.doi:10.34194/geusm.v1.4615.
  7. ^Harrison, J. C.; Garde, A. A. (2004). "Geological map of Greenland, 1:500 000, Humboldt Gletscher, sheet 6".Copenhagen: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland.
  8. ^Harper, Kenn (5 August 2005)."Taissumani: August 11, 1889 – The Death of Hans Hendrik".Nunatsiaq News.Retrieved14 June2022.
  9. ^Hopper, Tristin (13 June 2022)."Canada to get new land border with Denmark as decades-long Hans Island dispute ends".National Post.Retrieved14 June2022.
  10. ^Stevenson, Christopher (2007)."Hans Off!: The Struggle for Hans Island and the Potential Ramifications for International Border Dispute Resolution".Boston College International and Comparative Law Review.30:265.By most accounts, the first western explorer to discover and name Hans Island was American Charles Francis Hall.
  11. ^Tan, Andrew T.H., ed. (18 October 2010).The Politics of Maritime Power: A Survey.Routledge,Taylor & Francis Group. p. 186.ISBN9781136833434.Retrieved23 February2019.
  12. ^"Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark and the Government of Canada relating to the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf between Greenland and Canada (17 December 1973)"(PDF).Delimitation Treaties Infobase.United Nations.13 March 2002.Retrieved20 February2017.
  13. ^"Limits in the Seas No. 72 - Continental Shelf Boundary - Canada--Greenland"(PDF).U.S. Department of State. 4 August 1976.Retrieved20 February2017.
  14. ^abHarper, Kenn (9 April 2004)."Hans Island rightfully belongs to Greenland, Denmark".Nunatsiaq News.Archived fromthe originalon 14 December 2013.Retrieved23 June2022.
  15. ^Kristiansen, Ryan (13 August 2002)."Desolate Dispute: A Study of a Hypothetical International Court of Justice (ICI) Decision".Canadian Military Journal.Retrieved5 September2019.
  16. ^""Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark and the Government of Canada for Cooperation Relating to the Marine Environment",1983-08-26, United Nations, New York.
  17. ^"Hans off Our Island!".The Copenhagen Post.10 October 2014.Retrieved6 September2019.
  18. ^ab"Canada, Denmark agree to resolve dispute over Arctic island".CBC News.19 September 2005.Archivedfrom the original on 27 January 2007.
  19. ^"Canada and Denmark Fight Over Island With Whisky and Schnapps".The New York Times.8 November 2016.Retrieved6 September2019.
  20. ^"Canada and Denmark Whiskey War Over Hans Island".Business Insider.8 January 2016.Retrieved8 January2016.
  21. ^ab"April 11, 2012 audio report on Hans Island".Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.Retrieved24 April2012.
  22. ^Humphreys, Adrian (25 March 2004)."Five-year plan to 'put footprints in the snow' and assert northern sovereignty".National Post.Archived from the original on 20 March 2016.Retrieved14 June2022.{{cite web}}:CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)
  23. ^"Europe | Canada island visit angers Danes".BBC News. 25 July 2005.Retrieved20 November2009.
  24. ^"HMCS Fredericton leaves Halifax for Arctic patrol".CTV.ca. 18 August 2005. Archived fromthe originalon 25 September 2005.Retrieved20 November2009.
  25. ^"Canada has claim to Hans Island: Pettigrew".CTV.ca. 20 August 2005. Archived fromthe originalon 6 December 2005.Retrieved20 November2009.
  26. ^The Canadian Press (26 July 2007)."Satellite imagery moves Hans Island boundary: report".Cbc.ca.Retrieved20 November2009.
  27. ^Byers p, Michael (2009).Who owns the Arctic?: understanding sovereignty disputes in the North(1st U.S. ed.). Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre. pp.26–27.ISBN9781553654995.
  28. ^Weber, Bob (15 November 2015)."Canada, Denmark should turn Hans Island into a condominium: academics".CBC News.
  29. ^"Canada and the Kingdom of Denmark (with Greenland) announce the establishment of a Joint Task Force on Boundary Issues"(Press release). Ottawa: Government of Canada. Global Affairs Canada. 23 May 2018.Retrieved23 May2018.
  30. ^abc"Island squabble goes Google".CNN.Reuters.Archived fromthe originalon 31 July 2005.Retrieved6 November2010.
  31. ^abc"Nye våben i striden om Hans Ø".Berlingske. 29 July 2005.Retrieved1 March2023.
  32. ^Chase, Steven (10 June 2022)."Canada and Denmark reach settlement over disputed Arctic island, sources say".The Globe and Mail.Retrieved13 June2022.
  33. ^"Canada and Denmark sign deal to divide uninhabited Arctic island".CBC News.13 June 2022.
  34. ^"'Whisky war' with Denmark over tiny Arctic island ends peacefully with deal ".The Canadian Press.14 June 2022. Archived fromthe originalon 15 June 2022.Retrieved15 June2022.
  35. ^Der har længe været flagkrig, men nu er alle glade: Canada og Danmark indgår grænseaftale om Hans Ø(in Danish)
  36. ^Breum, Martin (13 June 2022)."Canada, Denmark agree on a landmark deal over disputed Hans Island".
  37. ^"Boundary dispute".Government of Canada.14 June 2022. Archived fromthe originalon 16 June 2022.
  38. ^"Ukraine war brings peace — between Canada and Denmark".Washington Post.14 June 2022.ISSN0190-8286.Retrieved11 January2023.
  39. ^abc"Forslag til folketingsbeslutning om Danmarks indgåelse af overenskomst af 14. juni 2022 mellem Kongeriget Danmarks regering sammen med Naalakkersuisut på den ene side og Canadas regering på den anden side om maritim afgrænsning og landeafgrænsning i området mellem Grønland og Canada"[Proposal for a parliamentary resolution on Denmark's conclusion of an agreement of 14 June 2022 between the government of Denmark together with the government of Greenland on the one hand and the government of Canada on the other on maritime delimitation and land delimitation in the area between Greenland and Canada](PDF).(The international treaty in English/French/Danish/Greenlandic is included)
  40. ^Dokumenter Samling 2023-24 beslutningsforslag B 14 Tidsplan


  • United Nations:Delimitation Treaties.Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark and the Government of Canada relating to the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf between Greenland and Canada,17 December 1973,
  • United States Department of State:Bureau of Intelligence and ResearchLimits in the SeasNo. 72Continental shelf Boundary: Canada – Greenland,Issued by the Geographer, 4 August 1976.
  • Agreement between the Government of Canada and the Kingdom of Denmark for Cooperation relating to the Marine Environment,26 August 1983.
  • Narrative of the North Polar expedition:U.S Ship Polaris,CaptainCharles Francis Hallcommanding, edited under the direction of G. M. Robeson by C. H. Davis. Washington,G. P. O.,1876.

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