Incomplex analysis,theHardy spaces(orHardy classes)Hpare certainspacesofholomorphic functionson theunit diskorupper half plane.They were introduced byFrigyes Riesz(Riesz 1923), who named them afterG. H. Hardy,because of the paper (Hardy 1915). Inreal analysisHardy spacesare certain spaces ofdistributionson the real line, which are (in the sense of distributions) boundary values of the holomorphic functions of thecomplexHardy spaces, and are related to theLpspacesoffunctional analysis.For 1 ≤p< ∞ these real Hardy spacesHpare certainsubsetsofLp,while forp< 1 theLpspaces have some undesirable properties, and the Hardy spaces are much better behaved.

There are also higher-dimensional generalizations, consisting of certain holomorphic functions ontube domainsin the complex case, or certain spaces of distributions onRnin the real case.

Hardy spaces have a number of applications inmathematical analysisitself, as well as incontrol theory(such asHmethods) and inscattering theory.

Hardy spaces for the unit disk


For spaces ofholomorphic functionson the openunit disk,theHardy spaceH2consists of the functionsfwhosemean square valueon the circle of radiusrremains bounded asr→ 1 from below.

More generally, the Hardy spaceHpfor 0 <p< ∞ is the class of holomorphic functionsfon the open unit disk satisfying

This classHpis a vector space. The number on the left side of the above inequality is the Hardy spacep-norm forf,denoted byIt is a norm whenp≥ 1, but not when 0 <p< 1.

The spaceHis defined as the vector space of bounded holomorphic functions on the disk, with the norm

For 0 < p ≤ q ≤ ∞, the classHqis asubsetofHp,and theHp-norm is increasing withp(it is a consequence ofHölder's inequalitythat theLp-norm is increasing forprobability measures,i.e.measureswith total mass 1).

Hardy spaces on the unit circle


The Hardy spaces defined in the preceding section can also be viewed as certain closed vector subspaces of the complexLpspaceson the unit circle. This connection is provided by the following theorem (Katznelson 1976,Thm 3.8): GivenfHp,withp≥ 1, the radial limit

exists for almost every θ. The functionbelongs to theLpspace for the unit circle,[clarification needed]and one has that

Denoting the unit circle byT,and byHp(T) the vector subspace ofLp(T) consisting of all limit functions,whenfvaries inHp,one then has that forp≥ 1,(Katznelson 1976)

where theĝ(n) are theFourier coefficientsof a functiongintegrable on the unit circle,

The spaceHp(T) is a closed subspace ofLp(T). SinceLp(T) is aBanach space(for 1 ≤p≤ ∞), so isHp(T).

The above can be turned around. Given a function,withp≥ 1, one can regain a (harmonic) functionfon the unit disk by means of thePoisson kernelPr:

andfbelongs toHpexactly whenis inHp(T). Supposing thatis inHp(T),i.e.thathas Fourier coefficients (an)nZwithan= 0 for everyn< 0, then the elementfof the Hardy spaceHpassociated tois the holomorphic function

In applications, those functions with vanishing negative Fourier coefficients are commonly interpreted as thecausalsolutions.[clarification needed]Thus, the spaceH2is seen to sit naturally insideL2space, and is represented byinfinite sequencesindexed byN;whereasL2consists ofbi-infinite sequencesindexed byZ.

Connection to real Hardy spaces on the circle


When 1 ≤p< ∞, thereal Hardy spacesHpdiscussed further down[clarification needed]in this article are easy to describe in the present context. A real functionfon the unit circle belongs to the real Hardy spaceHp(T) if it is the real part of a function inHp(T), and a complex functionfbelongs to the real Hardy space iff Re(f) and Im(f) belong to the space (see the section on real Hardy spaces below). Thus for 1 ≤p< ∞, the real Hardy space contains the Hardy space, but is much bigger, since no relationship is imposed between the real and imaginary part of the function.

For 0 <p< 1, such tools as Fourier coefficients, Poisson integral, conjugate function, are no longer valid. For example, consider the function

ThenFis inHpfor every 0 <p< 1, and the radial limit

exists for a.e.θand is inHp(T), but Re(f) is 0 almost everywhere, so it is no longer possible to recoverFfrom Re(f). As a consequence of this example, one sees that for 0 <p< 1, one cannot characterize the real-Hp(T) (defined below) in the simple way given above,[clarification needed]but must use the actual definition using maximal functions, which is given further along somewhere below.

For the same functionF,letfr(e) =F(re). The limit whenr→ 1 of Re(fr),in the sense ofdistributionson the circle, is a non-zero multiple of theDirac distributionatz= 1. The Dirac distribution at a point of the unit circle belongs to real-Hp(T) for everyp< 1 (see below).

Factorization into inner and outer functions (Beurling)


For 0 <p≤ ∞, every non-zero functionfinHpcan be written as the productf=GhwhereGis anouter functionandhis aninner function,as defined below (Rudin 1987,Thm 17.17). This "Beurlingfactorization "allows the Hardy space to be completely characterized by the spaces of inner and outer functions.[1][2]

One says thatG(z)[clarification needed]is anouter (exterior) functionif it takes the form

for some complex numbercwith |c| = 1, and some positive measurable functionon the unit circle such thatis integrable on the circle. In particular, whenis integrable on the circle,Gis inH1because the above takes the form of thePoisson kernel(Rudin 1987,Thm 17.16). This implies that

for almost every θ.

One says thathis aninner (interior) functionif and only if |h| ≤ 1 on the unit disk and the limit

exists foralmost allθ and itsmodulusis equal to 1 a.e. In particular,his inH.[clarification needed]The inner function can be further factored into a form involving aBlaschke product.

The functionf,decomposed asf=Gh,[clarification needed]is inHpif and only if φ belongs toLp(T), where φ is the positive function in the representation of the outer functionG.

LetGbe an outer function represented as above from a function φ on the circle. Replacing φ by φα,α > 0, a family (Gα) of outer functions is obtained, with the properties:

G1=G,Gα+β=GαGβand |Gα| = |G|αalmost everywhere on the circle.

It follows that whenever 0 <p,q,r< ∞ and 1/r= 1/p+ 1/q,every functionfinHrcan be expressed as the product of a function inHpand a function inHq.For example: every function inH1is the product of two functions inH2;every function inHp,p< 1, can be expressed as product of several functions in someHq,q> 1.

Real-variable techniques on the unit circle


Real-variable techniques, mainly associated to the study ofreal Hardy spacesdefined onRn(see below), are also used in the simpler framework of the circle. It is a common practice to allow for complex functions (or distributions) in these "real" spaces. The definition that follows does not distinguish between real or complex case.

LetPrdenote the Poisson kernel on the unit circleT.For a distributionfon the unit circle, set

where thestarindicates convolution between the distributionfand the function ePr(θ) on the circle. Namely, (fPr)(e) is the result of the action offon theC-function defined on the unit circle by

For 0 <p< ∞, thereal Hardy spaceHp(T) consists of distributionsfsuch thatM f  is inLp(T).

The functionFdefined on the unit disk byF(re) = (fPr)(e) is harmonic, andM f  is theradial maximal functionofF.WhenM f  belongs toLp(T) andp≥ 1, the distributionf  "is"a function inLp(T), namely the boundary value ofF.Forp≥ 1, thereal Hardy spaceHp(T) is a subset ofLp(T).

Conjugate function


To every real trigonometric polynomialuon the unit circle, one associates the realconjugate polynomialvsuch thatu+ ivextends to a holomorphic function in the unit disk,

This mappinguvextends to a bounded linear operatorHonLp(T), when 1 <p< ∞ (up to a scalar multiple, it is theHilbert transformon the unit circle), andHalso mapsL1(T) toweak-L1(T).When 1 ≤p< ∞, the following are equivalent for areal valuedintegrable functionfon the unit circle:

  • the functionfis the real part of some functiongHp(T)
  • the functionfand its conjugateH(f)belong toLp(T)
  • the radial maximal functionM f  belongs toLp(T).

When 1 <p< ∞,H(f)belongs toLp(T) whenfLp(T), hence the real Hardy spaceHp(T) coincides withLp(T) in this case. Forp= 1, the real Hardy spaceH1(T) is a proper subspace ofL1(T).

The case ofp= ∞ was excluded from the definition of real Hardy spaces, because the maximal functionM f  of anLfunction is always bounded, and because it is not desirable that real-Hbe equal toL.However, the two following properties are equivalent for a real valued functionf

  • the functionf  is the real part of some functiongH(T)
  • the functionf  and its conjugateH(f)belong toL(T).

Real Hardy spaces for 0 <p< 1


When 0 <p< 1, a functionFinHpcannot be reconstructed from the real part of its boundary limitfunctionon the circle, because of the lack of convexity ofLpin this case. Convexity fails but a kind of "complex convexity"remains, namely the fact thatz→ |z|qissubharmonicfor everyq> 0. As a consequence, if

is inHp,it can be shown thatcn= O(n1/p–1). It follows that the Fourier series

converges in the sense of distributions to a distributionfon the unit circle, andF(re) =(fPr)(θ). The functionFHpcan be reconstructed from the real distribution Re(f) on the circle, because the Taylor coefficientscnofFcan be computed from the Fourier coefficients of Re(f).

Distributions on the circle are general enough for handling Hardy spaces whenp< 1. Distributions that are not functions do occur, as is seen with functionsF(z) = (1−z)N(for |z| < 1), that belong toHpwhen 0 <Np< 1 (andNan integer ≥ 1).

A real distribution on the circle belongs to real-Hp(T) iff it is the boundary value of the real part of someFHp.A Dirac distribution δx,at any pointxof the unit circle, belongs to real-Hp(T) for everyp< 1; derivatives δ′xbelong whenp< 1/2, second derivatives δ′′xwhenp< 1/3, and so on.

Hardy spaces for the upper half plane


It is possible to define Hardy spaces on other domains than the disc, and in many applications Hardy spaces on a complex half-plane (usually the right half-plane or upper half-plane) are used.

The Hardy spaceHp(H) on theupper half-planeHis defined to be the space of holomorphic functionsfonHwith bounded norm, the norm being given by

The correspondingH(H) is defined as functions of bounded norm, with the norm given by

Although theunit diskDand the upper half-planeHcan be mapped to one another by means ofMöbius transformations,they are not interchangeable[clarification needed]as domains for Hardy spaces. Contributing to this difference is the fact that the unit circle has finite (one-dimensional)Lebesgue measurewhile the real line does not. However, forH2,one has the following theorem: ifm:DHdenotes the Möbius transformation

Then the linear operatorM:H2(H) →H2(D) defined by

is anisometricisomorphismof Hilbert spaces.

Real Hardy spaces forRn


In analysis on the real vector spaceRn,the Hardy spaceHp(for 0 <p≤ ∞) consists oftempered distributionsfsuch that for someSchwartz functionΦ with ∫Φ = 1, themaximal function

is inLp(Rn), where ∗ is convolution andΦt(x) =t −nΦ(x / t).TheHp-quasinorm||f ||Hpof a distributionfofHpis defined to be theLpnorm ofMΦf(this depends on the choice of Φ, but different choices of Schwartz functions Φ give equivalent norms). TheHp-quasinorm is a norm whenp≥ 1, but not whenp< 1.

If 1 <p< ∞, the Hardy spaceHpis the same vector space asLp,with equivalent norm. Whenp= 1, the Hardy spaceH1is a proper subspace ofL1.One can find sequences inH1that are bounded inL1but unbounded inH1,for example on the line

TheL1andH1norms are not equivalent onH1,andH1is not closed inL1.The dual ofH1is the spaceBMOof functions ofbounded mean oscillation.The spaceBMOcontains unbounded functions (proving again thatH1is not closed inL1).

Ifp< 1 then the Hardy spaceHphas elements that are not functions, and its dual is the homogeneous Lipschitz space of ordern(1/p− 1). Whenp< 1, theHp-quasinorm is not a norm, as it is not subadditive. Thepth power ||f ||Hppis subadditive forp< 1 and so defines a metric on the Hardy spaceHp,which defines the topology and makesHpinto a complete metric space.

Atomic decomposition


When 0 <p≤ 1, a bounded measurable functionfof compact support is in the Hardy spaceHpif and only if all its moments

whose orderi1+... +inis at mostn(1/p− 1), vanish. For example, the integral offmust vanish in order thatfHp,0 <p≤ 1, and as long asp>n / (n+1)this is also sufficient.

If in additionfhas support in some ballBand is bounded by |B|−1/pthenfis called anHp-atom(here |B| denotes the Euclidean volume ofBinRn). TheHp-quasinorm of an arbitraryHp-atom is bounded by a constant depending only onpand on the Schwartz function Φ.

When 0 <p≤ 1, any elementfofHphas anatomic decompositionas a convergent infinite combination ofHp-atoms,

where theajareHp-atoms and thecjare scalars.

On the line for example, the difference of Dirac distributionsf= δ1−δ0can be represented as a series ofHaar functions,convergent inHp-quasinorm when 1/2 <p< 1 (on the circle, the corresponding representation is valid for 0 <p< 1, but on the line, Haar functions do not belong toHpwhenp≤ 1/2 because their maximal function is equivalent at infinity toax−2for somea≠ 0).



Let (Mn)n≥0be amartingaleon some probability space (Ω, Σ,P), with respect to an increasing sequence of σ-fields (Σn)n≥0.Assume for simplicity that Σ is equal to the σ-field generated by the sequence (Σn)n≥0.Themaximal functionof the martingale is defined by

Let 1 ≤p< ∞. The martingale (Mn)n≥0belongs tomartingale-HpwhenM*Lp.

IfM*Lp,the martingale (Mn)n≥0is bounded inLp;hence it converges almost surely to some functionfby themartingale convergence theorem.Moreover,Mnconverges tofinLp-norm by thedominated convergence theorem;henceMncan be expressed as conditional expectation offon Σn.It is thus possible to identify martingale-Hpwith the subspace ofLp(Ω, Σ,P) consisting of thosefsuch that the martingale

belongs to martingale-Hp.

Doob's maximal inequalityimplies that martingale-Hpcoincides withLp(Ω, Σ,P) when 1 <p< ∞. The interesting space is martingale-H1,whose dual is martingale-BMO (Garsia 1973).

The Burkholder–Gundy inequalities (whenp> 1) and the Burgess Davis inequality (whenp= 1) relate theLp-norm of the maximal function to that of thesquare functionof the martingale

Martingale-Hpcan be defined by saying thatS(f)∈Lp(Garsia 1973).

Martingales with continuous time parameter can also be considered. A direct link with the classical theory is obtained via the complexBrownian motion(Bt) in the complex plane, starting from the pointz= 0 at timet= 0. Let τ denote the hitting time of the unit circle. For every holomorphic functionFin the unit disk,

is a martingale, that belongs to martingale-HpiffFHp(Burkholder, Gundy & Silverstein 1971).

Example: dyadic martingale-H1


In this example, Ω = [0, 1] and Σnis the finite field generated by the dyadic partition of [0, 1] into 2nintervals of length 2n,for everyn≥ 0. If a functionfon [0, 1] is represented by its expansion on theHaar system(hk)

then the martingale-H1norm offcan be defined by theL1norm of the square function

This space, sometimes denoted byH1(δ), is isomorphic to the classical realH1space on the circle (Müller 2005). The Haar system is anunconditional basisforH1(δ).


  1. ^Beurling, Arne (1948)."On two problems concerning linear transformations in Hilbert space".Acta Mathematica.81:239–255.doi:10.1007/BF02395019.
  2. ^Voichick, Michael;Zalcman, Lawrence(1965)."Inner and outer functions on Riemann surfaces".Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society.16(6): 1200–1204.doi:10.1090/S0002-9939-1965-0183883-1.

