Hayreddin Barbarossa(Arabic:خير الدين بربروس,romanized:Khayr al-Dīn Barbarūs,original name: Khiḍr;Turkish:Barbaros Hayrettin Paşa), also known asHayreddin Pasha,Hızır Hayrettin Pasha,and simplyHızır Reis(c. 1466/1483[1]– 4 July 1546), was anOttomancorsairand lateradmiralof theOttoman Navy.[2][3][4][5]Barbarossa's naval victories secured Ottoman dominance over theMediterraneanduring the mid-16th century.

Hayreddin Barbarossa
A portrait of Hayreddin Barbarossa
Nickname(s)Barbarossa (Redbeard)
Hızır Reis
Lesbos,Ottoman Empire(modernGreece)
Died4 July 1546 (aged 67–68)
Büyükdere,Ottoman Empire(modernTurkey)
AllegianceOttoman Empire
Service/ branchOttoman Navy
Years of servicec.1500–1545
RankKapudan Pasha(Admiral)
Battles / wars
ChildrenHasan Pasha
RelationsYakup Ağa(father)
Katerina (mother)
Ishak (brother)
Oruç Reis(brother)
Ilyas (brother)

Born onLesbos,Khizr began his naval career as a corsair under his elder brotherOruç Reis.In 1516, the brotherscaptured Algiersfrom Spain, with Oruç declaring himself Sultan. Following Oruç's death in 1518, Khizr inherited his brother's nickname, "Barbarossa" ( "Redbeard" in Italian). He also received the honorary nameHayreddin(from ArabicKhayr ad-Din,"goodness of the faith" or "best of the faith" ). In 1529, Barbarossatook the Peñón of Algiersfrom the Spaniards.

In 1533, Barbarossa was appointedKapudan Pasha(grand admiral) of the Ottoman Navy bySuleiman the Magnificent.He led anembassy to Francein the same year,conquered Tunisin 1534, achieved a decisive victory over theHoly LeagueatPrevezain 1538, and conductedjoint campaigns with the Frenchin the 1540s. Barbarossa retired toConstantinoplein 1545 and died the following year.



Khizr was born sometime between 1466 and 1483[1]in Palaiokipos, Midilini, in the Ottoman Empire (nowGera, Lesbos), a son of an Ottomansipahifather,Yakup Ağa,[6]ofTurkish[7][8][9][10][11]orAlbanian[12][13][14]origin fromGiannitsa(now inCentral Macedonia,Greece), and aGreek Orthodoxmother ofGreekorigin, Katerina, also from Lesbos,[7][14][15]the widow of a Greek Orthodox priest.[6][13][16]The couple married[7]and had two daughters and four sons: Ishak,Oruç,Khizr and Ilyas. Yakup had taken part in theOttoman conquest of Lesbosin 1462 from theRepublic of Genoa's House ofGattilusio,which held the hereditary title of Lord of Lesbos between 1355 and 1462, and as a reward was granted the fief of the village of Bonova on the island. He became an established potter and purchased a boat to trade his products with.

The four sons helped their father with his business, but not much is known about the daughters. At first Oruç helped with the boat, while Khizr helped with the pottery.[citation needed]

Early career

Admiral of the fleetHayreddin Barbarossa, engraving byAgostino Veneziano(c. 1490 – c. 1540)

All four brothers became seamen, engaged in marine affairs and international sea trade. The first brother to become involved in seamanship was Oruç, who was joined by his brother Ilyas. Later, obtaining his own ship, Khizr also began his career at sea. The brothers initially worked as sailors, but then turnedprivateersin the Mediterranean to counteract the privateering of theKnights Hospitaller(Knights of St John) who were based on the island ofRhodes(until 1522). Oruç and Ilyas operated in theLevant,betweenAnatolia,Syria, and Egypt. Khizr operated in theAegean Seaand based his operations mostly inThessaloniki.Ishak, the eldest, remained onMytileneand was involved with the financial affairs of the family business.[citation needed]

Death of Ilyas, captivity, and liberation of Oruç


Oruç was a very successful seaman. He also learned to speak Italian, Spanish, French, Greek, and Arabic early in his career. While returning from a trading expedition inTripoli, Lebanon,with his younger brother, Ilyas, they were attacked by the Knights Hospitaller. Ilyas was killed in the fight, and Oruç was wounded. Oruç rowed as a galley slave for the Order of Saint John for four years, until his father paid the ransom to release him.[17]

Oruç, the corsair


Oruç later went toAntalya,where he was given 18 galleys byŞehzade Korkut,an Ottoman prince and governor of the city, and charged with fighting against the Knights of St John, who were inflicting serious damage on Ottoman shipping and trade.[18]In the following years, when Korkut became governor ofManisa,he gave Oruç a larger fleet of 24 galleys at the port ofİzmirand ordered him to participate in the Ottoman naval expedition toApuliain Italy, where Oruç bombarded several coastal castles and captured two ships.[citation needed]

On his way back to Lesbos, he stopped atEuboeaand captured three galleons and another ship. ReachingMytilenewith these captured vessels, Oruç learned that Korkut, who was the brother of the new Ottoman sultanSelim I,had fled to Egypt to avoid being killed because of succession disputes – a common practice at that time.[citation needed]

Fearing trouble due to his well-known association with the exiled Ottoman prince, Oruç sailed to Egypt, where he met Korkut inCairoand managed to get an audience with theMamlukSultanQansuh al-Ghawri,who gave him another ship and entrusted him with the task of raiding the coasts of Italy and the islands of the Mediterranean that were controlled by Christians.[citation needed]After spending the winter in Cairo, he set sail fromAlexandriaand frequently operated along the coasts ofLiguriaandSicily.[citation needed]

Khizr's career under Oruç

Western depiction of Hayreddin Barbarossa. Histridentis meant as an allegory of sea-power. (Anon, 16th century).

In 1503, Oruç managed to seize three more ships and made the island ofDjerbahis new base, thus moving his operations to the Western Mediterranean. Khizr joined Oruç at Djerba. In 1504, the brothers contactedAbu Abdallah Muhammad IV al-Mutawakkil,ruler ofTunis,and asked permission to use the strategically located port ofLa Goulettefor their operations.[citation needed]

They were granted the right to do so on the condition of giving one-third of their spoils to the sultan. Oruç, in command of smallgaliots,captured two much largerpapalgalleysnear the island ofElba.Later, nearLipari,the two brothers captured aSicilianwarship, theCavalleria,with 380 Spanish soldiers and 60 Spanish knights fromAragonon board, who were on their way from Spain toNaples.In 1505, they raided the coasts ofCalabria.[citation needed]These exploits increased their fame, and they were joined by several other well-known Muslim corsairs, includingKurtoğlu(known in the West as Curtogoli). In 1508, they raided the coasts of Liguria, particularlyDiano Marina.[citation needed]

In 1509, Ishak also left Mytilene and joined his brothers at La Goulette. The fame of Oruç increased when, between 1504 and 1510, he transported MuslimMudéjarsfrom Christian Spain to North Africa. His efforts of helping the Muslims of Spain in need and transporting them to safer lands earned him the honorific name Baba Oruç (Father Oruç), which eventually – due to the similarity in sound – evolved in Spain, France, and Italy into Barbarossa (meaning "Redbeard" inItalian).[citation needed]

In 1510, the three brothers raidedCapo Passeroin Sicily and repulsed Spanish attacks onBougie,OranandAlgiers.In August 1511, they raided the areas aroundReggio Calabriain southern Italy. In August 1512, the exiled ruler of Bougie invited the brothers to drive out the Spaniards, and during the battle Oruç lost his left arm. This incident earned him the nicknameGümüş Kol( "Silver Arm" in Turkish), in reference to the silver prosthetic device that he used in place of his missing limb.[citation needed]

Later that same year, the brothers raided the coasts ofAndalusia,capturing a galliot of the Lomellini family ofGenoa,which ownedTabarcaisland. They subsequently landed atMenorcaand captured a coastal castle and then headed towards Liguria, where they captured four Genoese galleys near Genoa. The Genoese sent a fleet to liberate their ships, but the brothers captured their flagship as well.[citation needed]After capturing a total of 23 ships in less than a month, the brothers sailed back to La Goulette, where they built three more galliots and a gunpowder production facility.[citation needed]

In 1513, they launched a raid onValencia,where they captured four ships, and then headed forAlicanteand captured a Spanish galley nearMálaga.In 1513–14, the brothers engaged the Spanish fleet on several other occasions and moved to their new base toCherchell,east of Algiers. In 1514, with 12 galliots and 1,000 Turks, they destroyed two Spanish fortresses at Bougie, and when the Spanish fleet under the command of Miguel de Gurrea, viceroy ofMajorca,arrived as reinforcement, they headed towardsCeutaand raided that city before capturingJijelin Algeria, which was under Genoese control.[citation needed]They later capturedMahdiyain Tunisia. Afterwards they raided the coasts of Sicily,Sardinia,theBalearic Islandsand the Spanish mainland, capturing three large ships there.[citation needed]

In 1515, they captured several galleons, a galley and three barques atMajorca.Still in 1515, Oruç sent precious gifts to the Ottoman SultanSelim I,who, in return, sent him two galleys and two swords encrusted with diamonds. In 1516, joined byKurtoğlu (Curtogoli),the brothers besieged the Castle of Elba, before heading once more towards Liguria, where they captured 12 ships and damaged 28 others.[citation needed]

Rulers of Algiers

Bird's-eye view ofAlgiersin the 16th century, showing thePeñónattached to the city by a dam.

In 1516, the three brothers succeeded in capturingJijeland Algiers from the Spaniards and eventually assumed control over the city and surrounding region, forcing the previous ruler, Abu Hamo Musa III of the Beni Ziyad dynasty, to flee.[citation needed]

The Spaniards of Algiers sought refuge on the island ofPeñónand askedCharles V, King of Spain and Holy Roman Emperorto intervene, but the Spanish fleet failed to expel the brothers from Algiers.[citation needed]

For Oruç, the best protection against Spain was to join the Ottoman Empire, his homeland and Spain's main rival. For this, he had to relinquish his title of Sultan of Algiers to the Ottomans. He did this in 1517 and offered Algiers to the Ottoman SultanSelim I.The Sultan accepted Algiers as an Ottomansanjak( "province" ), appointed Oruç Governor of Algiers and Chief Sea Governor of the Western Mediterranean, and promised to support him withJanissaries,galleys and cannon.[citation needed]

Final engagements and death of Oruç and Ishak

A portrait of Barbarossa byHaydar Reis,c. 1540

The Spaniards ordered Abu Zayan, whom they had appointed the new ruler ofTlemcenandOran,to attack Oruç Reis overland, but Oruç learned of the plan and pre-emptively attacked Tlemcen, capturing the city and executing Abu Zayan in thefall of Tlemcen.The only survivor of Abu Zayan's dynasty was Sheikh Buhammud, who escaped to Oran and called for Spain's assistance.

After consolidating his power and declaring himself Sultan of Algiers, Oruç sought to expand his territory inland and tookMiliana,MedeaandTénès.He became known for fitting sails to cannons for transport through the deserts of North Africa. In 1517, the brothers raided Capo Limiti, and, later,Capo Rizzuto, Calabria.[citation needed]

In May 1518, EmperorCharles Varrived atOranand was received at the port by Sheikh Buhammud and the Spanish governor of the city,Diego de Córdoba,marquis of Comares, who commanded a force of 10,000 Spanish soldiers. Joined by thousands of localBedouins,the Spaniards marched overland towards Tlemcen. Oruç and Ishak awaited them in the city with 1,500 Turkish and 5,000 Moorish soldiers. They defended Tlemcen for 20 days, but were eventually killed in combat by the forces of Garcia de Tineo.[citation needed]

Algiers joins the Ottoman Empire


After the death of his older brother and feeling that his position was under threat, Khizr contactedSelim I,offered his allegiance and obtained Ottoman assistance in 1519.[19]Given the title ofBeylerbeyby Sultan Selim I, along with janissaries, galleys and cannon, he inherited his brother's position, his name (Barbarossa) and his mission.[20]

Later career


Pasha of Algiers

Barbarossa (Anon, circa 1580)

With a fresh force of Turkish soldiers sent by theOttoman sultan,Barbarossa recapturedTlemcenin December 1518. He continued the policy of bringingmudéjarsfrom Spain to North Africa, thereby assuring himself of a sizable following of grateful and loyal Muslims who harbored an intense hatred for Spain. He capturedBône,and in 1519, he defeated a Spanish-Italian army that tried to recapture Algiers. In a separate incident, he sank a Spanish ship and captured eight others. Still in 1519, he raidedProvence,Toulonand theÎles d'Hyèresin southern France. In 1521, he raided theBalearic Islandsand later captured several Spanish ships returning from theNew Worldoff the coast ofCádiz.[citation needed]

In 1522, he sent his ships, under the command ofKurtoğlu,to participate in the Ottoman conquest ofRhodes,which resulted in the departure of theKnights of St Johnfrom that island on 1 January 1523.[citation needed]

In June 1525, he raided the coasts ofSardinia.In May 1526, he landed atCrotoneinCalabriaand sacked the city, sank a Spanish galley and a Spanishfustain the harbor, then assaultedCastignanoin Marche on theAdriatic Seaand later landed at Cape Spartivento. In June 1526, he landed atReggio Calabriaand later destroyed the fort at the port ofMessina.He then appeared on the coasts ofTuscany,but retreated after seeing the fleet ofAndrea Doriaand the Knights of St John off the coast ofPiombino.[citation needed]

In July 1526, Barbarossa appeared once again in Messina and raided the coasts ofCampania.In 1527, he raided many ports and castles on the coasts of Italy and Spain. In May 1529, he captured the Spanish fort on the island ofPeñón of Algiers.In August 1529, he attacked theMediterraneancoasts of Spain, and later, answering Andalusia's requests for help in crossing theStrait of Gibraltar,he transported 70,000mudéjarsto Algiers in seven consecutive journeys.[21]

In January 1530, he again raided the coasts of Sicily and, in March and June of that year, the Balearic Islands and Marseilles. In July 1530, he appeared along the coasts of the Provence andLiguria,capturing two Genoese ships. In August 1530, he raided the coasts of Sardinia and, in October, appeared atPiombino,capturing abarquefromViareggioand three Frenchgalleonsbefore capturing two more ships off Calabria. In December 1530, he captured the Castle ofCabrera,in the Balearic Islands, and began to use the island as a logistic base for his operations on the area.[citation needed]

In 1531, he encounteredAndrea Doria,who had been appointed byCharles V, Holy Roman Emperorto recaptureJijeland thePeñón of Algiers,and repulsed a Spanish-Genoese fleet of 40 galleys. Still in 1531, he raided the island ofFavignana,where the flagship of the Maltese Knights under the command of Francesco Touchebeuf unsuccessfully attacked his fleet. Barbarossa then sailed eastwards and landed in Calabria and Apulia. On the way back to Algiers, he sank a ship of theMaltese Knightsnear Messina before assaultingTripoli,which had been given to the Knights of St John by Charles V in 1530. In October 1531, he again raided the coasts of Spain.[citation needed]He also pillaged theÎles d'Hyèresduring the same year.[22]

In 1532, duringSuleiman I's expedition toHabsburg Austria,Andrea Doria capturedCoron,PatrasandLepantoon the coasts of theMorea(Peloponnese). In response, Suleiman sent the forces of Yahya Pashazade Mehmed Bey, who recaptured these cities, but the event made Suleiman realize the importance of having a powerful commander at sea. He summoned Barbarossa to Istanbul, who set sail in August 1532. Having raided Sardinia,Bonifacioin Corsica, and the islands ofMontecristo,Elba andLampedusa,he captured 18 galleys near Messina and learned from the captured prisoners that Doria was headed toPreveza.[citation needed]

Barbarossa proceeded to raid the nearby coasts of Calabria and then sailed towards Preveza. Doria's forces fled after a short battle, but only after Barbarossa had captured seven of their galleys. He arrived at Preveza with a total of 44 galleys, but sent 25 of them back to Algiers and headed to Constantinople with 19 ships. There, he was received by Sultan Suleiman atTopkapı Palace.Suleiman appointed BarbarossaKapudan-i Derya( "Grand Admiral" ) of the Ottoman Navy andBeylerbey( "Chief Governor" ) of North Africa. Barbarossa was also given the government of thesanjak( "province" ) ofRhodesand those ofEuboeaandChiosin theAegean Sea.[citation needed]

Diplomacy with France


In 1533, Barbarossa sent an embassy to the king of France,Francis I,theOttoman embassy to France (1533).Francis I would in turn dispatchAntonio Rinconto Barbarossa in North Africa and then toSuleiman the MagnificentinAsia Minor.[23]Following a second embassy, theOttoman embassy to France (1534),Francis I sent his ambassadorJehan de la Forestto Hayreddin Barbarossa, asking for his naval support against the Habsburg:

Military instructions toJehan de la Forest,by ChancellorAntoine Duprat(copy), 11 February 1535

"Jehan de la Forest, whom the King sends to meet with theGrand Signor[Suleiman the Magnificent], will first go fromMarseillestoTunis,inBarbary,to meet sirHaradin,king ofAlgiers,who will direct him to the Grand Signor. To this objective, next summer, he [the King of France] will send the military force he is preparing to recover what it unjustly occupied by theDuke of Savoy,and from there, to attack theGenoese.This kingFrancis Istrongly prays sirHaradin,who has a powerful naval force as well as a convenient location [Tunisia], to attack the island ofCorsicaand other lands, locations, cities, ships and subjects ofGenoa,and not to stop until they have accepted and recognized the king of France. The King, besides the above land force, will additionally help with his naval force, which will comprise at least 50 vessels, of which 30galleys,and the restgaleassesand other vessels, accompanied by one of the largest and most beautiful carracks that ever was on the sea. This fleet will accompany and escort the army of sirHaradin,which will also be refreshed and supplied with food and ammunition by the King, who, by these actions, will be able to achieve his aims, for which he will be highly grateful to sirHaradin".

— Military instructions to Jehan de la Forest, by ChancellorAntoine Duprat,11 February 1534.

Kapudan-i Derya of the Ottoman Navy

Barbarossa Hayreddin Pasha defeats theHoly LeagueofCharles Vunder the command ofAndrea Doriaat theBattle of Prevezain 1538
Barbarossa's CastleonCapri.The Ottomans eventually departed from Capri, but another famous Ottoman admiral,Dragut,recaptured both the island and the castle in 1553.
Statue of Barbarossa near theIstanbul Naval Museumon the Bosphorus in Istanbul

In 1534, Barbarossa set sail from Constantinople with 80 galleys, and in April, he recapturedCoron,PatrasandLepantofrom the Spaniards. In July 1534, he crossed theStrait of Messinaand raided the Calabrian coasts, capturing a substantial number of ships around Reggio Calabria as well as the Castle ofSan Lucido.He later destroyed the port ofCetraroand the ships harbored there.[citation needed]

Also in July 1534, he appeared inCampaniaand sacked the islands of Capri andProcidabefore bombarding the ports in the Gulf ofNaples,where 7,800 captives were taken.[24]He then appeared atFondi,then part of theSpanish-ruled Kingdom of Naples,causing the church bells in Rome to sound the alarm. InSperlonga,also part of the Kingdom of Naples, he took 10,000 captives and when he arrived in Fondi the janissaries entered the city through the main gates and completely ransacked the palace of Giulia Gonzaga.[24][25]He then sacked, torched and destroyedVallecorsaslaughtering some townspeople and taking others captive.[26]He sailed south, appearing atPonza,Sicily and Sardinia, beforecapturing Tunisin August 1534 and sending theHafsidSultanMulay Hassanfleeing.

Charles dispatched an agent to offer Barbarossa "the lordship of North Africa" for his changed loyalty,[27]or if that failed, to assassinate him. However, upon rejecting the offer, Barbarossa decapitated the agent with ascimitar.[28]

Mulei Hassan asked Emperor Charles V for help in recovering his kingdom, and a Spanish-Italian force of 300 galleys and 24,000 soldiersrecaptured Tunisas well asBôneandMahdiyain 1535. Recognizing the futility of armed resistance, Barbarossa had abandoned Tunis well before the arrival of the invaders, sailing away into theTyrrhenian Sea,where he bombarded ports, landed once again atCapriand reconstructed a fort (which still today carries his name) after largely destroying it during the siege of the island. He then sailed to Algiers, from where he raided the coastal towns of Spain, destroyed the ports ofMajorcaandMenorca,captured several Spanish and Genoese galleys and liberated their Muslim oar slaves. In September 1535, he repulsed another Spanish attack onTlemcen.

In 1536, Barbarossa was called back to Constantinople to take command of 200 ships in a naval attack on theHabsburgKingdom of Naples.In July 1537, he landed atOtrantoand captured the city, as well as the Fortress ofCastroand the city ofUgentoin Apulia.

In August 1537,Lütfi Pashaand Barbarossa led a huge Ottoman force that captured theAegeanandIonianislands belonging to theRepublic of Venice,namelySyros,Aegina,Ios,Paros,Tinos,Karpathos,Kasos,Kythira,andNaxos.In the same year, Barbarossa raidedCorfuand obliterated the agricultural cultivations of the island while enslaving nearly all the population of the countryside.[29]However, the Old Fortress of Corfu was well defended by a 4,000-strong Venetian garrison with 700 guns, and when several assaults failed to capture the fortifications, the Turks reluctantly re-embarked[30]and once again raidedCalabria.These losses prompted Venice to askPope Paul IIIto organize a "Holy League"against the Ottomans.[citation needed]

In February 1538, Pope Paul III succeeded in assembling a Holy League (composed of thePapacy,Spain, theHoly Roman Empire,the Republic of Venice and the Maltese Knights) against the Ottomans, but Barbarossa's forces led bySinan Reisdefeated its combined fleet, commanded byAndrea Doria,at theBattle of Prevezain September 1538. This victory secured Ottoman dominance over the Mediterranean for the next 33 years, until theBattle of Lepantoin 1571.[citation needed]

In the summer of 1539, Barbarossa captured the islands ofSkiathos,Skyros,Andros,andSerifosand recapturedCastelnuovofrom the Spanish, who had taken it from the Ottomans after the battle of Preveza. He also captured the nearby Castle ofRisan,and with Sinan Reis, later assaulted the Venetian fortress ofCattaroand the Spanish fortress of Santa Veneranda nearPesaro.Barbarossa later took the remaining Christian outposts in the Ionian and Aegean Seas. Venice finally signed a peace treaty with Sultan Suleiman in October 1540, agreeing to recognize the Ottoman territorial gains and to pay 300,000 gold ducats.[citation needed]

Letter of praise from Barbarossa toSuleiman,1541,Istanbul Naval Museum

In 1540 Barbarossa led a crew of 2,000 men and captured and ransacked the town ofGibraltar.[31][32]He left Gibraltar after taking 75 prisoners which removed a significant percent of Gibraltar’s population, he ultimately eliminated the town of almost an entire generation of Gibraltarians.[31]

In September 1540, EmperorCharles Vcontacted Barbarossa and offered him to become his Admiral-in-Chief as well as the ruler of Spain's territories in North Africa, but he refused. Unable to persuade Barbarossa to switch sides, in October 1541, Charles himself laid siege to Algiers, seeking to end the corsair threat to the Spanish domains and Christian shipping in the western Mediterranean. The season was not ideal for such a campaign, and both Andrea Doria, who commanded the fleet, andHernán Cortés,who had been asked by Charles to participate in the campaign, attempted to change the Emperor's mind but failed.[citation needed]

Eventually, a violent storm disrupted Charles's landing operations. Andrea Doria took his fleet away into open waters to avoid being wrecked on the shore, but much of the Spanish fleet went aground. After some indecisive fighting on land, Charles had to abandon the effort and withdraw his severely battered force.[citation needed]

Franco-Ottoman alliance

Barbarossa's fleetcombined with a French forcetobesiege Nicein 1543 before the city fell
Barbarossa'sOttoman fleet wintering in Toulon,1543–44

In 1543, Barbarossa headed towards Marseilles to assist France, then an ally of the Ottoman Empire, and cruised the western Mediterranean with a fleet of 210 ships (70 galleys, 40 galliots and 100 other warships carrying 14,000 Turkish soldiers, thus an overall total of 30,000 Ottoman troops). On his way, while passing through theStrait of Messina,he asked Diego Gaetani, governor of Reggio Calabria, to surrender his city. Gaetani responded with cannon fire, which killed three Turkish sailors.[citation needed]

Barbarossalaid siege to Niceand captured the city on 5 August 1543 on behalf of the French king,Francis I.

The Ottoman captain later landed atAntibesand theÎle Sainte-MargueritenearCannesbefore sacking the city ofSan Remo,other ports of Liguria, Monaco andLa Turbie.King Francis ordered the evacuation of Toulon and placed the city in the hands of Barbarossa. For the next six months Toulon was converted to a Turkish city which included its own mosque and slave market.[33]

A model of Barbarossa'sgalleyduring his campaign inFrancein 1543–44, at theIstanbul Naval Museum
Suleiman the Magnificentreceiving Barbarossa in Istanbul

Barbarossa then successfully repulsed further Spanish attacks on southern France, but was recalled to Istanbul after Charles V and Suleiman had agreed to a truce in 1544.[citation needed]

After leaving Provence from the port of Île Sainte-Marguerite in May 1544, Barbarossa assaulted San Remo for the third time, and when he appeared beforeVado Ligure,the Republic of Genoa sent him a substantial sum to save other Genoese cities from further attacks. In June 1544, Barbarossa appeared before Elba. Threatening to bombardPiombinounless the city's Lord released the son ofSinan Reiswho had been captured and baptized 10 years earlier by the Spaniards in Tunis, he obtained his release.[28]

The Ottoman fleet then assaulted the coasts of Sardinia, before appearing atIschiaand landing there in July 1544, capturing the city as well asForioand the island ofProcida,where he took 4,000 prisoners and enslaved some 2,000–7,000 inhabitants ofLipari;[34][35]after which, he threatenedPozzuoli.Encountering 30 galleys under Giannettino Doria, Barbarossa forced them to sail away towards Sicily and seek refuge in Messina. Due to strong winds, the Ottomans were unable to attackSalernobut managed to land atCape Palinuronearby.[citation needed]Barbarossa then entered the Strait of Messina and landed atCatona,FiumaraandCalanna(near Reggio Calabria) and later atCariatiand atLipari,which was his final landing on the Italian peninsula. There, he bombarded the citadel for 15 days after the city refused to surrender and eventually captured it.[citation needed]

He finally returned to Constantinople and, in 1545, left the city for his final naval expeditions, during which he bombarded the ports of the Spanish mainland and landed at Majorca and Menorca for the last time. He then sailed back to Constantinople and built a palace on theBosphorus,in the present-day quarter ofBüyükderein theSarıyerdistrict.[citation needed]

Retirement and death

Barbarossa's tombin theBeşiktaşdistrict ofIstanbul

Barbarossa retired in Constantinople in 1545, leaving his sonHasan Pashaas his successor in Algiers. He then dictated his memoirs to Muradi Sinan Reis. They consist of five hand-written volumes known asGazavat-ı Hayreddin Paşa(Conquests of Hayreddin Pasha). Today, they are exhibited at theTopkapı PalaceandIstanbul UniversityLibrary. They are prepared and published byBabıali Kültür YayıncılığıasKaptan Paşa'nın Seyir Defteri(The Logbook of the Captain Pasha) by Prof. Dr.Ahmet Şimşirgil,a Turkish academic. They are also fictionalised asAkdeniz Bizimdi(The Mediterranean was Ours) by M. Ertuğrul Düzdağ. Barbarossa is also one of the main characters inMika Waltari's bookThe Wanderer(1949).

Barbarossa Hayreddin Pasha died in 1546 in his seaside palace in the Büyükdere neighbourhood of Istanbul, on the northwestern shores of theBosphorus.He is buried in the tallmausoleum(türbe) near the ferry port of the district ofBeşiktaşon the European side of Istanbul, which was built in 1541 by the famous architectMimar Sinan,at the site where his fleet used to assemble. His memorial was built in 1944, next to his mausoleum.

The Flag (Sanjak) of Hayreddin Barbarossa

Barbarossa's flag

TheArabic calligraphyat the top of the standard reads, "نَصرٌ مِنَ اللَّـهِ وَفَتحٌ قَريبٌ وَبَشِّرِ المُؤمِنينَ يَا مُحَمَّد"(nasrun mina'llāhi wa fatḥhun qarībun wa bashshiri'l-mu’minīna yā muḥammad), translated as "Victory from Allah and an eminent conquest; and give good tidings to the believers, O Muhammad." The text comes from verse 61:13 of theQuran,with the addition of "O Muhammad", since the last part of the verse addresses the Islamic prophet,Muhammad.[36]

Catalan AtlasbyAbraham Cresques

Within the four crescents are the names, from right to left, beginning at the top right, of the first four caliphs –Abu Bakr,Umar,Uthman,andAli– whose rule of the Islamic state after Muhammad is referred to as theRashidun Caliphate.

The two-bladed sword representsDhu'l-Fiqar,a famous sword in Islamic history, belonging first to Muhammad and then Ali. To the left of the sword's hilt is a small hand.[37]

Between the two blades of the sword is asix-pointed star.The star may be confused with theStar of David,a Jewish symbol. However, in medieval times, this star was a popular Islamic symbol known as theSeal of Solomonand was widely used by theBeyliksofAnatolia.The seal was later used by the Ottomans in their mosque decorations, coins and the personal flags of thepashas,including Hayreddin Barbarossa.[38]One of the Turkish beyliks known to use the seal on its flag was theJandarids.According to theCatalan Atlasof 1375 byA. Cresques,the flag of theKaramanids,another Anatolian beylik, consisted of a blue six-edged star.



Hayreddin Barbarossa established the Ottoman supremacy in the Mediterranean, which lasted until theBattle of Lepantoin 1571.[citation needed]

During these centuries of great seamen such asKemal Reisbefore him; his brotherOruç Reisand other contemporariesTurgut Reis,Salih Reis,Piri ReisandKurtoğlu Muslihiddin Reis;orPiyale Pasha,Murat Reis,Seydi Ali Reis,Uluç Ali ReisandKurtoğlu Hızır Reisafter him, few other Ottoman admirals ever achieved the overwhelming naval power of Hayreddin Barbarossa.[citation needed]

His mausoleum is in the Barbaros Park ofBeşiktaş,Istanbul, where his statue also stands, next to theIstanbul Naval Museum.On the back of the statue are verses by the Turkish poetYahya Kemal Beyatlı,which may be translated as follows:[39]

Whence on the sea's horizon comes that roar?
Can it be Barbarossa now returning
From Tunis or Algiers or from the Isles?
Two hundred vessels ride upon the waves,
Coming from lands the rising Crescent lights:
O blessed ships, from what seas are ye come?

Barbaros Boulevard starts from his mausoleum on the Bosphorus and runs up to theLeventandMaslakbusiness districts and beyond.

In the centuries following his death, no fleet would clear theSerai Pointwithout firing a salute at his mausoleum.[40]This practice disappeared during theTanzimatperiod and was revived by the Turkish navy in 2019.[41]

Several warships of theTurkish Navyand passenger ships have been named after him.

Outside Turkey, or the widerIslamic world,the prolific British historian of naval military history,Edward Keble Chatterton,considered him "the greatest pirate that has ever lived, and one of the cleverest tacticians and strategists the Mediterranean ever bore on its waters"; noting that "his death was received byChristian Europewith a sigh of the greatest relief. "[42]

TheBarbaros Hayrettin Pasha Mosquecomplex built in the Levent neighborhood of Istanbul was named after him.

Cultural depictions


Hayreddin Barbarossa has been the subject of many Turkish films.[43]In the 2021 Turkish TV seriesBarbaros: Sword of the Mediterranean,Hayreddin Barbarossa is portrayed by actorUlas Tuna Astepe.In the 2022 Turkish TV seriesBarbaros Hayreddin: Sultan's Edict,Hayreddin Barbarossa is portrayed by actorTolgahan Sayışman.

It should also be noted that the name ofHector Barbossa(Barbosais also aGalician-Portuguese surname), a fictional character in thePirates of the Caribbeanfilm series, is a derivative of Hayreddin Barbarossa's.[44][43]


  1. ^abDžaja, Srećko M.; Weiss, Günter; Nehring, Karl; Bernath, Mathias (1995).Austro-Turcica 1541-1552(in German). R. Oldenbourg. p. 675.ISBN978-3-486-56167-8.Hayreddin Barbarossa (Barbarossa, Barbarrossa, Barbe Rubae) (1466/83 (?) – 1546).
  2. ^"Barbarossa | Ottoman admiral".Encyclopedia Britannica.Retrieved18 November2020.
  3. ^Kiel, Machiel (1 December 2018)."The Medrese and Imaret of Hayreddin Barbarossa on the Island of Lesbos/Midilli: A Little-known Aspect of the Cultural History of Sappho's Island Under the Ottomans (1462–1912)".Shedet.5(5):162–176.doi:10.21608/shedet.005.12.ISSN2536-9954.
  4. ^Caprioli, Francesco (11 October 2021)."The" Sheep "and the" Lion ": Charles V, Barbarossa, and Habsburg Diplomatic Practice in the Muslim Mediterranean (1534-1542)".Journal of Early Modern History.25(5):392–421.doi:10.1163/15700658-bja10029.ISSN1385-3783.S2CID244626095.
  5. ^Isom-Verhaaren, Christine (1 August 2007).""Barbarossa and His Army Who Came to Succor All of Us": Ottoman and French Views of Their Joint Campaign of 1543-1544 ".French Historical Studies.30(3):395–425.doi:10.1215/00161071-2007-003.ISSN0016-1071.
  6. ^abH. J. Kissling; F. R. C. Bagley; N. Barbour; Bertold Spuler; J. S. Trimingham; H. Braun; H. Hartel (1997).The Last Great Muslim Empires.Brill. p. 114.ISBN90-04-02104-3.
  7. ^abcKiel, Machiel (2007)."The Smaller Aegean Islands in the 16th–18th Centuries according to Ottoman Administrative Documents".Between Venice and Istanbul: Colonial Landscapes in Early Modern Greece.ASCSA. pp.35–36.ISBN978-0-87661-540-9.Ottoman admiral Hayreddin Barbarossa (son of a Turkish sipahi [fief-holder in the cavalry service]) from Yenice-i Vardar in Macedonia and a Greek woman from Lesvos/Mytilini...
  8. ^Jamieson, Alan G. (2013).Lords of the Sea: A History of the Barbary Corsairs.Canada: Reaktion Books. p. 59.ISBN978-1861899460.Desperate to find some explanation for the sudden resurgence of Muslim sea power in the Mediterranean after centuries of Christian dominance, Christian commentators in the sixth century (and later) pointed to the supposed Christian roots of the greatest Barbary corsair commanders. It was a strange kind of comfort. The Barbarossas certainly had a Greek Christian mother, but it now seems certain their father was a Muslim Turk.
  9. ^ İsmail Hâmi Danişmend,Osmanlı Devlet Erkânı,pp. 172 ff. Türkiye Yayınevi (Istanbul), 1971.
  10. ^Khiḍr was one of four sons of a Turk from the island of Lesbos.,"Barbarossa",Encyclopædia Britannica,1963, p. 147.
  11. ^ Angus Konstam,Piracy: The Complete History,Osprey Publishing, 2008,ISBN978-1-84603-240-0,p. 80.
  12. ^Heers, Jacques (2003).I barbareschi: corsari del Mediterraneo(in Italian). Translated by Maria Alessandra Panzanelli Fratoni. Salerno. p. 68.ISBN8884024021.Il padre dei Barbarossa, Jacob, un Albanese fatto prigioniero e convertitosi all'Islam, s'era stabilito a Mitilene;
  13. ^ab Bozbora, Nuray (1997).Osmanlı yönetiminde Arnavutluk ve Arnavut ulusçuluğu'nun gelişimi.p. 16.[need quotation to verify]
  14. ^abHolm, Bent; Rasmussen, Mikael Bøgh (2021).Imagined, Embodied and Actual Turks in Early Modern Europe.Hollitzer Wissenschaftsverlag. p. 16.ISBN978-3-99012-125-2.Hisir was the later Ottoman Chief Admiral Hayreddin Barbarossa. His profile almost exactly matches that of the numerous anonymous Christian and convert sailors just mentioned. His mother was Greek, and his father was a convert from the Albanian lands who had fought in the Sultan's armies.
  15. ^Aksan, Virginia H.; Goffman, Daniel (2007).The Early Modern Ottomans: Remapping the Empire.Cambridge University Press. p. 106.ISBN978-0-521-81764-6.Hayreddin Barbarossa, who would rise to become the ruler of Algiers, and later admiral of the Ottoman fleet, was of Greek origin and got his start raiding the southern and western shores of Anatolia on behalf of Korkud, son of Bayezid II.
  16. ^Andreas Rieger (1994).Die Seeaktivitäten der muslimischen Beutefahrer als Bestandteil der staatlichen Flotte während der osmanischen Expansion im Mittelmeer im 15. und 16. Jahrhundert(in German). Klaus Schwarz Verlag. p. 548.ISBN978-3-87997-223-4.
  17. ^Andre Clot, "Suleiman The Magnificent", p. 101
  18. ^https://islamansiklopedisi.org.tr/barbaros-hayreddin-pasa,paragraph 2
  19. ^Phillip C. Naylor (2009).North Africa A History from Antiquity to the Present.University of Texas Press. p. 117.ISBN978-0-292-77878-8.
  20. ^"Barbarossa | Ottoman admiral".Encyclopedia Britannica.Retrieved7 December2017.
  21. ^The Expulsion of the Moriscos from Spain: A Mediterranean Diaspora.Brill. 2014. p. 334.ISBN978-90-04-27935-3.
  22. ^Faucherre, Nicolas."Louis XII, François Ier et la défense des côtes provençales."[permanent dead link]Bulletin Monumental 151, no. 1 (1993): 293–301.
  23. ^Merriman, Roger Bigelow(2008).Suleiman the Magnificent 1520–1566.Read Books.ISBN978-1443731454– via Google Books.
  24. ^abServantie, Alain."The Mediterranean Policy of Charles V."A New World: Emperor Charles V and the Beginnings of Globalisation (2021): 83.
  25. ^Avallone, Tommaso.Justified by Faith: The intriguing story of Giulia Gonzaga, Countess of Fondi.Ali Ribelli Edizioni, 2020.
  26. ^Robin, Diana.Publishing Women: Salons, the Presses, and the Counter-Reformation in Sixteenth-Century Italy.University of Chicago Press, 2007.
  27. ^Caprioli, Francesco (11 October 2021)."The" Sheep "and the" Lion ": Charles V, Barbarossa, and Habsburg Diplomatic Practice in the Muslim Mediterranean (1534–1542)".Journal of Early Modern History.25(5):392–421.doi:10.1163/15700658-bja10029.S2CID244626095.Retrieved4 November2022.
  28. ^abKritzler, Edward (2009).Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean.Anchor. pp.59–60.ISBN978-0-7679-1952-4.
  29. ^"Δήμος Κέρκυρας – Δεύτερη Ενετοκρατία".www.corfu.gr(in Greek).
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  31. ^abHernandez, Andrea."The Jewish impact on the social and economic manifestation of the Gibraltarian identity."(2011).
  32. ^Camps, G."Gibraltar."Encyclopédie berbère20 (1998): 3124–3127.
  33. ^Piccirillo, Anthony.""A Vile, Infamous, Diabolical Treaty ": The Franco-Ottoman Alliance of Francis I and the Eclipse of the Christendom Ideal."PhD diss., 2009.
  34. ^State Papers, Henry VIII: General Series.1509–1547.
  35. ^Syed, Muzaffar Husain; Akhtar, Syed Saud; Usmani, B. D. (14 September 2011).Concise History of Islam.Vij Books India Pvt Ltd.ISBN978-93-82573-47-0.
  36. ^Quran61:13–13(Translatedby Sahih International)."And [you will obtain] another [favor] that you love – victory from Allah and an imminent conquest; and give good tidings to the believers."
  37. ^Sache, Ivan (2011)."Ottoman Empire: Flags with the Zulfikar sword".Flags of the World.
  38. ^"FOTW".www.fahnenversand.de.
  39. ^Translation by John Freely inStrolling through Istanbul,p. 467, Sev Yayıncılık, 1997
  40. ^Syed Z. Ahmed (2001).The Zenith of an Empire: The Glory of the Suleiman the Magnificent and the Law Giver.A.E.R. Publications. p. 109.ISBN978-0-9715873-0-4.
  41. ^Sabah, Daily (9 March 2019)."Turkish navy revives 500-year-old salute for renowned Ottoman sailor Barbarossa".Daily Sabah.Retrieved25 August2022.
  42. ^E. Keble Chatterton,Pirates and Piracy,Courier Corporation, 2012, pp. 68–69
  43. ^abMynet (11 September 2010)."Barbaros Hayrettin Paşa'nın hayatı dizide".Mynet Haber(in Turkish).Retrieved13 March2021.
  44. ^Kaplan, Arie (2015).Swashbuckling Scoundrels: Pirates in Fact and Fiction,p. 55. Twenty-First Century Books.

