Iberian Romance languages

TheIberian Romance,Ibero-Romance[1]or sometimesIberian languages[note 1]are a group ofRomance languagesthat developed on theIberian Peninsula,an area consisting primarily ofSpain,Portugal,Gibraltar,AndorraandFrench Catalonia.They are today more commonly separated intoWest Iberian,East Iberian (Catalan/Valencian) andMozarabiclanguage groups. East Iberian's classification is a subject of ongoing scholarly debate, as some argue that theOccitano-Romance languagescomposed ofOccitanalong with the aforementioned two are better classified asGallo-Romance languages.

Iberian Romance
Ibero-Romance, Iberian
OriginallyIberian PeninsulaandFrench Catalonia;now worldwide
Linguistic classificationIndo-European
Language codes
ISO 639-3
Glottologsout3183(Shifted Iberian)

Evolved from theVulgar Latinof Iberia, the most widely spoken Iberian Romance languages areSpanishandPortuguese,followed byCatalan-Valencian-BalearandGalician.[2]These languages also have their own regional and local varieties. Based onmutual intelligibility,Dalby counts seven "outer" languages, or language groups:Galician-Portuguese,Spanish,Asturleonese,"Wider" -Aragonese,"Wider" -Catalan,Provençal+Lengadocian,and "Wider" -Gascon.[3]

In addition to those languages, there are a number ofPortuguese-based creole languagesandSpanish-based creole languages,for instancePapiamento.

Origins and development

Linguistic map of southwestern Europe

Like all Romance languages,[4]the Iberian Romance languages descend fromVulgar Latin,the nonstandard (in contrast toClassical Latin) form of the Latin language spoken by soldiers and merchants throughout the Roman Empire. With theexpansion of the empire,Vulgar Latin came to be spoken by inhabitants of the various Roman-controlled territories. Latin and its descendants have been spoken in Iberia since thePunic Wars,when the Romans conquered the territory[5](seeRoman conquest of Hispania).

The modern Iberian Romance languages were formed roughly through the following process:

  • TheRomanizationof the local Iberian population.[6]
  • The diversification of Latin spoken in Iberia, with slight differences depending on location.[7]
  • The break up of Ibero-Romance into several dialects.[8]

Common traits between Portuguese, Spanish and Catalan


This list points to common traits of these Iberian subsets, especially when compared to the other Romance languages in general. Thus, changes such as Catalanvuit/huitand Portugueseoitovs. Spanishochoare not shown here, as the change -it- > -ch- is exclusive to Spanish among the Iberian Romance languages.

Between Portuguese, Spanish and Catalan



  • The length difference between r/rr is preserved through phonetic means as[ɾ]/[r],so that the second consonant in words such ascaroandcarroare not the same in any of the three.
  • Latin U remains[u]and is not changed to[y].


  • The Iberian Romance languages all maintain a completeessence-state distinctioninthe copula(the verb "to be" ). The "essence" form (Portuguese and Spanishserand Catalanserandésser) is derived in whole or in part from the Latinsum(the Latin copula), while the "state" form (estarin all three languages) is derived from the Latinstāre( "to stand" ).

Between Spanish and Catalan, but not Portuguese



  • The distinction between Latin short-n-,-l-and long-nn-,-ll-was preserved by means of palatalizing-nn-,-ll-to/ɲ,ʎ/,as in Latinannum> Spanishaño,Catalananyvs. Latinmanum> Spanishmano,Old Catalanman(modern Catalan). This also affects some initial L in Catalan. However, in most dialects of Spanish, original/ʎ/has become delateralized. Portuguese maintains the distinction, but in a different way; compareanovs.mão.

Between Spanish and Portuguese, but not Catalan



  • Initial Latin CL/FL/PL are palatalized further than in Standard Italian, and become indistinguishable (to CH in Portuguese and LL in Spanish).
  • Final e/o remains (although its pronunciation changed in Portuguese, and some dialects drop final E).


  • The synthetic preterite, inherited from earlier stages of Latin, remains the main past tense.

Between Portuguese and Catalan, but not Spanish



  • Velarized L[ɫ],whichexistedin Latin, is preserved at the end of syllables, and was later generalized to all positions in most dialects of both languages.
  • Stressed Latin e/o, both open and closed, is preserved so and does not become adiphthong.



Politically (not linguistically), there are four major officially recognised Iberian Romance languages:

Additionally,Asturian(dialect of Asturleonese), although not an official language,[21]is recognised by theautonomous communityofAsturias.It is one of the Asturleonese dialects along withMirandese,which in Portugal holds an official status as a minority language.[22]

Family tree

Ibero-Romance languages around the world

The Iberian Romance languages are a conventional group of Romance languages. Many authors use the term in a geographical sense although they are not necessarily a phylogenetic group (the languages grouped as Iberian Romance may not all directly descend from a common ancestor). Phylogenetically, there is disagreement about what languages should be considered within the Iberian Romance group; for example, some authors consider that East Iberian, also called Occitano-Romance, could be more closely related to languages of northern Italy (or also Franco-Provençal, the langues d'oïl and Rhaeto-Romance). A common conventional geographical grouping is the following:

  • East Iberian
  • West Iberian

Daggers (†) indicate extinct languages

See also



  1. ^Iberian languagesis also used as a more inclusive term for all languages spoken on the Iberian Peninsula, which in antiquity included the non-Indo-EuropeanIberian language.
  1. ^Pharies, David A. (2007).A Brief History of the Spanish Language.University of Chicago Press. p. 13.ISBN978-0-226-66683-9.
  2. ^"Ethnologue: Statistical Summaries".Archived fromthe originalon 2011-08-07.Retrieved2010-11-08.
  3. ^Dalby, David (2000)."5=Indo-European phylosector"(PDF).The Linguasphere register of the world's languages and speech communities.Vol. 2. Oxford: Observatoire Linguistique, Linguasphere Press.
  4. ^Thomason, Sarah (2001).Language Contact.Georgetown University Press. p. 263.ISBN978-0-87840-854-2.
  5. ^Brown, Keith; Ogilvie, Sarah (2008).Concise Encyclopedia of Languages of the World.Elsevier Science. p. 1020.ISBN978-0-08-087774-7.
  6. ^Penny, Ralph (2002).A History of the Spanish Language.Cambridge University Press. p. 8.ISBN978-0-521-01184-6.
  7. ^Penny (2002),p. 16
  8. ^Ethnologue: Languages of the World, Sixteenth edition(2009)."Indo-European, Italic, Romance, Italo-Western, Western, Gallo-Iberian, Ibero-Romance, West Iberian".Retrieved13 August2010.
  9. ^Turell, M. Teresa (2001).Multilingualism in Spain: Sociolinguistic and Psycholinguistic Aspects of Linguistic Minority Groups.Multilingual Matters. p. 591.ISBN978-1-85359-491-5.
  10. ^Cabo Aseguinolaza, Fernando; Abuín Gonzalez, Anxo; Domínguez, César (2010).A Comparative History of Literatures in the Iberian Peninsula.John Benjamins Publishing Company. pp.339–40.ISBN978-90-272-3457-5.
  11. ^Lapesa, Rafael (1968).Historia de la lengua española (7th ed.)(in Spanish). Gredos. p. 124.ISBN84-249-0072-3.ISBN84-249-0073-1.
  12. ^"Lengua Española o Castellana".Promotora Española de Lingüística(in Spanish).
  13. ^"Ethnologue: Table 3. Languages with at least 3 million first-language speakers".Archived fromthe originalon 2011-08-07.Retrieved2010-11-08.
  14. ^See Ethnologue
  15. ^Constitution of Andorra(Article 2.1)
  16. ^Bec, Pierre(1973),Manuel pratique d'occitan moderne,coll. Connaissance des langues, Paris: Picard
  17. ^Sumien, Domergue (2006),La standardisation pluricentrique de l'occitan: nouvel enjeu sociolinguistique, développement du lexique et de la morphologie,coll. Publications de l'Association Internationale d'Études Occitanes, Turnhout: Brepols
  18. ^Myers-Scotton, Carol (2005).Multiple Voices: An Introduction to Bilingualism.Wiley-Blackwell. p. 57.ISBN978-0-631-21937-8.
  19. ^abEthnologue
  20. ^Posner, Rebecca(1996).The Romance Languages.Cambridge University Press. p. 57.ISBN978-0-521-28139-3.
  21. ^"La jueza a Fernando González: 'No puede usted hablar en la lengua que le dé la gana'".El Comercio.12 January 2009.
  22. ^See:Euromosaic report