Interface description language

Aninterface description languageorinterface definition language(IDL) is a generic term for a language that lets a program or object written in one language communicate with another program written in an unknown language. IDLs are usually used to describedata typesand interfaces in alanguage-independentway, for example, between those written inC++and those written inJava.

Representation of different software components for performing a hypothetical holiday reservation inUML

IDLs are commonly used inremote procedure callsoftware. In these cases the machines at either end of thelinkmay be using differentoperating systemsand computer languages. IDLs offer a bridge between the two different systems.

Software systems based on IDLs includeSun'sONC RPC,The Open Group'sDistributed Computing Environment,IBM'sSystem Object Model,theObject Management Group'sCORBA(which implements OMG IDL, an IDL based on DCE/RPC) andData Distribution Service,Mozilla'sXPCOM,Microsoft'sMicrosoft RPC(which evolved intoCOMandDCOM),Facebook'sThriftandWSDLfor Web services.



See also



  1. ^Birkholz, H.; Vigano, C.; Bormann, C. (2019)."Concise Data Definition Language (CDDL): A Notational Convention to Express Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) and JSON Data Structures".RFC Editor.doi:10.17487/RFC8610.S2CID195857027.Retrieved2022-05-24.
  2. ^"FIDL Overview".Fuchsia.Retrieved2022-02-23.