This article includes a list ofgeneral references,butit lacks sufficient correspondinginline citations.(June 2008) |
Japaneseparticles,joshi(Trợ từ)ortenioha(てにをは),are suffixes or short words inJapanese grammarthat immediately follow the modified noun, verb, adjective, or sentence. Theirgrammatical rangecan indicate various meanings and functions, such asspeaker affectand assertiveness.
Orthography and diction
editJapanese particles are written inhiraganain modern Japanese, though some of them also havekanjiforms: (HộorThiênforteて;Nhĩforniに;HồorViễnforoを;andBaforwaは). Particles follow the same rules of phonetic transcription as all Japanese words, with the exception ofは(writtenha,pronouncedwaas a particle),へ(writtenhe,pronouncede) andを(written using a hiragana character with no other use in modern Japanese, originally assigned aswo,now usually pronouncedo,though some speakers render it aswo). These exceptions are a relic ofhistorical kana usage.
Types of particles
editThere are eight types of particles, depending on what function they serve.
Case markers(Cách trợ từ,kaku-joshi)
editParallel markers(Tịnh lập trợ từ,heiritsu-joshi)
Sentence ending particles(Chung trợ từ,shū-joshi)
Interjectory particles(Gian đầu trợ từ,kantō-joshi)
Adverbial particles(Phó trợ từ,fuku-joshi)
Binding particles(Hệ trợ từ,kakari-joshi)
editConjunctive particles(Tiếp 続 trợ từ,setsuzoku-joshi)
Phrasal particles(Chuẩn thể trợ từ,juntai-joshi)
Note that some particles appear in two types. For example,karais called a "case marker" where it describes where something is from or what happens after something; when it describes a cause it is called a "conjunctive particle".
- ^abcThe particles pronouncedo,e,andwaare written with the hiraganaを(wo),へ(he), andは(ha). SeeOrthography and dictionabove.
List of particles
edit- bakari
- bakari ka
- bakashi
- dake
- da no
- de
- de mo
- dokoro ka
- e
- ga
- hodo
- ka
- kai
- ka na
- kara
- ka shira
- kedo
- kiri
- kke
- koro/goro
- koso
- kurai/gurai
- made
- made ni
- me
- mo
- mono/mon
- mono de
- mono ka/mon-ka
- mono nara
- mono o
- na and naa
- nado
- nanka/nante
- nara
- ne
- ni
- ni te
- ni wa
- no
- no de
- nomi
- no ni
- o
- sa/saa
- sae
- de sae
- shi
- shika
- sura
- to
- to ka
- to mo
- tte
- tteba
- wa
- ya
- yara
- yo
- yori
- ze
- zo
- zutsu
Meaning and usage
editPreceding syntactic element | Example sentence | Translation |
bakari ばかり ( hứa り)
Translates to: "just, only, full of" Colloquially: ばっかりbakkari,ばっかbakka | |
Noun | Tōkyō wahito bakarida. Đông kinh はNhân ばかりだ. |
Tokyo isjust full of people. |
Verbs (taform) | Tabeta bakarida. Thực べたばかりだ. |
Ijust ate. |
Verb (teform) | Kare watabete bakariiru. Bỉ はThực べてばかりいる. |
He'salways eating. |
bakari ka ばかりか ( hứa りか)
Translates to: "not only". Accompanied by さえsae( "but also" ) indicates something unusual or unexpected. Etymology:bakari+ka | |
Nouns | Sofu bakari ka,sōsofu sae ikite iru. Tổ phụ ばかりか,Tằng tổ phụ さえ sinh きている. |
Not onlyis mygrandfatherliving, but so is my great-grandfather. |
bakashi ばかし ( hứa し)
bakashiis another form ofbakari. | |
dake だけ ( trượng )
Translates to: "only"; limit. Dakefunctions as a noun. Kanji form trượng is less commonly used. | |
Nouns | rōmaji dakeno jisho ローマ tự だけの từ thư |
arōmaji-onlydictionary |
Verbs (volitional) | Netai dakenereba ii. Tẩm たいだけTẩm ればいい. |
You can sleepas much as you want [to sleep]. |
da no だの
Translates to: "and, things like". Etymology:da(copula) +no. This particle is used far less frequently thanto ka. Often has negative connotations. | |
Nouns, adjectives, verbs | Nattō da no,shīfūdo da no,wasabi da no—nihonshoku ga nigate da. Nạp đậu だの,シーフードだの,わさびだの— nhật bổn thực が khổ thủ だ. |
Natto,seafood,wasabi—Japanese food isn't my thing. |
de で
Etymology: Originally an alteration ofni te,later treated as a conjugation of the can be used as "at" or "by means of". When serving as the continuative TE form of a subordinate clause, de substitutes for da/desu, carries the meaning "is, and so...", and takes on the tense of the final verb of the sentence. | |
Nouns:instrument | Jitensha deikimashō. Tự 転 xa でHành きましょう. |
Let's goby bicycle. |
Nouns:location | Koko deyasumitai. ここでHưu みたい. |
I want to resthere. |
Nouns:language | Nihongo detegami o kaita. Nhật bổn ngữ でThủ chỉ を thư いた. |
I wrote the letterinJapanese. |
TE form of copula: "is, and so..." | kimi gasuki deyokatta Quân がHảo き でよかった. |
Youareloved (and so) I am glad. / I am gladthatIloveyou. |
de mo でも
Translates to: "even; or; but, however; also in" Etymology:de+mo | |
Nouns, particles: "even" | Uchū kara de moBanri-no-Chōjō ga mieru. Vũ trụ からでもVạn lí の trường thành が kiến える. |
Even from spaceyou can see the Great Wall of China. |
Noun: "or something" | Ocha de mo,ikaga? お trà でも,いかが? |
Would you liketea or something? |
Noun: "also in" | Nihon de moeigo o benkyō suru Nhật bổn でもAnh ngữ を miễn cường する. |
In Japan also,we study English. |
Beginning of phrase: "but, however, even so" | De mo,watashi wa sō omowanai でも,Tư はそう tư わない. |
ButI don't think so. |
dokoro ka どころか ( sở か)
Translates to: "anything but, far from" Etymology:dokoro(tokoro:place) +ka | |
Nouns | Kare wakeisatsukan dokoro ka,hanzaisha da. Bỉ はCảnh sát quan どころか,Phạm tội giả だ. |
He'sanything but a policeman;he's a criminal. |
e へ
Translates to: "to, in"; direction Eis written with へ rather than え, reflecting old kana usage. | |
Nouns:direction | Nihon eyōkoso! Nhật bổn へようこそ! |
Welcometo Japan! |
ga が
Functions as: identifier (identifies something unspecified), conjunction ( "but" ). Not to be confused with the particleは.
Ga(が orヶ): Historical possessive used to connect nouns, most often seen in place names asヶ | |
Nouns: Subject Marker (answers a silent or asked question) | Neko gaesa o tabeta. Miêu がNhị を thực べた. |
The catate the catfood.[Answers: "What ate the catfood?" ] |
Inu gasuki. Khuyển がHảo き. |
I likedogs.[Answers: What do you like?] | |
Noun: noun connector | wa gakuni Ngã がQuốc |
my/our [collective]country |
Fujimi gaOka Phú sĩ kiến がKhâu |
Fuji ViewHill | |
Seki gahara Quan がNguyên |
GatewayPlains (site of theBattle of Sekigahara) | |
Phrases:conjunction(but...) | Inu wa suki daga,neko wa kirai da. Khuyển は hảo きだが,Miêu は hiềm いだ. |
I like dogsbutI hate cats. |
hodo ほど ( trình )
Translates to: "as much as"; upper limit | |
Nouns | Kare hodonihongo ga umakunai. Bỉ ほどNhật bổn ngữ がうまくない. |
My Japanese isn'tas good as his. |
Adjectives* | Hayai hodoii. Tảo いほどいい. |
The sooner,the better. |
Verb | Aitsu okoroshitai hodokirai da. あいつをSát したいほどHiềm いだ. |
I hate himenough to want to kill him. |
ka か
Functions as: question denominator, alternative item conjunction, quotation expressing doubt; "whether", especially when used withdō ka( "or not" ). | |
Nouns, verbs: listing alternatives | Kore ka,sore ka,dotchika erande yo. これか,それか,どっちか tuyển んでよ. |
This or that,choose one of them. |
Noun, verbs: "whether (or not)" | Iku ka [dō ka]wakaranai. Hành くか ( どうか )Phân からない. |
I don't know[whether or not / if] he'll go. |
Adverbs (interrogative): uncertainty | Dokokade mita koto ga aru. どこかで kiến たことがある. |
I think I've seen yousomewherebefore. (You look familiar) |
Phrases: question (formal) | Wakarimasuka? Phân かりますか? |
Do you understand?(formal) |
Phrases: question, rhetorical | Eigo nante wakarimasuka! Anh ngữ なんて phân かりますか! |
Why the heck wouldI understand English?(formal) |
Phrases: question, invitation | Sate, dekake yōka? さて, xuất かけようか? |
Right then,shallwe leave? |
Phrase: quotation expressing doubt | Iku kato omoimasu ga... Hành くかと tư いますが... |
I thinkhe'll go (but I'm not sure)... |
kai かい
kaiis a gentler and masculine variant of the question markerka. | |
ka na かな
Translates to: "I wonder" (Note: "Ka na" implies having mostly made up one's mind. Drawing out the "na" [ka naa] implies less certainty.) | |
Phrases | Kare wa ayashii hitoka na. Bỉ は quái しい nhânかな. |
I wonderif he's a suspicious person. |
kara から
Translates to: "from, after, because" Karamay be followed bynoto link two nouns. | |
Nouns: "from,out of" | Tōkyō karakaetta. Đông kinh からQuy った. |
He returnedfrom Tokyo. |
zutto mae karano hanashi ずっと tiền からの thoại |
a conversationfrom way back | |
Verb (te form): "after" | Owatte kara,kite kudasai. Chung わってから,Lai てください. |
Please come byafter finishing (after you've finished). |
Adjectives, Verbs: "because" | Niku otabenai kara,raamen wa dame da Nhục をThực べないから,ラーメンはだめだ. |
Because he doesn't eatmeat, ramen is bad (a bad idea). |
ka shira かしら
Ka shirais likeka na,but is used more by women. See alsoGender differences in spoken Japanese.
Etymology:ka+shira,theirrealis form(i.e.negative formminus the-nai) ofshiru"to know" | |
Phrases | Kare wa ayashii hitoka shira. Bỉ は quái しい nhânかしら. |
I wonderif he's a suspicious person. |
kedo けど
Translates to: "although, but" Etymology:kedois a shortened version of formalkeredomo.It also appears semi-abbreviated and semi-formally askeredoorkedomo. | |
Adjectives, verbs | Kanojo wahen da kedokirei da. Bỉ nữ は変だけどきれいだ. |
She isstrange butpretty |
kiri きり ( thiết り)
Translates to: "just, only" Kiriis more rarely used thandake,functions as a noun and may be followed byno. | |
Nouns | futari kirino o-mise Nhị nhân きりのお điếm |
a shop withjust two people[who work there] |
kke っけ
Translates to: "Similar tokabut in an attempt to recall forgotten information. " Etymology:kkeoriginates from the auxiliary verb of Old Japanese "keri". | |
Nouns | Nani wo iou to shitetanda kke Hà を ngôn おうとしてたんだっけ |
What were you trying to say,again? |
koro/goro ごろ ( khoảnh )
Translates to: "around, about, approximately" Korofunctions as a noun and may be followed byno. | |
Nouns | San-ji goroni aimashō. Tam thời ごろに hội いましょう. |
Let's meetaround 3 o'clock. |
koso こそ
Functions as: Emphasis marker.
There is no direct translation, but roughly analogous to "precisely" or "exactly", as in examples below. | |
Phrases | Kyō koso,yaru zo! Kim nhật こそ,やるぞ! |
Today,I'm going to do it! |
Kimi ga suki da kara kosokore dake ganbatte iru n da yo. Quân が hảo きだからこそこれだけがんばっているんだよ. |
It's precisely because I like youthat I'm working this hard. | |
Kochira koso,yoroshiku onegai shimasu. こっちこそ,よろしくお nguyện いします. |
Nice to meet you,too.(Emphasizesthis sideorme too) | |
kurai/gurai くらい・ぐらい ( vị )
Translates to: "about, approximately" Kuraifunctions as a noun and may be followed byno. | |
Nouns | Juppun kuraikakaru Thập phân くらいかかる. |
It takesabout 10 minutes. |
made まで ( hất )
Translates to: "up to, until, as far as" Indicates a time or place as a limit. | |
Nouns (specifically places or times) | Kono densha wa,Shimonoseki madeikimasu. この điện xa は,Hạ quan までHành きます. |
This train goesas far as Shimonoseki. |
Verb | Kaeru madematte ru. Quy るまでĐãi ってる. |
I'll waituntil you come home. |
made ni までに ( hất に)
Translates to: "by (a certain time)" | |
Nouns, verbs | Ku-ji made nikaeru. Cửu thời までにQuy る. |
I'll come backby nine o'clock. |
me め ( mục )
me( mục only): ordinal particle me(め only): "Damn..."; abusive/pejorative | |
Classifiernouns: ordinal | Amerika wanikai medesu. アメリカはNhị hồi mụcです. |
This is mysecond timeto America. |
Noun: abusive "damn..." | Orokamono me! Ngu か giả め! |
[You]damnfool! |
mo も ( diệc )
Translates to: "also" Moalways replaceswaandga,but may follow other particles. | |
Nouns, phrases | Watashi ni mokureta. Tư にもくれた. |
Iwas given (something),too. |
mono/mon もの・もん
Verb + mono ( vật ): creates a noun from the verb (only applies to certain verbs) もの/もんat the end of a sentence: casual feminine sentence ender likeの;もんis very feminine and a bit cheeky. | |
With verbs | Nomimono Ẩm みVật |
Drink |
Tabemono Thực べVật |
Food | |
Ikimono Sinh きVật |
Living thing | |
At the end of a sentence | "Doushite konakatta no?" "Jugyō ga attanda mono." “どうしてこなかったの?” “Thụ nghiệp があったんだもの.” |
"Why didn't you come?" "I had class." |
"Doushite konakatta no?" "Jugyō ga attanda mon." “どうしてこなかったの?” “Thụ nghiệp があったんだもん.” |
"Why didn't you come?" "I had class,hah." | |
mono de もので
Similar meaning as ので. | |
mono ka/mon-ka ものか/もんか
Put at the end of sentences to strongly decline. (More gently: もの/もんですか) | |
At the end of sentences | Makeru-monka! Phụ けるもんか! |
I will not surrender! |
Dare ga anna tokoro-ni nido to iku-mondesuka! Thùy があんなところに nhị độ と hành くもんですか! |
Who would dare to go to a place like that for a second time!? | |
mono nara ものなら ( vật なら)
if (I/we/etc.) could | |
mono o ものを
Used in phrases to show deplore feelings about not doing something they should do. | |
Phrases | "Sukida" to hito koto itte kure-sae shi-tara kekkon deki-tamono o... "Hảo きだ" と nhất ngôn ngôn ってくれさえしたら, kết hôn できたものを... |
If you had said "I like you", we would have gotten married... |
na and naa な(and なる)・なあ・なぁ
Na(な only): used with a class of adjectives which behave grammatically like nouns (seena-adjectives). A more archaic form of thisnaisnaru(なる), which is used in the same way. Ifnafollows a dictionary form verb, it is a negative command ( "Don't..." ). However, if used with a verb stem, it implies the opposite: "Do..." as a short form ofnasai(なさい). It is also used to modify general nouns before other particles which cannot directly follow nouns ( de). Etymology: Thenaused with nouns (including na-adjectives) is a form of thecopula.Naornaaat the end of a sentence is a variant ofne,implying more reflection. | |
Verb (plain non-future) | Suru-na するな |
Don'tdo (something). |
Verb (stem) | Tabe-na Thực べな(short form of thực べなさい) |
Doeat /Pleaseeat. |
Na-adjectives | hen nahito 変なNhân |
astrangeperson |
Phrases | Hen dana! 変だな! |
Howstrange! |
nado など ( đẳng )
Translates to: "for example, things like, such as, etc., and so on" Functions as a noun and may be followed byno. | |
Nouns | Nattō yakabuki nadowa Nihon dake ni aru. Nạp đậu やCa vũ kĩ などは nhật bổn だけにある. |
Things likenatto andkabukiare only in Japan. |
nanka/nante なんか・なんて ( hà か・ hà て)
Functions to: emphasize disgust, contempt, or otherwise negative feelings of the speaker. Nanteis slightly more formal thannanka. | |
Nouns | Jogen nankairanai. Trợ ngôn なんかいらない. |
I don't need any(damn) advice. |
Verb[1] | Oyogu nantedekinai. Vịnh ぐなんてできない. |
I can'tswim. |
Adjectives[2] | Ōkiku nankanai kedo, kirei da. Đại きくなんかないけど, きれいだ. |
It's notbig [or anything],but it's clean. |
nara なら
Translates to: "if"; conditional Hypothetical (仮 định hình )orconditionalform of the copulada.Related to the more formalnaraba. | |
Nouns, adjectives, verbs, phrases | Atsui nara,eakon o tsukete Thử いなら,エアコンを phó けて. |
If you're hot,turn on the air conditioner. |
ne ね
Translates to: "eh"; interjection,tag question Similar to English "hey", "eh?", French "non?" and Spanish "no?" Asks or shows agreement and reflection at phrase-end, also used before sentences to catch listener's attention (informal). | |
Phrases | Kimi wa kashikoi yo ne. Quân は hiền いよね. |
You're pretty smart, aren't you. |
Kakkō ii desu ne. Cách hảo いいですね. |
That's pretty neat, eh? | |
Ne,ima nanji? ね,いま hà thời? |
Hey,what time is it? | |
ni に
Translates to: "to, in, at, by";indirect object,direction; following a na-adjective, it creates an adverb | |
Noun: location | Gakkō niiru. Học giáo にいる. |
I'mat/in school. |
Noun: direction | Gakkō niiku. Học giáo にHành く. |
I'm goingto school. |
Noun: indirect object | Ore nikaese. Yêm にPhản せ. |
Give it backto me. |
Noun:passiveagent | Ka nisasareta. Văn にさされた. |
I was bittenby a mosquito. |
Noun, verbs (stem only): purpose, intent | Eiga omi niiku. Ánh họa をKiến にHành く. |
I'm goingto seea movie. |
Adjective: forms adverb | teinei,teinei ni Đinh ninh,Đinh ninh に |
polite,politely |
ni te にて
Formal version ofde,functions in exactly the same way.
Etymology: Case particleni+ conjunctive particlete(cf.teform of Japanese verbs) | |
ni wa には
Translates to: "for; in, to; in order to"; Etymology:ni+wa(always written は) Thewapart is the topic particle. | |
Nouns: "for" | Shichimi wa,watashi ni wakara-sugiru. Thất vị は,Tư にはTân すぎる. |
Shichimiis too spicyfor me.(i.e., "youmight like it, butI'mnot touching it. ") |
Noun: "in, to" | Kyōto ni wahana ga aru. Kinh đô にはHoa がある. |
There are flowersin Kyōto.
(Lit.:As for in Kyōto,there are flowers.) |
Verb: "in order to" | Mizu omitsukeru ni wa みずをみつけるには |
In order to findwater |
no の
Functions as: possession indicator, noun link, topic marker (subordinate clauses),nominalization
When nominalizing whole phrases, thenomay function either as emphasis or as a question, depending on tone of voice. Similar to English, a falling tone denotes a statement, and a rising tone a question. Its use to mark statements tends to be more typical of feminine speech. See alsoGender differences in spoken Japanese. | |
Nouns:possessionex. a | sensei nokuruma Tiên sinh のXa |
the teacher'scar |
Noun:possessionex. b | watashi nokonpyuuta Tư のコンピューター |
Mycomputer |
Noun:possessionex. c | anata noshukudai あなたのTúc đề |
yourhomework |
Noun: linking | kuruma noToyota Xa のトヨタ |
Toyota the car [company] |
Noun: subject marker in subordinate clauses (see also:ga) | Kare notsukutta kēki wa oishikatta. Bỉ のTác ったケーキはおいしかった. |
The cake thathemade was tasty. |
i-adjectives:nominalization | Yasui nowa, kore. An いのは, これ. |
This isthe cheap[er] one. |
Verb: nominalization | Taberu noga daisuki. Thực べるのが đại hảo き. |
I loveeating. |
Phrases: nominalization, question | Mō,tabeta no? もう,Thực べたの? |
Have you eaten yet? |
Kurumana no? Xaなの? |
Is it a car? | |
Kare ni mō ageta noyo! Bỉ にもうあげたのよ! |
I already gave it to him! | |
no de ので
Translates to: "because" Etymology:no+de Colloquially,no deis often shortened ton de. | |
Phrases[3] | Tesuto gaaru no de,ikenai. テストがあるので,Hành けない. |
Because I havea test, I can't go. |
Gakkō na no de,kin'en da. Học giáo なので,Cấm yên だ. |
Because this is a schoolit's no smoking. | |
nomi のみ
Translates to: "only, just" Nomiis more formal and far less common thandake.Unlikedake,its only meaning is that of small quantity or singleness of frequency. | |
Nouns | Tō-ten de wa,Nihon en nomigo-riyō itadakemasu. Đương điếm では,Nhật bổn viên のみご lợi dụng đỉnh けます. |
This store acceptsJapanese Yen only. |
no ni のに
Translates to: "despite, although, even though; would have; in order to" Etymology:no+ni Nouns andna-adjectivesmust be followed bynabefore using this particle. No nihas a stronger meaning thankedowhen used to mean "although", and conveys regret when used to mean "would have". | |
Adjectives, verbs: "although" | Benkyō shiten no ni,eigo ga hanasenai. Miễn cường してんのに,Anh ngữ が thoại せない. |
Although I'm studying,I can't speak English. |
Adjectives (conditional), verbs (conditional): "would have" | Kaette kitara,yokatta no ni. Quy ってきたら,よかったのに. |
Itwould have been niceif you had come home. |
Verb (plain form): "in order to" | Hikkosu no nitorakku ga hitsuyō da. Dẫn っ việt すのにトラックが tất yếu だ. |
(In order) to move,you need a truck. |
o を
Functions as:direct object Translates to: "through, from, past (motion verbs only)" This is unrelated to thehonorificprefixo,written お or ngự. | |
Nouns: direct object | Neko gaesa otabeta. Miêu がNhị をThực べた. |
The cat atethe food. |
Noun: through, etc. (motion) | Sora otobu Không をPhi ぶ |
flythrough the sky |
sa/saa さ・さあ・さぁ
Functions as: Masculine sentence/phrase final particle, indicating explanation of obvious facts. It is softer thanyo. Saa:Feminine sentence/phrase final particle, used likene,but often more frequently as extremely colloquialfiller. | |
Phrases: masculinesa | Kanojo ga inai kara, dansu niwa ikanaisa. Bỉ nữ がいないから, ダンスには hành かないさ. |
I don't have a girlfriend, so I'm not going to the dance. |
Phrases:saa | Kinōsaa,gakkō desaa,sensei nisaa,chūi saretesaa,chō mukatsuita. Tạc nhậtさあ,Học giáo でさあ,Tiên sinh にさあ,Chú ý されてさあ,Siêu むかついた. |
Like,yesterday, in,like,school, I,like,got fussed at by,like,some teacher, and it totally made me sick. |
sae さえ
Note the meaning overlaps withmo.Saeimplies (usually) positive emphasis that the evident extent of something is greater than initially expected. Can be followed bymofor additional emphasis. Contrast this withsura. | |
Nouns | Kanji saekakeru. Hán tự さえThư ける. |
He canevenwritekanji. |
de sae でさえ
Translates to: "even" Etymology:de+sae De saereplaceswaandga,likede moabove. | |
Nouns | Sonna koto wasaru de saedekiru. そんなことはViên でさえできる. |
Even a monkeycan do that. | さえ…ば・ら
Function:saefollowed by a verb in the conditional means "if only". | |
Nouns | Kore sae nomeba,futsukayoi ga naoru yo. これさえ ẩm めば,Nhị nhật túy いが trực るよ. |
If youwould just drink this,your hangover would get better. |
shi し
Translates to: "and what's more" (conjunction) | |
Adjectives, verbs | Kirei da shi,hiroi shi,ii ne, kono apaato! きれいだし,Quảng いし,いいね, このアパート. |
It's clean, it's spacious; this apartment is nice, isn't it! |
shika しか
Translates to: "only, just" Shikamust be followed by a negative verb. Shikamay be compounded asdakeshika,kirishika,andnomishika(plus the negative verb) to stress an extremely limited quantity or frequency. | |
Nouns | Ichi en dama shikanai. Nhất viên ngọc しかない. |
I havejust a one-yen coin. |
Verb | Yūbin-kyoku niiku shikanai. Bưu tiện cục にHành くしかない. |
Theonly thing[to do] is to go to the post office. |
sura すら
Translates to: "even"
Note the meaning overlaps withmo.Suraimplies (usually) negative emphasis that the evident extent of something is less than initially expected. Contrast this withsae. | |
Nouns | Kanji surakakenai. Hán tự すらThư けない. |
He can'tevenwritekanji. |
to と
Translates to: "and" (conjunction); "with" or "as with" (preposition); "if"; quotation. | |
Nouns: conjunction | sore tokore それとこれ |
that andthis |
Nouns: conjunction | sore tokore to それ と これ と |
that orthis |
Verbs: transition/state change | taiyōkei dasshutsue tochikazuite itta Thái dương hệ thoát xuấtへ とCận づいて hành った。 |
They were getting closeto the point ofleaving the Solar System. |
Noun: preposition | Boku toikitai? Phó とHành きたい? |
Do you want to gowith me? |
Verb, adjectives: "if" | Benkyō suru towakaru. Miễn cường するとPhân かる. |
If you study,you'll understand. |
Any phrase: quotation | Umi made! tosakenda. “Hải まで!” とKhiếu んだ. |
"To the sea!"he cried. |
to ka とか
Functions as: A listing particle used likenado.Often used with the question wordnani(what) in the formnantoka( "something or other" ). Etymology:to+ka | |
Nouns | Kani to ka, hotate to ka,zenbu tabeta yo. Giải とか, phàm lập とか,Toàn bộ thực べたよ. |
We hadcrab, scallops, [other stuff,]we ate them all. |
to mo とも ( cộng )
Tomo( cộng ): "both, all of the"
To mo(no kanji): "even if, even though; at the...-est; whether; [emphasis]" | |
Counted nouns | Watashi wa, aitsura gafutari tomokirai da. Tư は, あいつらが,Nhị nhân ともHiềm いだ. |
I hate theboth ofthose guys. |
Zannen nagara, sono kuruma wasan dai tomoirimasen. Tàn niệm ながら, その xa はTam đài ともYếu りません. |
Unfortunately, we neednone ofthosethreecars. | |
Volitional verbs | Dōshiyō to moamari susumanai. どうしようともあまり tiến まない. |
No matterhowwe try [to do something],we don't make much progress. |
Adverbial (continuative) form ofi-adjectives | Sukunaku to mogo-jū mairu aruite kita. Thiếu なくともNgũ thập マイル bộ いてきた. |
We walkedat leastfifty miles [to get here]. |
Osoku to moitte miyō yo. Trì くともいってみようよ. |
Even if it's late,let's go and check it out. | |
Verb (paired with same verb in negative) | Kau to mo kawanai to mohakkiri shite imasen. Mãi うとも mãi わないともはっきりしていません. |
It isn't clearwhether they're going to buy or not. |
Verb, adjectives
Waratte ii to mo. Tiếu っていいとも.[4] |
It's okay to laugh. |
Ikimasen to mo. Hành きませんとも. |
As if I would go. | |
tte って
Written as って in hiragana, this is another form ofto.It is a shortened version oftoiu(という), the present progressive form of the verbiu( ngôn う), "to say"; it functions as a type of verbalquotation mark.It is sometimes used for a direct quote, sometimes for an indirect quote, and sometimes simply to emphasize a word or concept.
tteis casual, and (because it can be a direct quote) the politeness level of the quoted material does not necessarily reflect on the speaker. If you wish to be assuredly formal, useto iimasuinstead oftte. | |
Any phrase | Sugu kimasu tte すぐ lai ますって. |
Could be, "He said he'll come soon" (more politely) or, "He said, 'I'll come soon.'" (less so). |
Arabiago tte, muzukashikunai? アラビア ngữ って nan しくない? |
"Arabic─isn't it difficult?" (Emphasizing a word; used instead of というものは orは) | |
tteba ってば
Functions as:'strong emphasis marker, especially when the speaker has grown impatient. Etymology:te+ba | |
Any phrase: quotation | kōhī datteba! コーヒーだってば! |
I said "coffee"! |
wa は
はwais atopic marker.It is written with the hiraganaはha,rather than the hiraganaわ,wa.Not to be confused with the particleが. | |
wa わ
わwais used at the end of the sentence to establish an emotional connection. It is used by both genders when it is pronounced with a falling intonation especially in dialects of Kansai, Nagoya and elsewhere, but with a rising intonation, it is generally used by females. This also conveys a certain deference to the speaker's wishes and emotions. | |
ya や
Yais used to make incomplete lists of things (usually nouns). To make an exhaustive list, the particletois used instead. | |
Watashi no suki na tabemono wa okashi ya pan ya mikan nado desu Tư の hảo きな thực べ vật はお quả tử やパンやミカンなどです. |
"I like snacks, bread and tangerines." | |
yara やら
Denotes either uncertainty or listing. | |
yo よ
Yocomes at the end of the sentence, and is used to make assertions. Comparezoandzebelow.
Yois also sometimes used after nouns, and functions as avocativemarker. This is especially used in older speech, poetry, and songs. | |
Kaeru yo! Quy るよ! |
"I'm going home!" | |
Saraba, tomo yo さらば hữu よ. |
"Farewell, o friend!" | |
yori より
Yorican mean "from", and is also used to make comparisons.Yoriis usually written より in hiragana. | |
Kono densha-wa, Kashiwa-yori saki wa kaku eki-ni tomarimasu この điện xa は bách より tiên は các dịch に chỉ まります. |
"This train will stop at every station after Kashiwa". | |
Dare-yori-mo kanemochi-ni naritai Thùy よりも kim trì ちになりたい. |
"I want to become richer than anyone (else)". | |
ze ぜ
zeindicates assertion. Used mostly by men, it is never considered polite. Compareyoandzo. | |
zo ぞ
zoindicates assertion. Used mainly by men, it is considered somewhat less forceful and more positive thanze.Compareyoandzeabove. | |
zutsu ずつ
Zutsudenotes an equal or gradual distribution of quantity like "at a time" in "one at a time", "by" in "one by one", or "each" in "one each". It usually follows counted nouns, and is written with hiragana as ずつ. | |
Noun: counted | Chokorēto-o ni-ko-zutsu tabemashita チョコレートを nhị cá ずつ thực べました. |
Either "I ate two pieces of chocolate on each (countable) times." or "Each one ate (=shared) two pieces of chocolate (from larger amount)." |
editはwaand がga
editにniand でde
editNianddecan both be used to showlocation,corresponding to the prepositions "in" or "at" in English. Their uses are mutually exclusive.
Ni,when used to show location, is used only withstative verbssuch asiru,"to be, exist;"aru,"to be, exist, have;" andsumu,"to live, inhabit."
- Nhật bổn に trụ んでいる.(Nihon-ni sunde iru."I live in Japan." )
- Học giáo にいる.(Gakkō-ni iru."I am in school." )
Deis used withaction verbsto convey the place of action, as opposed to location of being.
- Học giáo で tẩm る.(Gakkō-de neru."I sleep in/at school." )
- *Gakkō-ni neru.* "I sleep to school," is not usually used.
にniand へe
editNiandecan both indicatedirection of motion,literally meaning "to" or "at" in English. However, as particles in Japanese directly modify the preceding noun, some Japanese language courses call this the "goal of movement" usage because it marks the goal of the movement. For example, in the sentenceTư はうちに quy ります(Watashi wa uchi ni kaerimasuor "I'm going back home" ) the goal of the movement is home (uchi ni). In this sense,eis perhaps closer to English "towards" in terms of use (see example below). As long asniis used directionally, it is possible to substituteein its place.Niused in other senses cannot be replaced bye:
- Học giáo に hành く.(Gakkō ni iku."I'm going to school" ), whereHọc giáogakkō,"school," is thedestinationofHành くiku,"go."
- Gakkō e iku."I'm going to school," wheregakkō,"school," is the destination ofiku,"go."
- Học giáo にいる.(Gakkō ni iru."I'm at school" ), whereHọc giáogakkō,"school," is thelocationofいるiru,"be;" not a destination.
- Gakkō e iru.* "I'm to school," is not a possible construction since "be" is not a verb of motion.
- Hữu đạt に hội う.(Tomodachi ni au"I'll meet my friends" ) whereHữu đạttomodachi,"friends," is theindirect objectofHội うau,"meet;" not a destination.
- Tomodachi e au* "I'll meet to my friends," which is impossible because "meet" is not a verb of motion.
- Bổn を mãi いに hành った.(Hon o kai ni itta"I went to buy a book" ), whereMãi いにkai ni,"to buy," shows purpose or intent, and is averbal adverb;not destination.
- Hon o kai e itta* "I went towards buying a book," is not possible becausekai,"buying," cannot be a destination.
Indicating direction, usingeinstead ofniis preferred whenniis used non-directionally in proximity:
- Hữu đạt に hội いに kinh đô へ hành った.(Tomodachi ni ai ni Kyōto e itta."I went to Kyoto to meet my friends." )
Nican not be replaced byein all uses. It must be used with days of the week as inNhật diệu nhật に kinh đô にいきます(Nichiyoubi ni Kyoto ni ikimasu"I will go to Kyoto on Sunday".) whereniis used both to mark the day of the week ( nhật diệu nhật ) and the goal of the movement ( kinh đô ). It is also required with numerical times (but not relative times). For example,nimust be used in the sentenceThập nhất thời に tẩm ます(Juu ichi ji ni nemasu"I will go to sleep at 11 o'clock" ) to mark the numerical time ( thập nhất thời ) but it is not used with the relative time words like tomorrow ( minh nhật ), yesterday ( tạc nhật ), today ( kim nhật ), last week ( tiên chu ), next month ( lai nguyệt ), etc. For example, in the sentenceTư は tạc nhật sĩ sự に hành きませんでした(watashi wa kinou shigoto ni ikimasen deshita"I did not go to work yesterday" ) no particle is needed for "yesterday" ( tạc nhật ), butniis used to mark the goal of movement ( sĩ sự に).
がgaand をo
editIn some cases,gaandoare seemingly interchangeable. For example, with thetaiform, meaning "want to", it is possible to say either of the following:
- ご phạn が thực べたい.(Gohan ga tabetai."I want to eat rice." )
- ご phạn を thực べたい.(Gohan o tabetai."I want to eat rice." )
This is becauseたい(an adjective indicating desire) can either be a helper adjective attached to a verb or a standalone adjective in conjunction with the previous verb depending on context. If the above sentences were broken down, they could be interpreted as
- ご phạn が・ thực べたい."Eating rice is desirable."
- ご phạn を thực べ・たい."Rice-eating is desirable"
にniand とto
editNiandtoare sometimes interchangeable in forms likeになるni naruandとなるto naru.Theni naruform suggests a natural change, whereasto narusuggests change to a final stage.
やyaand とto
editYais used for incomplete lists, whereastois used for complete ones.
Historical particles
editいiwas used inOld Japaneseandkanbunworks. Its meaning is still debated, but has traditionally been considered emphatic.[5]
Differences from English prepositions
editMany Japanese particles fill the role of prepositions in English, but they are unlike prepositions in many ways. Japanese does not have equivalents of prepositions like "on" or "about", and often uses particles along with verbs and nouns to modify another word where English might use prepositions. For example,ueis a noun meaning "top/up"; andni tsuiteis a fixed verbal expression meaning "concerning":
Thượng に
"It'sonthe table. "
Nhân は,
Hà でも
"That person knows everythingaboutguitars. "
See also
edit- ^Nanka/nanteis usually followed by a verb which conveys some kind of undervalue, lacking, or dislike, often in the negative.
- ^Can immediately followi-adjectives,using the adjective'skuform if followed by the negative, or if the adjective is followed byno.Na-adjectivesrequire the copuladaornobeforenanteornanka.
- ^Phrases ending in a noun orna-adjectiverequire thenaform of the copula before the nominalizingno.
- ^Title of a Japanese TV programme hosted byTamori.
- ^Frellesvig, Bjark (2010).A History of the Japanese Language.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp.131.ISBN9780521653206.
General references
edit- Chino, Naoko.How to Tell the Difference Between Japanese Particles.Tokyo; New York: Kodansha International, 2005.ISBN4-7700-2200-X.
- Makino, Seiichi, and Michio Tsutsui.A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar.Tokyo: Japan Times, 1986.ISBN4-7890-0454-6.
- Makino, Seiichi, and Michio Tsutsui.A Dictionary of Intermediate Japanese Grammar.Tokyo: Japan Times, 1997.ISBN4-7890-0775-8.
- Martin, Samuel E.A Reference Grammar of Japanese.New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1975.ISBN0-300-01813-4.
- McClain, Yoko Matsuoka.A Handbook of Modern Japanese Grammar: Including Lists of Words and Expressions with English Equivalents for Reading Aid.Tokyo: Hokuseido Press, 1981.ISBN4-590-00570-0,ISBN0-89346-149-0.
External links
edit- The dictionary definition ofCategory:Japanese particlesat Wiktionary