Japanesepronouns(Đại danh từ,daimeishi)are words in theJapanese languageused to address or refer to present people or things, where present means people or things that can be pointed at. The position of things (far away, nearby) and their role in the current interaction (goods, addresser,addressee,bystander) are features of the meaning of those words. The use ofpronouns,especially when referring to oneself and speaking in the first person, vary betweengender,formality,dialect and region where Japanese is spoken.

According to some Western grammarians, pronouns are not a distinctpart of speechin Japanese, but a subclass ofnouns,since they behave grammatically just like nouns.[1][2][3][4]Among Japanese grammarians, whether pronouns should be considered a distinct part of speech(Phẩm từ,hinshi)has varied.[5]Some considered them distinct,[6][a][7][b][8][c]while others thought they were only nouns.[9][d][10][e]Thegakkō bunpō(Học giáo văn pháp,lit.'school grammar')of today has followedIwabuchi Etsutarō's model,[11]which does not recognize pronouns as a distinct part of speech, but merely a subclass of nouns (seeJapanese grammar § Different classifications).

Use and etymology


In contrast to present people and things, absent people and things can be referred to by naming; for example, by instantiating a class, "the house" (in a context where there is only one house) and presenting things in relation to the present, named and sui generis people or things can be "I'm going home", "I'm going to Hayao's place", "I'm going to the mayor's place", "I'm going to my mother's place" or "I'm going to my mother's friend's place". Functionally, deictic classifiers not only indicate that the referenced person or thing has a spatial position or an interactional role but also classify it to some extent. In addition, Japanese pronouns are restricted by a situation type (register): who is talking to whom about what and through which medium (spoken or written, staged or in private). In that sense, when a male is talking to his male friends, the pronoun set that is available to him is different from those available when a man of the same age talks to his wife and, vice versa, when a woman talks to her husband. These variations in pronoun availability are determined by the register.

In linguistics,generativistsand otherstructuralistssuggest that the Japanese language does not havepronounsas such, since, unlike pronouns in most other languages that have them, these words aresyntacticallyandmorphologicallyidentical tonouns.[12][13]Asfunctionalistspoint out, however, these words function aspersonal references,demonstratives,andreflexives,just as pronouns do in other languages.[14][15]

Japanese has a large number of pronouns, differing in use by formality, gender, age, and relative social status of speaker and audience. Further, pronouns are anopen class,with existing nouns being used as new pronouns with some frequency. This is ongoing; a recent example isjibun(Tự phân,self),which is now used by some young men as a casual first-person pronoun.

Pronouns are used less frequentlyin the Japanese language than in many other languages,[16]mainly because there isno grammatical requirementto include the subject in a sentence. That means that pronouns can seldom be translated from English to Japanese on a one-to-one basis.

The common English personal pronouns, such as "I", "you", and "they", have no other meanings or connotations. However, most Japanese personal pronouns do. Consider for example two words corresponding to the English pronoun "I": Tư (watashi) also means "private" or "personal". Phó (boku) carries a masculine impression; it is typically used by males, especially those in theiryouth.[17]

Japanese words that refer to other people are part of the encompassing system ofhonorific speechand should be understood within that context. Pronoun choice depends on the speaker's social status (as compared to the listener's) as well as the sentence's subjects and objects.

The first-person pronouns (e.g.,watashi,Tư ) and second-person pronouns (e.g.,anata,Quý phương ) are used in formal contexts (however the latter can be considered rude). In many sentences, pronouns that mean "I" and "you" are omitted in Japanese when the meaning is still clear.[14]

When it is required to state thetopicof the sentence for clarity, the particlewa(は) is used, but it is not required when the topic can be inferred from context. Also, there are frequently used verbs that imply the subject and/or indirect object of the sentence in certain contexts:kureru(くれる) means "give" in the sense that "somebody other than me gives something to me or to somebody very close to me."Ageru(あげる) also means "give", but in the sense that "someone gives something to someone other than me." This often makes pronouns unnecessary, as they can be inferred from context.

In Japanese, a speaker may only directly express their own emotions, as they cannot know the true mental state of anyone else.[citation needed]Thus, in sentences comprising a single adjective (often those ending in-shii), it is often assumed that the speaker is the subject. For example, the adjectivesabishii( tịch しい) can represent a complete sentence that means "I am lonely." When speaking of another person's feelings or emotions,sabishisō( tịch しそう) "seems lonely" would be used instead. Similarly,neko ga hoshii( miêu が dục しい) "I want a cat," as opposed toneko wo hoshigatte iru( miêu を dục しがっている) "seems to want a cat," when referring to others.[18]Thus, the first-person pronoun is usually not used unless the speaker wants to put a special stress on the fact that they are referring to themselves or if it is necessary to make it clear.

In some contexts, it may be considered uncouth to refer to the listener (second person) by a pronoun. If it is required to state the second person, the listener's surname, suffixed with-sanor some other title (like "customer", "teacher", or "boss" ), is generally used.

Gender differences in spoken Japanesealso create another challenge, as men and women refer to themselves with different pronouns. Social standing also determines how people refer to themselves, as well as how they refer to other people.

Most common Japanese first-person pronouns by speakers and situations according to Yuko Saegusa,Concerning the First Personal Pronoun of Native Japanese Speakers(2009)

First-person pronouns by elementary school pupils (2008)
Speaker Situation First Second Third
Female To friends uchi49% First name 26% atashi15%
In the family First name 33% atashi29% uchi23%
In a class watashi86% atashi7% uchi6%
To an unknown visitor watashi75% atashi,first name,uchi8% each
To the class teacher watashi66% First name 13% atashi9%
Male To friends ore72% boku19% First name 4%
In the family ore62% boku23% Others (not includinguchi) 9%
In a class boku85% ore13% First name, nickname 1% each
To an unknown visitor boku64% ore26% First name 4%
To the class teacher boku67% ore27% First name 3%
First-person pronouns by university students (2009)
Speaker Situation First Second Third
Female To friends uchi39% atashi30% watashi22%
In the family atashi28% First name 27% uchi18%
In a class watashi89% atashi7% jibun3%
To an unknown visitor watashi81% atashi10% jibun6%
To the class teacher watashi77% atashi17% jibun7%
Male To friends ore87% uchi4% watashi,jibun2% each
In the family ore88% boku,jibun5% each
In a class watashi48% jibun28% boku22%
To an unknown visitor boku36% jibun29% watashi22%
To the class teacher jibun38% boku29% watashi22%

List of Japanese personal pronouns


The list is incomplete, as there are numerous Japanese pronoun forms, which vary by region and dialect. This is a list of the most commonly used forms. "It" has no direct equivalent in Japanese[14](though in some contexts the demonstrative pronoun それ (sore) is translatable as "it" ). Also, Japanese does not generallyinflectby case, so,Iis equivalent tome.

Romaji Hiragana Kanji Level of speech Gender Notes
– I/me –
watashi わたし formal/informal both In formal or polite contexts, this is gender neutral; in casual speech, it is typically only used by women. Use by men in casual contexts may be perceived as stiff.
watakushi わたくし very formal both The most formal personal pronoun. Outdated curriculums did not provide for any other kind of pronoun in everyday speech for foreigners, except for watakushi.[19]However, in modern student books, such a pronoun has been withdrawn from use.[20]
ware われ Ngã, ngô very formal both Used in literary style writing. Also used as rude second person in western dialects.
waga わが Ngã が very formal both Means "my" or "our". Used in speeches and formalities; ngã が xãwaga-sha(our company) or ngã が quốcwaga-kuni(our country).
ore おれ Yêm informal males Frequently used by men.[21]Establishes a sense of "masculinity". Can be seen as rude depending on the context. Emphasises one's own status when used with peers and with those who are younger or of lesser status. Among close friends or family, its use conveys familiarity rather than "masculinity" or superiority. It was used also by women until the late Edo period and still is in some dialects. AlsooiinKyushu dialect.
boku ぼく Phó formal/informal males Used by males of all ages; very often used by boys; can be used by females but then carries tomboyish or feminist connotations. Perceived as humble, but can also carry an undertone of "feeling young" when used by males of older age. Also used when casually giving deference; "servant" uses the same kanji (Phóshimobe). Can also be used as a second-person pronoun toward male children (English equivalent – "kid" or "squirt" ).
washi わし Nông formal/informal mainly males Often used in western dialects and fictional settings to stereotypically represent characters of old age. Alsowai,a slang version ofwashiin theKansai dialect.
jibun じぶん Tự phân neutral mainly males Literally "oneself"; used as either reflexive or personal pronoun. Can convey a sense of distance when used in the latter way. Also used as casual second person pronoun in the Kansai dialect.
ore-sama おれさま Yêm dạng informal mainly (fictional) males "My esteemed self", "Mr. I". Used in fiction by very self-important or arrogant characters,[22]or humorously.
atai あたい very informal females Slang version of あたしatashi.[23]
atashi あたし informal females (but see notes) A feminine pronoun that strains from わたし ( "watashi" ). Rarely used in written language, but common in conversation, especially among younger women. It was formerly used by male members of themerchant and artisan classesin theEdo areaand continues to be used by malerakugoperformers.
atakushi あたくし informal females A feminine pronoun that strains from わたくし ( "watakushi" ).
uchi うち Gia, nội informal mostly females Means "one's own". Often used in western dialects especially the Kansai dialect. Generally written in kana. Plural formuchi-rais used by both genders. Singular form is also used by both sexes when talking about the household, e.g., "uchi no neko"(" my/our cat "),"uchi no chichi-oya"(" my father "); also used in less formal business speech to mean" our company ", e.g.,"uchi wa sandai no rekkāsha ga aru"(" we (our company) have three tow-trucks ").
(own name) informal both Used by small children and young women; considered cute and childish.
oira おいら Yêm đẳng, kỷ đẳng informal males Similar to yêmore,but more casual. Evokes a person with a rural background, a "country bumpkin".
ora おら Yêm đẳng informal both Dialect in Kanto and further north. Similar to おいらoira,but more rural. Alsourain some dialects.
wate わて informal both Dated Kansai dialect. Alsoate(somewhat feminine).
shōsei しょうせい Tiểu sinh formal, written males Used among academic colleagues. Lit. "your pupil".[24]
– you (singular) –
(name andhonorific) formality depends on the honorific used both
anata あなた Quý phương, quý nam, quý nữ formal/informal both The kanji are very rarely used. The only second person pronoun comparable to English "you", yet still not used as often in this universal way by native speakers, as it can be considered having a condescending undertone, especially towards superiors.[14][21][better source needed]For expressing "you" in formal contexts, using the person's name with an honorific is more typical. More commonly,anatamay be used when having no information about the addressed person; also often used as "you" in commercials, when not referring to a particular person. Furthermore, commonly used by women to address their husband or lover, in a way roughly equivalent to the English "dear".
anta あんた Quý phương informal both Contraction of あなたanata.[23]Can express contempt, anger or familiarity towards a person. Generally seen as rude or uneducated when used in formal contexts.
otaku おたく お trạch, ngự trạch formal, polite both A polite way of saying "your house", also used as a pronoun to address a person with slight sense of distance.Otaku/otakki/otaturned into a slang term referring to a type ofgeek/obsessive hobbyist,as they often addressed each other asotaku.
omae おまえ お tiền very informal both Similar toanta,but used by men with more frequency.[21]Expresses the speaker's higher status or age, or a very casual relationship among peers. Often used with おれore.[21]Very rude if said to elders. Commonly used by men to address their wife or lover, paralleling the female use of "anata".
temē,temae てめえ,
Thủ tiền rude and confrontational[23] mainly males Literal meaning "the one in front of my hand".Temē,a reduction oftemae,is more rude. Used when the speaker is very angry. Originally used for a humble first person. The Kanji are seldom used with this meaning, as unrelated to its use as a pronoun, thủ tiền can also mean "before", "this side", "one's standpoint" or "one's appearance".
kisama きさま Quý dạng extremely hostile and rude mainly males Historically very formal, but has developed in an ironic sense to show the speaker's extreme hostility / outrage towards the addressee.
kimi きみ Quân informal both The kanji means "lord" (archaic) and is also used to write-kun.[25]Informal to subordinates; can also be affectionate; formerly very polite. Among peers typically used with phóboku.[21]Often seen as rude or assuming when used with superiors, elders or strangers.[21]
kika きか Quý hạ informal, to a younger person both
kikan きかん Quý quan very formal, used to address government officials, military personnel, etc. both
on-sha おんしゃ Ngự xã formal, used to the listener representing your company both Only used in spoken language.
ki-sha きしゃ Quý xã formal, similar toonsha both Only used in written language as opposed toonsha.
– he / she –
ano kata あのかた あの phương very formal both Sometimes pronouncedano hou,but with the same kanji. Phương means "direction," and is more formal by avoiding referring to the actual person in question.
ano hito あのひと あの nhân neutral both Literally "that person".
yatsu やつ informal both A thing (very informal), dude, guy.
koitsu,koyatsu こいつ, こやつ Thử nô very informal, implies contempt both Denotes a person or material nearby the speaker. Analogous to "he/she" or "this one".
soitsu,soyatsu そいつ, そやつ Kỳ nô very informal, implies contempt both Denotes a person or material nearby the listener. Analogous to "he/she" or "that one".
aitsu,ayatsu あいつ, あやつ Bỉ nô very informal, implies contempt both Denotes a person or (less frequently) material far from both the speaker and the listener. Analogous to "he/she" or "that one".
– he –
kare かれ Bỉ formal (neutral) and informal (boyfriend) both Can also mean "boyfriend". Formerly bỉ thịkareshiwas its equivalent, but this now always means "boyfriend".[citation needed]Literally meaning "that one", inclassical Japaneseit could mean "he", "she", or "it".[26]
– she –
kanojo かのじょ Bỉ nữ formal (neutral) and informal (girlfriend) both Originally created in the 19th century as an equivalent to female pronouns in European languages. Initially pronouncedkano onna,it literally means "that female".[27]Can also mean "girlfriend".[28]
– we(see also list of pluralising suffixes, below) –
ware-ware われわれ Ngã 々 formal both Mostly used when speaking on behalf of a company or group.
ware-ra われら Ngã đẳng informal both Used in literary style.wareis never used with-tachi.
hei-sha へいしゃ Tệ xã formal and humble both Used when representing one's own company. From aSino-Japanese wordmeaning "low company" or "humble company".
waga-sha わがしゃ Ngã が xã formal both Used when representing one's own company.
– they(see also list of pluralising suffixes, below)
kare-ra かれら Bỉ đẳng common in spoken Japanese and writing both

Archaic personal pronouns

Romaji Hiragana Kanji Meaning Level of speech Gender Notes
asshi あっし I males Slang version ofwatashi.From theEdo period.
sessha せっしゃ Chuyết giả I males Used by samurai during the feudal ages (and often also by ninja in fictionalised portrayals). From a Sino-Japanese word meaning "one who is clumsy".
wagahai わがはい Ngã が bối, ngô bối I males Literally "my fellows; my class; my cohort", but used in a somewhat pompous manner as a first-person singular pronoun.
soregashi それがし Mỗ I males Literally "So-and-so", a nameless expression. Similar tosessha.
warawa わらわ Thiếp I females Literally "child". Mainly used by women in samurai families. Today, it is used in fictional settings to represent archaic noble female characters.
wachiki わちき I females Used bygeishaandoiraninEdo period.Also あちきachikiand わっちwacchi.
yo Dư, dư I males Archaic first-person singular pronoun.
chin ちん Trẫm We both Used only by theEmperor,mostly beforeWorld War II.
maro まろ Ma lữ, mi I males Used as a universal first-person pronoun in ancient times. Today, it is used in fictional settings to represent Court noble male characters.
onore おのれ Kỷ I or you males The wordonore,as well as the kanji used to transcribe it, literally means "oneself". It is humble when used as a first person pronoun and hostile (on the level of てめえtemeeor てまえtemae) when used as a second person pronoun.
kei けい Khanh you males Second person pronoun, used mostly by males. Used among peers to denote light respect, and by a superior addressing his subjects and retainers in a familiar manner. Like quânkimi,this can also be used as an honorific (pronounced as きょうkyou), in which case it's equivalent to "lord/lady" or "sir/dame".
nanji なんじ Nhữ, less commonly also nhĩ you, often translated as "thou" both Spelled as なむちnamuchiin the most ancient texts and later as なんちnanchior なんぢnanji.
onushi おぬし Ngự chủ, お chủ you both Used by elders and samurai to talk to people of equal or lower rank. Literally means "master".
sonata そなた Kỳ phương (rarely used) you both Originally a mesial deictic pronoun meaning "that side; that way; that direction"; used as a lightly respectful second person pronoun in previous eras, but now used when speaking to an inferior in a pompous and old-fashioned tone.
sochi そち Kỳ phương (rarely used) you both Similar to そなたsonata.Literally means "that way". (Sochiraandkochira,sometimes shortened tosotchiandkotchi,are still sometimes used to mean roughly "you" and "I, we", e.g.kochira kosoin response to thanks or an apology means literally "this side is the one" but idiomatically "no, I (or we) thank/apologise to you"; especially common on the telephone, analogous to phrases like "on this end" and "on your end" in English.Kochira kosois often translated as "me/us, too" or "likewise" – it is certainly a reciprocation gesture, but sometimes a little more.)



Suffixes are added to pronouns to make them plural.

Romaji Hiragana Kanji Level of speech Notes
tachi たち Đạt informal; examples:
  • Phó đạt,boku-tachi
  • Tư đạt,watashi-tachi
  • あなた đạt,anata-tachi
  • Quân đạt,kimi-tachi
Also can be attached to names to indicate that person and the group they are with (Ryuichi-tachi= "Ryuichi and friends" ).
Phương formal (ex. あなた phương,anata-gata) More polite than đạttachi.gatais therendakuform.
domo ども Cộng humble (ex. Tư ども,watakushi-domo) Casts some aspersion on the mentioned group, so it can be rude.domois therendakuform.
ra Đẳng informal (ex. Bỉ ら,karera.Yêm ら,ore-ra.Nô ら,yatsu-ra.あいつら,aitsu-ra) Used with informal pronouns. Frequently used with hostile words. Sometimes used for light humble asdomo(ex. Tư ら,watashi-ra).

Demonstrative and interrogative pronouns


Demonstrativewords, whether functioning as pronouns,adjectivesoradverbs,fall into four groups. Words beginning withko-indicate something close to the speaker (so-calledproximaldemonstratives). Those beginning withso-indicate separation from the speaker or closeness to the listener (medial), while those beginning witha-indicate greater distance (distal).Interrogative words,used in questions, begin withdo-.[14]

Demonstratives are normally written in hiragana.

Romaji Hiragana Kanji Meaning
kore これ Thử れ this thing / these things (close to the 1st person)
sore それ Kỳ れ that thing / those things (close to the 2nd person)
are あれ Bỉ れ that thing / those things (far from both the 1st and 2nd persons)
dore どれ Hà れ which thing(s)?
kochiraorkotchi こちら / こっち Thử phương this / here (close to the 1st person)
sochiraorsotchi そちら / そっち Kỳ phương that / there (close to the 2nd person)
achiraoratchi あちら / あっち Bỉ phương that / there (far from both the 1st and 2nd persons)
dochiraordotchi どちら / どっち Hà phương what / where

When a Japanese speaker usesko-,so-anda-forms, they are not necessarily considering spatial distance, but also psychological, temporal and topical distance.[29][30]

For more forms, seeJapanese demonstratives on Wiktionary.

Other interrogative pronouns include hà なにnani"what?" and thùy だれdare"who(m)?".



Japanese has only one word corresponding toreflexive pronounssuch asmyself,yourself,orthemselvesin English. The word tự phân(jibun)means "one's self" and may be used for some animals, including humans. It is not used forcold-blooded animalsorinanimate objects.[14][better source needed]

Old Japanese pronouns


EachOld Japanesepronoun has a "long" form that ends in-re,and a "short" form without-re.When combining with agenitiveparticle,the short forms of personal pronouns, as well asanimatenouns, notably combined only withga,while demonstratives (ko,so,(k)a) and inanimate nouns combined withno,only withgain limited circumstances; in contrast, modern Japanese pronouns (many of which were originally nouns) and nouns only combine withno.The short forms are used withgaand in compounds, while the long forms are used independently.[31]

Old Japanese personal pronouns
Person Long form Short form Genitive form
1st (w)are
(w)a (w)a-ga
2nd nare
na na-ga
3rd si si-ga
ta ta-ga

Of these,tareevolved into moderndare,[32]whose genitive form is simplydare-no.Ta-gais sometimes used for literary effect, for example in the Japanese title ofFor Whom the Bell Tolls(Thùy がために chung は minh る,Ta-gaTame-ni Kane-wa Naru).Wareis often used in fiction, andwa-gain fixed expressions, such as ngã が quốc ( "my/our country" ).

Genitive forms, when combining with a noun that began in a vowel, may fuse with it. For example,wa-ga"my" +imo"sister" →wa-gimo"my sister";wa-ga+ipe1"house" →wa-gipe1"my house" (wa-giein modern Japanese).[32]

Old Japanese demonstratives
Type Long form Short form Genitive form
Proximal (close to the 1st person) kore ko ko-no
Mesial (close to the 2nd person) sore so so-no
Distal (far from both the 1st and 2nd persons) kare ka ka-no

These demonstratives largely survived intact into modern Japanese.Karecame to be used as a gender-neutral third-person personal pronoun, and eventually used to translate masculine third-person pronouns specifically in European languages ( "he/him" ), whileka-nowas used to createkanojoand to translate feminine pronouns ( "she/her" ).[33]

The modern pronounskanojoandkareshi


The third-person feminine pronoun,kanojo(Bỉ(かの)Nữ(じょ)),had not existed until sometime around theend of the Tokugawa shogunateand the beginning of theMeiji era.[29]Prior to this, the distal demonstrative pronounkare, are(Bỉ,lit.'that'(locationally, someone or something far from both the 1st and 2nd persons))was used as a gender-neutral personal pronoun.[5][34]

Bỉ nữ started out as a mere shortened spelling of the phraseka-no wonna(かのをんな),which could be spelt in full asBỉ()Nữ(をんな),literally simply means "that female person," and is composed of the genitive form ofkare,ka-no,and the nounwonna(nowonna). Although not being a pronoun in alexicographicsense, this phrase can be used pronominally like modern expressions such asa-no hito(あの nhân,lit.'that person')ora-no mono(あの giả,lit.'that individual')for the singular "they/them,"a-no otoko(あの nam,lit.'that male person')for "he/him," and of course,a-no onna(あの nữ,lit.'that female person')for "she/her." The pronunciation of this phrase was consistently listed aska-no wonna(カノヲンナ)across various pronunciation dictionaries for elementary students during the Meiji era.[35][36][37][38][39][f][40][g][41][h][42][43][44]The earliest exception was the 1876 dictionaryKaisei Syougaku Tokuhon Zibiki(Cải chính tiểu học độc bổn tự dẫn)[34]by điền trung 𦤺 tri, which listedKA-NO ZYO Mukau-ni wiru musume(Bỉ(カノ)Nữ(ジヨ)ムカウニヰルムスメ,lit.'THAT FEMALE-PERSON: The girl who is way over there').[45][i]It has been suggested that the editor may have simply usedka-no zyo(nowkanojo) for novelty back whenjo(Nữ)was still commonly used as afree noun.[34]This unique pronunciation was listed in a few later dictionaries.[46][f][47][48]The same aforementioned dictionaries and more also listedka-no wotoko(Bỉ(カノ)Nam(ヲトコ),lit.'that male person'),[49][50][51][j][52][k][53][l][54]ka-no mono(Bỉ(カノ)Giả(モノ),lit.'that individual')[55][56][57][58][m]andka-no hito(Bỉ(カノ)Nhân(ヒト),lit.'that person').[59][60][61]

The phraseka-no wonna(and its alternativeka-no zyo) rose to prominence due to Meiji writers' need to translate third-person feminine pronouns in European languages,[34]such assheandherin English orelleandellesin French, which they eventually incorporated into their own writings. An 1871 French-Japanese dictionary translatedelleaska-no wonna-ha. ka-no wonna-ni. tuma(Bỉ nữ ハ. Bỉ nữ ニ. Phu,lit.'that-GENfemale-person-TOP;that-GENfemale-person-DAT;spouse'),andellesaskare-ra(Bỉ đẳng,lit.'those');[62]an 1885 English-Japanese dictionary translatedheraska-no wonna. ka-no wonna-ni. ka-no wonna-wo(Bỉ()Nữ(ヲンナ).Bỉ ノ nữ ニ. Bỉ ノ nữ ヲ,lit.'that-GENfemale-person; that-GENfemale-person-DAT;that-GENfemale-person-ACC'),[63]herselfaska-no wonna zisin-ni(Bỉ nữ tự thân(カノヲンナジシン),lit.'that-GENfemale-person self-INS'),[64]andsheaska-no wonna. mesu(Bỉ nữ. Thư(カノヲンナメス),lit.'that-GENfemale-person; female').[65]In contrast, masculine pronouns such ashe[n][66]/him[o]/his[p],[67]il[q][68]/ils[r],[69]etc. were translated withkare(Bỉ)[70]andkare-ra(Bỉ đẳng).

Kanojo,as alexicalizedpronoun, was first attested in literature in its writtenfurigana-glossed form askanozyo(Bỉ(かの)Nữ(じよ))[71]in the 1885 novelTousei Syosei Katagi(Đương thế thư sinh khí chất)byTsubouchi Shōyō.[5]Meanwhile,Sudō Nansui (Mitsuaki)used(Bỉ nữ(シー),lit.'she')[72]andka-no wonna(Bỉ(かの)Nữ(をんな))[73]in his 1887 novelThe Ladies of New Style(Tân trang chi giai nhân,Sinsou no Kazin);andFutabatei Shimeiusedare(Bỉ nữ(あれ),lit.'that')in his novelUkigumopublished in the same year.[74]As a phrase,ka-no wonna/ka-no zyoreferred to female non-relatives, but as a pronoun,kanojocame to be used for female family members in literature,[5]for example byNatsume Sōsekiin his 1912 novelTo the Spring Equinox and Beyond(Bỉ ngạn quá hất,Higan Sugi-made),where a character refers to his mother askanodyo(Bỉ(かの)Nữ(ぢよ));[75][s]the regular phraseka-no wonna(Bỉ(かの)Nữ(をんな))still occurs in reference to a different woman.[76]At this point, the phraseka-no wonnaand the pronounkanojo/kanodyocoexisted with different usages even in the same work.Kanojoeventually acquired its status as a lexicalized noun meaning "girlfriend" during the lateTaishō era.[5][34]

The third-person masculine pronounkareshi(Bỉ thị)was coined during the earlyShōwa eraas an alternative to the once-gender-neutralkare(Bỉ)and as the opposite to the femininekanojo(Bỉ nữ).Its first written attestation as a pronoun is attributed toTokugawa Musei's 1929 essay collectionMandanshū(Mạn đàm tập);[77][78]as a noun meaning "boyfriend," toNagai Kafū's 1934 novelHikage-no Hana(ひかげの hoa).[77][79]Morphologically,kareshi(Bỉ thị)is composed of the aforementioned demonstrative-turned-personal pronounkare(Bỉ)and-shi(Thị),the latter of which is anhonorific suffixto names,[77][78]mostly male names,[78]and can be translated as "Mr."[80]Kareshiwas often used in atongue-in-cheekway;[77]compare the masculine and self-aggrandizingore-sama(Yêm dạng),[29]which also consists of a pronoun (ore(Yêm,"I/me" )) and anhonorific suffix(-sama(Dạng)).

See also



  1. ^Of the nine parts of speech(Cửu phẩm,kyūhin),there were nouns(Thật thể ngôn /ヰコトバ,zittaigen/wikotoba)and pronouns(Đại danh ngôn /カヘコトバ,daimeigen/kahekotoba).
  2. ^Of the seven parts of speech(Thất phẩm từ,shichihinshi),there were nouns(Danh từ /ナコトバ,meishi/nakotoba)and pronouns(Đại danh từ /カハリコトバ,daimeishi/kaharikotoba).
  3. ^Of the nine parts of speech(Cửu phẩm từ,kyūhinshi),there were nouns(Danh từ,meishi)and pronouns(Đại danh từ,daimeishi).
  4. ^Of the eight parts of speech(Bát phẩm từ,happinshi),there were only nouns(Danh từ,meishi),while proper nouns(Cố hữu danh từ,koyūmeishi),pronouns(Đại danh từ,daimeishi)and numerals(Sổ từ,sūshi)were their subclass.
  5. ^Of the five parts of speech(Ngũ phẩm từ,gohinshi),there were only nouns(Danh từ,meishi),while pronouns(Đại danh từ,daimeishi)were their subclass.
  6. ^abAlsoa-no wonna(アノヲンナ).
  7. ^Speltka-no onna(カノオンナ).Alsohizyo(ヒジヨ).
  8. ^Alsoa-no musume(アノムスメ,lit.'that daughter/girl').
  9. ^Mukau-ni wiru musume(ムカウニヰルムスメ)would be spelt in modern Japanese asmukō-ni iru musume(Hướng こうにいる nương).Thisglossis very literal in that it conveys the demonstrative meaning ofkareandka-noas referring to persons or things physically far away from both the 1st and 2nd persons, rather than the abstract pronomimal usage of such expression as "that female person."
  10. ^Speltka-no otoko(カノオトコ).
  11. ^Alsoa-no wotoko(アノヲトコ).
  12. ^Speltka-no otoko(カノオトコ).Alsohinan(ヒナン).
  13. ^Alsoa-no mono(アノモノ).
  14. ^kare-ga. kare-ha. karehito-ga(Bỉ(カレ)ガ. Bỉ ハ.Bỉ nhân(カレヒト)ガ.,lit.'that-NOM;that-TOP;that-person-NOM')
  15. ^kare-wo. kare-ni(Bỉ(カレ)ヲ.Bỉ(カレ),lit.'that-ACC;that-DAT')
  16. ^kare-no. karehito-no(Bỉ(カレ)ノ.Bỉ nhân(カレヒト),lit.'that-GEN;that-person-GEN')
  17. ^kare; sore(Bỉ. Kỳ,lit.'that (far from both the 1st and 2nd persons); that (close to the 2nd person)')
  18. ^kare-ra(Bỉ đẳng)
  19. ^Dyo(nowjo) was thekan'onpronunciation of thekanjiNữ.


  1. ^Chamberlain, Basil Hall (1886). "Chapter IV. The Pronoun".A Simplified Grammar of the Japanese Language.p. 13.The Japanese words corresponding to the personal pronouns of European languages are simply nouns whose original significations are in most cases perfectly clear, and which are indeed still often used with those significations. They answer to such English expressions as "your humble servant" (meaning "I" ).
  2. ^Weintz, Henry John (1904). "The Pronoun".Hossfeld's Japanese Grammar.Hirschfeld Brothers. p. 16.The Japanese substitutes for the Personal Pronouns of Western languages are merely nouns which by process of time have become pronominal, and their discussion as separate parts of speech is merely to suit the convenience of the foreign student.
  3. ^Aston, William George (1904). "Pronouns".A Grammar of the Japanese Written Language(3rd ed.). p. 49.The distinction of person which holds so prominent a place in the Aryan languages has little place in Japanese. The verb has no grammatical inflections to indicate person, and although there are words which correspond in meaning to the personal pronouns of other languages, their grammar is the same as that of nouns, and the idea of placing them in a separate class has not even suggested itself to the native grammarians.
  4. ^Matsuoka McClain, Yoko (1981). "Pronouns".Handbook of Modern Japanese Grammar.The Hokuseido Press. p. 191.Japanese pronouns are a class of nouns. Thus, the rules governing the use of pronouns are the same as those of nouns as shown below:
  5. ^abcdeYamaguchi, Akiho; Akimoto, Morihide, eds. (1 March 2001).Nhật bổn ngữ văn pháp đại từ điển(in Japanese). Meiji Shoin.
  6. ^Tsurumine, Shigenobu (1831).Ngữ học tân thư(in Japanese). Vol. 1.
  7. ^Tanaka, Yoshikado (1874).Tiểu học nhật bổn văn điển(in Japanese). Vol. 2.
  8. ^Hashimoto, Shinkichi (1935).Tân văn điển biệt ký thượng cấp dụng(in Japanese). Fuzanbō. p. 7.
  9. ^Ōtsuki, Fumihiko (1897).Quảng nhật bổn văn điển(in Japanese).
  10. ^Matsushita, Daizaburō (1927).Cải soạn tiêu chuẩn nhật bổn văn pháp(in Japanese).
  11. ^Morita, Shingo (26 July 2021).“Học giáo văn pháp” thành lập quá trình における chỉ đạo nội dung の sinh thành と thâu liễm(PDF)(Doctor of Philosophy in Education thesis) (in Japanese). University of Tsukuba. 10.15068/0002000707.
  12. ^Noguchi, Tohru (1997). "Two types of pronouns and variable binding".Language.73(4):770–797.doi:10.1353/lan.1997.0021.S2CID143722779.
  13. ^Kanaya, Takehiro (2002).Nhật bổn ngữ に chủ ngữ はいらない Nihongo ni shugo wa iranai [In Japanese subjects are not needed].Kodansha.
  14. ^abcdefAkiyama, Nobuo; Akiyama, Carol (2002).Japanese Grammar.Barron's Educational.ISBN0764120611.
  15. ^Ishiyama, Osamu (2008).Diachronic Perspectives on Personal Pronouns in Japanese(Ph.D.). State University of New York at Buffalo.
  16. ^Maynard, Senko K: "An Introduction to Japanese Grammar and Communication Strategies", page 45. The Japan Times, 4th edition, 1993.ISBN4-7890-0542-9
  17. ^"The many ways to say" I "in Japanese | nihonshock".nihonshock.com.Retrieved17 October2016.
  18. ^Hatasa, Yukiko Abe; Hatasa, Kazumi; Makino, Seiichi (2014).Nakama 1: Japanese Communication Culture Context.Cengage Learning. p. 314.ISBN9781285981451.
  19. ^Nechaeva L.T. «Japanese for beginners», 2001, publishing house «Moscow Lyceum»,ISBN5-7611-0291-9
  20. ^Maidonova S.V. «Complete Japanese course», 2009, Publishing house «Astrel»,ISBN978-5-17-100807-9
  21. ^abcdef8.1. PronounsArchived22 March 2018 at theWayback Machinesf.airnet.ne.jpRetrieved on October 21, 2007
  22. ^Maynard, Senko K. (2016).Fluid orality in the discourse of Japanese popular culture.Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. p. 226.ISBN978-90-272-6713-9.OCLC944246641.
  23. ^abcPersonal pronouns in JapaneseJapan Reference.Retrieved on October 21, 2007
  24. ^"Language Log » Japanese first person pronouns".languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu.
  25. ^"old boy".Kanjidict.com.Retrieved7 May2012.
  26. ^Haruo Shirane (2005)Classical Japanese: A Grammar.Columbia University Press. p. 256
  27. ^"Bỉ nữ とは".
  28. ^"he".Kanjidict.com.Retrieved7 May2012.
  29. ^abcNihon Kokugo Daijiten
  30. ^Daijirin
  31. ^Frellesvig, Bjarke (2010). "Part I: Old Japanese".A History of the Japanese Language.Cambridge University Press.
  32. ^abDaijirin
  33. ^Frellesvig, Bjarke (2010). "Part IV: Modern Japanese".A History of the Japanese Language.Cambridge University Press.
  34. ^abcde"Bỉ nữ".コトバンク.
  35. ^Sư phạm học giáo; Ban, Genpei, eds. (May 1875).Cải chính tiểu 𭓕 độc bổn tự dẫn(in Japanese). Akashi Chūshichi. p. 3.
  36. ^Nishino, Kokai, ed. (November 1875).Tiểu học nhập môn tiểu học độc bổn tự dẫn(in Japanese). Hoằng thành đường. p. 20.
  37. ^Nishino, Kokai, ed. (February 1876).Địa lý sơ bộ tiểu học độc bổn tự dẫn(in Japanese). Vạn cấp các. p. 6.
  38. ^Fujii, Suiben, ed. (May 1876).Tiểu 𫝯 độc bổn tự dẫn(in Japanese). Cam tuyền đường. p. 18.
  39. ^Tam trạch, tú nhất, ed. (June 1876).Tiểu 𫝯 độc bổn tự dẫn(in Japanese). Sâm bổn thái trợ. p. 5.
  40. ^Emoto, Kahee, ed. (November 1878).Cải chính tiểu học độc bổn tự dẫn(in Japanese). 𮎰 xuyên đằng binh vệ. p. 3.
  41. ^Sugiyama, Yoshitoshi, ed. (March 1879).Cải chính tiểu học độc bổn tự dẫn(in Japanese). Đông nhai đường. p. 3.
  42. ^Đằng tỉnh, hạnh tam lang, ed. (November 1882).Cải chính tiểu học độc bổn tự dẫn(in Japanese). p. 5.
  43. ^Danh hòa, hỉ thất, ed. (June 1884).Tiểu học độc bổn tự dẫn(in Japanese). Trì thiện bình. p. 7.
  44. ^Triều dã, thái ngạn, ed. (March 1886).Tiểu học độc bổn tự dẫn(in Japanese). Chính văn thư đường. p. 3.
  45. ^Điền trung, 𦤺 tri, ed. (December 1876).Cải chính tiểu học độc bổn tự dẫn(in Japanese). Nội đằng bán thất. p. 3.
  46. ^Tân chân sa, ed. (July 1879).Cải chính tiểu học độc bổn tự dẫn(in Japanese). Đằng sâm bình ngũ lang. p. 7.
  47. ^Y đằng, dĩnh nam, ed. (September 1882).Tiểu học độc bổn tự dẫn(in Japanese). Văn hải đường. p. 5.
  48. ^Bắc xuyên, chính binh vệ, ed. (March 1884).Tiểu học độc bổn tự dẫn(in Japanese). Tân bổn tam lang. p. 6.
  49. ^Nishino, Kokai, ed. (November 1875).Tiểu học nhập môn tiểu học độc bổn tự dẫn(in Japanese). Hoằng thành đường. p. 40.
  50. ^Sư phạm học giáo; Ban, Genpei, eds. (May 1875).Cải chính tiểu 𭓕 độc bổn tự dẫn(in Japanese). Akashi Chūshichi. p. 10.
  51. ^Fujii, Suiben, ed. (May 1876).Tiểu 𫝯 độc bổn tự dẫn(in Japanese). Cam tuyền đường. p. 32.
  52. ^Tam trạch, tú nhất, ed. (June 1876).Tiểu 𫝯 độc bổn tự dẫn(in Japanese). Sâm bổn thái trợ. p. 5.
  53. ^Emoto, Kahee, ed. (November 1878).Cải chính tiểu học độc bổn tự dẫn(in Japanese). 𮎰 xuyên đằng binh vệ. p. 12.
  54. ^Tân chân sa, ed. (July 1879).Cải chính tiểu học độc bổn tự dẫn(in Japanese). Đằng sâm bình ngũ lang. p. 24.
  55. ^Sâm khẩu, vĩnh thái, ed. (September 1882).Họa nhập tiểu học độc bổn tự dẫn(in Japanese). Vol. 4 and 5. Tân bổn tam lang. p. 21.
  56. ^Mộc thôn, mẫn, ed. (May 1883).Tân soạn tiểu học độc bổn tự dẫn(in Japanese). Y thế an hữu vệ môn. p. 49.
  57. ^Đại trủng, vũ tam lang, ed. (December 1889).畵 nhập tầm thường tiểu 𭓕 độc bổn tự dẫn(in Japanese). Điền trung tống vinh đường. p. 12.
  58. ^Trúc điền, triệu, ed. (March 1893).Tầm thường tiểu 𭓕 độc bổn tự dẫn(in Japanese). Trúc điền triệu. p. 19.
  59. ^Nguyên, thiết thành, ed. (October 1876).Tiểu học độc bổn tự dẫn(in Japanese). Vol. 5. Hữu phỉ đường. p. 7.
  60. ^Nishino, Kokai, ed. (February 1876).Địa lý sơ bộ tiểu học độc bổn tự dẫn(in Japanese). Vạn cấp các. p. 82.
  61. ^Mộc thôn, mẫn, ed. (May 1883).Tân soạn tiểu học độc bổn tự dẫn(in Japanese). Y thế an hữu vệ môn. p. 48.
  62. ^Nugent, M., ed. (1871).Quan hứa phật hòa từ điển[Nouveau dictionnaire français-japonais] (in French and Japanese). Translated by hảo thụ đường. Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press. p. 147.
  63. ^Taki, Hichizō, ed. (September 1885).Anh hòa chính từ điển[An English and Japanese Dictionary] (in English and Japanese). Ōsaka: Shosekikaisha. p. 247.
  64. ^Taki, Hichizō, ed. (September 1885).Anh hòa chính từ điển[An English and Japanese Dictionary] (in English and Japanese). Ōsaka: Shosekikaisha. p. 248.
  65. ^Taki, Hichizō, ed. (September 1885).Anh hòa chính từ điển[An English and Japanese Dictionary] (in English and Japanese). Ōsaka: Shosekikaisha. p. 459.
  66. ^Taki, Hichizō, ed. (September 1885).Anh hòa chính từ điển[An English and Japanese Dictionary] (in English and Japanese). Ōsaka: Shosekikaisha. p. 244.
  67. ^Taki, Hichizō, ed. (September 1885).Anh hòa chính từ điển[An English and Japanese Dictionary] (in English and Japanese). Ōsaka: Shosekikaisha. p. 249.
  68. ^Nugent, M., ed. (1871).Quan hứa phật hòa từ điển[Nouveau dictionnaire français-japonais] (in French and Japanese). Translated by hảo thụ đường. Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press. p. 216.
  69. ^Nugent, M., ed. (1871).Quan hứa phật hòa từ điển[Nouveau dictionnaire français-japonais] (in French and Japanese). Translated by hảo thụ đường. Shanghai: American Presbyterian Mission Press. p. 217.
  70. ^"Bỉ".コトバンク.
  71. ^Tsubouchi, Shōyō (1885).Đương thế thư sinh khí chất(in Japanese). Vãn thanh đường. p. 15.Bỉ nữ(かのじよ)Hoạt bát(くわつぱつ)だ.
  72. ^Sudō, Mitsuaki (1887). "Đệ ngũ hồiU(いう)Sảng(さう)Linh(れい)Địa()にはMinh(めい)Mị()なるTân(しん)Tình(せい)Quan()るべし ".Tân trang chi giai nhân[The Ladies of New Style] (in Japanese). Tōkyō: Chính văn đường. p. 79.Bỉ()Nữ()もまんざらTâm(こ〱ろ)のないNữ(をんな)でもあるまいから
  73. ^Sudō, Mitsuaki (1887). "Đệ thập nhị hồiĐiêu(てう)Trác(たく)Mỹ(うつ)くしきNgọc(たま)Phương(ばう)Hại(がい)なくChuyển(てん)Triển()すべし ".Tân trang chi giai nhân[The Ladies of New Style] (in Japanese). Tōkyō: Chính văn đường. p. 214.
  74. ^Futabatei, Shimei (1887). "Đệ(だい)NhịHồi(くわい)Phong(ふう)Biến(かわ)りなLuyến(こひ)(はつ)Phong(みね)Nhập(いり)Thượng ".Tân biển phù vân(in Japanese). Kim cảng đường. p. 38.Bỉ nữ(あれ)(なに)したのぢやアないのかTri()らね”
  75. ^Natsume, Sōseki (1912). "Tu vĩnh の thoại" [Sunaga’s Story].Bỉ ngạn quá hất[To the Spring Equinox and Beyond] (in Japanese). Translated by Ochiai, Kingo; Goldstein, Sanford. Shun'yōdō. pp.301–302.Mẫu(はゝ)Tính(せい)Cách(かく)Ngô(われ)()Tích(むかし)からDụng(もち)Quán()れたTừ()Mẫu()といふNgôn(こと)Diệp()Hình(けい)Dung(よう)さへすれば,Phu(それ)Tẫn()さてゐる.Phó(ぼく)からKiến()るとBỉ(かの)Nữ(ぢよ)Thử(この)NhịTự()Vi(ため)Sinh(うま)れてThử(この)NhịTự()Vi(ため)Tử()ぬとVân()つてもSoa(さし)Chi(つかへ)ない. まことにKhí()Độc(どく)であるが,Phu(それ)でもMẫu(はゝ)Sinh(せい)Hoạt(くわつ)Mãn(まん)Túc(ぞく)Thử(この)NhấtĐiểm(てん)にのみTập(しふ)Chú(ちゆう)してゐるのだから,Phó(ぼく)さへSung(じう)Phân(べん)Hiếu(かう)Hành(かう)Xuất()Lai()れば,Thị(これ)Việt()したBỉ(かの)Nữ(ぢよ)Hỉ(よろこ)びはないのである.[My mother’s character can be described most easily as that of an affectionate mother. From my point of view, she is certainly a woman who was born for the sake of those two words and who will die for them. Actually, that makes me feel sorry for her, yet since her one satisfaction in life is concentrated on this one point, I realize that as long as I do what I should as a good son, she’ll find no greater delight than that.]
  76. ^Natsume, Sōseki (1912). "Đình lưu sở" [At the Streetcar Stop].Bỉ ngạn quá hất[To the Spring Equinox and Beyond] (in Japanese). Translated by Ochiai, Kingo; Goldstein, Sanford. Shun'yōdō. p. 162.Sở(ところ)Kim(いま)Hậu(うしろ)からKiến()Nữ(をんな)Thân(から)Thể()といひKhí()Phân(ぶん)といひBỉ()Giác(かく)Đích(てき)Thẩm(ちん)Tĩnh(せい)してLưỡng(りやう)Phương(はう)Gian(あひだ)Chỉ(うま)Điều(てう)Tử()Thủ()れてゐるDạng(やう)(おも)はれた.Bỉ(かの)Nữ(をんな)Tiên(さつ)Khắc()Vi(ちが)つて,Biệt(べつ)Đoạn(だん)()Thế(せい)Cải(あらた)めるでもなく, そろ〱Bộ(ある)Xuất()すでもなく,Bảo(はう)Thạch(せき)Thương(しやう)Song(まど)()Thiêm()ふでもなく,Hàn(さむ)さをLăng(しの)ぎかねるPhong()Tình(ぜい)もなく,Đãi(ほと)んどNhàn(かん)Nhã()とでもHình(けい)Dung(よう)したいDạng(やう)Tử()をして, nhấtĐoạn(だん)Cao(たか)くなつたNhân(じん)Đạo(だう)Đoan(はし)Lập(たつ)てゐた.[Yet observed from behind, her body and mood were well balanced, both being quieter now than they had been before. Unlike a short while ago, she now gave no indication that she was going to begin to walk slowly away or stand up against a shop window, nor did she show any sign of being chilled, standing as she was at the edge of the elevated pavement in a way that could only be described as elegant.]
  77. ^abcd"Bỉ thị".コトバンク.
  78. ^abcDaijisen
  79. ^"ひかげの hoa".Thanh không văn khố.Mẫu(かあ)さんのBỉ(かれ)Thị()…….”
  80. ^Kenkyusha's New Japanese-English Dictionary