Kanhoji Angre([kanʱod͡ʒiː aːŋɡɾe]), also known asConajee AngriaorSarkhel Angré(August 1669 – 4 July 1729) was aMaratha NavyAdmiral. Kanhoji became known for attacking and capturingEuropeanEast Indiamenand collectingjakat(known to locals as taxes), seen by Europeans traders and colonists asransomingof their crews.British,DutchandPortugueseships often fell victims to these raids.[citation needed]Despite attempts by the Portuguese and British to put an end to hisprivateeringactivities, Angre continued to capture and collectjakatfrom European merchant ships until his death in 1729.[citation needed]Kanhoji's naval prowess in capturing dozens of European trading ships and avoiding capture has led to many historians to appraise Kanhoji as the most skilled Indian navy chief in the maritime history of India.[citation needed]

Sakal Rajkarya Dhurandhar Vishwasnidhi Rajmanya Rajeshri

Kanhoji Angre

Vizarat Mal
18th centuryMaratha Navychief
Native name
कान्होजी आंग्रे
BornAugust 1669(1669-08)
Suvarnadurg,Maratha Confederacy
(modern dayRatnagiri,Maharashtra,India)
Died4 July 1729(1729-07-04)(aged 59)
Colaba,Colaba State,Maratha Empire
(modern dayAlibag,Maharashtra,India)
AllegianceMaratha Empire
ServiceMaratha Navy
Years of service1689–1729
  • Mathurabai
  • Lakshmibai
  • Gahinabai



In 1713, Shahu dispatched a formidable force led by thePeshwa,Bahirupant Pingle, to protect the region's inland territories and curb the expanding influence of Angria. However, upon learning of the Peshwa's advance, the seasoned warrior Kanhoji swiftly mobilized his forces, confronting and decisively defeating the Peshwa, taking him captive. Expanding his conquests, Kanhoji seized strategic forts likeLohagadandRajmachinearKhandala,poised to advance towardsSatara.In response, all available troops were rallied under the command ofBalaji Vishwanath,recognizing the magnitude of Kanhoji's prowess and ambition. A negotiation ensued, wherein Balaji proposed terms: if Kanhoji released the Peshwa, severed ties withSambhaji,pledged allegiance toShahu,and relinquished his conquests except forRajmachi,he would be granted ten forts and sixteen fortified posts, crowned as the admiral of theMarathafleet with the prestigious titles of Vizarat Mal and Sarkhel.[1]

Early life


Angre was born on the fortSuvarnadurg,nearRatnagariin the year 1667 to mother, Ambabai and father, Tukoji. His father served atSuvarnadurgunderChatrapati Shivaji Maharajwith a command of 200 posts.[2]Kanhoji family background attracted much wild speculation amongst European Merchants, travelers and writers in the 18th century, and later. In 2009, modern Dutch Historian, Rene Barendse, specializing in South Asian history as well as history related to theIndian Ocean,summarises that Kanhoji Angre's origin is highly controversial. He writes:

To the British he was ofSiddi(east african) descent[a][b] , to the nationalist Maratha literature an impeccable Maratha. According to the Portuguese Angre was of "vile and poor" origins, and he "exercised the office of servant and peon for another Hindu" – most likely he was aKoli.But he adroitly used his vauntedEthiopiandescent to gain ascendancy over the other bands of seafarers and their leaders along the Konkan Coast, a group that the Dutch with some justification called "Shivaji's roving and robbing armadas".[6]

Other sources, mainly Indian, on his family background go into details of each opinion. As per Rajaram Narayan Saletore[who?],his surname "Angre" is derived from Angarwadi; the family's original name was Sankpal, and the family members before Kanhoji were known as Sankpals.[7]Historian Sen believes that Angre's origin is "obscure and he certainly did not belong to the nobility of the land". Citation of theArquivo Histórico Ultramarino(historical archives of the Portuguese empire) is given to show that Kanhoji started his life as a humble servant of some Hindus in the island ofVersova.According to his family history, he was a "Kshatriya"Maratha.[8][9]Historian V. G. Dighe, in 1951, citesG. S. Sardesai'sSelections from the Peshwa Daftar,and calls them "blue-blood Marathas" who "would spurn to marry in families lower than those ofDeshmukhs,Jadhavs,JagtapsandShitoles."[10]However, S.R.Sharma seems to agree with the Portuguese opinions and believes him to have been a "Maratha Koli captain".[11]Little is known about his early life except that he was involved in daring exploits at sea with his father. He spent much of his childhood in the Suvarnadurg Fort. Kanhoji grew up amongKolisailors,[12]and learnedseamanshipfrom them.[2]

TheSindhudurg Fortnear theMaharashtra-Goaborder, one of the severalnaval fortificationsbuilt by the Maratha Navy
A painted scroll depicting different types of ships of the Marathan Navy, primarilygrabsandgallivats,but also including some captured English ships.

Angre's career as a Naval commander began in 1685 when the Killedar (fort commander) of Suvranadurg tried to defect to theSiddisofJanjira,an 18 year old Angre took control of the fort and captured the Killedar. When this news reached the Maratha rulerChatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj,he was pleased with Kanhoji's loyalty. As a result, Chatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj made Kanhoji the Killedar (commander) of Suvarnadurg. After the death ofAdmiralSidhoji Gujar around 1698, the Maratha Navy survived because of the extensive efforts of Kanhoji Angre. He was originally appointed asSarkhelorDarya-Saranga(Admiral) by the chief ofSatarain c. 1698.[13][better source needed]Under that authority, he was master of the Western coast of India fromMumbaito Vingoria (now Vengurla) in present-day state ofMaharashtra,except for the property of theMuslimSiddisofMurud-Janjirawho were affiliated with theMughal Empire.[14][better source needed]Under his leadership, the activities of European trading companies were checked along the western coast ofIndia.Kanhoji later swore allegiance to supreme Maratha rulerChhatrapati Shahuand his prime ministerPeshwa Balaji Vishwanath.He gained their support to develop naval facilities on the western coast of India, orKonkan.Angre was also placed as chief of 26 forts and fortified places ofMaharashtra.[14]

Kanhoji started his career by attackingmerchant shipsof European East India companies and slowly gained the enmity from all European powers in the region. In 1702, he captured an Indian merchant ship from Calicut with six English sailors onboard and took it to his harbor.[14]In 1707, he attacked the British East IndiamanBombaywhich blew up during the fight.[14]In time, the Europeans thought that he could capture any merchant ship except large, heavily armed ships.[14]When MarathaChhatrapati Shahuascended the leadership of theMaratha Empire,he appointedBalaji Viswanath Bhatas hisSenakarta(Commander) and negotiated an agreement with Angre around 1707. This was partly to appease Angre who supported the other ruler,Tarabai,who claimed the Maratha throne. As per agreement, Angre became head of theMaratha Navy.[14]


Under the leadership of Kanhoji, the Maratha developed a naval base atVijayadurgfeaturing dockyard facilities for building vessels, mounting guns, and making the ships seaworthy. Their naval fleet consisted of tengurabs/grabs(warship) and fiftygallivats(warboat). A gallivat had a displacement lower than 120 tons, while a grab could go as high as 400 tons.[15]Another ship type used was thePal(MarathaMan-of-war), which was a cannon-armed, three-masted vessel. The grabs had broadsides of 6 and 9-pounder guns, and carried two 9 or 12-pounders on their main decks. These guns pointed forward through port-holes cut in the bulkheads. The gallivats were mostly armed with light swivel guns, but some also mounted six or eight cannons, either 2 or 4-pounders. These boats were propelled by forty to fifty oars.[16]Even during the reign of Kanhoji Angre, the Maratha Government signed a treaty of friendship with the Portuguese in 1703. As per the treaty, the Portuguese agreed to supplycannonandgunpowderto the Maratha, supplies which they needed as they had only a few cannonfoundriesproducing their own armaments. The Marathas signed a treaty with the Siddi as well, thus concentrating all their naval forces to contest Indian waters with the Europeans. By the beginning of the 18th century, Kanhoji Angre controlled the entire coastline fromSawantwaditoMumbai,which is the entire coastline of present-dayMaharashtra.He builtcoastal fortificationson almost all creeks, cove, and harbours, such as a fortress orcitadelwith navigational facilities. The main naval bases were atBankot,Anjanvel,Jaygad,Vijaydurg and Sindhudurg. Any ship sailing through Maratha territorial waters was to pay a levy calledChouth,which expressed Angre's dominance.[15]To develop a strong navy Angre encouraged shipbuilding. Most of the vessels were built with teak grown near Bombay. Angre also encouraged cultivation of Teak on the western coast to ensure a supply of timber for the boats. to the Angre forces. He built ship building factories at Kolaba fort, Sakharkhadi, Suvarnadurg, and Vijaydurgh. The design of these ships and their durability had been of high quality. Kanhoji also utilized shipbuilding on modern European or more specifically English designs.

Between 1717 and 1720, the BritishEast India Company(EIC) made at least two unsuccessful attempts to put an end to Maratha Navy attacks on their ships. In response to a EIC merchant ship being captured by Kanhoji's seamen, the British attempted to capture Vijayadurg and Khanderi, but were unsuccessful. In 1720, Angre captured the EIC vesselCharlottealong its owner, a merchant named Curgenven who had been bound for China from Surat.[17]Curgenven would be imprisoned for 10 years.[17]


Crew on Maratha belonged to diverse communities. They included seafaring indigenous communities such as Koli, Bhandari and Kharvi.[18]

He also had Muslim staff. Since most of these people were illiterate, Angre employed Europeans, generally Dutch, to command his best vessels.[14]He also employed a Jamaican pirate namedJames Plantainand entrusted him with significant responsibilities such as the chief gunner post.[19]Angre employed Manuel de Castro, a Portuguese employee of the EIC who was about to be punished[20]for his failure in capturingKhanderiIsland, which was controlled by Kanhoji Angre.[21]


  • In 1698, Angre located his first base atVijayadurg('Victory Fort') (formerly Gheriah),DevgadTaluka, located about 485 km fromMumbai.[22]The fort which was originally built by king Bhoj and strengthened by Maratha ruler Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj,[22]is located on the coast and has an entrance hollowed out in it to accommodate entry of a vessel from the sea.
  • Angre created an operating base from the fortified islands of "Kolaba" at Alibaug.KhanderiandUnderioff the coast of Thal,Alibaug,and attempted to levy a tax on every merchant vessel entering the harbour.
  • He established a township called Alibag on seashore at southern tip of Mumbai.[23]The main village at that time, was today's Ramnath. Kanhoji even issued his own currency in the form of a silver coin called theAlibagi rupaiya.
  • In 1724, Angre built a port atPurnagad,located inRatnagiri District,Maharashtra.[24]Seven guns and 70 cannonballs were found in the port.[24]The port was also used for limited trading activities.[24]


Kanhoji's controlled the northern coastline of the highlighted Konkan coastal area of India

Kanhoji intensified his attacks on European ships on the western coast ofIndia.On 4 November 1712, his navy captured the BritishyachtAlgerine,owned by thegovernor of Bombay,William Aislabie,killing the chief of theirKarwarfactory, Thomas Chown, and making his wife a prisoner, not releasing the captured yacht and Mrs. Chown until 13 February 1713 for 30,000 rupees.[25]The release was done along with the return of previously captured territory, with Kanhoji hoping that the British East India Company would help him in his other wars, but later Angre made an alliance with Balaji Viswanath and continued fighting the EIC.[citation needed]He subsequently captured the British East IndiamenSomersandGrantham,nearGoaas they were on a voyage from England to Bombay.[25]In 1712, he disabled a thirty-gunPortuguese Navyfrigate before captured it.[25]

Angre eventually signed a treaty with Aislabie to stop harassing the EIC's merchant fleet. Aislabie would eventually return to England during October 1715.

After the arrival ofCharles Booneas the new Governor of Bombay on 26 December 1715, Boone made several attempts to capture Angre. Instead of succeeding, in 1718 Angre captured three East India Company merchant ships, which refused to pay a ransom to Kanhoji, and ransoming their crews.

On 29 November 1721 a joint attempt by the PortugueseViceroyFrancisco José de Sampaio e Castro and British GovernorRobert Cowanto capture Kanhoji proved unsuccessful. This force consisted of 6,000 Portuguese troops in four warships led by CommanderThomas Mathews.Aided byMarathawarriors includingMendhaji Bhatkarand his navy, Angre continued to harass and plunder the European ships. Matthews returned to England, where he was accused and convicted of trading with the Marathas in December 1723.[citation needed]Also, during 1723, Boone returned to Great Britain. After Boone's departure, relative calm prevailed between the British and Angre, until Angre's death in 1729.[citation needed]


Sarkhel Kanhoji Angre, bust at Ratnadurg fort
  • 1690 - Kanhoji Angre defeated combined forces of Siddis, Mughals, Portuguese and took Sagargad.[26]
  • 1707 – Attacked the East IndiamanBombaywhich blew up during the fight.[14]
  • 1710 – Captures the Khanderi Islands near Bombard after fighting the East India Company shipGodolphinfor two days.[14]
  • 1712 – Captured the EIC yachtAlgerine,of the President of Bombay, William Aislabie, releasing it only after obtaining a jakat/tax of Rs. 30,000. (1713)[citation needed]
  • 1717 - Kanhoji Angre captured the EIC shipSuccessand withstood a British attack onVijaydurg Fort.[27]
  • 1718 - A British squadron attackedKhanderi,but were driven off with heavy loss.[28]
  • 1720 - Kanhoji repulsed a joint Anglo-Portuguese attack onVijaydurg.[29]
  • 1722 - A second Anglo-Portuguese attack onKolabaunder admiralThomas Mathewswas repulsed.[30]
  • 1724 - A Dutch attack onVijaydurgwas repulsed by Kanhoji.[31]
  • He seized East IndiamenSomersandGrantham,near Goa as these vessels were on their voyage from England to Bombay.[25]
  • He disabled a thirty-gun man-of-war which was conveying Portuguese "armado" and captured it.[25]

Death and aftermath

A British-Portuguese-Indian naval force attacks the fort of Geriah, 1756

By the time of his death on 4 July 1729, Kanhoji Angre had emerged as a master of theArabian SeafromSuratto southKonkan.He left behind two legitimate sons, Sekhoji and Sambhaji; four illegitimate sons,Tulaji,Manaji,Yesajiand Dhondji. Angre's Samadhi (tomb) is situated at Shivaji Chowk,Alibag,Maharashtra.[23]

After Kanhoji, his son Sekhoji continued Maratha exploits at sea till his death in 1733. After Sekhoji's death, Angre's holdings were split between two brothers, Sambhaji and Manaji, because of divisions in the family. With the Marathas neglecting naval concerns, the British soon found it easier to defeat the remnants of the kingdom. Angre and his sons' reign over the Western coast ended with the capture ofTulajiin a joint attack on the fort ofGheriah(now Vijaydurg) in February 1756 by the forces of theBritish East India Companyand Maratha PeshwaBalaji Bajirao.[32]The Peshwa's half brotherShamsher Bahadurcommanded the Maratha forces.[33]

Seals of Kanhoji Angre


Three seals have been known to be used by Sarkhel Kanhoji Angre. One during the reign of Chhatrapati Rajaram, and two during the reign of Chhatrapati Shahu.

The three seals, along with their inscriptions and meaning are given below.

Reigning Chhatrapati Inscription Meaning
Seal of Kanhoji Angre during Chhatrapati Rajaram Era
Chhatrapati Rajaram[34] ॥श्री॥

राजाराम चरणी

सादर तुकोजी सुत

कान्होजी आंगरे



Kanhoji, son of Tukoji, Angre is forever present at the feet (service) of Rajaram.

Chhatrapati Shahu[35] ॥श्री॥

राजा शाहू चरणी तत्पर

तुकोजी सुत कान्होजी आंगरे

सरखेल निरंतर


Kanhoji Angre Sarkhel, son of Tukoji, is forever eager at the feet (service) of Shahu.

Seal of Sarkhel Kanhoji Angre
Chhatrapati Shahu[36] ॥श्री॥

श्री शाहू नृपती प्रि

त्या तुकोजी तनुजन्म

ना कान्होजी सरखे

लस्य मुद्रा जय

ति सर्वदा


King Shahu's favoured, Tukoji's son, Sarkhel Kanhoji Angre's seal is always victorious.


The Samadhi (mausoleum) of Kanhoji Angre atAlibag,Maharashtra.

Kanhoji Angre stands as one of the most notable admirals of theMaratha Navywho caused significant troubles to the European trading companies. Kanhoji is credited with the foresight that aBlue Water Navy's ultimate and strategic role is to keep the enemy engaged far from the shores of the homeland. At one time, Kanhoji was so successful that he attracted enterprisingEuropeansin his fleet as mercenaries, including oneDutchman,whom he appointed to the rank ofCommodore.At the height of his power, Kanhoji commanded hundreds of warships and thousands of sailors at a time when theRoyal Navyhad little in the way of naval resources in far-away India that could significantly offset the growing strength of theMaratha Navy.[citation needed]

Kanhoji's harassment of British commercial interests and theEnglish victory over the Portuguese at Swallyled them to establish a small naval force that eventually became the modernIndian Navy.Today, a statue of Angre stands in Indian Naval Dockyard in Mumbai. While the original fort built by Angre that overlooked the Naval Docks has vanished, its boundary wall is still intact and within it lays the Headquarters of Indian Western Naval Command and is calledINS Angre(Indian Naval Station Angre).

The end of Angre family influences


The descendants of Angres continued to live in Kolaba till the 1840s and in 1843, the city was annexed to East India Company as per a despatch to Governor General of Bombay dated 30 December 1843.[37]

Publication of family history


Chandrojirao Angre, a descendant of Kanhoji Angre, and his distant cousin, Jijabai Angre (later Parvatibai Puar, of Dewas Junior) supported the publication ofHistory of the Angresin 1939 at Alibag Mumbai.[37]


  • Angria Bank,a submerged atoll structure located on the continental shelf 105 km west of the coast ofVijaydurg,Maharashtra, was named after Kanhoji Angre.[38]
  • The Western Naval command of theIndian Navywas namedINS Angre[39]on 15 September 1951 in honour of Kanhoji Angre. Other important naval offices are also located at INS Angre.[39]His statue is erected at the oldBombay Castlelocated within theenclavelocated at the Naval Dockyard, SouthMumbai.
  • During April 1999, theIndian Postal Servicereleased a Rupee 3 stamp showing aghurabof Kanhoji Angre's fleet as depicted in a c. 1700 AD painting.
  • The old KenneryLighthouse,onKhanderiIsland which marks the southern boundary of the Mumbai Port, was renamed as Kanhoji Angre Light House.
  • The large residential colony of Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers atAlibaugis named as "Sarkhel Kanhoji Angre Nagar".
  • During theMalwaniJatrotsav festival in 1995 at Parel, Mumbai, asimulationof the naval battle between Angre and the East India Company fleet led by Charles Boon was conducted using remote-control wooden boats in an open tank (70' x 30').Radio Controlled boatscarved out ofTeakwood and powered by hightorquemotors were constructed by Vivek S. Kambli and Vishesh S. Kambli. A thrillingsoundtrackcomplemented this Audio Visual 3 Dimensional depiction of an important chapter from Maratha Naval history. The show lasted 10 days and was witnessed by thousands of Mumbai denizens.
  • An all-weather port atRatnagiri,Maharashtra,named asAngre port,was inaugurated on 24 April 2012 by 9th descendant of Kanhoji Angre.[40]
  • The 2007 Hollywood filmPirates of the Caribbean: At World's Endportrays a character named Sri Sumbahjee, a purported reference to Sambhaji, Kanhoji Angre's son.
  • Aniruddha Pimpalkhare of Pune built a 17 footer gaff rigged wooden boat in 2021 and named it SV Angré as a tribute to Sarkhel Angre. She is currently moored at Colaba, Mumbai in front of Gateway of India.

See also




Notes on family background

  1. ^Historian Kaushik Roy cites the writing of a 1700s contemporary of Angre and states that "according to Clement Downing, a sailor and contemporary of Angre. He has written of his personal encounters in the sea in the early 1700s in the book" History Of The Indian Wars "written in the 18th century and published by Oxford University Press in the early 20th century. As per his account, Kanhoji's father was an Arabian Kafri who accepted Islam and served in the fleet of the Siddis of Janjira. Probably Kanhoji's forefathers came from south Africa and some of them later settled in the Gulf of Ormuz where they accepted Islam".[3]
  2. ^Historian Dr.Arunchandra Pathak, in 2007, has published details from earlier records ofKolabadistricts. Pathak writes: It contains authentic and useful information on several aspects of the district and is considered to be of great value to administrators, scholars and general readers. The revised edition of it was compiled and published in 1964. But the old gazetteer published during the British regime contained much valuable information, which was not reproduced in the revised edition. Therefore, the department decided to reprint this volume. Accordingly Kolaba District Gazetteer (1883) was reprinted in 1989. Considering its utility, need was felt to preserve this treasure of knowledge.[4]According to these records, Grose, has given information on Kanhoji's heritage. Grose writes in 1750 that Tukaji was an African Muslim who was born in theGulf of Hormuzand in 1643 was shipwrecked nearChaul.He helpedShahajiin the war with the Moghals and married the daughter of Shahaji's minister, and their son Parab was the father of Kanhoji. This is an example of foreign warriors being admitted into the Hindu fold and acquiring Hindu wives and other such examples are given in the chapter on Thana History.[5]


  1. ^Maharastra State Gazetteers Kolaba District.1883. p. 146.
  2. ^abKurup, K K N (1997).India's Naval Traditions: The Role of Kunhali Marakkars.New Delhi: Northern Book centre. pp.72–75.ISBN978-8172110833.
  3. ^Kaushik Roy (30 March 2011).War, Culture and Society in Early Modern South Asia, 1740–1849.Taylor & Francis. pp. 17–.ISBN978-1-136-79087-4.
  4. ^"prologue (Arunchandra Pathak)".Archivedfrom the original on 12 October 2022.Retrieved12 October2022.
  5. ^Kolaba district.Government of Maharashtra.Archivedfrom the original on 14 July 2020.Retrieved14 July2020.About this time the Angria family, who during the eighteenth century rose to high power both in Kolaba and in Ratnagiri, first came to notice. The founder of the family was Tukaji Sankhpal. According to Grose, an Englishman based in Bombay, Tukaji was a negro born in an island in the gulf of Ormuz, a Musalman by religion, who in 1643 was shipwrecked near Cheul. He helped Shahji in his war with the Moghals, married the daughter of Shahji's minister, and had a son named Purab who was the father of Kanhoji. [Account of Bombay, II. 214.Grose, who was a member of the Bombay Civil Service, wrote about 1750. He was well acquainted with the country, and took special interest in matters connected with the Hindu religion and with Hindu castes. The unlikeliness of the story is a strong argument in favour of its truth. Shivaji's coronation at Raygad in 1674 (see below, Places of Interest) is an example of the case of a man of comparatively low caste rising to the highest rank among Hindu warriors by careful attention to Hindu rules and by liberality to Brahmans. Examples of successful foreign warriors being admitted to be Hindus and marrying Hindu wives are given in the chapter on Thana History. Thana Statistical Account, Bombay Gazetteer, XIII 411 note 3. According to Grant Duff (History, 163) Kaahoji's father was Tukaji a distinguished officer in Shivaji's fleet.]
  6. ^Rene Barendse (2009).Arabian Seas 1700–1763: The western Indian Ocean in the Eighteenth Century.Brill(Leiden, Netherlands). p. 409.ISBN978-9047430025.
  7. ^Rajaram Narayan Saletore (1978), p. 109.
  8. ^Sen, Surendra Nath (1928).The Military System of the Marathas.pp.170–171.
  9. ^Hansen, Thomas Blom (2018).Wages of Violence: Naming and Identity in Postcolonial Bombay.Princeton University Press.ISBN978-0-691-18862-1.Archivedfrom the original on 14 April 2023.Retrieved15 September2020.
  10. ^V. G. Dighe (1951). "Provincial Maratha Dynasties". In Ramesh Chandra Majumdar (ed.).The History and Culture of the Indian People: The Maratha supremacy.G. Allen & Unwin. pp. 292, 307.
  11. ^Shripad Rama Sharma (1964).The founding of Maratha freedom.Orient Longman. p. 327.For a short while, however, this sinister combination against the Marathas on the west coast was neutralised by the rise of a 'Shivaji of the Seas' – the Maratha Koli captain Kanhoji Angre
  12. ^Virginia Fass (1986).The forts of India.Rupa. p. 274.ISBN978-0-00-217590-6.
  13. ^Rajaram Narayan Salethore (1978) p. 99.
  14. ^abcdefghiColonel John Biddulph (1907), p. 37.
  15. ^abSridharan, K (2000).Sea: Our Saviour.New Age International (P) Ltd. p. 43.ISBN978-8122412451.
  16. ^Bombay Gazetteer, Volume 11.Bombay (India: State). 1883. p. 147.Archivedfrom the original on 10 October 2022.Retrieved10 October2022.
  17. ^abRajaram Narayan Saletore (1978), p. 106.
  18. ^Purohit, D. (2021). The Naval Architecture and Administration of the Marathas. Kolkata Society for Asian Studies, 7(1), 105.
  19. ^Rajaram Narayan Saletore (1978), p. 102.
  20. ^Chinese and Indian Warfare – From the Classical Age to 1870.New York: Routledge. 2015.ISBN978-1315742762.
  21. ^Rajaram Narayan Saletore (1978), p. 105.
  22. ^abMadaan, Neha (3 April 2012)."ASI takes up renovation of Vijaydurg".The Times of India.Archivedfrom the original on 11 September 2018.Retrieved12 December2012.
  23. ^abepaper (2012)."Alibag Popular Weekend Getaway".The Times of India (epaper).Archived fromthe originalon 6 July 2009.Retrieved12 December2012.
  24. ^abcMadaan, Neha (29 January 2012)."Fort mapping to study Maratha architecture".The Times of India.Archivedfrom the original on 26 January 2013.Retrieved12 December2012.
  25. ^abcdeColonel John Biddulph (1907), p. 38.
  26. ^Maharastra State Gazetteers Kolaba District.1883. p. 146.
  27. ^Maharastra State Gazetteers Kolaba District.1883.
  28. ^Maharastra State Gazetteers Kolaba District.1883. p. 147-148.
  29. ^Maharastra State Gazetteers Kolaba District.1883. p. 148.
  30. ^Maharastra State Gazetteers Kolaba District.1883. p. 148-149.
  31. ^Maharastra State Gazetteers Kolaba District.1883. p. 149.
  32. ^Elliott, D.L., 2010. Pirates, polities and companies: global politics on the Konkan littoral, c. 1690–1756.[1]Archived6 July 2022 at theWayback Machine
  33. ^Karkhanis, M. D. (1965). "The Life and Achievements of Samsher Bahadur, the Son of Peshwa Bajirao I".Proceedings of the Indian History Congress.27:309–312.JSTOR44140662.
  34. ^Sadashiv, Shivade (2006).दर्याराज कान्होजी आंग्रे.Deccan Gymkhana, Pune – 4: Utkarsh Publication. pp. 217, 220.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: location (link)
  35. ^Shivade, Sadashiv (2006).दर्याराज कान्होजी आंग्रे.Deccan Gymkhana, Pune – 4: Utkarsh Publication. p. 93.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: location (link)
  36. ^Shivade, Sadashiv (2006).दर्याराज कान्होजी आंग्रे.Deccan Gymkhana, Pune – 4: Utkarsh Publication. pp. 218, 298, 314, 316 & 317.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: location (link)
  37. ^abGovt. of, Maharashtra."British Period".Mumbai: The Gazetteers Dept. Govt. of Maharashtra. Archived fromthe originalon 1 October 2013.Retrieved12 December2012.
  38. ^"Sailing Directions: West Coast of India, Sector 2: Diu Head to Cape Rama, p. 40"(PDF).Archived(PDF)from the original on 1 February 2017.Retrieved29 October2015.
  39. ^ab"INS Angre".Global security.org.Archivedfrom the original on 29 August 2012.Retrieved13 December2012.
  40. ^"Angre port located in Ratnagiri inaugurated".The Times of India.24 April 2012.Retrieved12 December2012.


  • Rajaram Narayan, Saletore (1978).Indian Pirates: From the Earliest Times to the Present Day.Delhi: Concept Publishing Company.
  • Malgonkar, ManoharThe Sea Hawk: Life and Battles of Kanhoji Angrey,Orient Paperbacks, c. 1984
  • Risso, Patricia.Cross-Cultural Perceptions of Piracy: Maritime Violence in the Western Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf Region during a Long Eighteenth Century,Journal of World History– Volume 12, Number 2, Fall 2001, University of Hawai'i Press
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