TheLatin Empire,also referred to as theLatin Empire of Constantinople,was a feudalCrusader statefounded by the leaders of theFourth Crusadeon lands captured from theByzantine Empire.The Latin Empire was intended to replace the Byzantine Empire as the Western-recognizedRoman Empirein the east, with aCatholicemperor enthroned in place of theEastern OrthodoxRoman emperors. The main objective of the Latin Empire was planned byVenice,which promoted the creation of this state for their self-benefit.[3]

Latin Empire
Imperium Constantinopolitanum(Latin)
1204–1261[note 1]
The Latin Empire with its vassals (in purple) in 1204
The Latin Empire with its vassals (in purple) in 1204
Common languagesLatin,Old French(official)
Latin Catholic(official)
Greek Orthodox(popular)
GovernmentFeudal Christian monarchy
• 1204–1205
Baldwin I
• 1205–1216
• 1216–1217
• 1217–1219
• 1221–1228
Robert I
• 1229–1237
• 1228–1261
Baldwin II
Historical eraHigh Middle Ages
• Joint Nicean-Bulgarian campaign against Empire
• Disestablished
1261[note 1]
1204 est.[2]179,000 km2(69,000 sq mi)
1209 est.[2]206,000 km2(80,000 sq mi)
1228 est.[2]47,000 km2(18,000 sq mi)
1260 est.[2]14,000 km2(5,400 sq mi)
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Byzantine Empire (Angelos dynasty)
Byzantine Empire (Palaiologos dynasty)
Principality of Achaea
Duchy of Athens
Duchy of the Archipelago

The Fourth Crusade had originally been called to retake theMuslim-controlled city ofJerusalem,but a sequence of economic and political events culminated in the Crusader armysackingthe city ofConstantinople,the capital of the Byzantine Empire. Originally, the plan had been to restore the deposed Byzantine EmperorIsaac II Angelos,who had been usurped byAlexios III Angelos,to the throne. The crusaders had been promised financial and military aid by Isaac's sonAlexios IV,with which they had planned to continue to Jerusalem. When the crusaders reached Constantinople, the situation quickly turned volatile, and while Isaac and Alexios briefly ruled, the crusaders did not receive the payment they had hoped for. In April 1204, they captured and plundered the city's enormous wealth.

The crusaders selected their own emperor from among their own ranks,Baldwin of Flanders,and divided the territory of the Byzantine Empire into various new vassal crusader states. The Latin Empire's authority was immediately challenged by Byzantinerump statesled by theLaskarisfamily (connected to theAngelosdynasty of 1185–1204) inNicaeaand theKomnenosfamily (which hadruledas Byzantine Emperors 1081–1185) inTrebizond.From 1224 to 1242, theKomnenos Doukasfamily, also connected to the Angeloi, challenged Latin authority fromThessalonica.The Latin Empire failed to attain political or economic dominance over the other Latin powers that had been established in former Byzantine territories in the wake of the Fourth Crusade, especiallyVenice,and after a short initial period of military successes, it went into a steady decline due to constant war withBulgariato the north and the various Byzantine claimants. Eventually, theNicene Empirerecovered Constantinople and restored the Byzantine Empire underMichael VIII Palaiologosin 1261. The last Latin emperor,Baldwin II,went into exile, but the imperial title survived, withseveral pretendersto it, until the 14th century.

The incontestable Venetian dominance in the region was not limited to the practical respect but was also demonstrated by the new title adopted by the doges, which is 'Dominus quartae partis et dimidie totius Imperii Romaniae', attached to the one of 'Dux Venetiarum, Dalmatiae Croatiaeque'.[4]Beginning with the letters of Innocent III, dated 20 June 1203 and 29 January 1205, the Papacy often used this term too.[5]The termRomania( "Land of the Romans" ) had been used as a vernacular name for centuries, first by the inhabitants of the entire Late Roman Empire, then by the population of the Byzantine Empire.


Seal ofPhilip of Courtenay,Latin Emperor in exile 1273–1283. His title in the seal isDei gratia imperator Romaniae et semper augustus( "By the Grace of God, Emperor of Romania, ever august" ).

The term "Latin Empire" was not contemporary, and was first used by historians in the 16th century to distinguish the Crusader state from the classicalRoman Empireand theByzantine Empire,all of which called themselves "Roman". The term "Latin" was chosen because the crusaders (Franks,Venetians, and other Westerners) were Roman Catholic and used Latin as their liturgical and scholarly language in contrast to the Eastern Orthodox locals who usedGreekin both liturgy and common speech. The Byzantines referred to the Latin Empire as theFrankokratia'rule of the Franks', or theLatinokratia'rule of the Latins'.[6]

Founding treaties issued by the crusaders specifically refer to the empire as theimperium Constantinopolitanum( "Empire of Constantinople" ). Although this is a marked departure from the standard Byzantine nomenclature and ideology, designating the empire as theBasileía Rhōmaíōn'Empire of the Romans',imperium Constantinopolitanumwas the standard name used for the eastern empire in western sources, such as in papal correspondence, and suggests that the Latin leaders viewed themselves as "taking over" the empire rather than "replacing" it. It would have been difficult for the crusaders to justify referring to the empire as "Roman" considering that Western Europe generally held the GermanicHoly Roman Empireto represent the legitimate Roman Empire.[7]

Seal ofBaldwin I,the first Latin Emperor. The abbreviationRom.leaves it open to interpretation if he refers toRomaniae'Romania' orRomanorum'the Romans'

The full title actually used by the first Latin Emperor,Baldwin I,wasBalduinus dei gratia fidelissimus in Christo imperator a Deo coronatus Romanorum moderator et semper augustus,a near perfect replication of the one used byAlexios IV Angelos,placed on the throne by the crusaders previously, in a letter (only known in its Latin version) toPope Innocent III:fidelis in Christo imperator a Deo coronatus Romanorum moderator et semper augustus.Letters by Baldwin to Pope Innocent III give his title asimperator Constantinopolitanus,possibly altered by Papal scribes as the Pope recognized the Holy Roman Emperor as theimperator Romanorum.In his seals, Baldwin abbreviatedRomanorumasRom.,conveniently leaving it open for interpretation whether he referred toRomaniae'land of the Romans' orRomanorum'the Romans'. It is probably more likely that he meantRomanorum.Baldwin's successorHenrycalled the empireimperium Romanumat least in one letter.[7]A Venetian statesmanMarino Sanuto the Elderused yet another appellative,Sebastō Latíno Basilía ton Rhōmaíōn(Σεβαστό Λατίνο βασιλιά των Ρωμαίων, lit. "August Latin Empire of the Romans" ).[8]The term "Romania" had been a vernacular name used for centuries by the population of the Late Roman polity for their country.[9][10]

Three different versions of imperial titulature are attested under Henry;Henricus Dei Gratia Imperator Romaniae'Emperor of Romania',Henricus Dei Gratia Imperator Romanorum'Emperor of the Romans' andHenricus Dei Gratia Imperator Constantinopolitani'Emperor of Constantinople', possibly intended for different recipients. Usage of the title Emperor of Constantinople may not just have been to appease the Pope and Western Europe, but might also have been used to legitimize the rule of the Latin Emperors in regards to the Byzantines that they ruled. Possession of the city itself was a key legitimizing factor that set the Latin Emperors apart from Byzantine claimants inNicaea,TrebizondandThessalonica.[7]




A 19th century tomb marker of the probable location of the tomb ofEnrico Dandolo,the leader of the Fourth Crusade and Doge of Venice, inside theHagia Sophia

After theSack of Constantinople,the crusaders agreed to divide up Byzantine territory. In thePartitio terrarum imperii Romaniae,signed on 1 October 1204, three eighths of the empire—includingCreteand other islands—went to theRepublic of Venice.The Latin Empire claimed the remainder and exerted control over:

Further duchies were projected inAsia Minor,atNicaea(forLouis of Blois),Nicomedia(Thierry de Loos),Philadelphia(Stephen du Perche), andNeokastra.These duchies remained theoretical, due to the establishment of theEmpire of Nicaeain the area.[11]Nicaea itself was never occupied and Louis of Blois waskilledin 1205.[12]Thierry de Loos was captured by the Nicaeans in 1207 and, although released, left the Latin Empire two years later. After a brief Nicaean reconquest, Nicomedia returned to Latin control, but theducatus Nichomedieremained part of the Imperial domain.[13]Philadelphia never came under actual Latin control, although the Latin emperor Henry of Flanders laid claim to the region after defeating the local strongman,Theodore Mangaphas,in 1205.[14]The duchy of Neokastra (ducatus Novi Castri) on the other hand was never accorded to a single holder, but was divided among theKnights Hospitaller(one quarter) and other feudatories. The term "duchy" in this case reflects the earlier Byzantine termtheme,usually governed by adoux,to designate a province.[15]

TheDoge of Venicedid not rank as a vassal to the Latin Empire. Still, his position in control of three-eighths of its territory and of parts of Constantinople itself ensured Venice's influence in the Empire's affairs. However, much of the former Byzantine territory remained in the hands of rivalsuccessor statesled by Byzantine Greek aristocrats, such as theDespotate of Epirus,theEmpire of Nicaea,and theEmpire of Trebizond,each bent on reconquest from the Latins.

On 9 May 1204,Baldwin Iwas elected the emperor with Venetian support, and crowned on 16 May in the Hagia Sophia in a ceremony that closely followed Eastern Roman practices.[16]Not long after the coronation, Baldwin ventured out into the Thracian countryside, posturing not as a conqueror but as a legitimate ruler, expecting to be universally acclaimed by the populace as the Emperor of the Romans.[17]The establishment of the Latin Empire had the curious effect of creating five simultaneously existing polities claiming to be the Roman Empire: the Latin empire, theHoly Roman Empire,and the three remnants of theByzantine Empire,the Despotate of Epirus, the empire of Nicaea, and the empire of Trebizond.

In Asia Minor

Capture of Constantinople during theFourth Crusadein 1204.

The initial campaigns of the crusaders in Asia Minor resulted in the capture of most ofBithyniaby 1205, with the defeat of the forces ofTheodore I Laskarisat Poemanenum and Prusa. Latin successes continued, and in 1207 a truce was signed with Theodore, newly proclaimed Emperor of Nicaea. The Latins inflicted afurther defeaton Nicaean forces at the Rhyndakos river in October 1211, and three years later theTreaty of Nymphaeum (1214)recognized their control of most of Bithynia andMysia.

The peace was maintained until 1222, when the resurgent power of Nicaea felt sufficiently strong to challenge the Latin Empire, by that time weakened by constant warfare in its European provinces. At thebattle of Poimanenonin 1224, the Latin army was defeated, and by the next year EmperorRobert of Courtenaywas forced to cede all his Asian possessions to Nicaea, except forNicomediaand the territories directly across from Constantinople. Nicaea turned also to theAegean,capturing the islands awarded to the empire. In 1235, finally, the last Latin possessions fell to Nicaea.

In Europe


Unlike in Asia, where the Latin Empire faced only an initially weak Nicaea, in Europe it was immediately confronted with a powerful enemy: theBulgariantsarKaloyan.When Baldwin campaigned against the Byzantine lords ofThrace,they called upon Kaloyan for help. At theBattle of Adrianopleon 14 April 1205, the Latin heavy cavalry and knights were crushed by Kaloyan's troops andCumanallies, and Emperor Baldwin was captured. He was imprisoned in the Bulgarian capitalTarnovountil his death later in 1205. Kaloyan was murdered a couple of years later (1207) during a siege ofThessalonica,and the Bulgarian threat conclusively defeated with avictorythe following year, which allowed Baldwin's successor,Henry of Flanders,to reclaim most of the lost territories in Thrace until 1210, when peace was concluded with the marriage of Henry toMaria of Bulgaria,tsar Kaloyan's daughter.

Despotate of Epirus,one of the Greek successor states of the Byzantine Empire

At the same time, another Greek successor state, theDespotate of Epirus,underMichael I Komnenos Doukas,posed a threat to the empire's vassals in Thessalonica and Athens. Henry demanded his submission, which Michael provided, giving off his daughter to Henry's brother Eustace in the summer of 1209. This alliance allowed Henry to launch a campaign inMacedonia,ThessalyandCentral Greeceagainst the rebelliousLombardlords of Thessalonica. However, Michael's attack on the Kingdom of Thessalonica in 1210 forced him to return north to relieve the city and to force Michael back into submission.

In 1214 however, Michael died, and was succeeded byTheodore Komnenos Doukas,who was determined to capture Thessalonica. On 11 June 1216, while supervising repairs to the walls of Thessalonica, Henry died, and was succeeded byPeter of Courtenay,who himself was captured and executed by Theodore the following year. A regency was set up in Constantinople, headed by Peter's widow,Yolanda of Flanders,until her death in 1219. Her sonRobert of Courtenaybeing absent in France, the regency passed first toConon de Béthune,and after his death shortly after, to CardinalGiovanni Colonna,until 1221, when Robert of Courtenay arrived in Constantinople. Distracted by the renewed war with Nicaea, and waiting in vain for assistance fromPope Honorius IIIand the King of FrancePhilip II,the Latin Empire was unable to prevent the final fall of Thessalonica to Epirus in 1224. Epirote armies then conquered Thrace in 1225–26, appearing before Constantinople itself. The Latin Empire was saved for a time by the threat posed to Theodore by the Bulgarian tsarIvan II Asen,and a truce was concluded in 1228.

Decline and fall


After Robert of Courtenay died in 1228, a new regency underJohn of Briennewas set up. After the disastrous Epirote defeat by the Bulgarians at theBattle of Klokotnitsa,the Epirote threat to the Latin Empire was removed, only to be replaced by Nicaea, which started acquiring territories in Greece. EmperorJohn III Doukas Vatatzesof Nicaea concluded an alliance with Bulgaria, which in 1235 resulted in a joint campaign against the Latin Empire, and an unsuccessfulsiege of Constantinoplethe same year. In 1237,Baldwin IIattained majority and took over the reins of a much-diminished state. The empire's precarious situation forced him to travel often to Western Europe seeking aid, but largely without success. In order to raise funds, he was forced to resort to desperate means, from removing the lead roofs of theGreat Palaceand selling them, to handing over his only son, Philip, to Venetian merchants as a guarantee for a loan.

By 1247, the Nicaeans had effectively surrounded the main holdings of the Emperor in the new European land system. Following the victory at the Battle of Pelagonia in 1259 Michael VIII Palaiologos of the Nicaean empire had only one obstacle left. The Theodosian walls and the Latin Forces. He had already cut of the Latins from aid from the Latin estates of Greece or the Nicaeans rivals and also a successor state to the Byzantines the Despotate of Epirus.

The first attempt to take Constantinople occurred in 1260 when a Latin knight taken prisoner in Pelagonia, whose house was in the city walls, promised to open a gate for the emperor's troops. He failed to do so, and Palaiologos launched an unsuccessful assault on Galata Instead. In preparation for another attempt, an alliance with Genoa was concluded in March 1261, and in July 1261

As the one-year truce concluded after the failed Nicaean attack was nearing its end, the generalAlexios Strategopouloswas sent with a small advance force of 800 soldiers (most of themCumans) to keep a watch on theBulgariansand spy out the defences of the Latins.

When the Nicaean force reached the village ofSelymbria,some 30 miles (48 km) west of Constantinople, they learned from some independent local farmers (thelematarioi) that the entire Latin garrison, as well as theVenetianfleet, were absent conducting a raid against the Nicaean island ofDaphnousia.Strategopoulos initially hesitated to take advantage of the situation, since his small force might be destroyed if the Latin army returned too soon, and because he would exceed the emperor's orders, but eventually decided he could not squander such a golden opportunity to retake the city.

On the night of 24/25 July 1261, Strategopoulos and his men approached thecity wallsand hid at amonasterynear the Gate of the Spring. Strategopoulos sent a detachment of his men, led by some of thethelematarioi,to make their way to the city through a secret passage. They attacked the walls from the inside, surprised the guards and opened the gate, giving the Nicaean force entry into the city. The Latins were taken completely unaware, and after a short struggle, the Nicaeans gained control of the land walls. As news of this spread across the city, the Latin inhabitants, from EmperorBaldwin IIdownwards, hurriedly rushed to the harbours of theGolden Horn,hoping to escape by ship. At the same time, Strategopoulos' men set fire to the Venetian buildings and warehouses along the coast to prevent them from landing there. Thanks to the timely arrival of the returning Venetian fleet, many of the Latins managed to evacuate to the still Latin-held parts of Greece, but the city was lost.

Nicaean generalAlexios Strategopoulosfound an unguarded entrance to the city, and entered it with only 800 troops, restoring the Byzantine Empire for his master,Michael VIII Palaiologos.

The remaining Latin states ruled territories of present-dayGreece,some of them until the 18th century, and are known asLatinokratia.

Titular claimants


For about a century thereafter, the heirs ofBaldwin IIcontinued to use the title of Emperor of Constantinople, and were seen as the overlords of the various remaining Latin states in theAegean.They exercised effective authority in Greece only when actually ruling asprinces of Achaea,from 1333–1383.

James of Bauxwas the last of these Latin emperors to govern any imperial territory through Achaea. His reign lasted from 1374 until his death on 7 July 1383.

Organization and society




The empire was formed and administered on Western European feudal principles, incorporating some elements of theByzantine bureaucracy.The emperor was assisted by a council, composed of the various barons, the VenetianPodestà of Constantinopleand his six-member council. This council had a major voice in the governance of the realm, especially in periods of regency, when the Regent (moderator imperii) was dependent on their consent to rule. The podestà, likewise, was an extremely influential member, being practically independent of the emperor. He exercised authority over the Venetian quarters of Constantinople andPeraand the Venetian dominions within the empire, assisted by a separate set of officials. His role was more that of an ambassador andvicegerentof Venice than a vassal to the empire. The podestà was granted the title of Governor of One-Fourth and One-Half of the Empire of Romania, and was entitled to wearing the imperial crimson buskins like the emperor.[18]



The Latins did not trust the professional Greekbureaucracy,and in the immediate aftermath of the conquest completely dismantled the Greek economic administration of the areas they controlled. The result was disastrous, disrupting all forms of production and trade. Almost from its inception the Latin Empire was sending requests back to the papacy for aid. For a few years, the major commodities it exported from the surrounding region of Thrace werewheatandfurs;it also profited from Constantinople's strategic location on major trade routes. While the empire showed some moderate vitality whileHenry of Flanderswas alive, after his death in 1216 there was a major deficit in leadership. By the 1230s, Constantinople – even with its drastically reduced population – was facing a major shortage of basicfoodstuffs.In several senses, the only significant export on which the economy of the Latin Empire had any real basis was the sale ofrelicsback to Western Europe which had been looted from Greek churches.[citation needed]For example, Emperor Baldwin II sold the relic of theCrown of Thornswhile in France trying to raise new funds.[citation needed]



The elite of the empire were the Frankish and Venetian lords, headed by the emperor, the barons and the lower-ranking vassals and liege lords, including many former Byzantine aristocrats. The bulk of the people wereOrthodoxGreeks,still divided according to the Byzantine system in income classes based on land ownership.



As with all Latin states, the Orthodox hierarchy was replaced byRoman Catholicprelates,but not suppressed.[citation needed]An expansive Catholic hierarchy was established, under the dual supervision of the Latinarchbishopof Constantinople and thePapal legate,until the two offices were merged in 1231. Western Catholic religious orders, such as theCistercians,theDominicansand theFranciscanswere established in the empire. The Orthodox clergy retained its rites and customs, including its right to marriage, but was demoted to a subordinate position, subject to the local Latin bishops.[citation needed]

See also



  1. ^The Byzantines retook Constantinople under EmperorMichael VIII Palaiologosin 1261. Latin possessions remained in Greece until theOttoman Empireannexed theDuchy of the Archipelagoin 1579, and the various surviving Latin principalities continued to recognize a lineage ofLatin Emperorsuntil the death ofJames of Bauxin 1383.
  2. ^Arms used byPhilip of Courtenay,who held the title of Latin Emperor of Constantinople from 1273 to 1283, even though Constantinople had been reinstated to the Byzantines in 1261. This design was sometimes presented as the "arms of the emperors of Constantinople" in early modern heraldry.[1]


  1. ^Hubert de Vries,Byzantium: Arms and Emblems (
  2. ^abcdMatanov, Hristo (2014).В търсене на средновековното време. Неравният път на българите (VII–XV в.) (in Bulgarian).IK Gutenberg.ISBN9786191760183.
  3. ^Pirenne, Henri (1947).Histotia Economica y Social de la Edad Media(in Spanish) (4th ed.). Mexico: Salvador Echavarria. p. 39.
  4. ^Marin, Serban (1 January 2004)."Dominus quartae partis et dimidiae totius Imperii Romaniae. The Fourth Crusade and the Dogal Title in the Venetian Chronicles' Representation".Quaderni della Casa Romena 3 (2004), pp. 119–150.
  5. ^Loud, G.A."Contemporary Documents concerning the Fourth Crusade and the Latin Empire of Constantinople"(PDF).Leeds Medieval Studies.Leeds University.Retrieved24 November2023.
  6. ^Jacobi, David (1999), "The Latin empire of Constantinople and the Frankish states in Greece", in Abulafia, David (ed.),The New Cambridge Medieval History, Vol. V: c. 1198–c. 1300,Cambridge University Press, pp. 525–542,ISBN0-521-36289-X
  7. ^abcTricht, Filip Van (2011).The Latin Renovatio of Byzantium: The Empire of Constantinople (1204–1228).Brill. pp. 61–82.ISBN9789004203235.
  8. ^Zarkadas, Evangelos (2022).The Effects of Regional Separatism on Late Roman Identity in Fourteenth-Century Byzantium.Maine: University of Maine. p. 62.
  9. ^On the long history of "Romania" as a territorial name for the Roman and (later) Byzantine empires, see R.L. Wolff, "Romania: The Latin Empire of Constantinople". In:Speculum,23 (1948), pp. 1–34.
  10. ^Fossier, Robert; Sondheimer, Janet (1997). The Cambridge Illustrated History of the Middle Ages. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.ISBN978-0-521-26644-4.p. 104
  11. ^Hendrickx 2015,pp. 308–310.
  12. ^Hendrickx 2015,p. 308.
  13. ^Hendrickx 2015,pp. 308–309.
  14. ^Hendrickx 2015,p. 309.
  15. ^Hendrickx 2015,pp. 305–306, 309.
  16. ^Setton 1976,pp. 13.
  17. ^Choniates 1984,pp. 328.
  18. ^Hazlitt, William Carew. The Venetian Republic: Its Rise, Its Growth, and Its Fall 421–1797. Vol. 1, A. And C. Black, 1900.

