Inmathematics,and more specifically inlinear algebra,alinear map(also called alinear mapping,linear transformation,vector space homomorphism,or in some contextslinear function) is amappingbetween twovector spacesthat preserves the operations ofvector additionandscalar multiplication.The same names and the same definition are also used for the more general case ofmodulesover aring;seeModule homomorphism.

If a linear map is abijectionthen it is called alinear isomorphism.In the case where,a linear map is called alinear endomorphism.Sometimes the termlinear operatorrefers to this case,[1]but the term "linear operator" can have different meanings for different conventions: for example, it can be used to emphasize thatandarerealvector spaces (not necessarily with),[citation needed]or it can be used to emphasize thatis afunction space,which is a common convention infunctional analysis.[2]Sometimes the termlinear functionhas the same meaning aslinear map,while inanalysisit does not.

A linear map fromtoalways maps the origin ofto the origin of.Moreover, it mapslinear subspacesinonto linear subspaces in(possibly of a lowerdimension);[3]for example, it maps aplanethrough theorigininto either a plane through the origin in,alinethrough the origin in,or just the origin in.Linear maps can often be represented asmatrices,and simple examples includerotation and reflection linear transformations.

In the language ofcategory theory,linear maps are themorphismsof vector spaces, and they form a categoryequivalenttothe one of matrices.

Definition and first consequences


Letandbe vector spaces over the samefield. A functionis said to be alinear mapif for any two vectorsand any scalarthe following two conditions are satisfied:

  • Additivity/ operation of addition
  • Homogeneityof degree 1 / operation of scalar multiplication

Thus, a linear map is said to beoperation preserving.In other words, it does not matter whether the linear map is applied before (the right hand sides of the above examples) or after (the left hand sides of the examples) the operations of addition and scalar multiplication.

Bythe associativity of the addition operationdenoted as +, for any vectorsand scalarsthe following equality holds:[4][5] Thus a linear map is one which preserveslinear combinations.

Denoting the zero elements of the vector spacesandbyandrespectively, it follows thatLetandin the equation for homogeneity of degree 1:

A linear mapwithviewed as a one-dimensional vector space over itself is called alinear functional.[6]

These statements generalize to any left-moduleover a ringwithout modification, and to any right-module upon reversing of the scalar multiplication.


  • A prototypical example that gives linear maps their name is a function,of which thegraphis a line through the origin.[7]
  • More generally, anyhomothetycentered in the origin of a vector space is a linear map (herecis a scalar).
  • The zero mapbetween two vector spaces (over the samefield) is linear.
  • Theidentity mapon any module is a linear operator.
  • For real numbers, the mapis not linear.
  • For real numbers, the mapis not linear (but is anaffine transformation).
  • Ifis areal matrix,thendefines a linear map fromtoby sending acolumn vectorto the column vector.Conversely, any linear map betweenfinite-dimensionalvector spaces can be represented in this manner; see the§ Matrices,below.
  • Ifis anisometrybetween realnormed spacessuch thatthenis a linear map. This result is not necessarily true for complex normed space.[8]
  • Differentiationdefines a linear map from the space of all differentiable functions to the space of all functions. It also defines alinear operatoron the space of allsmooth functions(a linear operator is alinear endomorphism,that is, a linear map with the samedomainandcodomain). Indeed,
  • A definiteintegralover someintervalIis a linear map from the space of all real-valued integrable functions onIto.Indeed,
  • An indefiniteintegral(orantiderivative) with a fixed integration starting point defines a linear map from the space of all real-valued integrable functions onto the space of all real-valued, differentiable functions on.Without a fixed starting point, the antiderivative maps to thequotient spaceof the differentiable functions by the linear space of constant functions.
  • Ifandare finite-dimensional vector spaces over a fieldF,of respective dimensionsmandn,then the function that maps linear mapston×mmatrices in the way described in§ Matrices(below) is a linear map, and even alinear isomorphism.
  • Theexpected valueof arandom variable(which is in fact a function, and as such an element of a vector space) is linear, as for random variablesandwe haveand,but thevarianceof a random variable is not linear.

Linear extensions


Often, a linear map is constructed by defining it on a subset of a vector space and thenextending by linearityto thelinear spanof the domain. Supposeandare vector spaces andis afunctiondefined on some subset Then alinear extensionoftoif it exists, is a linear mapdefined onthatextends[note 1](meaning thatfor all) and takes its values from the codomain of[9] When the subsetis a vector subspace ofthen a (-valued) linear extension ofto all ofis guaranteed to exist if (and only if)is a linear map.[9]In particular, ifhas a linear extension tothen it has a linear extension to all of

The mapcan be extended to a linear mapif and only if wheneveris an integer,are scalars, andare vectors such thatthen necessarily[10] If a linear extension ofexists then the linear extensionis unique and holds for allandas above.[10] Ifis linearly independent then every functioninto any vector space has a linear extension to a (linear) map(the converse is also true).

For example, ifandthen the assignmentandcan be linearly extended from the linearly independent set of vectorsto a linear map onThe unique linear extensionis the map that sendsto

Every (scalar-valued)linear functionaldefined on avector subspaceof a real or complex vector spacehas a linear extension to all of Indeed, theHahn–Banach dominated extension theoremeven guarantees that when this linear functionalis dominated by some givenseminorm(meaning thatholds for allin the domain of) then there exists a linear extension tothat is also dominated by



Ifandarefinite-dimensionalvector spaces and abasisis defined for each vector space, then every linear map fromtocan be represented by amatrix.[11]This is useful because it allows concrete calculations. Matrices yield examples of linear maps: ifis a realmatrix, thendescribes a linear map(seeEuclidean space).

Letbe a basis for.Then every vectoris uniquely determined by the coefficientsin the field:

Ifis a linear map,

which implies that the functionfis entirely determined by the vectors.Now letbe a basis for.Then we can represent each vectoras

Thus, the functionis entirely determined by the values of.If we put these values into anmatrix,then we can conveniently use it to compute the vector output offor any vector in.To get,every columnofis a vector corresponding toas defined above. To define it more clearly, for some columnthat corresponds to the mapping, whereis the matrix of.In other words, every columnhas a corresponding vectorwhose coordinatesare the elements of column.A single linear map may be represented by many matrices. This is because the values of the elements of a matrix depend on the bases chosen.

The matrices of a linear transformation can be represented visually:

  1. Matrix forrelative to:
  2. Matrix forrelative to:
  3. Transition matrix fromto:
  4. Transition matrix fromto:
The relationship between matrices in a linear transformation

Such that starting in the bottom left cornerand looking for the bottom right corner,one would left-multiply—that is,.The equivalent method would be the "longer" method going clockwise from the same point such thatis left-multiplied with,or.

Examples in two dimensions


In two-dimensionalspaceR2linear maps are described by 2 × 2matrices.These are some examples:

  • rotation
    • by 90 degrees counterclockwise:
    • by an angleθcounterclockwise:
  • reflection
    • through thexaxis:
    • through theyaxis:
    • through a line making an angleθwith the origin:
  • scalingby 2 in all directions:
  • horizontal shear mapping:
  • skew of theyaxis by an angleθ:
  • squeeze mapping:
  • projectiononto theyaxis:

If a linear map is only composed of rotation, reflection, and/or uniform scaling, then the linear map is aconformal linear transformation.

Vector space of linear maps


The composition of linear maps is linear: ifandare linear, then so is theircomposition.It follows from this that theclassof all vector spaces over a given fieldK,together withK-linear maps asmorphisms,forms acategory.

Theinverseof a linear map, when defined, is again a linear map.

Ifandare linear, then so is theirpointwisesum,which is defined by.

Ifis linear andis an element of the ground field,then the map,defined by,is also linear.

Thus the setof linear maps fromtoitself forms a vector space over,[12]sometimes denoted.[13]Furthermore, in the case that,this vector space, denoted,is anassociative algebraundercomposition of maps,since the composition of two linear maps is again a linear map, and the composition of maps is always associative. This case is discussed in more detail below.

Given again the finite-dimensional case, if bases have been chosen, then the composition of linear maps corresponds to thematrix multiplication,the addition of linear maps corresponds to thematrix addition,and the multiplication of linear maps with scalars corresponds to the multiplication of matrices with scalars.

Endomorphisms and automorphisms


A linear transformationis anendomorphismof;the set of all such endomorphismstogether with addition, composition and scalar multiplication as defined above forms anassociative algebrawith identity element over the field(and in particular aring). The multiplicative identity element of this algebra is theidentity map.

An endomorphism ofthat is also anisomorphismis called anautomorphismof.The composition of two automorphisms is again an automorphism, and the set of all automorphisms offorms agroup,theautomorphism groupofwhich is denoted byor.Since the automorphisms are precisely thoseendomorphismswhich possess inverses under composition,is the group ofunitsin the ring.

Ifhas finite dimension,thenisisomorphicto theassociative algebraof allmatrices with entries in.The automorphism group ofisisomorphicto thegeneral linear groupof allinvertible matrices with entries in.

Kernel, image and the rank–nullity theorem


Ifis linear, we define thekerneland theimageorrangeofby

is asubspaceofandis a subspace of.The followingdimensionformula is known as therank–nullity theorem:[14]

The numberis also called therankofand written as,or sometimes,;[15][16]the numberis called thenullityofand written asor.[15][16]Ifandare finite-dimensional, bases have been chosen andis represented by the matrix,then the rank and nullity ofare equal to the rank and nullity of the matrix,respectively.



A subtler invariant of a linear transformationis thecokernel,which is defined as

This is thedualnotion to the kernel: just as the kernel is asubspace of thedomain,the co-kernel is aquotientspaceof thetarget.Formally, one has theexact sequence

These can be interpreted thus: given a linear equationf(v) =wto solve,

  • the kernel is the space ofsolutionsto thehomogeneousequationf(v) = 0, and its dimension is the number ofdegrees of freedomin the space of solutions, if it is not empty;
  • the co-kernel is the space ofconstraintsthat the solutions must satisfy, and its dimension is the maximal number of independent constraints.

The dimension of the co-kernel and the dimension of the image (the rank) add up to the dimension of the target space. For finite dimensions, this means that the dimension of the quotient spaceW/f(V) is the dimension of the target space minus the dimension of the image.

As a simple example, consider the mapf:R2R2,given byf(x,y) = (0,y). Then for an equationf(x,y) = (a,b) to have a solution, we must havea= 0 (one constraint), and in that case the solution space is (x,b) or equivalently stated, (0,b) + (x,0), (one degree of freedom). The kernel may be expressed as the subspace (x,0) <V:the value ofxis the freedom in a solution – while the cokernel may be expressed via the mapWR,:given a vector (a,b), the value ofais theobstructionto there being a solution.

An example illustrating the infinite-dimensional case is afforded by the mapf:RR,withb1= 0 andbn+ 1=anforn> 0. Its image consists of all sequences with first element 0, and thus its cokernel consists of the classes of sequences with identical first element. Thus, whereas its kernel has dimension 0 (it maps only the zero sequence to the zero sequence), its co-kernel has dimension 1. Since the domain and the target space are the same, the rank and the dimension of the kernel add up to the samesumas the rank and the dimension of the co-kernel (), but in the infinite-dimensional case it cannot be inferred that the kernel and the co-kernel of anendomorphismhave the same dimension (0 ≠ 1). The reverse situation obtains for the maph:RR,withcn=an+ 1.Its image is the entire target space, and hence its co-kernel has dimension 0, but since it maps all sequences in which only the first element is non-zero to the zero sequence, its kernel has dimension 1.



For a linear operator with finite-dimensional kernel and co-kernel, one may defineindexas: namely the degrees of freedom minus the number of constraints.

For a transformation between finite-dimensional vector spaces, this is just the difference dim(V) − dim(W), by rank–nullity. This gives an indication of how many solutions or how many constraints one has: if mapping from a larger space to a smaller one, the map may be onto, and thus will have degrees of freedom even without constraints. Conversely, if mapping from a smaller space to a larger one, the map cannot be onto, and thus one will have constraints even without degrees of freedom.

The index of an operator is precisely theEuler characteristicof the 2-term complex 0 →VW→ 0. Inoperator theory,the index ofFredholm operatorsis an object of study, with a major result being theAtiyah–Singer index theorem.[17]

Algebraic classifications of linear transformations


No classification of linear maps could be exhaustive. The following incomplete list enumerates some important classifications that do not require any additional structure on the vector space.

LetVandWdenote vector spaces over a fieldFand letT:VWbe a linear map.



Tis said to beinjectiveor amonomorphismif any of the following equivalent conditions are true:

  1. Tisone-to-oneas a map ofsets.
  2. kerT= {0V}
  3. dim(kerT) = 0
  4. Tismonicor left-cancellable, which is to say, for any vector spaceUand any pair of linear mapsR:UVandS:UV,the equationTR=TSimpliesR=S.
  5. Tisleft-invertible,which is to say there exists a linear mapS:WVsuch thatSTis theidentity maponV.



Tis said to besurjectiveor anepimorphismif any of the following equivalent conditions are true:

  1. Tisontoas a map of sets.
  2. cokerT= {0W}
  3. Tisepicor right-cancellable, which is to say, for any vector spaceUand any pair of linear mapsR:WUandS:WU,the equationRT=STimpliesR=S.
  4. Tisright-invertible,which is to say there exists a linear mapS:WVsuch thatTSis theidentity maponW.



Tis said to be anisomorphismif it is both left- and right-invertible. This is equivalent toTbeing both one-to-one and onto (abijectionof sets) or also toTbeing both epic and monic, and so being abimorphism.

IfT:VVis an endomorphism, then:

  • If, for some positive integern,then-th iterate ofT,Tn,is identically zero, thenTis said to benilpotent.
  • IfT2=T,thenTis said to beidempotent
  • IfT=kI,wherekis some scalar, thenTis said to be a scaling transformation or scalar multiplication map; seescalar matrix.

Change of basis


Given a linear map which is anendomorphismwhose matrix isA,in the basisBof the space it transforms vector coordinates [u] as [v] =A[u]. As vectors change with the inverse ofB(vectors coordinates arecontravariant) its inverse transformation is [v] =B[v'].

Substituting this in the first expression hence

Therefore, the matrix in the new basis isA′=B−1AB,beingBthe matrix of the given basis.

Therefore, linear maps are said to be 1-co- 1-contra-variantobjects, or type (1, 1)tensors.



Alinear transformationbetweentopological vector spaces,for examplenormed spaces,may becontinuous.If its domain and codomain are the same, it will then be acontinuous linear operator.A linear operator on a normed linear space is continuous if and only if it isbounded,for example, when the domain is finite-dimensional.[18]An infinite-dimensional domain may havediscontinuous linear operators.

An example of an unbounded, hence discontinuous, linear transformation is differentiation on the space of smooth functions equipped with the supremum norm (a function with small values can have a derivative with large values, while the derivative of 0 is 0). For a specific example,sin(nx)/nconverges to 0, but its derivativecos(nx)does not, so differentiation is not continuous at 0 (and by a variation of this argument, it is not continuous anywhere).



A specific application of linear maps is forgeometric transformations,such as those performed incomputer graphics,where the translation, rotation and scaling of 2D or 3D objects is performed by the use of atransformation matrix.Linear mappings also are used as a mechanism for describing change: for example in calculus correspond to derivatives; or in relativity, used as a device to keep track of the local transformations of reference frames.

Another application of these transformations is incompiler optimizationsof nested-loop code, and inparallelizing compilertechniques.

See also



  1. ^"Linear transformations ofVintoVare often calledlinear operatorsonV."Rudin 1976,p. 207
  2. ^LetVandWbe two real vector spaces. A mapping a fromVintoWIs called a 'linear mapping' or 'linear transformation' or 'linear operator' [...] fromVintoW,if
    for all,
    for alland all realλ.Bronshtein & Semendyayev 2004,p. 316
  3. ^Rudin 1991,p. 14
    Here are some properties of linear mappingswhose proofs are so easy that we omit them; it is assumed thatand:
    1. IfAis a subspace (or aconvex set,or abalanced set) the same is true of
    2. IfBis a subspace (or a convex set, or a balanced set) the same is true of
    3. In particular, the set:is a subspace ofX,called thenull spaceof.
  4. ^Rudin 1991,p. 14. Suppose now thatXandYare vector spacesover the same scalar field.A mappingis said to belineariffor alland all scalarsand.Note that one often writes,rather than,whenis linear.
  5. ^Rudin 1976,p. 206. A mappingAof a vector spaceXinto a vector spaceYis said to be alinear transformationif:for alland all scalarsc.Note that one often writesinstead ofifAis linear.
  6. ^Rudin 1991,p. 14. Linear mappings ofXonto its scalar field are calledlinear functionals.
  7. ^"terminology - What does 'linear' mean in Linear Algebra?".Mathematics Stack Exchange.Retrieved2021-02-17.
  8. ^Wilansky 2013,pp. 21–26.
  9. ^abKubrusly 2001,p. 57.
  10. ^abSchechter 1996,pp. 277–280.
  11. ^Rudin 1976,p. 210 Supposeandare bases of vector spacesXandY,respectively. Then everydetermines a set of numberssuch that It is convenient to represent these numbers in a rectangular array ofmrows andncolumns, called anmbynmatrix: Observe that the coordinatesof the vector(with respect to the basis) appear in thejthcolumn of.The vectorsare therefore sometimes called thecolumn vectorsof.With this terminology, therangeofAis spanned by the column vectors of.
  12. ^Axler (2015)p. 52, § 3.3
  13. ^Tu (2011),p. 19, § 3.1
  14. ^Horn & Johnson 2013,0.2.3 Vector spaces associated with a matrix or linear transformation, p. 6
  15. ^abKatznelson & Katznelson (2008)p. 52, § 2.5.1
  16. ^abHalmos (1974)p. 90, § 50
  17. ^Nistor, Victor (2001) [1994],"Index theory",Encyclopedia of Mathematics,EMS Press:"The main question in index theory is to provide index formulas for classes of Fredholm operators... Index theory has become a subject on its own only after M. F. Atiyah and I. Singer published their index theorems"
  18. ^Rudin 1991,p. 15 1.18 TheoremLetbe a linear functional on a topological vector spaceX.Assumefor some.Then each of the following four properties implies the other three:
    1. is continuous
    2. The null spaceis closed.
    3. is not dense inX.
    4. is bounded in some neighbourhoodVof 0.
  1. ^One mapis said toextendanother mapif whenis defined at a pointthen so isand

