Amilitia(/mɪˈlɪʃə/mil-ISH)[1]is generally anarmyor some otherfighting organizationof non-professionalor part-time soldiers; citizens of a country, or subjects of a state, who may perform military service during a time of need, as opposed to a professional force ofregular,full-timemilitary personnel;or, historically, to members of a warrior-nobilityclass (e.g.knightsorsamurai). When acting independently, militias are generally unable to hold ground against regular forces; militias commonly support regular troops byskirmishing,holding fortifications, or conductingirregular warfare,instead of undertaking offensive campaigns by themselves. Local civilian laws often limit militias to serve only in their home region, and to serve only for a limited time; this further reduces their use in long military campaigns. Militias may also, however, serve as a pool of available manpower for regular forces to draw from, particularly in emergencies.

Musteringin the "Hempstead Rifles," Arkansas Volunteers, atArkadelphia, Arkansas,in 1861.

Beginning in the late 20th century, some militias (in particular officially recognized and sanctioned militias of a government) act as professional forces, while still being "part-time" or "on-call" organizations. For instance, the members ofUnited States National Guardunits are considered professional soldiers, as they are trained to the same standards that their "full-time" (active duty) counterparts are.[1]

Militias thus can be eithermilitaryorparamilitary,depending on the instance. Some of the contexts in which the term "militia" can apply include:

  • forces engaged in a defense activity or service, to protect a community, its territory, property, and laws,[2]
  • the entire able-bodied population of acommunity,town,county,orstateavailable to be called to arms
    • a subset of these who may be legally penalized for failing to respond to a call-up
    • a subset of these who actually respond to a call-up regardless of legal obligation
  • a private (non-governmental) force not necessarily directly supported or sanctioned by agovernment
  • an irregular armed force that enables its leader to exercise military, economic, or political control over a subnational territory within a sovereign state
  • inRussiaand some countries of the formerSoviet Union,an official reserve army composed of citizensoldiersknown as themilitsiya.Under the Soviet Union, and until 2011,militsiya(militia) was the title given to the regular civil police force.
  • aselect militiacomposed of a small, non-representative portion of the population,[3]
  • maritime militiascomposed of fishermen and other participants of the marine industry which are organized and sanctioned by a state to enforce itsmaritime boundaries.[4]



Militiaderives fromLatinroots:

  • miles/miːles/: soldier[5]
  • -itia/iːtia/: a state, activity, quality or condition of being[6][7]
  • militia/mil:iːtia/: Military service[5]

The wordmilitiadates back to ancient Rome, and more recently to at least 1590 when it was recorded in a book by Sir John Smythe,Certain Discourses Militarywith the meanings: a military force; a body of soldiers and military affairs; a body of military discipline[8] The word Militia comes from ancient Latin, in which it meant defense service, as distinguished from a body of (armed) defenders which would bevolgus militum.The term is used by several countries with the meaning of "defense activity" indicating it is taken directly from Latin.



Militias have been used throughout the history of Afghanistan.Afghan Militiasand irregular forces have contributed significantly to the military history of the country and affected the process of state formation.[9]



Andorra has a small army, which has historically been raised or reconstituted at various dates, but has never in modern times amounted to a standing army. The basic principle of Andorran defence is that all able-bodied men are available to fight if called upon by the sounding of the Sometent. Being alandlocked country,Andorra has no navy.

Before World War I, Andorra maintained an armed militia force of about 600 part-time militiamen under the supervision of a Captain (Capità or Cap de Sometent) and a Lieutenant (Desener or Lloctinent del Capità). This body was not liable for service outside the principality and was commanded by two officials (veguers) appointed by France and the Bishop of Urgell.[10]

In the modern era, the army has consisted of a very small body of volunteers willing to undertakeceremonial duties.Uniforms and weaponry were handed down from generation to generation within families and communities.[11]

The army's role in internal security was largely taken over by the formation of thePolice Corps of Andorrain 1931. Brief civil disorder associated with the elections of 1933 led to assistance being sought from the FrenchNational Gendarmerie,[12]with a detachment resident inAndorrafor two months under the command of René-Jules Baulard.[citation needed]The Andorran Police was reformed in the following year, with eleven soldiers appointed to supervisory roles.[13]The force consisted of sixCorporals,one for each parish (although there are currently seven parishes, there were only six until 1978), plus four junior staff officers to co-ordinate action, and a commander with the rank of major. It was the responsibility of the six corporals, each in his own parish, to be able to raise a fighting force from among the able-bodied men of the parish.

Today a small, twelve-man ceremonial unit remains the only permanent section of the Sometent, but all able-bodied men remain technicallyavailable for military service,[14]with a requirement for each family to have access to a firearm. Anarea weaponsuch as a Shotgun per household is unregulated, howeverranged weaponssuch as Pistols and Rifles require a license.[11]The army has not fought for more than 700 years, and its main responsibility is topresent theflag of Andorraat official ceremonial functions.[15][16]According toMarc Forné Molné,Andorra's military budget is strictly from voluntary donations, and the availability of full-time volunteers.[17]

In more recent times there has only been a general emergency call to the popular army of Sometent during the floods of 1982 in the Catalan Pyrenees,[18]where 12 citizens perished in Andorra, to help the population and establish a public order along with the Local Police units.[19]



In the early 1800sBuenos Aires,which was by then the capital of theViceroyalty of the Río de la Plata,was attacked during theBritish invasions of the Río de la Plata.As regular military forces were insufficient to counter the British attackers,Santiago de Liniersdrafted all males in the city capable of bearing arms into the military. These recruits included thecriollo peoples,who ranked low down in the social hierarchy, as well as some slaves. With these reinforcements, the British armies were twice defeated.[20]The militias became a strong factor in the politics of the city afterwards, as a springboard from which thecriolloscould manifest their political ambitions.[21]They were a key element in the success of theMay Revolution,which deposed the Spanish viceroy and began theArgentine War of Independence.A decree byMariano Morenoderogated the system of promotions involvingcriollos,[clarification neededmeaning unclear]allowing instead their promotion on military merit.

TheArgentine Civil Warwas waged by militias again, as both federalists and unitarians drafted common people into their ranks as part of ongoing conflicts. These irregular armies were organized at a provincial level, and assembled as leagues depending on political pacts.[22]This system had declined by the 1870s, mainly due to the establishment of the modernArgentine Army,drafted for theParaguayan Warby PresidentBartolomé Mitre.[23]Provincial militias were outlawed and decimated by the new army throughout the presidential terms of Mitre,Sarmiento,AvellanedaandRoca.[24]


ArmenianfedayiwereArmenianirregular militiaformed in the late 19th and early 20th century to defend Armenian villages.

Armenian militia, orfedayiplayed a major role in the independence of various Armenian states, includingWestern Armenia,theFirst Republic of Armenia,and theRepublic of Artsakh.Armenian militia also played a role in theGeorgia-Abkhazia Warof 1992–1993.



In theColony of New South Wales,GovernorLachlan Macquarieproposed acolonial militiabut the idea was rejected. GovernorRalph Darlingfelt amounted policeforce was more efficient than a militia. Amilitary volunteermovement attracted wide interest during theCrimean War.[25]Following Federation, the various military reserve forces of theCommonwealth of Australiabecame theCitizen Military Force(CMF).

A citizens' militia modeled on theBritish Home Guardcalled theVolunteer Defence Corps(VDC) was founded by theReturned and Services League of Australia(RSL) in 1940 in response to the possibility of a Japanese invasion of Australia. In the beginning, members didn't have uniforms and often paraded in business attire. They were given instruction onguerrilla warfare,and later the private organization was taken over by the Australian Government and became part of theAustralian Military Forces(AMF). The government supported the organization and equipped them withanti-aircraft artillery;however, they were disbanded by the end of World War II due to the fact that there was no longer a significant threat to national security.


Republikanischer Schutzbundwas anAustrianmilitia formed in 1923, one of several militias formed in post-World War IAustria.

During theRevolutions of 1848 in the Austrian Empire,a National Guard was established in Vienna. A separate but relatedAcademic Legionwas composed mainly of students in the capital city.

AfterWorld War I,multiple militias formed assoldiersreturned home to theirvillages,only to find many of them occupied bySloveneandYugoslavforces. Especially in the southern province ofCarinthiathe Volkswehr (Peoples Defense Force) was formed, to fight the occupant forces.

During theFirst Republic,similar to the development inGermany,increasingradicalizationof politics led to certainparamilitarymilitias associating with certainpolitical parties.TheHeimwehr(German:Home Defense) became affiliated with theChristian Social Partyand theRepublikanischer Schutzbund(German:Republican Defense League) became affiliated with theSocial Democratic Workers' Party of Austria.Violence increasingly escalated, breaking out during theJuly Revolt of 1927and finally theAustrian Civil War,when the Schutzbund was defeated by the Heimwehr,police,GendarmerieandAustrian Armed Forces.

AfterWorld War IItheAustrian Armed Forces(Bundesheer) were reestablished as aconscriptmilitary force. A basic part of it is the militia, which is a regular reservists force of the Bundesheer, comparable to thenational guardunits of the United States. The conscript soldiers of the militia have to store their military equipment at home, to be mobilized quite fast within a few days in case of emergency. The system was established during theCold Warand still exists, but the members of the militia now are volunteers only.



InBahrain,emergence of a small militia group Katibat al Haydariyah was first seen in 2015. During the year, total four attacks were claimed by the group, including on August 22 and 24, 2015, inMuharraq,on September 10, 2015, inAl Khamis,and on October 9, 2015, onBahraini forcesin theAl Juffairregion. Katibat al Haydariyah is its own distinct organization that decries the Bahraini government, butCanadaand theUnited Kingdomlisted it as an alias for the largerAl-Ashtar Brigades(or the Saraya al Ashtar). After four years, the militia group reemerged on social media in October 2019, to threaten new attacks on the island. It stated that they “will not retreat from our goals of the downfall of theAl Khalifaentity,” and that “soon, guns will open their mouths and they will hear the whiz of bullets”.[26]



The Garde Civique or Burgerwacht (French and Dutch; "Civic Guard" ) was a Belgian paramilitary militia which existed between 1830 and 1920. Created in October 1830 shortly after the Belgian Revolution, the Guard amalgamated the various militia groups which had been created by the middle classes to protect property during the political uncertainty. Its role was as a quasi-military "gendarmerie", with the primary role of maintaining social order within Belgium. Increasingly anachronistic, it was demobilised in 1914 and officially disbanded in 1920, following a disappointing performance during the German invasion of Belgium in World War I.



In Brazil, the wordmilíciais heavily associated with paramilitary and drug-related criminal groups.


Depiction of the2nd Regiment of York Militiaduring theBattle of Queenston Heights.The regiment was one of severalCanadian militia units during the War of 1812.

In Canada the title "Militia" historically referred to the land component of the armed forces, both regular (full-time) and reserve. The earliestCanadian militiasdate from the beginning of theFrenchcolonial period.InNew France,King Louis XIVcreated a compulsory militia of settlers in every parish that supported French authorities in the defence and expansion of the colony.

Following the Britishconquest of New Francein 1760, local militia units supportedBritish Armyregiments stationed inBritish America,and, after the secession of thirteen continental colonies in theAmerican War of Independence,British North America.In addition to the Canadian militia, British regiments were also supported by locally raised regulars (including the40th Regiment of Foot,and the100th (Prince of Wales's Royal Canadian) Regiment of Foot) andFenciblesregiments. These regiments were raised through ordinary modes of recruiting, as opposed to being raised by ballot like the militia. Most militia units were only activated in time of war, but remained inactive in between. The battle honours awarded to these colonial militia regiments are perpetuated by modern regiments within theCanadian Army.

Defence ofthe Canadaslong relied on a contingent ofBritish soldiers,as well as support from theRoyal Navy.However, the Crimean War saw the diversion of a significant number of British soldiers fromBritish North America.Fearing possible incursions from the United States, theParliament of the Province of Canadapassed theMilitia Act of 1855,creating the Active Militia.[27]The Active Militia, later splitting into thePermanent Active Militia(PAM), a full-time professional army component (although it continued to use the label militia), andNon-Permanent Active Militia(NPAM), amilitary reserve forcefor the Canadian militia.[28]Following 1855, the traditional sedentary militia was reorganized into the Reserve Militia, with its last enrolment taking place in 1873, and was formally abolished in 1950.

Prior toCanadian Confederation,the colonies that made up theMaritimes,andNewfoundlandmaintained their own militias independent of the Canadian Militia.Bermuda,part of British North America and militarily subordinate to the Commander-in-Chief of the Maritimes,[29]allowed its militia to lapse following theAmerican War of 1812.[30]United States Independence, however, elevated Bermuda to the status of anImperial fortressand it would be strongly defended by the regular army,[31][32][33][34]and left out of the confederation of Canada.[35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42]From 1853 to 1871, theColony of Vancouver Island(and the succeedingColony of British Columbia) periodically raised and disbanded militia units. These units were raised for specific purposes, or in response to a specific threat, real or perceived.[43]

Uniforms of theCanadian Militiain 1898. The force included thePermanent Active Militia,a full-time professional land force which became theCanadian Armyin 1940.

After theTreaty of Washingtonwas signed between the Americans and British, nearly all remaining British soldiers were withdrawn from Canada in November 1871.[44]The departure of the majority of British forces in Canada made the Canadian militia the only major land forces available in Canada. In 1940, both components of the militia, PAM and NPAM were reorganized, the former intoCanadian Army (Active),the latter into theCanadian Army (Reserve)

A church parade of the13th Royal Regiment,Canadian Militia, in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, in 1915

In addition to the various colonial militia units, and the regiments of the Canadian militia, in 1942, the Army'sPacific Commandcreated the Pacific Coast Militia Rangers. Intended to function similarly to theUnited Kingdom'sHome Guard,the Rangers were a secondary defence force, defending the coast ofBritish ColumbiaandYukonfrom potential Japanese attack.[45]The Rangers were disbanded in September 1945, shortly after the conclusion of World War II. The legacy of the Pacific Coast Militia Rangers is perpetuated by theCanadian Rangers,a component of the Primary Reserve that provides a military presence in areas where it would not be economically or practically viable to have conventional Army units – most notablynorthern Canada.

The Canadian Army Reserve continued to use the termmilitiain reference to itself until theunification of the Canadian Armed Forcesin 1968. Since unification, no Canadian military force has formally usedmilitiain its name. However, the Canadian Army Reserve is still colloquially referred to as themilitia.[46][47]Members of the Canadian Army Reserve troops typically train one night a week and every other weekend of the month, except in the summer. Summertime training may consist of courses, individual call-outs, or concentrations (unit and formation training of one to two weeks' duration). Most Canadian cities and counties have one or more militia units. Primary Reserve members may volunteer for overseas service, to augment their regular force counterparts—usually duringNATOorUnited Nationsmissions.


A group ofChinese militiarecruits attending shooting practice withType 56rifles in Hangzhou (March 1978).

China's currentmilitiafalls under the leadership of theChinese Communist Party(CCP), and forms part of the Chinese armed forces. Under the command of the military organs, it undertakes such jobs as war preparation services, security and defense operational tasks and assistance in maintainingsocial orderand public security.[48]

Historically, militias of varying levels of ability have existed in China, organized on a village andclanlevel, especially during periods of instability and in areas subject to pirate and bandit attack. When the British attempted to take control of theNew Territoriesin 1898, they were resisted by the local militias which had been formed for mutual defence againstpirateraids. Although ultimately defeated, the militias' dogged resistance convinced the British to make concessions to theindigenous inhabitantsallowing them to preserve inheritance, property and marriage rights and customs throughout most of the period of the British rule.[49][50]



Cuba has three militia organizations: TheTerritorial Troops Militia(Milicias de Tropas Territoriales) of about one million people (half women),[51]the Youth Labor Army (Ejército Juvenil del Trabajo) devoted to agricultural production, and a naval militia.[52][53]Formerly, there existed theNational Revolutionary Militias(Milicias Nacionales Revolucionarias), which was formed after theCuban Revolutionand initially consisted of 200,000 men who helped the 25,000 strong standing army defeat counter-revolutionary guerillas.[54]

Czech Republic

Designated Reserves Level 1 training - shooting from concealment.

In 2021, the Czech Parliament passed an Act No. 14/2021 Coll., on the handling of weapons in certain cases affecting the internal order or security of the Czech Republic. The Act's number 14/21 symbolically refers to the600th anniversaryof civilian firearms possession in the country.[55]The legislation establishes "a system of firearms training, the purpose of which is to improve the knowledge, abilities and skills of persons authorised to handle firearms for the purpose of ensuring internal order or the security of the Czech Republic".[56]Gun owners can join government endorsed advanced shooting training courses with their privately owned firearms and become members of the militia-style Designated Reserves.[57]


A joint patrol betweenArizona National Guardand the DanishHome Guardduring the Golden Coyote training exercise.

TheDanish Home Guard(Danish:Hjemmeværnet) (HJV) is the fourth service of theDanish military.It was formerly concerned only with the defence of Danish territory but, since 2008, it has also supported Danish international military efforts in Afghanistan, Iraq and Kosovo. There are five branches: Army Home Guard, Naval Home Guard, Air Force Home Guard, Police Home Guard, and Infrastructure Home Guard.



TheOmakaitse(Home Guard) was an organisation formed by the local population ofEstoniaon the basis of theEstonian Defence Leagueand theforest brothersresistance movement active on theEastern Frontbetween 3July 1941 and 17September 1944.[58]This arrangement was unique in the context of the war as inLatvia,which otherwise shared a common fate with Estonia, there was no organisation of this kind.[59]



ThePeople's Militiawas established in 1975 under theDerg regime'sProclamation No 71, used to assist police forces and protect farms and property. The militia did operations in Eritrea during theOgaden War,whileMengistu Haile Mariamreconstituted as the "Red Army". The Derg government conscripted about 30,000 to 40,000 civilians into the militia fromShewa,Wollo,andGojamprovinces in May 1976.[60][61]TheFanomilitia is an ethno-nationalistAmharamilitia and former protest movement that emerged during thepremiership of Abiy Ahmed.Fano intervened armed conflicts in thepost-2018 regime,includingBenishangul-Gumuz's Metekel conflict,Tigray Warand recentlyWar in Amhara.They have been accused of ethnic massacres against other ethnic groups, such as theQemantand other minorities.[62]


Members of theWhite Guardafter theBattle of Varkaus.The White Guard was a voluntary militia that fought for theWhitesin theFinnish Civil War.

WhileFinland employs conscription,they do not have separate militia units: all units are organized by and under the command of theFinnish Defence Forces.All men belong to the reserve until age 50 or 60 depending on rank, and may be called up in case of mobilization. Each reservist is assigned a position in a unit to be activated. However, since 2004, the FDF does haveterritorial forces,organized along the lines of regular infantry formations, which are composed of volunteers. Furthermore, long-range patrol units (sissi troops,a type ofspecial forces) are assigned to local troops.

In history, before Finland became independent, two types of local militias existed: the White Guards and Red Guards, which were non-socialists and socialists, respectively. In theFinnish Civil War(1918) the White Guards founded the White Army, which was victorious over the Red Guards. White Guards continued their existence as a volunteer militia until the Second World War. In some cases their activity found overt political expression as in theMäntsälä rebellion.However, in 1934 separate wartime White Guard units were dissolved and in the Second World War they served at the front, dispersed in regular units. They were dissolved as a condition of peace after the Continuation War.



The first notable militia in French history was the resistance of theGaulsto invasion by theRomansuntil they were defeated by Julius Caesar.[63]Centuries later,Joan of Arcorganized and led a militia until her capture and execution in 1431. This settled the succession to the French crown and laid the basis for the formation of the modern nation of France.[64]

During theFrench RevolutiontheNational Guardwas a political home defense militia. Thelevée en massewas a conscription army used during the Revolutionary andNapoleonic Wars.

At the time of theFranco-Prussian War,the Parisian National Guard engaged the Prussian Army and later rebelled against the Versailles Army under Marshal McMahon.

Under German occupation during World War II, a militia usually called theFrench Resistanceemerged to conduct a guerrilla war of attrition against German forces and prepare the way for theD-DayAllied Invasion of France.[65]The Resistance militia were opposed by the collaborationistFrench Militia—the paramilitary police force of theGerman puppet state of Vichy.

Although defunct from 1871 until 2016, the French National Guard has now been reestablished for homeland security purposes.[66]



The earliest reports of Germanic militias was the system ofhundredsdescribed in AD 98 by the Roman historianTacitusas thecenteni.They were similar in nature to theAnglo-Saxonfyrd.

TheLützow Free Corpsduring theNapoleonic Wars.During the Napoleonic Wars, theFreikorpsreferred to volunteer forces that fought against the French.

Freikorps(Germanfor "Free Corps" ) was originally applied to voluntary armies. The firstFreikorpswere recruited byFrederick II of Prussiaduring theSeven Years' War.These troops were regarded as unreliable by regular armies, so they were mainly used as sentries and for minor duties. During the Napoleonic occupation, organizations such as theLutzow Free Corpsfought against the occupiers and later joined the allied forces as regular soldiers.

However, after 1918, the term was used fornationalistparamilitaryorganizations that sprang up aroundGermanyas soldiers returned in defeat fromWorld War I.They were one of the manyWeimar paramilitary groupsactive during that time. They received considerable support fromGustav Noske,the German Defence Minister who used them to crush theSpartakist Leaguewith enormous violence, including the murders ofKarl LiebknechtandRosa Luxemburgon January15, 1919. Militia were also used to put down theBavarian Soviet Republicin 1919. They were officially "disbanded" in 1920, resulting in the ill-fatedKapp Putschin March 1920. TheEinwohnerwehr,active in Germany from 1919 to 1921 was a paramilitary citizens' militia consisting of hundreds of thousands of mostly former servicemen.[67]Formed by the Prussian Ministry of the Interior on April15, 1919, to allow citizens to protect themselves from looters, armed gangs, and revolutionaries, theEinwohnerwehrwas under the command of the localReichswehrregiments, which supplied its guns. In 1921, the Berlin government dissolved theEinwohnerwehr.Many of its members went on to join theNazi Party.[68]

TheVolkssturmwas a national militia formed byNazi Germanyin the last months ofWorld War II.

In 1921 the Nazi Party created theSturmabteilung(SA; Storm Detachment; Brownshirts), which was the first paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party and served as a Nazi militia whose initial assignment was to protect Nazi leaders at rallies and assemblies. The SA also took part in street battles against the forces of rival political parties and violent actions against Jews. From the SA sprung theSchutzstaffel(SS; Protective Squadron) which grew to become one of the largest and most powerful groups inNazi Germany,which Reichsführer-SSHeinrich Himmler(the leader of the SS from 1929) envisioned as an elite group of guards. TheWaffen-SS,the military branch of the SS, became a de facto fourth branch of theWehrmacht.[69]

In 1944–1945, as World War II came to a close in Europe, the German high command deployed increasing numbers ofVolkssturmunits to combat duties. These regiments were composed of men, women and children too old, young or otherwise unfit for service in the Wehrmacht (German Regular Army).[70]Their primary role was assisting the army with fortification duties and digging anti-tank ditches. As the shortage of manpower became severe, they were used as front line infantry, most often in urban settings. Due to the physical state of members, almost non-existent training and shortage of weapons, there was not much theVolkssturmcould do except act like shields for regular army units.



Salwa Judum(meaning "Peace March"[71]or "Purification Hunt" inGondi language) was a militia active in theChhattisgarhstate ofIndia.

Village Defence Guardsformerly known as Village Defence committee were first set up in 1995, according to The Indian Express. The idea to set up VDCs was rooted in the arming of ex-service personnel in 1965 and 1971 wars to check Pakistani infiltration and espionage, noted The Express. The VDCs were formed in Jammu region of J&K to offer self-defence capabilities to villagers in the face of looming terrorist threats. Under the scheme, each VDC used to have a Special Police Officer (SPO) as its in-charge and there were 10-15 other volunteer members, mostly ex-service personnel. They were given.303 rifles and ammunition. The SPO in charge of the VDC was paid whereas the rest were volunteers. In 2020, the policy of Village Defence Committees was revamped and Village Defence Groups were introduced, members of whom are called Village Defence Guards (VDGs).It was not just a change of name as the very structure of committees was changed. Unlike VDCs where only SPOs were paid, all VDGs are paid.[72]

A total of 4,153 Village Defence Groups (VDG) and 32,355 Special Police Officers were engaged in Jammu and Kashmir in different responsibilities for the protection of civilians and anti-terrorists operations.[73]

Shri Parshotam Kumar, resident of district Rajouri is a farmer by profession and Village Defence Committee Member was awarded Shaurya Chakra, a gallantry award. Shri Parshotam Kumar in August 2023, while in the jungle with his family collecting fire wood, he spotted two suspicious armed individuals with rucksacks resting in close vicinity to his location. Realizing the imminent danger to the village, he quietly moved his family members to safety of their house and fetched his weapon while also alerting other members of Village Defence Committee, Police and the Army. While the forces were closing in, unmindful of his safety, he tailed the two terrorists and with raw courage and excellent field craft, he closed in to the terrorists and engaged them from a close distance. He maintained contact with the other till security forces closed in. His brave act led to the neutralization of one foreign terrorist.[74]



TheBasijmilitia founded byAyatollah Ruhollah Khomeiniin November 1979,[75]is composed of 90,000 men, with an active and reserve strength up to 300,000 men. It ultimately draws from about 1 million members, and is subordinate to theIslamic Revolutionary Guard Corpsin Iran.[76]



Since the rise ofISILin 2014 and their conquest of many predominantly-Sunniareas inIraq,theShiitemilitias became even more prominent in the country by joining theIraqi Armyin many major battles against ISIL.[77]


Hashomer in 1909

In 1908 a Jewish underground organisation,Bar Giora,re-invented itself as an armed militia –Hashomer.It was established to provide Jewish guards for theZionistcolonies being established inOttomanPalestine.The group existed for 10 years. At its height it had around 100 members, including 23 women.[78]

In modern times, theIsrael Defense Forces(IDF) is often described as a heavily armed militia, not a full-fledged army, since it is legally and publicly viewed as a defensive force only, and since it relies heavily on the reserve duty of Israeli citizens who are annually called to service for set periods of time, rather than on professional, full-time soldiers.[79]Israeli settlementsin theIsraeli-occupied territoriesrely on armed militia teams for their security.[80]National service conscripts can also serve in theIsrael Border Police(commonly known by its Hebrew abbreviationMagavwhich meansborder guardinHebrew), which is aparamilitarybranch of theIsrael Policerather than the IDF.


Members of theLatvian National Guardduring a training exercise. The Guard was created in 1991 as a voluntary military self-defense force.



Since the fall ofGaddafi's rule of Libyain the aftermath of the Libyan Civil War, rebel groups that have contributed to the revolution splintered into self-organized militia movements and have been involved in a feud for control of each city.[81]Since the revolution, reports of clashes and violence by militia groups have been increasing.[82]



Mexico has a history of various activities andinsurrectionby militia andparamilitarygroups dating back several hundred years that include the exploits of historical figures such as CaptainManuel Pineda MunozandFrancisco "Pancho" Villa.This also includes groups such as the Free-Colored Militia (the interracial militias ofNew Spain,Colonial Mexico),[83]theCamisas Doradas,and the contemporarySelf Defense Council of Michoacan.[84]

Free-colored militias were an important and at times critical organization in Colonial Mexico. Prior to the eighteenth century, Spain's territories in the Americas were mainly defended through a series of Spanish military units being based in strategic coastal port cities and important economic centers.[83]: 8–10 But as European rivals began to challenge the Spanish crown and their dominance in the new world, the Bourbon dynasty initiated a series of reforms, allowing people from their colonies to serve in the regular armies, as well as permitting local militias in their territories.[83]: 14–16 

While these groups began to integrate themselves into the official Spanish colonial militaries, free-colored militias have been reluctantly used since the-mid sixteenth century.Palenques,or run away slave communities, would often initiate slavery uprising in various cities and towns in New Spain, which made the colonial Spanish authorities uneasy about arming any free colored individuals.[83]: 14–16 Free colored rebellions and violence in Mexico City impacted regional policy of New Spain towards blacks. Given this social context, the racial climate in which these free-colored militias first appeared was a hostile one, and the first militias often had conflicts within them between their free-colored and white commanders.[83]: 20–23 The first large scale recruitment of fee-colored militias was in response to the attack on Veracruz port in 1683 by Dutch pirateer Lorenzo de Graff, with free-colored soldiers being called in from Mexico City, Puebla, Orizaba and other large colonial cities.[83]: 30–32 Militias increasingly began to take shape and develop over the course of the 17th and 18th centuries, but it's critical to understand that their development was not a linear progressive one. The experiences of militias in urban areas was vastly different from those in rural communities, and the role, influence, and duties of militias in the early 17th century were not the same as those of a century later. The critical stage for militia growth was during 1670–1762, where there was an increase of the militias responsibilities and they gained a considerable amount of autonomy over their own affairs.[83]: 30–32 The social impact of these free-colored militias added complexity to the race-based caste system that dominated the social landscape.

Free-colored militias were structured to follow thetercioorganizational model that was used by Spanish Habsburg and Bourbon dynasties.[83]: 47–50 Tercioscompromised 2,500 soldiers distributed among ten companies, each under the leadership of a captain. Free-colored militias under the tercio system were headed by asargento mayor(major) who became the senior operating officer in militias. Under thesargento mayorwere the junior officers, which included one captain and alferez (lieutenant) per company, who were also aided by anayudante(adjutant) andsubteniente(second lieutenant) after they were incorporated into the system after 1767. The captain had supreme authority within their company, only reporting to thesargentomayor when he could not control matters of the company. Thealferezcoordinated affairs with his captain and was next in line in command in his absence. Below the junior officers were ranking NCO's and up to four sergeants served per company. Acabo(corporal) was assigned to lead each squad of 25 soldiers. These NCO's were responsible for discipline of the soldiers and maintaining a limited record of individuals.[83]: 47–50 Officers and first sergeants were the only soldiers in the free-colored militias to receive a monthly salary with lower ranked soldiers only receiving pay when on campaigns. Their salaries came from the royal treasuries, alongside occasional supplementation by private contributions of prominent individuals.[83]: 83–84 

Who exactly constitutes as a “free-colored person” is subject to much debate and discussion. While the termspardos, mulatos, negrosandmorenoswere commonly used under the caste system that was in place during this era, their use in this context is much more complex and who exactly qualified as who was a very fluid process, dependent on the social context of the time and place.[83]: 200–201 Despite the lack of universal understanding of racial identification across New Spain, when they were faced with external threats to their organizations, free-colored militias showed great racial unity in these times, such as in the case of Huajolotitlan, a small town of Oaxaca in southern Mexico.[83]: 207–211 After a decree was passed in 1784 calling for the retirement of every free-colored officer and the disbandment of their militia, the tows free-coloreds fiercely resisted. Free-colored soldiers refused to leave their posts and they dispatched to the capital in protests to defend their racially integrated organizations. This later inspired the communities other free-colored people to protests what they saw as other aggressions by the government, such as increasing tribute burdens.[83]: 207–211 

While some of the previous examples are historical, the current official view on the existence of such militias in Mexico, when they are not backed by the government,[85]has been to always label them as illegal and to combat them in a military and a political way.[86]

Modern examples on the Mexican view on militias are the Chiapas conflict against the EZLN[87]and against theEPRin Guerrero,[88]where the government forces combated the upraised militias. And in a more recent case when civilianself-defence militiasappeared during the Mexican war on drugs,[89]the government regulated them and transformed the militias in toRural federal forces,[90]and those who resisted were combated and imprisoned.[91]



In 1910 KingNicholas I of Montenegroproclaimed that all male citizens were members of a national militia and had both a right and a duty to own at least one Gasser Pattern revolver under penalty of law.

The official reason for the King's decree was to create an armed populace that would deter neighbouring countries from attacking Montenegro, which was unable to field a large army. However, it was widely believed in Montenegro that this decision was actually taken because the King owned shares in Leopold Gasser Waffenfabrik inVienna- the patent holder and sole manufacturer of the pistol at that time.[92][93][94]Despite this, the decree actually obliged Montenegrin adult males to own a GasserPatternrevolver, not necessarily one made by Gasser itself. In fact Leopold Gasser was faced with such heavy demand for the pistol internationally, that it could not fulfil all of the orders placed for it. This led the revolver's manufacturer to license out production to other companies and many Gasser Pattern pistols were then manufactured and sold by other European firms, most notably based out of Belgium and Spain. Even these licensed models did not satiate demand for the pistol and this, alongside a lax enforcement ofintellectual propertyrights in Montenegro, led to many unlicensed local models of the pistol also being produced, with quality ranging from very good to outright dangerous to its user.

Subsequently, the weapon quickly became a status symbol for Montenegrin men and was commonly worn alongside traditional attire. Many Montenegrin immigrants that travelled to North America brought their Gasser pattern revolvers with them and at least two batches of several thousand pistols were smuggled into Mexico during theMexican Revolution,leading to the Gasser revolver becoming widespread in the Americas. However, as the original reason for their mass production and the generation that grew around it faded, the pistol eventually lost its place as a status symbol and many were either given away or sold in the secondhand market.



Schutterij refers to a voluntarycity guardor citizen militia in the medieval andearly modernNetherlands,intended to protect the town or city from attack and act in case of revolt or fire. Their training grounds were often on open spaces within the city, near the city walls, but, when the weather did not allow, inside a church. They are mostly grouped according to their district and to the weapon that they used:bow,crossboworgun.Together, its members are called aSchuttersgilde,which could be roughly translated as a "shooter'sguild".It is now a title applied to ceremonial shooting clubs and to the country's Olympic rifle team.

New Zealand

Member of theArmed Constabularyshot during theNew Zealand Wars.The Constabulary was a law enforcement agency and a militia until it was reoriented into a police force in 1886.

From theTreaty of Waitangiin 1840 until 1844 small detachments ofBritish Imperial troopsbased in New Zealand were the only military. This changed as a result of theFlagstaff War,[95]with the colonial government passing a Militia Act on 25 March 1845.[96]Militia units were formed inAuckland,Wellington,New Plymouth,andNelson.Service in the militia was compulsory.

Many localized militia saw service, together with British Imperial troops, during theNew Zealand Wars.In the late nineteenth century a system of local Volunteer militias evolved throughout the country. These were semi-trained but uniformed and administered by a small number of regular "Imperial" officers.[97] The militia units were disbanded and reformed as the Territorial Army in 1911.

North Korea


TheWorker-Peasant Red Guardsis a North Korean paramilitary organization organized on a provincial/town/city/village level.


Members of theNorwegian Home Guard.



Militias have played an important role supportingPakistan's Militarysince theIndo-Pakistani War of 1947when Pakistan, with the support of militias, was able to gain control of parts of the region ofKashmir.[98]Pakistan found the militias volunteering to participate in theIndo-Pakistani war of 1965and theIndo-Pakistani war of 1971quite useful as well.

Currently Pakistani citizens forming militias from theKhyber Pakhtunkhwaprovince are participating in the'war on terror'.[99][100]


A Portuguese militiaman in 1812

Portugalhas a long tradition in the use of militias for national defense. Between the 12th and 16th centuries, the municipal militias – composed ofspearmen,pikemen,horsemen, slingers, javelineers, archers,crossbowmenand laterarquebusiers– constituted the main component of thePortuguese Royal Army,together with smaller military forces from theKing,themilitary ordersand the feudal lords.

After some failed previous attempts, in 1570 KingSebastian of Portugalcreated theOrdenanças,a centrally managed military territorial organization that would replace the municipal militias and became the basis of a national army. After 60 years of foreign domination (1580–1640), theOrdenançaswere reorganized for thePortuguese Restoration War.The Portuguese Army was then organized in three lines, with the 2nd and 3rd being militia forces. TheOrdenançasbecame the 3rd line and acted both as a territorial draft organization for the 1st and 2nd line troops and as a kind of home guard for local defense. The 2nd line was made of the auxiliary troops, also militia units with the role of regional defense. In the end of the 18th century, the auxiliary troops were renamed "Militias".

In thePeninsular War,the Militia regiments and the Ordenanças units had an important role in the defense of the country against the Napoleonic invader army. Still in the 19th century, the Militia units also had an important role in theLiberal Wars,with the majority of those troops fighting on the side of KingMiguel.Besides the regular militias, a number of volunteer militia units were formed to fight on both sides of the war.

With the establishment of the constitutional regime, the old Militias andOrdenançaswere replaced by a single national militia force, the National Guard. However, the National Guard revealed itself an ineffective and undisciplined force. Their units became highly politicized, being involved in a number of conspiracies and coups. The National Guard having less and less confidence from the authorities, became extinct in 1847, terminating a long tradition of national militias in Portugal.

During the 20th century, some experiments with militia type forces were made. From 1911 to 1926, the Portuguese Army was organized as a militia army. Also, in 1936, theEstado Novoregime created thePortuguese Legionas a political volunteer militia, dedicated to the fight against the enemies of country and of the social order. From World War II, the Portuguese Legion assumed the responsibility forcivil defense,this becoming its main role during theCold War,until its extinction in 1974.

Russia and the Soviet Union

Banner ofSaint Petersburgmilitia fromNapoleon's invasion of Russia.

Neither theRussian Empire,nor theSoviet Unionever had an organised force that could be equated to a militia. Instead a form of organisation that predated the Russian state was used during national emergencies calledNarodnoe Opolcheniye(People's Regimentation). More comparable to the EnglishFyrd,it was a popular voluntary joining of the local полкpolk,or a regiment, though it had no regular established strength or officers, these usually elected from prominent local citizens. The Tsarist regime was particularly reluctant to arm and organise militia forces because of concern over a repetition of thePugachev Serf Revoltof the late 18th century. Only in the face of the national emergency of1812was the raising ofopolcheniye"cohorts" permitted. Numbering over 223,000, loosely trained and barely equipped, these enthusiastic volunteers nevertheless provided a useful reserve for the regular army.[101]

Although these spontaneously created popular forces had participated in several major wars of the Russian Empire, including in combat, they were not obligated to serve for more than one year, and notably departed for home during the1813 campaign in Germany.On only one occasion, during themilitary history of the Soviet Union,the Narodnoe Opolcheniye was incorporated into the regular forces of theRed Army,notably inLeningrad and Moscow.

The termMilitsiyain Russia and formerCommunist Blocnations was specifically used to refer to the civilianpolice force,and should not be confused with the conventional western definition of militia. The term, as used in this context, dated from post-revolutionary Russia in late 1917 and was intended to draw a distinction between the new Soviet law enforcement agencies and the disbanded Tsarist police. In some of these states, such asUkraine,the "militia" were renamed as "police" while in other states (e.g.Belarus) the title remains unchanged. In Russia itself the "militia' became" police "(in‹See Tfd›Russian:Полиция,Politsiya) in March 2011.[102]

Sri Lanka


The first militias formed inSri Lankawere by Lankan Kings, who raised militia armies for their military campaigns both within and outside the island. This was due to the reason that the Kings never maintained a standing army instead had aRoyal Guardduring peacetime and formed a militia in wartime.

When thePortuguesewho were the first colonial power to dominate the island raised local militias under the command of local leaders known asMudaliyars.These militias took part in the manyPortuguesecampaigns against the Lankan Kings. The Dutch continued to employ these militias but due to their unreliability tended to favor employingSwissandMalaymercenariesin their campaigns in the island.

TheSri Lanka Civil Security Forceis a paramilitary militia tasked to serve as anauxiliaryto theSri Lanka Police.

TheBritish Empirethen ousted theDutchfrom the coastal areas of the country, and sought to conquer the independentKandyan Kingdom.In 1802, the British became the first foreign power to raise a regular unit ofSinhalesewith British officers, which was named the 2nd Ceylon Regiment, also known as theSepoy Corps.It fought alongside British troops in theKandyan wars.After theMatale Rebellionled byPuran Appuin 1848, in which a number of Sinhalese recruits defected to the side of the rebels, the recruitment of Sinhalese to the British forces was temporarily halted and the Ceylon Regiments disbanded.

In 1861, theCeylon Light Infantry Volunteerswere raised as a militia, but soon became amilitary reserve force.This became theCeylon Defence Forcein 1910 and consisted of militia units. These were theColombo Town Guardand theTown Guard Artilleryformed during the two world wars.

With the escalation of theSri Lankan Civil War,local villagers under threat of attack were formed into localized militia to protect their families and homes.[103]According to the Sri Lankan Military these militias were formed after "massacres done by theLTTE"and in the early 1990s they were reformed as theSri Lankan Home Guard.In 2007 the Home Guard became theSri Lanka Civil Security Force.[104]In 2008, the government called for the formation of nearly 15,000 civil defence committees at the village level for additional protection.[105]

In 2004, theLiberation Tigers of Tamil Eelamclaimed have establish a voluntary "Tamil Eelam auxiliary force". According to the LTTE's then head of police, the force was to be assigned to tasks such as rehabilitation, construction, forest conservation and agriculture, but would also be used to battle the Sri Lankan military if the need arose.[106][107][108]In early 2009 it ceased to exist with the military defeat of theLTTEat the hands of theSri Lanka Armed Forces.


A mountedJanjaweedmilitiaman. The Janjaweed are a militia operating in westernSudanand easternChad.

TheJanjaweedmilitia consists of armedArab Muslimsfighting for the government inKhartoumagainst non-Arab Muslim "rebels". They are active in theDarfurregion of western Sudan and also in easternChad.According toHuman Rights Watchthese partisans are responsible for abuses including war crimes, crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing.[109]



As of 2012, theSwedish Home Guardconsists of 22,000 organized into 40light infantrybattalionsof 300–700 Guardsmen. These battalions are then organised intocompanies,usually one for everymunicipality.The main task of the battalions is to guard vital military and civilian installations throughout the country.[citation needed]

In 2001, the Rapid Response units numbered around 5,000 soldiers of the total of 42,000. As of 2014, the majority of the force, 17,000 out of 22,000 soldiers will be in Rapid Response units. The decrease in number of troops comes with an equal increase in quality and modern equipment. These units are motorized and are ready to be mobilized more often, than other Home Guard units. Rapid response units have more combat tasks compared to the rest of the Home Guard, including escort duties. Some battalions located near the coast also have marine companies equipped withCombat Boat 90.A few battalions have recently set up 'specialized' companies to evaluate the possibility to add new abilities to the Home Guard. These are at the time of writing eight reconnaissance/intelligence companies, fourCBRN-platoons, a movcon platoon, an engineer platoon, and amilitary policeunit.



One of the best known and ancient militias is theSwiss Armed Forces.Switzerlandhas long maintained, proportionally, the second largest military force in the world, with about half the proportional amount of reserve forces of theIsraeli Defense Forces,a militia of some 33% of the total population. The "militia principle"of public duties is central to Swiss political culture and not limited to military issues. For example, in most municipalities it is common to serve as a conscript fire fighter in theCompulsory Fire Department.

Article 58.1 of the April18, 1999, Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation (official, French version) provides that "Switzerland has an army. It is primarily organised according to the principle of a militia." However, under the country's militia system, professional soldiers constitute about 5 percent of military personnel. In 1995, the number of soldiers was reduced to 400,000 (including reservists, amounting to some 5.6% of the population) in 2004, to 200,000 (including 80,000 reservists, or 2.5% of the population) and again in 2022, to 150,000 (including 50,000 reservists). However, the Swiss Militia continues to consist of most of the adult male population (with voluntary participation by women) who are usually issued an assault rifle which they can keep at home or store in a central arsenal and most of them have to periodically engage in combat and marksmanship training.[110]The militia clauses of the Swiss Federal Constitution are contained in Art. 59, where it is referred to as "military service" (‹See Tfd›German:Militärdienst;French:service militaire;Italian:servizio militare;Romansh:servetsch militar).



The Syrian National Defense Force was formed out of pro-government militias. They receive their salaries and their military equipment from the government[111][112]and as of 2013 numbers around 100,000.[113][114]The force acts in an infantry role, directly fighting against rebels on the ground and running counter-insurgency operations in coordination with the army which provides them with logistical and artillery support. Unlike theSyrian Army,NDF soldiers are allowed to takelootfrom battlefields, which can then be sold on for extra money.[111]



United Kingdom




The obligation to serve in the militia (also known as theConstitutional Force) in England derives from acommon lawtradition, and dates back toAnglo-Saxontimes. The tradition was that all able-bodied males were liable to be called out to serve in one of two organisations. These were theposse comitatus,anad hocassembly called together by a law officer to apprehend lawbreakers, and thefyrd,[115]a military body intended to preserve internal order or defend the locality against an invader. The latter developed into the militia, and was usually embodied by aroyal warrant.[116]Service in each organisation involved different levels of preparedness.[117]

16th and 17th centuries


With the decay of the feudal system and the military revolution of the 16th century, the militia began to become an important institution in English life. It was organised on the basis of theshire county,and was one of the responsibilities of theLord Lieutenant,a royal official (usually a trusted nobleman). Each of thecounty hundredswas likewise the responsibility of aDeputy Lieutenant,who relayed orders to thejustices of the peaceormagistrates.Every parish furnished a quota of eligible men, whose names were recorded onmuster rolls.Likewise, each household was assessed for the purpose of finding weapons, armour, horses, or their financial equivalent, according to their status. The militia was supposed to bemusteredfor training purposes from time to time, but this was rarely done. The militia regiments were consequently ill-prepared for an emergency, and could not be relied upon to serve outside their own counties. This state of affairs concerned many people. Consequently, an elite force was created, composed of members of the militia who were prepared to meet regularly for military training and exercise. These were formed into trained band regiments, particularly in theCity of London,where theArtillery Groundwas used for training. Thetrained bandsperformed an important role in theEnglish Civil Waron the side of parliament, in marching to raise the siege ofGloucester(5 September 1643). Except for the London trained bands, both sides in the Civil War made little use of the militia, preferring to recruit their armies by other means.[citation needed]

Militia in the English Empire and the British Empire

CaptainJohn Smith's1624 map of the Somers Isles (Bermuda), showingSt. George's Townand related fortifications, including theCastle Islands Fortificationswith their garrisons of militia infantry and volunteer artillery.

As successful English settlement of North America began to take place in 1607 in the face of the hostile intentions of the powerful Spanish, and of the native populations, it became immediately necessary to raise militia amongst the settlers. The militia inJamestownsaw constant action against thePowhatan Federationand other native polities. In theVirginia Company's other outpost,Bermuda,fortification began immediately in 1612. A Spanish attack in 1614 was repulsed by two shots fired from the incompleteCastle Islands Fortificationsmanned byBermudian Militiamen.In the Nineteenth century,Fortress Bermudawould become Britain'sGibraltar of the West,heavily fortified by a Regular Army garrison to protect theRoyal Navy's headquarters and dockyard in the Western Atlantic.

In the 17th Century, however, Bermuda's defence was left entirely in the hands of the Militia. In addition to requiring all male civilians to train and serve in the militia of their Parish, the Bermudian Militia included a standing body of trained artillerymen to garrison the numerous fortifications which ringedNew London(St. George's). This standing body was created by recruiting volunteers, and by sentencing criminals to serve as punishment. The Bermudian militiamen were called out on numerous occasions of war, and, on one notable occasion, to quell rioting privateers. The 1707Acts of Unionmade Bermudian and other English militiamenBritish.The Militia in Bermuda came to include a Troop of Horse (mounted infantry) and served alongside volunteers and (from 1701) a small body of regulars. The Militia faded away after the American War of 1812 when theParliament of Bermudadeclined to renew the Militia Act. This resulted from the build-up of the regular armyBermuda Garrisonalong with Bermuda's development as the headquarters anddockyardof theNorth America and West Indies Stationof theRoyal Navy,which made the militia seem excess to need. Vast sums of the Imperial defence expenditure were lavished on fortifying Bermuda during the Nineteenth Century and the British Government cajoled, implored, begged, and threatened the colonial legislature for 80 years before it raised a militia and volunteer units (in 1894 and 1894 respectively). Although the militia had historically been an infantry force, many units in Britain had been re-tasked as militia artillery from the 1850s onward due to the increased importance of the coastal artillery defences and the new militia unit in Bermuda followed suit. Titled theBermuda Militia Artillery,it was badged and uniformed as part of the Royal Artillery, and tasked with the garrison artillery role, manning coastal batteries. As in Britain, recruitment was of volunteers who engaged for terms of service, whereas the Bermuda Volunteer Rifle Corps was organised on the same lines as volunteer rifle corps in Britain. Recruitment to the BVRC was restricted to whites, but the BMA recruited primarily coloured (those who were not entirely of European heritage) other ranks, though its officers were all white until 1953. Neither unit was reorganised in 1908 when the Militia, Volunteer Force and Yeomanry in Britain merged into the Territorial Force, but the BVRC was re-organised as a territorial in 1921 and the BMA in 1926. The BVRC name was not modified to Bermuda Rifles until 1951, however, and the Bermuda Militia Artillery (and from 1939 the Bermuda Militia Infantry) continued to be titled as militia until amalgamated with the Bermuda Rifles in 1965 to form theBermuda Regiment.

In British India, a special class of militia was established in 1907. This took the form of theFrontier Corps,which consisted of locally recruited full-time auxiliaries under British officers. Their role combined the functions of tribal police and border guards deployed along theNorth-West Frontier.Regional units included theZhob Militia,the Kurram Militia, and the Chagai Militia. After 1946 the Frontier Corps became part of the modern Pakistan Army.

Political issues


Until theGlorious Revolutionin 1688the Crownand Parliament were in strong disagreement. TheEnglish Civil Warleft a rather unusual military legacy. BothWhigsandToriesdistrusted the creation of a largestanding armynot under civilian control. The former feared that it would be used as an instrument of royal tyranny. The latter had memories of theNew Model Armyand the anti-monarchical social and political revolution that it brought about. Both preferred a small standing army under civilian control for defensive deterrence and to prosecute foreign wars, a large navy as the first line of national defence, and a militia composed of their neighbours as additional defence and to preserve domestic order.[citation needed]

Consequently, theEnglish Bill of Rights(1689) declared, amongst other things: "that the raising or keeping a standing army within the kingdom in time of peace, unless it be with consent of Parliament, is against law..." and "that the subjects which areProtestantsmay have arms for their defence suitable to their conditions and as allowed by law. "This implies that they are fitted to serve in the militia, which was intended to serve as a counterweight to the standing army and preserve civil liberties against the use of the army by a tyrannical monarch or government.

The Crown still (in the British constitution) controls the use of the army. This ensures that officers and enlisted men swear an oath to a politically neutral head of state, and not to a politician. While the funding of the standing army subsists on annual financial votes by parliament, theMutiny Act,superseded by the Army Act, and now theArmed Forces Actis also renewed on an annual basis by Parliament.[citation needed]If it lapses, the legal basis for enforcing discipline disappears, and soldiers lose their legal indemnity for acts committed under orders.[citation needed]

With the creation of theBritish Empire,militias were also raised in the colonies, where little support could be provided by regular forces. Overseas militias were first raised inJamestown,Virginia,and inBermuda,where theBermuda Militiafollowed over the next two centuries a similar trajectory to that in Britain.

18th century and the Acts of Union


In 1707 theActs of Unionunited theKingdom of Englandwith theKingdom of Scotland.TheScottish navywas incorporated into the Royal Navy. The Scottish military (as opposed to naval) forces merged with the English, with pre-existing regular Scottish regiments maintaining their identities, though command of the new British Army was from England. How this affected militias either side of the border is unclear.

British Militia

A review of theNorthampton Militia.Formed in 1763, its men were selected by ballot to serve for a period of time.

TheMilitia Act 1757created a more professional force. Better records were kept, and the men were selected by ballot to serve for longer periods; specific provision was made for members of theReligious Society of Friends,Quakers,to be exempted, asconscientious objectors,from compulsory enlistment in the militia. Proper uniforms and better weapons were provided, and the force was 'embodied' from time to time for training sessions.

The militia was widely embodied at various times during the French andNapoleonic Wars.It served at several vulnerable locations, and was particularly stationed on the South Coast and inIreland.A number of camps were held atBrighton,where the militia regiments were reviewed bythe Prince Regent.(This is the origin of the song "Brighton Camp".) The militia could not be compelled to serve overseas, but it was seen as a training reserve for the army, asbountieswere offered to men who opted to 'exchange' from the militia to theregular army.[citation needed]

Irish militia


TheParliament of Irelandpassed anactin 1715 raising regiments of militia in each county andcounty corporate.Membership was restricted toProtestantsbetween the ages of 16 and 60. In 1793, during theNapoleonic Wars,the Irish militia were reorganised to form thirty-seven county and city regiments. While officers of the reorganised force were Protestant, membership of the other ranks was now made available to members of all denominations.[citation needed]

Scottish militia


In the late 17th century, numerous individuals in theKingdom of Scotland(then in a personal union with theKingdom of England) called for the resurrection of a Scottish militia, with the understated aim of protecting the rights of Scots in Great Britain.[118]After Scotland became part of theKingdom of Great Britain,theMilitia Act 1757did not apply there. The traditional Scottish militia system continued, with only certain settlements in Scotland playing host to a militia regiment. This was viewed with resentment among some in Scotland, and theMilitia Clubwas formed to promote the raising of a Scottish militia. The Militia Club, along with several other Scottishgentlemen's clubsbecame the crucible of theScottish Enlightenment.The Militia Act 1797 empowered Scottish Lord Lieutenants to raise and command militia regiments in each of the "Counties, Stewartries, Cities, and Places" under their jurisdiction.[citation needed]

19th century


Although muster rolls were prepared as late as 1820, the element of compulsion was abandoned, and the militia transformed into a volunteer force, revived by theMilitia Act 1852.It was intended to be seen as an alternative to the regular army. Men would volunteer and undertake basic training for several months at an army depot. Thereafter, they would return to civilian life, but report for regular periods of military training (usually on the weapons ranges) and an annual two-week training camp. In return, they would receive military pay and a financial retainer, a useful addition to their civilian wage. Of course, many saw the annual camp as the equivalent of a paid holiday. The militia thus appealed to agricultural labourers, colliers and the like, men incasual occupations,who could leave their civilian job and pick it up again. Until 1852 the militia were an entirelyinfantryforce, but from that year a number of county infantry regiments were converted toartilleryand new ones raised. In 1877 the militia ofAngleseyandMonmouthshirewere converted to engineers. Under thereforms,introduced bySecretary of State for WarHugh Childersin 1881, the remaining militia infantry regiments were re-designated as numbered battalions of regiments of the line, ranking after the two regular battalions. Typically, an English, Welsh or Scottish regiment would have two militia battalions (the 3rd and 4th) and Irish regiments three (numbered 3rd–5th).

The militia must not be confused with the volunteer units created in a wave of enthusiasm in the second half of the nineteenth century. In contrast with theVolunteer Force,and the similarYeomanry Cavalry,they were considered rather plebeian.

The Special Reserve

Recruitment poster for the BritishTerritorial Armyduring World War II. The reserve force was formed after the militias were reorganized in 1907.

The militia was transformed into the Special Reserve by themilitary reformsofHaldanein the reforming post 1906 Liberal government. In 1908 the militia infantry battalions were redesignated as "reserve" and a number were amalgamated or disbanded. NumberedTerritorial Forcebattalions, ranking after the Special Reserve, were formed from the volunteer units at the same time. Altogether, 101 infantry battalions, 33 artillery regiments and two engineer regiments of special reservists were formed.[119]Upon mobilisation, the special reserve units would be formed at the depot and continue training while guarding vulnerable points in Britain. The special reserve units remained in Britain throughout theFirst World War,but their rank and file did not, since the object of the special reserve was to supply drafts of replacements for the overseas units of the regiment. The original militiamen soon disappeared, and the battalions simply became training units. The Special Reserve reverted to its militia designation in 1921, then to Supplementary Reserve in 1924, though the units were effectively placed in "suspended animation" until disbanded in 1953.

The militiamen


The name was briefly revived in theMilitary Training Act 1939,in the aftermath of theMunich Crisis.Leslie Hore-Belisha,Secretary of State for War, wished to introduce a limited form ofconscription,not known in peacetime Britain since the militia of the early 19th century and previously. It was thought that calling the conscripts 'militiamen' would make this more acceptable, as it would render them distinct from the rest of the army. Only single men aged 20 up to the day before their 22nd birthday were to be conscripted, for six months full-time training before discharge into the reserve (with a free suit of civilian clothing). Although the first intake was called up in late July 1939, the declaration of war on 3 September entailed implementation of full-time conscription for all men aged 18–41, superseding the militia, never to be revived.

Modern survivals

A non-commissioned officer of theRoyal Militia of the Island of Jersey.The unit is one of two regiments in the Territorial Army that maintain their militia designation.

Three units still maintain their militia designation in theBritish Army.These are theRoyal Monmouthshire Royal Engineers(formed in 1539), theJersey Field Squadron (The Royal Militia Island of Jersey)(formed in 1337), and the Royal Alderney Militia (created in the 13th century and reformed in 1984). Additionally, theAtholl Highlandersare a ceremonial infantry militia maintained by theDuke of Atholl—they are the only legalprivate armyin Europe.

Other British militias


Various other part-time, home defence organisations have been raised during times of crisis or perceived threat, although without the word "militia" in their title. These have included:

The Troubles and Irish War of Independence


The various non-state paramilitary groups involved in the 20th-century conflicts inNorthern Irelandand the island ofIreland,such as the variousIrish Republican Armygroups andloyalistparamilitaries, could also be described as militias and are occasionally referred to as such.

TheUlster Defence Regiment(UDR) was a locally raised professional militia instituted by anAct of Parliamentin December 1969, becoming operational on 1 April 1970. Created as anon-partisanforce to defend Northern Ireland "against armed attack or sabotage", it eventually peaked at 11 battalions with 7,559 men and women. 197 soldiers of the UDR were killed as active servicemen, with a further 61 killed after leaving the regiment, mostly by theProvisional Irish Republican Army.As a result of defence cuts it was eventually reduced to 7 battalions before being amalgamated with theRoyal Irish Rangersin 1992 to form the "Home Service Battalions" of theRoyal Irish Regiment.

United States


The history of militia in theUnited Statesdates from the colonial era, such as in the American Revolutionary War.[120]Based on the English system, colonial militias were drawn from the body of adult male citizens of a community, town, or local region. Because there was no standing English Army before theEnglish Civil War,and subsequently the English Army and later the British Army had few regulars garrisoning North America, colonial militia served a vital role in local conflicts, particularly in theFrench and Indian Wars.Before shooting began in theAmerican War of Independence,American revolutionaries took control of the militia system, reinvigorating training and excluding men withLoyalistinclinations.[121]Regulation of the militia was codified by theSecond Continental Congresswith theArticles of Confederation.The revolutionaries also created a full-time regular army—theContinental Army—but, because of manpower shortages, the militia provided short-term support to the regulars in the field throughout the war.

In colonial era Anglo-American usage, militia service was distinguished from military service in that the latter was normally a commitment for a fixed period of time of at least a year, for asalary,whereas militia was only to meet a threat, or prepare to meet a threat, for periods of time expected to be short. Militia persons were normally expected to provide their own weapons, equipment, or supplies, although they may later be compensated for losses or expenditures.[122]A related concept is thejury,which can be regarded as a specialized form of militia convened to render a verdict in a court proceeding (known as a petit jury ortrial jury) or to investigate a public matter and render a presentment or indictment (grand jury).[123]

With theConstitutional Conventionof 1787 and Article 1 Section 8 of theUnited States Constitution,control of the army and the power to direct the militia of the states was concurrently delegated to the federalCongress.[124]TheMilitia Clausesgave Congress authority for "organizing, arming, and disciplining" the militia, and "governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States", and the States retained authority to appoint officers and to impose the training specified by Congress. Proponents describe a key element in the concept of "militia" was that to be "genuine" it not be a "select militia", composed of an unrepresentative subset of the population. This was an argument presented in theratification debates.[125]

The first legislation on the subject was theMilitia Act of 1792which provided, in part:

That each and every free able-bodied white male citizen of the respective States, resident therein, who is or shall be of age of eighteen years, and under the age of forty-five years (except as is herein after excepted) shall severally and respectively be enrolled in the militia,... every citizen, so enrolled and notified, shall, within six months thereafter, provide himself with a good musket or firelock.

Prior to the War of Independence, the officers of militia units were commissioned by the royal governors. During the war, they were commissioned either by the legislature or the chief executive of the state. After the war, commissions were typically granted by the state's chief executive. Militias did not operate independently of the state governments but were under the command of the civil government just like the regular military forces.[126]Twenty-four of the current US states maintain state defense forces in the form of a constitutional militia in addition to the National Guard which is shared with the US government. These states include Alabama, Alaska, California, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, Vermont, and Virginia. In addition, the Territory of Puerto Rico has a defense force.

19th century

Uniformed American militiamen during the American Civil War.

During the nineteenth century, each of the states maintained its militia differently, some more than others. American militia saw action in the variousIndian Wars,theWar of 1812,theAmerican Civil War,and theSpanish–American War.Sometimes militia units were found to be unprepared, ill-supplied, and unwilling.[124][127][128]Prior to the Civil War, militia units were sometimes used by southern states for slave control. Formed in 1860, Republican Party-affiliatedWide Awakesclubs were quick to take action to defend persons against southern slave-hunters.[129]InCalifornia,the militia carried out campaigns against bandits and against the Indians at the direction of its Governor between 1850 and 1866. DuringReconstructionafter the Civil War, Republican state governments had militias composed almost entirely of freed slaves and populist whites. Their deployment to maintain order in the former Confederate states caused increased resentment among many Southern whites.[130]

After theAmerican Civil War,secret groups like theKu Klux KlanandKnights of the White Camelliaarose quickly across theSouth,reaching a peak in the late 1860s. Even more significant in terms of effect were private militias:paramilitary organizationsthat formed starting in 1874, including theWhite LeagueinLouisiana,which quickly formed chapters in other states; theRed ShirtsinMississippiin 1875, and withforce in[clarification needed]South CarolinaandNorth Carolina;and other "white line" militias and rifle clubs.

In contrast to the KKK, these paramilitary organizations were open; members were often well known in their communities. Nevertheless, they used force, intimidation, and violence, including murder, to push out Republican officeholders, break uporganizing,and suppressfreedmen's voting and civil rights.[131]The paramilitary groups were described as "the military arm of theDemocratic Party"and were instrumental in helping secure Democratic victories in the South in the elections of 1876.[132]

20th century

Members of theUnited States National Guardundergoing self-defense training. The force was created in 1903 as an organized militia.

TheMilitia Act of 1903divided what had been the militia into what it termed the "organized" militia, created from portions of the former state guards to become stateNational Guardunits, and the "unorganized" militia consisting of all males from ages 17 to 45, with the exception of certain officials and others, which is codified in10 U.S.C.§ 311.Some states, such as Texas, California, and Ohio, created separatestate defense forcesfor assistance in local emergencies. Congress later established[133]a system of "dual enlistment" for the National Guard, so that anyone who enlisted in the National Guard also enlisted in theU.S. Army.[134]When theU.S. Air Forcewas established as an independent service in 1947, the National Guard was further divided into theArmy National Guardand theAir National Guard.Under this construct, the 1933 defense act's "dual enlistment" facet was further amended so that enlisted soldiers and commissioned officers in the Army National Guard were also enlisted or commissioned in the Reserve Component of theU.S. Army.Enlisted airmen and commissioned officers in the Air National Guard were also enlisted or commissioned in the Air Reserve Component (ARC) of the U.S. Air Force.[citation needed]

The 20th century saw the rise ofmilitia organizations in the United States,these private militias often have ananti-governmentoutlook and are not under the civil authority of the states. Privately organized citizen militia-related groups blossomed in the mid-1990s. Many militia groups are based on religious or political extremism and some are regarded ashate groups.[135]

21st century


In the 2008 decision of theSupreme Court,inDistrict of Columbia v. Heller,thede juredefinition of "militia" as used inUnited Statesjurisprudencewas discussed. The Court's opinion made explicit, in itsobiter dicta,that the term "militia", as used in colonial times in thisoriginalistdecision, included both the federally organized militia and the citizen-organized militias of the severalStates:"... the 'militia' in colonial America consisted of a subset of 'the people'—those who were male, able-bodied, and within a certain age range" (7)... Although the militia consists of all able-bodied men, the federally-organized militia may consist of a subset of them "(23).[136]

Active militias



Basic orientation for theTexas State Guard.The Guard is astate defense force,military units under the sole authority of the state government.

The most important previous activity of the Texas Militia was theTexas Revolutionin 1836. Texans declared independence fromMexicowhile they were defeated during theBattle of the Alamo,in March 1836. On April 21, 1836, led bySam Houston,the Militia attacked theMexican Armyat their camp, in theBattle of San Jacintonear the present city ofHouston.Following the war, some militia units reorganized into what was later to be known as theTexas Rangers,which was a private, volunteer effort for several years before becoming an official organization. After Texas joined the Union of the United States in 1845, Texas militia units participated in theMexican–American War.

In 1861 Texas joined the otherConfederate Statesin seceding from theUnion,and Texas militias played a role in theAmerican Civil Waruntil it ended in 1865. Texas militiamen joinedTheodore Roosevelt'sRough Riders,a volunteer militia, and fought with him during theSpanish–American Warin 1898. Some of the training of the Rough Riders took place in San Pedro Park, in the north-central part of San Antonio near the present site ofSan Antonio College.When a muster of the Militia proposed to train there on April 19, 1994, they were threatened with arrest, even though the charter of San Pedro Park forbids exclusion of activities of that kind. This threat led to a change in the meeting site. Like many other American states, Texas maintains a recognized State Militia, theTexas State Guard.



The Militia and Self-Defence Force is a part ofVietnam People's Armed Forces.The militia organized in communes, wards and townships and is put under commune-level military commands.

The Self-Defence Militia has two branches:Dân quân tự vệ nòng cốt(Core Self-Defence Militia) andDân quân tự vệ rộng rãi(General Self-Defence Militia). The term of service in the Core Militia is 4 years.[137]

SFR Yugoslavia


Beside the federalYugoslav People's Army,eachconstituent republicof the formerSFR Yugoslaviahad its ownTerritorial Defense Forces.TheNon-AlignedYugoslavia was concerned about eventual aggression from any of thesuperpowers,especially by theWarsaw Pactafter thePrague Spring,so theTerritorial Defense Forceswere formed as an integral part of thetotal warmilitary doctrinecalledTotal National Defense.Those forces corresponded tomilitary reserve forces,paramilitaryor militia, the latter, in the military meaning of the term (likemilitary formation). It should not be confused with the Yugoslav Militia-Milicijawhich was a term for apolice.

See also





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  128. ^Sumner, William H.:An Inquiry Into the Importance of the Militia to a Free Commonwealth,Page 23. Cummings and Hillard, 1823. ASIN B00085OK9E. Reprinted in Richard H. Kohn,Anglo-American Antimilitary Tracts, 1697–1830,Arno Press (1979)ISBN0-405-11886-4.
  129. ^Manski, Ben (2006).States Rights for Civil Rights,Liberty Tree Journal, Vol 1, Issue 4.
  130. ^Catton, Bruce (2004).The Civil War,pages 28–29. Mariner Books.ISBN0-618-00187-5
  131. ^Nicholas Lemann,Redemption: The Last Battle of the Civil War,New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux paperback, 2007, pp.25, 167, 170
  132. ^George C. Rable,But There Was No Peace: The Role of Violence in the Politics of Reconstruction,Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1984, p. 132
  133. ^National Defense Act Amendments of 1933, Act of June 15, 1933, ch. 87, 48 Stat. 153.
  134. ^"West Virginia Law Review" fromthe originalon February 7, 2012.
  135. ^Carless, Will; Corey, Michael (24 June 2019)."The American militia movement, a breeding ground for hate, is pulling in cops on Facebook" Center for Investigative Reporting.Retrieved4 February2020.
  136. ^Scalia, Antonin(2008-06-26)."DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ET AL. v. HELLER"(PDF).Judicial Decision.Supreme Court of the United States.Retrieved2008-06-27.
  137. ^Law no. 43/2009/QH12 on Militia and Self Defense Forces


  • ACLED(2015), "Real-Time Analysis of African Political Violence", January 2015,Conflict Trends33,
  • Ahrem, Ariel (2011),Proxy Warriors: The Rise and Fall of State Sponsored Militias,(Stanford, Stanford University Press).
  • Jones, Rebecca (2008), 'State Failure and Extra-legal Justice; Vigilant groups, civil militias, and the rule of law in West Africa',UNHCR, New Issues in Refugee Research.
  • Raleigh, Clionadh (2014), "Pragmatic and Promiscuous: Explaining the Rise of Competitive Political Militias across Africa",Journal of Conflict Resolution,pp. 1–28.
  • Sumner, William Hyslop,An Inquiry Into the Importance of the Militia to a Free Commonwealth: In a Letter from William H. Sumner... to John Adams, Late President of the United States; with His Answer,Cummings and Hilliard, Boston, 1823

Further reading

  • Aliyev, Huseyn (Jan. 2019) "When and How Do Militias Disband? Global Patterns of Pro-Government Militia Demobilization in Civil Wars.Studies in Conflict & Terrorism42/8: 715–734. DOI: 10.1080/1057610X.2018.1425112
  • Bledsoe, Andrew S.Citizen-Officers: The Union and Confederate Volunteer Junior Officer Corps in the American Civil War.Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Louisiana State University Press, 2015.ISBN978-0-8071-6070-1.
  • Churchill, Robert H.To Shake Their Guns in the Tyrant's Face,University of Michigan PressArchived2012-11-14 at theWayback Machine,2009.ISBN978-0-472-11682-9.
  • Cooper, Jerry M.The rise of the National Guard: the evolution of the American militia, 1865–1920.Studies in war, society, and the military, v. 1. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. 1998ISBN0-8032-1486-3
  • Galvin, John R.The Minute Men – The First Fight: Myths and Realities of the American Revolution,Brasseys, 1996ISBN1-57488-049-7
  • Hay, George J.The Constitutional Force,1908 (reprinted by Ray Westlake Military Books, 1987).ISBN0-9508530-7-0.
  • Smith, Joshua M. "The Yankee Soldier's Might: The District of Maine and the Reputation of the Massachusetts Militia, 1800–1812," inNew England QuarterlyLXXXIV no. 2, pp. 234–264, 2011.
  • Whisker, James B.The Rise and Decline of the American Militia System,Susquehanna University Press, 1999ISBN0-945636-92-X