Oakis used inwinemakingto vary the color, flavor,tanninprofile and texture of wine. It can be introduced in the form of abarrelduring thefermentationoragingperiods, or as free-floating chips orstavesadded to wine fermented in a vessel like stainless steel. Oak barrels can impart other qualities to wine throughevaporationand low level exposure tooxygen.[1]

Oak wine barrels


A California Chardonnay that shows on the label that it has been barrel fermented.

In earlywine history,theamphorawas the vessel of choice for thestorageand transportation of wine. Due to the perishable nature of wood material it is difficult to trace the usage ofbarrelsin history. The Greek historianHerodotusnoted that ancientMesopotamiansused barrels made ofpalm woodto transport wine along theEuphrates.Palm is a difficult material to bend and fashion into barrels, however, and wine merchants in different regions experimented with different wood styles to find a better wood source.[2]The use of oak has been prevalent in winemaking for at least twomillennia,first coming into widespread use during the time of theRoman Empire.In time, winemakers discovered that beyond just storage convenience, wine kept in oak barrels took on properties that improved it by making it softer and, in some cases, better-tasting.[3]

Effects on wine

The effect of oak aging on two Penedès region Cabernet Sauvignon varietals, a two-year-oldcosecha(left) and six-year-oldcrianza(right). As the wine matures, its color shifts from deep purple or crimson to a lighter brick-red, and takes on a more graduated appearance in the glass.

The porous nature of an oak barrel allows evaporation andoxygenationto occur in wine but typically not at levels that would causeoxidationorspoilage.The typical 59-gallon(225-liter) barrel can lose anywhere from 512to 612gallons (21 to 25 liters) (of mostlyalcoholandwater) in a year through evaporation. This allows the wine to concentrate itsflavorandaroma compounds.Small amounts ofoxygenare allowed to pass through the barrel and act as a softening agent upon the wine'stannins.[3]

The chemical properties of oak can have a profound effect on wine.Phenolswithin the wood interact to producevanillatype flavors and can give the impression of tea notes or sweetness. The degree of "toast" on the barrel can also impart different properties affecting the tannin levels as well as the aggressive wood flavors.[4]Thehydrolyzable tanninspresent in wood, known asellagitannins,are derived fromligninstructures in the wood. They help protect the wine from oxidation andreduction.[5]

Oak barrel agingsherry.It has a transparent front in order to show the process inside

Characteristics of white wines fermented in oak include a pale color and extra silky texture. White wines fermented in steel and matured in oak will have a darker coloring due to heavyphenoliccompounds still present.[6]Flavor notes commonly used to describe wines exposed to oak includecaramel,cream,smoke,spiceand vanilla.Chardonnayis a varietal with very distinct flavor profiles when fermented in oak, which includecoconut,cinnamonandclovesnotes. The "toastiness" of the barrel can bring out varying degrees ofmochaandtoffeenotes in red wine.[7]It is a common misconception that oak imparts butter flavors to wine. The butter flavors come fromlactic acid,naturally present in the wine, converted during malolactic fermentation todiacetyl.This process reverses itself, although the addition of sulfur dioxide prevents this, and the diacetyl remains.

Wines can bebarrel fermentedin oak or placed in oak after fermentation for a period of aging or maturation. Wine matured in oak receives more oak flavors and properties than wine fermented in oak becauseyeastcells present in fermentation interact with and "latch on" to oak components. When dead yeast cells are removed asleessome oak properties go with them.[8]

The length of time a wine spends in the barrel is dependent on thevarietaland finished style the winemaker desires. The majority of oak flavoring is imparted in the first few months the wine is in contact with oak, while longer term exposure adds light barrelaeration,which helps precipitate phenolic compounds and quickens the aging process.[6]New WorldPinot noirmay spend less than a year in oak. PremiumCabernet Sauvignonmay spend two years. The very tannicNebbiologrape may spend four or more years in oak. High endRiojaproducers will sometimesagetheir wines up to ten years in American oak to get a desired earthy cedar and herbal character.[8]

Oak types and sources

TheQuercus petraeatree responsible for French oak.

The species of oak typically used for American oak production is theQuercus albawhich is a white oak species that is characterized by its relatively fast growth, wider grains and lower wood tannins. It is found in most of theEastern United Statesas well asMissouri,MinnesotaandWisconsinwhere many wine barrels are from. InOregontheQuercus garryanawhite oak has started to gain usage due to its closer similarities to European oak.

In France, both theQuercus robur(English oak) andQuercus petraea(sessile oak) are considered apt for wine making; however, the latter is considered far superior for its finer grain and richer contribution of aromatic components likevanillinand its derivates, methyl-octalactone and tannins, as well as phenols and volatile aldehydes. French oak typically comes from one or more primary forests:Allier,Limousin,Nevers,TronçaisandVosges.The wood from each of these forests has slightly different characteristics. Many winemakers utilize barrels made from different cooperages, regions and degrees of toasting in blending their wines to enhance the complexity of the resulting wine.[9]

The tighter grain of French oak allows for a more gradual integration of flavors in the wine.

Italian winemakershave had a long history of usingSlavonianoak from theQuercus roburwhich is known for its tight grain, low aromatics and medium level tannins. Slavonian oak tends to be used in larger barrel sizes (with less surface area relative to volume) with the same barrels reused for many more years before replacement.[10]Prior to theRussian Revolution,Quercus petraeaoak from Hungary was the most highly sought after wood forFrench winemaking.The trees in the Hungarian Zemplén Mountains grow more slowly and smaller in the volcanic soil, creating fine tight grain which sequentially lends itself to a very delicate extraction.

The hemicellulose in the Hungarian oak breaks down more easily, and conveys an exceptional selection of toasted, vanilla, sugary, woody, spicy and caramel-like flavors – imparting these aromas with less intensity, and more slowly than American or French oak.

Many winemakers favor the softer, smoother, creamier texture that Hungarian oak offers their wines. French winemakers preferred to use Hungarian barrels until the early 20th century, then – because of world wars, supply cut – the French wine industry was forced to find its own source in France, similar to the unique quality, legendary Hungarian Zemplén oak.

However, after the fall of the Iron Curtain, the cooperages from France again became major consumers of the exclusiveQuercus petraea/Sessile Hungarian Oak trees originating in the Zemplén Mountain Forest.[11]

The Russian oak from theAdygeyregion along theBlack Seais being explored by French winemakers as a cheaper alternative to French and Hungarian oak.[12]Canadian winerieshave been experimenting with the use of Canadian oak, which proponents describe as a middle ground between American and French oak even though it is the same species as American oak.[13]

Oak trees are typically between 80–120 years old prior to harvesting with the ideal conditions being a cool climate in a dense forest region that gives the trees opportunity to mature slowly and develop a tighter grain. Typically one tree can provide enough wood for two 225-litre (59 US gal) barrels. The trees are typicallyharvestedin the winter months when there is lesssapin the trunk.[11]

Differences between French and American oak

500litreFrench oak wine barrels inBodegas Casajús,inRibera del Duero

American oak tends to be more intensely flavored than French oak with more sweet andvanillaovertones due to the American oak having two to four times as manylactones.[7]Winemakers choose American oak typically for bold, powerful reds, base wines for "assemblage", or for warm climateChardonnays.Besides being derived from different species, a major difference between American and French oak comes from the preparation of the wood. The tightergrainand less watertight nature of French oak obligescoopersto split the wood along the grain. The wood is then aged or "seasoned" for 24 to 36 months in the open air, in a so-called wood-yard.

Oak seasoning at theTonelería Nacionalwood yard

Even though American coopers may use akiln-dry method to season the wood, almost all others will season American oak in exactly the same way as French.[11]Open air seasoning has the advantage of leaching undesirable chemical components and bitter tannins, mellowing the oak in a manner that kiln-dry methods are incapable of replicating.[7] Even though sun, rain, and wind may suffice in most cases to season oak, in drier climates coopers - such asTonelería Nacional- apply up to 2000 mm (80 in) of water a year to their wood stacks in order to facilitate the seasoning process.

Since French oak must be split, only 20 to 25% of the tree can be utilized; American oak may be sawn, which makes it at least twice as economical. Its more pronounced oxidation and a quicker release of aromas help wines to lose their astringency and harshness more quickly, which makes this the wood of choice for shorter maturations - six to ten months. Because of American oak’s modest tannin contribution, the perfect first fill is a wine with abundant tannins and good texture; it allows the fruit to interact harmoniously with the wood, which contributes a wide array of complex aromas and soft, yet very palatable tannins.

French oak, on the other hand, generates silky and transparent tannins, which transmit a sensation of light sweetness combined with fruity flavors that persist in the mouth. Spices and toasted almond are noteworthy, combined with flavors of ripe red fruit in red wines, and notes of peach, exotic fruits and floral aromas like jasmine and rose in whites, depending on the grape variety employed.

Wine barrel

The "red band" on some wine barrels is the residue of spilt red wine. For aesthetics some wineries will paint this center portion of the barrel red for a cleaner look.Rutherford HillWinery,Napa Valley AVA.

Wine barrels, especially those made of oak, have long been used as containers in which wine is aged. Aging in oak typically imparts desirable vanilla and spice flavors to wine. The size of the barrel plays a large role in determining the effects of oak on the wine by dictating the ratio of surface area to volume of wine with smaller containers having a larger impact. The most common barrels are the Bordeaux style barrel, which holds 225 litres (59 US gal), followed by the Burgundy style barrel, which holds 228 litres (60 US gal). Some New World winemakers are now also using the largerhogshead300-litre (79 US gal) barrel.[6]Larger barrels are also traditionally used in parts of Italy such as Barolo,[14]as well as the south of France.

New barrels impart more flavors than do previously used barrels. Over time many of the oak properties get "leached" out of the barrel with layers of natural deposits left from the wine building up on the wood to where after 3 to 5vintagesthere may be little or no oak flavors imparted on the wine.[4]In addition, oxygen transport through the oak and into the wine, which is required for maturation, becomes severely limited after 3–5 years. The cost of barrels varies due to thesupply and demandmarket economy and can change with different features that a cooperage may offer. As of late 2007 the price for a standard American oak barrel was US$600 to 800, French oak US$1200 and up, and Eastern European US$600.[15]Due to the expense of barrels, several techniques have been devised in an attempt to save money. One is to shave the inside of used barrels and insert new thin inner staves that have been toasted.[16]

Barrel construction

Barrel midway through construction.

Barrels are constructed incooperages.The traditional method of European coopers has been to hand-split the oak into staves (or strips) along the grain. After the oak is split, it is allowed to "season" or dry outdoors while exposed to the elements. This process can take anywhere from 10 to 36 months during which time the harshest tannins from the wood are leached out. These tannins are visible as dark gray and black residue left on the ground once the staves are removed. The longer the wood is allowed to season the softer the potential wine stored in the barrels may be but this can add substantially to the cost of the barrel. In some American cooperage the wood is dried in akilninstead of outdoor seasoning. While this method is much faster, it does not soften the tannins quite as much as outdoor seasoning.[17]

The staves are then heated, traditionally over an open fire, and, whenpliable,are bent into the desired shape of the barrel and held together with iron rings. Instead of fire, a cooper may use steam to heat up the staves but this tends to impart less "toastiness" and complexity to the resulting wine. Following the traditional, hand worked style, a cooper is typically able to construct one barrel in a day's time. Winemakers can order barrels with the wood on the inside of the barrel having been lightly charred or toasted with fire, medium toasted, or heavily toasted.[17]Typically the "lighter" the toasting the more oak flavor and tannins that are imparted. Heavy toast or "charred" which is typical treatment of barrels inBurgundy winehave an added dimension from the char that medium or light toasted barrels do not impart.[6]Heavy toasting dramatically reduces the coconut note lactones, even in American oak, but create a highcarboncontent that may reduce the coloring of some wines. During the process of toasting, thefuranicaldehydesin the wood reach a higher level of concentration. This produces the "roasted" aroma in the wine. The toasting also enhances the presences of vanillin and the phenoleugenolwhich creates smokey and spicy notes that in some wines are similar to the aromatics ofoil of cloves.[18]

Barrel alternatives

Oak chips in fermentingChardonnay.
A Chardonnay from the Russian River Valley labeling itself as "unoaked" to differentiate itself from other oak-influenced Chardonnays.

Although oakbarrelshave long been used bywinemakers,manywineriesnow use oak wood chips for aging wine more quickly and also adding desired woody aromas along with vanilla flavors. Oak chips can be added during fermentation or during aging. In the latter case, they are generally placed into fabric sacks and placed into the aging wine. The diversity of chips available gives winemakers numerous options. Oak chips have the benefit of imparting intense oak flavoring in a matter of weeks while traditional oak barrels would need a year or more to convey similar intensity. Critics claim that the oak flavoring from chips tend to be one-dimensional and skewed towards the vanilla extract with the wines still lacking some of the physical benefits that barrel oak imparts.[16]The use of oak powder is also less common than chips, although they are a very practical alternative if oak character is to be introduced during fermentation. Oakplanksor staves are sometimes used, either during fermentation or aging. Wines made from these barrel alternatives typically do not age as well as wines that are matured in barrels.[6]Improvements inmicro-oxygenationhave allowed winemakers to better mimic the gentle aeration of oak barrels in stainless steel tanks with oak chips.[19]

Prior to 2006, the practice of using oak chips was outlawed in theEuropean Union.[20]In 1999, the Bordeaux court of appeals fined four wineries, including third growthChateau Giscours,over $13,000 USD for the use of oak chips in their wine.[21]

Other wood types

Weighing a sherry barrel

Throughout history other wood types, includingchestnut,pine,redwood,andblack locust,have been used in crafting winemaking vessels, particularly large fermentation vats. However, none of these wood types possess the compatibility with wine that oak has demonstrated in combining its water tight, yet slightly porous, storage capabilities with the unique flavor and texture characteristic that it can impart to the wine that it is in contact with.[22]Chestnut is very high in tannins and is too porous as a storage barrel and must be coated withparaffinto prevent excessive wine loss through evaporation. Redwood is too rigid to bend into the smaller barrel shapes and imparts an unpleasant flavor. Black Locust imparts a yellow tint to the wine. Other hardwoods likeappleandcherry woodhave an off putting smell.[23]Austrian winemakershave a history of using black locust barrels. Historically, chestnut was used byBeaujolais,ItalianandPortuguese winemakers.[24]SomeRhône winemakersstill use paraffin coated chestnut barrels but the coating minimizes any effect from the wood making its function similar to a neutral concrete vessel. InChilethere are traditions for using barrels made ofrauliwood but it is beginning to fall out of favor due to the musky scent it imparts on wine.[25]

See also



  1. ^J. RobinsonJancis Robinson's Wine CourseThird Edition pg 91-93 Abbeville Press 2003ISBN0-7892-0883-0
  2. ^H. JohnsonVintage: The Story of Winepg 25-26 Simon and Schuster 1989ISBN0-671-68702-6
  3. ^abK. MacNeilThe Wine Biblepg 40 Workman Publishing 2001ISBN1-56305-434-5
  4. ^abK. MacNeilThe Wine Biblepg 41 Workman Publishing 2001ISBN1-56305-434-5
  5. ^J. Robinson (ed)"The Oxford Companion to Wine"Third Edition pg 492 Oxford University Press 2006ISBN0-19-860990-6
  6. ^abcdeJ. RobinsonJancis Robinson's Wine CourseThird Edition pg 93 Abbeville Press 2003ISBN0-7892-0883-0
  7. ^abcD. Sogg "White Wines, New Barrels: The taste of new oak gains favor worldwideArchived2008-11-22 at theWayback Machine"Wine Spectator July 31, 2001
  8. ^abK. MacNeilThe Wine Biblepg 45 Workman Publishing 2001ISBN1-56305-434-5
  9. ^T. Stevenson"The Sotheby's Wine Encyclopedia"pg 33-34 Dorling Kindersley 2005ISBN0-7566-1324-8
  10. ^[1]ArchivedOctober 17, 2010, at theWayback Machine
  11. ^abcJ. RobinsonJancis Robinson's Wine CourseThird Edition pg 92 Abbeville Press 2003ISBN0-7892-0883-0
  12. ^D. Sogg "French Barrelmaker Turns to Russian OakArchived2008-08-29 at theWayback Machine"Wine Spectator October 15, 2002
  13. ^K. Ebjich "Canadian Oak Barrels Get the Nod From Winemakers"Wine Spectator November 11, 2003ArchivedOctober 10, 2004, at theWayback Machine
  14. ^J Wheaver '[2]"2006
  15. ^World CooperageProduct InformationArchivedAugust 28, 2007, at theWayback Machine
  16. ^abD. Sogg "Oak FlavoringsArchived2004-08-13 at theWayback Machine"Wine Spectator Sept.20th, 2002
  17. ^abK. MacNeilThe Wine Biblepg 42-43 Workman Publishing 2001ISBN1-56305-434-5
  18. ^T. Stevenson"The Sotheby's Wine Encyclopedia"pg 33 Dorling Kindersley 2005ISBN0-7566-1324-8
  19. ^J. Robinson (ed)"The Oxford Companion to Wine"Third Edition pg 491 Oxford University Press 2006ISBN0-19-860990-6
  20. ^Jancis Robinson (May 4, 2006)."Giant 'teabags' of oak chips now legal in Europe".San Francisco Chronicle.
  21. ^"Bordeaux Châteaus Fined for Use of Wood Chips".winespectator.com/.Wine Spectator.Retrieved1 October2022.
  22. ^J. RobinsonJancis Robinson's Wine CourseThird Edition pg 91 Abbeville Press 2003ISBN0-7892-0883-0
  23. ^J. Ross "Rethinking American vs. French oak"Wines & Vines November 1, 1992ArchivedFebruary 13, 2009, at theWayback Machine
  24. ^J. Robinson (ed)"The Oxford Companion to Wine"Third Edition pg 775 Oxford University Press 2006ISBN0-19-860990-6
  25. ^T. Stevenson"The Sotheby's Wine Encyclopedia"pg 32 Dorling Kindersley 2005ISBN0-7566-1324-8