Pandoravirus yedomais a virus that originated 48,500 years ago which was discovered in the deepSiberianpermafrostin 2022. The scientists also revived 13 new pathogens and characterized them as 'zombie viruses'. It has been shown to infectamoebacells (particularlyA. castellanii) killing them in the process.[1][2]

Pandoravirus yedoma
Virus classificationEdit this classification
(unranked): Virus
Realm: Varidnaviria
Kingdom: Bamfordvirae
Phylum: Nucleocytoviricota
Class: Megaviricetes
Order: Algavirales(?)
Family: Pandoraviridae
Genus: Pandoravirus
Pandoravirus yedoma


  1. ^"'Zombie' virus revived after 50,000 years trapped in Siberian permafrost - National | ".
  2. ^"Fact Check: Is" zombie "virus woken after 48,500 years threat to humanity?".Newsweek.30 November 2022.