Phallic saintsare representations ofsaintsor localdeitieswho are invoked forfertility.The representations of thephallusare benevolent symbols of prolificacy and reproductive fruitfulness, and objects of reverence and worship especially among barren women and young girls.

The feet of the statue of Saint Guénolé (Winwaloe, Guignolé), in a chapel ofPrigny(Loire-Atlantique), are pierced with needles by local girls who hope to find their soulmates in this way.



Phallic saints are representations of actualsaintsor localdeitieswho are invoked forfertility.More thanvulgarrepresentations of thephallus,phallic saints are benevolent symbols ofprolificacyand reproductive fruitfulness, and objects of reverence and especial worship among barren women and young girls.[1]

The phallic Deities of the Slavic godhood include Yarilo (Yarila, Western Slav. Yarovit, Gerovit, Serbian-Croatian Јarilo) - God awakening nature. His name comes from the root yar - "ardent, frantic, strong" and is associated with ideas about spring fertility. Wed: rus. ardent, spring, ukr. yarny "spring", yarny "spring, young, full of energy, passionate." The Slavic verb yariti has the meaning "to have sexual intercourse." One of the hymns, written on behalf of Yaril himself, says: "I covered the plains with grass and trees with foliage. I bring crops to the fields and offspring to livestock".[2]



Many are legitimate saints who acquired theirpriapicattributes through the process offolk etymology.Sir William Hamilton(1730–1803)[3]reported that, among the wax representations of body parts then presented as offerings toCosmas and DamianatIsernia,nearNaples,on their feast day, those of thepenisare the most common.[4]Hamiliton's observations ledRichard Payne Knightto write hisAccount of the Remains of the Worship of Priapus,in which he reproduced examples of theeffigies.

List of phallic saints


See also



  1. ^abcdefThe Minor Themes,
  2. ^Коловрат Ю. А.Сексуальное волховство и фаллоктенические культы древних славян// История Змиевского края. Змиев. 19.10.2008.
  3. ^Sir William Hamilton was the husband ofEmma, Lady Hamilton,the mistress ofHoratio Nelson.
  4. ^Whitney Davis,Wax Tokens of LibidoArchived2008-05-28 at theWayback Machine,
  5. ^Worship of the Generative Powers: Priapus Worship,