Phytotoxicitydescribes any adverse effects on plant growth,physiology,or metabolism caused by achemical substance,such as high levels of fertilizers, herbicides, heavy metals, ornanoparticles.[1]General phytotoxic effects include altered plant metabolism, growth inhibition, or plant death.[2]Changes to plant metabolism and growth are the result of disrupted physiological functioning, including inhibition ofphotosynthesis,water and nutrient uptake,cell division,orseed germination.[1]

Phytotoxic effects of the fungusRhytisma_acerinumon a Maple leaf.



High concentrations of mineral salts in solution within the plant growing medium can result in phytotoxicity, commonly caused by excessive application offertilizers.[3]For example,ureais used in agriculture as a nitrogenous fertilizer. However, if too much is applied, phytotoxic effects can result from urea toxicity directly or ammonia production fromhydrolysisof urea.[3]Organic fertilizers, such ascompost,also have the potential to be phytotoxic if not sufficientlyhumified,as intermediate products of this process are harmful to plant growth.[4]



Herbicidesare designed and used to control unwanted plants such as agricultural weeds. However, the use of herbicides can cause phytotoxic effects on non-targeted plants through wind-blownspray driftor from the use of herbicide-contaminated material (such as straw or manure) being applied to the soil.[5]Herbicides can also cause phytotoxicity in crops if applied incorrectly, in the wrong stage of crop growth, or in excess.[1]The phytotoxic effects of herbicides are an important subject of study in the field ofecotoxicology.

Heavy Metals


Heavy metals are high-density metallic compounds which are poisonous to plants at low concentrations, although toxicity depends on plant species, specific metal and its chemical form, and soil properties.[2]The most relevant heavy metals contributing to phytotoxicity in crops aresilver(Ag),arsenic(As),cadmium(Cd),cobalt(Co),chromium(Cr),iron(Fe),nickel(Ni),lead(Pb), andzinc(Zn). Of these, Co, Cu, Fe, Ni, and Zn are trace elements required in small amounts for enzyme andredox reactionsessential in plant development.[2]However, past a certain threshold they become toxic. The other heavy metals listed are considered toxic at any concentration and canbioaccumulate,posing a health hazard to humans if consumed.[6]

Heavy metal contamination occurs from both natural and anthropogenic sources. The most notable natural source of heavy metals is rock outcroppings, although volcanic eruptions can release large amounts of toxic material.[2]Significant anthropogenic sources includeminingandsmeltingoperations and organic and inorganic fertilizer application.[2]



Nanotechnologyis a rapidly growing industry with many applications, includingdrug delivery,biomedicines,and electronics.[7]As a result, manufactured nanoparticles, with sizes less than 100 nm, are released into the environment.[8]Plant uptake and bioaccumulation of these nanoparticles can cause plant growth enhancement or phytotoxic effects, depending on plant species and nanoparticle concentration.[8]


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