In mathematics, and specifically inpotential theory,thePoisson kernelis anintegral kernel,used for solving the two-dimensionalLaplace equation,givenDirichlet boundary conditionson theunit disk.The kernel can be understood as thederivativeof theGreen's functionfor the Laplace equation. It is named forSiméon Poisson.

Poisson kernels commonly find applications incontrol theoryand two-dimensional problems inelectrostatics. In practice, the definition of Poisson kernels are often extended ton-dimensional problems.

Two-dimensional Poisson kernels


On the unit disc


In thecomplex plane,the Poisson kernel for the unit disc[1]is given by

This can be thought of in two ways: either as a function ofrandθ,or as a family of functions ofθindexed byr.

Ifis the openunit discinC,Tis the boundary of the disc, andfa function onTthat lies inL1(T), then the functionugiven by isharmonicinDand has a radial limit that agrees withfalmost everywhereon the boundaryTof the disc.

That the boundary value ofuisfcan be argued using the fact that asr→ 1,the functionsPr(θ)form anapproximate unitin theconvolution algebraL1(T). As linear operators, they tend to theDirac delta functionpointwise onLp(T). By themaximum principle,uis the only such harmonic function onD.

Convolutions with this approximate unit gives an example of asummability kernelfor theFourier seriesof a function inL1(T) (Katznelson 1976). LetfL1(T) have Fourier series {fk}. After theFourier transform,convolution withPr(θ) becomes multiplication by the sequence {r|k|} ∈1(Z).[further explanation needed]Taking the inverse Fourier transform of the resulting product {r|k|fk} gives theAbel meansArfoff:

Rearranging thisabsolutely convergentseries shows thatfis the boundary value ofg+h,whereg(resp.h) is aholomorphic(resp.antiholomorphic) function onD.

When one also asks for the harmonic extension to be holomorphic, then the solutions are elements of aHardy space.This is true when the negative Fourier coefficients offall vanish. In particular, the Poisson kernel is commonly used to demonstrate the equivalence of the Hardy spaces on the unit disk, and the unit circle.

The space of functions that are the limits onTof functions inHp(z) may be calledHp(T). It is a closed subspace ofLp(T) (at least forp≥ 1). SinceLp(T) is aBanach space(for 1 ≤p≤ ∞), so isHp(T).

On the upper half-plane


Theunit diskmay beconformally mappedto theupper half-planeby means of certainMöbius transformations.Since the conformal map of a harmonic function is also harmonic, the Poisson kernel carries over to the upper half-plane. In this case, the Poisson integral equation takes the form

The kernel itself is given by

Given a function,theLpspaceof integrable functions on the real line,ucan be understood as a harmonic extension offinto the upper half-plane. In analogy to the situation for the disk, whenuis holomorphic in the upper half-plane, thenuis an element of the Hardy space,and in particular,

Thus, again, the Hardy spaceHpon the upper half-plane is aBanach space,and, in particular, its restriction to the real axis is a closed subspace ofThe situation is only analogous to the case for the unit disk; theLebesgue measurefor the unit circle is finite, whereas that for the real line is not.

On the ball


For the ball of radiusthe Poisson kernel takes the form where(the surface of), andis thesurface area of the unit (n− 1)-sphere.

Then, ifu(x) is a continuous function defined onS,the corresponding Poisson integral is the functionP[u](x) defined by

It can be shown thatP[u](x) is harmonic on the balland thatP[u](x) extends to a continuous function on the closed ball of radiusr,and the boundary function coincides with the original functionu.

On the upper half-space


An expression for the Poisson kernel of anupper half-spacecan also be obtained. Denote the standard Cartesian coordinates ofby The upper half-space is the set defined by The Poisson kernel forHn+1is given by where

The Poisson kernel for the upper half-space appears naturally as theFourier transformof theAbel transform in whichtassumes the role of an auxiliary parameter. To wit, In particular, it is clear from the properties of the Fourier transform that, at least formally, the convolution is a solution of Laplace's equation in the upper half-plane. One can also show that ast→ 0,P[u](t,x) →u(x)in a suitable sense.

See also



  1. ^"complex analysis - Deriving the Poisson Integral Formula from the Cauchy Integral Formula".Mathematics Stack Exchange.Retrieved2022-08-21.