Pudongis adistrictofShanghailocated east of theHuangpu,the river which flows through central Shanghai. The namePudongwas originally applied to the Huangpu's eastbank,directly across from the west bank orPuxi,the historic city center. It now refers to the broaderPudong New Area,astate-level new areawhich extends all the way to theEast China Sea.

Phổ đông tân khu
Pudong New Area
Lujiazui from the Bund
Location within Shanghai
Location within Shanghai
Coordinates:31°14′05″N121°30′23″E/ 31.23472°N 121.50639°E/31.23472; 121.50639
CountryPeople's Republic of China
District Gov't Established1993
CPCPudong District SecretaryZhu Zhisong
• District GovernorHang Yingwei (Hàng nghênh vĩ)
• Total1,210.4 km2(467.3 sq mi)
• Total5,681,512
• Density4,700/km2(12,000/sq mi)
• TotalCN¥1.6 trillion
US$237.78 billion (2022)
• Per capitaCN¥ 281,180
US$ 41,755 (2022)
Time zoneUTC+08:00(China Standard Time)
Postal code
Area code021
"Pudong" in Simplified (top) and Traditional (bottom) Chinese characters
Simplified ChinesePhổ đông
Traditional ChinesePhổ đông
Literal meaning"East of the Pu [River]"

The traditional area of Pudong is now home to theLujiazui Finance and Trade Zoneand theShanghai Stock Exchangeand many of Shanghai's best-known buildings, such as theOriental Pearl Tower,theJin Mao Tower,theShanghai World Financial Center,and theShanghai Tower.These modern skyscrapers directly facePuxi's historicBund,a remnant of formerforeign concessionsin China. The rest of the new area includes thePort of Shanghai,theShanghai ExpoandCentury Park,Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park,Shanghai Pudong International Airport,theJiuduansha Wetland Nature Reserve,Nanhui New City,and theShanghai Disney Resort.



Pudong—literally "The East Bank of the Huangpu River" —originally referred only to the less-developed land across from Shanghai'sOld Cityandforeign concessions.The area was mainly farmland and only slowly developed, with warehouses and wharfs near the shore administered by the districts ofPuxion the west bank:Huangpu,Yangpu,andNanshi.Pudong was originally established as a county in 1958 until 1961 which the county was split amongHuangpu,Yangpu,Nanshi,WusongandChuansha County.PremierLi Pengannounced the policy of Pudong's opening and development on April 18, 1990. On October 1, 1992, the original area of Pudong County and Chuansha County merged and established Pudong New Area.

In 1993, the Chinese government set up aSpecial Economic Zonein Chuansha, creating the Pudong New Area.Deng Xiaopinghad initiated its development three years earlier to build further confidence inReform and Opening Up.[2]: 158 Pudong's description as a New Area served to distinguish it from existing SEZs.[2]: 158 It had even more open policies than existing SEZs, in terms of attractingforeign direct investmentand developing the local economy.[2]: 158 

The western tip of the Pudong district was designated as theLujiazui Finance and Trade Zoneand has become a financial hub of modern China. Several landmark buildings were constructed, including the Oriental Pearl Tower, and thesupertallJin Mao Building (420.5 m or 1,380 ft), Shanghai World Financial Center (494 m or 1,621 ft) and Shanghai Tower (632 m or 2,073 ft), the world's first trio of adjacent supertall skyscrapers. These buildings—all along Century Avenue and visible from the historic Bund—now form the most commonskylineof Shanghai.

In official discourses onurbanization in China,Pudong is considered the paradigmatic example of the 1990s approach to urbanization.[2]: 157 

On May 6, 2009, it was disclosed that theState Councilhad approved the proposal to mergeNanhui Districtwith Pudong and comprise the majority of eastern Shanghai. In 2010, Pudong was host to the main venues of theShanghai Expo,whose grounds now form apublic park.

Pudong New Area consist of the original Pudong County (northeastern portion of Shanghai County),Chuansha County,andNanhui County.



Districtsof theDirect-Controlled MunicipalityofShanghaiare administratively on the same level asprefecture-level cities.However, the government of Pudong has a status equivalent to that of asub-provincial city,which is a half-level above a prefecture-level city. This is due to Pudong's size and importance as the financial hub of China. The Pudong Communist Party Secretary is the top office of the district, followed by the district governor of Pudong. The Pudong party chief is customarily also a member of the ShanghaiParty Standing Committee.[citation needed]

On April 27, 2015, the People's Government of Pudong New Area is working with China (Shanghai) Pilot Free-Trade Zone Administrative Committee.[3]



Pudong is bounded by theHuangpu Riverin the west and theEast China Seain the east. Pudong is distinguished fromPuxi( "West Bank" ), the older part ofShanghai.It has an area of 1,210.4 square kilometres (467.3 sq mi) and, according to the2020 census,a population of 5,681,512 inhabitants, accounting for around 22.8 percent of Shanghai and 1.85 million more than in 2010. Pudong's resident population growth is well above national average because it is a popular immigration destination. The 2020 census shows a 8% increase in the last decade, or an annual pace of 0.8%.[4]

Excluding immigrants, the birth rate in 2010 was 0.806% while the death rate is 0.729, resulting a net growth of 0.077%. Thetotal fertility rateis 1.03, well below the replacement level.[5]The district actually has a negative registered household population growth if immigrants are excluded, thus the growth is purely driven by immigration.

The 2020 census shows a population density of 3,006/km2.[4]About 3/4 of the population live in the northern part and part of city center called "Northern Territory". 1/4 live in the "Southern Territory" that was the Nanhui District. The Northern Territory has a 6,667 population density, while the Southern Territory has 1,732/km2.Suburbs saw a greater increase in population during 2000–2010 with the help of the city's suburb expansion policy. Some counties in the traditional city center saw a population decrease.

Subdistricts and towns

Name Chinese(S) Hanyu Pinyin Shanghainese Romanization Population (2010)[6] Area (km2)
Weifang Xincun Subdistrict Duy phường tân thôn nhai đạo Wéifāng Xīncūn Jiēdào vij vaon sin tsen ka do 100,548 3.89
Lujiazui Subdistrict Lục gia chủy nhai đạo Lùjiāzuǐ Jiēdào loq ka tzyu ka do 112,507 6.89
Zhoujiadu Subdistrict Chu gia độ nhai đạo Zhōujiādù Jiēdào tzoe ka du ka do 144,668 5.52
Tangqiao Subdistrict Đường kiều nhai đạo Tángqiáo Jiēdào daon djio ka do 76,916 3.86
Shanggang Xincun Subdistrict Thượng cương tân thôn nhai đạo Shànggāng Xīncūn Jiēdào zaon kaon sin tsen ka do 104,932 7.54
Nanmatou Road Subdistrict Nam mã đầu lộ nhai đạo Nánmǎtóulù Jiēdào neu mau doe lu ka do 107,130 4.22
Hudong Xincun Subdistrict Hỗ đông tân thôn nhai đạo Hùdōng Xīncūn Jiēdào wu ton sin tsen ka do 112,031 5.51
Jinyang Xincun Subdistrict Kim dương tân thôn nhai đạo Jīnyáng Xīncūn Jiēdào cin yan sin tsen ka do 206,017 8.02
Yangjing Subdistrict Dương kính nhai đạo Yángjīng Jiēdào yan cin ka do 146,237 7.38
Puxing Road Subdistrict Phổ hưng lộ nhai đạo Pǔxìnglù Jiēdào phu xin lu ka do 177,468 6.25
Dongming Road Subdistrict Đông minh lộ nhai đạo Dōngmínglù Jiēdào ton min lu ka do 121,449 5.95
Huamu Subdistrict Hoa mộc nhai đạo Huāmù Jiēdào hau moq ka do 221,327 20.93
ChuanshaxinTown* (Chwansha) Xuyên sa tân trấn Chuānshāxīn Zhèn tseu sa sau sin tzen 420,045 148.05
Gaoqiaotown Cao kiều trấn Gāoqiáo Zhèn ko djio tzen 184,486 38.73
Beicaitown Bắc thái trấn Běicài Zhèn poq tsa tzen 276,547 24.91
Heqingtown Hợp khánh trấn Héqìng Zhèn req chin tzen 132,038 41.97
Tangtown Đường trấn Tángzhèn daon tzen 129,267 32.16
Caolutown Tào lộ trấn Cáolù Zhèn dzo lu tzen 186,012 45.58
Jinqiaotown Kim kiều trấn Jīnqiáo Zhèn cin djio tzen 81,537 25.28
Gaohangtown Cao hành trấn Gāoháng Zhèn ko raon tzen 137,625 22.85
Gaodongtown Cao đông trấn Gāodōng Zhèn ko ton tzen 110,552 36.24
Zhangjiangtown Trương giang trấn Zhāngjiāng Zhèn tzan kaon tzen 165,297 42.10
Sanlintown Tam lâm trấn Sānlín Zhèn se lin tzen 360,516 34.19
Huinantown Huệ nam trấn Huìnán Zhèn we neu tzen 213,845 65.24
Zhouputown Chu phổ trấn Zhōupǔ Zhèn tzoe phu tzen 147,329 42.60
Xinchangtown Tân tràng trấn Xīnchǎng Zhèn sin dzan tzen 84,183 54.30
Datuan Town Đại đoàn trấn Dàtuán Zhèn da deu tzen 71,162 50.45
Kangqiaotown Khang kiều trấn Kāngqiáo Zhèn khaon djio tzen 174,672 41.25
Hangtoutown Hàng đầu trấn Hángtóu Zhèn raon doe tzen 110,060 60.40
Zhuqiaotown Chúc kiều trấn Zhùqiáo Zhèn tzoq djio tzen 104,945 146.28
Nichengtown Nê thành trấn Níchéng Zhèn gnij zen tzen 62,519 61.50
Xuanqiaotown Tuyên kiều trấn Xuānqiáo Zhèn si djio tzen 59,567 45.78
Shuyuantown Thư viện trấn Shūyuàn Zhèn syu yeu tzen 59,323 66.90
Wanxiang Town Vạn tường trấn Wànxiáng Zhèn ve zian tzen 24,346 23.35
Laogangtown Lão cảng trấn Lǎogǎng Zhèn lo kaon tzen 37,408 38.90
Nanhui XinchengTown** Nam hối tân thành trấn Nánhuì Xīnchéng Zhèn neu we sin zen tzen 47,381 67.76
Luchaogang Farm Lô triều cảng nông tràng Lúcháogǎng Nóngchǎng lu dzo kaon non dzan 688 9.40
Donghai Farm Đông hải nông tràng Dōnghǎi Nóngchǎng ton he non dzan 508 15.20
Chaoyang Farm Triều dương nông tràng Cháoyáng Nóngchǎng dzo yan non dzan 862 10.67
Waigaoqiao Free-trade Zone Ngoại cao kiều bảo thuế khu Wàigāoqiáo Bǎoshuìqū nga ko djio po seu chiu 1,349 10.00
Jinqiao Export Processing Zone Kim kiều kinh tế kỹ thuật khai phát khu Jīnqiáo Jīngjì Jìshù Kāifāqū cin djio cin tzij djij dzeq khe faq chiu 5,514 67.79
Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park Trương giang cao khoa kỹ viên khu Zhāngjiāng Gāo Kējì Yuánqū tzan kaon ko khu djij yeu chiu 23,617 75.90



Universities and higher education

New York University Shanghai

Primary and secondary schools


Public schools:

International schools:

Other private schools:


Pudong aerial view.

With the Nanhui District merger in May 2009, the size of Pudong's economy grew. The district's 2022gross domestic productamounts to an estimated CN¥1.601 trillion (US$238 billion), with services comprising 74.7% of economic output. Its GDP per capita was CN¥281,180, corresponding to around US$41,755 by nominal values and US$68,647 bypurchasing power parityvalues.[1]

The area is divided into four distinct economic districts. Apart fromLujiazuiTrade and Finance Zone, there isWaigaoqiaoFree Trade Zone, the largest free trade zone inmainland Chinacovering approximately 10 square kilometres (3.9 sq mi) in north-east Pudong. TheJinqiao Export Processing Zoneis another major industrial area in Pudong covering 19 square kilometres (7.3 sq mi)Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Parkis a special area for technology-oriented businesses.

The Pudong area continues to experience rapid development, especially in the commercial sector, with 1.3 million square meters of prime office space reaching completion in 2008, more than the previous two years combined.[15]Pudong has also attracted considerable fixed asset and real estate investment, reporting 87.268 billion RMB in fixed asset investment and 27.997 billion RMB in real estate investment in 2008.[16]

Pudong area of Shanghai, at night

The newestDisney resort,with aDisneylandincluded, is located in Pudong, which is open to tourists in June 2016.[17]



Bao Steelhas its head office in the Bao Steel Tower (simplified Chinese:Bảo cương đại hạ;traditional Chinese:Bảo cương đại hạ;pinyin:Bǎogāng Dàshà) in Pudong.[18]Comachas its head office in Pudong.[19]The headquarters ofYangtze River Express,a cargo airline, are in the Pufa Tower (Phổ phát đại hạ;Phổ phát đại hạ;Pǔfā Dàshà) in Pudong.[20]

Hang Seng Bankhas its mainland offices in the Hang Seng Bank Tower in Pudong.[21]Krollhas an office in the Hang Seng Bank Tower.[22]Googlehas its Shanghai offices in theShanghai World Financial Center.[23]

Skyscrapers in Pudong



TheShanghai Pudong International Airportopened its doors in 1999, shortening the travel time for visitors.

In the same year,Line 2of theShanghai Metrocommenced services. An extension brought the line further east, where it serves theairport.Other lines, namely Lines4,6,7,8,9,11,12,13and16also have sections that serve parts of Pudong. Amagnetic levitation trainbegan operating in 2004, moving passengers between the airport and Longyang Road Metro station.

Ships on the Huangpu River with Pudong in view

Pudong is connected toPuxiby several tunnels and four majorbridges.The first of these bridges were theNanpu Bridge(1991) and theYangpu Bridge(1993). TheXupu Bridgeopened in 1996. The latest of these isLupu Bridge,which is the world's second longestarch bridgeand was completed in 2002. Currently there are five tunnels that link the two sides, Dapu Rd. Tunnel, the first tunnel across the Huangpu River, Yan'an Rd. Tunnel, running east–west, and Dalian Rd. Tunnel, running north–south,Fuxing Rd.Tunnel, complementing the Yan'an Rd. Tunnel, Waihuan Tunnel, one part of Shanghai Outer Ring Express. Two new tunnels linkingLujiazuitoPuxiare under construction.

Roads in Pudong have no particular longitudinal or latitudinal orientation. Major thoroughfares Pudong Avenue, Zhangyang Road and Yanggao Road run east–west untilYangpu Bridgebefore turning gradually to become north–south. Century Avenue crosses all three major roads and extends fromLujiazuito Century Park. Yanggao Road extends south to the A20, Shanghai's outer Ring road, which runs east–west fromXupu Bridgeand then north–south beginning at the interchange near Renxi Village, when the east–west expressway turns into Yingbin Avenue, headed for Pudong International Airport.



Pudong is currently served by ten metro lines and one tram line operated byShanghai Metroand one maglev line operated byShanghai Maglev Trainand one suburban line operated byChina Railway:


Twin towns — sister cities


Pudong istwinnedwith:



Pudong has ahumid subtropical climate(Köppen climate classificationCfa). The average annual temperature in Pudong is 17.1 °C (62.8 °F). The temperatures are highest on average in July, at around 28.6 °C (83.5 °F), and lowest in January, at around 4.9 °C (40.8 °F).

Climate data for Pudong (1997–2020 normals, extremes 1981–2010)
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
Record high °C (°F) 21.5
Mean daily maximum °C (°F) 8.9
Daily mean °C (°F) 5.1
Mean daily minimum °C (°F) 2.1
Record low °C (°F) −6.5
Averageprecipitationmm (inches) 77.2
Average precipitation days(≥ 0.1 mm) 10.6 10.8 12.2 11.0 11.3 14.4 12.2 13.3 10.7 7.5 9.7 9.0 132.7
Average snowy days 2.0 1.7 0.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.8 5.1
Averagerelative humidity(%) 73 74 72 71 74 82 78 79 77 73 75 71 75
Mean monthlysunshine hours 107.1 111.1 147.0 168.4 173.1 120.0 189.8 191.4 156.8 152.3 122.7 123.4 1,763.1
Percentpossible sunshine 33 35 39 43 41 28 44 47 43 44 39 40 40
Source:China Meteorological Administration[26][27]

See also



  1. ^ab"【 trực kích dẫn lĩnh khu 】2022 niên phổ đông GDP siêu 1.6 vạn ức nguyên".
  2. ^abcdHu, Richard (2023).Reinventing the Chinese City.New York:Columbia University Press.ISBN978-0-231-21101-7.
  3. ^Thượng hải tự mậu khu không gian khoách đại 4 bội tương dữ phổ đông tân khu hợp thự bạn công.People's Daily. April 27, 2015.RetrievedApril 27,2015.
  4. ^ab"Thượng hải phát bố đệ thất thứ toàn quốc nhân khẩu phổ tra chủ yếu sổ cư, phổ đông thường trụ nhân khẩu 568 vạn nhân chiêm thượng hải 22.8%".Pudong District People's Government.20 May 2021.Retrieved8 May2023.
  5. ^Population analysis of Pudong, 2011http://rkjsw.sh.gov.cn/dr/qxinfo/310115/2012227/000000003500038000944464363.html?openpath=spfp/qxinfo/310115Archived2015-01-09 at theWayback Machine
  6. ^Census Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China; Population and Employment Statistics Division of the National Bureau of Statistics of the People's Republic of China (2012).Trung quốc 2010 nhân khẩu phổ tra phân hương, trấn, nhai đạo tư liêu(1 ed.). Beijing: China Statistics Print.ISBN978-7-5037-6660-2.
  7. ^"Contact Us."Dulwich College Shanghai.Retrieved on October 12, 2013. "DCS MAIN CAMPUS 266 LanAn Rd, JinQiao, PuDong, 201206 địa chỉ: Thượng hải thị phổ đông kim kiều lam án lộ 266 hào, 201206" and "DUCKS 425 LanAn Rd, Jin Qiao, PuDong 201206 địa chỉ: Thượng hải thị phổ đông kim kiều lam án lộ 425 hào, 201206"
  8. ^"HomeArchived2014-05-17 at theWayback Machine."French School of Shanghai.Retrieved on 23 May 2014. "Campus de Pudong: 1555, Jufeng Lu, Pudong District 201208 Shanghai (Chine)"
  9. ^"Kontakte."German School of Shanghai Pudong. Retrieved on 23 May 2014." DS Shanghai Pudong 1100 Jufeng Lu 201206 Shanghai - VR China "- Chinese address:"Thượng hải đức quốc học giáo phổ đông giáo viên 201206 thượng hải thị cự phong lộ 1100 hào tổng hợp lâu"
  10. ^Home page.Shanghai American School.Retrieved on February 19, 2014. "Puxi Campus 258 Jinfeng Road Huacao Town, Minhang Dist. Shanghai, China 201107 6221-1445" and "Pudong Campus Shanghai Links Executive Community 1600 Lingbai Road Sanjiagang, Pudong Shanghai, China 201201 6221-1445"
  11. ^"Shanghai Japanese School Pudong Campus."Shanghai Japanese School.Retrieved on February 18, 2014. "Thượng hải nhật bổn nhân học giáo phổ đông giáo 〒200127 thượng hải thị phổ đông tân khu cẩm khang lộ 277 hào"
  12. ^"HomeArchived2014-02-22 at theWayback Machine."SJS Senior High School. Retrieved on February 18, 2014."〒200127 thượng hải thị phổ đông tân khu cẩm khang lộ 277 hào"
  13. ^"Contact Us."Wellington College International Shanghai.Retrieved on September 30, 2015. "Wellington College No. 1500 Yao Long Road (near the Oriental Sports Center) Pudong, Shanghai 200126Thượng hải huệ linh đốn quốc tế học giáo thượng hải thị phổ đông tân khu diệu long lộ 1500 hào ( kháo đông phương thể dục trung tâm ) bưu biên: 200126"
  14. ^"Concordia International School Shanghai".Home Page.Retrieved16 November2019.
  15. ^Knight Frank ChinaKnight Frank China, Shanghai Commercial Market Quarterly Report, Q4 2009
  16. ^Knight Frank ChinaKnight Frank China, Shanghai Commercial Market Quarterly Report, Q1 2009
  18. ^"Contact Us."Baosteel. Retrieved on November 10, 2012." ADD:Baosteel Tower, Pu Dian Road 370, Pudong New District, Shanghai, 200122, P.R. China Postal Code:200122 "-Chinese:"Thượng hải thị phổ đông tân khu phổ điện lộ 370 hào bảo cương đại hạ"
  19. ^"Contact Us."Comac.Retrieved on November 10, 2012. "25 Zhangyang Road, Shanghai" -ChineseArchived2019-08-05 at theWayback Machine:"Thượng hải thị trương dương lộ 25 hào"
  20. ^"Yangtze River Express Airlines Company LimitedArchived2016-05-02 at theWayback Machine."HNA Group.Retrieved on February 24, 2014. "Address: Pufa Tower, 588 Pudong South Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai" -Address in ChineseArchived2014-03-01 at theWayback Machine:"Địa chỉ: Thượng hải thị phổ đông tân khu phổ đông nam lộ 588 hào phổ phát đại hạ bưu biên: 200120"
  21. ^"Mainland Service Network."Hang Seng Bank.Retrieved on 11 September 2011. "Hang Seng Bank ( China ) Limited Address: 34/F & 36/F, Hang Seng Bank Tower, 1000 Lujiazui Ring Road, Pudong, Shanghai, China"
  22. ^"Office locationsArchived2011-08-10 at theWayback Machine."Kroll Inc.Retrieved on 14 August 2011. "Shanghai Room 3031, 30F 1000 Lujiazui Ring Road, Hang Seng Bank Tower Pudong New Area Shanghai 200120 China"
  23. ^"Google locations."Google.Retrieved on May 25, 2016. "Google Shanghai 60F, Shanghai World Financial Center 100 Century Avenue, Pudong New Area Shanghai 200120, China"
  24. ^"Sister Cities Committee".City of Beverly Hills. 2019-07-01.Retrieved2019-07-01.
  25. ^"Vice Chairman of Shanghai visited Kuopio".Kuopio Innovation. 2013-06-04.Retrieved2015-12-01.
  26. ^Trung quốc khí tượng sổ cư võng – WeatherBk Data(in Simplified Chinese).China Meteorological Administration.Retrieved26 August2023.
  27. ^ Trung quốc khí tượng sổ cư võng(in Simplified Chinese).China Meteorological Administration.Retrieved26 August2023.

Further reading

  • Kris Olds, “Globalizing Shanghai: The ‘Global Intelligence Corps’ and the Building of Pudong," Cities 12, no. 3 (1997) 109–23.