Inmathematics,aquadratic formis apolynomialwith terms all ofdegreetwo ( "form"is another name for ahomogeneous polynomial). For example,
is a quadratic form in the variablesxandy.The coefficients usually belong to a fixedfieldK,such as therealorcomplexnumbers, and one speaks of a quadratic form overK.IfK=R,and the quadratic form equals zero only when all variables are simultaneously zero, then it is adefinite quadratic form;otherwise it is anisotropic quadratic form.
Quadratic forms occupy a central place in various branches of mathematics, includingnumber theory,linear algebra,group theory(orthogonal groups),differential geometry(theRiemannian metric,thesecond fundamental form),differential topology(intersection formsofmanifolds,especiallyfour-manifolds),Lie theory(theKilling form), andstatistics(where the exponent of a zero-meanmultivariate normal distributionhas the quadratic form)
Quadratic forms are not to be confused with aquadratic equation,which has only one variable and includes terms of degree two or less. A quadratic form is one case of the more general concept ofhomogeneous polynomials.
editQuadratic forms are homogeneous quadratic polynomials innvariables. In the cases of one, two, and three variables they are calledunary,binary,andternaryand have the following explicit form:
wherea,...,fare thecoefficients.[1]
The theory of quadratic forms and methods used in their study depend in a large measure on the nature of the coefficients, which may berealorcomplex numbers,rational numbers,orintegers.Inlinear algebra,analytic geometry,and in the majority of applications of quadratic forms, the coefficients are real or complex numbers. In the algebraic theory of quadratic forms, the coefficients are elements of a certainfield.In the arithmetic theory of quadratic forms, the coefficients belong to a fixedcommutative ring,frequently the integersZor thep-adic integersZp.[2]Binary quadratic formshave been extensively studied innumber theory,in particular, in the theory ofquadratic fields,continued fractions,andmodular forms.The theory of integral quadratic forms innvariables has important applications toalgebraic topology.
Usinghomogeneous coordinates,a non-zero quadratic form innvariables defines an(n− 2)-dimensionalquadricin the(n− 1)-dimensionalprojective space.This is a basic construction inprojective geometry.In this way one may visualize 3-dimensional real quadratic forms asconic sections. An example is given by the three-dimensionalEuclidean spaceand thesquareof theEuclidean normexpressing thedistancebetween a point with coordinates(x,y,z)and the origin:
A closely related notion with geometric overtones is aquadratic space,which is a pair(V,q),withVavector spaceover a fieldK,andq:V→Ka quadratic form onV.See§ Definitionsbelow for the definition of a quadratic form on a vector space.
editThe study of quadratic forms, in particular the question of whether a given integer can be the value of a quadratic form over the integers, dates back many centuries. One such case isFermat's theorem on sums of two squares,which determines when an integer may be expressed in the formx2+y2,wherex,yare integers. This problem is related to the problem of findingPythagorean triples,which appeared in the second millennium BCE.[3]
In 628, the Indian mathematicianBrahmaguptawroteBrāhmasphuṭasiddhānta,which includes, among many other things, a study of equations of the formx2−ny2=c.He considered what is now calledPell's equation,x2−ny2= 1,and found a method for its solution.[4]In Europe this problem was studied byBrouncker,EulerandLagrange.
In 1801GausspublishedDisquisitiones Arithmeticae,a major portion of which was devoted to a complete theory ofbinary quadratic formsover theintegers.Since then, the concept has been generalized, and the connections withquadratic number fields,themodular group,and other areas of mathematics have been further elucidated.
Associated symmetric matrix
editAnyn×nmatrixAdetermines a quadratic formqAinnvariables by whereA= (aij).
editConsider the case of quadratic forms in three variablesx,y,z.The matrixAhas the form
The above formula gives
So, two different matrices define the same quadratic form if and only if they have the same elements on the diagonal and the same values for the sumsb+d,c+gandf+h.In particular, the quadratic formqAis defined by a uniquesymmetric matrix
This generalizes to any number of variables as follows.
General case
editGiven a quadratic formqA,defined by the matrixA= (aij), the matrix issymmetric,defines the same quadratic form asA,and is the unique symmetric matrix that definesqA.
So, over the real numbers (and, more generally, over afieldofcharacteristicdifferent from two), there is aone-to-one correspondencebetween quadratic forms andsymmetric matricesthat determine them.
Real quadratic forms
editA fundamental problem is the classification of real quadratic forms under alinear change of variables.
Jacobiproved that, for every real quadratic form, there is anorthogonal diagonalization;that is, anorthogonal change of variablesthat puts the quadratic form in a "diagonal form" where the associated symmetric matrix isdiagonal.Moreover, the coefficientsλ1,λ2,...,λnare determined uniquelyup toapermutation.[5]
If the change of variables is given by aninvertible matrixthat is not necessarily orthogonal, one can suppose that all coefficientsλiare 0, 1, or −1.Sylvester's law of inertiastates that the numbers of each 0, 1, and −1 areinvariantsof the quadratic form, in the sense that any other diagonalization will contain the same number of each. Thesignatureof the quadratic form is the triple(n0,n+,n−),where these components count the number of 0s, number of 1s, and the number of −1s, respectively.Sylvester's law of inertia shows that this is a well-defined quantity attached to the quadratic form.
The case when allλihave the same sign is especially important: in this case the quadratic form is calledpositive definite(all 1) ornegative definite(all −1). If none of the terms are 0, then the form is callednondegenerate;this includes positive definite, negative definite, andisotropic quadratic form(a mix of 1 and −1); equivalently, a nondegenerate quadratic form is one whose associated symmetric form is anondegeneratebilinearform.A real vector space with an indefinite nondegenerate quadratic form of index(p,q)(denotingp1s andq−1s) is often denoted asRp,qparticularly in the physical theory ofspacetime.
Thediscriminant of a quadratic form,concretely the class of the determinant of a representing matrix inK/ (K×)2(up to non-zero squares) can also be defined, and for a real quadratic form is a cruder invariant than signature, taking values of only "positive, zero, or negative". Zero corresponds to degenerate, while for a non-degenerate form it is the parity of the number of negative coefficients,(−1)n−.
These results are reformulated in a different way below.
Letqbe a quadratic form defined on ann-dimensionalrealvector space. LetAbe the matrix of the quadratic formqin a given basis. This means thatAis a symmetricn×nmatrix such that wherexis the column vector of coordinates ofvin the chosen basis. Under a change of basis, the columnxis multiplied on the left by ann×ninvertible matrixS,and the symmetric square matrixAis transformed into another symmetric square matrixBof the same size according to the formula
Any symmetric matrixAcan be transformed into a diagonal matrix by a suitable choice of an orthogonal matrixS,and the diagonal entries ofBare uniquely determined – this is Jacobi's theorem. IfSis allowed to be any invertible matrix thenBcan be made to have only 0, 1, and −1 on the diagonal, and the number of the entries of each type (n0for 0,n+for 1, andn−for −1) depends only onA.This is one of the formulations of Sylvester's law of inertia and the numbersn+andn−are called thepositiveandnegativeindices of inertia.Although their definition involved a choice of basis and consideration of the corresponding real symmetric matrixA,Sylvester's law of inertia means that they are invariants of the quadratic formq.
The quadratic formqis positive definite ifq(v) > 0(similarly, negative definite ifq(v) < 0) for every nonzero vectorv.[6]Whenq(v)assumes both positive and negative values,qis anisotropic quadratic form.The theorems of Jacobi andSylvestershow that any positive definite quadratic form innvariables can be brought to the sum ofnsquares by a suitable invertible linear transformation: geometrically, there is onlyonepositive definite real quadratic form of every dimension. Itsisometry groupis acompactorthogonal groupO(n).This stands in contrast with the case of isotropic forms, when the corresponding group, theindefinite orthogonal groupO(p,q),is non-compact. Further, the isometry groups ofQand−Qare the same (O(p,q) ≈ O(q,p)),but the associatedClifford algebras(and hencepin groups) are different.
editAquadratic formover a fieldKis a mapq:V→Kfrom a finite-dimensionalK-vector space toKsuch thatq(av) =a2q(v)for alla∈K,v∈Vand the functionq(u+v) −q(u) −q(v)is bilinear.
More concretely, ann-aryquadratic formover a fieldKis ahomogeneous polynomialof degree 2 innvariables with coefficients inK:
This formula may be rewritten using matrices: letxbe thecolumn vectorwith componentsx1,...,xnandA= (aij)be then×nmatrix overKwhose entries are the coefficients ofq.Then
A vectorv= (x1,...,xn)is anull vectorifq(v) = 0.
Twon-ary quadratic formsφandψoverKareequivalentif there exists a nonsingular linear transformationC∈GL(n,K)such that
Let thecharacteristicofKbe different from 2.[7]The coefficient matrixAofqmay be replaced by thesymmetric matrix(A+AT)/2with the same quadratic form, so it may be assumed from the outset thatAis symmetric. Moreover, a symmetric matrixAis uniquely determined by the corresponding quadratic form. Under an equivalenceC,the symmetric matrixAofφand the symmetric matrixBofψare related as follows:
Theassociated bilinear formof a quadratic formqis defined by
Thus,bqis asymmetric bilinear formoverKwith matrixA.Conversely, any symmetric bilinear formbdefines a quadratic form and these two processes are the inverses of each other. As a consequence, over a field of characteristic not equal to 2, the theories of symmetric bilinear forms and of quadratic forms innvariables are essentially the same.
Quadratic space
editGiven ann-dimensionalvector spaceVover a fieldK,aquadratic formonVis afunctionQ:V→Kthat has the following property: for some basis, the functionqthat maps the coordinates ofv∈VtoQ(v)is a quadratic form. In particular, ifV=Knwith itsstandard basis,one has
Thechange of basisformulas show that the property of being a quadratic form does not depend on the choice of a specific basis inV,although the quadratic formqdepends on the choice of the basis.
A finite-dimensional vector space with a quadratic form is called aquadratic space.
The mapQis ahomogeneous functionof degree 2, which means that it has the property that, for allainKandvinV:
When the characteristic ofKis not 2, the bilinear mapB:V×V→KoverKis defined: This bilinear formBis symmetric. That is,B(x,y) =B(y,x)for allx,yinV,and it determinesQ:Q(x) =B(x,x)for allxinV.
When the characteristic ofKis 2, so that 2 is not aunit,it is still possible to use a quadratic form to define a symmetric bilinear formB′(x,y) =Q(x+y) −Q(x) −Q(y).However,Q(x)can no longer be recovered from thisB′in the same way, sinceB′(x,x) = 0for allx(and is thus alternating).[8]Alternatively, there always exists a bilinear formB″(not in general either unique or symmetric) such thatB″(x,x) =Q(x).
The pair(V,Q)consisting of a finite-dimensional vector spaceVoverKand a quadratic mapQfromVtoKis called aquadratic space,andBas defined here is the associated symmetric bilinear form ofQ.The notion of a quadratic space is a coordinate-free version of the notion of quadratic form. Sometimes,Qis also called a quadratic form.
Twon-dimensional quadratic spaces(V,Q)and(V′,Q′)areisometricif there exists an invertible linear transformationT:V→V′(isometry) such that
The isometry classes ofn-dimensional quadratic spaces overKcorrespond to the equivalence classes ofn-ary quadratic forms overK.
editLetRbe acommutative ring,Mbe anR-module,andb:M×M→Rbe anR-bilinear form.[9]A mappingq:M→R:v↦b(v,v)is theassociated quadratic formofb,andB:M×M→R:(u,v) ↦q(u+v) −q(u) −q(v)is thepolar formofq.
A quadratic formq:M→Rmay be characterized in the following equivalent ways:
- There exists anR-bilinear formb:M×M→Rsuch thatq(v)is the associated quadratic form.
- q(av) =a2q(v)for alla∈Randv∈M,and the polar form ofqisR-bilinear.
Related concepts
editTwo elementsvandwofVare calledorthogonalifB(v,w) = 0.Thekernelof a bilinear formBconsists of the elements that are orthogonal to every element ofV.Qisnon-singularif the kernel of its associated bilinear form is{0}.If there exists a non-zerovinVsuch thatQ(v) = 0,the quadratic formQisisotropic,otherwise it isdefinite.This terminology also applies to vectors and subspaces of a quadratic space. If the restriction ofQto a subspaceUofVis identically zero, thenUistotally singular.
The orthogonal group of a non-singular quadratic formQis the group of the linear automorphisms ofVthat preserveQ:that is, the group of isometries of(V,Q)into itself.
If a quadratic space(A,Q)has a product so thatAis analgebra over a field,and satisfies then it is acomposition algebra.
Equivalence of forms
editEvery quadratic formqinnvariables over a field of characteristic not equal to 2 isequivalentto adiagonal form
Such a diagonal form is often denoted by⟨a1,...,an⟩. Classification of all quadratic forms up to equivalence can thus be reduced to the case of diagonal forms.
Geometric meaning
editUsingCartesian coordinatesin three dimensions, letx= (x,y,z)T,and letAbe asymmetric3-by-3 matrix. Then the geometric nature of thesolution setof the equationxTAx+bTx= 1depends on the eigenvalues of the matrixA.
If alleigenvaluesofAare non-zero, then the solution set is anellipsoidor ahyperboloid.[citation needed]If all the eigenvalues are positive, then it is an ellipsoid; if all the eigenvalues are negative, then it is animaginary ellipsoid(we get the equation of an ellipsoid but with imaginary radii); if some eigenvalues are positive and some are negative, then it is a hyperboloid.
If there exist one or more eigenvaluesλi= 0,then the shape depends on the correspondingbi.If the correspondingbi≠ 0,then the solution set is aparaboloid(either elliptic or hyperbolic); if the correspondingbi= 0,then the dimensionidegenerates and does not come into play, and the geometric meaning will be determined by other eigenvalues and other components ofb.When the solution set is a paraboloid, whether it is elliptic or hyperbolic is determined by whether all other non-zero eigenvalues are of the same sign: if they are, then it is elliptic; otherwise, it is hyperbolic.
Integral quadratic forms
editQuadratic forms over the ring of integers are calledintegral quadratic forms,whereas the corresponding modules arequadratic lattices(sometimes, simplylattices). They play an important role innumber theoryandtopology.
An integral quadratic form has integer coefficients, such asx2+xy+y2;equivalently, given a latticeΛin a vector spaceV(over a field with characteristic 0, such asQorR), a quadratic formQis integralwith respect toΛif and only if it is integer-valued onΛ,meaningQ(x,y) ∈Zifx,y∈ Λ.
This is the current use of the term; in the past it was sometimes used differently, as detailed below.
Historical use
editHistorically there was some confusion and controversy over whether the notion ofintegral quadratic formshould mean:
- twos in
- the quadratic form associated to a symmetric matrix with integer coefficients
- twos out
- a polynomial with integer coefficients (so the associated symmetric matrix may have half-integer coefficients off the diagonal)
This debate was due to the confusion of quadratic forms (represented by polynomials) and symmetric bilinear forms (represented by matrices), and "twos out" is now the accepted convention; "twos in" is instead the theory of integral symmetric bilinear forms (integral symmetric matrices).
In "twos in", binary quadratic forms are of the formax2+ 2bxy+cy2,represented by the symmetric matrix This is the conventionGaussuses inDisquisitiones Arithmeticae.
In "twos out", binary quadratic forms are of the formax2+bxy+cy2,represented by the symmetric matrix
Several points of view mean thattwos outhas been adopted as the standard convention. Those include:
- better understanding of the 2-adic theory of quadratic forms, the 'local' source of the difficulty;
- thelatticepoint of view, which was generally adopted by the experts in the arithmetic of quadratic forms during the 1950s;
- the actual needs for integral quadratic form theory intopologyforintersection theory;
- theLie groupandalgebraic groupaspects.
Universal quadratic forms
editAn integral quadratic form whose image consists of all the positive integers is sometimes calleduniversal.Lagrange's four-square theoremshows thatw2+x2+y2+z2is universal.Ramanujangeneralized thisaw2+bx2+cy2+dz2and found 54 multisets{a,b,c,d}that can each generate all positive integers, namely,
- {1, 1, 1,d}, 1 ≤d≤ 7
- {1, 1, 2,d}, 2 ≤d≤ 14
- {1, 1, 3,d}, 3 ≤d≤ 6
- {1, 2, 2,d}, 2 ≤d≤ 7
- {1, 2, 3,d}, 3 ≤d≤ 10
- {1, 2, 4,d}, 4 ≤d≤ 14
- {1, 2, 5,d}, 6 ≤d≤ 10
There are also forms whose image consists of all but one of the positive integers. For example,{1, 2, 5, 5}has 15 as the exception. Recently, the15 and 290 theoremshave completely characterized universal integral quadratic forms: if all coefficients are integers, then it represents all positive integers if and only if it represents all integers up through 290; if it has an integral matrix, it represents all positive integers if and only if it represents all integers up through 15.
See also
edit- ^A tradition going back toGaussdictates the use of manifestly even coefficients for the products of distinct variables, that is,2bin place ofbin binary forms and2b,2d,2fin place ofb,d,fin ternary forms. Both conventions occur in the literature.
- ^away from 2,that is, if 2 is invertible in the ring, quadratic forms are equivalent tosymmetric bilinear forms(by thepolarization identities), but at 2 they are different concepts; this distinction is particularly important for quadratic forms over the integers.
- ^Babylonian Pythagoras
- ^Brahmagupta biography
- ^Maxime Bôcher(with E.P.R. DuVal)(1907)Introduction to Higher Algebra,§ 45 Reduction of a quadratic form to a sum of squaresviaHathiTrust
- ^If a non-strict inequality (with ≥ or ≤) holds then the quadratic formqis called semidefinite.
- ^The theory of quadratic forms over a field of characteristic 2 has important differences and many definitions and theorems must be modified.
- ^This alternating form associated with a quadratic form in characteristic 2 is of interest related to theArf invariant–Irving Kaplansky (1974),Linear Algebra and Geometry,p. 27.
- ^The bilinear form to which a quadratic form is associated is not restricted to being symmetric, which is of significance when 2 is not a unit inR.
edit- O'Meara, O.T.(2000),Introduction to Quadratic Forms,Berlin, New York:Springer-Verlag,ISBN978-3-540-66564-9
- Conway, John Horton;Fung, Francis Y. C. (1997),The Sensual (Quadratic) Form,Carus Mathematical Monographs, The Mathematical Association of America,ISBN978-0-88385-030-5
- Shafarevich, I. R.;Remizov, A. O. (2012).Linear Algebra and Geometry.Springer.ISBN978-3-642-30993-9.
Further reading
edit- Cassels, J.W.S.(1978).Rational Quadratic Forms.London Mathematical Society Monographs. Vol. 13.Academic Press.ISBN0-12-163260-1.Zbl0395.10029.
- Kitaoka, Yoshiyuki (1993).Arithmetic of quadratic forms.Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics. Vol. 106. Cambridge University Press.ISBN0-521-40475-4.Zbl0785.11021.
- Lam, Tsit-Yuen(2005).Introduction to Quadratic Forms over Fields.Graduate Studies in Mathematics.Vol. 67.American Mathematical Society.ISBN0-8218-1095-2.MR2104929.Zbl1068.11023.
- Milnor, J.;Husemoller, D. (1973).Symmetric Bilinear Forms.Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete.Vol. 73.Springer-Verlag.ISBN3-540-06009-X.Zbl0292.10016.
- O'Meara, O.T.(1973).Introduction to quadratic forms.Die Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften. Vol. 117.Springer-Verlag.ISBN3-540-66564-1.Zbl0259.10018.
- Pfister, Albrecht(1995).Quadratic Forms with Applications to Algebraic Geometry and Topology.London Mathematical Society lecture note series. Vol. 217.Cambridge University Press.ISBN0-521-46755-1.Zbl0847.11014.
External links
edit- A.V.Malyshev (2001) [1994],"Quadratic form",Encyclopedia of Mathematics,EMS Press
- A.V.Malyshev (2001) [1994],"Binary quadratic form",Encyclopedia of Mathematics,EMS Press