Same-sex marriagehas been legal inSloveniasince 9 July 2022 in accordance with a ruling from theConstitutional Court of Slovenia.The court had ruled that the ban on same-sex marriages violated theConstitution of Sloveniaand gave theParliamentsix months to amend the law to align with the ruling, although the decision took effect immediately after publication.[1][2]TheNational Assemblypassed legislation to align with the court ruling on 4 October 2022, which was vetoed by theNational Councilone week later, but the veto was then overridden by the National Assembly on 18 October 2022.[3][4]
Polling suggests that a majority ofSlovenessupport the legal recognition of same-sex marriage.[5]Slovenia was the31st country in the world,the eighteenth inEuropeas well as the first of formerYugoslaviato allow same-sex couples to marry. Previously, a bill to legalize same-sex marriage had been approved by Parliament on 3 March 2015; however, it was rejected in areferendum on 20 December 2015.
From 2017 to 2022, Slovenia recognized same-sexpartnershipsproviding all of the legal rights ofmarriagewith the exception of jointadoptionandin vitro fertilisation.These unions were established in February 2017 but closed off following the legalization of same-sex marriage in 2022.[6]From 2006 to 2017, Slovenia recognized a more limited form of registered partnerships for same-sex couples, which gave partners access to pension and property rights.
editRegistration of Same-Sex Partnerships Act 2005
editA comprehensiveregistered partnershipbill passed itsfirst readingin Parliament in July 2004, but was rejected during its second reading in March 2005.[7][8]The bill would have provided for all of the rights ofmarriageexcept for jointadoptionrights.
A law establishing partnerships,[9]titled theRegistration of Same-Sex Partnerships Act 2005(ZRIPS;Slovene:Zakon o registraciji istospolne partnerske skupnosti), was proposed by thegovernmentofJanez Janšaon 31 March 2005.[10]The law covered onlyproperty rights,the obligation to support a socially weaker partner, and someinheritancerights. It did not grant any rights in the areas ofsocial security,health insurance,andpensionrights and it did not confer the status of anext-of-kinto the partner. The adoption of this law sparked considerable political debate in theNational Assembly,with deputies from theSlovenian National Partyopposing the recognition of same-sex unions. The oppositionSocial DemocratsandLiberalsargued that the proposed law was too weak and refused to take part in the voting. The bill was passed with 44 votes for and 3 against on 22 June 2005. It was published in thegovernment gazetteon 8 July, and became effective on 23 July 2006.[11][9]
On 2 July 2009, theConstitutional Courtfound that it was unconstitutional to prevent registered partners from inheriting each other's property. It held that treating registered partners differently from married partners constituteddiscriminationon the basis ofsexual orientation,breaching Article 14 of theConstitution of Slovenia.It gave Parliament six months to remedy the situation.[12][13]In response, the Minister of the Interior,Katarina Kresal,announced that the government ofBorut Pahorwould prepare a new law to legalise same-sex marriage.[14]This sparked considerable controversy in the public.[15]
TheRegistration of Same-Sex Partnerships Act 2005was repealed upon passage of thePartnership Act 2016,and ceased to be operational on 24 August 2017.[9]The ability to enter into a partnership was ended, and all partnerships were converted into the new civil partnerships established by the 2016 legislation.
Family Code 2011 reforms and referendum
editOn 2 July 2009, Minister Kresal announced that Slovenia was likely to legalize same-sex marriage in the near future, citing the Pahor Government's commitment to provide equal rights to same-sex couples. The announcement stirred some level of public controversy, mainly because it provided grounds forsame-sex adoption.[14]
On 21 September 2009, the government presented a draft of a new family code to allow same-sex couples to marry and adopt children.[15][16][17][18][19]The bill went through a period ofpublic consultationuntil 1 November 2009.[20][21][22][23][24][25][26]In December 2009, the government considered amendments to the bill,[27]and gave final approval to the measure on 17 December 2009.[28][29][30]It was submitted to the National Assembly on 21 December 2009.[31][32]On 2 March 2010, the bill was approved by the Assembly in its first reading.[33][34]On 24 January 2011, due to the difficulty of passing the bill, the government announced its intention to amend it before final passage in the National Assembly. The bill was amended to grant same-sex registered partnerships all the rights of marriage except for joint adoption, thoughstepchild adoptionwould have been permitted, and it would not have changed the definition of marriage as a "union between a man and a woman".[35][36]
On 3 March 2010, theSupreme Court of Sloveniaruled that a male couple with dual Slovenian-American citizenship, who adopted a baby girl in theUnited States,were to be recognised as the child's legal parents in Slovenia as well.[37]On 17 July 2011, the Ministry for Work, Family and Social Affairs allowed a woman to adopt her same-sex partner's biological child. This raised the possibility that such an adoption would be possible even if the 2011 Family Code were to be repealed in a referendum.[38][39]
On 7 April 2011, the National Assembly approved the amended bill in its second reading.[40]It passed its final reading on 16 June 2011.[40][41][42]The new law was challenged on 1 September 2011 by a conservative popular movement called "The Civil Initiative for the Family and Rights of Children", which called for a nationalreferendumon the issue, and started gathering the requisite signatures.[43]In response, the government asked the Constitutional Court to declare whether such a referendum would be constitutional. On 26 December 2011, the Constitutional Court ruled that holding a referendum on this issue was constitutional.[44]Areferendumon 25 March 2012 led to the rejection of the bill.[45][46]
Partnership Bill 2014
editOn 14 April 2014, the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Anja Kopač Mrak, presented a bill to grant partnerships all the rights of marriage, except for adoption andartificial insemination.It underwent a public consultation process until 5 May 2014.[47][48]However, the bill's fate was uncertain dueearly parliamentary electionson 13 July 2014, which were held following the resignation of Prime MinisterAlenka Bratušek.On 15 October 2014, the Ministry announced another public consultation on the draft, which lasted until 15 November.[49]In January 2015, Minister Anja Kopač Mrak said that the bill would be put on hold while a proposal to legalise same-sex marriage was to be considered by Parliament.[50]
Partnership Act 2016
editOn 22 December 2015, following the20 December 2015 referendum,which prevented same-sex marriage from being legalized in Slovenia, Deputy Jani Möderndorfer introduced a bill to grant same-sex couples all the rights of marriage, except for joint adoption andin vitro fertilisation.[51][52][53]The bill would also repeal theRegistration of Same-Sex Partnerships Act 2005,and all partnerships would have to be converted to a new institution, calledpartnerska zveza(pronounced[ˈpàːɾtnɛɾskaˈzʋéːza])[a]inSlovene,within the first six months after the bill's date of application.[9]Partnerska zvezahad the same formal registration procedure as marriages. On 10 March 2016, thegovernmentofMiro Cerarexpressed its support for the bill.[55][56]On 5 April, the bill was approved by the Committee on Labour, Family, Social Policy and Disability of the National Assembly.[57][58]On 21 April, it was approved by the Assembly in a 54–15 vote.[59][60]TheNational Councildid not require the Assembly to vote on the bill again.
Party | Voted for | Voted against | Abstained | Absent (Did not vote) |
GModern Centre Party | 33
– | – | 2
Slovenian Democratic Party | 1
– | 7
GDemocratic Party of Pensioners | 10
– | – | 1
GSocial Democrats | 4
– | – | 2
United Left | 3
– | – | 3
New Slovenia | – | 2
– | 3
Independent | 1
– | – | 3
Unaffiliated MPs[b] | 2
– | – | – |
Total | 54 | 15 | 0 | 21 |
60.0% | 23.3% | 0.0% | 16.7% |
On 28 April, the Union of Migrant Workers (SDMS) filed a motion, with 2,500 signatures, in order to be allowed to proceed with a petition for a referendum.[62][63][64]However, on 5 May, the Speaker of the National Assembly,Milan Brglez,refused to set a thirty-five-day deadline during which the proposers could collect 40,000 valid signatures to force a referendum, arguing that this and several other SDMS referendum initiatives constituted an abuse of the referendum laws.[65][66]He sent the bill forpromulgationthe next day.[67][68]It was promulgated by PresidentBorut Pahorand published in the official gazette on 9 May 2016.[69][70]The law took effect on the fifteenth day after publication (i.e. 24 May 2016) and became operational nine months later (i.e. 24 February 2017).[71][72][73][74][75]On 10 May, the SDMS challenged Brglez's decision to the Constitutional Court,[76]which rejected the challenge on 21 July 2016.[77][78][79]
The ability to enter into a partnership was closed off following the legalization of same-sex marriage in Slovenia. Partners could convert their union into a recognized marriage until 31 July 2023.[6]Couples were afforded an extra two months to convert their partnerships into marriages if they were unable to do so previously for "excusable reasons". Otherwise, all partnerships were dissolved on 31 July.[80]
editAccording to Slovenia's official statistics agency, SiStat, 284 same-sex partnerships had been performed in Slovenia under both the 2005 and 2016 laws up to the end of 2018.[81]A majority of partnerships were between men, and most were performed in 2017 and 2018.
Same-sex marriage
editAttempt at legalisation in 2015
editOn 15 December 2014, the oppositionUnited Left(ZL) introduced a bill to theSlovenian Parliamentto legalisesame-sex marriage.[82][83]The sponsors of the bill said its goal was to "provide equal rights to all members of society". The Cerar Government expressed no opposition to the bill.[84][85][86]Two of the three parties in the governing coalition, theModern Centre Party(SMC) and theSocial Democrats(SD), backed the bill, as did the opposition ZL and theAlliance of Alenka Bratušek(ZaAB). The third party in the coalition, theDemocratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia(DeSUS), decided to allow aconscience votewithin its ranks. Only theSlovenian Democratic Party(SDS) andNew Slovenia(NSi) opposed it.[87]
On 10 February 2015, the Committee on Labour, Family, Social Policy and Disability of the National Assembly passed the bill by 11 votes to 2.[88][89]The Assembly passed the bill in its third reading in a 51–28 vote on 3 March.[90][91][92]On 10 March 2015, theNational Councilrejected a motion to require the Assembly to vote on the bill again in a 14–23 vote.[93][94]The bill was sent to PresidentBorut Pahorfor his signature or veto.
Party | Voted for | Voted against | Abstained | Absent (Did not vote) |
GModern Centre Party | 33
– | 1
Slovenian Democratic Party | – | 19
– | |
GDemocratic Party of Pensioners | 3
GSocial Democrats | 6
– | – | – |
United Left | 6
– | – | – |
New Slovenia | – | 5
– | – |
Alliance of Alenka Bratušek | 3
– | – | |
Unaffiliated MPs[b] | – | – | 2
– |
Total | 51 | 28 | 5 | 6 |
56.7% | 31.1% | 5.6% | 6.7% |
On 10 March 2015, opponents of the bill announced that they had collected more than 80,000 signatures to call for a referendum. They filed 2,500 of them, as required, in order to be allowed to proceed with the petition for a popular vote.[96][97]On 17 March, the leader of the SMC parliamentary group said that, although the party supported same-sex marriage legislation, it would not try to prevent a possible referendum on the issue. ZL, the main proponent of the bill, criticized the statement.[98]However, on 19 March, SMC politicians clarified that they were against blocking proponents from collecting signatures, but that the party would support the motion to block the referendum when the signatures are submitted.[99][100]
On 23 March 2015, a thirty-five-day term began in which the supporters of an eventual referendum had to collect 40,000 valid signatures.[101]On the same day, a group of 23 deputies from SD, DeSUS, ZL and ZaAB filed a request calling for aspecial sessionof the Assembly in order to vote on a motion to block the referendum.[102][103]On 26 March, the National Assembly voted 53–21 to block the referendum on the grounds that it would violate the constitutional provision prohibiting popular votes on laws eliminatinghuman rightsand fundamental freedoms.[104][105]
Party | Voted for | Voted against | Abstained | Absent (Did not vote) |
GModern Centre Party | 34
– | – | 2
Slovenian Democratic Party | – | 17
– | 4
GDemocratic Party of Pensioners | 5
– | 2
GSocial Democrats | 6
– | – | – |
United Left | 6
– | – | – |
New Slovenia | – | 4
– | |
Alliance of Alenka Bratušek | 2
– | – | 2
Unaffiliated MPs[b] | – | – | 1
| |
Total | 53 | 21 | 3 | 13 |
58.9% | 23.3% | 3.3% | 14.4% |
The proponents of the referendum, who announced that they had collected 48,146 signatures before the Assembly's vote, said they wouldappealthe decision to the Constitutional Court, which they did on 2 April.[107][108][109]The court had the option of declaring the referendum unconstitutional, as Article 90 of the Constitution prohibits referendums on the subject of constitutionally protected human rights. Any referendum in Slovenia is only successful if a majority of participants and at least 20% of all eligible voters vote in favor of the law. The Constitutional Court deliberated about the appeal in four sessions on 10 June, 9 July, 10 September and 24 September.[110][111][112][113][114]In October 2015, theRoman Catholic Archbishop of Ljubljana,Stanislav Zore,signaled his support for the referendum.[115]
On 22 October 2015, the court officially published its decision, permitting the referendum to proceed. However, the ruling did not address Article 90, making a new challenge to the referendum possible. The ruling solely regarded the ability of the National Assembly to declare a referendum unconstitutional.[116][117][118]
editOn 4 November 2015, the National Assembly decided that the referendum would take place on 20 December 2015.[119][120][121]The bill was rejected, as a majority of voters voted against and the votes against were more than 20% of registered voters, as required by the Constitution.[122][123][124]
2022 Constitutional Court ruling and passage of legislation
editOn 16 June 2022, the Constitutional Court ruled 6–3 that the heterosexual definition of marriage was inconsistent with theConstitution of Slovenia's requirement for equal treatment. Discrimination against same-sex couples "cannot be justified with the traditional meaning of marriage as a union between a man and a woman", the court ruled. It found that article 3 of the Family Code, which defined marriage as the union of "a husband and a wife", was incompatible with the Constitution. The court ordered theSlovenian Parliamentto bring legislation in line within six months, although the ruling would take effect immediately after publication.[1][2]The court wrote that the decision "does not diminish the importance of traditional marriage as a union of a man and a woman, nor does it change conditions under which persons of the opposite sex marry. All it means is that same-sex partners can now marry just like heterosexual partners can." The court also ruled that the ban on joint adoption by same-sex couples was inconsistent with the constitutional requirement for equal treatment. Slovenia was the first country of formerYugoslavia,the first of the former communist countries (excludingEast Germany), and the 18th inEuropeto legalize same-sex marriage.[125][126]The court's decisions were published on 8 July and became effective the following day.
Parties of thecoalition governmentwelcomed the decision in announcements on social media.[127]The Minister of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunity,Luka Mesec,welcomed the court decision and said he would prepare draft legislation to conform with the ruling: "The Constitutional Court has ordered us to do it, and we will do it with the greatest pleasure."[127]Prime MinisterRobert Golobalso welcomed the court ruling.[128]The government published legislation to amend the Family Code in accordance with the court's ruling on 15 July, and stated that the amendments to the code would be fast-tracked through the Parliament.[129]The National Assembly passed the bill on 4 October 2022 in a 48–29 vote.[130][131][132]The LGBT rights group Legebitra released the following statement, "After more than 30 years of demands for legal recognition of same-sex partnerships, we are finally closer to actual equality. We are happy that the MPs supported the changes to the Family Code with a majority of votes and finally equalized the rights of same-sex couples in marriage and equal treatment in adoptions."[133]
Radiotelevizija Slovenijareported in early August 2022 that the first two same-sex marriages had been performed in Slovenia.[134]
Party | Voted for | Voted against | Abstained | Absent (Did not vote) |
GFreedom Movement | 36
– | – | 5
Slovenian Democratic Party | – | 21
| |
New Slovenia | – | 8
– | – |
GSocial Democrats | 6
– | – | 1
GThe Left | 5
– | – | – |
Unaffiliated MPs[b] | 1
– | – | 1
Total | 48 | 29 | 1 | 12 |
53.3% | 32.2% | 1.1% | 13.3% |
On 11 October 2022, the bill was given a suspensoryvetoby theNational Councilby a vote of 17 to 11, requiring another vote in the National Assembly. That same day, representatives of the Coalition for Children submitted some 30,600 signatures to the National Assembly to start the process of a conducting a referendum on the vetoed legislation; however, referendums that deal with human rights are not permitted by law.[136]It was announced on 14 October that there would be an extraordinary legislative session in the Assembly the following Tuesday, 18 October, to re-vote on the vetoed legislation.[137][138]The Assembly passed the bill by a final vote of 51–24.[4]
Party | Voted for | Voted against | Abstained | Absent (Did not vote) |
GFreedom Movement | 39
– | – | 2
Slovenian Democratic Party | – | 18
– | 9
New Slovenia | – | 6
– | 2
GSocial Democrats | 7
– | – | – |
GThe Left | 5
– | – | – |
Unaffiliated MPs[b] | – | – | – | 2
Total | 51 | 24 | 0 | 15 |
56.7% | 26.7% | 0.0% | 16.7% |
On 28 October 2022, the National Assembly approved a resolution by 45 votes to 27 with 2 abstentions, deeming a proposed referendum on changes to the Family Code inadmissible.[140][141]
Party | Voted for | Voted against | Abstained | Absent (Did not vote) |
GFreedom Movement | 36
– | – | 5
Slovenian Democratic Party | – | 22
– | 5
New Slovenia | – | 5
– | 3
GSocial Democrats | 5
– | – | 2
GThe Left | 4
– | – | 1
Unaffiliated MPs[b] | – | – | 2
– |
Total | 45 | 27 | 2 | 16 |
50.0% | 30.0% | 2.2% | 17.8% |
The bill was signed into law by PresidentBorut Pahor,and published in theOfficial Gazette of the Republic of Sloveniaon 28 October.[144][145]Opponents of the legislation were informed that they had 15 days from the publication date to contest the decision to the Constitutional Court (i.e. until 12 November),[146]which they did within that time period.[147]On 11 January 2023, the Constitutional Court upheld the decision of the National Assembly to declare the referendum inadmissible.[148]The law was published once more in theOfficial Gazetteon 16 January 2023, and took effect 15 days later (i.e. 31 January 2023).[6]
Article 3 of the Family Code now reads:[6]
- Zakonska zveza je življenjska skupnost dveh oseb, katere sklenitev, pravne posledice in prenehanje ureja ta zakonik.
- (Marriage is a life union of two persons, whose conclusion, legal consequences and termination are governed by this Code.)
editAccording to theMinistry of the Interior,345 same-sex partnerships had been converted to marriages by 31 July 2023.[149]
Religious performance
editTheCatholic Churchopposes same-sex marriage and does not allow its priests to officiate at such marriages. In December 2023, theHoly SeepublishedFiducia supplicans,a declaration allowingCatholic prieststoblesscouples who are not considered to bemarried according to church teaching,including theblessing of same-sex couples.[150]TheEvangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Slovenialikewise does not offer blessings to same-sex unions,[151]though Pastor Jana Kerčmar Džuban said in 2015 that if a same-sex couple "who wanted to affirm their love before God [came to her], [her] conscience would not allow [her] to deny them the blessing of marriage".[152]
Public opinion
editAEurobarometersurvey published in December 2006 showed that 31% ofSlovenessurveyed supported same-sex marriage and 17% supported same-sex adoption. Both were lower than the EU average of 44% and 33%, respectively.[153]
A survey conducted in October 2009 showed that 23% of respondents supported adoption rights for same-sex couples, while 74% were opposed.[154]
A poll conducted byDeloin February 2015 showed that 59% of Slovenians supported same-sex marriage, while 37% were against. A separate question in the same survey found that 51% of Slovenians supported the bill which was being debated in the National Assembly at the time to allow same-sex marriage, while 42% were against. The poll also showed that 38% of respondents supported adoption by same-sex couples and 55% were opposed.[155]Another poll conducted by Ninamedia in March 2015 showed that 42% of respondents supported the new law, while 54% were opposed. Support was highest among those younger than 30, and in theSlovene Littoral.[156]
A poll conducted byDeloin March 2015 showed that a majority of respondents thought that the Constitutional Court should not allow a referendum on the issue of same-sex marriage. Of those who said they would participate in a possible referendum, 36% said they would support the law, and 50% said they would vote against it.[157]In aDecember 2015 referendum,Slovenes rejected a bill legalizing same-sex marriage with 63.5% against and only 36.5% in favour.[158]
The 2015 Eurobarometer found that 54% of Slovenians thought that same-sex marriage should be allowed throughout Europe, while 40% were against.[159]In 2019, the Eurobarometer found that support had increased to 62%, while 35% were opposed.[160]The 2023 Eurobarometer showed that support was unchanged, at 62%, while 37% were opposed. The survey also showed that 58% of Slovenians agreed that "there is nothing wrong in a sexual relationship between two persons of the same sex", while 40% disagreed.[5]
See also
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External links
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