Sea lines of communication

Sea lines of communication(abbreviated asSLOC) is a term describing the primarymaritimeroutes betweenports,used fortrade,logisticsandnaval forces.[1]It is generally used in reference tonavaloperations to ensure that SLOCs are open, or in times of war, to close them. The importance of SLOCs in geopolitics was described inNicholas J. Spykman'sAmerica's Strategy in World Politicspublished in 1942.

China's Critical Sea Lines of Communication. In 2004, over 80 percent of Chinesecrude oilimports transited theStraits of Malacca,with less than 2 percent transiting theStraits of Lombok.Click to enlarge. See also: China'sString of Pearls

In theAmerican Revolutionary Warand theNapoleonic Wars,the SLOCs were, for the most part, in the control of theBritish Navy.When the British lost control of them during the Revolution, the result was the fall ofYorktownand its biggest army and, ultimately, the war. In the Napoleonic era, maintaining belligerence throughout, the British embargoed andblockadedany country associated with Napoleon, which created large economic hardships and dislocations that played a part in people of France becoming disenchanted with Napoleon.

InWorld War IandWorld War II,the British and Germans declared mutual blockade and theKriegsmarineattempted to close the SLOCs fromNorth Americato theBritish Isleswith the use ofsubmarines.In each case theAlliessucceeded inkeeping the sea lanes open.The Germans in each case failed to defeat the British navalblockade of Germany.TheUnited States Navy in World War IIsuccessfullyclosedthe SLOCs to Japan, strangling the resource-poor island nation.

Had theCold Warturned hot, Europe would have required resupply and reinforcement from North America. TheSoviet Navycould potentially threaten and contest Atlantic SLOCs to support ground offensives in Europe.

See also



  1. ^"Global commerce and sea lines of communication in the Indian Ocean: A Sri Lankan perspective".Daily FT.April 10, 2019.RetrievedSeptember 23,2020.

Further reading
