TheStraits Settlementswere a group ofBritishterritories located inSoutheast Asia.Originally established in 1826 as part of the territories controlled by the BritishEast India Company,the Straits Settlements came under control of theBritish Rajin 1858 and then under direct British control as aCrown colonyin 1867. In 1946, following the end ofWorld War IIand theJapanese occupation,the colony was dissolved as part of Britain's reorganisation of its Southeast Asian dependencies in the area.

Straits Settlements
Anthem:"God Save the King"
(1826–1837; 1901–1942; 1945–1946)
"God Save the Queen"(1837–1901)
Malaya in 1922:
Unfederated Malay States:Johor,Kedah,Kelantan,Perlis,Terengganu
Federated Malay States:Negeri Sembilan,Selangor,Pahang,Perak
Straits Settlements:Malacca,Penang,Singapore,Dinding
CapitalGeorge Town
Official languagesEnglish
Common languages
• 1826–1830(first)
George IV
• 1936–1946(last)
George VI
• 1826–1830(first)
Robert Fullerton
• 1934–1946(last)
Shenton Thomas
Historical eraBritish Empire
17 March 1824
• Established underEast India Co.rule
• Converted toCrown colony
1 April 1867
1 January 1907
8 December 1941
15 February 1942
• Formal surrender by Japan toBritish Military Administration
12 September 1945
• Federated into theMalayan Unionand theColony of Singapore
1 April 1946
15 July 1946
CurrencyStraits dollar(1898–1939)
Malayan dollar(1939–1946)
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Kedah Sultanate
Founding years of modern Singapore
Dutch Malacca
Johor Sultanate
Perak Sultanate
Malayan Union
Colony of Singapore
Colony of Malacca
Colony of Penang
Bengal Presidency
Sultanate of Perak
Today part ofMalaysia

The Straits Settlements originally consisted of the four individual settlements ofPenang,Singapore,Malacca,andDinding.Christmas Islandand theCocos (Keeling) Islandswere added in 1886. The island ofLabuan,off the coast ofBorneo,was also incorporated into the colony with effect from 1 January 1907, becoming a separate settlement within it in 1912. Most of the territories now form part ofMalaysia,from which Singaporeseparatedin 1965. The Cocos (Keeling) Islands and Christmas Island were transferred fromSingaporeto Australian control in 1955 and 1958 respectively. Their administrations were combined in 1996 to form theAustralian Indian Ocean Territories.





TheDindings— named after theDinding Riverin present-dayManjung District— which comprisedPangkor Islandand the town ofLumuton themainland,were ceded byPerakto the British government under thePangkor Treaty of 1874.It was hoped that its excellent natural harbour would prove to be valuable. This did not come to be with the territory being sparsely inhabited and altogether politically and financially unimportant.[3]: 981 It was returned to Perak in February 1935.[4]



The Dutchcolony of Malaccawas ceded to the British in theAnglo-Dutch Treaty of 1824in exchange for the British possession ofBencoolenand for British rights inSumatra.Malacca's importance was in establishing an exclusive British zone of influence in the region, and was overshadowed as a trading post by Penang, and later, Singapore.

Penang and Province Wellesley


The first settlement was the Penang territory, in 1786. This originally comprisedPenang Island,then known as the'Prince of Wales Island'.This was later extended to encompass an area of the mainland, which became known asProvince Wellesley(nowSeberang Perai). The first grant was in 1800, followed by another in 1831. Further adjustments to Province Wellesley's border were made in 1859, in 1867 with a treaty with Siam and in 1974 with theTreaty of Pangkor.It was administered by a district officer, with some assistants, answering to the resident councillor of Penang. Province Wellesley consisted, for the most part, of a fertile plain, thickly populated by Malays, and occupied in some parts by sugar-planters and others engaged in similar agricultural industries and employing Chinese and Tamil labour. About a tenth of the whole area was covered by low hills with thick jungle. Large quantities of rice were grown by the Malay inhabitants, and between October and February, there was snipe-shooting in the paddy fields. A railway from Butterworth, opposite Penang, runs into Perak, and then via Selangor and Negri Sembilan to Malacca, with an extension via Muar under the rule of the Sultan of Johor, and through Johor toJohor Bahru,opposite Singapore.[3]: 981 



Singapore became the site of a British trading post in 1819 after its founder,Stamford Raffles,successfully involved the East India Company in a dynastic struggle for the throne ofJohor.Thereafter the British came to control the entire island of Singapore, which was developed into a thriving colony and port. In 1824, the Dutch conceded any rights they had to the island in theAnglo-Dutch Treaty of 1824,and from 1832, Singapore was the seat of government of the Straits Settlements for 114 years until its dissolution in 1946.[5]

History and government


East India Company rule


The establishment of the Straits Settlements followed theAnglo-Dutch Treaty of 1824,by which theMalay Archipelagowas divided into a British zone in the north and a Dutch zone in the south. This resulted in the exchange of the British settlement ofBencoolen(on Sumatra) for the Dutch colony ofMalaccaand undisputed control of Singapore. The population of the settlements were largely Chinese, with a tiny but importantEuropeanminority.[6]Their capital was moved fromGeorge Town,the capital ofPenang,to Singapore in 1832. Their scattered nature proved to be difficult and, after the company lost its monopoly in thechinatrade in 1833, expensive to administer.[7]

ThePort of PenanginGeorge Townduring the 1910s

During their control by theEast India Company,the settlements were used aspenal settlementsfor Indian civilian and military prisoners,[8]earning them the title "Botany Bays of India".[9]: 29 Their were minor uprisings by convicts in Singapore and Penang in 1852 and 1853.[10]: 91 Upset with East India Company rule, in 1857 the European population of the settlements sent a petition to the British Parliament[11]asking for direct rule; but the idea was overtaken by theIndian Rebellion of 1857.

When a "Gagging Act" was imposed to prevent the uprising in India from spreading, the settlements' press reacted with anger, classing it as something that subverted "every principle of liberty and free discussion".[12]As there was little or no vernacular press in the settlements, such an act seemed irrelevant: it was rarely enforced and ended in less than a year.[13]: 6 

Crown Colony status


On 1 April 1867 the Straits Settlements became a BritishCrown colony,making the settlements answerable directly to theColonial Officein London instead of the Government ofIndiain Calcutta. Earlier, on 4 February 1867,letters patenthad granted the settlements a colonial constitution. This allocated much power to the settlements'governor,who administered the colony of the Straits Settlements with the aid of anExecutive Council,composed wholly of official (i.e., ex-officio) members, and alegislative council,composed partly of official and partly of nominated members, of which the former had a narrow permanent majority. The work of administration, both in the colony and in theFederated Malay States,was carried on by means of a civil service whose members were recruited by competitive examination held annually in London.[3]: 980 

Penang and Malacca were administered, directly under the governor, byresident councillors.[3]: 980 

Governor's wider role


In 1886, theCocos (Keeling) Islands(which were settled and once owned by the ScottishClunies-Ross family) andChristmas Island,formerly attached toCeylon,were transferred to the care of the government of the Straits Settlements in Singapore. In 1907, the formerCrown Colony of Labuan,in Borneo, which for a period was vested in theBritish North Borneo Company,was resumed by the British government and was vested in the governor of the Straits Settlements.[3]: 980 

The governor was alsoHigh Commissionerfor the Federated Malay States on the peninsula, forBritish North Borneo,the sultanate ofBruneiandSarawakin Borneo. Britishresidentscontrolled the native states of Perak,Selangor,Negri Sembilan,andPahang,but on 1 July 1896, when the federation of these states was effected, aresident-general,responsible to the high commissioner, was placed in charge of all the Britishprotectoratesin the peninsula.[3]: 980 

Japanese invasion and dissolution


DuringWorld War II(specifically thePacific War), theJapaneseinvaded Malaya and the Straits Settlementsby landing onKelantanon 8 December 1941. On 16 December, Penang became the first Straits Settlement to fall into Japanese hands, followed by Malacca on 15 January 1942. Singapore was the last settlement to fall on 15 February, following theBattle of Singapore.The Straits Settlements, along with the rest of theMalay Peninsula,remained under Japanese occupationuntil the end of the war in August 1945.

After the war, the colony was dissolved with effect from 1 April 1946, withSingaporebecoming a separate Crown colony (and ultimately anindependent republic), while Penang and Malacca joined the newMalayan Union(a predecessor of modern-dayMalaysia).Labuanwas briefly annexed to Singapore, before being attached to the new colony ofNorth Borneo(and ultimately detacheded to become aFederal Territory).[14]

Malacca, 1860–1900
Penang from Tie Sin's Tower, 1860–1900
Evolution ofMalaysia


Malacca business street, 1912

The following are the area and population, with details of race distribution, of the colony of the Straits Settlements, the figures being those of the census of 1901:[3]: 980 

Area in square miles Population in 1891 Population in 1901
Total Europeans Eurasians Chinese Malays Indians Other nationalities
Singapore 206 184,554 228,555 3,824 4,120 164,041 36,080 17,823 2,667
Penang, Province Wellesley and Dindings 381 235,618 248,207 1,160 1,945 98,424 106,000 38,051 2,627
Malacca 659 92,170 95,487 74 1,598 19,468 72,978 1,276 93
Total 1,246 512,342 572,249 5,058 7,663 281,933 215,058 57,150 5,387

The population, which was 306,775 in 1871 and 423,384 in 1881, had in 1901 reached a total of 572,249. As in former years, the increase was solely due to immigration, especially of Chinese, though a considerable number of Tamils and other natives of India settled in the Straits Settlements. The total number of births registered in the colony in 1900 was 14,814, and the ratio per 1,000 of the population during 1896, 1897, and 1898 respectively was 22–18, 20–82 and 21–57; while the number of registered deaths for 1896–1900 gave a ratio per 1000 of 42–21, 36–90, 30–43, 31–66 and 36-25 respectively, the number of deaths registered during 1900 being 23,385. The cause to which the excess of deaths over births is to be attributed is to be found in the fact that the Chinese and Indian population, which numbered 339,083, or over 59 per cent of the whole, was composed of 261,412 males and only 77,671 females, and a comparatively small number of the latter were married women and mothers of families. Male Europeans also outnumbered females by about two to one. Among the Malays and Eurasians, who alone had a fair proportion of both sexes, infant mortality was excessive due to early marriages and other causes.[3]: 980 

The number of immigrants landing in the various settlements during 1906 was: Singapore 176,587 Chinese; Penang 56,333 Chinese and 52,041 natives of India; and Malacca 598 Chinese. The total number of immigrants for 1906 was therefore 285,560, against 39,136 emigrants, mostly Chinese returning to China. In 1867, the date of the transfer of the colony from the East India Company to the Crown, the total population was estimated at 283,384.[3]: 980 

In 1939, the population reached 1,370,300.[15]


Silver coin: 1Straits dollar,1903

In the early nineteenth century, the most common currency used in the East Indies was theSpanish dollar,including issues both from Spain and from theNew WorldSpanish colonies, most significantly Mexico, due to market circulation from theSpanish East Indies(Spanish Philippines). Locally issued coinages included theKelantanandTrengganu keping,and thePenang dollar.

In 1837, theIndian rupeewas made the sole official currency in the Straits Settlements, as it was administered as part ofIndia.

However, Spanish dollars continued to circulate and 1845 saw the introduction of coinage for the Straits Settlements using a system of 100 cents = 1Straits dollar,with the dollar equal to the Spanish dollar orMexican peso.In 1867, the administration of the Straits Settlements was separated from India and the dollar was made the standard currency.

The revenue of the colony in 1868 amounted to $1,301,843. In 1906 revenue was $9,512,132, exclusive of $106,180 received for land sales. Of this sum, $6,650,558 was derived from import duties onopium,wines, and spirits, and licences to deal in these articles, $377,972 from land revenue, $592,962 from postal and telegraphic revenue, and $276,019 from port and harbour dues.[3]: 981 

Expenditures, which in 1868 amounted to $1,197,177, rose in 1906 to $8,747,819. The total cost of the administrative establishments amounted to $4,450,791, of which $2,586,195 were personal emoluments and $1,864,596 other charges. The military expenditure (the colony paid on this account 20 per cent of its gross revenue to the British government by way of military contribution) amounted in 1906 to $1,762,438; $578,025 was expended on upkeep and maintenance of existing public works, and $1,209,291 on new roads, streets, bridges, and buildings.[3]: 981 

See also



  1. ^Andaya & Andaya 1982,p. 121.
  2. ^Andaya & Andaya 1982,p. 123.
  3. ^abcdefghijkOne or more of the preceding sentences incorporates text from a publication now in thepublic domain:Clifford, Hugh Charles(1911). "Straits Settlements".InChisholm, Hugh(ed.).Encyclopædia Britannica.Vol. 25 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 980–981.
  4. ^"Sejarah Manjung".Laman Web Rasmi Majlis Perbandaran Manjung.Majlis Perbandaran Manjung. Archived fromthe originalon 27 November 2015.Retrieved18 October2015.
  5. ^"Towards Self-government".Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts, Singapore. Archived fromthe originalon 13 July 2006.Retrieved18 June2006.|
  6. ^Singapore Free Press,3 January 1861
  7. ^Turnbull, CM(1972)The Straits Settlements, 1826–1867: Indian Presidency to Crown Colony,Athlone Press, London. P3
  8. ^Anderson, C (2007)The Indian Uprising of 1857–8: prisons, prisoners, and rebellion,Anthem Press. P14
  9. ^S. Nicholas and P. R. Shergold, "Transportation as Global Migration", in S. Nicholas (ed.) (1988)Convict Workers: Reinterpreting Australia's Past,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
  10. ^Turnbull, CM,"Convicts in the Straits Settlements 1826–1867" inJournal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society,1970, 43, 1
  11. ^Petition reprinted inStraits Times,13 October 1857
  12. ^Straits Times,28 July 1857
  13. ^Seow, FT (1998)The media enthralled: Singapore revisited,Lynne Rienner Publishers, Singapore
  14. ^"The Straits Settlements is Dissolved".
  15. ^Chen, C. Peter."Singapore".World War II Database.

Works cited

  • Andaya, Barbara Watson; Andaya, Leonard Y. (1982).A history of Malaysia.New York, N. Y: St. Martin's Pr.ISBN978-0-312-38120-2.

Further reading

  • Straits Settlements Blue Book, 1906(Singapore, 1907)
  • Straits Directory, 1908(Singapore, 1908)
  • Works related toJournal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Societyat Wikisource (Singapore)
  • Sir Frederick Weld and Sir William Maxwell, severally, on the Straits Settlements in theJournalof the Royal Colonial Institute (London, 1884 and 1892)
  • Henry Norman,The Far East(London, 1894)
  • Alleyne Ireland,The Far Eastern Tropics(London, 1904); Sir Frank Swettenham, British Malaya (London, 1906)
  • Swettenham, Frank(1905)."The Straits Settlements and Beyond".The Empire and the century.London: John Murray. pp. 827–834.
  • The Life of Sir Stamford Raffles(London, 1856, 1898)

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