Inmathematics,astrictly convex spaceis anormed vector space(X,|| ||) for which the closed unitballis a strictlyconvex set.Put another way, a strictly convex space is one for which, given any two distinct pointsxandyon theunit sphereB(i.e. theboundaryof the unit ballBofX), the segment joiningxandymeets ∂Bonlyatxandy.Strict convexity is somewhere between aninner product space(all inner product spaces being strictly convex) and a generalnormed spacein terms of structure. It also guarantees the uniqueness of a best approximation to an element inX(strictly convex) out of a convex subspaceY,provided that such an approximation exists.

The unit ball in the middle figure is strictly convex, while the other two balls are not (they contain a line segment as part of their boundary).

If the normed spaceXiscompleteand satisfies the slightly stronger property of beinguniformly convex(which implies strict convexity), then it is also reflexive byMilman–Pettis theorem.



The following properties are equivalent to strict convexity.

See also



  • Goebel, Kazimierz (1970). "Convexity of balls and fixed-point theorems for mappings with nonexpansive square".Compositio Mathematica.22(3): 269–274.