Infunctional analysisand related areas ofmathematics,thestrong dual spaceof atopological vector space(TVS)is thecontinuous dual spaceofequipped with thestrong(dual)topologyor thetopology of uniform convergence on bounded subsets ofwhere this topology is denoted byorThecoarsestpolar topology is calledweak topology. The strong dual space plays such an important role in modern functional analysis, that the continuous dual space is usually assumed to have the strong dual topology unless indicated otherwise. To emphasize that the continuous dual space,has the strong dual topology,ormay be written.

Strong dual topology


Throughout, all vector spaces will be assumed to be over the fieldof either thereal numbersorcomplex numbers

Definition from a dual system


Letbe adual pairof vector spaces over the fieldofreal numbersorcomplex numbers For anyand anydefine

Neithernorhas a topology so say a subsetis said to bebounded by a subsetiffor all So a subsetis calledboundedif and only if This is equivalent to the usual notion ofbounded subsetswhenis given the weak topology induced bywhich is a Hausdorfflocally convextopology.

Letdenote thefamilyof all subsetsbounded by elements of;that is,is the set of all subsetssuch that for every Then thestrong topologyonalso denoted byor simplyorif the pairingis understood, is defined as thelocally convextopology ongenerated by the seminorms of the form

The definition of the strong dual topology now proceeds as in the case of a TVS. Note that ifis a TVS whose continuous dual spaceseparates pointonthenis part of a canonical dual system where In the special case whenis alocally convex space,thestrong topologyon the (continuous)dual space(that is, on the space of all continuous linear functionals) is defined as the strong topologyand it coincides with the topology of uniform convergence onbounded setsini.e. with the topology ongenerated by the seminorms of the form whereruns over the family of allbounded setsin The spacewith this topology is calledstrong dual spaceof the spaceand is denoted by

Definition on a TVS


Suppose thatis atopological vector space(TVS) over the field Letbe any fundamental system ofbounded setsof; that is,is afamilyof bounded subsets ofsuch that every bounded subset ofis a subset of some; the set of all bounded subsets offorms a fundamental system of bounded sets of A basis of closed neighborhoods of the origin inis given by thepolars: asranges over). This is a locally convex topology that is given by the set ofseminormson: asranges over

Ifisnormablethen so isandwill in fact be aBanach space. Ifis a normed space with normthenhas a canonical norm (theoperator norm) given by; the topology that this norm induces onis identical to the strong dual topology.



Thebidualorsecond dualof a TVSoften denoted byis the strong dual of the strong dual of: wheredenotesendowed with the strong dual topology Unless indicated otherwise, the vector spaceis usually assumed to be endowed with the strong dual topology induced on it byin which case it is called thestrong bidualof;that is, where the vector spaceis endowed with the strong dual topology



Letbe alocally convexTVS.

  • A convexbalancedweakly compact subset ofis bounded in[1]
  • Every weakly bounded subset ofis strongly bounded.[2]
  • Ifis abarreled spacethen's topology is identical to the strong dual topologyand to theMackey topologyon
  • Ifis a metrizable locally convex space, then the strong dual ofis abornological spaceif and only if it is aninfrabarreled space,if and only if it is abarreled space.[3]
  • Ifis Hausdorff locally convex TVS thenismetrizableif and only if there exists a countable setof bounded subsets ofsuch that every bounded subset ofis contained in some element of[4]
  • Ifis locally convex, then this topology is finer than all other-topologiesonwhen considering only's whose sets are subsets of
  • Ifis abornological space(e.g.metrizableorLF-space) theniscomplete.

Ifis abarrelled space,then its topology coincides with the strong topologyonand with theMackey topologyon generated by the pairing



Ifis anormed vector space,then its(continuous) dual spacewith the strong topology coincides with theBanach dual space;that is, with the spacewith the topology induced by theoperator norm.Conversely-topology onis identical to the topology induced by thenormon

See also





  • Narici, Lawrence; Beckenstein, Edward (2011).Topological Vector Spaces.Pure and applied mathematics (Second ed.). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.ISBN978-1584888666.OCLC144216834.
  • Rudin, Walter(1991).Functional Analysis.International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics. Vol. 8 (Second ed.). New York, NY:McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math.ISBN978-0-07-054236-5.OCLC21163277.
  • Schaefer, Helmut H.;Wolff, Manfred P. (1999).Topological Vector Spaces.GTM.Vol. 8 (Second ed.). New York, NY: Springer New York Imprint Springer.ISBN978-1-4612-7155-0.OCLC840278135.
  • Trèves, François(2006) [1967].Topological Vector Spaces, Distributions and Kernels.Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications.ISBN978-0-486-45352-1.OCLC853623322.
  • Wong (1979).Schwartz spaces, nuclear spaces, and tensor products.Berlin New York: Springer-Verlag.ISBN3-540-09513-6.OCLC5126158.