Urban sprawl(also known assuburban sprawlorurban encroachment[1]) is defined as "the spreading of urban developments (such as houses, dense multi family apartments, office buildings and shopping centers) on undeveloped land near a more or less densely populated city".[2][3][4][5]Urban sprawl has been described as the unrestricted growth in manyurban areasof housing, commercial development, and roads over large expanses of land, with little concern for very denseurban planning.Sometimes the urban areas described as the most "sprawling" are the most densely populated.[6][7]In addition to describing a special form ofurbanization,the term also relates to the social and environmental consequences associated with this development.[8]In modern times somesuburbanareas described as "sprawl" have less detached housing and higher density than the nearbycore city.[9][10][11]Medieval suburbs suffered from the loss of protection of city walls, before the advent ofindustrial warfare.Modern disadvantages and costs include increased travel time, transport costs, pollution, and destruction of the countryside.[12]The revenue for building and maintainingurban infrastructurein these areas are gained mostly through property and sales taxes. Most jobs in the US are now located insuburbsgenerating much of the revenue, although a lack of growth will require higher tax rates.[13][14][15]

A typical suburban development in the United States, located inChandler, Arizona
An urban development inPalma, Mallorca

InEurope,the termperi-urbanisationis often used to denote similar dynamics and phenomena, but the termurban sprawlis currently being used by theEuropean Environment Agency.There is widespread disagreement about what constitutes sprawl and how to quantify it. For example, some commentators measure sprawl byresidential density,using the average number of residential units per acre in a given area. Others associate it withdecentralization(spread of population without a well-defined centre), discontinuity (leapfroggingdevelopment, as definedbelow), segregation of uses, and so forth.

The termurban sprawlis highly politicized and almost always has negative connotations. It is criticized for causingenvironmental degradation,intensifyingsegregation,and undermining the vitality of existing urban areas, and is attacked on aesthetic grounds. The pejorative meaning of the term means that few openly support urban sprawl as such. The term has become a rallying cry for managing urban growth.[16]


Measures for urban sprawl in Europe: upper left the Dispersion of the built-up area (DIS), upper right theweighted urban proliferation(WUP)

The termurban sprawlwas often used in the letters between Lewis Mumford and Frederic J. Osborn,[17]firstly by Osborn in his 1941 letter to Mumford and later by Mumford, generally condemning the waste of agricultural land and landscape due to suburban expansions. The term was used in an article inThe Timesin 1955 as a negative comment on the state ofLondon's outskirts. Definitions of sprawl vary; researchers in the field acknowledge that the term lacks precision.[18]Batty et al. defined sprawl as "uncoordinated growth: the expansion of community without concern for its consequences, in short, unplanned, incremental urban growth which is often regarded unsustainable".[19]Bhatta et al. wrote in 2010 that despite a dispute over the precise definition of sprawl, there is a "general consensus that urban sprawl is characterized by [an] unplanned and uneven pattern of growth, driven by a multitude of processes and leading to inefficient resource utilization".[20]

Reid Ewing has shown that sprawl has typically been characterized asurban developmentsexhibiting at least one of the following characteristics: low-density or single-use development, strip development, scattered development, and/orleapfrogdevelopment (areas of development interspersed with vacant land).[21]He argued that a better way to identify sprawl was to use indicators rather than characteristics because this was a more flexible and less arbitrary method.[22]He proposed using "accessibility"and" functional open space "as indicators.[22]Ewing's approach has been criticized for assuming that sprawl is defined by negative characteristics.[21]

What constitutes sprawl may be considered a matter of degree and will always be somewhat subjective under many definitions of the term.[22]Ewing has also argued that suburban development does not,per se,constitute sprawl depending on the form it takes,[22]although Gordon & Richardson have argued that the term is sometimes used synonymously withsuburbanizationin a pejorative way.[23]

Examples and counterexamples


According to the National Resources Inventory (NRI), about 44 million acres (69,000 sq mi; 180,000 km2) of land in the United States was developed between 1982 and 2017.[24]Presently, the NRI classifies approximately 100,000 more square kilometres (40,000 square miles) (an area approximately the size ofKentucky) as developed thanthe Census Bureauclassifies as urban. The difference in the NRI classification is that it includes rural development, which by definition cannot be considered to be "urban" sprawl. Currently, according to the2000 Census,approximately 2.6 percent of the U.S. land area is urban.[25][needs update]Approximately 0.8 percent of the nation's land is in the 37 urbanized areas with more than 1,000,000 population. In 2002, these 37 urbanized areas supported around 40% of the total American population.[26][needs update]

Nonetheless, someurban areaslikeDetroithave expanded geographically even while losing population. But it was not just urbanized areas in the U.S. that lost population and sprawled substantially. According to data in "Cities and Automobile Dependence" by Kenworthy and Laube (1999), urbanized area population losses occurred while there was an expansion of sprawl between 1970 and 1990 inAmsterdam,Netherlands;Brussels,Belgium;Copenhagen,Denmark;Frankfurt,HamburgandMunich,Germany; andZürich,Switzerland, albeit without the dismantling of infrastructure that occurred in the United States.[citation needed]

Despite its urban sprawl andcar culture,Los Angeles is the densest major built-up urban area in the United States.

Despite its sprawl,Metropolitan Los Angelesis the densest major urban area (over 1,000,000 population) in the US, being denser than the New York urban area and the San Francisco urban area.[27][28][29]Most of metropolitan Los Angeles is built at more uniform low to moderate density, leading to a much higher overall density for the entire region. This is in contrast to New York, San Francisco or Chicago which have compact, high-density cores surrounded by areas of very low-density suburban periphery, such as easternSuffolk Countyin the New York metro area andMarin Countyin the San FranciscoBay Area.

Some cases of sprawl challenge the definition of the term and what conditions are necessary for urban growth to be considered sprawl. Metropolitan regions such asGreater Mexico City,[30]Delhi National Capital Region[31]Beijing,and theGreater Tokyo Areaare often regarded as sprawling despite being relatively dense and mixed use.[citation needed]



Many theories speculate as to the reason for the creation of urban sprawl. The theory of "flight from blight" explains that aspects of living in urban areas, such as high taxes, crime rates, poor infrastructure and school qualities lead to many people moving out of urban areas and into surrounding suburban areas.[32]According toThe Limits to Growth,reasons why wealthier people move to suburbs include noise, pollution, crime, drug addiction, poverty, labor strikes, and breakdown of social services.[33]

Others suggest that Urban Sprawl is a natural product of population increases, higher wages, and therefore better access to housing. Improvement in transportation also means that individuals are able to live further from large cities and industrial hubs, thus increasing demand for better housing further from the noise of cities. This leads to the creation of sprawling residential land development surrounding densely packed urban areas.[34]



Despite the lack of a clear agreed upon description of what defines sprawl most definitions often associate the following characteristics with sprawl.[citation needed]

This picture shows themetropolitan areasof theNortheast Megalopolisof the United States demonstrating urban sprawl, including far-flungsuburbsandexurbsilluminated at night.

Single-use development


This refers to a situation where commercial,residential,institutional andindustrial areasare separated from one another. Consequently, large tracts of land are devoted to a single use and are segregated from one another by open space, infrastructure, or other barriers. As a result, the places where people live, work, shop, and recreate are far from one another, usually to the extent that walking, transit use and bicycling are impractical, so all these activities generally require a car.[35]The degree to which differentland usesare mixed together is often used as an indicator of sprawl in studies of the subject.[20]

According to this criterion, China'surbanizationcan be classified as "high-density sprawl", a seemingly self-contradictory term coined byNew UrbanistPeter Calthorpe.He explains that despite the high-rise buildings, China's superblocks (huge residential blocks) are largely single-use and surrounded by giant arterial roads, which detach different functions of a city and create an environment unfriendly to pedestrians.[36][37]

Job sprawl and spatial mismatch

Traffic congestionin sprawlingSão Paulo,Brazil,which, according toTimemagazine, has the world's worst traffic jams[38]

Job sprawl is another land use symptom of urban sprawl andcar-dependentcommunities. It is defined as low-density, geographically spread-out patterns of employment, where the majority of jobs in a given metropolitan area are located outside of the main city'scentral business district(CBD), and increasingly in the suburban periphery. It is often the result of urbandisinvestment,the geographic freedom of employment location allowed by predominantly car-dependent commuting patterns of many American suburbs, and many companies' desire to locate in low-density areas that are often more affordable and offer potential for expansion.Spatial mismatchis related to job sprawl and economicenvironmental justice.Spatial mismatch is defined as the situation where poor urban, predominantly minority citizens are left without easy access to entry-level jobs, as a result of increasing job sprawl and limited transportation options to facilitate areverse commuteto the suburbs.

Job sprawl has been documented and measured in various ways. It has been shown to be a growing trend in America's metropolitan areas.[39]TheBrookings Institutionhas published multiple articles on the topic. In 2005, authorMichael Stolldefined job sprawl simply as jobs located more than 5-mile (8.0 km) radius from the CBD, and measured the concept based on year 2000U.S. Censusdata.[40]Other ways of measuring the concept with more detailed rings around the CBD include a 2001 article by Edward Glaeser[41]and Elizabeth Kneebone's 2009 article, which show that sprawling urban peripheries are gaining employment while areas closer to the CBD are losing jobs.[42]These two authors used three geographic rings limited to a 35-mile (56 km) radius around the CBD: 3 miles (4.8 km) or less, 3 to 10 miles (16 km), and 10 to 35 miles (56 km). Kneebone's study showed the following nationwide breakdown for the largest metropolitan areas in 2006: 21.3% of jobs located in the inner ring, 33.6% of jobs in the 3–10 mile ring, and 45.1% in the 10–35 mile ring. This compares to the year 1998 – 23.3%, 34.2%, and 42.5% in those respective rings. The study shows CBD employment share shrinking, and job growth focused in the suburban and exurban outer metropolitan rings.


Low-density housing placed between large farms in anexurbancommunity in Tennessee

Sprawl often refers to low-densitydevelopment.[21]There is no precise definition of "low density", but it might commonly meanSingle-family homeson large lots. Such buildings usually have fewer stories and are spaced farther apart, separated bylawns,landscaping,roads or parking lots. In the United States 2–4 houses per acre (5–10 per hectare) might be considered low-density while in the UK 8–12 per acre (or 20–30 per hectare) would still be considered low-density.[21]Because more automobiles are used in the USA, much more land is designated for parking. The impact of low density development in many communities is that developed or "urbanized" land is increasing at a faster rate than the population is growing.[citation needed]

Overall density is often lowered by "leapfrogdevelopment ". This term refers to the relationship, or lack of it, between subdivisions. Such developments are typically separated by largegreen belts,i.e. tracts of undeveloped land, resulting in an overall density far lower even than the low density indicated by localized per-acre measurements. This is a 20th and 21st century phenomenon generated by the current custom of requiring a developer to provide subdivision infrastructure as a condition of development.[43]Usually, the developer is required to set aside a certain percentage of the developed land for public use, including roads, parks and schools. In the past, when alocal governmentbuilt all the streets in a given location, the town could expand without interruption and with a coherent circulation system, because it hadcondemnation power.Private developers generally do not have such power (although they can sometimes find local governments willing to help), and often choose to develop on the tracts that happen to be for sale at the time they want to build, rather than pay extra or wait for a more appropriate location.

Some research argues that religious ideas about how humans should live (and die) promote low-density development and may contribute to urban sprawl.[44][45]

Conversion of agricultural land to urban use


Land for sprawl is often taken fromfertileagricultural lands,which are often located immediately surrounding cities; the extent of modern sprawl has consumed a large amount of the most productive agricultural land,[46]as well as forest, desert and other wilderness areas.[47]In the United States the seller mayavoid taxon profit by using atax breakexemptinglike-kind exchangesfromcapital gains tax;proceeds from the sale are used to purchase agricultural land elsewhere and the transaction is treated as a "swap" or trade of like assets and no tax is due. Thus urban sprawl is subsidized by the tax code.[48]In China, land has been converted from rural to urban use in advance of demand, leading to vacant rural land intended for future development, and eventual urban sprawl.[49]

Housing subdivisions

Sprawl inMilton,Ontario.This photograph is an example of Canadian exurban development, though recently attempts are made to reduce this type of development in many major cities.

Housing subdivisionsare large tracts of land consisting entirely of newly built residences.New Urbanistarchitectural firmDuany Plater-Zyberk & Companystate that housing subdivisions "are sometimes called villages, towns, and neighbourhoods by their developers, which is misleading since those terms denote places that are not exclusively residential".[50]They are also referred to as developments.

Subdivisions often incorporate curved roads andcul-de-sacs.These subdivisions may offer only a few places to enter and exit the development, causing traffic to use high volume collector streets. All trips, no matter how short, must enter the collector road in a suburban system.[50]



After theSecond World War,residentiallawnsbecame commonplace in suburbs, notably, but not exclusively in North America.[51]The development of country clubs and golf courses in the early 20th century further promoted lawn culture in the United States.[52]Lawns now take up a significant amount of land in suburban developments, contributing to sprawl.[51]

Commercial developments

Clusteredcommercial stripslike this one inBreezewood, Pennsylvaniaare common in outer ruralexurbsand suburbs in metropolitan areas.[53]

In areas of sprawl, commercial use is generally segregated from other uses. In the U.S. and Canada, these often take the form ofstrip malls,which refer to collections of buildings sharing a common parking lot, usually built on a high-capacity roadway with commercial functions (i.e., a "strip" ). Similar developments in theUnited Kingdomare called Retail Parks. Strip malls consisting mostly ofbig box storesorcategory killersare sometimes called "power centers" (U.S.). These developments tend to be low-density; the buildings are single-story and there is ample space for parking and access for delivery vehicles. This character is reflected in the spacious landscaping of the parking lots and walkways and clear signage of the retail establishments. Some strip malls are undergoing a transformation intoLifestyle centers;entailing investments in common areas and facilities (plazas, cafes) and shifting tenancy from daily goods to recreational shopping.

WalmartSupercenter in Luray, Virginia

Another prominent form of retail development in areas characterized by sprawl is theshopping mall.Unlike the strip mall, this is usually composed of a single building surrounded by a parking lot that contains multiple shops, usually "anchored" by one or moredepartment stores.[54]The function and size is also distinct from the strip mall. The focus is almost exclusively on recreational shopping rather than daily goods. Shopping malls also tend to serve a wider (regional) public and require higher-order infrastructure such as highway access and can have floorspaces in excess of 1 million sq ft (93,000 m2). Shopping malls are often detrimental to downtownshopping centresof nearby cities since the shopping malls act as a surrogate for thecity centre.[55]Some downtowns have responded to this challenge by building shopping centres of their own.[56]

Fast foodchains are often built early in areas with low property values where the population is expected to boom and where large traffic is predicted, and set a precedent for future development.Eric Schlosser,in his bookFast Food Nation,argues that fast food chains accelerate suburban sprawl and help set its tone with their expansive parking lots, flashy signs, and plastic architecture (65).Duany Plater Zyberk & Companybelieve that this reinforces a destructive pattern of growth in an endless quest to move away from the sprawl that only results in creating more of it.[50]


As urban sprawl increases from more people wanting to move out of cities, so does the effects that it leaves on the environment.

Urban sprawl is associated with a number of negative environmental outcomes.

One of the major environmental problems associated with sprawl island consumption,habitat lossand subsequent reduction inbiodiversity.A review by Brian Czech and colleagues[57]finds that urbanizationendangersmore species and is more geographically ubiquitous in the mainland United States than any other human activity. Urban sprawl is disruptive to native flora & fauna and introducesinvasive plantsinto their environments.[58]Although the effects can be mitigated through careful maintenance of native vegetation, the process ofecological successionand public education, sprawl represents one of the primary threats to biodiversity.[58]

Regions with high birth rates and immigration are therefore faced with environmental problems due to unplanned urban growth and emerging megacities such as Kolkata.[59]

Other problems include:

The urban sprawl ofMelbourne

At the same time, the urban cores of these and nearly all other major cities in theUnited States,Western Europe,andJapanthat did not annex new territory experienced the related phenomena of falling household size and, particularly in the U.S., "white flight",sustaining population losses.[62]This trend has slowed somewhat in recent years, as more people have regained an interest in urban living.

Due to the larger area consumed by sprawling suburbs compared to urban neighborhoods, more farmland and wildlife habitats are displaced per resident. As forest cover is cleared and covered withimpervious surfaces(concreteandasphalt) in the suburbs, rainfall is less effectively absorbed into thegroundwateraquifers.[35]This threatens both the quality and quantity of water supplies. Sprawl increaseswater pollutionas rain water picks upgasoline,motor oil,heavy metals,and other pollutants inrunofffrom parking lots and roads.

TheChicagometro area, nicknamed "Chicagoland"

Gordon & Richardson have argued that the conversion of agricultural land to urban use is not a problem due to the increasing efficiency of agricultural production; they argue that aggregate agricultural production is still more than sufficient to meet global food needs despite the expansion of urban land use.[63]



Sprawl leads to increased driving, which in turn leads to vehicle emissions that contribute toair pollutionand its attendant negative impacts on humanhealth.In addition, the reduced physical activity implied by increased automobile use has negative health consequences. Sprawl significantly predicts chronic medical conditions and health-related quality of life, but not mental health disorders.[64]The American Journal of Public Health and the American Journal of Health Promotion, have both stated that there is a significant connection between sprawl,obesity,andhypertension.[65]Loud vehicles can cause stress, prevent sleep, and minimize social interactions in public for people living in cities (especially homeless people).[66]

In the years following World War II, when vehicle ownership was becoming widespread, public health officials recommended the health benefits of suburbs due to soot and industrial fumes in the city center. However, air in modern suburbs is not necessarily cleaner than air in urban neighborhoods.[67]In fact, the most polluted air is on crowded highways, where people in suburbs tend to spend more time. On average, suburban residents generate more per capita pollution andcarbon emissionsthan their urban counterparts because of their increased driving,[35][68][69]as well as larger homes.[70]

Sprawl also reduces the chance that people will take thebicyclefor their commute which would be better for their health. Bicycles are a common mode of transportation for those living in urban centers due to many factors. One major factor many people consider relates to how, when one rides a bike to, say, their workplace, they are exercising as they do so. Thismulti-taskingis better for one's health than automatic transport.



A heavy reliance on automobiles increases traffic throughout the city as well as automobile crashes, pedestrian injuries, and air pollution.[71] Motorvehicle crashesare the leading cause of death for Americans between the ages of five and twenty-four and is the leading accident-related cause for all age groups.[72]Residents of more sprawling areas are generally at greater risk of dying in a car crash due to increased exposure to driving.[35]Evidence indicates that pedestrians in sprawling areas are at higher risk than those in denser areas, although the relationship is less clear than for drivers and passengers in vehicles.[35]

Research covered in theJournal of Economic IssuesandState and Local Government Reviewshows a link between sprawl and emergency medical services response and fire department response delays.[73][74][75]


Chart showing public transport use in major cities in North America
Road Space Requirements

Living in larger, more spread out spaces generally makes public services more expensive. Since car usage becomes endemic and public transport often becomes significantly more expensive, city planners are forced to build highway and parkinginfrastructure,which in turn decreases taxable land and revenue, and decreases the desirability of the area adjacent to such structures.[76][citation needed]Providing services such aswater,sewers,road maintenance, andelectricityis also more expensive per household in less dense areas, given that sprawl increases lengths of power lines, roads, and pipes, necessitating higher maintenance costs.[77]

Residents of low-density areas spend a higher proportion of their income on transportation than residents of high density areas.[78]The unplanned nature of outward urban development is commonly linked to increased dependency on cars. In 2003, a British newspaper calculated that urban sprawl would cause an economic loss of £3,905 per year, per person through cars alone, based on data from theRACestimating that the average cost of operating a car in the UK at that time was £5,000 a year, while train travel (assuming a citizen commutes every day of the year, with a ticket cost of 3 pounds) would be only £1,095.[79]Additionally, increased density increases the supply of housing in desirable areas, and thus, it also decreases housing prices in those areas (by the logic ofsupply and demand).[80][81][82]

Major cities – per capita petrol use vs. population density[83]



Urban sprawl may be partly responsible for the decline insocial capitalin the United States. Compact neighborhoods can foster casual social interactions among neighbors, while sprawl creates barriers. Sprawl tends to replace public spaces with private spaces such as fenced-in backyards.[84]

Critics of sprawl maintain that sprawl erodesquality of life.DuanyandPlater-Zyberkbelieve that in traditional neighborhoods the nearness of the workplace to retail and restaurant space that provides cafes andconvenience storeswith daytime customers is an essential component to the successful balance of urban life. Furthermore, they state that the closeness of the workplace to homes also gives people the option of walking or riding a bicycle to work or school and that without this kind of interaction between the different components of life the urban pattern quickly falls apart.[50]James Howard Kunstlerhas argued that pooraestheticsin suburban environments make them "places not worth caring about", and that they lack a sense of history and identity.[85]

Urban sprawl has class and racial implications in many parts of the world; the relative homogeneity of many sprawl developments may reinforce class and racial divides throughresidential segregation.

Numerous studies link increased population density with increased aggression.[86]Some people believe that increased population density encourages crime and anti-social behavior. It is argued that human beings, while social animals, need significant amounts of social space or they become agitated and aggressive.[87]However, the relationship between higher densities and increased social pathology has been largely discredited.[88]


Rural neighborhoods inMorrisville, North Carolinaare rapidly developing into affluent, urbanized neighborhoods and subdivisions. The two images above are on opposite sides of the same street.

According to Nancy Chin, a large number of effects of sprawl have been discussed in the academic literature in some detail; however, the most contentious issues can be reduced "to an older set of arguments, between those advocating a planning approach and those advocating the efficiency of the market".[21]Those who criticize sprawl tend to argue that sprawl creates more problems than it solves and should be more heavily regulated, while proponents argue that markets are producing the economically most efficient settlements possible in most situations, even if problems may exist.[21]However, some market-oriented commentators believe that the current patterns of sprawl are in fact the result of distortions of the free market.[21]Chin cautions that there is a lack of "reliable empirical evidence to support the arguments made either for or against sprawl". She mentions that the lack of a common definition, the need for more quantitative measures "a broader view both in time and space, and greater comparison with alternative urban forms" would be necessary to draw firmer conclusions and conduct more fruitful debates.[21]

Arguments opposing urban sprawl include concrete effects such as health and environmental issues as well as abstract consequences including neighborhood vitality.Americanpublic policyanalystRandal O'Tooleof theCato Institute,alibertarianthink tank,has argued that sprawl, thanks to the automobile, gave rise to affordable suburban neighborhoods formiddle classand lower class individuals, including non-whites. He notes that efforts to combat sprawl often result in subsidizing development in wealthier and whiter neighborhoods while condemning and demolishing poorer minority neighborhoods.[89]

Groups that oppose sprawl


TheAmerican Institute of Architects,American Planning Association,andSmart Growth Americarecommend against sprawl and instead endorsessmart,mixed-use development,including buildings in close proximity to one another that cut down on automobile use, save energy, and promote walkable, healthy, well-designed neighborhoods.[90][91]TheSierra Club,the San Francisco Bay Area'sGreenbelt Alliance,1000 Friends of Oregonand counterpart organizations nationwide, and other environmental organizations oppose sprawl and support investment in existing communities.[92][93]NumbersUSA,a national organization advocatingimmigration reduction,also opposes urban sprawl,[94]and its founder,Roy Beck,specializes in the study of this issue.[95]

Consumer preference


One of the primary debates around suburban sprawl is the extent to which sprawl is the result of consumer preference. Some, such as Peter Gordon, a professor of planning and economics at the University of Southern California's School ofUrban Planningand Development, argue that most households have shown a clear preference for low-density living and that this is a fact that should not be ignored by planners.[96]Gordon and his frequent collaborator, Harry Richardson have argued that

The principle of consumer sovereignty has played a powerful role in the increase in America’s wealth and in the welfare of its citizens. Producers (including developers) have responded rapidly to households’ demands. It is a giant step backward to interfere with this effective process unless the benefits of intervention substantially exceed its cost.[97]

They argue that sprawl generates enough benefits for consumers that they continue to choose it as a form of development over alternative forms, as demonstrated by the continued focus on sprawl type developments by most developers.[63]However, other academics such as Reid Ewing argue that while a large segment of people prefer suburban living that does not mean that sprawl itself is preferred by consumers, and that a large variety of suburban environments satisfy consumer demand, including areas that mitigate the worst effects of sprawl.[22]Others, for exampleKenneth T. Jackson[98]have argued that since low-density housing is often (notably in the U.S.) subsidized in a variety of ways, consumers' professed preferences for this type of living may be over-stated.[21]

Automobile dependency

A majority of Californians live, commute, and work in the vast and extensive web ofSouthern California freeways.

Whether urban sprawl increases the problems ofautomobile dependencyor not, policies ofsmart growthhave been fiercely contested issues over several decades. An influential study in 1989 byPeter Newmanand Jeff Kenworthy compared 32 cities across North America, Australia, Europe and Asia.[83]The study has been criticised for its methodology,[99]but the main finding, that denser cities, particularly in Asia, have lower car use than sprawling cities, particularly in North America, has been largely accepted, although the relationship is clearer at the extremes across continents than it is within countries where conditions are more similar.

Within cities, studies from across many countries (mainly in the developed world) have shown that denser urban areas with greater mixture of land use and better public transport tend to have lower car use than less dense suburban and ex-urban residential areas. This usually holds true even after controlling for socio-economic factors such as differences in household composition and income.[100][101]This does not necessarily imply that suburban sprawl causes high car use, however. One confounding factor, which has been the subject of many studies, is residential self-selection:[102][103][104]people who prefer to drive tend to move towards low density suburbs, whereas people who prefer to walk, cycle or use transit tend to move towards higher density urban areas, better served by public transport. Some studies have found that, when self-selection is controlled for, the built environment has no significant effect on travel behavior.[105]More recent studies using more sophisticated methodologies have generally refuted these findings: density, land use andpublic transport accessibilitycan influence travel behavior, although social and economic factors, particularly household income, usually exert a stronger influence.[106]

Business parksare strongly linked to car-dependent sprawl.

Those not opposed to low density development argue that traffic intensities tend to be less, traffic speeds faster and, as a result, ambientair pollutionis lower. (Seedemographia'sreport.)Kansas City, Missouriis often cited as an example of ideal low-density development, with congestion below the mean and home prices below comparable Midwestern cities.Wendell Coxand Randal O'Toole are leading figures supporting lower density development.

Longitudinal (time-lapse) studies of commute times in major metropolitan areas in the United States have shown that commute times decreased for the period 1969 to 1995 even though the geographic size of the city increased.[107]Other studies suggest, however, that possible personal benefits from commute time savings have been at the expense of environmental costs in the form of longer average commute distances,[108]rising vehicles-miles-traveled (VMT) per worker,[109]and despite road expansions, worsening traffic congestion.[110]

Transportation inequality


Critics of urban sprawl say that the United States' improper treatment ofminority groups' access to transportationis a major downside to the continuation of urban sprawl. In many urban centers, such as Los Angeles and San Francisco, transportation in minority areas is lacking. As found by Kate Baldridge of Golden Gate University Law, areas with high minority populations typically see less than adequate transportation options, leading to overcrowded and unsafe transportation routes that do not provide a comprehensive means of transportation.[111]This disparity is made more evident because minority residents are more reliant on public transportation. According to Baldridge, this means that minority groups cannot move from urban areas, while people with higher incomes and thus better access to transportation can move out of urban areas and into surrounding suburbs.[111]

Paradox of intensification


Reviewing the evidence on urban intensification,smart growthand their effects on travel behaviour Melia et al. (2011)[112]found support for the arguments of both supporters and opponents ofsmart growthmeasures to counteract urban sprawl. Planning policies that increase population densities in urban areas do tend to reduce car use, but the effect is a weak one, so doubling the population density of a particular area will not halve the frequency or distance of car use.

These findings led them to propose the paradox of intensification, which states:

Ceteris paribus,urban intensification which increases population density will reduce per capita car use, with benefits to the global environment, but will also increase concentrations of motor traffic, worsening the local environment in those locations where it occurs.

Risk of increased housing prices


There is also some concern that anti-sprawl policies will increase housing prices. Some research suggests Oregon has had the largest housing affordability loss in the nation,[113]but other research shows that Portland's price increases are comparable to other Western cities.[114]

In Australia, it is claimed by some that housing affordability has hit "crisis levels" due to "urban consolidation" policies implemented by state governments.[115]In Sydney, the ratio of the price of a house relative to income is 9:1[clarification needed].[116]The issue has at times been debated between the major political parties.[117]

Proposed alternatives


Many critics concede that sprawl produces some negative externalities; however there is some dispute about the most effective way to reduce these negative effects. Gordon & Richardson for example argue that the costs of building new public transit is disproportionate to the actual environmental or economic benefits, that land use restrictions will increase the cost of housing and restrict economic opportunity, that infill possibilities are too limited to make a major difference to the structure of American cities, and that the government would need to coerce most people to live in a way that they do not want to in order to substantially change the impact of sprawl.[63]They argue that the property market should be deregulated to allow different people to live as they wish, while providing a framework ofmarket based fees(such asemission fees,congestion chargingorroad pricing) to mitigate many of the problems associated with sprawl such as congestion and increased pollution.[97]

Alternative development styles


Early attempts at combatting urban sprawl

Designated areas of green belt in England

Starting in the early 20th century, environmentalist opposition to urban sprawl began to coalesce, with roots in thegarden city movement,as well as pressure from campaign groups such as theCampaign to Protect Rural England(CPRE).

UnderHerbert Morrison's 1934 leadership of theLondon County Council,the first formal proposal was made by the Greater LondonRegional PlanningCommittee "to provide a reserve supply of public open spaces and of recreational areas and to establish agreen beltor girdle of open space ". It was again included in an advisory Greater London Plan prepared byPatrick Abercrombiein 1944.[118]TheTown and Country Planning Act of 1947expressly incorporated green belts into all further nationalurban developments.

New provisions for compensation in the1947 Town and Country Planning Actallowed local authorities around the country to incorporate green belt proposals in their firstdevelopment plans.The codification of Green Belt policy and its extension to areas other than London came with the historic Circular 42/55 inviting local planning authorities to consider the establishment of Green Belts. The firsturban growth boundaryin the U.S. was inFayette County, Kentucky,in 1958.[119]



Maryland underwent many "Smart Growth" initiatives, starting in 1997 with the Smart Growth Areas Act. This act allocated funding towards areas that either were already undergoing growth, or areas that had plans of growth.[120]Maryland also implemented the 1997 Rural Legacy Act, which distributed grants to private land owners and allowed them topurchase development rights.Brownfields Voluntary Cleanup and Revitalization Incentive Programs also incentivized the usage of previously contaminated properties by allowing property owners to avoid liability for the property. The state also offered incentives, such as tax breaks and loans for repairs to contaminated areas. Another program created by the state of Maryland was the Job Creation Tax Credit Program, which encouraged businesses to relocate into select areas, reducing the intensity of urban sprawl in some areas.[120]The Live Near Your Work Program also incentivized employees to purchase homes in areas closer to their work. This led to a reduced commute time, and more of an emphasis on homeownership rather than renting.

Contemporary anti-sprawl initiatives

Many Canadian cities feature numerous pockets of high density throughout even their most distant suburbs. As a result, some Canadian suburbs have skylines that eclipse the downtowns of many American cities. Pictured are the skylines ofBurnaby, British Columbia,a suburb of Vancouver.
Urban fabric inSão Paulo,Brazil: side by side, vertical areas and low houses.

The term "smart growth" has been particularly used in North America. The terms "compact city"and" urban intensification "are often used to describe similar concepts in Europe, and particularly in the UK, where it has influenced government policy and planning practice in recent years.

The state ofOregonenacted a law in 1973 limiting the area urban areas could occupy, through urban growth boundaries. As a result,Portland,the state's largest urban area, has become a leader insmart growthpolicies that seek to make urban areas more compact (they are called urban consolidation policies). After the creation of this boundary, the population density of theurbanized areaincreased somewhat (from 1,135 in 1970[121]to 1,290 per km2in 2000.[122]) Although the growth boundary has not been tight enough to vastly increase density, the consensus is that the growth boundaries have protected great amounts of wild areas andfarmlandaround the metro area.

Much ofSan Francisco Bay Areahas also adopted urban growth boundaries; 25 of its cities and 5 of its counties have urban growth boundaries. Many of these were adopted with the support and advocacy ofGreenbelt Alliance,a non-profit land conservation and urban planning organization.

In other areas, the design principles ofNew Urbanismhave been employed to combat urban sprawl. The concept ofcircular flow land use managementhas been developed in Europe to reduce land take by urban sprawl through promoting inner-city and brownfield development.

Although cities such asLos Angelesare well known for sprawling suburbs, policies and public opinion are changing. Transit-oriented development, in which higher-density mixed-use areas are permitted or encouraged near transit stops, is encouraging more compact development in certain areas: particularly those with light and heavy rail transit systems.

Bicycles are the preferred means of travel in many countries:[123]Also, bicycles are permitted inpublic transit.Businesses in areas of some towns in which bicycle use is high are thriving. Bicycles and transit contribute in two important ways toward the success of businesses:[124]

  1. People living the closest to these business districts on average have more money to spend locally because they spend less on their cars.
  2. Because such people rely more on bicycling, walking, and transit than on driving, they tend to focus more of their commerce on locally-owned neighborhood businesses that are convenient for them to reach.

Walkabilityis a measure of how friendly an area is towalking.Walkability has many health, environmental, and economic benefits. However, evaluating walkability is challenging because it requires the consideration of manysubjectivefactors.[125]Factors influencing walkability include the presence or absence and quality offootpaths,sidewalks,or other pedestrian right-of-ways, traffic and road conditions, land use patterns, building accessibility, and safety, among others.[126]Walkability is an important concept insustainableurban design.[127]

Land use policies are one potential avenue to reduce the effects of urban sprawl. These policies take the form of boundaries to urban growth, regional development rights, and development centralized in urban areas. Housing policies, such as inclusionary zoning, rental vouchers in suburban areas, and a focus on employer-assisted housing are another approach to combatting urban sprawl. Gasoline taxes and increased funding towards the construction of public transportation also help to reduce the necessity of commuting in and out of urban areas.[120]

See also

  • Affluenza– Negative socio-psychological effects of consumerism
  • Boomburb– Large, suburban-like city
  • Commuter town– Urban community that is primarily residential, from which most of the workforce commutes out
  • Concentric zone model– Urban social structure model
  • Conspicuous consumption– Concept in sociology and economy
  • Consumerism– Socio-economic order that encourages the purchase of goods/services in ever-greater amounts
  • Deforestation– Conversion of forest to non-forest for human use
  • Demography– Science that deals with populations and their structures, statistically and theoretically
  • Edge city– New unstructured settlement created near a major city
  • Elbow roomers
  • Garden real estate– Specialized sector of the property market
  • Habitat fragmentation– Discontinuities in an organism's environment causing population fragmentation.
  • Induced demand– Phenomenon in which supply increases lead to a cycle of increased consumption
  • Landscape ecology– Science of relationships between ecological processes in the environment and particular ecosystems
  • Land value tax– Levy on the unimproved value of land
  • Location Efficient Mortgage
  • Megacity– Metropolitan area with a total population in excess of ten million people
  • Microdistrict– Residential complex
  • NIMBY– Opposition to nearby development projects
  • Overconsumption– Resource use exceeding carrying capacity
  • Peak oil– Point in time when the maximum rate of petroleum extraction is reached
  • Planned community– Settlement built according to a plan
  • Prime farmland– Land that has the best combination of physical and chemical characteristics for producing food, feed, forage, fiber, and oilseed crops and is available for these uses.
  • Rural flight– Migratory pattern of people from rural to urban areas
  • Simple living– Simplified, minimalistic lifestyle
  • Spatial planning– Technique for physical organisation of space
  • Streetcar suburb– Residential community developed by streetcar lines
  • Urban decay– Sociological process affecting cities
  • World population– Total number of living humans on Earth

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Further reading


Articles and reports


