Asynod(/ˈsɪnəd/) is a council of aChristian denomination,usually convened to decide an issue of doctrine, administration or application. The wordsynodcomes from theAncient Greekσύνοδος(synodos)'assembly, meeting';the term is analogous with the Latin wordconcilium'council'.Originally, synods were meetings ofbishops,and the word is still used in that sense inCatholicism,[citation needed]Oriental OrthodoxyandEastern Orthodoxy.In modern usage, the word often refers to the governing body of a particular church, whether its members are meeting or not. It is also sometimes used to refer to a church that is governed by a synod.

Diocesan synod inKrakówin 1643 presided by BishopPiotr Gembicki

Sometimes the phrase "general synod" or "general council" refers to anecumenical council.The wordsynodalso refers to the standing council of high-ranking bishops governing some of theautocephalousEastern Orthodoxchurches. Similarly, the day-to-day governance ofpatriarchalandmajor archiepiscopalEastern Catholic Churchesis entrusted to a permanent synod.

Usages in different Communions


Eastern Orthodox and Oriental Orthodox

Holy Sobor of 1917, following the election ofSaint TikhonasPatriarch of Moscow

InEastern OrthodoxandOriental Orthodoxchurches,synods of bishopsare meetings of bishops within each autonomous Church and are the primary vehicle for the election of bishops and the establishment of inter-diocesan ecclesiastical laws.

Asobor(Church Slavonic:съборъ,romanized:sŭborŭ,lit.'assembly') is a formal gathering orcouncilofbishopstogether with otherclericalandlaydelegates representing the church to deal with matters of faith, morality, rite, and canonical and cultural life.[1]The synod in the Western churches is similar, but it is distinguished by being usually limited to an assembly of bishops.[1]

The term is found among thoseEastern Orthodox Churchesthat useSlavic languages(theRussian,Ukrainian,Bulgarian,SerbianandMacedonian Orthodox Churches), along with theRomanian Orthodox Church.



The presence of clerical and lay delegates is for the purpose of discerning the consensus of the church on important matters; however, the bishops form anupper houseof the sobor, and the laity cannot overrule their decisions.[citation needed]

Kievan Rus'chronicles record the first known East Slavic church sobor as having taken place in Kiev in 1051. Sobors were convened periodically from then on; one notable assembly held in 1415 formed a separatemetropolyfor the church in theGrand Duchy of Lithuanianlands.[1]

Important sobors in thehistory of the Russian Orthodox Churchare:

A bishop may also call a sobor for hisdiocese,which again would have delegates from the clergy, monasteries and parishes of his diocese, to discuss important matters. Such diocesan sobors may be held annually or only occasionally.[citation needed]



InRoman Catholicusage,synodandcouncilare theoretically synonymous as they are of Greek and Latin origins, respectively, both meaning an authoritative meeting of bishops for the purpose of church administration in the areas of teaching (faith and morals) or governance (church discipline or law). However, in modern use, synod and council are applied to specific categories of such meetings and so do not really overlap. A synod generally meets every three years and is thus designated an "Ordinary General Assembly". However, "Extraordinary" synods can be called to deal with specific situations. There are also "Special" synods for the Church in a specific geographic area such as the one held November 16 – December 12, 1997, for the Church in America.

Synod of Bishops


While the words "synod" and "council" usually refer to a transitory meeting, the term "Synod of Bishops" or "Synod of the Bishops",[note 1]is also applied to a permanent[2][3]body established in 1965 as an advisory body of the pope. It holds assemblies at which bishops and religious superiors, elected by bishops conferences or the Union of Superiors General or appointed by the Pope vote on proposals ( "propositiones") to present for the pope's consideration, and which in practice the pope uses as the basis of" post-synodal apostolic exhortations "on the themes discussed. While an assembly of the Synod of Bishops thus expresses its collective wishes, it does not issue decrees, unless in certain cases the pope authorizes it to do so, and even then an assembly's decision requires ratification by the pope.[4]The pope serves as president of an assembly or appoints the president, determines the agenda, and summons, suspends, and dissolves the assembly.

Modern Catholic synod themes:

  • X "The Bishop: Servant of the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST for the hope of the world" 1998
  • XI "The Eucharist: Source and Summit of the Life and Mission of the Church 2005
  • XII "The Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church" 2008
  • XIII "New Evangelisation for the Transmission of the Christian Faith" 2012
  • Extraordinary General "The Pastoral Challenges of the Family in the Context of Evangelization" 2014



Meetings of bishops in the Roman empire are known from the mid-third century and already numbered twenty by the time of theFirst Council of Nicaea(325). Thereafter they continued by the hundreds into the sixth century. Those authorized by an emperor and often attended by him came to be called ecumenical, meaning throughout the world (as the world was thought of in Western terms).[5]Today,Councilin Roman Catholiccanon lawtypically refers to an irregular meeting of the entire episcopate of a nation, region, or the world for the purpose of legislation with binding force. Those contemplated in canon law are the following:

  • Anecumenical councilis an irregular meeting of the entire episcopate in communion with the pope and is, along with the pope, the highest legislative authority of the universal Church (can. 336). The pope alone has the right to convoke, suspend, and dissolve an ecumenical council; he also presides over it or chooses someone else to do so and determines the agenda (can. 338). Thevacancyof theHoly Seeautomatically suspends an ecumenical council. Laws or teachings issued by an ecumenical council require the confirmation of the pope, who alone has the right to promulgate them (can. 341). The role of the pope in an ecumenical council is a distinct feature of the Catholic Church.
  • Plenary councils,which are meetings of the entire episcopate of a nation (including a nation that is only oneecclesiastical province), are convoked by the nationalepiscopal conference.
  • Provincial councils,which consist of the bishops of an ecclesiastical province smaller than a nation, are convoked by themetropolitanwith consent of a majority of thesuffragan bishops.

Plenary and provincial councils are categorized as particular councils. A particular council is composed of all the bishops of the territory (including coadjutors and auxiliaries) as well as other ecclesiastical ordinaries who head particular churches in the territory (such asterritorial abbotsandvicars apostolic). Each of these members has a vote on council legislation. Additionally, the following persons by law are part of particular councils but only participate in an advisory capacity:vicars general and episcopal,presidents ofCatholicuniversities, deans of Catholic departments of theology and canon law, some major superiors elected by all the major superiors in the territory, some rectors of seminaries elected by the rectors of seminaries in the territory, and two members from each cathedral chapter, presbyterial council, or pastoral council in the territory (can. 443). The convoking authority can also select other members of the faithful (including the laity) to participate in the council in an advisory capacity.

Meetings of the entire episcopate of a supra-national region have historically been called councils as well, such as the variousCouncils of Carthagein which all the bishops of North Africa were to attend.

During the Middle Ages, some councils werelegatine,called by a papal legate rather than the pope or bishop.[6]



Synods inEastern Catholic Churchesare similar to synods in Orthodox churches in that they are the primary vehicle for election of bishops and establishment of inter-diocesan ecclesiastical laws. The termsynodinLatin Churchcanon law, however, refers to meetings of a representative, thematic, non-legislative (advisory) or mixed nature or in some other way do not meet the qualifications of a "council". There are various types.

Diocesan synodsare irregular meetings of the clergy and laity of aparticular churchsummoned by the diocesan bishop (or other prelate if the particular church is not a diocese) to deliberate on legislative matters. Only the diocesan bishop holds legislative authority; the other members of the diocesan synod act only in an advisory capacity. Those who must be invited to a diocesan synod by law are anycoadjutororauxiliary bishops,thevicars general and episcopal,theofficialis,thevicars foraneplus an additional priest from each vicariate forane, the presbyterial council,canonsof the cathedral chapter (if there is one), therectorof the seminary, some of the superiors of religious houses in the diocese, and members of the laity chosen by the diocesan pastoral council, though the diocesan bishop can invite others to attend at his own initiative. (can. 463)

Episcopal conferences


Nationalepiscopal conferencesare another development of the Second Vatican Council. They are permanent bodies consisting of all the Latin Church bishops of a nation and those equivalent to diocesan bishops in law (i.e.territorial abbots). Bishops of othersui jurischurches and papalnunciosare not members of episcopal conferences by law, though the conference itself may invite them in an advisory or voting capacity (can. 450).

While councils (can. 445) and diocesan synods (can. 391 & 466) have full legislative powers in their areas of competence, national episcopal conferences may only issue supplementary legislation when authorized to do so in canon law or by decree of theHoly See.Additionally, any such supplemental legislation requires a two-thirds vote of the conference and review by the Holy See (can. 455) to have the force of law. Without such authorization and review, episcopal conferences are deliberative only and exercise no authority over their member bishops or dioceses.



In theAnglican Communion,synods are elected by clergy andlaity.In most Anglican churches, there is a geographical hierarchy of synods, withGeneral Synodat the top; bishops, clergy and laity meet as "houses" within the synod.

Diocesan synodsare convened by a bishop in his or her diocese, and consist of elected clergy and lay members.

Deanery synodsare convened by theRural Dean(orArea Dean) and consist of all clergy licensed to a benefice within thedeanery,plus elected lay members.


EKHN's 10th Church Synod (general assembly), 2009
  • In Europe, a synod can be a legislature comprising deputies elected by all enfranchised members of a church and competent for the entire church. It is similar to ageneral assemblyin Presbyterianism, and found, inregional Protestant church bodies (Landeskirche)in Germany; examples includeLandessynode(i.e. regional or land synod) orGeneralsynode(general synod). A synod can also be used by an administrative subunit of a church body, such as a city synod (Stadtsynode;comprising synodal deputies of congregations of one denomination within one city) or provincial synod (Provinzialsynode;comprising synodal deputies of congregations within anecclesiastical province). The use of the term synod to describe a small gathering is now obsolete, the term used instead isKirchenkreis.


Members of a Reformed Synod inAmsterdambyBernard Picart(1741)

In thePresbyterian system of church governancethe synod is a level of administration between the local presbytery and the nationalgeneral assembly.Some denominations use the synod, such as thePresbyterian Church in Canada,Uniting Church in Australia,and thePresbyterian Church USA.However some other churches do not use the synod at all, and theChurch of Scotlanddissolved its synods in 1993, seeList of Church of Scotland synods and presbyteries.TheAssociate Reformed Presbyterian Churchis considered a Synod since there is no national church in the United States. (seeestablishment principle)



InSwiss and southern German Reformed churches,where the Reformed churches are organized asregionally defined independent churches(such asEvangelical Reformed Church of ZurichorReformed Church of Berne), the synod corresponds to thegeneral assemblyof Presbyterian churches. In Reformed churches, the synod can denote a regional meeting of representatives of various classes (regional synod), or the general denominational meeting of representatives from the regional synods (generalornational synod). Some churches, especially the smaller denominations, do not have the regional synod tier (for example, theReformed Church in the United States(RCUS)). Historically, these were meetings such as theSynod of Homberg.

Church of Christ in Congo


In theDemocratic Republic of the Congo,the vast majority of Protestant denominations have regrouped under a religious institution named theChurch of Christ in Congoor CCC, often referred to – within the Congo – simply as The Protestant Church. In the CCC structure, thenational synodis the general assembly of the various churches that constitutes the CCC. From the Synod is drawn an executive committee, and a secretariat. There are also synods of the CCC in every province of the Congo, known appropriately asprovincial synods.The CCC regroups 62 Protestant denominations.

Historical synods


See also



  1. ^In English "Synod of Bishops" is the usual expression for what in other languages is usually called the "Synod of the Bishops": "eo:Sinodo de la Episkopoj","es:Sínodo de los obispos","fr:Synode des évêques","it:Sinodo dei vescovi".


  1. ^abc"Sobor" 1990-06-06.Retrieved2023-08-22.
  2. ^"Motu proprioApostolica sollicitudo,I " 1965-09-15.Retrieved2023-08-22.
  3. ^"Synodal Information"
  4. ^"Code of Canon Law, canon 343"
  5. ^MacMullen, Ramsay.Voting About God in Early Church Councils,Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut, 2006.ISBN978-0-300-11596-3
  6. ^Robinson, I. S. (1990).The Papacy 1073–1198: Continuity and Innovation.Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. p. 150.ISBN0-521-31922-6.



Collections of synodal decrees


