Tailapa II(r. c. 973-997) also known asTaila IIand by his titleAhavamalla,was the founder of theWestern Chalukya Empirein peninsular India. Tailapa claimed descent from the earlier imperialChalukyas of Vatapi(Badami), and initially ruled as aRashtrakutavassalfrom the Tardavadi-1000 province in the present-dayVijayapura districtofKarnataka.When the Rashtrakuta power declined following an invasion by theParamarakingSiyaka,Tailapa overthrew the Rashtrakuta emperorKarka II,and established a new dynasty.

Tailapa II
Old Kannada inscription dated c. 991 of Tailapa II
Founder ofWestern Chalukya Empire
Reignc. 973– c. 997(24 years)
PredecessorKarka II

Tailapa spent several years consolidating his control over the westernDeccanregion between theNarmadaand theTungabhadrarivers. Gradually, several former Rashtrakuta feudatories, including theShilaharas,acknowledged his suzerainty. Tailapa successfully resistedCholaandParamarainvasions, and imprisoned and killed the invading Paramara kingMunja.His general Barapa captured theLataregion in present-dayGujarat,establishing theLata Chalukyaline of chiefs. Tailapa's successors continued to rule the western Deccan region until the 12th century.



The records of Tailapa's dynasty trace his patrilineal ancestry to theChalukyas of Vatapi,and also connect him to theRashtrakutas of Manyakhetaand theKalachuris of Chedithrough matrilineal descent. The Chalukya emperorVijayadityawas succeeded by his sonVikramaditya II:the records of Tailapa's family claim that Vijayaditya had another (unnamed) son, from whom the family descended.[1]

The Chalukya court poetRannaprovides the following genealogy connecting Tailapa to the earlier Chalukya dynasty:[2]

  • Vijayaditya II,Chalukya crown prince of Vatapi[3]
  • Unnamed prince who was as strong as Bhima I
  • Kirtivarman
  • Taila I (Tailapa I)
  • Bhima II (or Bhimaraja)
  • Vikramaditya III
  • Ayyana I, who married daughter of Krishna (identified as the Rashtrakuta kingKrishna II)
  • Vikramaditya IV, who married Bontha Devi, a daughter of the Kalachuri king Lakshmana-raja
  • Taila II (Tailapa II)

The 11th century inscriptions of Tailapa's descendants (such as the Kauthem grant) provide a similar genealogy, but they state that Vikramaditya III was the son of Taila I and that Bhima II was the son of Vikramaditya.[2]However, the Vatapi Chalukya records make no mention of Vijayaditya's unnamed son. The differences between the genealogies provided by Ranna and the later inscriptions also cast doubt on the claim that Tailapa's family was connected to the earlier Chalukya royals.[4]

Tailapa's immediate ancestors appear to have been feudatories of the Rashtrakutas, who had displaced the earlier Chalukyas of Vatapi. The marriage of Tailapa's grandfather Ayyana I to a Rashtrakuta princess probably raised the family's political status. ADevihosurinscription of the Rashtrakuta emperorKrishna III(r. 939-967) mentions one Vikramaditya, who can be identified with Tailapa's father Vikramaditya IV.[4]

Early life


Like his father, Tailapa served as a feudatory to theRashtrakutaemperorKrishna III.He finds a mention in the 957 Karjol inscription and the 965 Narasalagi inscriptions issued during the reign of Krishna.[4]The 957 inscription calls him Tailapayya, and states that he ruled anadu(administrative unit) as Krishna's subordinate. The 965 inscription calls himMaha-samantadhipati AhavamallaTailaparasa of Satyashraya family (Satyashraya-kula-tilaka), and states that Krishna had granted him the fief of Tardavadi-1000.[5]

At this time, he also held the title "ChalukyaRama",and had a subordinate from the Khachara family.[4]

Rise to power


Tailapa's Rashtrakuta overlord Krishna III died around 967, and was succeeded byKhottiga.In 972, theParamararulerSiyaka,who had earlier served as a feudatory to the Rashtrakutas inMalwa,invaded and sacked their capitalManyakheta.[6]As a result, the political status of the Rashtrakutas declined greatly. Khottiga died without an heir shortly after Siyaka's raid, and was succeeded by his nephewKarka II.[7]Karka had sidelined Krishna's grandson Indra IV to ascend the throne, thus alienating Indra's maternal uncle Marasimha, who was a powerful Rashtrakuta feudatory from theGangafamily.[8]The records of Tailapa's dynasty suggest that Karka was a weak ruler, and that the vicious nature of two of his principal ministers had led to dissatisfaction among his subjects.[8]

Tailapa used this opportunity to usurp the throne. He was supported by hisYadavafeudatoryBhillama IIand the Chalukya chief Baddega II ofLakshmeshwara.[8]He may also have been supported by theKalachuris of Tripuri,the family of his mother: an enmity had developed between the Rashtrakutas and the Kalachuris during the reign of Krishna III.[7]

In 973, Tailapa dethroned Karka and established a new dynasty. His records state that he became a sovereign after a fierce battle, in which Karka's two "wicked" ministers were killed.[8]Karka's ally Ranakambha, a member of the Rashtrakuta family, was also killed in the battle. According to one theory, Karka was killed in the battle,[9]but according to another theory, he escaped and ruled a small principality aroundSorabauntil 991.[8]

After this victory, Tailapa marched to the Rashtrakuta capital Manyakheta, and occupied the throne.[8]Krishna's grandson Indra, supported by the Ganga chief Marasimha, disputed Tailapa's ascension. Tailapa defeated them decisively: both men ultimately retired asJainmonks, and died bysallekhana(death by starvation) - Marasimha in 975, and Indra in 982.[8]

Marasimha's successor Panchaladeva also fought against Tailapa, and described himself asChalukya Panchanana( "Lion to the Chalukyas" ) in his 975Mulgundinscription. The inscription claims that he ruled the entire peninsular territory to the south of theKrishna River,which is an obvious exaggeration.[9]Tailapa ultimately defeated and killed Panchaladeva: several Chalukya inscriptions boast that Tailapa cut off his head on the battlefield.[10]These inscriptions also give Tailapa the titlePanchalamardana Panchanana( "Lion who killed Panchala" ).[11]Tailapa must have defeated Panchaladeva around 975-976, because Tailapa's inscriptions dated to around 976 have been found in the neighbouring region.[10]

Tailapa married a Rashtrakuta princess Jakavve, the daughter of Bhammaha Ratta, possibly to strengthen his political position.[8][12]Gradually, many former Rashtrakuta feudatories accepted his suzerainty:

  • Shantivarma, who ruled in the present-daySorabaarea, and belonged to the Brahma-Kshatriya Mātūr-vaṃśa family.[9]
  • Kannapa, who ruled theBanavasiarea: he was one of the first chiefs to recognize Tailapa's suzerainty. His younger brother and successor Sobhanarasa served Tailapa as a loyal general, and received the titlesgiri-durga-malla(wrestler with hill forts) andsamanta-chudamani "(the crest-jewel among the feudatories).[10]
  • RattasofSaundatti:The 980Sogalinscription of Karttavirya and the Saundatti inscription ofMahasamantaShantivarma acknowledge Tailapa as the overlord of the Rattas.[10]
  • The Sinda ruler Pulikala, who ruled theBijapur area,as well as his successors of the Bagadage branch.[10]
  • TheNolambas,as attested by a 981 grant of the Nolamba queen Revaladevi, which was confirmed by Tailapa.[4]

Conflicts with neighbouring rulers




Gadayuddha,composed by the Chalukya court poet Ranna, states that by Tailapa's order, princeSatyashrayachased theKonkaneshvara(theShilahararuler ofKonkan) to the sea. The Shilaharas ultimately transferred their allegiance from the Rashtrakutas to the Chalukyas, as attested by the 997 Bhadana inscription ofMahamandaleshvaraAparajita.[10]



According toGadayuddha,princeSatyashrayaalso conquered theGurjaradesaregion on Tailapa's orders.[10]Tailapa's commander Barapa, who captured theLataregion in present-dayGujarat,established theLata Chalukyabranch of the family.[10]A 980 inscription that describes Tailapa as a lion to the Lata elephant probably refers to Barapa's conquest of Lata.[13]



Tailapa seems to have inherited the Rashtrakuta enmity with their northern neighbours, theParamaras.[13]Tailapa's conflict with the Paramara rulerMunja(Siyaka's successor) finds a mention in several inscriptions and literary works.[13]

According to the 14th century Jain scholarMerutunga,whosePrabandha-Chintamaniaccount of Munja is based on a now-lostApabhramsapoem calledMunja-rasa,[14]Tailapa harassed Munja by raiding his kingdom on multiple occasions. Munja defeated him six times (sixteen times, according to one manuscript).[13]Ultimately, Munja decided to launch a decisive war against Tailapa, and against the advice of his prime minister Rudraditya, crossed theGodavari Riverto invade the Chalukya kingdom. During this campaign, Tailapa defeated and captured Munja.[15]Merutunga further states that Munja and Tailapa's sister Mrinalavati fell in love during his imprisonment. Meanwhile, Munja's ministers entered the Chalukya kingdom in disguise, and managed to get in touch with Munja. They made a rescue plan, which Munja divulged to Mrinalavati, because he wanted to take her with him. Mrinalavati told her brother about Munja's escape plan. As a result, Tailapa humiliated Munja by forcing him to beg door-to-door, and then had him executed.[14]

While Merutunga's account may not be entirely accurate from a historical perspective, there is little doubt that Munja was killed in Deccan in the mid-990s, as a result of his campaign against Tailapa.[16]The 1003 Kauthem inscription records Tailapa's imprisonment of Utpala (another name for Munja).[13]

In his victory against Munja, Tailapa appears to have been aided by hisYadavavassalBhillama II.[17]The 1000Sangamnerinscription of Bhillama II poetically boasts that Bhillama thrashed the goddess of prosperityLakshmion the battlefield because she had sided with Munja, and forced her to become an obedient housewife in the palace of king Rana-ranga-bhima (a synonym of Tailapa's titleAhavamalla).[13]



As a Rashtrakuta vassal, Tailapa may have participated in his overlord Krishna III's campaigns against their southern neighbours, theCholas.[16]A 980 inscription describes Tailapa asIndra'sthunderboltto the strong Chola mountain.[13]At that time, the Chola king wasUttama,and it is possible that his attempts to recover the territories captured by Krishna brought him into conflict with Tailapa.[18]

Uttama's successorRajaraja Iinvaded and captured several territories in present-day Karnataka, as attested by a 991Mysoreinscription and other inscriptions that mention his conquest ofGangaandNolambaterritories 993 onwards.[16]Tailapa's 992Kogaliinscription states that he stayed at a military camp at Rodda (in present-dayAnantapur district) after defeating the Chola king and seizing 150war elephantsfrom the enemy.[16]


Extent of Western Chalukya Empire in 1121, over a century after Tailapa's death

Tailapa died around 997.[18]He and his queen Jakavve had two sons:Satyashrayaand Dashavarman (alias Yashovarman). Tailapa was succeeded by his elder son Satyashraya, and then by Dashavarman's sonVikramaditya V.[16]

Tailapa maintained his headquarters at the former Rashtrakuta capitalManyakheta.His son and successor Satyashraya ruled Rattapadi, and the contemporaryCholainscriptions often use the term Rattapadi to describe the Chalukya kingdom. The later Chalukya rulers ruled fromKalyani.[13]

Cultural activities


The Chalukya court poet Ranna composed hisGadayuddhaduring the reign ofAhavamalla,who is identified as Tailapa II by some scholars. However, the text refers to his sonSatyashrayaas an emperor, and the titleAhavamallawas also held by Satyashraya. Because of this, other scholars believe that theGadayuddhawas composed during Satyashraya's reign.[19]Govinda Pai,a 20th-century Kannada poet, theorized that Ranna composed the first version ofGadayuddhain 982 (during Tailapa's reign). To explain the text's mention of a mid-990s battle and its comparison to a 993solar eclipse,Pai theorized that Ranna must have revised the text at a later date.[20]

TheKalleshvara templecomplex at Bagali, originally consecrated during the late Rashtrakuta rule, was completed during Tailapa's reign. In 987, an individual named Duggimayya consecrated the shrine, and a feudatory named Mahasamanta Adityavarma commissioned a garden in the temple complex.[21]


  1. ^K. A. Nilakanta Sastri 1957,p. 72.
  2. ^abK. A. Nilakanta Sastri 1957,pp. 72–73.
  3. ^Gopal, B. R. (1971).Bādāmiya cālukyaru(in Kannada) (1 ed.). Bangalore: Aibiec Prakāśana. pp.49–54.OCLC500113397.
  4. ^abcdeK. A. Nilakanta Sastri 1957,p. 73.
  5. ^K. A. Nilakanta Sastri 1960,p. 319.
  6. ^A. S. Altekar 1960,p. 297.
  7. ^abA. S. Altekar 1960,p. 298.
  8. ^abcdefghA. S. Altekar 1960,p. 299.
  9. ^abcK. A. Nilakanta Sastri 1960,p. 320.
  10. ^abcdefghK. A. Nilakanta Sastri 1960,p. 321.
  11. ^Pandurang Bhimarao Desai 1970,p. 156.
  12. ^Kamath 2001,pp. 100–101.
  13. ^abcdefghK. A. Nilakanta Sastri 1960,p. 322.
  14. ^abKrishna Narain Seth 1978,pp. 103–104.
  15. ^Kailash Chand Jain 1972,pp. 339–340.
  16. ^abcdeK. A. Nilakanta Sastri 1960,p. 323.
  17. ^Krishna Narain Seth 1978,p. 102.
  18. ^abK. A. Nilakanta Sastri 1957,p. 74.
  19. ^Pratipal Bhatia 1970,p. 370.
  20. ^Neerkaje Thirumaleshwara Bhat 1993,p. 104.
  21. ^Michael W. Meister & Madhusudan A. Dhaky 1996,p. 23.

