Using this template{{LORD}}
gives "LORD",the standard translation withsmall capitalsfor the Hebrew name for God (theTetragrammaton,יהוה), transliterated asYHWH) or Jehovah (English pronunciation), as it is translated in theKing James Bibleand other English Bibles:the LORD.This name is a rendering of the distinctive personal name of the God of Israel.
Theall capsorsmall capswriting differentiate this from "Lord" in normal type, which is the standard translation for the Hebrewepithetאדני (transliteratedAdonai), meaning "my Lord". This word may be used in reference to historical figures or to God, in the construction "" Lord GOD"(coded asLord {{LORD|G|OD}}
,orLord {{GOD}}
using a variant of this template; both cases are detailed below).[The usage "{{LORD}} {{LORD|G|OD}}
"or"{{LORD}} {{GOD}}
",to produce" LORDGOD",is incorrect, because in that construction only GODrepresents the Tetragrammaton, and "Lord" here is a translation ofAdonai.
This template accepts two unnamed parameters in the order in which they appear (or they may be explicitly numbered), to support non-English input for other languages that also handle the Tetragrammaton this way:
– the first letter (given in uppercase)|2=YYY
– the other letters (given in uppercase)
German examples (which would normally be in a German passage wrapped with{{lang|de}}
→ HERR{{LORD|1=H|2=ERR}}
A special instance of this template exists at{{GOD}},and consists of the code{{LORD|G|OD}}
The template uses the spelling "LORD", presented in customizedsmall capitals.The style remains full capitals when the text is copy-pasted (unless into an application that accepts pasted style), and when it is displayed in degraded form in a non-CSS, text-only, or crude mobile browser, and when it is displayed as a text snippet in some search-engines' results page. In such cases, the word shows as "LORD" in full capitals.
If it is desired that the copy-pasted result be "Lord", then the{{Smallcaps}}template should be used instead:{{Smallcaps|Lord}}