Thickness-to-chord ratio

Inaeronautics,thethickness-to-chord ratio,sometimes simplychord ratioorthickness ratio,compares the maximum vertical thickness of a wing to itschord.It is a key measure of the performance of awing planformwhen it is operating attransonicspeeds.

a=chord, b=thickness, thickness-to-chord ratio = b/a
TheF-104wing has a very low thickness-to-chord ratio of 3.36%

At speeds approaching thespeed of sound,the effects ofBernoulli's principleover curves on the wing andfuselagecan accelerate the local flow tosupersonicspeeds. This creates ashock wavethat produces a powerful form of drag known aswave drag,and gives rise to the concept of thesound barrier.The speed at which these shocks first form,critical mach,is a function of the amount of curvature. In order to reduce wave drag, wings should have the minimum curvature possible while still generating the required amount of lift. So, the main reason for decreasing the blade section thickness to chord ratio is to delay the compressibility effect related to higher Mach numbers, delaying the onset of a shock wave formation.

The natural outcome of this requirement is a wing design that is thin and wide, which has a low thickness-to-chord ratio. At lower speeds, undesirableparasitic dragis largely a function of the totalsurface area,which suggests using a wing with minimum chord, leading to the highaspect ratiosseen onlight aircraftandregional airliners.Such designs naturally have high thickness-to-chord ratios. Designing an aircraft that operates across a wide range of speeds, like a modernairliner,requires these competing needs to be carefully balanced for every aircraft design.

Swept wingsare a practical outcome of the desire to have a low thickness-to-chord ratio at high speeds and a lower one at lower speeds duringtakeoff and landing.The sweep stretches the chord as seen by the airflow, while still keeping thewetted areaof the wing to a minimum. For practical reasons, wings tend to be thickest at the root, where they meet the fuselage. For this reason, it is common for wings to taper their chord towards the tips, keeping the thickness-to-chord ratio close to constant, this also reducesinduced dragat lower speeds. Thecrescent wingis another solution to the design to keep a relatively constant thickness-to-chord ratio.

Airliners[1] Area
(t/c) %
1/4 Chord
Sweep (°) "
ERJ 145 51.18 20.04 7.85 0.231 11.00 22.73
CRJ100 54.54 20.52 7.72 0.288 10.83 24.75
Avro RJ 77.30 26.21 8.89 0.356 12.98 15.00
737 Original/Classic 91.04 28.35 8.83 0.266 12.89 25.00
DC-9 92.97 28.47 8.72 0.206 11.60 24.00
Boeing 717 92.97 28.40 8.68 0.196 11.60 24.50
Fokker 100/70 93.50 28.08 8.43 0.235 10.28 17.45
MD-80/90 112.30 32.87 9.62 0.195 11.00 24.50
A320 122.40 33.91 9.39 0.240 11.92[2] 25.00
737 NG 124.60 34.30 9.44 0.278 25.00
Boeing 727 157.90 32.92 6.86 0.309 11.00 32.00
Boeing 757 185.25 38.05 7.82 0.243 25.00
A310 219.00 43.89 8.80 0.283 11.80 28.00
A300 260.00 44.84 7.73 0.300 10.50 28.00
DC-8 271.90 45.23 7.52 0.181 11.00 30.00
Boeing 767 283.30 47.57 7.99 0.207 11.50 31.50
Boeing 707 283.40 44.42 6.96 0.259 10.00 35.00
MD-11 338.90 51.77 7.91 0.239 9.35 35.00
A330/A340-200/300 363.10 58.00 9.26 0.251 11.80[2] 29.70
DC-10 367.70 50.40 6.91 0.220 11.00 35.00
Boeing 777 427.80 60.90 8.67 0.149 31.60
A340-500/600 437.30 61.20 8.56 0.220 31.10
747 Classic 511.00 59.64 6.96 0.284 9.40 37.50
747-400 525.00 62.30 7.39 0.275 9.40 37.50
MD-12 543.00 64.92 7.76 0.215 35.00
A3XX 817.00 79.80 7.79 0.213 30.00


  1. ^"Aircraft Data File".Civil Jet Aircraft Design.Elsevier. July 1999.
  2. ^abSimona Ciornei (31 May 2005)."Mach number, relative thickness, sweep and lift coefficient of the wing - An empirical investigation of parameters and equations"(PDF).Hamburg University of Applied Sciences.

Further reading

  • Andrianne, T. (2016)."Aerodynamics"(PDF).Université de Liège.pp.49–50.