Incontrol theory,atime-invariant(TI)systemhas a time-dependentsystem functionthat is not a directfunctionof time. Suchsystemsare regarded as a class of systems in the field ofsystem analysis.The time-dependent system function is a function of the time-dependentinput function.If this function dependsonlyindirectly on thetime-domain(via the input function, for example), then that is a system that would be considered time-invariant. Conversely, any direct dependence on the time-domain of the system function could be considered as a "time-varying system".

Block diagram illustrating the time invariance for a deterministic continuous-time single-input single-output system. The system is time-invariant if and only ify2(t) =y1(tt0)for all timet,for all real constantt0and for all inputx1(t).[1][2][3]Click image to expand it.

Mathematically speaking, "time-invariance" of a system is the following property:[4]: p. 50 

Given a system with a time-dependent output function,and a time-dependent input function,the system will be considered time-invariant if a time-delay on the inputdirectly equates to a time-delay of the outputfunction. For example, if timeis "elapsed time", then "time-invariance" implies that the relationship between the input functionand the output functionis constant with respect to time

In the language ofsignal processing,this property can be satisfied if thetransfer functionof the system is not a direct function of time except as expressed by the input and output.

In the context of a system schematic, this property can also be stated as follows, as shown in the figure to the right:

If a system is time-invariant then the system blockcommuteswith an arbitrary delay.

If a time-invariant system is alsolinear,it is the subject oflinear time-invariant theory(linear time-invariant) with direct applications inNMR spectroscopy,seismology,circuits,signal processing,control theory,and other technical areas.Nonlineartime-invariant systems lack a comprehensive, governing theory.Discretetime-invariant systems are known asshift-invariant systems.Systems which lack the time-invariant property are studied astime-variant systems.

Simple example


To demonstrate how to determine if a system is time-invariant, consider the two systems:

  • System A:
  • System B:

Since theSystem Functionfor system A explicitly depends ontoutside of,it is nottime-invariantbecause the time-dependence is not explicitly a function of the input function.

In contrast, system B's time-dependence is only a function of the time-varying input.This makes system Btime-invariant.

TheFormal Examplebelow shows in more detail that while System B is a Shift-Invariant System as a function of time,t,System A is not.

Formal example


A more formal proof of why systems A and B above differ is now presented. To perform this proof, the second definition will be used.

System A:Start with a delay of the input
Now delay the output by
Clearly,therefore the system is not time-invariant.
System B:Start with a delay of the input
Now delay the output by
Clearly,therefore the system is time-invariant.

More generally, the relationship between the input and output is

and its variation with time is

For time-invariant systems, the system properties remain constant with time,

Applied to Systems A and B above:

in general, so it is not time-invariant,
so it is time-invariant.

Abstract example


We can denote theshift operatorbywhereis the amount by which a vector'sindex setshould be shifted. For example, the "advance-by-1" system

can be represented in this abstract notation by

whereis a function given by

with the system yielding the shifted output

Sois an operator that advances the input vector by 1.

Suppose we represent a system by anoperator.This system istime-invariantif itcommuteswith the shift operator, i.e.,

If our system equation is given by

then it is time-invariant if we can apply the system operatoronfollowed by the shift operator,or we can apply the shift operatorfollowed by the system operator,with the two computations yielding equivalent results.

Applying the system operator first gives

Applying the shift operator first gives

If the system is time-invariant, then

See also



  1. ^Bessai, Horst J. (2005).MIMO Signals and Systems.Springer. p. 28.ISBN0-387-23488-8.
  2. ^Sundararajan, D. (2008).A Practical Approach to Signals and Systems.Wiley. p. 81.ISBN978-0-470-82353-8.
  3. ^Roberts, Michael J. (2018).Signals and Systems: Analysis Using Transform Methods and MATLAB®(3 ed.). McGraw-Hill. p. 132.ISBN978-0-07-802812-0.
  4. ^Oppenheim, Alan; Willsky, Alan (1997).Signals and Systems(second ed.). Prentice Hall.