Uradel(German:[ʔuːɐ̯ˈʔaːdl̩],German:"ancient nobility";[1]adjectiveuradeligoruradlig) is a genealogical term introduced in late 18th-century Germany to distinguish those families whose noble rank can be traced to the 14th century or earlier.[2]The word stands opposed toBriefadel,a term used for titles of nobility created in theearly modern periodormodern historybyletters patent.Since the earliest known such letters were issued in the 14th century, thoseknightlyfamilies in northern Europeannobilitywhose noble rank predates these are designatedUradel.[3]

Facsimile of a German periodical of 1900 titledMittheilungen an die Mitglieder des Geschlechtsverbandes des zum fränkischen Uradel gehörigen Geschlechtes Derer von Eberstein stammend vom "Eberstein" auf der Rhön.

UradelandBriefadelfamilies are generally further divided into categories with their ranks of titles:adlig(untitlednobility),freiherrlich(baronial),gräflich(comital),fürstlich(princely) andherzoglich(ducal) houses. The latter two are also referred to asHochadel(High Nobility).

Introduction and usage


The first use of the wordUradelto designate the oldest nobility dates from 1788, and it had assumed its present-day meaning by no later than 1800.[3][4]The termUradelwas used officially from the 19th century by the RoyalPrussianHeraldOffice (königlich-preußische Heroldsamt).[5]The term is found in theAlmanach de Gothafrom 1907, in which it is applied to all persons and families known to have been "noble" or "knightly" before 1400. The subsequent German-language publicationsGenealogisches Handbuch des Adels(GHdA) and since 2015 theGothaisches Genealogisches Handbuchcontinue to differentiate betweenUradelandBriefadelfamilies.

Contemporary use




According to the German genealogicalreference workof the nobility (Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels,1951) the noble houses which count asUradelare those families whose ancestral lineage can be demonstrated to date at least as far back as the year 1400 (in theLate Middle Ages), belonging at that time to theknightly(Germanritterbürtigen) nobility.

The latter includesedelfreiefamilies (free noblemen) as well asministeriales,a lower and in their origins mostly unfree order which arose rapidly and managed within the 14th century to elevate themselves to the lesser nobility(see:Estates of the realm).The modern concept of aristocracy (Uradel) must not be confused with the termedelfrei,since the former term's scope is much broader: all families that can prove they belonged to the knightly aristocracy by no later than around 1400 (whether originallyedelfreiorministeriales) are counted today asUradel.In fact, most of the families in the formerUradelvolumes of theGothaare of ministerialis origin, including even some of the later princely houses ( "Hochadel",see below).

Edelfreifamilies were members of an ancient, dynastic aristocratic line, free noble families independent of legal obligations of a secondary nature, and they were not subordinated to any other families or dynasties, apart from the German King orHoly Roman Emperor.[6]In contrast, theministeriales,meaning originally "servitors" or "agents", wereunfree nobles,however trained knights who made up a large majority of what could be described as the German knighthood during that time. These people were raised up fromserfdomto be placed in positions of power and responsibility in the service of lords, counts or bishops. From about 1200 they gradually accumulated power and fiefs, at some point more than the Edelfrei knights. Poorer Edelfrei knights passed into ministerialis service, primarily to be granted new administrative positions and fiefs. The powerful overlords, mostly edelfrei themselves, had no interest in raising any competition to their power by sharing it with their peers, rather attempting to subject these by making them their vassals. In the 14th century, the edelfrei and ministerialis classes finally mixed and intermarried. Those ministeriales who directly served the German king or emperor (the "ministeriales of the Empire" orReichsministerialen) often accumulated large imperial fiefs, later sometimes enabling them to rise to comital or princely rank.

Ministerialesmostly rose by elevation to theknightlystatus. Knightings were usually granted tosquireshaving bravely fought as armored horsemen in a battle, yet sometimes also to simplemen-at-arms.A ministeriales family however was considered a "knightly family" only after three subsequent generations of knights (or at least of leading a "knightly way of life", including equal marriage). Since it is a coincidence from what period of time documents have been received or not, the initially more strict definition, as described inDer Große Brockhausin 1928 (vol. 1, s.v. "Adel" ), which required an attestation prior to the year 1350 to establishUradelstatus, has been extended to the year 1400 because even the knightly families documented as dating from theLate Middle Ages(between about 1350 and 1400) are likely to have had already at least a century of possessing that status. Many have in fact risen to noble or knightly status already before 1300.

Uradelis also closely connected with the system of medievalfiefs,granted by anoverlordto avassalwho held it in fealty (or "in fee" ) in return for a form offeudalallegiance and service, usually given by the personal ceremonies ofhomageandfealty.Therefore feudal deeds are an important source not only for the existence of noble families, but also for their rank and status. Witness lists, for instance, mostly enumerate edelfreie witnesses first, followed by ministeriales witnesses, mostly denoted aseques(knight) or something similar.

In contrast, the youngerBriefadelare families of the post-medieval nobility, probably originally of bourgeois (Bürger,burgher) orpeasantorigin, ennobled in themodern erabyletters patentissued by amonarch,usually with the award of acoat of armsif they did not already have one. Said to have been modelled on the earlier French practice of raising officials (especially lawyers) to thearistocracy,the earliestletters patentconferring nobility in Germany were issued underCharles IV, Holy Roman Emperor,in the late 14th century.[7]



A similar term used more often thanUradelin Austria isalter Adel( "old nobility" ).[5]



The termUradelcan be found in Scandinavian genealogy from the early 20th century. The contrasting termBriefadelwascalquedasbrevadel.[8]

The 1926 edition of the SwedishNordisk familjebokalso cites 1350 as the required date, because "the oldest known letter patent dates to 1360".[9]The letters patent referred to here is that issued by Holy Roman EmperorCharles IVto Wicker Frosch, aburgherofFrankfurt,on 30 September 1360.Svenska Akademiens ordbokmentions "circa 1420" as the threshold date.[10]In Norway, one of the earliest known letters patent is of 1458.[citation needed]

Hochadel (High Nobility)


Hochadelis not a synonym forUradel.WhereasUradel(medieval or feudal nobility before AD 1400) is opposed toBriefadel(nobility by letters – or patent – of nobility, mostly from the post-medieval period after AD 1400),Hochadel(high nobility) is opposed toNiederer Adel(lower nobility). The differentiation ofUradelfromBriefadelis age-based, whereas the distinction betweenHochadelandNiederer Adelis based on the rank of titles, withHochadelincluding all royal, princely and ducal houses of Europe, as well as the former GermanImperial Counts,as far as they ruled anImperial Statewith a seat on one of the four "benches of counts" in theImperial Dietuntil 1806.

TheAlmanach de Gotha(followed by subsequent series) differentiates between three sections ofHochadel.The first section listed Europe'ssovereignhouses, whether they reigned as emperor, king, grand duke, duke or prince. The second section contained theMediatized Housesof Germany, which lost their semi-sovereignty within theHoly Roman Empireduring the period ofGerman mediatizationbetween 1803 and 1815. The third section included the titular princely and ducal houses of Europe that never ruled as sovereigns.

Very few GermanHochadelfamilies belong to theBriefadelinstead ofUradel,such as theFugger, Eggenberg,BironandWredefamilies that rose to the rank ofFürst(prince). On a European level, there are some more examples of royal or princely families that rose to the high nobility after the middle ages, such as theHouse of Bonaparte(and other Napoleonic families like theHouse of Bernadotte,Ney,Murat,Fouché d'Otrante,Berthier of Wagram,etc.), the Italian princesTorloniaand the Russian princesDemidov.

See also



  1. ^Godsey 2004,p. 58.
  2. ^Grimm,Deutsches Wörterbuch,citing Eichhorn,Einleitung in d. d. Privatrecht(1827) for an early attestation of the term, andBrockhaus1 (1928) for the definitionalle urkundlich vor 1350 als adlig nachweisbaren geschlechter.See alsoDuden;Meaning of Uradel, in German.[1]
  3. ^abWilliam D. Godsey (18 November 2004).Nobles and Nation in Central Europe: Free Imperial Knights in the Age of Revolution, 1750–1850.Cambridge University Press. pp.57–59.doi:10.1017/CBO9780511496752.004.ISBN978-1-139-45609-8.
  4. ^Jacob Grimm,Deutsches Wörterbucherst im 19. jh. gebraucht zur bezeichnung ältesten adels.( "in use only from the 19th c. for the designation of older nobility" ), citingEichhorn(1821, 1827).
  5. ^abGranichstätten-Czerva, Rudolf von (1947). "Altösterreichisches Adels- und Wappenrecht".Adler. Zeitschrift für Genealogie und Heraldik(in German).1(4):49–58.
  6. ^Karl Bosl:Die Gesellschaft in der Geschichte des Mittelalters.4. Auflage. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1987,ISBN3-525-33389-7,p. 56.
  7. ^Ursula Siems;Kurt Kluxen(1979). "Politik, Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft von 800 bis 1776". In Tenbrock; Kluxen; Grütter (eds.).Von Zeiten und Menschen.Vol. 2. Paderborn. pp.39–41.{{cite book}}:CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  8. ^Salmonsens Konversationsleksikon(1915:169)
  9. ^Nordisk familjebok(1926:1120)
  10. ^"Ur-adel".Svenska Akademiens ordbok.Swedish Academy.i sht hist. om adel(ssläkt) som erhållit adelskap före ca 1420 (o. därmed hör till de äldsta i landet); motsatt: sköldebrevsadel.