These are the userboxes for me!


fr-3Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveauavancédefrançais.
es-1Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivelbásicodeespañol.
it-2Quest'utente può contribuire con un livellointermediodiitaliano.
13377|-|15 |_|x0r 5|>34|<51337.


17This user is 17 years old.
This user isright-handed.
This user does not appreciatetobacco smoke.
This user ismale.
This user is ofItalianancestry.
This user lives inEngland.
sis This user has a littlesister
This user wasbornon04/09/1990.


MTSThis user attends or has attendedMerchant Taylors' School
This user's favorite subject isphysics.
a²+b²=c²This user is an intermediatemathematician.
ASThis user received an A-grade inBiologyatAS-level
ASThis user received an A-grade inChemistryatAS-level
ASThis user received an A-grade inPhysicsatAS-level
ASThis user received an A-grade inFrenchatAS-level
ASThis user received an A-grade inGeneral StudiesatAS-level
GCSEThis user received an A*-grade inMathematicsatGCSE
GCSEThis user received an A*-grade inBiologyatGCSE
GCSEThis user received an A*-grade inChemistryatGCSE
GCSEThis user received an A*-grade inPhysicsatGCSE
GCSEThis user received an A*-grade inFrenchatGCSE
GCSEThis user received an A*-grade inSpanishatGCSE
GCSEThis user received an A*-grade inEnglishatGCSE
GCSEThis user received an A*-grade inEnglish LiteratureatGCSE
GCSEThis user received an A*-grade inHistoryatGCSE
GCSEThis user received an A*-grade inGeographyatGCSE

Beliefs & Politics

This user advocatesdemocracy.
libThis user is aliberal.
This user isforracialequality.
This user supports theEuropean Union.
This user supports theUnited Nations.
This user is interested inRoman Catholicism.
God This userbelievesinGod.


This user contributes to the
Internet Movie Database.
This user usesGoogleas a primary search engine.
This user usesGmailas a primaryemailservice.
This usercontributesusingGIMP.

This usercontributesusingFirefox.
This user contributes usingMicrosoft Windows XP.
BBThis user contributes using abroadbandconnection.
This user enjoysPlayStation 2games.
This user once lovedGrand Theft Auto.
This user playsWinning ElevenorPro Evolution Soccer.


Big Brotheris watching this user.
7+1This user enjoys theDiscworldseries.
H2G2This user also usesh2g2along withWikipedia.
This user enjoys reading thenewspaper.
This user readscompactnewspapers.
STARWARSThis user is aStar Warsfan.
M*A*S*HThis userunderstands:
"theMstands formobile".
This user is a fan ofFriends.
FrasierHello caller, this user is a fan ofFrasier.I'm listening...
MTWThis user likes toMock the Week.
HIGNFYThis user would vote for theRt. Hon. Tub of Lard MP
ITHello,I.T.,have you tried turning it off and on again? Is itdefinitelyplugged in?
8/108 out of 10 catssaid, "This user is brilliant."
YMAre you a fan?
Yes Minister.
QIThis user isQuite Interesting.
5This user thinksBBC Radio 5 Liveis worth the licence fee alone.

Other Interests

This user enjoys playingrummy.
This user enjoys playingpoker.
This user enjoys playingbridge.
This user enjoysrock music.
This user can't standhip hop music.
This user knows that there is nodark side of the moonreally — matter of factit's all dark.
QueenThis user lovesQueen!
When this user dies, this user takes thestairway to heaven.
This user is a fan ofItalian football.
This user supports the
English cricket team
This user playstable football,or "foosball".
CFC This user supportsChelsea
F This user supportsFiorentina.

Be back later...To sort this mess out.