Basic Info
This user's name isnot George Dinkel. Or John Harris, for that matter. And, now that you mention it, this user's name isn't Gene Baker either.
ubx -nThis user communicatesexclusively viauserboxes .
This user exists. This is not claiming that this user is not a bot, sockpuppet, blocked user, or inactive user, it is just stating that this user EXISTS. He/She/It/They would like to point out that the reader must exist as well. Existent
537 This user's favorite number is537 .
huh ? This user doesn't know what the hell they are doing.
This user pretends ignorance and stupidity for tactical reasons.
DAMN! This user's computer is CRAPPY!
This user is standing behind you.
10 This user realizes that there are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who do not.
This user believes that anyone who thinksWikipedia is an unreliable source should continue their quest to find a better website.
This user knows how toFindx .
This user sleeps, but not for predictable amounts of time.
This user's favourite colour isblue .
This user knows that American Independence occured onJuly 2, 1776 .
This user has edited at least7 articles!!!{wow} 7!!
This user was born in the Year of theRooster . Kê
sar -NThis user is anative speaker ofsarcasm .Isn't thatjust great ?
1337 /IntS ! This user understands leet, IM & texting slang, but won't use it. "411 ur LOL pwn ROFLMAO OMG b310ng 2"you ,thanks.
gb Dz uadddr za nagve sspkrGbrsh .
This user believes inlogic .
This user supportsNATO .
This user is interested in the history of theCold War .
In Memoriam:9/11 Lest we forget…
This user has absolutely no life.+
This user loves toread .
This user plays the guitar.
This user remembersVHS .±
This user has flown insimulatedcombat .
XD This user is interested incomedy ,and may enjoy writing or performing it.
This user likesfoggy days.
This user preferswarm weather .
This user spends most of his free timethinking about random things...
This user likesall types of music .
This user is a Hardcore and GayLP Fan
3DD This user is crazy about the band3DD .
This user is proud of theirJamaican ancestry
Opinions and Support
This user supports the idea of aNorth American Union .
All this user is saying, is giveWAR a chance!
This user strongly supports the policies and views ofBarack Obama .
Overpopulation This user believes that people create more resources than they consume.
This user supportsimmigration and the right to travel freely upon the planet we share.
This user believes that thedeath penalty should be imposed and usedmore frequently!
This user supports the troops inIraq .
This user can't stop thinking.
This user will be serving in the army when they are old enough
This user is madly in love with Canadian girls.
This user loves to eatbeef .
This user eatsham .
You better keep your hands off mypeeps !